January 2012 Stanford River Talk

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Volume 77 | JANUARY 2012 | Stanford’s monthly newspaper | R13.20

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editorial notes

2011 with Stanford River Talk

Happy New Year Stanford! We are delighted to bring to you the first issue of 2012. You can read about the personal reflections, aspirations and desires of most of our contributors on page 4, as they look back on 2011 and into 2012. Enclosed you will find an insert of the 2012 SRT questionnaire. We invite you to fill it in (it will only take two minutes of your time) and drop it off at Stanfordinfo. We can only improve the newspaper if we have feedback from all our readers so please make a special effort. Your suggestions will not be ignored. We are thrilled to announce we have finally arrived in the 21st century – we have a website! Look at www.stanfordrivertalk.co.za. Our thanks go to newcomer Peter Fosseus who has made this a reality for us. And on this note, find out about all the new residents on page 12 and 13. We wish all our contributors, readers and advertisers a happy and productive 2012. COVER PHOTOGRAPH: Fred Hatman

Editorial Contributions & Disclaimer Editorial contributions are welcome and should include top quality photos where relevant. Articles will be printed under the contributor’s name or an accepted nom-de-plume if the full name and address is provided. All contributions are voluntary and not paid for. The editor reserves the right to edit, amend, abridge or reject any article. Opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the editor. Copyright All material in this issue is copyrighted, and belongs to The Really Famous Publishing CC unless otherwise indicated. No part of the material may be reproduced without prior permission. Published and printed by The Really Famous Publishing CC.


Another year gone . . . another year ahead Stanford River Talk contributors share their thoughts on 2011 and 2012

Philippa Murray Nothing like a long road trip from Stanford to Pietermaritzburg to give one time to think – two kids in the back, icecream tub of bacon and peanut-butter sarmies forgotten in the fridge, and 21 hours ahead of us. Our country is spectacular, even by moonlight. The roads vary from wide and open, to narrow and potholed – not really any different from the 70s and 80s when my parents drove us across the country and through the land formerly known as the Transkei every school holiday. I plan, in 2012, to savour road trips and train rides – the slow coaches of life – to appreciate the land, the people and the history which make South Africa achingly beautiful.

Peter Younghusband Carstairs doesn’t like Christmas. He says: ‘When I was a kid I wrote to Father Christmas asking for a bicycle. He sent a cowboy suit instead, not even with a real gun. My Dad said it was a mix-up because one of the reindeer drank something called schnapps and rode off on my bicycle and the elves couldn’t find another bike in time, so they sent the cowboy suit with the wooden gun. But the story sounded kind of phoney, like when shops in Hermanus tell you they are waiting for stock from Cape Town and it should arrive soon – (like maybe by next Christmas).’ But here’s good news – Stephen and Michelle at the Hermanus Animal Hospital did a big operation on Max’s sore ear and it went well. So Happy New Year! So long as the price of Rum & Maple tobacco doesn’t go up any more, because we’ll just have Carstairs whining again.

Fred Hatman For me, 2011 provided a lesson in acceptance and understanding. Accepting loss, accepting adversity, accepting love and accepting that, unlike politicians and people who say ‘Hi there’ when they know your name, hadedas have their place on earth. (‘Let’s put an end to this great big hadeda about nothing,’ August issue, SRT). And understanding the ‘why’. Why we lose those we love, why we never lose those we love. And why rounding up the okes to shoot Stanford’s hadedas was never a good idea. What’s in store for 2012? I don’t have a clue. As John Lennon, that bloke who could play guitar and sing a bit, said: ‘Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.’ Imagine that. STANFORD RIVER TALK 4

Naas Terblanche Good things and also sad things happened to our family in 2011. I found consolation and encouragement in two bits of commentary on life that I came across and these I would like to share with you. Firstly, on the cycle of life by Alexander Pope: ‘All forms that perish other forms supply, In turn, we catch the vital breath and die, Like bubbles on a sea of matter bourne, They rise and break and to the sea return.’ And secondly on the purpose of life by Albert Einstein: ‘We live for our fellowmen on whose smiles we depend for our happiness.’

Aron Gcotyelwa Year 2011 has been too long and too short. What a privilege for me to host National Gospel artists, Butho and Yolanda Vuthela, and Lutsha and Anele Joja in Stanford to perform live. God has given me the wisdom to be able to entertain you with my writing. Through this writing I have made my second family – ‘Stanford River Talk supporters’ and friends. To you guys if I was a president I would make you prominent but now I’m a newspaper columnist I’ll give you love. Come the year 2012 I’ll be drilling day-to-day social issues and I’ll be doing my third year of Public Relations Management through UNISA.

Don McIver 2011 has come and gone. Our highlight was the birth of the first girlchild in the family for 86 years. 2012 will have its share of problems and pleasures. I’m hoping for the demise of the great TV rip-off and that people will be allowed to pay for and watch channels they want instead of paying exorbitant amounts for 3 or 4 channels they watch and 50 they do not. It could be a tough year – problems in Europe and the rest of the world could have a significant effect on us. Who knows? Undoubtedly we will be better off in Stanford – the place to be.

Jami Kastner The highlight of my year was undoubtedly the birth of our third son, Samuel James Kastner. Born with punk-rocker hair and one tooth, he is clearly a baby ahead of his time. In 2012, I am looking forward to a pregnancyfree year (these have been few and far between of late) and a lot of hard work on the farm. But I am especially looking forward to some fun new events and occasions in Stanford. This village has so much to offer, and so many amazing people making things happen. I have a feeling that in 2012 things will only get better!

Andrew Herriot Cathryn and I decided to return to our house in Stanford bought in 2002. This was a huge decision since we had been living in various exotic tax-free havens. However it has been marvellous to live here continuously through all seasons and get to know the locals and to be part of Cathryn’s vision for our house. I decided to retire rather than put myself up for consultancies. This has amazing advantages. I don’t need to wear a suit and tie every day. I am not troubled by traffic and best of all it is a most relaxing period of my life giving me time to ‘do’ other things such as writing a column for this prestigious newspaper. What am I looking for in 2012? Apart from eliminating all the parochial things like dog poo on my verge and the cockerel cacophony, I want the leaders of the world to think peace, to think anti-war and to strive for honesty and integrity.

Fred Smith 2011 highlights? My late brother’s son coming over from Scotland for Christmas, and meeting his wife and children for the first time. That’s a good highlight. Then of course there was Daniel Stemmet von Wichtingen’s birthday party at Daleen’s Oom Steyn’s Pub & Grill. Parties there are always a highlight, so you can say I’ve had quite a few in 2011! I’ve just got myself a Kindle, and for someone who has been in computers for over 40 years, it may be the most significant piece of computer equipment I have owned. This year I plan to give more Astronomy Evenings and presentations to the school. Also, I must get out and walk more.

Tania Weich Fellow wine lovers, the estimated wine grape crop yield in our region this year is expected to be higher than the 2011 harvest (with the exception of Stellenbosch). And on another positive note, even following the extensive flood damage to vineyards in the Orange River region in 2011, it is estimated that 2012 will deliver an increased crop of about 17% in that region. My wish for you in 2012 is to continue to reap the rewards of abundance, happiness, peace and of course… lots of good wine. Sally Hood 2011 held so many highlights it is hard to think which one stood out the most. Waking up one morning to find a new-born baby bontebok standing shakily next to his very proud and protective mother vies closely with a trip to beautiful Spain with its glorious sunshine, friendly people and warm, blue Mediterranean waters. With the gloomy financial forecasts for 2012 it is sometimes difficult to anticipate a ‘happy’ year. We intend to make this the ‘friendliest’ year, seeing more of friends and family who enrich our lives so much, and remembering what the Buddha had to say: ‘Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness.’

Bea Whittaker Highlights of 2011: Initiating the river frontage proposal; my mother turning 96; finding Basil’s extended family in Mauritius; the choir tour to Venice; enough work to keep the bank manager (and husband) happy; and still enough time to spend with all our diverse friends. Plans for 2012: We belong to the SKI club (Spend Kids’ Inheritance), so travelling is definitely on the cards: February to see our new granddaughter in Barberton, and August to the Augrabies waterfall and visit the Kgalagadi National Park. For Stanford – a more user-friendly wandelpad! And hopefully my CD – at last!

