2016 Anthropology Commencement Program

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d i p l o m a  &  a w a r d s

of a n t h r o p o l o g y


2015 – 2016

12:30 pm Welcome Thomas Blom Hansen Professor and Department Chair (acting)

12:45 pm Presentation of Awards Undergraduate Graduate

1:05 pm Awarding of Diplomas Undergraduate Graduate

1:30 - 2:30 pm Reception CONTENTS From the Department Chair. . . . . . . 1 2016 Undergraduate Awards. . . . . . 2 2016 Graduate Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2016 Undergraduate Grants. . . . . . 5 2016 Undergraduate Honors. . . . . . 7 Bachelor of Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Master of Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Doctor of Philosophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Undergraduate Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Masters Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 PhD Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2

stanford universit y

department of anthropology



he Stanford Department of Anthropology is distinguished by its innovative approach to the discipline, and Department faculty are at the forefront of exciting new developments in the field. We believe that anthropology should be engaged with recent developments in the world at large, and we seek to bring anthropological perspectives to bear on the problems of a modern, global society. This attention to real-world problems and issues takes us far from the pursuit of the exotic that some still associate with the discipline of anthropology. It leads us, rather, to an intellectually rigorous and socially responsible pursuit of answers to questions that urgently matter in the contemporary world. This orientation leads us to appreciate the way that different research methods and theoretical approaches can compliment each other. Our department is dedicated to a broad intellectual pluralism, in which a range of different approaches are recognized and valued. Different problems require different methodologies, but rather than opposing one method to another, we prefer to think about how they can be innovatively combined to yield new insights into important problems. As a result, we are willing to question conventional intellectual boundaries. This often means setting aside received divisions between ­sub-fields — as in recent studies of language that also speak to the best recent work in sociocultural anthropology, ecological and ethnographic studies that combine biological and cultural understandings, or archaeological research that is simultaneously concerned with ethnographic understandings of heritage and the politics of representation. Just as we challenge conventional sub-field boundaries, we are equally committed to crossing disciplinary boundaries, and to engaging the exciting new developments that are emerging at the interstices of disciplines, in areas as diverse as cultural studies, human ecology, science and technology studies, critical theory, evolutionary theory, feminist studies, and ethnic studies.

diploma & awards ceremony

2016  1


Nancy Ogden Ortiz Memorial Prize for Outstanding Performance in ANTHRO 90B Theory in Cultural and Social Anthropology Mariam Kyarunts

Anthropology Award for Outstanding Performance in ANTHROÂ 90C Theory in Ecological, Environmental, and Evolutionary Anthropology Stephanie Bieler The Joseph H. Greenberg Prize for Undergraduate Academic Excellence Renjie Wong Kimberly Krebs The James Lowell Gibbs, Jr. Award for Outstanding Service to the Department in Anthropology Phuong-Vy Le Meredith Pelrine Isabelle Barnard The Robert Bayard Textor Award for Outstanding Creativity in Anthropology Isabelle Barnard


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department of anthropology


Firestone Golden Medal for Excellence in Research Renjie Wong Department Award of Merit Margaret Tomaszczuk Kennedy Thesis Prize for the Social Sciences Renjie Wong Beagle II Award Sam Reeve “When Many Become One: Exploring the Collective Individual and/or Place in Meaning on the Camino de Santiago” Briana Mostoller and Angelica Previte “Nia Espero: A Search for Modern Esperanto Identity” Jenna Frowein “Exploring Nature’s Intuition to Design” Sandro Luna “Judology: Discovering the Culture, Science, and Nutrition of Judo ”

diploma & awards ceremony

2016  3


The Bernard J. Siegel Award for Outstanding Achievement in Written Expression by a PhD Student in Anthropology Dean Chahim The Robert Bayard Textor Award for Outstanding Creativity in Anthropology Jacob Doherty The Anthropology Prize for Academic Performance Damien Droney The Anthropology Annual Review Prize for Service to the Department Allison Kendra Alana Springer The Anthropology Award for Outstanding Graduate Research and Publication Maria Escallรณn The Anthropology Prize for Academic Performance by a Masters Student Briana Evans


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โ ข

department of anthropology


The Michelle Z. Rosaldo Summer Field Research Grant Kylie Fischer “Remembering Pinochet in Chilean Universities” Sera Park “Culture of Foretelling in Korea” Franz Boas Summer Scholars Winston Chen “Mechanisms of Reproducing Masculinity: A Case Study of Language and Infrastructure” Allison Perry “How do Community Gardens Live Up to Their Name? An Examination of Perceptions and Practices of Seattle Gardeners” Solveij Praxis “Comparative Study of Tech Work: An Anthropological Investigation of Millennial Tech Workers’ and Working Class Service Workers’ Experiences of Identity, Agency, and Community in the Tech Industry”

diploma & awards ceremony

2016  5



Tambopata Summer Research Scholars Madelyn Boslough “Implementing Solar Power in Tambopata: A Sustainable Plan for Ecolodges in the Peruvian Amazon” Maddy Belin and Daela Tipton “Visual and Auditory Analysis of Multi-Species Flocks in the Peruvian Amazon”


