Volume 94 | JUNE 2013 | Stanford‘s monthly newspaper | R14
Planting for the future
STANFORD HILLS ESTATE the tasting room With our new drop down blinds and fireplace we are ready for cosy winter lunches! Open daily from 11am-5pm. Closed Tuesday & Wednesday. Blackboard lunch menu changes daily according to what is fresh and in season. Call Bridget on 072 639 6135 to find out what's cooking, or to make a booking. Please like our Facebook page for regular menu updates and news of upcoming events.
028 341 0841
R43 Stanford
editorial notes The last few weeks in Stanford have been idyllic but the winter rains are bound to arrive, drenching our lawns, swelling our dams and river, and driving us indoors. As we spend more time with friends and family in closed spaces, maybe we should try harder to get along (Colour Mirrors, page19) children are sure to start suffering from cabin fever and begin climbing the walls – take heed of the advice from Dr Wanya van der Walt (Toothless Wonders, page 11) This year, we salute our dads on Father's Day (Just a Perfect Day, Page 3) and celebrate the young vibrant people of our country on Youth Day (Anything can Happen, Page 15) – both on the same day (16 June). Tuning into the energy and innocence of young people helps us improve our world, and look outward at our community and environment (Out of the Hat and Helping us Breathe Easily, page 19). We wish the young people of our village well as they prepare for their school exams. May you earn yourselves a joyous, thrilling winter holiday. find our business page on facebook or tweet to stanfordrivertalk@villagelife Cover photograph taken by Fredhatman. Forest Fest Delight at Platbos: Children planting the 3 000th tree of the day. Read more on page 19.
Just a perfect day Dads know how to celebrate a perfect Father's Day in Stanford. Everything a good man could need is at his fingertips in this country village – from boating and fishing, and tinkering in a garden or a garage, to mountain biking or beer tasting and braaiing. But most fathers simply want to spend the day at home, with family and good homecooked nosh. Happy Father's Day to the dads of Stanford!
’Vir my is die ideale Vadersdag 'n dag wat ek saam met my vrou en twee pragtige kinders kan spandeer. As pa’s kan ons vir ons kinders wys ons is lief vir hulle soos hulle is – omdat hulle ons kinders is, is hulle waardevol. Ons dogtertjies (al is hulle 40 jaar oud) het nodig om by hul pa’s te hoor dat hulle is bekoorlik/pragtig/bemin/ geliefd, en ons seuns (al is hul 50 jaar oud) het nodig om te hoor hulle is sterk/ talentvol/ hulle het wat dit vat om n man te wees. Om so n rol in ons kinders se lewe te kan speel, maak Pa-wees defnitief die beste ding ooit. Veral met n bietjie ekstra sjokolade op Vadersdag.’ Louis van der Walt
There were six on the bed...(from left): Nathan, Lily, Steve, Jesse, Daniel and Khanya Dumont.
Daddy's girls: Rachel, Shannon and Tim Hague.
'I would like to spend my perfect Father's Day skiing and braaing on the Clanwilliam dam.' Steve Dumont
’With two beautiful little girls like this, what more could I want on Father's Day?’ Tim Hague
’I think I'm gonna enjoy Father's Day at the sea with my son because that is what my father and I used to do.’ Graig Neimand Like father, like son: Graig Neimand and his son, Duncan.
CONTACT US www.stanfordrivertalk.co.za Phil Murray – editor, philippa.murray@gmail.com, 082 667 0619 Sandra Slabbert – design editor design@stanfordrivertalk.co.za , 079 523 8453 Michelle Hardie – managing editor. All account queries, 079 2911 588
’A good day for me would be to be at home with the family, relaxing and having a great lunch.’ Mark Erwee
MONTHLY CONTRIBUTORS Churton Collins, Cath Croxton, Janika Dorland, Marian Ferris, Fred Hatman, Bob Hadley, Andrew Herriot, Melissie Jolly, Olga Koorts, Don MacIver, Suzanne-Francoise Rossouw, Naas Terblanche, Bea Whittaker and Tania Weich.
Editorial Contributions & Disclaimer Editorial contributions are welcome and should include top quality photos where relevant. Articles will be printed under the contributor‘s name or an accepted nom-de-plume if the full name and address is provided. All contributions are voluntary and not paid for. The editor reserves the right to edit, amend, abridge or reject any article. Opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the editor. Copyright All material in this issue is copyrighted, and belongs to The Really Famous Publishing CC unless otherwise indicated. No part of the material may be reproduced without prior permission. Published and printed by The Really Famous Publishing CC.
news & updates
Meeting held 16 May 2013
MARKET SQUARE SURFACE IMPROVEMENT The amount of R75 000 set aside for the Market Square as part of the ward-specific projects will be used from July 2013 to improve the surface thereof. This includes providing better drainage and the necessary irrigation system and associated pump to water the surface area regularly. In the past few months the area has already shown an improvement due to the Municipal Parks Department involvement in a programme to kill the weeds and apply fertiliser to stimulate grass growth. A project to further improve the appearance of the Market Square will be attended to in the 2014/15 financial year. WORKING FOR THE COAST The Overstrand Working for the Coast Project (which brings us the ‘Green Team’) received a 95% successful audit for their performance over the past two years. The municipality has recommended that the same implementing agent be used for the next two-year contract, and that the contractors for each team to be retained. The Department of Environmental Affairs (which funds 100 percent of the project) will make the final decision by the end of the month. CHANGE ROOMS AT SOCCER FIELDS The project will be completed by the end of June 2013. BIRDING FACILITIES AT THE WILLEM APPEL DAMS Most of the material has been bought and construction will start soon. LAND FOR STANFORD LOW-COST HOUSING PROJECT The land bought from the chicken farm is in the process of being registered at the moment. However, it will take at least another four years of planning and procuring finance before any houses can be built. GREENEST TOWN AWARD The Department of Environmental Affairs, (the benefactor of the Greenest Town Award), has stated that waste-management projects should receive the highest priority for spending the R7 million awarded to the Overstrand Municipality for 2011 and 2012. Of the R7 million, a minimum of 35% must be spent on labour and a maximum of R2.9 million on property, plants and material. From the latter amount, R700 000 was allocated for one weighbridge each at the Kleinmond and Hermanus waste sites; R450 000 for three moveable chippers (Gansbaai/Stanford; Hermanus; Kleinmond); and R850 000 for 2 500 ’wheelie bins’ for the informal settlement areas in Gansbaai, Stanford and Kleinmond. OU KRALE REVITALISATION PROJECT Stanford requested that R3.5 million of the Greenest Town Award be used to improve the area from the Ou Krale to Mathilda May Street (present sport grounds and community hall). Due to the conditions prescribed by the DEA above, such a large amount will not be available and it was decided to take the proposal, relook at everything that needs to be done and present the plan as a phased development over a period of at least five years. Bea Whittaker
Plunge for good The Penguin Plunge has been moved to the Du Toit St slipway. After a brief swim, participants can waddle up the concrete slipway like true Stanford Penguins. Participants are asked to make a donation to the Penguin Plunge fund and they will be rewarded with a traditional glass of glühwein or hot chocolate. Springfontein Winery is providing the glühwein, and warm food will be available for purchase on the day. All funds raised will go towards feeding the elderly in need through the local soup kitchens.
Safe, my mate
The Electromagnetic Field Measurement Survey (24 April 2013) showed that the measurements taken at various sites in Stanford fall well within the recommended range for public residency. The report is non-subjective and is available in full for the public to read. Please find the full report on our Facebook Business Page. General consensus among the scientists is that we are exposed to more harmful radiation from our own personal cell phones and Wifi than we are from the cell phone tower. So we should try not to carry our cell phones on our bodies, or sleep with them next to our heads at night. Thank you to Anka Esterhuizen for being the driving force behind this survey.
In memory of Fred Smith The Stanford River Talk team sends deep condolences to the family and friends of Fred Smith, who are still reeling from the shock of Fred’s unexpected passing. We salute his energy and jovialism, and are grateful for his contributions of ’The Night Sky’. May you soar to the heavens, Fred.
Voting strength in numbers
We are trying to increase the membership of Stanford Conservation so that we can have as broad a representative base as possible. It gives Stanford Conservation voting credibility if we can prove that we have a large membership base (100 plus, aiming for 250) especially when requesting the municipality to address environmental and/or heritage issues, or applying for external project funding eg. the restoration of St Thomas Anglican Church. Over the past few months we were called out to various scenes from The good news is that 2013/2014 membership is free. three motor vehicle accidents and two fires to monitoring bridges on the We raise funds by various other means (monthly ’Wine and Wisdom’ R43 and R326 during heavy rainfall in the area. evenings) and therefore can make this exception to prospective One of the fires was at the slipway in Du Toit and Caledon Streets interested people for the coming year. where the reeds were on fire. We believe that this was a case of arson. Join join join! It costs nothing and, in return, see our village go from There was also a structural fire in Dreyer Street where a home caught strength to strength regarding our environment and heritage. fire. The cause is still unknown but we managed to bring the flames Please apply for the membership form from one of the following email under control before they spread to the other rooms in the house. addresses: hestermaria@whalemail.co.za or basilbea@gmail.com Thanks to neighbours and members of public for their assistance. Keep yourself up-to-date with the latest information by visiting God Bless. www.stanfordconservation.co.za Graig Neimand (076 987 1414) Stanford Fire & Rescue Hester Venter
Fire report
news & updates
How can we help you? Riversong Community Network Update
Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting as well as to Jill Smith who has kindly offered us the use of her guesthouse for meetings and social events. This is a new community project. Dr Steyn, Sr Martie du Toit and Paulette Whitelaw are giving time voluntarily to set up this network. As professionals, Dr Steyn and Sr Martie du Toit are both answerable to their professional councils and are always aware of the importance of maintaining the highest level of medical care. Our aim is to eventually hand this project over to the community, while remaining responsible for overseeing this project. We have had to re-evaluate what we can realistically offer the community. We have two primary goals: 1) To provide medical advice and knowledge on a regular basis (in the form of lectures) and empower everyone to make decisions for their own wellbeing. 2) To get the community involved in caring for the elderly by volunteering to do home visits, making meals, collecting medicines, mail and groceries and assisting with basic home maintenance. As this network grows, we can re-evaluate and broaden the volunteering services. To get involved, please contact Paulette Whitelaw on 082 941 9007 or prwagencies@telkomsa.net Our next meeting is 12 June 2013, 3pm Galashiels Lodge, 10 King Street, Stanford. Paulette Whitelaw
STANFORD PROPERTY SALES Three properties in Stanford were issued with a sales certificate in May. These figures include name transfers.
