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STANG Magazine

Philadelphia, United States

Mustang enthusiasts have asked for a magazine that has no ads, no sales pitches, and no bogus "fillers" to eat up space. They have asked for a magazine that is free, easy to access, and nothing but focused on Mustang pictures and content. They have asked for a magazine produced and written by Mustang owners for Mustang owners. They have asked for a magazine that highlights the daily drivers and the average Mustang that is driven and is not a trailer queen. They have asked for the chance to one day have their ride, their group, their club, or their cause to be recognized in print or online. It is our absolute pleasure to meet these standards and to give you STANG Magazine. We hope that both our message and our image will be seen in every Mustang community out there. Thank you Mustang fans and enjoy your ride and who you ride with! STANG Magazine has recently evolved to become an official 501c3 Nonprofit Charity simply known as "STANG" and we have expanded our projects under the STANG organization to now include STANG Magazine, Locked & Loaded Magazine, Subi Vibes Magazine, Twisted Bombshell, and STANG Paranormal. Thank you fans for the support and we look forward to continuing to grow and to give back to our community.


STANG Magazine August 2019

September 16, 2019