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Відповіді на запитання та завдання до підручника О. Д. Карп’юк «Англійська мова» Introduction Lesson 2

Англiйська мова

1. sports


Olympic Games, athletics, to loose a match, a goal, to kick a ball

a custom, to decorate, a parade, a firework, a tradition

3. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

advantage — dangerous — troublesome — comfortable — fast — famous — remarkable — to destroy —



a railway station, pollution, a journey, wildlife, to a tourist, recycle, rubbish, a sightseeing tour, to save, to an air-hostess discover, extinct

e) disadvantage g) safe a) enjoyable h) uncomfortable b) slow d) unknown c) usual f) to build

5. 1h; 2f; 3b; 4j; 5c; 6d; 7a; 8e; 9g; 10i. 4. noun





embroidery, activity

loose, perform, depend, explore

next, excellent, original, northern, native

loudly, happily, greatly, wildly

into, along, down, with

6. a) Yes, I have read a lot of interesting books on summer holidays. Yes, I have been to many interesting places in the Crimea. No, I haven’t tried any unusual food or drink. Yes, I have been scuba-diving on my summer holidays.

Lesson 3



a) Are you doing anything at the moment? — Present Continuous. Bill never does anything. — Present Simple. Jim has already done lots of work today. — Present Perfect. b) We use the Present Continuous Tense for something that is happening at the moment. We use the Present Simple Tense for something that happens regularly. We use the Present Perfect Tense for something in the past which tells us something about the present. c) I am reading an interesting novel at the moment. My father reads a newspaper every morning. Jane has already read that book.


a) I was putting some things on the shelves in the morning. — Past Continuous.

Pete put his books away on the bookshelf. — Past Simple. b) We use the Past Continuous for a continuous activity in the past. We use the Past Simple for the past activity. c) I was doing my homework yesterday evening. She did the washing up.

5. 1) We’ve got some great plans. We’re going to spend holidays in Italy. 2) I’m busy. I’ll talk to you this afternoon. 3) A: This bag is heavy! B: I’ll help you. 4) I promise I’ll send you a postcard. 5) She’s busy every afternoon this week. On Monday she is going to the dentist.

Lesson 4 2.

1) Teacher’s suggestion was to join their school Radio Board. 2) Children agreed with the teacher’s idea because they were in the seventh form and could develop new ideas and try any project. 3) They shouldn’t give up making the newspaper. 4) He thought that radio programmes and newspaper’s issues were nearly the same. 5) They need new people: a speaker and a sound producer. 6) Maryna has got a nice loud voice and can speak English well.


Learning English gives any person a possibility to make new contacts and get more impressions. In Dr Lorence’s opinion, any foreign language is a tool to develop ideas and thoughts. It doesn’t mean you should give up your previous experience. Your previous life is an absolutely necessary basic thing to create a new building on it. Like a sound producer, who can improve your voice, the use of English can improve your life and make it more interesting and bright.

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3. It was the first day of the holiday. Light breeze was blowing, and the waves were sparkling in the sun. Scott and his friends were playing a game of volleyball on the beach. The boys threw the ball over the girls’ heads into the sea and the girls laughed. Suddenly, Scott saw the ball coming his way, and he threw himself onto the sand to catch it. He waved the ball in the air when he caught sight of a girl nearby. She was alone, and she was watching them. He didn’t recognize her, but there was something about her that made him stop and smile. She smiled back. She wasn’t very beautiful, but she had a very interesting face. Scott thought she was attractive.

Unit 1. We are different Lesson 1 2.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

True. False. True. False. True. True.


3. 1) I think we can speak about our favourite books. 2) Let’s choose something more unusual. 3) We need to choose the theme, which can be interesting for everyone. 4) Why don’t we speak about our school life? 5) I mean that we can speak about different activities beside lessons, for example, art circles as well as sport sections. 6) In my opinion, it’s a good idea. 7) I suppose it can be a success.

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Do you think that it is important to choose the good theme for the first programme? What do you think about speaking about the members of your English the Bridge group? Do you agree that people are very different? Why do you think that the theme «We are different» is interesting for everyone? What is your opinion on the next programme?

Lesson 2 2.

wonderful sunny day unpleasant young man exciting short holidays unusual new bed unhappy sick animal

3. Her voice is loud. She speaks loudly. He has got a brave look. He looks bravely. They are honest people. They do things honestly. There are different children in the classroom. They think and make things differently. That is the quiet room. It is quietly in the room. He is a serious boy. He speaks seriously. The fireman is brave. He goes into the burning building bravely. The kids are noisy. They are playing noisily. The rain was heavy. It rained heavily. 4.


I prepared a surprise party for my friend. The guests arrived early and waited quietly until my friend got there. When she came they all cheered loudly. We went into the garden because it was a warm day. The guests gave my friend nice presents. We danced happily and had a wonderful time.

5. modestly — more modestly — the most modestly early — earlier — the earliest hard — harder — the hardest greatly — more greatly — the most greatly carelessly — more carelessly — the most carelessly kindly — more kindly — the most kindly late — later — the latest sadly — more sadly — the most sadly


well-mannered — вихований ill-mannered — невихований unhelpful — некорисний; той, хто не прийде на допомогу a nice sense of humour — гарне почуття гумору to take things too seriously — приймати дуже серьозно different styles — різні стилі to be good at practical things — той, у кого все гарно виходить a special talent — особливий талант


different, kind, well-mannered, selfish, unhelpful, ill-mannered, happy, caring, sad, strict, dull, clever, smart.

3. 1) I disagree with the statement. People have got different tastes and wear different clothes. Some people like jeans and other like dresses. 2) I agree with this statement. 3) I agree with this statement. 4) I disagree with the statement. People are different and some of them are well-mannered, but there are also ill-mannered people. 5) I agree with this statement. 6) I disagree with the statement. Everyone has a special talent for some activity. 7) I agree with this statement. 4.

a) adjectives describing a person’s appearance: attractive, untidy, short, small, athletic, fat, young, tall, ugly, thin, tidy, beautiful, smart b) adjectives describing a person’s character: dull, independent, modest, smart, attentive, stupid, strict, cheerful, brave, serious, clever, polite, wise, hard-working, generous, pleasant, shy, careless, lazy, ill-mannered, unhelpful, selfish, kind, careful, honest c) adjectives describing other qualities: unhappy, famous, lonely, strong, weak, great, sad, poor, free, lovely, slow

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Lesson 3

5. a) clever, kind, honest, brave, independent, hard-working, generous, cheerful, well-mannared, careful, wise, attentive, serious, polite, pleasant, modest, strong b) dull, stupid, shy, lazy, careless, ill-mannered, unhelpful, selfish 6. My sister Ann is clever and cheerful. She has got a lot of friends. My another sister Jane is rather brave and honest. She is not afraid to express her own opinion. My friend Andrew is smart and generous, but he is too lazy to do well at school. He is also very strong.