Sam's living memory On Wednesday 8 May, exactly three months after Sam’s memorial service, the plants so lovingly given from far and wide finally went into the ground. What started out as a small garden to honour our little boy, turned into a mammoth project involving many man hours and assistance from all corners. A group of knowledgeable ladies, ably led by Nanna Carol, planned the layout. Neighbouring farmers delivered compost by the truckload. Rocks were collected from around the farm to build the retaining walls for ten levels. And on planting day around 20 helpers worked and sweated as they dug and planted. Still very much a work in progress, Sam’s garden is open to the public should you wish to have a walk or leave a message to someone. We hope that in years to come, once the garden is well established, it will be a place for people to find peace and comfort. It is a living memorial for Sam, and a permanent reminder of the love and kindness shown to us by the people of Stanford and from around the world. Thank you all once again. Diggers: Regina Jacoby and Cynthia From Jami, Peter and Hilton. the boys
The Road Leads to Stanford
A large traffic circle has been proposed for the entrance to Stanford. This should force vehicles to slow down as they drive past Stanford, and it should make the intersection safer for vehicles and pedestrians. EXTRACTS FROM PROPOSED REHABILITATION AND UPGRADING OF R43 BETWEEN HERMANUS AND STANFORD: The Western Cape Government: Department of Transport and Public Works (DTPW) is proposing to rehabilitate and upgrade the R43 between Hermanus and Stanford. EFG Engineers (Pty) Ltd (EFG) has been appointed to investigate and undertake the necessary planning and design to address a number of issues along the R43 between Hermanus and Stanford, including, but not limited to, vertical and horizontal alignment, sight distances, stormwater issues and unsafe accesses. If you or your organisation wish to register as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) and/or wish to raise any issues or concerns regarding the proposed project, please contact Jeremy Blood of CCA no later than Friday 21 June 2013 (number below). Notice is also hereby given that two Information-sharing meetings will be held on Thursday 13 June 2013. The purpose of these meetings is to provide a basic overview of the proposed project and allow I&APs the opportunity to raise any issues or concerns. The details of these meetings are provided below: Stanford: Council Chambers Overstrand Municipality, 17 Queen Victoria Street, 13h00 Hermanus: Wine Village (1st Floor), Hemel en Aarde Village, 17h30 CCA ENVIRONMENTAL (Pty) Ltd Consulting Services. Tel + 27 (21) 461 1118
Trance Party – Stanford Police Response In order to clarify residents’ queries and complaints about the Trance party held on 18 May, the following information needs to be shared with the village: • Stanford Police does not give permission for such mass events. The application for Trance parties goes through many channels with the Overstrand Municipality giving it the goahead. • After making a crime risk assessment, (made by the provincial police department) SAPS are then required to police the event. The event of the 18 May was classified a low crime risk. • On the night, every vehicle as well as many individuals were searched for drugs by the Stanford Police. Eleven people were arrested for possession of drugs. • There were no reports about drunken driving, thefts or car break-ins. The one drunk-driving incident occurred in the town and not at the event. There were no complaints about riotous behaviour. • The motor car accident on the R43 did not occur on the night of the event, rather the following day. Residents are asked to put their complaints in writing to the police. This will help in making risk assessments for future trance parties. Stanford Police STANFORD RIVER TALK 5
news and updates
Stanford landmark celebrates 150 years
Stanford’s historical St Thomas Anglican Church will be celebrating 150 years of existence during the weekend 19 & 20 July. The main feature will be a celebration concert on Saturday, 20 July from 6 – 8 pm. This will be a black tie event, with the inspiring A Volonté Trio from Hermanus (who between them play the piano, violin, cello, clarinet, saxophone, accordion and the organ) providing an outstanding programme of classical music. Guest artist will be local soprano Bea Whittaker, performing, amongst others, Schubert’s Der Hirt auf dem Felsen, a magnificent piece of chamber music for voice, clarinet and piano. There will also be a short organ piece on the church’s reed organ, which is being restored at the moment and will hopefully be ready in time. The concert is a fund-raising event to enable the church to fix the thatch roof of the adjacent hall – the original ‘oulap’ school in Stanford. Tickets are sold at R175p/p, which includes a pre-concert glass of sherry and a post-concert mingle where local wine will be on offer. Soup and canapés prepared by Alex and Tabby from Graze will be served, and sweets prepared by the congregation will finish off the special event. Only 100 seats are available, and the event will be publicised far and wide, including to all couples who got married in the church in the last five years! Tickets are available from Bea Whittaker (028 341 0430 or milkwood@maxitec.co.za) or from Stanfordinfo.
New faces in the village Shannon Leigh Hague was born a chubby 3.8kg and 50.5cm in length. Arriving on Tim's birthday (3 April) saved me from having to buy him a present this year! Tim is back to cooking dinner every night, no wait...he is still cooking Sugar 'n spice and all things nice: The Hague family welcomes dinner every night. Shannon is doing well, Shannon. gaining weight and sleeping deeply. Her big sister is thrilled most of the time and is a great help when an extra pair of hands is needed. The Hague family is now complete. Caitlin Hague
Welcome home, Martin and Debbie Taverner Smith! Looking forward to lots of fun times in Stanford. From Natalie, Kevin and all the crazy estate owners.
• Peter and Heike Krcmar bought Oak Grove Farm. • Neville and Lorraine Brander bought a plot and will begin building soon. • Mike and Cynthia Hilton have just finalised the sale of their plot. From Jill Smith and the Team
For all your sewing needs Alterations-Repairs Home Decor NOW ALSO Haberdashery Embroidery Threads From R10 Ribbon/bias binding from R1 White Velcro from R4 Self threading needles Cross Stitch Patterns Sewing Thread and much more Cushions and Gifts available 18 Queen Victoria Street 083 358 6365 STANFORD RIVER TALK 6
business talk
Award-winning wine LOMOND EARNS GOLD AT CONCOURS MONDIAL DU SAUVIGNON The 2012 vintage of Lomond Sauvignon Blanc was awarded a gold medal at the recent Concours Mondial du Sauvignon, held annually in France. It showed it did not have to take a back seat to its singlevineyard ’brothers’: the Pincushion Sauvignon Blanc and Sugarbush Sauvignon Blanc. The two latter wines are regular award-winners on both local and international competitions. Sonja Bezuidenhout
Finding the right position
Martin Ranger discusses the Stanford brand To be honest it’s a while since I have toiled at the commercial marketing coal-face. It was so long ago that I remember listening to Spandau Ballet whilst avoiding nagging Account Executives clad in pink legwarmers. Now, after a period of operational and general management and a few years of semi-retirement, I do find that the evolving jargon and the techniques are becoming a little distant. However, the basics don’t really change. And one of those basics is brand awareness. In what way does a potential customer first react to a brand? Does Woolworths = Quality? Or Johnnie Walker Blue = Status? What about Fiat? OK, never mind. But you get my point. An element of successful branding is creating a positive association in your potential customer’s mind. So how do SA’s principal tourist destinations fair? Simplistically you could say: Hermanus = Whales or Knysna = Oysters. But is it that simple? Let’s take Knysna as an example. Sure, many associate Knysna with its delicious oysters; however, others might have a different take, like elephants, a marathon, indigenous forests or perhaps gay pride. What about Stanford? In 2007 we adopted ‘A village green’ as our pay-off line. It reflected our brand positioning because at that time ecological and heritage issues were becoming fashionable and that phrase sort of covered both. In 2011 we reviewed our positioning against a background of expanding attractions. We now had a successful wine route and growing wedding businesses. River usage was increasing and Stanford’s reputation as a weekend breakaway destination was growing. We debated a pay-off line that would distil all of our attractions and so ‘A taste of village life’ was born. What now? Well, soon it will be time to review our brand once more. One major factor to be considered is the huge potential of avian tourism. Recently we attended a presentation on the opportunities presented by the birding enthusiast. Currently Wakkerstroom is regarded as South Africa’s birding capital, but according to senior members of BirdLife South Africa there is no reason why Stanford should not aspire to challenge that position. Will it be easy? No. We’ll have to construct hides and birding routes as well as developing a culture of birder-friendliness. Can we do it? Of course. We just have to define the value and decide that we want to make it work. The De Hoop Stretton’s Stanford Bird Fair provides us with an ideal platform from which to begin since it is already recognised by BirdLife Africa and features on their annual calendar. Soon the management of Stanfordinfo will pass to a new committee. One of their first tasks will be to prioritise the Association’s support for local initiatives. Thereafter some strategic thinking will have to be applied to our brand’s awareness and its pay-off line - ‘A taste of village life’. The challenge will be to consolidate the current levels of awareness that has been so successfully cultivated whilst looking for expansion. Maybe it’s time to look to the sky? Keep flying. Martin Ranger Please note that the Stanford Village Fair that was planned for June 28-30 has been cancelled.