Suzanne-Francoise Rossouw In the last year we have seen and heard people talking about becoming more aware of our environment and thinking green to save the planet. In the Overberg Agri Garden Competition we had an entry by a few school kids in the Caledon area. They had created an environmentally friendly garden for their community. They didn’t have much money but used what they could find to put together something truly inspiring. My hope for 2012 is that more communities will help the younger generation to undertake projects like this to help to green their environments. Win Johnstone Throughout my life I have been guided and inspired by the words of famous people of the past and there are two quotes that have always meant a great deal to me: ‘So in everything, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ – Mathew 7:12 – The Golden Rule of Christianity. ‘I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.’ (The records are not clear as to who wrote this. It could be either Victor Hugo or George Eliot).

Living by these philosophies is not easy and 2011 certainly tested me to the extreme when I had to put them into practice in a major way. With all the hardship, financial ruin, emotional pain, anguish, fear and frustration as a result of my endeavours, I would do it all over again for the final rewards, for myself inwardly, and by daily witnessing the joy, peace and happiness that it brought to three lovely people. I challenge everybody to make these two quotes their New Year’s resolution for 2012 and I guarantee that it will change their lives and the lives of others forever in a wonderful and amazing way.




he wandelpad must remain as unspoilt as possible, and any improvement to the walking trail and riverfront must be in keeping with Stanford’s rural ‘sense of place’. This was the general agreement of everyone present at the second meeting for Stanford residents, held on 20 December, to give their input regarding any improvements (or not) they would like to see along the Klein River and other water courses in the town. In general, the suggestions made in the document drawn up after public participation process in October 2011 were endorsed by the meeting, except for the following: • No new slipway needs to be built. The existing slipway at the bottom of Du Toit Street must only be maintained. However, a hard surface (commonly known as ‘the hard’) is required to improve boat launching. • Law enforcement is a problem during peak holiday seasons and the municipality should make a law enforcement officer available who can patrol the river, check on licences and permits etc. • Access control is a priority during holiday season – similar to the municipal access control at all other launching sites in the Overstrand. • More areas along the river should be opened up (controlled reed clearing) so that activities are spread out along the riverfront.

• There is a need for public ablution facilities at the Du Toit Street slipway. However, the placing and management thereof must be ‘workshopped’ with Stanford residents before any decision is made. It was agreed that the wandelpad should be improved at certain sections where walking is problematic; that footbridges should be built where necessary; that the slippery section in front of the houses in River Lane should either be concreted or that a boardwalk should be erected. Alternative routes should be developed for those areas of the wandelpad that are under water at times when the estuary level is high. Therefore, the non-breaching policy of the Klein River estuary must be taken into account when any permanent structures are designed. This is particularly applicable to the proposed boardwalk and floating jetty at the bottom of Du Toit Street for the three licensed pleasure boats. The municipality will take these suggestions forward to the environmental impact assessment process (EIA) required for any such activities. This will be done in the new financial year (2012/13) after which funding will have to be sought for major activities such as ‘the hard’ at the slipway, the floating jetty and other public amenities. Bea Whittaker

The Stanford Cares Award

As regular Capetonian visitors to Stanford, a while ago we became aware of how many people in this small town do extraordinary things for the community for little or no reward. So we kick-started an award to honour these special people to thank them for giving so selflessly to others. We have funded the award for the first three months, and hope that other visitors will join in. Please contact us on morreira@telkomsa.net if you want to contribute funds to the Stanford Cares Award. The award winner will receive R500 to treat him/herself to something special. Nominations for the award can be emailed to Michelle at River Talk on ed@stanfordrivertalk.co.za

Feeding the community It all started 12 years ago when Junette Rooi realised that there were people in her community who were hungry. Children would knock on her door asking for bread to take to school. She met this need by providing hot meals on a Monday and a Friday for the people in her community who were struggling to make ends meet. She did this on her own, from her kitchen at home with no outside funding and she continued doing this for eight years until the church started to help her by providing ingredients for the meals. Two years ago Rotary Club of Stanford became involved and has been assisting with the raw ingredients for Junette to continue her work. They also pay for her gas and have donated a gas burner. Spar in Hermanus also donates bread rolls for her to distribute. Pretty much single-handedly, this softly STANFORD RIVER TALK 6

spoken mother of four children feeds on average 100 people, three days a week working from the kitchen at the church next Good soul: door to Congratulations to Junette her home. Rooi, the third winner of When asked how she would the Stanford Cares Award. like to spend her prize money, she smiled and said that Christmas is always an expensive time of the year and the money would be put straight into household expenses. Well done Junette! Your hard work and caring for others does not go unnoticed! Nikki Miles


news & updates

The following cases were reported NOV


Burglaries: business



Burglaries: residential



Common assault



Drug-related charges



Drunken driving









Serious assault







Municipal appointment

Mr Coenie Groenewald takes up his post of Municipal Manager from 1 January 2012.

Property sales

Four properties were issued with sales certificates in November. (These figures include name transfers).

New walk A new tourism venture in the Overstrand region, called Fynbos Retreat, was launched late last year. Fynbos Retreat is a joint venture between Grootbos Nature Reserve and Flower Valley Conservation Trust. The launch was attended by municipality representatives, tourism officials and other tourism enterprises in the vicinity. Fynbos Retreat offers accommodation and a host of walking and mountain biking activities, and forms part of a three-day hiking trail. It is based on Flower Valley’s neighboring farm, formerly known as Witvoetskloof, near Gansbaai. The property is a recognised biodiversity hotspot for its rare fynbos and ancient milkwood forests. The guided trail is 26 kilometres in total and includes steep inclines to Pinnacle Peak. The trail traverses Steynsbos, Fynbos Retreat, Flower Valley Farm and Bodhi Khaya – and covers sections through afromontane forests and milkwood forests. For more information visit www.walkerbaytrails.co.za and www.fynbosretreat.com.

The best yet – 2011 Stanford 6’s What a tournament! On the 26 December twelve cricket teams battled it out at the SCG – Stanford Cricket Ground – to take home the Umpire’s Cup. Schalk Burger’s team Ploffies came to win this year. They had designer outfits from Puma and from the beginning played IPL-style cricket! Players and spectators definitely needed to keep their eye on the ball. They were flying all over the place! In a heart-stopping final The Ploffies scored 90 runs with their opponents The Boonies (Steve Young, Graig Lorden, Jamie Boyes, Robbie Fleck, Nick Goldblatt, Doug Boyes and Bob Skinstad) coming short by 50 odd runs. Although this was a fun day the guys were seriously putting their bodies on the line diving around to cut off boundaries and taking catches that would have made AB De Villiers proud! Players were grazed and bruised. The day started off cool and overcast but by lunch time it was another scorcher. Fortunately the wind stayed down. It was fantastic to have so much local support this year – both players and spectators. The best crowd to date! Mandy Erwee Winners: The Ploffies Runners-up: The Boonies Best Batsman of the Day: Johan Du Plessis (The Ploffies) Catch of the Day: Bob Skinstad (The Boonies) Player of the Day: Jonty Carstens (Loose Cannons) Potjie Competition winners: Team Regent Roughnecks for their oxtail pot.

This is the life: Shaun Harris from Regent Roughnecks takes a break from stirring the winning potjie.

news & updates

Taking the cup: The Ploffies’ team players (from left to right) Butch James, Gadaffi Burger, Schalk Burger, Jacques Wessels, Shaun Zeeliger and Johan Du Plessis.

Boxing Day entertainment: Stanfordians and their visitors jolling at the village green.