Lesson 4 1.

There are such qualities, which help people to become true friends as kindness and helpfulness. It is also good to have a lot of things in common and like spending time with each other. In my opinion it is very important to understand your friend and his/her likes and dislikes.


a) I think Lucy means that they are only different in appearance. But they have got much in common, for example, hobbies.


b) Sally is thin and not very tall. She has got blond hair and oval face. Her nose is turned up and her beautiful grey eyes look widely. Lucy might be thick and tall. She might have dark hair and round face. Her nose might be straight and her eyes might be brown. 3. a) I appreciate my friend who always listens to my problems. b) I don’t appreciate my friend who is nice only when he/she wants something from me. c) I don’t appreciate my friend who borrows money and ‘forgets’ to give it back. d) I appreciate my friend who is someone I can have fun with. e) I don’t appreciate my friend who is always sure that I agree with him. f) I don’t appreciate my friend who tells my secrets to other people. 5.

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Flat 2 16 Zelena Street Lviv, 79000 Ukraine 4th December 2008 Dear John, Thank you for your last letter. I am happy to hear that you made a new friend. I’d like to tell you about my best friend, too. His name is Denis. I met him at the summer camp. He is not very tall and he has got dark hair and grey eyes. He is very smart and cheerful, so we have a lot of fun together. I respect him for his braveness and honesty. We’ve got much in common. We both like reading adventure novels and listening to rock music. We play football together and support the same football team. We are also ready to help each other in need. We have never quarrelled and I hope we won’t. I think we are true friends. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Your friend, Victor.

Lesson 5 1.


a) An ancestor — предок Heredity — спадковість To inherit — успадковувати; одержувати у спадщину A trait — риса (обличчя або характеру) b) You can guess who the ancestor’s of somebody were looking at his/ her surname. Heredity takes a great part of people’s characters. Kate inherited her mother’s beauty and her father’s intellect. The modesty is a good trait while the shyness is not.

3. 1) The girl’s father says that Dan Kelly passed his red hair to them. 2) Every living thing has heredity. 3) Straight or curly hair, the shape of ears and hands, the colour of eyes and skin are some traits people get from their ancestors. 4) Traits come from the ancestors of both the mother and the father.

5) Some traits that aren’t seen in the children, may show up again in the grandchildren or great-grandchildren. 6) We can’t tell yet what traits exactly will come to us because we are still growing.

Lessons 6—7 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Hans was an honest fellow. He lived in a small cottage. Every day he worked in his garden. Hans felt very proud of having a friend with such noble ideas. The rich Miller never gave little Hans anything to help with food. In winter, little Hans suffered from cold and hunger. The Miller said: «There is no good in my visit to see Hans». The Miller’s wife was pleased with her husband’s words.

3. «When people are in trouble no visitors should bother them». I disagree with the Miller’s words. When people are in trouble, they need help and support. True friends should share the problems between each other. If you can’t help your friend anyway you should help him at least morally. 4.

1) Hans was a hard-working and kind-hearted man because he worked every day in his garden and there was no garden as lovely as his was. He never troubled about such things as taking anything from the Miller in return of his apples and plums. 2) I disagree that the Miller was the most devoted friend because he thought only about his own profit but was unhelpful to Hans. 3) I think real friends should have something in common but not exactly everything. Different people can be true friends too. 4) In my opinion, it is easy to speak about noble things than to do them. Hans was a man of actions and the Miller was a man of words. 5) Hans proved to be a devoted friend. He gave to the Miller everything he could and didn’t ask for return. 6) A true friend is a person who knows you best and understands you. The true friend always helps you in need and never betrays you.

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5. 1) A friendship requires two friends both to be devoted and helpful. People who are open-hearted and ready to help everyone always have a lot of friends 2) It is always pleasant to spend time with your friend and nothing can prevent your friendship. 3) When you are in success, there are always a lot people who name themselves as your friends. They are fond of your money, knowledge, etc. But when you need real help only true friends come to you and do their best. 6. a) «I had a lot of friends but the most devoted friend of all was the Miller. He was so devoted to me, that he would never go by my garden without paying me his attention and taking the plums and apples from my garden. He used to say: ‘Real friends should have everything in common’ and I was very proud of having a friend with such noble ideas. He used to visit me in spring, summer and in autumn. I was very


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pleased of that. However, when the winter came I had neither fruit nor flowers to bring to the market and I suffered from cold and hunger. I felt very lonely because my friend never came to see me». b) «It was very а strange friendship between Hans and the rich Miller. Hans worked hard in his garden and there was no garden as lovely as his was. He always was glad to give some apples and plums to the Miller. The Miller was very rich, he had a hundred sacks of flour in his mill, and six cows, and many sheep, however he never gave little Hans anything in return. The Miller never helped him in winter when Hans suffered from cold and hunger. He even didn’t visit him. It was no good in that for him because poor Hans couldn’t give him anything». c) «I am sure that true friends help each other to feel happy. I did so for my friend little Hans. I often visited him and made him happy by taking his fruit and flowers. It was very pleasant for us to talk with each other especially about true friendship. I also never bothered him when he was in trouble. I am very thoughtful about others and Hans was very happy to have such a noble friend as me». 7. Hans was a very kind-hearted and unselfish man. He was always friendly and ready to help other people. He was really generous so he was glad to treat everyone with his fruit and flowers. Hans was a devoted friend to the Miller and never thought about asking to return him anything for his fruit. The Miller was rather an unpleasant and mean man. He was very rich, but he was so thoughtless and greedy that he never helped his friend in need. He filled his pockets with Hans’s plums and apples and never gave him anything in return. So selfish and unable to be thankful he was.

