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Everyone talks about those hidden gems of car collections out there that are hard to find. Sometimes you just have to know a person who knows a person to get the address. Well this is one of those hidden locations that has an American Muscle car collection anyone would die to see! This is Barry’s Car Barn in Intercourse, Pennsylvania. Dead smack and hidden in Amish country, this location is an absolute must see for any car enthusiast passing through!

From Mustangs to old school gangster wagons, this place is loaded with muscle cars, antique cars, antique motorcylces, and memorabilia including road signs, train sets, and gas pumps. We took a nice day to give our ponies a stretch and found this hidden gem thanks to our good friend Rob Villeaume. How did he find it you might ask? By complete and random chance. While working, he looked over at this newly constructed buildng and noticed the painted wall calling out
We met Rob Walko at a Mustang event and immediately saw his passion and creativity when it comes to photography. Rob was so focused on capturing the best shots that we weren’t sure if he was even enjoying the actual event itself. We were dead wrong. The truth is, Rob was in his happy place and his name: “BARRY’S CAR BARN”. He has been raving about this place ever since.

We obviously don’t want to spoil the surprise and show you everything we found, so do yourself a favor and take a road trip. You will be happy you did!
He is able to capture the moment, help others keep those precious memories, and deliver with detail. We are proud to have him as part of our STANG Magazine family and we would definitely recommend his work. This issue highlights Rob’s Mustang passion and definitely gives you an idea of the creativity this man has. His passion is limitless.