In the fast lane

The Stanford Striders say farewell to Blessing Chirwa who is off to high school in Cape Town. He has been awarded a scholarship to attend Wynberg Boys’ High School. A former pupil of Okkie Smuts, Blessing is a talented sportsman and loves running and playing soccer. We wish him all the best in his new school and look forward to hearing about his sporting achievements. No doubt there will be many. Fit and fast: Blessing Chirwa will be sadly missed at our weekly time trials. He has run the best time yet in the club (5km in 18:27). STANFORD STRIDERS TIME-TRIAL RESULTS – 5KM RUN Time-keeper: Andrew Herriot (runners, cyclists and walkers all welcome every Monday at 6pm from corner of Lower Longmarket and Adderley) 5 December: Blessing Chirwa 18:27; Manie Robinson 20:25; Alois Nzonzo 21:10; Sandra Slabbert 24:40; Jaymine 24: 29; Stewart Alcock 25:50; Cal Tomlinson 29:24; Anna Tomlinson 29:40; Nicholas 29:10; Neil Eberhard 29:30; Mary Troost (cycle); Elsa Gebhard, Annaliese Lubowski, Gerrie Geldenhuys and R Bedi (walkers). 12 December: Manie Robinson 21:06; Alois Nzonzo 22:03; Andre Erasmus 23:25; Peter Fosseus 23:26; Jacques Nel: 26:33; Neil Ebhard 27:06; Anna Tomlinson 28:00; Cal Tomlinson 28:50; Jan Troost 31:37; Gerrie Geldenhuys (walker) 33:50. 19 December: Manie Robinson 21:19; Chris du Toit 25:12; Daniel Taverner 25:23; Stewart Alcock 26:46 Cal Tomlinson 28:20; Janika Dorland 28:22 ; Martie du Toit (walker) 36:18; Michelle Hardie (walker) 36:20; Gerrie Geldenhuys (walker) 36:44. 2 January 2012: James Perry (visitor) 24:58; Sandra Slabbert 25:07; Stewart Alcock 26: 28; Ursula and Lydia Hardie (cyclists) 23:38. STANFORD RIVER TALK 7

news & updates

School of music Janika Dorland Music School had their end of year concert in the last week of school for 2011. Parents and friends were treated to the melodious sounds of flute, piano, recorder and violin. An array of delicious cakes and tea ended the afternoon.

Did you know?

Sticking together

On 29 October I went to Cape Town to book my flight back to Germany with Emirates and I asked the lady at the counter to give me a nice seat. The seat she offered was in the second row. I asked to be moved because there would be too many children in this area of the plane to get a good night’s sleep. So she booked me another. When I boarded the plane, there was a couple sitting in my row. The gentleman was very friendly helping me stow my luggage in the overhead locker. My arms are too short to manage these things. When I was settled in my seat, we began to chat and they asked me about my nationality and where I lived. I told them that my home in the last month had been Stanford and they started laughing. I learned they were Pam and George the owners of the building that houses KC’s Restaurant. Isn’t it funny? 400 passengers and three Stanfordians (sorry, I consider myself as one) land up in the same row! Josephine Berger

Lads about town

Making music: (back from left) Janika Dorland; Lucille Erwee; Shirley Erwee; Debby Engelbrecht; Mary Troost; (2nd row from left) Kayleigh Erwee; Inez Mallandain; Natalie Engelbrecht; (3rd row from left) Dylan Jonker; Rachel Troost; Josie Troost; Lara Tomlinson; Alex Hanel; Dirk Troost; (4th row from left) Anna Mae Troost; Willow Sauvage; Jon-Jon Erwee; Daniel Rowen; (5th row from left) Nessa Mannion; Naomi Engelbrecht; Tamara Bronner; Kirsty Koen; (front from left) Lodewyk Bierman and Tristan Tomlinson.



At a rowdy Wine & Wisdom Trivia Quiz in December the question was asked: If you receive a love letter containing the word BURMA, what does it mean? The answer – BE UNDRESSED, READY, MY ANGEL. Out of 33 people, only two knew the answer. They were Tony Roper and Peter Hood! One wonders about their misspent youth. Did they actually use this word during the sowing of their wild oats? And who were the lucky recipients? Maybe Cathie and Sally will let us know!

• • • •

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Stanford festivities Songs on the green

The Carols by Candlelight event on the village green was a great success. Wonderful music was provided by Andrew Herriot, with Bea Whittaker leading the carols, as per Stanford tradition! Special guest singer, Thaya Bedford, was well received, as was Jerry Fourie who entertained guests once the carol singing was concluded. Thank you to Mariana’s, Rotary Club of Stanford and Oom Steyn’s, who ensured that there were enough gifts for all the littlies to receive something. Congratulations to Grant Anderson, whose magnificent chocolate creation was the winner of the first ever great Stanford Bake-off! Judges included Sally Filmer and comedians Mark Palmer and David Newton who were in the village for Comedy in the Courtyard the same evening. Paul Chew played the special guest from the North Pole, and did a fantastic job and Jami Kastner enchanted the children with her reading of the Christmas story. Thanks very much to all those involved, and all those who attended. See you all again next year!

Record turnout

Music lovers raised thousands for Stanford’s dogs and cats. Over R8 000 was raised at Michael Thompson’s Opera on the Lawn a few days before Christmas. This is a recordbreaking amount and Stanford Animal Welfare Society wishes to thank everyone involved – the braaiers, sellers, bakers, suppliers, barmen and barwoman, musicians and especially Michael Thompson who hosted the event. We are also very grateful to Barbara Van Huyssteen for baking the superb Christmas cake won by John Finch. A very big thank you to everyone who contributed to all our fund-raising activities in 2011 – without you Animal Welfare could not continue operating. Annie Ranger

Birthday bash

Maureen Wolters celebrated her 60th birthday with a party that went off with a bang! Jackson’s Pintotage flowed and Hennie from Hennie’s Pub & Grill was on hand throughout the evening and into the early hours of the next day providing freshly braaied steaks in sumptuous rolls filled with salad. The band was excellent, and the highlight was Maureen’s daughter singing a few songs. Here John Fursman (middle) with David Abbott take to the dance floor, while John Finch (behind) cheers and claps.

Live party

Over 200 people celebrated the New Year at the Bluemoon Festival organised by Daniel Boshoff. The evening was a great success with revellers partying into the wee hours of 1st January 2012. Seen here playing to the crowd are Llewellyn Alberts (left) and Daniel Boshoff of Bluemoon Rhythm. The entire festival was powered by solar.

Stanford Hogmanay

Scotsman Andrew Herriot doing the ‘first foot’ in the New Year. This is a common Scottish tradition amongst small village communities in Scotland where families ‘first foot’ each other, meaning the first foot to enter the home in the New Year. It is usually performed by a man in the family, kilted of course, and he bears three traditional gifts: the Black Bun, Scottish bread with a thick crust for nourishment; a small lump of coal (charcoal) for warmth; and a large bottle of Whisky for obvious reasons. Andrew reports that the chosen man is usually tall, dark and handsome and says, ‘I did pass all three attributes many years ago! Slainte.’

Comedy in Courtyard

Two of my favourite comedians rocked Stanford Hotel’s courtyard just before Christmas. Mark Palmer and SA-born, LA-based David Newton came to make us laugh. It was a brilliant night held under the beautiful willow tree in the courtyard. Thanks to Penny, Daleen and all the locals who supported the event. It was an awesome night. I am planning more comedy and music events in the New Year so keep an eye out for posters. Vanessa Marawa

Having a laugh: (from left) Rina de Wet, with her mother Rina (senior), Marianne Rossouw and Hans de Wet.

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travel talk

In pursuit of the ‘bucket list’ – 30 days in the Himalayas By Dr John Fursman

to enter the Annapurna Conservation Area and registering with the Trekkers Information Management System, nothing else has to be pre-booked. So on the 15 October 2011, after an exciting bus ride from Kathmandu, I hoisted my rucksack, weighing 14kg onto my back and started walking. Starting at an altitude of 760m, where it is lush and subtropical, leaving me hot and sweaty, the route climbs up to 5 416m and a desertlike environment, where I had to wear Climbing high: John Fursman on his Nepal trek. most of my clothing to overcome the bitter cold of the evenings. Along the have been trying to get to the Himalayas route, the views of valleys and snow for the past seven years but it is only mountain peaks in excess of 7 000m held me since drawing up ’the list’, that I finally in awe. Accommodation is easily available made the commitment. Although not the in the village tea/guesthouses en-route, initial challenge I anticipated, no significant although sometimes hygiene and ablutions peak was achieved; the Annapurna Circuit/ are atrocious. Unfortunately the dreaded Sanctuary trek is sufficiently rugged and stomach bug is easy to find, and two days lengthy to satisfy a sense of achievement. into the trek, I came down with a serious bout Hailed as one of the world’s classic walks, it of the trots that didn’t prevent me walking circumnavigates the Annapurna Range in the but had me running for the bushes for three North West of Nepal, on to which I added days. Accommodation at the guesthouses is the trek into the mountains to the Annapurna relatively cheap and, generally, I managed on Base camp. Apart from obtaining the permit R150 per night, including an evening meal



and breakfast. The diet is mainly vegetarian and the standard Nepalese meal, Dhal Bhat, which consists of a heap of rice, a bowl of lentil soup, vegetable curry and poppadum. I have never eaten so much rice, and found the diet left me feeling energetic, with no heaviness, but my dreams were of food and meals that I would enjoy on my return. The Nepalese are a warm, welcoming people. It was an exceptional trip and an experience that has given me a taste for further travel in the area and added yet another item to ‘the list’.