Lessons 8—9 1.

devotedly — more devotedly — the most devotedly late — later —the latest generously — more generously — the most generously lonely — more lonely — the most lonely hard — harder — the hardest loudly — more loudly — the most loudly


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


faithful, attentive, friendly, honest, devoted, thoughtful of others, kindhearted, unselfish, brave, hard-working, cheerful

She was worried more seriously than we thought. We can’t wait any longer. Now the fog is not so thick and I can see the road more clearly. She opened the door most noiselessly not to bother her husband. As the night came nearer he felt worse. We will work better, we promise.

5. 1) Children sometimes look like their parents. This proverb is used when a girl resembles her mother and when a boy looks like his father. 2) Everyone inherits the traits of the parents or ancestors.


7. as like as two peas as silent as the grave as hungry as a bear

as as as as as

busy as a bee clear as the day white as snow old as the hills good as gold


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

smartly — more smartly — the most smartly well — better —the best early — earlier — the earliest friendly — more friendly — the most friendly fast — faster — the fastest


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

thoughtful devoted lonely to bother selfish

3. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 4.

1) 2) 3) 4)

d) e) b) c) a)

showing care for needs of others giving one’s time, energy to someone or something without other people, sadly to bring trouble, to worry thinking only about his/her own needs

Have you got a true friend? I think, I have. Why do you think he/she is true? We help each other. And we’ve got much in common, I suppose. What does your friend look like? She is tall and slim with beautiful blond hair. What is your friend like? Well, she is intelligent and cheerful with good sense of humour. Do you agree that everyone is special by being different? Yes, that’s right. I quite agree.

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Test Yourself!

Many women say Richard is handsome.— True. This young woman agrees with others.— False. In her opinion, Richard is slim and straight.— True. She thinks he is a bad actor.— False.

5. One of my classmates was born under the star of Leo. Her most important strains are leadership and braveness. She is also very generous and proud. She is rather popular and she has got a lot of friends. As for bad strains she is boastful, untidy and sometimes rude.

Unit 2. Getting along with others Lesson 1 2.

1) The English Bridge team are discussing the theme of the future newspaper issue. 2) John’s suggestion is a talk about their duties at home and at school. 3) He supposes that a survey among kids will help to clear the pupils’ attitude to that problem. Christie’s idea is to talk about the problems in our life. 4) Terry thinks this theme is perfect for their «Letter Corner». John thinks that people need information how to act to solve problems.


5) Christie believes that bad behaviour often causes lots of problems. 6) She doesn’t know how to avoid problems at all, of course. But in her opinion it’s important to know how to get along with others. 7) So, everyone agrees about the theme for the Information Page to tell about social customs and norms. 8) Mary makes a suggestion about the heading. It may sound like: «What to Say and How to Behave?»

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What is your attitude to the Internet? Have you ever used it to solve some problems connected with youth study at school, for example? Another reason to use the Internet can be your curiosity. Your curiosity causes the extension of your knowledge. You should avoid the useless spending of time, of course. To get along with the Internet well means not only to be able to connect the system but to know how to work with the information. Your behaviour should be as follows: after you have found an interesting fact you can look for more information to learn about it better. For this keep your own file of interesting web pages. This also helps you to improve your English.

5. To find some information for your Nature Study you can use the Internet. It will help you to make an interesting report. To get along with the Internet first you should formulate the question (theme, subject) correctly. Then you enter it in the Search Line. When it gives you the list of web pages choose the most appropriate one. After you have found an interesting fact you can look for more information to learn about it better. For this keep you own file of interesting web pages.

Lesson 2 2.

At first Mark’s father allowed Mark to practise dancing with his friends in the garage, and he allowed them to keep their instruments there. But when Marks’ father got a new car, he didn’t let them use the garage anymore. A lot of boys and girls have problems with music and dancing. Their parents don’t allow them to listen to music and dance at home because it’s too noisy. But some teachers let their pupils have parties at school after the lessons. Sometimes headmasters allow them to arrange discos, too.

3. Many books are read by children at the library. The country is washed by the sea. This dinner is cooked by my grandma. The prize is won at the competitions every month. The newspaper is published every week. The children are looked after by their mums. 4.

1) Is he allowed to make parties at home? 2) Visitors aren’t allowed to touch things in the museum. 3) People aren’t usually allowed to borrow his instruments.

Lesson 3 1. 554

a) You shouldn’t shake hands with your friends when you see them. You shouldn’t kiss your friends when you see them.


shouldn’t hold hands with your friends. shouldn’t stand very close to the person you are talking to. shouldn’t call teachers by their first names. should call people by the short forms of their names.

1) The British never kiss when they see their friends.— False. 2) Men and women sometimes hold hands with each other.— True. 3) Young people sometimes call their teachers by their first name.— False. 4) In Britain and America they never use short forms of their names.— False. 5) In Britain when people talk to each other, they stand in a certain distance from the person they are talking to.— True. 6) British children often answer their teachers: «Yes, sir»./«Yes, Miss».— True. 7) Adults never use first names when they are talking to old people in Britain.— True. 8) Young Americans don’t usually shake hands.— True. 9) In Britain men sometimes kiss other men when they meet.— False.

3. a) Yes, there are a lot of social customs in our country. For example, you should be on formal terms with people you don’t know well (to address each other as «вы»). You should give a place to old and ill people as well as little children. b) Yes, I stop my conversation with a person who speaks to me not politely. c) Men usually shake hands when they see each other in Ukraine. d) Yes, I often see people who hold hands walking in the streets of my town. They are parents with their children and couples. e) People usually use first name and patronymic name to address to others in a formal situation. f) The normal distance to stand in for those who are talking is about a metre. 5. Dear Mike, I am happy to know you are going to visit me soon. I think it is important for you to know social norms of behaviour and some customs in Ukraine. Ukrainian men usually shake their hands when they see their friends, and girls sometimes kiss each other. But we usually don’t hug with our schoolmates or friends, even if we are supposed to be good friends. Ukrainians don’t hold hands with their friends. They often hold hands with small children, or with their girlfriends or boyfriends, wives or husbands. At schools young people call their teachers only by their first and second (patronymic) names. And only friends use short forms of their names. I hope these simple customs help you to have a nice time in Ukraine. Looking forward to seeing you. Your friend, Sasha

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You You You You


Lesson 4

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a) Diana’s mother and her best friend helped her to solve the problem. b) She likes that Diana is kind and a good friend. c) Now, Diana takes it easy. d) I think Diana’s problem isn’t serious because freckles often make girls pretty.