Do the Maths
The Old Boar exposes the ruptures in logic It is almost mid-winter although for some reason that I don’t understand, the winter chill is still to come. Another thing that has been puzzling me lately is breakfast cereal. It’s about corn flakes and bran flakes. Whether bran flakes will set you free as they claim is beyond the scope of this article. What I am getting at is the price. At our well-known upmarket grocery supermarket (as well as being purveyors of other quality goods where the packaging usually costs more than the content) a box of imported flakes is R10/kg cheaper than an equal quantity of home grown and processed flakes. How can something be grown, processed, packaged and shipped 9 000-odd km, and be sold for less than the same product that has been transported at most 1 500km? I see that our local grocer has a special on at present – R20/kg cheaper than the above supermarket and R27/kg (46%) below their usual selling price. There is no doubt that we are at the mercy of big business. Who can we trust? Certainly not our government – special landing rights, diplomatic passports anybody? How about motor vehicle manufacturers? Using two different makes of vehicle the distance from Stanford to the Somerset Mall off-ramp is 100km. A third vehicle measures 105km. So what? Well the third vehicle claims to have an excellent fuel consumption – which has just been shown to have been ‘improved’ by 5%. As our Rand becomes worth less and less it seems that we will have to become more and more self-sufficient. Hang in there! Support our Saturday market – we have to keep it going, soon it may be all that we have.
New pub and restaurant in town
Good times: (from left to right) Eben & Mari Calitz, Peter & Jill Younghusband at the opening of Bobby McGees. Eben en Mari Calitz, eienaars van KC’s Restaurant in Queen Victoria Straat, wat sedert Mei 2011 oop is, het besluit dit is tyd om nog ‘n eetplek/kroeg oop te maak. Bobby McGees Steakhouse het sy deure geopen in Mei – die Calitz egpaar het in die verlede Bobby McGees Steakhouse in Stellenbosch bedryf. Eben sê hulle konsentreer op verouderde vleissnitte en spesiale disse soos Fillet Fromage, Bobby’s Tornados asook pizzas, vis en hoender disse. Die ruim kroeg-area het TV’s en rusbanke vir sportliefhebbers, sowel as kaggels. Hierdie area open op die markplein. Bobby McGees is oop vir ontbyt, middagete sowel as saans van Dinsdae tot Sondae. Vir besprekings skakel 028 3410 591. TIP FROM GREYBEARD Our Stanford water is hard, so hard it can cause havoc with your geyser element and thermostat. If you are using less electricity than normal; be prepared! Lime cakes onto heating elements, reducing their efficiency, and it corrodes them. Electric kettles fall victim too, and there are no reliable ‘de-scalers’ available in the shops. The long term answer is to fit filters on the incoming water supply. We had it done recently and it is not too expensive. If anyone is interested, ask me: 082 901 9011. STANFORD RIVER TALK 7
Rotary’s third Winter Warmth project, blankets for the needy, this year included jerseys and fleeces for toddlers. With the help of several ladies from the village, sufficient jerseys had been knitted for children up to two years of age, and fleece tops were purchased for the three to five-year-olds, with funds we received from Claremont Rotary Club. At the end of April, the children and their mothers gathered at Anchor Ministries and the rugby field, and a total of 85 jerseys / fleeces were handed to each of the children on our lists (acquired from various organisations working with the communities in Stanford South and Die Kop). Some jerseys have also been handed out at Die Kop, and the remaining ones will be given out at the end of May. The blanket hand-out will take place during the next few weeks. The Rotary Club of Stanford would like thank all the ladies in the ‘knitting circle’ for working so hard to produce these jerseys – you are all absolute stars! Since this is an ongoing project, please don’t stop now – there are more people in need. Our sincere thanks to Claremont Rotary – without their donation, this project would have been so much smaller in scale.
CREATIVE WORKS Creative Works has quickly grown from a small group of 20 to between 60-80 children who attend three afternoons a week, either at the rugby field or at Anchor Ministries. Regina Broenner and Jenny October are assisted by a group of volunteers who assist with story time, craft making and play time, and share their love and compassion. In June 2013 Regina will be presenting Stanford Creative Works to a select audience in Germany. She hopes to build up partnerships with overseas organizations in order to develop the workshops and Jenny’s after care initiative into a permanent programme. Rotary dream of having a youth centre for children to develop in a safe environment outside school hours.
SERVE A VILLAGE VOLUNTEERS VISIT Nine female volunteers from Serve-aVillage spent 20 – 25 May in our village working on various projects – from making and serving soup (Anchor Ministries) to planting gardens (Koshuis, Funimfundo, Volvertroue); from puppet shows (Buzzy Bees) to painting the Koshuis walls; from doing ladies’ hair at Volvertroue to taking FunimFundo Grade R students for an outing to the Cheese Farm; they visited Star Literacy at Die Bron and were proudly shown the new library and extended vegetable garden. But, it was not all work, work, work. Food4Thought organised a scrumptious traditional African lunch at Die Kop and the Art Café dished up exciting pizzas during their presentation evening; they hiked to the Pig’s Snout, played a friendly soccer match with the Young Tigers and were taken on various fun activities and sight seeing trips by Mosaic Private Sanctuary. Rotary would like to thank each and every organisation as well as those individuals who helped make this an unforgettable experience for these young Americans, many of whom expressed the desire to come back to our village. STANFORD RIVER TALK 8
Buzzy Bees would like to thank Servea-Village for the entertaining puppet show and the donation of art supplies.The children had a ball.
SOUP KITCHENS Due to delivery problems from the Red Cross to Badisa, Rotary has now taken on providing supplies to the after school feeding kitchens usually run by Badisa – this brings the number of soup kitchens actively supported by Rotary to SIX feeding more than 300 people up to four times a week. As you can imagine, the need for supplies is great – PLEASE support the Rotary Box at Spar; the ‘soup kitchen book’ at Kobin’s General Trading Store or let us know if you have surplus or left over supplies at your house, restaurant or farm. Contact Ansie (082 320 0982) or Lana ( 082 216 4398) for pick up, or drop off at Stanfordinfo. Our heartfelt thanks on behalf of all of those in need of warm nutritious food.
Aron’s word
How could you burn your own town?
n the name of Aron’s Word I would like to greet everyone who keeps reading and supporting this local newspaper. Please put your safety belts on and have no ‘heart’ feelings because we are going to drive 120km/hour and zoom into municipal service delivery in the Overstrand area. We are experiencing difficult times in the entire Overstrand where I have lived for more than twenty years and have never seen this municipality deliver poor service. I tend not to understand people when they say ‘poor municipality service delivery’. What formula do they use to measure municipal performance? I have attended a couple of IDP and Budget community meetings, and never heard of any inhabitant ask municipal officials for a formula to measure their performance. My question to everyone is, ‘How could you accuse the municipal of poor service delivery if you don’t have the standard/ formula with which to measure the performance?’ I think we are not comparing ‘apples with apples’ here but are comparing ‘apples with bananas’. I’m not praising Overstrand Municipality, but let’s zoom into their operational section. Do you ever see sewerage running
on streets in town, even in townships, as happens in the Eastern Cape and Limpopo? Are you ever without water for a day without a valid reason and notification? If you answer ‘no’ to my questions then how could you burn your own ‘Kasi’ township because of ‘poor municipal service delivery’? How could you embark on violent strikes and vandalize your own resources which have been paid for with huge tax amounts? If I do not make this statement, it would be like I’m committing suicide: ‘Overstrandians, let’s not play politics with municipal service delivery’. I condemn the violent strike in Masakhane (Gansbaai) during 11–13 May 2013 to protest ‘poor municipal service delivery’. I condemn the illegal strike in Zwelihle (Hermanus) in the first week of May 2013 because of ‘poor municipal service delivery’. I need someone to come and convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt that Overstrand Municipality delivers poor service. I need someone who will not give me heat but give me fire. Please give me fire! Here is my e-mail address: 45465630@mylife.unisa.ac.za
Breaching the virtual divide
legal talk
Churton Collins says that with the good, you've got to take the bad. It is curious that one of the world’s greatest inventions, the Internet, for all its world-shattering attributes, is weighed down by crime. Theft of cash snugly held in bank accounts, phishing, copyright violations, music piracy, viruses, wikileaks, cyber-bullying, anonymous character assassination, spreading of false rumours, have all cast a pall over the new dawn that the internet promised. The public has been forced to spend large amounts on security as governments scramble to develop legislation to thwart the criminals and miscreants. Totalitarian regimes censor content while, at the other extreme, state secrets are stolen and proudly published under the pretence of freedom of information. Viruses used to breed in the vast sewers of the East, creep on to ships and disembark at every port on planet earth. Influenza is a mutating curse that mocks the inviolability of modern medicine. If that was not enough, we now have anti-social vandals who spread computer viruses around the globe with the intention of disabling as many computers as possible. Hackers have attained cult status in the underworld of cynics and disenchanted youth as they, like their malevolent and microscopic counterparts, out-think and outpace the Mr Plods of the world of Internet security. But it’s not all bad. In a split second I can find the geographical co-ordinates of Blagoveshchensk in the Republic of Bashkortostan, or how to make a bomb. I can even produce my very own gun. The Internet started as a Utopian dream and remains probably the greatest thing that has happened in my lifetime. Pity, though, about the dark side of human nature – except that it keeps lawyers in business. Oh yes, that reminds me – I must shake out the piggy bank to pay my Nortons subscription.
* Irrigation installation, maintenance & repair * Clearing, weeding & weed control, pruning * Refuse removal * General handyman services (eg. tiling, repairs, small building jobs etc) * Pool maintenance ANDRE DU TOIT 083 276 6614 Email: andre.p.dutoit@gmail.com STANFORD RIVER TALK 9
garden talk
by Suzanne-Francoise Rossouw
Fence-sitting Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea) Bougainvillea is one of those climbers planted for its vibrant and colourful flower shows, able to cover large areas easily. The plants thrive in hot, dry conditions if they are grown in the full sun. In ideal conditions plants will flower from spring to autumn.