Rotary Club of Stanford will be hosting a talk by Dr John Fursman about his trip to the Himalayas on Wednesday 25 January, 6pm for 6.30pm at the Art Café. Entrance is free. If you choose to eat after the talk pizzas are on special offer for R50. Everyone is welcome.

ROTA RY C LU B O F STA N F O R D I N 2011 The Rotary Club of Stanford had a particularly productive 2011 – not only have we finally received our official charter as a member of Rotary International, no longer being referred to as Bredasdorp-Stanford but we are now officially the Rotary Club of Stanford. We also managed to induct 3 new club members (Cathie Hornby, Jeudi Hunter and Natalie Husk) while two more are waiting to be inducted on 18 January (Peter Kastner & Tony Coates). We have been very busy helping out where we can and have been able to make a difference because of the generous donations and support from this community.

A short summary of activities follow below: Ongoing projects: soup kitchens feeding up to 250 sick, disabled, elderly and school- going children 1 – 3 times per week. A third soup kitchen will be starting in 2012 to make sure that all who need nutritious meals are reached; keeping warm project giving out blankets, warm clothing and shoes; stationary starter packs for first time learners – helping all Grade 1 children to have the necessary when they start their first day at ‘big’ school; Xmas Care Packages – with the community’s generosity, we managed to hand out 71 of the Xmas Hampers that keeps those reliant on soup kitchens going through December while the volunteer cooks take a break; sports development – a generous friend of Rotary Club of Stanford helped us to kit out the Neighbourhood Watch rugby team called United Rugby Club.

Teenage Leadership Summit – with the support of Knoxville Rotary Club and the Magic Wand Foundation in the USA, we were able to send two local teenagers to a leadership summit in Flordia, USA. Johnwin Diedericks and Beauty Nonyusa spent a week learning 7 ‘mind sets’ for the future and then another week in Tennessee with Kathryn & Breese Johnson (Mosaic Farm) who were instrumental in organizing their attendance.

USA Volunteers – a group of 7 Serve-a-Village volunteers had a very successful visit to the village during August 2011. A wide variety of tasks were completed (painting one of the soup kitchens, tiling the Okkie Smuts Koshuis’ bathroom floors, planting trees in a number of streets & along the river, etc). The volunteers were very impressed with the community support in the village and are keen to come back or send other groups. Visits from medical volunteers, a group from Knoxville Rotary Club and another Serve-a-Village group are being planned. These visits will concentrate on adult education, medical support and interaction with our youth. Little Abigail – this 8-year-old girl needs specialised schooling in Worcester which her single-parent family found difficult to provide. Rotary launched a donation campaign and was joined by the organisers of the first ever ‘Stanford Stumble’ at Stanford Hills Wine Farm. The Stumble was a huge success and together with very generous donations to Rotary, we have been able to pay two years of Abigail’s schooling. It is envisaged that the Stanford Stumble will become a yearly fundraising event and Rotary is contemplating the establishment of an education trust for all disabled children in the community.

None of these projects would have been possible without the generosity and consistent support of our caring community. We are really blessed to be part of a village where locals still care and look after their own. Rotary Stanford would like to wish all of you and your families a blessed 2012 full of happiness, good health and abundance. With heartfelt thanks to all Rotary Club of Stanford

Besides donations from our generous community, Rotary Stanford’s main fundraisers at present are the Wine Raffle at the monthly evening market and the Car Boot Sale on the last Saturday of the month (the day after the monthly evening market). We would like to invite everybody to take part in these fundraisers. For more info call Jeudi (082 839 62 9497), Ansie (082 320 0982) or Cathie (083 662 9497)

Once a month Rotary has an ‘open evening’ when we invite a speaker to talk about a specific subject. Please keep an eye open for announcements in SRT & posters advertising such open evenings and join us for an fun evening. If you would like to volunteer as a speaker, please call Michelle (079 291 1588)

Fire Victims – twice during the past few months, Rotary Stanford was called upon to assist with the provision of basic provisions after shacks had burnt down; once in Gansbaai & the other time in Thembelihle. Thanks to the generosity of our community, Rotary was able to provide not only blankets, foodstuffs and clothing to the stricken families within a couple of hours but could also provide them with basic cooking utensils and other household goods. This would not have been possible without the community’s timeous support.

Youth Day and Health Faire – donations were made to supply foodstuffs for Badisa’s Youth Day festivities as well as for the Health Faire that was held in September. Rotary also helped a 2-year-old heart patient and her mother to go to Tygerberg Hospital for the necessary treatment.

Youth4Life Gospel Workshops and Concerts – Rotary Stanford was instrumental in helping Youth4Life to bring some of SA’s best gospel singers to Stanford and surrounding area for workshops with our youth and very successful concerts in Stanford, Hermanus, Strand and Cape Town.

Anybody who has sports equipment / clothing available to donate or who knows sports bodies who could assist Rotary Stanford with sports development to keep our youth busy and healthy, please contact Malcolm (084 441 0961)

Rotary Stanford meets Wednesdays at 18:30 in Studio of the Art Café. All welcome to attend. For more info call Ansie (082 320 0982) or Cathie (083 662 9497) STANFORD RIVER TALK 11

Welcome to the best village in South Africa Rest a while, listen to the birds and look up at the stars … New residents are soaking up Stanford’s country lifestyle far from the madding crowds Thaya and Luca Bedford ‘I’ve been coming to Stanford for the past 15 years. I used to help my aunt out at Stanford House on the weekends many years ago. My mother eventually moved here years later, and I found myself living here about 10 years ago, with a baby in tow. I made life-long friends the year I lived in Stanford, but being a youngster, I decided to leave again for Cape Town – although I often yearned to return. ‘I suddenly found myself in a bind four months ago and decided that it was a sign to move to Stanford. My son is so happy here. He doesn’t even feel like an only child anymore! My home is filled with children and friends and we feel blessed every single day to be living a simple, yet abundant lifestyle here. As a photographer and writer, I am happiest in nature and inspired by beautiful surroundings. Stanford is my sanctuary.’

Vanessa Marawa ‘I moved to Stanford to get out of Cape Town for a while and spend some time with a very good friend. I didn’t expect to be here 11 months later … It’s been quite an experience!’ Editor’s note: Vanessa is our very own Stanford celeb. She hails from Durban and is well known as the winner of the first season of Survivor South Africa in Panama.

The Walnes Robyn Walne, a writer and online marketing entrepreneur, moved to Stanford at the beginning of December 2011 with her two daughters, Ruby aged 11 and Sara (far right) aged 9. ‘For the past few years, I have dreamt of moving out of the city to a place where we could live a simpler, more sustainable life and where my daughters could grow up with the freedom I experienced as a child. After a visit to Stanford in June 2010, we knew that we had found our new home. It took some time to tie up loose ends in Durban but we are finally here and look forward to spending many happy years in this lovely little village.’

Johan and Ina van Zyl Johan en Ina van Zyl is twee oud-onderwysers van Pinetown. Die prentjie-mooi dorpie Stanford het ‘n droom vir hulle geword na ‘n artikel wat in ‘n tydskrif verskyn het. Die rustigheid, natuurskoon, voëllewe, baie honde en mense wat omgee was van die pluspunte wat almal na verwys het. Nou leef hulle dit uit! Hulle bou ‘n huis in De Kleine Rivierstraat wat vir hulle en die wit bokser, Jessie, ‘n tuiste sal wees. Tans kuier hul dogter, Wilien, by hulle en hul oudste dogter, Marli, woon in die VSA. ‘We left teaching in Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal to live our dream in the village of Stanford. Here we experience all that a big city cannot provide – the “hustle and bustle” of a lovely plattelandse dorp! Where else in the world can one still see blue cranes flying home in a V-formation…?’ STANFORD RIVER TALK 12

Peter and Paulette Whitelaw ‘After buying a property in Stanford to use as a holiday house over a year ago, we decided to move here permanently as we wanted a slower pace of life. ‘So in June of this year we moved from Cape Town and we are settling well into village life. We are both involved with activities in Hermanus and Stanford including the Animal Welfare Society, Garden Club and the birding and photographic clubs. While Peter still represents AA Shades in the Overberg (manufacturer of awnings/blinds), I on the other hand am spending time developing our garden, enjoying my crafts and country life!’