6. Dear English Bridge Group, I read the letter from your newspaper from Denis and I want to give him a piece of advice how to cope with his problem. Firstly, I think you should try to make friends in your new school. In my opinion, you should join a club or some interest group. It will help you to find new friends in your school and in such a way you will cope with your shyness. Secondly, just smile at Tina and it will be easy to talk to her and discuss, for example, your impression of a new school. You are in the same class, so you have something in common with your classmates! Then you can invite her to a school party. I think she will not make fun of you, she seems to be a nice girl. Finally, I am sure blushing while speaking to girls is not a problem at all. You will cope with it soon when you become not so shy. And now take it easy! Best wishes, Kate

Lesson 5 1.

b) CD player.


1) Jimmy was in the hospital because his leg was broken. 2) He was in bed, so he felt bored. 3) Jimmy’s family sent him cards, but there was nothing from his friends. 4) His doctor came to see him and saw his cards. 5) His mother came this afternoon and gave him a CD player. 6) His classmates arranged a surprise for the birthday party and brought Jimmy a card and some presents. 7) Jimmy was happy because his friends were with him on his thirteen birthday. 8) Jimmy’s doctor came that afternoon and told him great news.

3. Jimmy’s classmates didn’t forget about him and made him a nice surprise. First they sang «Happy Birthday to You» very loudly and gave him a big card. Then Mark’s mother came with a big birthday cake and paper plates. After that his classmates gave him three CDs of his favourite singers. I think that Jimmy’s class is very friendly and united and they never forget about their friends. The special present which impressed Jimmy was from the doctor. She said that he could go home next day. Jimmy was happy because he was bored in hospital and wanted to come back home and school. Yes, my classmates get along together very well.


1) He was very rude at the beginning of the story. 2) One morning he saw a goblin in his garden. 3) Mr Uppity was curious and followed the goblin. 4) The King said to Mr Uppity not to be rude to anybody. 5) Yes, he came back to his garden and to his usual size. 6) She asked him to tell the time. He answered «No». As soon as he said it he began to shrink. He thought a little and said to the old woman: «I am very sorry. I beg your pardon. I wanted to say that it is twenty minutes past eleven». Immediately he grew to his original size. 7) Yes he was polite to him. 8) He said «Yes!» and told her the way. He felt very pleased after the young woman had thanked him. 9) He learned to say «Thank you», «I am sorry», «Excuse me», «Let me help you», «With pleasure» and many other nice things.

3. 1) 2) 3) 4) 4.

bad-tempered — d) good-tempered difficult — c) easy-going unkind — a) kind rude — b) polite

Rude and impolite words can hurt a person’s feelings. They can hurt a person’s feelings because they are unpleasant to hear and unfair. They also can upset a person. Usually bad-tempered and unkind people tell rude and unfair words.

6. a) I agree that being polite is really important. Every day you contact with many people. If you are not polite to them, they will not like you and will avoid speaking to you. You need to be polite to have a lot of friends and to get along with others. I think I am a polite person. I always say «Thank you», «Please» and other polite words. I try not to be rude even to unpleasant people.

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Lesson 6

Lessons 7—8 1.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

The article is written for the magazine every day. The newspapers are sold at the newsagents. The stories are written by writers. The pictures are painted by painters. The information is printed in newspapers and magazines. A child is loved by his parents. The house is cleaned twice a week. My friend is liked by everybody. The vacuum-cleaner is used very often.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

It is impossible to hold a conversation with him. He is too rude. What impression did she make on you? Well, I feel a little bit uncomfortable about this situation. Nobody can be allowed to take my things! Don’t make me angry! He is a good-tempered boy and I’m sure you’ll make friends.


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3. The main point of the discussion was the theme of the future newspaper issue. Firstly we wanted to talk about our duties at home and at school. Then there was an idea to discuss ‘Problems in Our Life’. But we decided it was a perfect theme for ‘Letter Corner’. Finally we realised that talking about how to behave to get along with others is a perfect subject to talk about. The heading was ‘What to Say and How to Behave?’ 10. Dear Lena, I am glad to hear such fantastic news from you. I think you will have a great time in America. In my opinion, it will be useful and interesting for you to know some of their social customs. Young American people don’t usually kiss or shake hands when they see each other. They just smile and say «Hi!» or «Hello!». They also don’t hold hands with their friends. But they often hold hands with small children, or with their boyfriends or girlfriends, wives or husbands. Many people in America use short forms of their names. Children and grown-ups use the same short names. It is a small piece of advice and I hope it will help you to have good time in America. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes, Ann. Test Yourself! 1.

— Have you coped with your problem already? — Yes, of course. — What way did you avoid it? — Well, I thought a little and decided that I couldn’t solve all the problems in my life. That’s why I changed my attitude to the problem. I don’t think it’s a problem at all. I just take it easy and feel comfortable now.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Books are often read to the children at bedtime by their parents. Tomatoes aren’t grown in front of the house. It’s awful that animals are kept in cages. Textbooks are brought to the lesson. The homework isn’t done late at night by good pupils.

3. What is your impression of that man. I think he is good-tempered enough. And what impression did he make on you? In my opinion, he makes everyone think so. But he is not as polite as he wants to seem. Do you remember the way he treated that old woman? Yes, I do. He just ignored her. He behaved himself rudely. I agree. 4.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Debbie made impression of a proud and selfish girl. Lots of her classmates decided they could make fun of her. Debbie was a shy girl. This situation made Debbie unhappy. She made her classmates laugh. Her classmates began to respect her. Debbie slowly began to be a sociable person.

5. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Talk about the things that will interest everyone. Keep to the theme. Do not say anything to hurt the feelings of someone present. Be polite. Say «Excuse me» if you must interrupt someone.

5. Pupils at our school have to wear a uniform. Pupils at our school are not allowed to use mobile phones during the lesson. Pupils at our school are let come out for a short while during the lesson. Pupils at our school must do their homework. Pupils at our school can join different study or hobby groups.

Lesson 1 2.

