Wesleyan Way group guide week 7

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THE WESLEYAN WAY | Connection Group Discussion Guide | Week Seven 1 “A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26

Connect (5 to 10 minutes)

Come together to build relationships through fellowship and sharing about this week’s worship. •

Take a few minutes to share your thoughts about worship this week. – What aspects of worship did or did not connect with you? – What story or illustration made an impact on you?

Share a story about a memorable road trip or vacation you have taken – what was the journey of moving from one place to another, the actual travelling, like?

Context (30 to 40 minutes)

Dig deeper into the videos and scripture for this week through questions and discussion. •

Before watching the DVD, go around the room and have everyone share their answer to this question: What is the most difficult part of the Christian life for you?

Watch the video for this session on your DVD or online. •

When have you noticed what Arthur and Scott call “the holiness gap” in yourself or others? – What is your response to this problem?

How do you respond to the idea that the Christian life is about more than forgiveness? – Is this similar or different than teachings you have previously heard? – How do you respond to Arthur and Scott’s answer about a person losing salvation?

When have you experienced choosing to do something difficult and finding wholeness as a result? – What helped you choose the more difficult path? – What kept you going even when things became challenging?

How do you think the analogy of wedding vows that Scott shares relates to the Christian faith? – Is this a helpful way of thinking about your relationship with God? Why or why not?

Some questions and content are from Scripture and the Wesleyan Way: A Bible Study on Real Christianity, Scott J. Jones and Arthur D. Jones (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2018). 1

What are some of the “characteristic sins” you see in our culture today? – How do you fight against these to continue living as a disciple of Christ? – Are there any particular cultural sins you struggle with more than others?

If a volunteer has read John Wesley’s sermon for this week, ask them to give a report on the sermon for the group. – What was Wesley’s central point? – What were the highlights of the sermon for you? Read Psalm 51:7-10: God’s Cleansing Forgiveness.

While much of scripture is made up of God’s words spoken to humanity, the book of Psalms is unique. Psalms are made up of words that humans speak to God in joy and in suffering. What can we learn about our words to God when we see these prayers included in scripture? Our words to God matter just as much as the words God speaks to us.

Pass out blank sheets of paper or ask group members to take out their own paper or phones.

Re-read the scripture again, slowly, in several different translations if available. Ask group members to take a few minutes to re-write Psalm 51:7-10 in their own words or illustrate it with a drawing.

After several minutes, ask group members to share their re-written prayers. – How did re-writing this prayer help you understand it more deeply? – What stuck out to you most as you heard the words of this prayer being read? – What did you learn about repentance when re-writing this prayer?

Share about a time when you have had an experience of repentance leading to joy in your own life.

Ask three group members to read the following passages to the group. – Ezekiel 36:26 (a new heart) – Matthew 5:21-22 (you shall not be angry) – Matthew 5:27-28 (you shall not lust) •

What is the promise you hear as we read these scriptures together? – How do these scriptures relate to this week’s question, Why is the Christian life so hard? – What would have to happen in order for us to fulfill these commands Jesus gives?

In the Old and New Testaments, we see that our thoughts, our internal lives, matter just as much as our words and our external lives. Jesus teaches us to have a very high standard for faith.

Call (10 minutes)

We believe that God not only shows us who God is but invites us to participate in God’s ministry by answering unique calls in our own lives. Join together in discovering how we can actively respond to scripture and God’s presence. •

If someone asked you, “Why is the Christian life worth living when it is so difficult?” what would your answer be? – How can you remind yourself of this when you face challenges in your faith?

Closing (5 minutes)

God calls us into community by sharing our joys and concerns together in prayer and supporting one another in our walks with Christ. As we share testimony and stories of our lives, let us listen to where God is working within our community and how we can build each other up in Christian love. • •

Share joys and concerns with one another. Close in prayer, either by inviting a group member to pray or by using the prayer provided below.

Closing Prayer God, we confess that many times we are frustrated with the challenges that come with choosing to live as a faithful disciple. In our frustration, we often give up on the commands You have set before us, and we are sorry for our complacency. Help us to remember that true life is found when we choose to do the difficult things You call us to. Remind us why the Christian life is always worth living through Your grace and goodness. Amen.

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