People are always looking for plants to cover ugly walls or a fence without too much trouble. Here are some suggestions of a few easy-to-grow climbers for our coastal area.
Senicio tamoides (Canary Creeper) An extremely fast-growing climber with attractive foliage that resembles ivy and can grow in full sun or shade. It bears bright yellow flowers in autumn and can withstand drought conditions.
Jasminium multipartitum (Jasmine) An indigenous jasmine with Trachelospermum jasminoides dark green foliage and white (Star Jasmine) fragrant flowers. The plant An evergreen trailing plant that can be shaped into a hedge is fairly slow-growing until it if grown next to a fence becomes established. It is best otherwise it also works well known for its fragrant star-shaped if trained up against a wall. flowers that are produced in the The plant grows at its best in summer months. rich well-drained soil in full sun to semi-shade.
Thunbergia alata (Black-Eyed Susan) This is a fasttrailing climber that produces masses of bright orange flowers from spring to autumn. The plant can be semi-deciduous if it is very cold in the winter, and grows at its best in the full sun. Pandorea jasminoides (Bower Climber) Pandorea is a brilliant climber to plant close to the seaside as it can withstand the wind and salty air. Trumpet-shaped pink or white flowers are produced in spring to autumn.
Worst weed discovered in Stanford
antana (part of the verbena family), one of the worst weeds in the world, has reared its head in Stanford. People living in the Western Cape unknowingly see it as a shrub with lovely colourful flowers, and mostly are oblivious of the havoc it is creating in South Africa, especially in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga. Lantana is a declared CARA Category 1 plant in South Africa and land owners are legally obliged to attempt to control it. Dispersed by fruit-eating birds
(of which Stanford has many), it establishes itself along fence and electricity lines and under trees, where it out-competes indigenous plants and forms impenetrable, prickly thickets that reduce natural pasturage, productivity of cattle farming, access to water supplies and tree plantations, biodiversity and land value. Despite the large number of natural enemies that have been established on lantana since the 1960s, it still remains one of the most vigorously growing, invasive weed species
in South Africa. Biocontrol agents currently established are simply unable to stop the weed densifying and spreading. To control lantana, one has to resort to very thorough and persistent mechanical and chemical treatments. Lantana plants have been identified and removed from two properties in Stanford, and they are two too many. If you do have this ‘lovely’ shrub growing in your garden PLEASE remove it by digging it out root and all, or use a very strong herbicide to kill the stem and root remaining
Promotions STANFORD DIY - PAINT - PLUMBING IRRIGATION - NURSERY Landscaping & irrigation services.
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after you have chopped it out. We cannot afford for this weed to become a menace in Stanford along with all the other invasive species that have to be controlled. And we just cannot afford to have it start invading our fynbos. Lantana is a WEED – you MUST kill it, by law!
WINTER PLANT CLEARANCE SALE NEW HI-TEC WINTER JACKETS NOW AVAILBLE Assorted 4KG Bougainvilleas R 45.95 Hadeco Hyacinth Bulbs From R25.95 Tecoma capensis 4kg R21.95 Wish Compression Sprayer 7L R149.95 Cadac Camping Gas Lantern 902192 R249.95 Skill Drill 6002 500W 13mm R259.95 Duram Rainkote 5L Assorted Colors with free Membrane R185.95 Braai Bri-Lite Tin (24-Block) 124/3 R69.95 Efekto Roundup 1L R110.95 Efecto Rosecare 100ml R54.95 Tabor Straight Hedge Shears 7" R74.95 Reli-On NR400 Lopper R215.95 Jonson Black Ankle Gumboot R 159.95 Lasher Spade No2-DH-SS (500) R95.95 Wheelbarrow Concrete Solid Tire K R330 Wish Compression Sprayer 7L R149.95
school talk
DIE BRON Candlelight Memorial Day A Candlelight Memorial day was held for those who suffered from HIV/AIDS and died, and for those who still live with it. The Memorial Service was held at Die Bron Primary in Stanford. The educators and learners sang songs and observed a five minute silence while candles were lit and flags were waved. The service ended with a word of prayer.
The gift of song: Learners at Die Bron honoured those touched by HIV and Aids.
Exam message
Mrs October, the Principal of Die Bron Primary, and all the staff members would like to wish our Grade 4–7 learners all the best for their exams starting on 27 May.
OKKIE SMUTS Exam message
To accomplish great things, We must not only act, But also dream, Not only plan but also believe, Best wishes for exam.
’Vertrou volkome op die Here en moenie op jou eie insigte staat maak nie. Ken Hom in alles wat jy doen en Hy sal jou die regte pad laat loop.’ Spreuke 3: 5-6 In hierdie eksamen moet jy onthou, Jesus is elke oomblik saam met jou. As jy jou kant bring en hard swot in die drie weke Sal jy voel hoe die Here jou toegooi met sy liefdesstreke!
Father’s Day Raffle
Please support our Father’s Day Raffle worth about R800 including a big bag of braai wood. Tickets are R10 each, available from the school office. Thanks to Overberg Agri and Stanford Spar who partially sponsored the raffle prize. Closing date 13 June 2013.
10 Things to Know about Funimfundo Pre-school 1) 10 years ago on 31 May, 2003, Funimfundo opened its doors to isiXhosa-speaking pre-school children living in and around Stanford. 2) When it started there were 20 children. There are now 55 children and there is no space for any more. 3) Some of the first children who attended are now 16 years old. 4) Two of the teachers are trained to Level 4 on the government accredited Early Learning Development teacher-training programme. 5) Funimfundo has a fully-fledged formal Parent-Teacher Committee that holds regular meetings. 6) All the teachers are computer literate and there is Internet access at the school. 7) Funimfundo has a thriving vegetable garden which helps feed the children on a daily basis. 8) The school started with two classrooms and now has three. 9) This year Funimfundo opened its first proper library with books donated by readers of an internet blog based in Cape Town. 10) In 2012 Funimfundo was declared by an independent audit as the ’best-managed’ pre-school in the Overstrand. Remember – we need your support. Cath Croxton For more information and/or to arrange a visit please contact: www.f4t4kids.co.za • 028 341 0401 • 083 240 8454
Toothless wonders
health talk
Dr Wanya van der Walt shares some tips on dental safety and dental trauma. Children lead busy and active lives and are prone to having accidents. It is part of growing up. Although parents try to teach their children to play safely to avoid injury we must also ensure that the environment they play in is safe. Here are a few tips on protecting your child from dental injury: • Always use approved car seats and safety belts • Be cautious of bunk beds – put up railings to prevent the child from falling whilst they are asleep. • Infants busy teething will chew almost anything so make sure no materials or objects are lying around that can crack or splinter. • Toddlers learning to walk will most definitely have a few falls in the process, especially on tiles, stairs and into tables and cupboards. • Using a mouth-guard during contact sports. It prevents damage to teeth as well as severe concussion. What to do with a knocked out tooth: • Stop bleeding with firm pressure • Find knocked out tooth • Try not to touch or handle the root of the tooth, even if it is full of dirt • Do not rinse the tooth under tap water • If possible store the tooth in child’s cheek (do not swallow) • Keep the tooth in container with milk or saline (1litre boiled water to 1tsp salt) • Get to a dentist immediately for re-implantation and splinting
STRAND-VELD HIKING SATURDAY 6 JULY: Mount Dyer mountain route. 08:00 at Gansbaai Info. Cost: R20 pp. Leader: Paul Adams 082 218 8738. STANFORD RIVER TALK 11
STANFORD VALLEY NEWS! The Stanford Valley Guest and Conference business is buzzing! We host a variety of functions from one to ten day conferences, themed events and weddings, to music festivals, luncheons and self-catering guests. We even had our first wine tasting event not so long ago. Business is better than it has been in eight years! It is great to have Martie du Toit and her team handle much of our catering and we so enjoy the fresh, professional and lively spirit that they bring into our kitchen and dining room. They go beyond the call of duty in every way. We continue to improve our property. Recently, we painted the inside of all the main buildings and the cottages. The cottage floors are nearly completed and next on our list is painting the roofs, and improving the layout of Main House garden. We enjoy hosting friends, family and Stanford Valley shareholders on weekends. All who visit Stanford are genuinely WOWED by it. We love our new dogs, Sasha and Chaka, who are wonderful companions. They wear themselves out playing most of the day. Enjoy the pictures; they tell a thousand stories!
+27 (0)72 198 0862 | Fax: 086 683 6135 | www.stanfordvalley.co.za | info@stanfordvalley.co.za STANFORD RIVER TALK 12
A moment in time
Thank you for sending us your photographs. We love choosing our covershot each month – keep them coming to philippa.murray@gmail.com
tastings, cheese shop playpark
Sk8r boys (from left to right): Francesco Olicard Pareti, Axton Kai Green, Reuben Burls, Arron Templer and Hamish Ground taken by Fulvio Grandin.
7 km outside Stanford on Route 326 028 341 0693 | www.kleinrivercheese.co.za Weekdays 9-5 Saturdays 9-1 Picnics closed for winter
Evening stroll: Glenn Roodt's dog, Kudu.
telephone directory
The Stanford River Talk Directory will list personal and business telephone numbers in and around the village. It is used daily by Stanford residents, thus ensuring maximum coverage for your business. 3000 copies of Stanford River Talk Directory 2013/2014 will be printed and distributed for free throughout Stanford, in tourism bureaus and selected guesthouses in Hermanus, Gansbaai, Napier, Bredasdorp, Caledon, Hangklip Kleinmond and Cape Town.
telephone directory
Personal and business telephone numbers in and around Stanford and the Whale
Brolly good fun: Michelle Privett's photograph of Ronja Conrad, Emma Privett, Shane Foxcroft, Leo Pheiffer, Kilian Conrad, Matthew Privett, Daniel Burls and Isabella Pheiffer.