A quote from The Wisdom of Gibran sent in by Yvonne Ryan We who live amid the excitement of the city know nothing of the life of the mountain villagers. We are swept into the current of urban existence, until we forget the peaceful rhythms of simple country life, reap in the autumn, rest in winter, imitating nature in all her cycles. We are wealthier than the villagers in silver and gold, but they are richer in spirit. What we sow we reap not; they reap what they sow. We are slaves of gain, and they are the children of contentment. Our draught from the cup of life is mixed with bitterness and despair, fear and weariness; but they drink the pure nectar of life’s fulfilment. Kahlil Gibran

Peter Fosseus ‘I moved to manage a farm on the estuary about two months ago. I have spent most of my life behind a computer in the world of IT and attempted to emigrate twice; once to the UK (too homesick) and to the USA (only stayed 6 months deciding it was for the birds). I love living here and the days fly by. I have gained a huge amount of appreciation for anyone who farms. ‘The plan on the farm is to create, as near as possible self-sustainability. My projects will include installing an old-fashioned windmill for water, building a wind turbine, augmented by a hydro-turbine creating a constant electricity supply, developing the chicken population on the farm and experimenting with an aquaponics system to produce fish and plants in a closed system. ‘I have never been married, but was engaged for 8 years which counts for something! ‘

The Wildgarten Hanel family ‘Our hearts have always longed to make the move from the city to the farm. Finally at the beginning of 2011 we took the bold step and here we are embracing every moment of our new adventure. The farm has been in the family since 1982 bought by Reinhardt’s mother and step-father. They built up a small but thriving protea business planting and developing everything biodynamically. Our goal now is to grow and eat healthy organic vegetables and to sustain ourselves as far as we can from our land. We are achieving this and the rewards have been enormous. ‘Schooling for our younger son Alex was an issue as he had come from the German School. The only way was to homeschool. What a wonderful and challenging journey this has been opening up a whole new and unexpected way of life and meeting so many like-minded people along the way. Thank you to all who have made us feel so welcome.’

The Andersons Grant and Tracey Anderson and their twin daughters, Taylor and Courtney (what is it about Stanford and twins?) moved to the village from Cape Town in early 2011. They’ve bought a small farm in the area on which to set up a living and working example of an environmentally sustainable lifestyle for scholars. Grant is an architect by trade, originally from the Overberg, and Tracey runs her own online business from home www.fashionautomatic.com, a virtual closet that emails you outfit suggestions from your own closet every day.

Graeme Kruger A few months ago Graeme Kruger sold up in Cape Town and moved to Stanford after a visit to long-time Stanfordians Natalie and Kevin Husk (his sister and brother-in-law). He fell in love with the village and its wonderful people. Graeme is a qualified paramedic.

At home: (from left) Alex with Lara, Chanda, Reinhardt, Nicholas and Alastair. Editor’s note: Chanda’s mother, Emmaleen Kriel, is the author of two books Close the door softly behind you – a personal account of giving up her middle-class existence in later life to look after well-heeled people in the UK, and Jam every other day – a memoir about raising her six children on a shoestring in the 1960s.


come dine with us!

028 3410 701 +27(0)79 580 0617 5 Queen Victoria Road, Stanford STANFORD RIVER TALK 14

health talk

Happiness and health in 2012 It’s a New Year! Try something different in your life. These two techniques could help to make the changes you want

Why use acupressure? Acupressure is an ancient healing technique that has been around for at least 5000 years


e all have energy blockages from stress, trauma or even physical injury. These blockages occur at acupressure points and restrict your natural energy flow in your body. In turn, your energy flow affects how you feel, think and breathe. These blockages eventually result in physical and emotional symptoms if they are left untreated. The acupressure therapist uses fingers to stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities by using pressure on these points to release blockages and restore flow. The same pressure points and meridians in acupuncture are used, but the client stays fully clothed and there are no needles involved. Acupressure is excellent for boosting the immune system and releasing tension. Treatment increases circulation, reduces pain, releases muscular tension and is great for curing sinusitis. In addition, it is used for sports injuries, general muscle stiffness, relieving lower back pain and works well as treatment for different types of headaches. Acupressure can also assist in relieving emotional pain/stress which can result in physical ailments if not dealt with and released. The best thing about acupressure is that it assists the body’s ability to heal itself which means it is one of the healthiest alternative healing modalities.

Annaliese Lubowskwi, natural healer La Femme 028 313 0660

How kinesiology works Leading to overall wellbeing


ave you ever loved and lost? While the relationship was going well, you had abundant energy, could stay up late, eat junk food and yet felt on top of the world. Then, when the relationship fell apart, you suddenly felt unworthy, depressed, angry … and you got physically ill, perhaps in the form of back pain. What was the real cause of the pain? Something you did physically ‘wrong’? Or was it perhaps an outer manifestation of your internal state that affected your physical body? In this example, if we just worked on the muscles of the back, we may be missing the real cause of the pain. In essence, kinesiology focuses on treating the emotional cause of the problem and not the symptoms. Through a set procedure, the body is able to accurately pinpoint the underlying cause. It may seem like trying to find a needle in a haystack – especially if the original cause is not obvious – but this is where the power of kinesiology lies. Over the centuries, people have been exploring health from different angles to find solutions that improve health on a mental, emotional and physical level. Eager to learn and filled with curiosity, I have attended many workshops and studied the topic as much as possible. When I got introduced to kinesiology I knew this to be what I wanted to do. It brings in all the different modalities I’m interested in and it really works on all levels and therefore leads to overall wellbeing.

Maaike Heger, qualified kinesiologist 072 683 5648

TESTIMONIAL Dynamite comes in small packages … so the saying goes. Maaike is an example of this. She might look petite and innocent but she brings a whole new dynamic to the word powerful! She is open-minded, she’s comfortable to be with, professional and confidentiality is high on her list. She really wants to ensure you get to the root of your problems and help you to understand who you really are. I fully trust her and find her very capable in dealing with my sometimes complex being! Kinesiology helps me to achieve the goals I set for myself … ranging from getting out of bed to do my yoga practice or dealing with other issues such as food allergies. It clarifies many unexplained emotions, like in my case the fear of water, and it gives me ‘me-time’. Lainy Carpenter, De Kelders

Environ® is a scientifically proven vitamin-based skin care system, providing results that transform your skin through a range of products for every phase of your life. Lexi Lawson, your registered Environ consultant, is only a phone call away. Contact her on 082 4959391 for a consultation or to place your orders. STANFORD RIVER TALK 15

food talk

Summer salads After a smorgasbord of fine Christmas fare, we bring you a few salads to tickle your tastes buds at the start of the New Year QUINOA AND GRILLED SOURDOUGH SALAD Irene Ivy’s friends fight over the salads she serves up at her table. This is one of them, inspired by PLENTY (Yotam Ottolenghi) Serves 8 80g quinoa (easily obtained at health shops) One small loaf sourdough or ciabatta bread 50ml olive oil (for the bread) 2 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp red wine vinegar 150ml olive oil for the dressing Large handful coriander leaves, chopped Large handful flat parsley chopped A few mint leaves, chopped 4 small garlic cloves, crushed 1 red onion, thinly sliced 8 ripe tomatoes, small (or 5 large) 1 English cucumber or a small punnet of gherkin cucumbers Salt and black pepper Preheat oven to 180o C. Place the quinoa in a saucepan of boiling water and cook for about 9 minutes or until tender. Rinse under cold water, and drain well. Break the bread into large chunks on a baking tray. Drizzle with 50ml of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake for 10 minutes, turning and tossing, until light golden, dry and crisp. Mix the lemon juice, vinegar, rest of olive oil, herbs and garlic in a large bowl. Add the finely sliced red onions, and toss. Cut the tomatoes and cucumber/s into large chunks and add to the bowl with the bread croutons. Toss gently with your hands until well mixed. Season to taste with salt and pepper.


