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made sure that they screened their builders to ensure this. But I have to be honest, the trucks this year took the cake!
Even though you had to be outside in the cold, it was worth it to see the builds out there. When I tell you the trucks were insane, I mean they went all out on these trucks. Now while I’m sure some of them were “Trailer Queens and Parking Lot Prowlers”, it didn’t matter they were absolutely beautiful! Every make and model F Series body style ever produced along with every body style that Chevy/GMC C-3500 HDs, Dodge/RAM, Toyota, and Nissan ever released was there. I mean they were sitting on huge mud tires with 18 inch lifts or slammed on the ground with air bags. There were no corners cut on these trucks and I’m sure they’d invested just as much into these if not more than the owners of the Lamborghini, Ferrari, or Porsches who were able to stay in the climate controlled buildings. Every piece of these trucks had either been powder coated or chromed including the smallest nuts and bolts and I’m positive they spent days getting these trucks cleaned for the show.
As I continued to look at the amazing builds, it didn’t bother me that some of the manufacturers had decided to pull out, I thought it was great that we were able to see some of the builders who weren’t known well enough to be shunned in order to make room for the “big guys”. I continue to hear rumors about what 2023 will bring which excites me, how-

Semaround 2
ever I hope that we continue to see the unnamed builders have a larger role at SEMA. As I stated last year, if you’re lucky enough to get a ticket or invite to the MECCA of auto industry, don’t pass it up as I promise you won’t regret it!