• wine tasting • madré’s kitchen • ons winkel open thursday - monday
• tel 028 341 0647
FREE TELEPHONE LISTING Cut-off date is 15 June 2013. Forms are available at Stanfordinfo or contact us on design@stanfordrivertalk.co.za or 079 523 8453
ADVERTISING Book your advert before 15 June 2013 design@stanfordrivertalk.co.za or 079 523 8453
Be a deer: Thaya Bedford's photograph of fallow deer. STANFORD RIVER TALK 13
H a n d c r a f t e d W i n e s • W i n e Ta s t i n g b y a p p o i n t m e n t • G u e s t L o d g i n g 028 3410 651 • www.springfontein.co.za • info@springfontein.co.za • Die Plaat Road, Stanford STANFORD RIVER TALK 14
By SJ du Toit
Die tuiste van Sir Robert Stanford
A village landmark: built in 1785 by Christoffel Brand, Sir Robert Stanford bought the farm house in 1838.
Dis ’n kokende warm stil Saterdagoggend toe ek in Kerkstraat afstap. By Kerkstraat 14 is ’n veiling aan die gang en ek steek my hand op. Die bod word op my toegeslaan en ek word die eienaar van die grote ou huis, die winkel en vier erwe wat aan Caledonstraat grens. Waarin het ek my begewe? My familie is opgewonde want wat kan ons nie alles met die ou rammelkas van ’n plek doen nie. Drome word gedroom, maar teen Sondag is ek stil, en is stadig besig om in ’n depressie te verval. Etenstyd bel die afslaer en sê dat ’n man my bod van R70 000,00 met R5 000 verhoog het. Ek laat dit gaan. As ek toe geweet het wat ek nou weet, sou ek met die hulp van my familie deurgedruk het met ’n hoër aanbod. Maar so is ’n mens se lewenspad maar vir jou lank reeds beplan. Volgens die geskiedenis van die huis, was dit in in ’n U-vorm gebou met voorkant na die rivier se kant en ‘n rietdak. Christoffel Brand, eerste eienaar van die plaas, het die huis in 1785 gebou. Na hom was daar verskeie eienaars voor Robert Stanford dit 1838 gekoop het. Oorkant die straat, waar die kerksaal staan, was hulle duiwehok. Sir Robert was ’n suksesvolle boer. Maar die episode met die Neptune skip aan wie hy voorrade verskaf het, het aanleiding daartoe gegee dat die koloniste van die tyd hom vernietig het. Al nalatenskap wat ons vandag van hom het, is ons dorp wat na hom vernoem is en die pragtige ou plaashuis waar hy met sy gesin gewoon het. In 1996 het John en Irene die hele kompleks gekoop en in 1999 daar kom woon. Die restourasie van die huis het vir hulle ’n lewenstaak geword. Volle detail in Stanford Stories II SJ du Toit: 'A long time ago there was an auction of the old Robert Stanford house. I was inquisitive and when the auctioneer looked at me, I put up my hand. Suddenly I owned this huge complex. However, the excitement was shortlived as a man phoned to push up the offer and I let it go.' (Read full story in Stanford Stories II)
ERWIN‘S Traditional German Meat Products now produced locally Products available at Saturday morning market and at our local Spar Cell 082 441 5533 • www.erwins.co.za
history talk
Anything can happen In the tussle and quarrel over the cost of public holidays in South Africa, one day stands out as being untouchable – 16 June, Youth Day. It is neither a religious holiday, nor even a political one if one looks for the true message of the public holiday. On 16 June 1976, school students marched to Orlando Stadium in Soweto to protest against Afrikaans being the language of instruction. The march turned ugly, police fired tear gas cannisters and then live ammunition, and students died. A wave of The photo that shook the protest rippled across the country, and world: (from left to right) then the continent. Today the Soweto Uprising is widely accepted as being the Antoinette Sithole, Mbuyisa Makhubo and Hector turning point in the struggle to defeat Pieterson photographed by the Apartheid Regime, and Youth Day Sam Nzima. reminds us of the passion, power and potential of youths. South Africa may have been a decade behind the youth movements of Europe and America, but the surging strength of young people is what brought and brings about change.
Death by dinner date This is the third extract from Memoirs of a Highland Gentleman by Evander MacIver (1811-1903). Great-great-grandson Don MacIver opens a little window onto 19th century Scottish history.
'An unfortunate occurrence took place in the house of my brother John at Dingwall, Pretty deadly: The blue where he succeeded me as agent for the monskhood bloom. Caledonian Banking Company. An express on horseback came to Scourie House from Dingwall, to inform me that there had been a sad poisoning accident, and that three gentlemen had perished in the house after dinner, two Roman Catholic priests from Strathglass, and Mr MacKenzie of Mount Gerald, also a Roman Catholic, which created a great sensation, not only in Scotland, but all over the kingdom. I hastened, in consequence of hearing that my brother was dangerously ill himself, and drove express to Dingwall. At Ardgay I met a gentleman who told me that the poisoning was accidental; that 'monk's-hood' root had been taken in from the garden by mistake instead of horse-radish, and handed to the cook, who did not discover it; but some of it being still in her possession, Dr. William Ross, of Dingwall fame, discovered what it was. 'I found my brother slightly better. The bodies of the three gentlemen were in the dining-room, locked in by the Procurator-fiscal till a postmortem examination should be made, and Dr. (afterwards Sir) Douglas Maclagan of Edinburgh, brother of the Archbishop of York, was sent down to investigate the case. They were about to commence doing this in the dining-room, but I insisted that the bodies should be removed elsewhere for the purpose, and the post-mortem took place in the old Court-house. Lord Lovat drove over on hearing of the death of two priests in a Protestant gentleman's house in Dingwall, to see that an investigation was made, but on hearing that the mistress of the house and the cook were both Roman Catholics his angry feelings were appeased, and the whole circumstances were shown to be quite accidental. My brother was not well for many months afterwards. The doctor said that if he were allowed to sleep while under the influence of the poison he would never awake.' STANFORD RIVER TALK 15
animal talk VET TALK
By Stanford veterinarian, Dr Olga Koorts
Flu jabs for your cat are not a bad idea It seems that every second person I talk to at the moment either has flu or is recovering from it. But winter is the time of year when not only humans suffer from colds and flu – our feline family members may catch a similar disease. Feline upper respiratory tract disease is caused by several different highly contagious organisms. Fever, reduced appetite, sneezing, coughing and a discharge from the nose and eyes are usually the first signs of an infection caused by a respiratory bug. Other symptoms such as ulcers on the tongue and pneumonia may develop depending on the causative organism. Even after recovery, cats may shed the virus which infects other cats. They may also remain lifelong carriers of the disease, with or without the symptoms of chronic conjunctivitis and sneezing. Kittens and immune-compromised animals, such as those with feline Aids or some other chronic disease, are at greatest risk but any exposed, unprotected cat may become infected. Treatment for ‘snuffles’ is non specific and aimed at reducing symptoms and improving appetite while allowing the body time to develop immunity. This could take several days and might require hospitalisation. The good news is that your cat’s annual vaccination includes a number of organisms which cause flu-like symptoms. Thus, provided these are up to date, Kitty will only develop mild, if any, symptoms when infected by one of these bugs. Vaccinations are especially important in kittens, but cats going to catteries also run the risk of being infected by asymptomatic carriers of the disease. These cats should be vaccinated regularly and at least two weeks before entering a boarding establishment to allow time for immunity to develop.
Learn to understand your furry friends Interspecies communication forms a valuable bridge between human and non-human animals. It is a direct two-way channel of information exchange, which increases the mutual understanding that exists between ourselves and other beings. Animal communication is natural within us all; we simply need to be reminded of how to use it. With this increased awareness, our natural intuition enhances and in turn, we remember our abilities to communicate with other species. Professional Animal Communicator, Anna Breytenbach, will be hosting a Stanford Whale Communication Workshop in September, where practical techniques will be learned, to help better understand your animal friends. Jessie Rose Wienburg 079 021 0777, www.animalspirit.org
Frans, die Franse Poedel Frans is in Junie 1999 in Blouberg gebore en die Wessels-gesin van Du Toitstraat het hom na Stanford gebring. ‘n Bekende op sy wandelinge rivier toe, het hy elke aand sy rondtes gedoen – eers af Vleiland toe (daar was toe net so drie of vier huise); die groot vloed en elke keer wat die rivier afgekom het, het Frans gesien. Toe Hennie se ‘pub’ nog agter die hotel was en Jannie daar 40 geword het in 2001, was Frans die aand daar. Heidri se 21ste het hy saamgevier. Elke ses weke is Frans, Bubbles en Tim na Hermanus toe geneem vir ‘mooi maak’. Met die terugkomslag het Frans ewe windmakerig 'n draai gaan stap verby KC's om te kyk of daar nie iets te ete is by Eben en Mari; baie trots oor die markplein en nog 'n draai of twee; dan verby die polisiestasie tot by sy huis waar droe wors dikwels uitgedeel is, ‘ sit, vra... ja, vat maar’. Die laaste paar maande het Frans al hoe minder gaan stap maar volgens Dr Olga het hy geen pyn gehad, net katterakke. Op Maandag 20 Mei 2013 het Frans stil geraak na amper 14 jaar. Ons se graag dankie aan Dr Olga Koorts, Malcolm by Syringa Kennels en ook vir Sonja & Japie Louw wat altyd met hom gaan stap het. Jannie, Paula, Heidri, Du Preez, Bubbles en Tim.