B’S BEETROOT SALAD Beatrice Pook’s refreshing red salad is delicious on a hot summer’s day and will have you going back for more. Grate (cut if cooked) 3 – 4 medium-sized beetroots fresh from the earth plus 2 medium carrots. Generous handful of roasted (in butter) sunflower seeds and/or sesame seeds. Handful of dried apricots, cut finely. Juice of 1 orange. Mix all ingredients together. Dress mixture with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, sweet chilli sauce, mixed spice, nutmeg, fresh parsley or coriander (dhanya) to taste. Add nasturtium blossoms for good looks and a culinary adventure. Enjoy! Cook’s note: best made with raw beetroot, but also works if lightly cooked or steamed.

THE TACKROOM 2012 will be the year of Horse Shows. Get practicing and get those manes and tails looking good and healthy. The Tackroom will be supplying all you need for the showring. Starting with show shampoo, plaiting elastics etc as well as second hand and new jackets and boots. We will also be hosting a Showing Clinic with all the tricks of the trade to do with turnout and style. Contact maureen@syringastud if you want to be on the show schedule list. Happy riding for 2012!

coffee corner

We now have new umbrellas, extra dog water bowls and delicious home made lemonade. Wishing all a very Happy New year! 028 3410034

I love fabric, all fabrics. So when travelling, souviner shops were never on the list, but fabric shops were. I always came home with a metre of this or two metres of that. These fabrics are now available to you, to be used in any way you wish. Come by and see what I have been collecting over the last 20 years. 083 358 6365

Annaliese and Chantelle of la Femme wish all their Stanford clients a Happy New Year.

beauty and wellness centre

Hair By Belinda

We will be in Stanford next Tuesday 10th January. 028 313 0660

Back to school 10% off all kids’ haircuts for the month of January.

072 329 7753 Tuesday - Friday 9:00 - 16:00 • Saturday 8:30 - 13:00

Mid career (I like that) course on Sustainable Architecture for me during January. Never too old to learn!

Architects & Planners Stanford Consultants Development

architect & interiors

Cell 082 876 0492 Fax 086 7299 123 guywhittle@mweb.co.za

Party time is over! 2012 is going to be a year of serious architecture and commitment with the new green rules and regulations. Nevertheless, there are some exciting projects on the go and some super new fabrics and paint effects coming out. Make 2012 the year of change and fun! info@syringastud.co.za • 082 450 3970

We have had a very busy festive season with some wonderful guests who have really enjoyed Stanford and all it has to offer. Our sister “Cobbler’s Cottage” had its first customers and, despite a wobble in the beginning, have had great visitors who seem to have really enjoyed their stay. 2012 is going to be a year of happy guests, I’m sure! info@syringastud.co.za • 082 450 3970


What’s on in January?




Wine & Wisdom Trivia Quiz Thursday 5 January 7pm at Stanford Art Café. R40 donation to Stanford Conservation Trust. Contact Annie Ranger 028 3410 984. Stanford Sunset Market. Friday 27 January. 6pm - 8pm. Village Green. Wine & Wisdom Trivia Quiz Thursday 2 February 7pm at Stanford Art Café. R40 donation to Stanford Conservation Trust. Contact Annie Ranger 028 3410 984

The treated sewerage outlet point into the Kleinriver is at the slipway at the end of Du Toit Street. The stream in the middle of town, starting in the dip in De Bruyn Street, is partly fed by the treated effluent from the waste water treatment works which gets complemented only in winter, by the overflow of the two dams in the middle of town. The two sampling points for the river are thus respectively known as under and above the treated sewerage outlet point. Determinant (e. Coli) Under treated Above treated Sewerage Standard Sewerage Outlet poin Outlet point (Bridge R43 0-130/100ml (Jetty next to erf 396) to Hermanus) 0






















































































































Escherichia coli (E.coli) – bacteria that is a normal inhabitant of the human intestine. Its presence in a sample indicates pollution from human faeces. Total Coliform bacteria – is the name for all the bacteria that produce gas and acid from the fermentation of lactose and its presence in a sample indicates pollution from the intestines of both humans and animals. Heterotrophic Plate Count – is a standard microbiological method used to determine the efficiency of operations to remove or destroy organisms, good and bad, during the treatment process. DETERMINANT



E. coli STANDARD (0/100ml)



Total Coliform bacteria STANDARD (10/100ml)



Heterotrophic Plate Count STANDARD (5000/100ml)



DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISING IN FEBRUARY EDITION IS 20 JANUARY 2011 design@stanfordrivertalk.co.za • 079 523 8453

Sunrise Sunset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0545 0545 0546 0547 0548 0549 0550 0551 0552 0553 0554 0555 0556 0557 0558 0600 0601 0602 0603 0604 0604

1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1959 1959 1959 1959 1958 1958 1958 1957 1957 1956 1956 1955 1955 1954 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950

HIGH WATER time height 0833 1.45 0943 1.39 1058 1.38 1202 1.41 0049 1.32 0132 1.41 0209 1.50 0243 1.60 0318 1.70 0353 1.78 0429 1.84 0507 1.86 0546 1.85 0629 1.80 0716 1.71 0815 1.61 0929 1.52 1055 1.48 1213 1.51 0103 1.45 0157 1.56 0243 1.67 0324 1.75 0401 1.80 0436 1.82 0509 1.80 0541 1.75 0613 1.68 0646 1.58 0724 1.47 0816 1.36

time 2052 2225 2350 ---1253 1335 1414 1451 1528 1605 1642 1721 1802 1847 1941 2052 2226 2355 ---1317 1410 1456 1536 1612 1645 1717 1748 1819 1852 1934 2041

height 1.24 1.21 1.24 ---1.47 1.54 1.61 1.69 1.74 1.78 1.79 1.75 1.69 1.59 1.47 1.36 1.31 1.35 ---1.57 1.64 1.70 1.73 1.74 1.72 1.67 1.60 1.51 1.40 1.29 1.19

LOW WATER time height 0145 0.77 0255 0.85 0431 0.87 0550 0.83 0646 0.75 0729 0.67 0807 0.58 0843 0.51 0918 0.46 0955 0.43 1033 0.43 1113 0.45 1156 0.49 0003 0.41 0048 0.50 0143 0.59 0258 0.67 0434 0.69 0601 0.62 0709 0.51 0802 0.40 0848 0.33 0928 0.29 1004 0.29 1039 0.33 1112 0.40 1144 0.48 1218 0.57 0014 0.57 0047 0.68 0131 0.78

time 1502 1621 1736 1834 1918 1955 2029 2102 2136 2211 2246 2323 ---1244 1340 1451 1620 1747 1856 1949 2033 2111 2146 2218 2247 2316 2344 ---1255 1341 1447

Information supplied by the Hydrographer, SA Navy © 2010. Not for navigational purposes. The Hydrographer is not responsible for any transcription errors. The use of the provided information is entirely at the user’s own risk.

STANFORD’S MONTHLY NEWSPAPER Distributed in Stanford, Gansbaai & Hermanus. Online copies sent to readers throughout South Africa and worldwide. Readership over 1500 per month. MICHELLE HARDIE - EDITORIAL, ed@stanfordrivertalk.co.za or p 079 2911 588 SANDRA SLABBERT - ADVERTISING, design@stanfordrivertalk.co.za or p 079 523 8453 STANFORD RIVER TALK 18

height 0.81 0.81 0.76 0.68 0.58 0.49 0.41 0.34 0.30 0.28 0.30 0.34 ---0.55 0.61 0.66 0.66 0.59 0.47 0.36 0.27 0.22 0.21 0.24 0.30 0.38 0.47 ---0.65 0.74 0.81

trivia talk


The 2011 Jane Ellis Lollipop Awards for Outstandingly Loyal Wives Married to Tricky Husbands (OLWMTH) go to: 1. Madame StraussKahn for dignity, grace and a serene face when her husband, former IMF chief Dominique, did heaven knows what with a New York chamber maid.

2. Wendi Deng Murdoch who physically and ably defended her old reptile when he was attacked with a foam pie, while being interrogated by the English Parliamentary Culture, Media and Sport Committee. Hopefully both husbands rewarded their loyal, spunky spouses, who showed such style under stress, with more than lollipops.

OUT WITH THEM Barry Humphries, Australia’s famous female stage impersonator, summed it up when condemning the international spread of Extraordinary Trite Phrases (See: The Spectator, 24 September, 2011, p.22; www.spectator.co.uk). His pet hate, which he has met all over the world and most recently in Slovenia, is: ‘Enjoy the rest of your day.’

