2015 Anthropology Commencement Program

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D IP L OM A   &   AWA R D S CER E M O N Y D e p a r tm e nt of


2014 – 2015

12:30 pm Welcome James Ferguson Professor and Acting Department Chair

12:45 pm Presentation of Awards Undergraduate Graduate

1:05 pm Awarding of Diplomas Undergraduate Graduate

1:30 - 3:30 pm Reception CONTENTS From the Department Chair. . . . . . . 1 2015 Undergraduate Awards. . . . . . 2 2015 Graduate Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2015 Undergraduate Grants. . . . . . 5 2015 Undergraduate Honors . . . . . 6 Bachelor of Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Master of Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Doctor of Philosophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Undergraduate Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Masters Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 PhD Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21



he Stanford Department of Anthropology is distinguished by its innovative approach to the discipline, and Department faculty are at the forefront of exciting new developments in the field. We believe that anthropology should be engaged with recent developments in the world at large, and we seek to bring anthropological perspectives to bear on the problems of a modern, global society. This attention to real-world problems and issues takes us far from the pursuit of the exotic that some still associate with the discipline of anthropology. It leads us, rather, to an intellectually rigorous and socially responsible pursuit of answers to questions that urgently matter in the contemporary world. This orientation leads us to appreciate the way that different research methods and theoretical approaches can complement each other. Our department is dedicated to a broad intellectual pluralism, in which a range of different approaches are recognized and valued. Different problems require different methodologies, but rather than opposing one method to another, we prefer to think about how they can be innovatively combined to yield new insights into important problems. As a result, we are willing to question conventional intellectual boundaries. This often means setting aside received divisions between ­sub-fields — as in recent studies of language that also speak to the best recent work in sociocultural anthropology, ecological and ethnographic studies that combine biological and cultural understandings, or archaeological research that is simultaneously concerned with ethnographic understandings of heritage and the politics of representation. Just as we challenge conventional sub-field boundaries, we are equally committed to crossing disciplinary boundaries, and to engaging the exciting new developments that are emerging at the interstices of disciplines, in areas as diverse as cultural studies, human ecology, science and technology studies, critical theory, evolutionary theory, feminist studies, and ethnic studies.

diploma & awards ceremony

2015  1


Nancy Ogden Ortiz Memorial Prize for Outstanding Performance in ANTHRO 90B Theory in Cultural and Social Anthropology Elon Hailu Isabelle Barnard

Anthropology Award for Outstanding Performance in ANTHROÂ 90C Theory in Ecological, Environmental, and Evolutionary Anthropology Allison Perry The Joseph H. Greenberg Prize for Undergraduate Academic Excellence Andrea Hale The James Lowell Gibbs, Jr. Award for Outstanding Service to the Department in Anthropology Julia Raban Sarah Moore Jocelyn Smith


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department of anthropology


The Robert Bayard Textor Award for Outstanding Creativity in Anthropology Julia Raban Firestone Golden Medal for Excellence in Research Nicole Follmann Department Award of Merit Elon Hailu Beagle II Award Reade Levinson “The Ecology of the Afterlife” Ashley Overbeek “ahurea i roto i kai: The Sustainable Culture of Maori Cuisine from Forest to Fork” Madeline Lisaius “From Bush Meat to Cacao: Exploring the Transitioning Economy of the Waorani ” Grace Klaris “Investigating Cultural Barriers to Skin to Skin Care in Rural India”

diploma & awards ceremony

2015  3


The Bernard J. Siegel Award for Outstanding Achievement in Written Expression by a PhD Student in Anthropology Helen Human The Robert Bayard Textor Award for Outstanding Creativity in Anthropology Veysel Bozcali The Anthropology Prize for Academic Performance Eleanor Power The Anthropology Annual Review Prize for Service to the Department Samuel Holley-Kline Samuel Maull The Anthropology Award for Outstanding Graduate Research and Publication Allison Mickel Jenna Rice The Anthropology Prize for Academic Performance by a Masters Student Laura Marsh


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department of anthropology


The Michelle Z. Rosaldo Summer Field Research Grant Mariam Kyarunts “Determining the Impact of Help Desk on Patient Satisfaction of Low income population in the Emergency Department” Isabelle Barnard “Household Tigers, Jungle Dogs: Domesticity and Human-Animal Relations among Kichwa People of Amazonian Ecuador” Franz Boas Summer Scholars Meredith Pelrine “Where Asexual and Queer Meet: Counteracting Exclusion in an Aggressively Heterosexual World” Renjie Wong “Refashioning The Noble Savage: Situating the Neapolitan Bespoke Tailoring Community in the Italian Luxury Industry” Tambopata Summer Research Scholars Joseph Hack “Hummingbird Hierarchies: Assessing Species Dominance Patterns of Peruvian Rainforest Hummingbird Communities Across A Gradient of Deforestation” Jacob Glassman “Hummingbird Hierarchies: Assessing Species Dominance Patterns of Peruvian Rainforest Hummingbird Communities Across A Gradient of Deforestation”