Only leave your footprints I sometimes wonder about people, the critical fuss they make about their dog’s pooh, and the money they spend on equipment to pick it up, which everyone should do. Pet shops overseas are full of weird devices. It is so very easy! We have two furry friends, and we walk them nearly every evening to allow them to 'check their emails' and to empty their tanks. We use the small, thin plastic bags which most supermarkets make available in rolls for you to put your selected veggies in. Carried in the pocket, they take no room. Using them like a glove, it is a piece of tacky to pick-up any pooh, without soiling your hands. Tie a knot in the bag, and drop it in a pooh bin, or take it home to add it to the compost heap. Leave the countryside like you found it. Pick up that pooh! No excuses Greybeard STANFORD RIVER TALK 16
kitchen talk
wine talk
by Marian Ferris
Hotel Tatin and a Tart T story told about the The s sisters who purportedly i invented this upside down a apple tart by mistake is a unlikely myth. They an w were both accomplished h hoteliers and cooks, and t dessert is too lovely this t be stumbled upon to p chance. Their small per e establishment, the Hotel Tatin in Lamotte-Beuvron, a town south of Paris, had this tart as its signature dish in the 1880s, but it was only so-named long after the deaths of Caroline and Stéphanie Tatin and made popular in a Parisian restaurant in the 20th century. Use tart, firm apples for this treat and an unsweetened puff or rough puff pastry. YOU WILL NEED: 10 small Granny Smiths, peeled, cored and cut into quarters 100g butter 3 tbs water 3/4 cup brown sugar a few whole star anise pinch of Maldon salt puff pastry rolled out and larger than the diameter of your frying pan Preheat your oven to 200° C Put the butter, sugar, star anise and water into a heavy cast-iron skillet or frying pan and heat to melting point. Add the prepared apples and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently until the sauce has caramelized and gone gooey. Turn the pieces of apple so that the cut sides face upwards and the rounded sides touch the bottom of the pan. Leave the whole star anise underneath the apples as it will look very pretty when you serve the finished dish. Sprinkle with a pinch or two of the flakey salt. Drop a circle of pastry over the top of the fruit in the pan and tuck in the edges. Pierce the pastry to allow steam to escape. Put the dish in the hot oven and bake for 30 minutes. The pastry should be crisp and brown. Remove from the oven and after a few minutes carefully invert the tart on to a serving dish, taking care not to spill the pan juices. Be careful here as you could easily burn yourself.
Champagne... a candidate for the cold weather? Tania Weich plans to sip studiously Outside temperatures seem to be on a steady decline and Chenins are being shunned in favour of Cabernets. Yet, some are steering their attention to Champagne? Champagne, best served chilled: a candidate for the coolth of winter? Indeed! Besides being synonymous with celebrations and royals (first gaining world renown because of its association with the anointment of French Kings), sparkling wine has recently piqued the interest of scientists. As the saying goes... small things amuse small minds, which is why scientists play with atoms. The interest in this case lies exactly in the little things – the little bubbles to be precise. Scientists from the University of the Free State, on a quest to discover the origin of those little bubbles, have devised a technique that could in the future assist doctors in the monitoring of cancer treatments. The aim of the research is to develop increased precision cancer medication, which is able to target tumours and spare healthy cells. In this way the debilitating side effects of chemotherapy are minimised. Evidently their technique enabled close scrutiny of yeast cells where a maze of carbon dioxide bubbles was discovered. It is those same bubbles that create the fizz in champagne. According to Professor Kock, they 'found these bubbles compress and deform life-giving cell organs called organelles, and [they] plan to assess the effect of this on cell function.' Due to the dedicated marketing efforts of producers, bubbly is associated with luxury and opulence. Noted to be a symbol of upward mobility, it is enjoyed throughout the seasons for its distinction. Not so for me, I prefer the association with the academics – educated people clearly see value in the fruits of the vine. So, care to join me this winter, while I diligently apply myself to drinking in as much knowledge as I can?
W World Milk Day is celebrated on 1 June. This is an iinitiative by the Food and Agriculture Organization o of the United Nations to raise awareness regarding tthe nutritional and health benefits of milk. For more iinformation, go to www.rediscoverdairy.co.za
Make your own rough puff 500g plain flour • 5g salt 500g unsalted butter • 250ml ice cold water Measure the dry ingredients into a large bowl, and then roughly rub in the cold butter leaving several visible chunks of butter. Make a well and add half the cold water, gently working it into a dough as you slowly add the rest of the water. Do not knead. Roll out the dough into a rectangle. Fold up the bottom third, and the fold down the top third, like a letter. Turn the folded pastry a quarter turn clockwise and roll it out again, and repeat the folding. Wrap in cling film, and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Then repeat the rolling and folding twice more. You are now roughly puffed and ready to bake!
Rural and river retreats in tranquil surroundings, Stanford Country Cottages are situated throughout the village and surrounding area. Perfect getaways from stressed city living, they offer a unique base from which to explore this magical village and the fascinating Cape Whale Coast & Overberg. Tel: 028 341 0965 • Cell: 082 320 0982 www.stanfordcountrycottages.co.za STANFORD RIVER TALK 17
art & culture FynArts – the final frontier
Hermanus FynArts Festival is an intimate celebration of South African Arts taking place from 7–16 June, 2013. This is indeed something different and there is something for everyone! SANSA Space Science is hosting an art competition for kids (aged 9 –12) during the FynArts Festival. The competition will take place on15 June from 10:30 –12:30. The theme is ‘Space and Beyond’ and will transport aspiring young artists to a world of satellites, space stations, Mars rovers, the Sun and the rest of the universe. A highly experienced art teacher will guide participants in expressing their artistic talents to create a unique artwork. All art supplies will be provided and entrance is free. Book your space now and join the SANSA team for this exciting competition! Catherine Webster 028 312 1196 or email cwebster@sansa.org.za For more info on FynArts see www.hermanusfynarts.co.za
George Gershwin (1898 - 1937)
Andrew Herriot pays homage to the Dean of American Music
When I first read about George Gershwin and the account of how a piano was winched to the second floor flat of his Russian-Jewish immigrant parents living in the East Side of New York, I immediately thought of my own experiences with pianos. I recall hoisting a very heavy iron-frame piano to the top floor of an Edinburgh flat, and I transported another of my many pianos across a small town in the south of Scotland on a twowheeled barrow. George Gershwin, often with his older brother, Ira, as the librettist, wrote many of the most legendary songs during the Tin Pan Alley (TPA) era. 'Swanee' was George’s first really big hit at seventeen years old. All the great crooners benefited from Gershwin; Al Jolson (yes, 'Swanee'), Harry Belafonte ('Bess, You is my Woman' and other delicious grammatical inexactitudes), Judy Garland ('The Man I Love'), Rosemary Clooney ('S Wonderful'), Billie Holiday ('Summertime'), Ella Fitzgerald ('I Got Rhythm'), Sinatra ('Embraceable You'), Bublé ('Foggy Day in London Town'). Many more of these fantastic Gershwin jazz classics will live with us for all-time as his legacy. Without the iconic genius of writers like Gershwin and indeed Berlin (Stanford River Talk, May Issue), a considerable number of those highly acclaimed melody makers might not have enjoyed fame and fortune, by recording the TPA songs composed by The Dean. It cannot be overemphasised that Gershwin’s compositions spanned both the popular and classical genres. On the orchestral side his three magnificent compositions include Porgy and Bess (1935), Rhapsody in Blue (1924) and An American in Paris (1928). Who can ignore 'I Loves You Porgy' in the Opera where we hear George’s use of atonality (nuanced non-conformity of improvisations) by which Popular or posh: Gershwin some quite unusual jazz musicians, such as crossed boundries. .Thelonius Monk, are characterised. Who knew that the 1928 Gershwin symphonic tone poem 'An American in Paris' inspired the Gene Kelly film in 1951? The screenplay was written by Alan Jay Lerner (My Fair Lady) and in the film Caron and Kelly are spotlighted singing 'Our Love is Here to Stay'. This song was heard to my delight years later in Forget Paris (Billy Crystal, 1995) with melodic snatches from Nat King Cole – the romance was palpable. Who can forget the musical opening of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games with the upward clarinet glissando leading into the 84 Kimball Grand Pianos playing 'Rhapsody in Blue'? I was in Lesotho and enraptured by the spectacle. Where were you? STANFORD RIVER TALK 18
The antici...pation almost beat the Bieber Indica Squires shares the thrill of thousands of teenage girls worldwide
The Justin Bieber concert started seven months ago in a crackof-dawn queue in Hermanus. I was petrified that I would lose my Golden Circle ticket before the big event, and double and triple checked it was safe each day. I am merely a fan and not a true Belieber based on the observation that I was the only one of my three friends who did not wear a picture of Justin Bieber on my top to the concert. Nor did I know every word of his songs. To be honest the anticipation leading up to the concert was better than the actual thing. The concert began with a rainy, six-hour queue, screaming girls, a sick vomiting friend, sore legs and the spectacle of several girls being carried away on stretchers! When the Biebs finally arrived, altough he was a lot smaller than I thought he would be (especially seeing as Locnville were one of the opening acts and they are big, beefy, South African boys!), his performance was unforgettable! I will remember 8 May forever!
