Going Backstage: What Makes Us Methodist
Week 5 | Group Discussion Guide Connect (5 to 10 minutes) Get to know each other by sharing about yourselves. • •
Say the Wesleyan Covenant Prayer together. Go around the group and ask those who are comfortable to share their favorite thing they have learned from this class and why.
Context (40 minutes) Discuss what you learned in the class, in the podcast, and the weekly scripture passage. Class Session • Share about your experience in the class this week. – What questions were answered that you wondered about? – What answers were challenging or interesting to you? – What questions do you still have about the Methodist faith? – What steps do you hope to take to find answers to these? Podcast • How do you respond to the definition of sanctification that Bishop McKee shared? – How would you define sanctification? – Where have you had moments of sanctification in your own life? •
Bishop McKee discusses a different understanding of being “favored” than the way our culture defines it. How do you respond to this other definition of God’s favor?
Bishop McKee discusses the relationship between making disciples and transforming the world (learning and living our faith). Which do you think came first in your walk of faith? – Which do you struggle with more?
Bishop McKee shared he is more hopeful for the church than he was ten years ago because he is seeing innovative ministry. Do you agree? Why or why not? – What are you seeing in the church that makes you most hopeful?
Scripture • Read the following scripture together: Romans 14: 1-10. • What do you think the basic message of this scripture passage is? •
What are some issues that have come up in class that you see as debatable topics in the church today? – What do you do when these questions come up?
How does this passage relate to our experiences in this class and how we will go out into the world with the knowledge we have gained?
While this passage seems to be about disagreements concerning food, Paul is actually discussing disagreements concerning the reading of scripture and theology. Essentially, he is discussing what it means to be a faithful disciple for Jews and Gentiles.
Closing Finish your time together by sharing joys and concerns and praying with each other.