Going Backstage group guide week 4

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Going Backstage: What Makes Us Methodist

Week 4 | Group Discussion Guide Connect (5 to 10 minutes) Get to know each other by sharing about yourselves. • •

Say the Wesleyan Covenant Prayer together. Go around the group and ask those who are comfortable to share a memorable worship experience they have had recently, and why it was so impactful.

Context (40 minutes) Discuss what you learned in the class, in the podcast, and the weekly scripture passage. Class Session • Consider the list of “means of grace” from class. Are there any that are particularly important in your faith life? Why are these important to you? – Are there any that you think are missing from this list and why? •

Discuss the presentation concerning baptism: how do you respond to what was taught? – If you have been baptized, share about your experience. – How has the meaning of baptism changed or deepened after this week’s class?

How do you respond to the relationship between clergy and laity in the United Methodist Church and why?

Podcast • If you have grown up United Methodist or attended United Methodist churches for a long time, what things have you taken for granted that have been renewed in this class? – If you are newer to the United Methodist church, what elements of our worship do you appreciate most and why? •

How do you respond to DeAndre’s discussion about means of grace and the sacraments? – How do you see the three types of grace (prevenient, justifying, sanctifying) in each of the sacraments?

Consider Allison and DeAndre’s discussion about the relationship between the communion table and important points in our lives. How do you respond to what they said?

Scripture • Take time to read the following passages of scripture and consider how they relate to justifying grace. Exodus 14:10-22 Exodus 16:1-12 •

Had you ever considered how the sacraments come up in the Old Testament before this class? Why or

why not? How do you see each of these relating to communion and baptism? How does your understanding of the sacraments change when you read these passages?

Closing Finish your time together by sharing joys and concerns and praying with each other.

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