Stanford players
The stage was set with ‘The Boy Friend’ in 2012 and we are gearing up for thesecond production. We invite you to attend an open evening on Tuesday 11 June, 6.30pm at 9 Adderley Street. With an exciting musical extravaganza in the pipeline, we are looking to recruit singers, actors, dancers, costume makers, set designers and stage crew. We will give you a taste of the proposed musical to be performed in December. Bring a bottle of wine, glasses will be supplied. Please RSVP rina@trade-secrets.co.za
Visit our wholesale fynbos and tree nursery at Grootbos for a wide variety of local indigenous waterwise plants at the best prices in the Cape. Open: Monday – Friday: 8h30 – 16h30
We also do landscaping Contact Susan 082 436 4730 or Sharlene 072 143 8894
Helping us breathe easily Reforestation rather than deforestation at Platbos
This year, due to popular demand, two ‘Reforest Fests’ weekends were hosted at Platbos Forest by GreenPop, a social business based in Cape Town that popularizes Digging holes: Volunteers throw their greening and sustainable living for young and old. Both weekends backs into the reforestation. were a resounding success. Picture over 500 shiny, happy people planting 5000 trees on the forest edge. If you were one of the trees of the ancient forest looking on, imagine how it would feel to see this reversal of the norm! For centuries the pattern has been for people to take from the forests while giving nothing in return – the Reforest Fest changes all of that. Suffice to say that this was a beautiful weekend full of positive people, good cheer, wholesome food and festive music under the forest canopy. Over the course of the weekend, participants planted up the forest edge with 5000 endemic, drought-resistant forest trees grown at the Platbos nursery: milkwoods, wild olives, pock ironwoods, bladder nuts and hard pears. The trees were planted on land that was once forest. After being cleared for agriculture and then later abandoned, the land was subsequently colonized by invasive aliens: rooikrans, spider gum and myrtle. Krige Tree Services cleared a portion of this land for the tree-planting weekends and the aliens were transformed into a valuable resource wood chip; which retains moisture and cools the earth for the newly planted tree saplings. There are hectares of aliens to be cleared and rehabilitated on land adjoining Platbos, and the plan of action is to tackle one hectare each year. In this way not only is the fire risk to the old-growth forest greatly reduced, but the forest itself, and the biodiversity it supports, is reintroduced back into the landscape. The Platbos Reforest Fests are now an annual event. What could be more meaningful than getting your hands dirty replanting a forest, when around the globe natural forests (the lungs of our planet) are shrinking daily? This is all the more significant when you recall that less than 0.05% of the Western Cape is forested. There are many locals who are still unaware of this ancient forest growing on their doorstep. Visit www.platbos.co.za for more information. Melissa Krige
What does green mean?
Sage advice from Melissie Jolly
Green fields, green living, GreenPeace: green is the colour of the heart and shows how we relate to people. It is a colour that helps us to make decisions and to find direction. This is why walking in nature and the outdoors is such a good idea when we feel overwhelmed. Green is about balance and harmony. Green is also the colour that relates to our personal space. People who lack boundaries are often very attracted to the colour green as it can help them to find their boundaries again. Green is also associated with the green-eyed monster – jealousy. Jealousy is green, meaning that one wants to inhabit someone else's space. It says something about humanity that the colour we relate to the heart and love, is the same colour we use to define jealousy and possession. So often, that is why relationships are fraught. If one sets personal boundaries and gives a partner space, love will be an easier journey. It’s a good idea to wear green when people want too much from you, and you are flirting with burnout. Green will help you find your rightful place and set your boundaries appropriately.
May the forest be with you, always I had a feeling this was going to be special. As Lucille oozed in her effortless and elegant way up the bumpy dirt track, I saw the tents clinging to the edge of the magical forest and a young woman in hot-very-short-cut-off-jean-pants washing out a pan. I think I'll cope with this, I mused. Stiff upper lip and all that. Must press on. So I followed the path, guided by flutter-frolicking flags and sparkly balls swinging in the unseasonally warm sun, and saw Janika Dorland and Nikki Miles. Their smiles split their faces and said it all. If it were midnight, I would have seen it all. Lit up was the forest. Further illuminated by another three-hundred-odd people, all radiating a sense of gentle purpose and unified belonging. They had come to Africa's southernmost forest to plant a lot of trees (one thousand in one day, we were told) and the happiness in their intention was palpable. I wandered about the clearing under the giant and very ancient stinkwood and photographed the happy, shiny faces. And found some more that were familiar. Niel Jonker, Quentin Dibley-Green, Leli Hoch, Asana Miles, beautiful freedom child of Nikki and Mark, and, of course, Melissa and Francois Krige, owners and committed custodians... and flourishers of the forest in which we were privileged to find ourselves. Then I walked up the slope to document GreenPop's Reforestation Fest at work. Spades and saplings and sun and sweat and smiles. And, once more, spirits soaring into the light of this golden day. I felt humbled by the myriad hands plunging into the reddy-brown soil, digging, scrabbling, mulching, planting. Time passed. Bodies tired. A mini-forest sprang up. Eventually, all were called together to witness two children planting, wait for it, the THREE THOUSANDTH tree of the day. That, I'm sure you will agree folks, is a not insignificant amount of reforestation. A drum was sounded and a guitar was strummed and we were serenaded down the hill again for food and drink and, yes, live bands in this sweet-sounding forest of our dreams. Touch Wood, Holiday Murray... they got us on our feet and we whirled and twirled and unfurled. And talked deeply to complete strangers. And, when it was time for Lucille to take me home, we crested the rise near Grootbos – and somewhere in the vicinity of midnight – nature blessed me once more. The half-moon hung like a fluorescent pill in the velvet sky and shone her beam across Walker Bay. Silver magic ships. I stopped and scrambled for my camera. The battery was dead. But I was not. I was so alive that I wanted to scream it out across to Hermanus. So I did. A blood-boiling yell of primal intensity. Not something you would choose to hear. But I suspect most of the Overberg did. It was a scream of love for my fellow man. For the ’SA-positive’ people I had left behind. With Mark Knopfler singing of being sheltered in ’that place of ferns and grass’, and Lucille's windows wideopen, I shivered and shook in joy on the free and unfettered road home. Fred Hatman Hatman's Reforestation Fest pictures can be seen at http://fredhatman.co.za/?p=4886 STANFORD RIVER TALK 19
classifieds There is an HONESTY BOX at Stanfordinfo where you can pay for your classifieds. Please enclose the amount in an envelope. SMALL ADS: R1 a word • BOXED ADS: R85 info@stanfordrivertalk.co.za • cell: 079 291 1588
FIREWOOD FOR SALE p 082 324 6799 or 079 395 1763.
JETMASTER big portable gas braai. Never used. New price around R4000. R1600. p 082 920 8296.
ADULT HORSE RIDING CLASSES. p Jake Uys on 079 468 9060. AVAILABLE TO CLEAN HOUSES, offices etc, with contactable refs, for an efficient and professional clean, please p 083 759 5374. EXCELLENT HOUSE-CLEANING Highly recommended, honest & reliable char. For reference p Lana 028 341 0349. RELIABLE & HONEST PAINTER. No job too small. Contactable references p Wilson on 072 223 2511. SPECIALIZED KEYBOARD JAZZ TEACHING. p Andrew Herriot at 072 5717 846 or aherriot70@gmail.com for more info. First lesson free.
The turning tide Please let us know if you use the Tide Table. Maybe you refer to it for optimal picnic planning, perfect low-tide strolling, or daredevil high tide body-surfing. Please sms 079 523 8453.
Therapeutic massage treatments from my home at Bezuidenhout Street ~ or yours ~ with winter specials, especially foot reflexology (toenail treat included), for prevention of illness and for wellness ~ contact Beatrice 082 481 8285.
VILLAGE LAUNDROMAT Washing • Ironing • Tumble Drying Dry Cleaning Services Mon – Fri, 8.00am – 5pm 25 Queen Victoria st, Cell: 072 616 0976
LADY looking for job p Bubula 073 109 2155.
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISING IN JULY EDITION IS 20 JUNE design@stanfordrivertalk.co.za • 079 523 8453
Solar Garden Lights Gorgeous garden solar lights to light up paths, plants and trees. Path lights from R50 each to Bali lanterns R200. Call Pamela Trevelyan for advice and view lighting at Villa di Baia. Sales at Warehouse prices direct to the public. You will NOT find prices like this in Cape Town. We import direct from Singapore. Pamela 082 336 1573 ladyp@iafrica.com
Private Functions min 30 people @ The Stanford Hotel phone: 082 7811 704. reservations@stanfordvillage.co.za.
guided multi-day trails & outrides along the whale coast & through unspoilt nature reserves. +27 (0) 82 667 9232 omstables@telkomsa.net www.africanhorseco.com
SM VERKOELING Tel: 087 808 2175 Sakkie Myburgh 083 771 0753 Alle huishoudelike herstelwerk STANFORD RIVER TALK 20
J U N E T I D E TA B L E Sunrise Sunset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
0741 0741 0742 0742 0743 0743 0744 0744 0745 0745 0746 0746 0747 0747 0748 0748 0748 0749 0749 0749 0749 0749 0749 0750 0750 0750 0750 0750 0750 0750
1743 1742 1742 1742 1742 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1741 1742 1742 1742 1742 1742 1743 1743 1743 1744 1744 1744 1745
HIGH WATER time height 0934 1.31 1051 1.30 1159 1.33 0015 1.48 0103 1.50 0145 1.53 0222 1.55 0257 1.57 0331 1.59 0404 1.60 0437 1.59 0512 1.57 0548 1.53 0628 1.47 0714 1.41 0813 1.34 0926 1.31 1043 1.33 1151 1.40 0003 1.58 0059 1.66 0153 1.73 0245 1.79 0336 1.81 0425 1.80 0513 1.74 0601 1.65 0650 1.54 0742 1.42 0844 1.31
time 2213 2319 ---1253 1337 1414 1448 1520 1552 1623 1656 1731 1809 1852 1943 2045 2155 2302 ---1249 1342 1432 1521 1608 1656 1743 1831 1921 2017 2122
height 1.46 1.46 ---1.38 1.44 1.49 1.54 1.58 1.61 1.63 1.63 1.61 1.58 1.54 1.50 1.47 1.47 1.51 ---1.49 1.60 1.71 1.79 1.84 1.85 1.81 1.74 1.64 1.53 1.43
LOW WATER time height 0335 0.61 0448 0.61 0551 0.57 0643 0.52 0725 0.46 0801 0.41 0833 0.38 0904 0.36 0935 0.36 1006 0.38 1038 0.41 1112 0.47 1148 0.53 0019 0.64 0109 0.69 0210 0.73 0323 0.72 0437 0.66 0542 0.55 0638 0.43 0729 0.30 0818 0.20 0905 0.14 0951 0.12 1037 0.15 1123 0.23 1209 0.34 0049 0.41 0146 0.51 0248 0.60
time 1553 1708 1810 1900 1942 2017 2050 2121 2152 2224 2259 2337 ---1229 1316 1415 1529 1645 1752 1850 1944 2035 2125 2215 2305 2356 ---1257 1351 1458
height 0.66 0.67 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.50 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.48 0.52 0.58 ---0.60 0.66 0.71 0.72 0.67 0.58 0.47 0.35 0.26 0.21 0.20 0.24 0.31 ---0.46 0.58 0.68
Information supplied by the Hydrographer, SA Navy © 2010. Not for navigational purposes. The Hydrographer is not responsible for any transcription errors. The use of the provided information is entirely at the user‘s own risk.