Here is the Jane Ellis list of words and phrases we hope will die in 2012.

(Approximate translation and occasional comment in brackets for those unused to tiresome international patois.)

‘I don’t “do” that...’ (I am not interested in, do not like whatever. Recent true example of a wife breaking up her marriage: ‘I don’t “do” us any longer’). ‘For me ...’ (I think; my preference). ‘Well done you...’(Why ‘you’? So irritating!). ‘Awesome...’ (Wonderful, incredible, agreeable. Fine on very young lips, awful out of mouths over 30!). ‘Good, good, good...’ (Good full stop. Why always three?). ‘I am positive...’ (Is anyone ever honest enough to say: ‘I am feeling very low’?). ‘Passion...’ (Substituting for enthusiasm, interest used widely for subjects as varied as baking cup cakes and Pilates!).

‘So there we go...’ (Often at the end of a rather worrying story meaning ‘Haven’t a clue what lies ahead’ with a sub-text of ‘too lazy to work it out’). ‘Wicked...’ (Good, terrific, fun as in ‘We had a wicked time.’ Sweet from a pre-teen, awful over 20!). ‘Done and dusted...’ (Completion, often of an emotional issue – an argument). Bottom of the list must go to the ubiquitous, hateful, clichéd: ‘I’ve moved on... just move on… got to move on…’ (Grrrrr. Invariably linked to ‘feeling positive’ and often mouthed before the trauma, crisis or unhappy event has ended, let alone been emotionally and mentally absorbed. It’s a great favourite with former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, now reported to be earning eight million sterling per annum!). But not all international patois should

be binned. Some words and phrases have moved gracefully into daily speech e.g. ‘binned!’ Another good example is ‘cool’, which sprouted in the early 1990s and currently the crisp, warm affirmation implied in ‘absolutely’ seems here to stay – certainly on news interviews. MARRIED OR NOT? PROBABLY NOT! A final word on the modern complex issue of co-habitation without marriage. ‘Single’ used to mean not married; now it seems to mean you are temporarily without a partner of any gender. Do I wish you all a happy and above all interesting New Year? Absolutely! Jane Ellis, Riding on a loose rein in Zimbabwe



There is an HONESTY BOX at Stanfordinfo where you can pay for your classifieds. Please enclose the amount in an envelope. SMALL ADS: R1 a word • BOXED ADS: R77 • info@stanfordrivertalk.co.za • cell: 079 291 1588


AMANA DOUBLE-DOOR fridge/freezer, mechanics recently overhauled. R1500. p Mary 084 643 4504. BLUE AND WHITE STRIPE cotton rug measuring 1.90 x 2.70 cm. R450.p Diana 072 492 5039. PANASONIC PLAIN PAPER FAX/copier/answer machine R300. p 082 965 7384. SUZUKI JEEP for sale. p 028 3410 820 weekends. WOODEN WINDOWS with glass & burglar bars. Size 1850 x 1710 (2), 2245 x 1710 (1). Excellent condition. R2 500 onco. p Willie on 028 384 1618.



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For improving, restoring and maintaining health on a mental, emotional or physical level.

079 468 9060. DOMESTIC WORKER. Hard working and reliable p Serika 073 967 1629. For reference p Sandra 079 523 8453. RELIABLE & HONEST PAINTER. No job too small. Contactable references p Wilson on 072 223 2511.

R300 for the first session (2 hrs), R250 for any session thereafter (90 min) Maaike Heger maaikeheger@gmail.com 072 683 5648


5717 846 or aherriot70@gmail.com for more info.



weekly timetable

Following Michael’s retirement EXTRA LESSONS/Ekstra klasse Gr 3 to 8. Mathematics/Wiskunde, from going up ladders, his Afrikaans and English. Call Linda 028 341 0435. building work will now be available from ‘Mr Blom’ HOUSE CLEANING (076 858 8067,) Michael’s Need you house/flat cleaned? Bed linen changed? Washing & foreman for many years. Blom ironing? Washing itemised ready for laundry collection? p Desiree on is an excellent bricklayer/ 074 353 1884. Refs available. plasterer/roofer. Guy Whittle (082 876 0492) and/or Ansie WANTED Reitsma (082 320 0982) have PLEASE DONATE your unused overlocker to ex-textile factory worker in volunteered to give references Stanford. Hopes to make school shirts to earn income. for his work. p Elma 028 341 0372.

guided multi-day trails & outrides along the whale coast & through unspoilt nature reserves. +27 (0) 82 667 9232 omstables@telkomsa.net www.africanhorseco.com


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Monday 5h30 to 6h45pm Vinyasa Yoga with Leli, Studio @ Art Café, Leli, 082 350 0253. Monday 6pm, Running Time Trails 5km, corner Adderley and Longmarket. Monday & Thursday, 5.15pm - 6pm, Pilates, The old Beauty Spot Studio, above Tops Bottle Store, Tracy: 082 441 8307. Monday & Wednesday, 5pm, Canoeing, Slipway Church St, John Finch 028 341 0444, Jan Malan 082 452 9877. Tuesday (5pm to 6pm) & Friday (9am to 10am), Tae Bo, Stanford Conference Centre, Ronnie 083 655 4521. Tuesday 8:45 to 10am, Iyengar Yoga with Marianne, Studio @ Art Café. Thursday 8:45 to 10am, Vinyasa Yoga with Leli, Studio @ Art Café, Leli 082 3500 253. Tuesday & Thursday, 4pm, Cycling, Meet at Caltex Garage, Dave Morrison 082 321 7996. Wednesday, 6.30pm, Stanford Rotary Club Meeting, Art Café. Everyone welcome. Friday, 5pm, Canoe Time Trials, Slipway Church St, John Finch 028 341 0444, Jan Malan 082 452 9877. Saturday, 10am – 12pm, Stanford Saturday Morning Market, Art Gallery Courtyard from Enquiries call Art Café (028) 3410 591.

WHERE TO WORSHIP IN STANFORD NG GEMEENTE STANFORD Sondae 9:30 in die kerkgebou. Office, tel 028 3410 966. ST THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Morton St, contact Father Joseph Gabriëls 028 3410588 First Sunday of the month 10:30 Communion (Afr). Second Sunday of the month 10:30 Service (Afr) Third Sunday of the month 08:00 Communion (Eng) Fourth Sunday of the month 10:30 Service (Afr) FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF GOD cnr Queen Victoria & Bezuidenhout St. 09:30 Sunday service. Pastor Johnny van der Schyff • 028 3410 422. VG KERK (next to De Bron School) 10:00 Sunday morning. Maureen Diedericks 028 3410 691. STANFORD UNITED CHURCH ST THOMAS CHURCH, meets at St Thomas Church, Morton St. Interdenominational. English service at 6pm Sunday. Bible Study, 7pm Tuesday night at 45 Queen Victoria St. Secretary Kerri Brokensha 028 341 0077. STANFORD RIVER TALK 20

crossword ACROSS 1 He wrote “Call me Ishmael never”? Wrong: not the case (6,8) 9 See explosive new version of Ring opera (9) 10 Box I put in space before fire (5) 11 Mountains in America enclosing river and a lake (5) 12 A gorilla requires time to adjust to this beast (9) 13 Very preoccupied with ex-pupil’s letter to editor (8) 15 Finds drugs and nicks a great many (6) 17 Oriental woman has no love for young Greek male (6) 19 Run a cold shower - it’s boiling in here! (8) 22 Encouraged characters in need to rally after earthquake? (9) 23 Scout in South Africa needed underwater breathing apparatus (5) 24 Heron found in region round Dartmoor, chiefly (5) 25 Awful din is made by cleaner, one states (9) 26 Soldiers may take a dip here (9,5) DOWN 1 Show self-confidence and keep school principal waiting (4,2,4,4) 2 Tries again to run through “Unfinished” (7) 3 Old coins belonging to Tolstoy’s heroine? (5) 4 Woman’s weight rising - a billion (US) kilos! (8) 5 One leaves a man with yen to be unaccompanied (6) 6 I left soldier in the pub, being unreasonable (9) 7 Boat’s pilot perhaps showing hesitation (7) 8 Extremely rude stage musical upset ambassador (14) 14 To some extent, the matter involves shake-up of art foundations (9) 16 Reticules forbidden to ugly old women, according to Spooner (8) 18 For him, it’s more difficult to keep nothing? (7) 20 Soundly regret wounding remark? Nonsense! (7) 21 After university pleasant fellow joined children’s organisation (6) 23 Fast writer (5)


Set by Alberich, www.freecrosswords.net


Entries for the crossword should be sent to Box 228, Stanford, 7210 by 20 January 2012.