1) Yes, Mary has already done her homework. 2) She looks tired because she has been ironing some clothes and cleaning the carpet. Then she has been doing some washing up and some cooking. 3) She has been ironing some clothes and cleaning the carpet. Then she has been doing some washing up and some cooking. 4) Her brother didn’t help her. 5) Denis has been speaking over the phone for two hours. 6) He hasn’t tidied up his bedroom yet. 7) He hasn’t cleaned his bike yet. 8) Denis has been speaking over the phone since he came home from school.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

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Unit 3. Doing Chores

Kate has been washing with a washing machine. Nelly has been ironing with an iron. Granny has been cooking on a cooker. Bill has been sweeping with a broom. Father has been going shopping by car. Grandpa has been washing up with a dishwasher machine.

Lesson 2 1) Granny looks tired.— b) She’s been doing ironing all morning. 2) Father’s in the garden.— c) He’s been planting trees all day long. 3) We’ve been working in the kitchen since 9 o’clock in the morning.— a) I think it’s time to stop. 4) What have you been doing all the day? — f) Lots of things. I’ve been busy. 5) How long have you been shopping? — d) For three hours. 6) There are lots of tasty dishes on the table! — e) Yes, there are. Mum and Mary have been cooking all afternoon. 2.

1) Jane has been shopping for two hours. 2) Granny has been cooking for three hours.


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3) I have been washing up for twenty minutes. 4) The children have been tidying their room for an hour. 5) Grandpa has been working in the garden since 8 o’clock in the morning. 3. 1) How long has Jenny been walking the dog? She has been walking the dog for two hours. 2) How long has Ron been warming up food in the microwave oven? He has been warming up food in the microwave oven for three minutes. 3) How long have the children been planting trees? They have been planting trees all day. 4) How long has father been fixing the iron? He has been fixing the iron all morning. 5) How long has Nelly been making the salad? She has been making the salad for ten minutes. 6) How long have the girls been baby-sitting? They have been baby-sitting since afternoon. 4.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

5. 1) 2) 3) 4)

Has she been lying in the sun? Has he been playing football? Have you been crying? What has he been doing? How long have you been waiting? How How How How

long long long long

has your sister been learning Italian? have you been waiting for him? have they been talking? has she been playing the piano?

Lesson 3 2.


1) True. 2) False. 3) True. 4) False. 5) False. 6) True. 7) True. 8) False. 9) False. 10) True. 11) False.

3. 1) Doing a work about the house is called ‘doing chores’. 2) Usually each member of the family has a householding duty. 3) Writing notes to each other helps family members to remember the things to do. 4) Usually mother is the busiest person in the householding chores. 5) We can boil sausages or fry eggs for breakfast. 6) When dish is ready we can eat it. 7) To make tea we should put some tea into the tea-pot and pour some of the boiling water into the pot. 8) We can wash up and dry the dishes with a dishwasher machine.

9) We should put clean dishes into the cupboard. 10) A woman’s work is never done. 5. My father usually does the shopping and cleans the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. My mother usually does the ironing, cooking and washing. My brother always feeds and walks the dog. He also tidies up his room. I usually do the washing up and lay the table. We usually clean the flat with my Mum together.


1) Lucy usually cooks once or twice a week. 2) She spends an hour on each meal. 3) Her mother never helps her. 4) Lucy shares the recipe for an omelette. 5) Sheila likes to help mum in setting out the table. 6) For festive dinner it is important to set the table correctly and beautifully. 7) In her letter Sheila shares her knowledge of ‘place settings’ with us.

3. Cut to open the bread roll. Slice the tomatoes. Slice the cheese. Put tomato slices on the bread. Put some cheese on top. Put the top of the bread roll on top. Now eat your sandwich. It’s delicious!

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Lesson 4

Lesson 5 1.

1) People usually do cooking and eating in the kitchen. 2) Mum does cooking in our house. 3) Salad is usually made of vegetables. 4) I know such cooking methods as frying, boiling and baking. 5) The difference is in that baking means cooking by dry heat in an oven and boiling means cooking in hot water in a pan. 6) A glass of wine it’s a glass full of wine. A wineglass it’s a glass for wine, but it may be empty.


1) There are different knives on the table: a fish-knife, a large knife for meat, a small knife for butter, and a fruit knife for dessert. 2) Englishmen usually use different forks: a fork for fish, a fork for meat. 3) In the oven Englishmen bake a cake, bread, biscuits, pies. 4) Boiling means cooking in hot water and frying means cooking in hot fat. 5) A cup of coffee means a cup full of coffee. 6) A coffee cup may be empty. 7) The difference between ‘a pot of tea’ and ‘a tea pot’ is in that the first means a pot full of tea and “a tea pot” may be empty.


3. People in Great Britain work at home at the weekend. The British are very proud of their homes. DIY is Do It Yourself. Doing repairs and improvements to the house is called so.

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5. a) Yes. I can cook. My mother has got a cookery book. No, I have never followed the instructions in a recipe.


6. A Russian Salad Ingredients: Sausage — 300gr Potato — 200gr Eggs — 3 Peas — 100gr Cucumbers — 150gr Onion — 50gr Mayonnaise — 30gr Salt Instructions: Boil eggs and potato. Then peel them and peel the onion. Chop the sausage, potato, eggs, cucumbers and onion and combine them in a bowl. Add peas, mayonnaise and salt. Mix all the ingredients. Now it’s ready for your lunch!

Lesson 6 1.

1) to 2) 3) 4)

a pile — купа pile — нагружати, складати в купу to use up — витрачати as soon as — тільки-но right away — негайно, зараз

3. 1) He always cooked his own dinner, cleaned the house by himself and made his own bed. 2) One night he came home feeling very hungry so he made a big dinner. As he was very tired after finishing dinner he decided to leave the dishes till the next night. 3) The next nights he came home hungrier and more tired and he never washed the dishes. 4) He didn’t wash up the dishes right away after his eating out of them. 5) One night he found out that there wasn’t any clean dish in his cupboard. 6) His house was full of dirty dishes, and dirty flowerpots, and dirty ashtrays, and dirty sweets dishes, and dirty pots, and а dirty soap dish, and a dirty pan, and a dirty kettle. 7) He couldn’t find his books, and a clock, and a bed, and a sink. He was so unhappy. 8) When the rain started he pilled all the dirty dishes and other things in his lorry and drove the truck out onto the rain. 9) He was very tired after carrying back everything back and putting it away.

