Habits Connection Groups Discussion Guide Week 3

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HABITS | Connection Group Discussion Guide | Week 3 Jesus replied, “It’s written, People won’t live only by bread, but by every word spoken by God.” Matthew 4:4

Connect (5 to 10 minutes) Build relationships through fellowship and sharing about this week’s worship. •

Take a few minutes to share your thoughts about worship this week. – What aspects of worship did you most enjoy and why? – What story or illustration from the sermon made an impact on you?

• Icebreaker:

What is the best concert you have ever been to? What made it so great?

Context (30 to 40 minutes) Dig deeper into the videos and scripture for this week through questions and discussion. Watch the video for this session on your DVD or online. •

After hearing Diane’s story, what would you say her idea of the “good life” is? – How do you see her shaping her life in order to reach this goal?

Diane shared about all the different things she did before having to prioritize band and give those things up. – Share about a time when you had to give up something for the “good life” you are hoping to attain? – How did you make the decision in this situation? What guided you during this time? – How was the rest of your life impacted by this choice? – Is there anything about this decision you regret? Why or why not?

What value do you see in giving things up for a larger goal? – When have you had to convince someone (a friend, coworker, teacher, child) to make a decision like this? – How did you convince them to do it? – How does this idea of restraint, giving something up, apply to your faith life?

In the video, Diane shares this statement: “The kind of musician I became was a result of the kind of teacher I wanted to be for my students.” – How do you respond to this statement? – When have you been motivated in a similar way? – How did that motivation impact your experience?

Read Matthew 4:1-13: Temptation in the Wilderness

In the Old Testament, fasting was often used as an act of penance or as a way to commune with God on a deeper level. In this scripture, we find Jesus continuing the tradition he would have learned in his Jewish upbringing.

Share about an experience you have had with fasting from something: what was it like? – How was your faith impacted by this practice?

In this story, Jesus once again lives as an example for us to learn what it means to be fully human and answer God’s call. How do you respond to the idea that Jesus chose to fast? – What do you think Jesus’ reason for fasting is in this passage? – How does seeing this example of fasting inspire you in your own faith?

What spiritual disciplines, habits, or practices help you to become more receptive to the Holy Spirit? – Why do these help you open up to God’s presence? – Do you think fasting could help serve this purpose? Why or why not?

Read Luke 22:47-53 and John 18:1-13: Peter at Jesus’ Arrest •

Who in this story is showing a lack of restraint? – When have you failed to restrain yourself from doing something harmful? – What did you learn from this and how was this situation resolved?

While many times being a faithful Christian means choosing to actively do what is right, just as often it can mean that we choose not to do something: we choose to restrain ourselves for the sake of the gospel. Jesus shows us the highest level of this spiritual discipline in the most difficult days of his life on earth.

Who in this story is showing faithful restraint? – When have you acted in this way or when have you seen someone else choose restraint? – What did you learn from this experience? – How did you feel God’s presence through this?

Take a moment to make a list of other examples of Jesus restraining himself throughout his life. – Share these acts of restraint with the group. – Why did these examples come to mind? Why are they meaningful to you? – What can we learn about the purpose of restraint from these examples in the life of Christ?

Call (10 minutes) We believe that God not only shows us who God is but invites us to participate in God’s ministry by answering unique calls in our own lives. Join together in discovering how we can actively respond to scripture and God’s presence. • •

Share with the group how your spiritual habit or practice is going. How has it impacted your week? Where do you feel that God is calling you to practice restraint in your life?

Closing (5 minutes) God calls us into community by sharing our joys and concerns together in prayer and supporting one another in our walks with Christ. As we share testimony and stories of our lives, let us listen to where God is working within our community and how we can build each other up in Christian love. • •

Share joys and concerns with one another. Close in prayer, either by inviting a group member to pray or by using the prayer provided below.

Closing Prayer Loving God, we confess that so often in our lives we do not know how to tell ourselves “no.” Instead, we indulge ourselves in luxuries and unhealthy behaviors that do not serve your purposes and often act against you. We are sorry. Help us to remember that you have called us to so much more than worldly satisfaction; inspire us to practice restraint in our lives so that you will be glorified in all that we do or choose not to do. Amen.

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