It was a dark and stormy night 21 June marks the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. On this day, we observe the longest night and the shortest day before the earth begins its gradual tilt on its axis, back towards the sun. Why not plan something splendid for Stanford's longest night – a progressive dinner party at snug houses, a wintery plunge in the river or a bonfire with marshmallows and mulled wine. Send us your pictures and stories for our July edition.
Cosy cattery and kennel in lovely country atmosphere. Qualified dog trainer.
028 - 3410 961
Well balanced diets, love and care. WHERE TO WORSHIP IN STANFORD
weekly timetable
NG GEMEENTE STANFORD Sondae 9:30 in die kerkgebou. Office, tel 028 3410 966. ST THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Morton St, contact Father Joseph Gabriëls 028 3410588 First Sunday of the month 10:30 Communion (Afr). Second Sunday of the month 10:30 Service (Afr) Third Sunday of the month 08:00 Communion (Eng) Fourth Sunday of the month 10:30 Service (Afr) FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF GOD cnr Queen Victoria & Bezuidenhout St. 09:30 Sunday service. Pastor Johnny van der Schyff • 028 3410 422. VG KERK (next to De Bron School) 10:00 Sunday morning. Maureen Diedericks 028 3410 691. STANFORD UNITED CHURCH, meets at St Thomas Church, Morton St. Interdenominational. English service at 6pm Sunday. Bible Study, 7pm Tuesday night at 45 Queen Victoria St. Secretary Kerri Brokensha 028 341 0077.
Monday 8h30am, Monday & Wednesday 5h30pm, Friday 10h30am Maitri Yoga, 35 Longmarket, Tasha Saha, 076 968 8608. Monday 5h30 to 6h45pm Vinyasa Yoga with Leli, 082 350 0253. Monday 5h30pm, Running Time Trials 5km, corner Adderley and Longmarket, last Monday of each month at Stanford Hills Estate. Monday & Wednesday, 5pm, Canoeing, Slipway Church St, John Finch 028 341 0444, Jan Malan 082 452 9877. Tuesday & Thursday 5pm to 6pm, Tae Bo, Okkie Smuts school hall, Ronnie 083 655 4521. Tuesday & Thursday 5.30pm, Cycling, cnr de Bruin & Moore Sts, Sunday 6am Caltex Garage David Morrison 082 321 7996, John Finch 082 378 1935. Wednesday, 6.30pm, Stanford Rotary Club Meeting, G & F restaurant. Everyone welcome. Thursday 8:45 to 10am, Vinyasa Yoga with Leli, 082 3500 253. Friday, 5pm, Canoe Time Trials, Slipway Church St, John Finch 028 341 0444, Jan Malan 082 452 9877. Saturday, 10am – 12pm, Stanford Saturday Morning Market, Art Gallery Courtyard, 028 3410 591. STANFORD RIVER TALK 21
local services & facilities ACCOMMODATION
A Country Escape
Beloftebos Cottages B‘s Cottage Blue Gum Country Estate De Klein Rivers Valley Fairhill Nature Reserve Morton Cottage Mosaic Farm Oak Grove Farm Reiersvlei Farm Lodge Reed Cottage Walshacres Riverside Stanford River Lodge The Country Cottage Villa di Baia
082 320 0982 082 391 5331 028 341 0430 028 341 0116 028 341 0048 079 495 2971 082 450 3970 028 313 2814 082 091 3914 082 213 0512 028 341 0984 082 614 6322 028 341 0444 083 553 0663 082 336 1573
ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES Maryke Brandt 072 172 9545 ALTERATIONS Caitlin‘s Dressmaking ANTIQUES/FURNITURE Sir Robert Stanford
083 358 6365
List your business for just R12 a month (only R144/year). Email: info@stanfordrivertalk.co.za or telephone 07929 11588. CONSTRUCTION Stanford Bricks
028 341 0685
DRIVING SCHOOL Drive with Cait
083 358 6365
079 182 8825
ENGINEERS Jardine Consulting Engineers 082 359 2287 ESTATE AGENTS Marlene‘s Properties Michael Thompson Estates Pam Golding Stanford Village Properties FIREWOOD Walshacres
076 113 2741 082 450 3970
ARTS, CRAFTS & GIFTS Ons Winkel Traderoots
028 341 0647 084 643 4504
028 341 0708 082 893 2282 072 111 9321 028 341 0685 082 898 4889
028 341 0048
ARCHITECTURE Guy Whittle Maureen Wolters
082 732 1284 028 341 0929 074 126 7770
GARDENS & NURSERIES Krige Tree Services Walshacres Willowdale Nursery
082 658 0427 028 341 0685 082 899 1172
HAIR Jeanne Retief
072 318 2478
028 313 0660
HOUSE MANAGEMENT Stanford Country Cottages Village Laundromat
084 728 7345
HOME MAINTENANCE Stanford Country Cottages
082 320 0982
BOOKS Sir Robert Stanford
028 341 0048
INTERIORS Kiwinet Maureen Wolters
028 341 0209 082 450 3970
CAR CARE J & J Motorwerke
028 341 0410 071 219 9212
COMPUTERS Compuworld SMB Solutions 028 341 0718 084 705 6719 CONFERENCE CENTRE Mosaic Farm
PETS & PET CARE Stanford Kennels Syringa Country Kennels
PRINTING & PUBLISHING The Really Famous Publishing CC 079 291 1588 RESTAURANTS 1892 Stanford Spookhuis Art Café Stanford Gallery Barke Restaurant Havercroft‘s Madré‘s Kitchen The Stanford Table
028 313 2814 028 341 0301 028 341 0116 028 3410 603 028 341 0647 028 341 0059
SECURITY JSK Wrought Iron Safe Security
083 591 9600 028 341 0801
SEPTIC TANK TREATMENT Bob Hadley 082 901 9011 STORAGE Stanford Storage
082 950 6007
TAXI SERVICE Anytime Transfers
082 858 6765
TRUCKS & TRANSPORT Stanford Bricks
028 341 0685
WEDDING VENUES Beloftebos Mosaic Farm Sir Robert Stanford Estate Stanford Hotel
082 542 9556 028 313 2814 028 341 0647 082 781 1704
079 291 1588
028 313 2814
WINE CELLAR & SALES Brunia Wines Sir Robert Stanford Estate Springfontein Wine Estate Stanford Hills Estate
028 341 0432 082 783 7257 028 3410 647 028 341 0651 072 371 7546 028 3410 841
The treated sewerage outlet point into the Kleinriver is at the slipway at the end of Du Toit Street. The stream in the middle of town, starting in the dip in De Bruyn Street, is partly fed by the treated effluent from the waste water treatment works which gets complemented only in winter, by the overflow of the two dams in the middle of town. The two sampling points for the river are thus respectively known as under and above the treated sewerage outlet point. Determinant (e. Coli) Under treated Above treated Sewerage Standard Sewerage Outlet poin Outlet point (Bridge R43 0-130/100ml (Jetty next to erf 396) to Hermanus) APRIL
028 341 0961 028 341 0961
082 320 0982 072 616 0976
LEGAL Alcock & Associates, Attorneys & Conveyancers 074 126 7770 NEWSPAPER Stanford River Talk
OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES African Queen River Cruises 082 732 1284 028 3410 929 Klein River Picnics 028 3410 693 Platanna River Cruises 073 318 5078 River Rat Boat Cruises 083 310 0952
Escherichia coli (E.coli) – bacteria that is a normal inhabitant of the human intestine. Its presence in a sample indicates pollution from human faeces. Total Coliform bacteria – is the name for all the bacteria that produce gas and acid from the fermentation of lactose and its presence in a sample indicates pollution from the intestines of both humans and animals. Heterotrophic Plate Count – is a standard microbiological method used to determine the efficiency of operations to remove or destroy organisms, good and bad, during the treatment process. DETERMINANT
E. coli STANDARD (0/100ml)
Total Coliform bacteria STANDARD (10/100ml)
Heterotrophic Plate Count STANDARD (5000/100ml) 22
0 0
Celebrations in Stanford
Cath Templer 1 June
Retha Fourie 8 June
Fernando Damon 2 June
If there is a birthday coming up or special occasion you want to share with the village please email design@stanfordrivertalk.co.za
Jacques Rossouw 2 June
Quentin Green 5 June
Mariette Brand 8 June
Hamish Ground 14 on 8 June
Kara Slabbert turns 10 on 11 June
Gerrie Geldenhuys turns 60 on 13 June
Nikki Miles 8 June
Janika Dorland 14 June
Glenn Roodt 24 June
Grant Nale 17 June
Mia Slabbert 25 June
Jack Kastner 18 June
Andrea Conrad 30 June
Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 19:00 Friday:
08:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 13:00
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