10) He decided to wash up the dishes just after eating out of them. 11) He is happy because he can find everything he needs in his house. 6. I will wash all the dishes. I wash up the dishes right away after dinner. Yes, I do. I feel pleased. We will use them up and have huge piles of dirty things around us. It will be difficult to find anything we need. 7. Usually I do the washing up right away after meal. I always help my Mum to clean the flat. I usually sweep the floor and clean the carpet with the vacuum cleaner. I always tidy up my room and make my bed. Sometimes I help my Mum to cook or do the ironing.


1) How long have you been cooking this dinner? 2) How long have you been doing the gardening? 3) Is the doctor coming? I have been waiting for him since the morning. 4) John looks tired.— He has been studying very hard lately. 5) I have been working in the garden all day. Let me have a rest. 6) How long have you been doing shopping? 7) Have you been cooking anything there? — No, we have been making experiments. 8) We have been fishing since the morning. 9) I have been asking you to tidy your room for two days. 10) I have been staying with my friends but now I’m going to move to a hotel. 11) I have been ringing for half an hour. Why didn’t you answer? — I have been cleaning the carpets with the vacuum cleaner.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

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Lessons 7—8

The boys haven’t been cleaning the bike. She hasn’t been living in the house for 2 months. I haven’t been learning Japanese for half a year. They haven’t been helping their Mum for all the day. We haven’t been painting our house. Jane hasn’t been ironing since 9 o’clock in the morning.

5. A toaster is a machine that is used to make toasts. A microwave oven is a machine that is used to warm up the food. A cooker is a machine that is used to cook food. A dishwasher is a machine that is used to do the washing up. A freezer is a machine that is used to freeze food. A fridge is a machine that is used to keep food. A food mixer is a machine that is used to mix food. An iron is a machine that is used to iron the clothes. A vacuum cleaner is a machine that is used to clean carpets. A washing machine is a machine that is used to wash the clothes. A sewing machine is a machine that is used to sew the clothes. 6. a) I think Mr Robinson likes shopping but doesn’t like cooking. Tim Robinson doesn’t like feeding and walking the dog as well as making his bed.


Liz Robinson likes washing up and helps Dad with the shopping. b) To make my bed and tidy my room? That’s really boring! To phone for a pizza? That’s great! I love pizza! To wash the dirty clothes? Why me again? To do my homework? I hate doing the homework! To cook some spaghetti? Well, I need to eat something. To take the video back to the video club? With great pleasure!

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8. 1) What shall I do with this? Peel them first and then chop them. 2) What shall I do with this? Boil them first and then mash them. 3) What shall I do with this? Wash them first and then chop them. 4) What shall I do with this? Cut them first and then grill them. 5) What shall I do with this? Slice them first and then mix and oil them. 6) What shall I do with this? Slice them first and then fry them. 9. 1) 2) 3) 4)

Peel and chop the potatoes and onions. Boil the potatoes in a pan. Add a little butter with some mayonnaise. Pour the mixture onto the potatoes and onions.

10. Ingredients: Cabbage — 200gr Potato — 300gr Tomatoes — 150gr Sour cream — 200gr 5gr Parsley — Carrot — 200gr Butter — 50gr Beetroot — 300gr Onion — 80gr Fennel — 5gr Vinegar — 10gr Salt Instructions: Slice the cabbage, potato and carrot and put them in a bullion. Boil them 10 minutes. Then slice a beetroot and add it to the vegetables. Boil them and at the same time warm the butter on the frying pan, slice the onion and fry it until it gets yellow. Add the sour-cream and grated tomatoes to it. Let it begin to boil. Then pour it to the pan. Add vinegar and salt. Slice the parsley and put it into the plates before serving the table up.

Test Yourself! 1.


1) peel — d) 2) slice — f) 3) mash — b) 4) mix — c) 5) oil — i) 6) boil — a) 7) chop — g) 8) pour — h) 9) cut — e) 10) fry — j)


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

How How How How How

long long long long long

has Jim been washing his car? have Mum and Jane been doing shopping? has father been washing up? has Grandpa been ironing? has Granny been cooking?


Take some potatoes and wash them. Then peel some carrots, a cabbage and an onion. Wash meat and put it into the pot. Cut the vegetables then. Put some salt into the soup.

5. Jane has been doing the washing up and helping her Dad to do the shopping that day. She hasn’t been cleaning carpets, because she had already done it. Tommy has been feeding the parrot and watering the flowers. He also has been making his bed that day. Mr Smith has been doing the shopping with his daughter. He hasn’t been cooking because they have been having dinner with the Browns.

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3. Nick: Bob! What are you doing in the kitchen? Bob: I am cooking dinner. Nick: That sounds nice. How long have you been cooking it? Bob: I have been cooking it for an hour. Nick: Jane, I need your help. Jane: Excuse me. I am washing up. Ask Sam. Bob: Sam isn’t in. I asked him to do shopping. Nick: Is he going to come soon? How long has he been shopping? Bob: Well, he has been shopping for twenty minutes. Jane: OK. I’ve done it already and I’m going to help you, Nick.

Unit 4. Doctor! Doctor! Lesson 1 2.

a) John, couldn’t express his opinion on the point. b) He felt like something was wrong with him. c) He’s got a sore throat and a terrible headache. d) Terry is ready to go to the chemist’s to buy some tablets of aspirin. e) Mary’s suggestion is to call the doctor. f) John asked for something hot to drink. g) John’s friends phoned John’s mother. h) Lilly told John’s mother that he felt ill, and sneezed, and coughed. i) John’s mother guessed he had caught cold before he went to school. j) His mother was ready to come twenty minutes later.


The doctor was a nice woman. She visited John at his home. She took a pulse and listened to his breath. Then she examined the boy’s throat. It was bright red. Doctor checked John’s temperature. It was rather high. She said it wasn’t flu but just a bad cold. John was sneezing and coughing all the time. But the doctor promised that he would be better in several days. She prescribed some medicine for his headache and his sore throat. She asked his mother to buy the medicine and John to stay in bed for 3 days. She told John he had to


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drink warm milk with butter, honey and mineral water. Then he would recover soon. With these words the doctor left the room. 7. 1) People feel that it is something wrong with them when they catch a cold. 2) Yes, I have fallen ill. 3) Yes, my Mum called the doctor. 4) The doctor asked me to open the mouth and to show her my throat. She asked me about my feeling. She checked my temperature and examined my pulse and breath. 5) The doctor said it was a bad cold. 6) The doctor prescribed me medicine for a headache and sore throat. 7) I felt better after I had taken the medicine. 8) While I was ill I drank a lot but I did not eat much. 9) I had stayed in bed for 3 days before I recovered. 10) I know that I had recovered when I felt better and my temperature was normal.