© www.conceptispuzzles.com




Each puzzle consists of a blank grid with sum-clues in various places. The object is to fill all empty squares using numbers 1 to 9 so the sum of each horizontal block equals the clue on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. In addition, no number may be used in the same block more than once.

Each puzzle consists of a square grid with numbers appearing in all squares. The object is to shade squares so that the numbers don’t appear in a row or column more than once. In addition, shaded squares must not touch each other vertically or horizontally while all un-shaded squares must create a single continuous area.

Each puzzle consists of a blank grid with sum-clues in various places. The object is to fill all empty squares using numbers 1 to 9 so the sum of each horizontal block equals the clue on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. In addition, no number may be used in the same block more than once.


local services & facilities ACCOMMODATION Beloftebos Cottages B’s Cottage De Klein Rivers Valley Fairhill Nature Reserve Morton Cottage Mosaic Farm Reed Cottage Walshacres Riverside Stanford Country Cottages Stanford River Lodge The Country Cottage Upton House Villa di Baia

082 391 5331 028 341 0430 028 341 0048 079 495 2971 082 450 3970 028 313 2814 028 341 0984 082 614 6322 082 320 0982 028 341 0444 083 553 0663 079 777 5983 082 336 1573

ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES Maryke Brandt 072 172 9545 ALTERATIONS Caitlin’s Dressmaking ANTIQUES/FURNITURE Sir Robert Stanford ARCHITECTURE Maureen Wolters ARTS, CRAFTS & GIFTS Ons Winkel Traderoots BEAUTY AND WELLNESS La Femme BOOKS Sir Robert Stanford

083 358 6365 028 341 0048 082 450 3970 028 341 0647 084 643 4504 028 313 0660 028 341 0048

List your business for just R12 a month (only R144/year). Email: info@stanfordrivertalk.co.za or telephone 07929 11588. ELECTRICIAN H.C.D Electrical

079 182 8825

ESTATE AGENTS Graham Property Consultants 028 341 0641 Marlene’s Properties 082 732 1284 028 341 0929 Michael Thompson 083 225 7367 Pam Golding 028 341 0708 Stanford Village Properties 082 893 2282 072 111 9321 FIREWOOD Walshacres 028 341 0685 082 898 4889 GARDENS & NURSERIES Helen’s Garden Service Krige Tree Services Walshacres Willowdale Nursery HOUSE MANAGEMENT Stanford Country Cottages Village Laundromat

082 977 7080 082 658 0427 028 341 0685 082 899 1172 082 320 0982 072 616 0976

028 313 2814 028 3410 591 028 3410 603 028 341 0647

SECURITY JSK Wrought Iron Safe Security

083 591 9600 028 341 0801

SOLAR South Coast Solar

079 291 1611

TAXI SERVICE Anytime Transfers

082 858 6765

TRUCKS & TRANSPORT Stanford Bricks

028 341 0685

WEDDING VENUES Beloftebos Mosaic Farm Sir Robert Stanford Estate Stanford Hotel

082 542 9556 028 313 2814 028 341 0647 082 781 1704

082 320 0982

INTERIORS Kiwinet Maureen Wolters

028 341 0209 082 450 3970


NEWSPAPER Stanford River Talk

079 291 1588

Sir Robert Stanford Estate Springfontein Wine Estate


028 341 0410 071 219 9212 072 369 8264


028 313 2814

PEST CONTROL Overberg Pest Control

028 312 2225

CONSTRUCTION Stanford Bricks

028 341 0685

DRIVING SCHOOL Drive with Cait

PETS & PET CARE Stanford Kennels Syringa Country Kennels

028 341 0961 028 341 0961

083 358 6365

PLUMBING John Hardie

079 291 1611

Rural and river retreats in tranquil surroundings, Stanford Country Cottages are situated throughout the village and surrounding area. Perfect getaways from stressed city living, they offer a unique base from which to explore this magical village and the fascinating Cape Whale Coast & Overberg. Tel: 028 341 0965 • Cell: 082 320 0982 enquiries@stanfordcountrycottages.co.za www.stanfordcountrycottages.co.za STANFORD RIVER TALK 22

RESTAURANTS 1892 Stanford Spookhuis Art Café Stanford Gallery Havercroft’s Madré’s Kitchen

HOME MAINTENANCE Stanford Country Cottages

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES African Queen River Cruises 082 732 1284 028 3410 929 Klein River Picnics 028 3410 693 Platanna 073 318 5078 River Rat Boat Cruises 083 310 0952

CAR CARE J & J Motorwerke

PRINTING & PUBLISHING The Really Famous Publishing CC 079 291 1588

Stanford Hills Estate

028 341 0432 082 783 7257 028 3410 647 028 341 0651 072 371 7546 028 3410 841

police: 028 3410 601 / 10177 ambulance: 10177 municipality: 028 341 8500 fire & rescue: 079 5077 326 overstrand emergency: 028 313 8000 / 313 8186

Celebrations in Stanford

Simon Croxton 3 January

Simon Upton 8 January

Jeudi Hunter 14 January

Rachel Troost 23 January

If there is a birthday coming up or special occasion you want to share with the village please email ed@stanfordrivertalk.co.za

Mark Erwee 25 January

Congratulations to Elma and Ian Hunter on their recent 50th wedding anniversary. Elna reports: ‘I met a handsome young pilot 53 years ago ... en kyk hoe lyk hy nou!’

... and all on 19 January

Elma celebrates her birthday on 11 January.

Johannes Basson

Crystal Hutton

Fred Hatman

Nikki Swanepoel

Three sisters: (from left) Sophie Plaatjies turned 60 on 22 November 2011, Martina Hen turns 72 on 10 January and Annie Plaatjies 59 on 20 January. Congratulations to Alida Maklein for her 40th birthday on 6 December 2011.

GARDENER’S GOLD DUST 5KG R 29.95 25KG R99.95 Helps water to penetrate sandy soils and retain moisture. Improves plants ability to absorb nutrients from soil. NEW SEAMUNGUS 10KG R 89.95. Retains 120% of its weight in water. Plant tonic made out of fish, Seaweed and Humic Acid. Ideal for indigenous as well as exotic plants. SYPHONJET + 170PL FERTILIZER MIXER R196.95 Mixes fertilizer with water while you are watering.

STANFORD DIY - PAINT - PLUMBING IRRIGATION - NURSERY - ATM Landscaping & irrigation services. Mon - Fri, 7:30 - 17:00 • Sat, 8:00 - 14:00 Tel: (028) 3410 691 • Fax: (028) 341 0413

028 3410 691

R25.95 Rhudbeckia Cherry Brandy. Colourful perennial for full sun areas.

R16.95 Vinca is a small groundcover plant for the full sun. Grows well with little watering and flowers throughout the summer.

R25.95 Begonia non stop is a wonderful small shrub that grows well in dry, shady areas. As the name suggests it flowers non stop.



stewart@alcock.co.za ‘ONE-OF A KIND’ IN THE VILLAGE




R2 790 000.00



R4 300 000





R1 950 000.00


R1 395 000



R1 595 000


Call me to view commercial props - we also have tenants waiting to move in. STEWART 074 126 7770

beauty and wellness centre

Come, relax and enjoy. Spoil yourself or a loved one this holiday! Tranfer your mind to the warm shores of Hawaii and indulge in a LOMI LOMI massage, called “The rhythm of the Heart” the ultimate in relaxation.

Spoil yourself with a HOLISTIC, HOT STONE or SWEDISH full body massage.

Experience AFRICA’s abundance of exotic scents and herbs with a THERA NAKA massage providing the ultimate sensory load for natural beauty, complete relaxation & rejuvenation. All TheraNaka™ Signature Massages and Signature Treatment Packages will commence with a welcoming ritual of foot cleansing to celebrate the connection with nature followed by the unique purification and energy balancing of the core. To conclude the treatment journey fragrant mists and soft sounds reminiscent of the African rain will gently awaken the client.

18 H O PE STR EET, HER MA N U S • 028 313 0660 • info @ lafe m m e he r m a nus . c o . za

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