diploma & awards ceremony

2015  5


Amelia Farber “Defining Environmental Literacy: The Importance of Environmental Education in the Galápagos Islands School System” Nicole Follmann “Industrial Agriculture and the Potential for Sustainability: An Ethnography of Iowa Farmers” Elon Hailu “Fight for Expertise: Indigenous Knowledge in the Scientific Discovery of Plant Medicine in Ethiopia” Andrea Hale “The Politics of Cultural Representation: Marimba & Afro-Ecuadorian Narratives in a Plurinational Framework” Laura Marsh “A Diversity of Pottery at Chavín de Huántar: Revealing Variability through Fabric Analysis” Sarah Moore “Learning Belonging in the Classroom: The Experience of MexicanHeritage Students in California’s Central Valley” Julia Raban “Countering the Bare Humanity of Homelessness through the Street Newspaper” Jocelyn Smith “A Life in Public Law: Personal Dilemmas, Practical Problems, and the Creation of Belonging”


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department of anthropology


Bachelor or Arts, Anthropology Alisa Cho Atheel Elmalik Amelia Farber * Nicole Follmann ‡†* Elon Hailu * Andrea Hale †* Alyssa Lorenzo Florence McGee Sarah Moore * Julia Raban ‡* Jocelyn Smith * Kyra Vargas Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology Laura Marsh †* Nicole Nomany Minor, Anthropology Tulio Ospina

* Honors

with Distinction  ‡ Phi Beta Kappa

diploma & awards ceremony

2015  7


Master of Arts, Anthropology Nate Acebo “Archaeologies of Time and the Universal Palimpsest” Genevieve Dezso (with Distinction) “The Use of Honey in Maya Construction” Annette Esquibel “Look at That: Faunal Sightings and Tourist Satisfaction in Peruvian Amazon” Nicholas Hartley “The Incorporation of French Expatriates into the San Francisco/ Silicon Valley Region” Pearle Lun “Of Cures and Nostrums: Medicine and Public Health at Market Street Chinatown” Laura Marsh “Examining Variability and Provenance through Ceramic Petrography at Chavín de Huántar, Perú”


stanford universit y

department of anthropology

Peri Unver “Narratives of Disability: Transforming the Emotional and Physical” Nestor Silva “The Foundations of Oil: Subsoil as a Material and Social Commodity” Samuel Holley-Kline “Historiographies, “Locals,” and Territories: Rethinking El Tajín” Tony Marks-Block “Commercial Timber Extraction in the Klamath Mountains and its Impact on California Indian Subsistence” Sabrina Papazian “Perceiving Violence: The Destruction of the Armenian Cemetery at Julfa” Sarah Robinson “Network Relationships and Health in Australia’s Western Desert”

diploma & awards ceremony

2015  9


Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology Patrick Gallagher “Fluid Commodities: The Social Production of Natural Capital in the Belize Barrier Reef” Helen Human “Rehabilitated Ruins: Development, Democratization, and UNESCO World Heritage in Turkey” Lindsay Montgomery “Yndios Barbéros: Nomadic Archaeologies of Spanish New Mexico” Adam Nazaroff “Entanglement: A Study in Neolithic Resource Exploitation in the Middle East” Guido Pezzarossi “A New Materialist Archaeology of Antimarkets, Power and Capitalist Effects in Colonial Guatemala ” Lisa Poggiali “Developing Code: Aspiration and Exclusion in the Making of ‘Silicon Savannah’”


stanford universit y

department of anthropology

Eleanor Power “Building Bigness: Religious Practice and Social Support in Rural South India” Michael Price “Hierarchical Evolutionary Preferences Explain Discrepancies in Expected Utility Theory” Anna West “Body Politics in the Postcolony: Global Health and Local Governance in Rural Malawi” Hantian Zhang “The Meanings of Capitalism: Chinese Bankers in Post-1997 Hong Kong”

diploma & awards ceremony

2015  11



Alisa Cho

Atheel Elmalik

Amelia Farber


stanford universit y


department of anthropology

Nicole Follmann

Elon Hailu

Andrea Hale

diploma & awards ceremony

2015  13 


Alyssa Lorenzo

Florence McGee

Sarah Moore


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Julia Raban

Jocelyn Smith

Kyra Vargas

diploma & awards ceremony

2015  15 



Laura Marsh

Nicole Nomany

Minor, Anthropology

Tulio Ospina


stanford universit y


department of anthropology



Nathan Acebo

Genevieve Dezso

Annette Esquibel

diploma & awards ceremony

2015   17


Nicholas Hartley

Pearle Lun

Laura Marsh


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Peri Unver

Nestor Silva

Samuel Holley-Kline

diploma & awards ceremony

2015   19 


Tony Marks-Block

Sabrina Papazian

Sarah Robinson


stanford universit y


department of anthropology



Patrick Gallagher

Helen Human

Lindsay Montgomery

diploma & awards ceremony

2015   21


Adam Nazaroff

Guido Pezzarossi

Lisa Poggiali


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Eleanor Power

Michael Price

Anna West

diploma & awards ceremony

2015   23


Hantian Zhang


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Department of Anthropology June 14, 2015 CREDITS Design Emily Bishop Cover and Background Photos Linda A. Cicero Stanford News Service Music Trio Paz Catering Westfresh diploma & awards ceremony

2015  25

Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden - Photo by Ian Terpin / University Communications

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