Lesson 2 1.

1) Little Fred had broken his leg before Max came back home from school. 2) Father had called in the doctor before Max came back home from school. 3) Mother had given Fred some medicine before Max came back home from school. 4) Granny had cooked dinner before Max came back home from school. 5) Nobody had read Fred a fairy tale before Max came back home from school.


1) By the time the doctor came the man in green sweater had given first aid for poor Tom. 2) Mary caught a cold because she hadn’t been dressed warm. 3) Ann had taken her medicine before she started her dinner. 4) John had a bad tummy ache after he had eaten in the cafe. 5) The doctor prescribed some medicine for his patient after he had examined him.

3. 1) After Kate had had her lunch, she took some medicine. 2) When Jim had eaten some ice cream, he had a bad toothache. 3) After Sally had drunk a glass of warm milk, she felt better. 4) Mother had gone to the chemist’s before the father arrived. 5) Sam had recovered from his illness by the time of his birthday came. 4.


1) What She had 2) What She had 3) What She had

had mother done before the doctor came? put on Jane a warm blanket. had mother done before the doctor came? given Jane a glass of warm milk. had mother done before the doctor came? checked Jane’s temperature.

4) What had mother done before the doctor came? She had cleaned the carpet. 6. 1) It was a feeling he had never felt before. 2) The woman, who had been on a diet for a year, looked younger than her age. 3) After he had cut his finger, he washed it and put a plaster. 4) I felt better after I had taken a tablet of aspirin. 5) We were pleased to see Alex again. We hadn’t seen him for a month. 6) Rose felt very tired after she had worked in the garden.

3. 1) True. 2) False. 3) False. 4) True. 5) False. 6) False. 7) True. 8) True. 9) False. 10) True. 11) True. 4.

a) A disease is usually characterized by a set of specific symptoms and signs. b) The doctor will take your pulse, look at you tongue, listen to your heart and lungs and check your temperature. c) Your local doctor can send you to see a specialist. d) A specialist will examine you and prescribe some treatment, pills, tablets or some other medicine. e) If you feel too ill to go to a doctor, you’ll stay in bed and send for a doctor. f) The Accident and Emergency department will help you if you have an accident. g) At hospitals surgeons make operations, nurses take care of patients and doctors visit their patients at regularly. h) If you go to a private doctor you have to pay there, but it’s usually quicker. i) To live a healthy lifestyle means to do regular physical exercises, be outdoors every day, eat only healthy food and get enough sleep. j) Taking vitamins and having a complete physical check up once a year are two more useful things for your health.

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Lessons 3—4



a symptom an illness a part of the body health service to sneeze a sore throat a tongue a dentist to cough a disease lungs a surgeon a heart a nurse treatment to prescribe When the doctor comes to visit my Granny, he usually listens to her heart and lungs.


When the doctor comes to visit my Granny, he usually checks her temperature and takes her pulse. When the doctor comes to visit my Granny, he usually tells her to take medicine regularly and how many times a day to take pills or tablets.

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8. 1) No, I seldom catch cold. 2) To get a treatment I go to a doctor. 3) The doctor usually takes my pulse, looks at my throat, listens to my heart and lungs and checks my temperature to prescribe me some medicine. 4) To get my medicine I go to the chemist’s. 5) Yes, I enjoy good health. To keep on being healthy we should do regular physical exercises, be outdoors every day, eat only healthy food and get enough sleep 6) If I have a toothache I go to a dentist. 7) I have never had an operation.

Lesson 5 2.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Michael had been off school for a month. He broke his leg after he had fallen off his bike. He had stayed at hospital for three days. The ambulance brought him home. He felt bored at home. He had done 150 word puzzles. He advises to be careful while riding bike or doing other things.

Lesson 6 to suffer — страждати diet — дієта lifestyle — спосіб життя 3. 1) Steve hadn’t changed a bit since Alex saw him last time. 2) Steve gets cold not more often than once in 2 or 3 years. 3) He doesn’t suffer from anything. 4) Steve doesn’t keep to a diet because he eats everything he likes. 5) He doesn’t take regular exercises. But he walks a lot all year round. 6) He doesn’t smoke and never drink alcohol and it helps him to keep fit.


5. 1) I quite agree. To be well means to be mentally and physically healthy. 2) I quite agree. If you don’t want to have a toothache, you should visit the dentist twice a year. 3) I quite agree. Children are usually afraid of injections. 4) I’m afraid you are wrong. If you got sick, you should consult the doctor. 5) I’m afraid you are wrong. The dentists test your teeth. 6) I quite agree. Usually doctors examine patients, feel their pulse, take the temperature, etc.

7) I’m afraid you are wrong. Healthy food means vegetables, fruit and no sweet food. 8) I quite agree. If you want to keep in good health, don’t keep negative feelings. Try to develop a positive attitude to everything. 9) I’m afraid you are wrong. To be on a sensible diet is good for your health. 10) I quite agree. To be healthy means to keep oneself clean, to take long walks and to be on a diet.


1) Jim’s father kept the Admiral Benbow Inn. 2) Captain was a very silent man. 3) No, Doctor wasn’t afraid of Captain’s anger. 4) One day a man who Jim had never seen before came to visit Captain. 5) The stranger’s name was Black Dog. 6) Black Dog wanted Jim to leave them alone to talk like old friends. 7) Black Dog ran away after he had talked to Captain. 8) Black Dog was hurt in the fight. 9) It was too much rum that made Captain’s heart ill. 10) His real name was Bill Bones.


a) 2) 3) 4) 5)

1) The parents made their daughter study well. The doctor made the patient take some medicines. Mother made John stay in bed. Mrs Clay made her read the novel. Captain made Jim bring the bottle of rum.

b) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1) The child kept on crying. The captain kept on drinking rum. It kept on raining. They kept on discussing that interesting problem. The doctor kept on giving that medicine to his patient. Mother kept on being on a diet.

