THE WESLEYAN WAY | Connection Group Discussion Guide | Week Five 1 “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me.” Romans 7:21
Connect (5 to 10 minutes)
Come together to build relationships through fellowship and sharing about this week’s worship. •
Take a few minutes to share your thoughts about worship this week. – What aspects of worship did or did not connect with you? – What story or illustration made an impact on you?
Share about a specific habit or tendency of yours that you wish you could change.
Context (30 to 40 minutes)
Dig deeper into the videos and scripture for this week through questions and discussion. •
Before watching the DVD, ask for each person in your group to share their response to the following question: What is sin?
Watch the video for this session on your DVD or online. •
What caused you to become aware of brokenness or sin in the world? – Share about a time when you became aware of brokenness and sin within yourself. – How does your understanding of sin compare with the definitions offered in the video?
Do you find prayers of confession helpful in your faith journey? Why or why not? – Share about a time when you had a significant experience with a prayer of confession in your life.
Is accepting sinfulness and brokenness a struggle for you in your own faith life? Why or why not? – What is your usual response when you encounter sinfulness in others?
What are some ways Arthur and Scott offered that help us forgive ourselves? – Is this something you struggle with in your life? Why or why not? – What are other practices that help you offer forgiveness to yourself?
Some questions and content are from Scripture and the Wesleyan Way: A Bible Study on Real Christianity, Scott J. Jones and Arthur D. Jones (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2018). 1
If a volunteer has read John Wesley’s sermon for this week, ask them to give a report on the sermon for the group. – What was Wesley’s central point? – What were the highlights of the sermon for you? •
Before reading the scripture for this week, ask group members to share images they remember about the story of Noah in Genesis.
Ask a volunteer to retell the story as if he or she was sharing it with children. – What do we want children to hear and remember in this story?
Ask three group members to read the following passages to the group.
The Bible gives us a realistic portrait of who we are as human beings. There are many scriptures that help us confront our brokenness, but one of the most prominent is the story of Noah and his family.
– Genesis 6:5-8 (why God sent the flood) – Genesis 8:20-22 (God’s promise after the flood) – Genesis 9:8-17 (God’s covenant) •
What do these passages tell us about human beings? – What do these passages tell us about God? – Where do you see sin and promise in this story?
What do you hear in this story that is different than you remember? – What do you think the central message of this story is? – Is it the same for children and adults? Why or why not?
What parts of this story do you feel are calling you to confront your own sinfulness? – How would your understanding of scripture change if you use this question each time you read the Bible?
Even after the miraculous events with the ark, Noah made mistakes in his life and continued to be a sinful human being.
Call (10 minutes)
We believe that God not only shows us who God is but invites us to participate in God’s ministry by answering unique calls in our own lives. Join together in discovering how we can actively respond to scripture and God’s presence. Ask a group member to read Romans 7:15-25 to the group as a whole. •
When have you experienced the same kind of struggle that Paul is describing here? – How can this group help you confront your own sin and accept God’s grace?
Closing (5 minutes)
God calls us into community by sharing our joys and concerns together in prayer and supporting one another in our walks with Christ. As we share testimony and stories of our lives, let us listen to where God is working within our community and how we can build each other up in Christian love. • •
Share joys and concerns with one another. Close in prayer, either by inviting a group member to pray or by using the prayer provided below.
Closing Prayer Gracious God, we confess that so many times we choose to avoid the topics of our own sin and brokenness because it is painful for us to face. Help us remember that we are never alone as we confront the worst parts of ourselves, but that we are always supported by Your goodness and grace. Help us to find grace and forgiveness for ourselves and others in this journey of faith. Amen.