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department of anthropology


Phuong-Vy Le “HIV and Motherhood in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Caregiving of HIV Positive Children as a Moral Mode of Disease Engagement” Renjie Wong “Refashioning Napoletanita’: Identity, Corporeality, and Value Creation in the Neapolitan Luxury Menswear Industry” Mariam Kyarunts “Patients as Consumers of Health Care: A Case Study of the Patient Experience in a Sample of the San Mateo County Low-income Population Receiving Care in an Emergency Department” Isabelle Barnard “Kitchen Tigers, Jungle Dogs: Human-Animal Relationships in Amazonian Runa Households” Margaret Tomaszczuk “Digital Technology Use at Çatalhöyük: Social Experiences and the Digital Workflow in Archaeology” Meredith Pelrine “Where Asexual and Queer Meet: Quotidian and Communal Experiences among Bay Area Queer Aces”

diploma & awards ceremony

2016  7


Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology Saida Ali Hannah Ball-Brau Isabelle Barnard *‡ Nicole Bennett-Fite Marco Juarez Kimberly Krebs Mariam Kyarunts *† Phuong-Vy Le * Roselyn Miller Meredith Pelrine *†‡ Emily Santhanam †‡ Mararet Tomaszczuk * Renjie Wong *†‡ Sylvia (Shuyi) Yang Alexandre Zany

* Honors


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with Distinction  ‡ Phi Beta Kappa

department of anthropology

Minor, Anthropology Jaclyn Phi Oliver Wang Bachelor of Arts, Archaeology Marie Calvert Miller Bright Pan Zhou Minor, Archaeology Christina Emily Cowart Smith

diploma & awards ceremony

2016  9 


Master of Arts, Anthropology Dean Chahim “Rethinking the Politics of Centralization in Seeing Like a State” Paul Christians “Gulf Futurism? Surveying Qatar, UNESCO, and Heritage as Economic and Political Production” Elix Colon “Regulating Sex and Reestablishing Capital, Practicing Safe Sex Tourism, and Childhood Interrupted in Cuba” Elandre Dedrick “Dreadful Fright to Cosmopolitan Delight: Marseille and the Face of Europe” Allison Kendra “Historical and Current Political Forms in Peru: To What Extent Does Marxism or Liberalism explain them?”


stanford universit y

department of anthropology

Claire Maass “The Body as Machine, The Body as Commodity, and The Body as a Temple: Biopolitical Approaches to the Slave Body on Catholic Sugar Estates in Colonial Cañete, Peru (1709-1854)” Dana Phelps “Finding the ‘Citizen’ in Sustainable Heritage Development Policy and Practice in the Postsocialist Neoliberal State: the Case of Butrint National Park, Southern Albania” Alana Springer “The Gender Division of Labor” Lori Weekes “Disciplinary Regimes and the Emergence of a Discipline: Pitt Rivers, Petrie, and Wheeler as Managers of Archaeological labor”

diploma & awards ceremony

2016   11


Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology Stefanie Bautista San Miguel “‘The Household Through Time: The Transition from Paracas to Nasca Culture in the Rio Grande de Nasca Region, Peru” Lindsay Der “The role of Human-Animal Relations in the Social and Material Organization of Çatalhöyük, Turkey” Jacob Doherty “Infrastructures of Disposability: Waste, Belonging, and the Politics of a Clean Kampala” Damien Droney “Weedy Science: The Cultural Politics of Herbal Medicine Science in Ghana” Maria Escallón “‘Exclusion in the Era of Multicultural Recognition: Cultural Heritage, Afro-descendants, and the Politics of Diversity in Colombia and Brazil” Francesca Fernandini “Beyond the Empire: Living in Cerro de Oro” Mark Gardiner “‘Technocracy in Black and White: Nature, Race, and Nation in the Management of Namibian Uranium”


stanford universit y

department of anthropology

Allison Mickel “Why Those who Shovel are Silent: Local Labor, Unrecognized Expertise, and Knowledge Production in Archaeological Excavation” Shannon Randolph “‘The Social, Economic and Cultural Dimensions of Bushmeat in Yaounde, Cameroon” Elspeth Ready “Food, Sharing, and Social Structure in an Arctic Mixed Economy” Johanna Richlin “In the Hands of God: Affect, Agency, and Faith Among Brazilian Migrants in Greater Washington D.C.” Ian Simpson “Religious Redirection: Muslim-Christian Market Transaction in Early Islamic Syria-Palestine” Doctor of Philosophy, Cultural and Social Anthropology Aisha Ghani “Questioning Terrorism: Islam, Religious Violence, & Secular Law in America”

diploma & awards ceremony

2016   13


Major, Anthropology

Saida Ali

Hannah Ball-Brau

Isabelle Barnard


stanford universit y


department of anthropology

Nicole Bennett-Fite

Marco Juarez

Kimberly Krebs

diploma & awards ceremony

2016  15 


Mariam Kyarunts

Phuong-Vy Le

Roselyn Miller


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Meredith Pelrine

Emily Santhanam

Margaret Tomaszczuk

diploma & awards ceremony

2016   17 


Renjie Wong

Sylvia (Shuyi) Yang

Alexandre Zany


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Minor, Anthropology

Jaclyn Phi

Oliver Wang

diploma & awards ceremony

2016   19 



Major, Archaeology

Marie Calvert Miller

Bright Pan Zhou

Minor, Archaeology

Christina Emily Cowart Smith


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Dean Chahim

Paul Christians

Elix Colon

diploma & awards ceremony

2016   21


Elandre Dedrick

Allison Kendra

Claire Maass


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Dana Phelps

Alana Springer

Lori Amber Weekes

diploma & awards ceremony

2016  23


Stefanie Bautista San Miguel

Lindsay Der

Jacob Doherty


stanford universit y


department of anthropology

Damien Droney

Maria Escallón

Francesca Fernandini

diploma & awards ceremony

2016  25


Aisha Ghani

Mark Gardiner

Allison Mickel


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Shannon Randolph

Elspeth Ready

Johanna Richlin

diploma & awards ceremony

2016   27


Ian Simpson


stanford universit y


department of anthropology


Department of Anthropology June 12, 2016 CREDITS Design Emily Bishop Cover and Background Photos Linda A. Cicero Stanford News Service Music Shabang Steel Drum Band Catering Westfresh diploma & awards ceremony

2016   29

Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden - Photo by Ian Terpin / University Communications

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