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Lesson 7

6. dirty, heavy, often drinks rum, old, lazy, rude 7. I think that Captain didn’t want to see Black Dog because his brown face became white when he saw Black Dog. Even his nose turned blue at that moment. I suppose he didn’t want to see Black Dog because he looked old and sick at that moment. 8. Who came to the Admiral Benbow one day? What was Captain like? Who asked about Bill one day? What happened to Captain when he saw Black Dog? What were they doing then? Who got a wound? What happened to Captain? What did Dr Livesey say and do? Did the doctor help Captain? What was the doctor’s advice to Captain? What did they do with Captain?


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Lessons 8—9 1.

1) A: What happened to Tim? B: He had a headache. A: How long had he had it? B: He had had it for three days. 2) A: What happened to Jane? B: She had a cough. A: How long had she had it? B: She had had it for two weeks. 3) A: What happened to Adam? B: He had a cold. A: How long had he had it? B: He had had it for a week. 4) A: What happened to Mick? B: He had a flu. A: How long had he had it? B: He had had it for ten days. 5) A: What happened to Rosie? B: She had an earache. A: How long had she had it? B: She had had it for a weekend.


1) a) After Mary had called the doctor, he came back to the patient. b) Mary had called the doctor before he came back to the patient 2) a) After he had felt pain, he took some medicine. b) He had felt pain before he took some medicine 3) a) After Bob had visited the dentist, he went to the cinema. b) Bob had visited the dentist before he went to the cinema. 4) a) After the doctor had examined his patient, he changed his opinion. b) The doctor had examined his patient before he changed his opinion.

3. 1) She has a cold and cough all the time. 2) When the policeman came into the room he saw some blood on the floor. 3) Does he do his morning exercises regularly? 4) The doctor regularly feels her pulse. 5) A person is healthy when he is not ill. 6) This is a good medicine for colds. 7) I often have a sore throat in autumn. 8) The doctor examined the child to see if he was ill. 9) She has caught a cold and now she is sneezing all the time. 10) She recovered slowly after her long illness. 11) The doctor prescribed a new medicine for the pain in my lungs. 5. If If If If If If


people people people people people people

have a headache they have a walk outdoors. can’t sleep they drink warm milk. have a toothache they go to the dentist. have a pain in the heart they call to a doctor and go to bed. have a cold they drink warm milk with honey or butter. have a stomachache they take some medicine.

8. 1) I’m afraid you are not right. You don’t have a pain in the stomach when you suffer from a headache.

2) I’m afraid you are not right. You don’t have a pain in your leg when you suffer from an earache. 3) I’m afraid you are not right. You don’t eat a lot of fried meat if you are on a diet. 4) I’m afraid you are not right. Your mother doesn’t let you eat ice cream when you have a sore throat. 5) I’m afraid you are not right. You have to stay in bed when you are seriously ill.


1) one of the two organs of breathing in the chest of man and animals — lungs 2) a feeling of being hurt — pain 3) the front of the neck — throat 4) to look at something carefully to find out something — examine 5) an organ in the mouth used for tasting and speaking — tongue


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

I couldn’t see Tom because he had gone to hospital. I was late because my Granny had fallen ill. She looked perfect because she had lived healthy life. Sally felt better after she had took some medicine. George didn’t go to the theatre because he had seen the play twice.

3. — Good morning. What can I do for you? — I have a sore throat. — I see. Well, I’ll just have a look at it. Yes, it’s very red. How long has it been like this? — About two days. — Well, you’ve got an infection there. I’ll give you a prescription for some tablets. Take one tablet four times a day. — Thank you. — If it isn’t better in about two or three days, come back and see me. — Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye. — Goodbye. 4.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

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Test Yourself!

Nick started to feel ill on Sunday evening. Nick’s Mum phoned the doctor. The doctor looked at Nick’s throat and checked his temperature. Nick’s Mum got the medicine when she went shopping. The medicine tasted horrible.

5. Too Too Too The Too

little food makes you thin. much food makes you thick. wrong food makes you unhealthy. right food keeps you healthy. many sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.

6. Dear Sara, Thank you for your invitation to the cinema. Unfortunately, I can’t go out tomorrow evening. I’ve fallen ill. I have a sore throat and a high temperature. I’m also sneezing all the time. The doctor said that I had to stay in bed no less than for 3 days. Then I’ll recover soon and phone you.


Unit 5. British Lifestyle Lessons 1—2 1.

This letter is from London’s School of English. Elizabeth Wright, the competition organizer, informs Mary and Chris that they have won first prize in English language debating competition. The prize is a trip to London, which includes free flights to and from Heathrow airport, living in an English family and free English lessons at the London’s School of English. It also includes free sightseeing tour around London, spending allowance and visiting museums and galleries with a guide.

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3. Mary and Chris came to London to Mrs and Mr McBrights. Mrs McBright showed them their room with a bathroom. Next to their room there is a living room. Sarah hopes they’ll be comfortable down there. The McBrights are having dinner in half an hour in the dining room. The girls can have a little rest. 4.

lazy, shy, careless

7. 1) They are going to stay with them for two weeks. 2) There are four members in Mr McBright’s family. 3) She cooked roast beef with carrots, Brussels sprouts and potatoes. and Yorkshire pudding. 4) No, it isn’t. 5) Yes, she liked very much the dessert her mother had cooked. 8. My father only likes a cup of black coffee for breakfast. He usually has a Ukrainian borsch or some soup and a meat course with some porridge for dinner. The potato with fish and fresh vegetables is the best supper for him.

Lesson 3



The flour, eggs and water are mixed together. The mixture is called dough. The dough is kneaded by the baker. The dough is made into loaves. The loaves are put into a warm place to rise. The loaves are baked in an oven. Bread is eaten all over the world.


1) A very strong tea with milk is called an «English tea». 2) The Yorkshire pudding is made of eggs, flour and milk. 3) A fruit pudding is usually served for dessert. 4) The beautiful gardens are usually grown by English families near their houses. 5) The written invitations are used to invite friends or relatives to a special party by the British. 6) The British are said to be great tea-drinkers. 7) Cereals or muesli are preferred for breakfast by most people.

3. Ukrainians are not expected to Ukrainians are supposed to


1) He had taken his shoes off before he entered home. 2) After Tom had spent two weeks in London he came back home. 3) As soon as Bob had seen Rosie he always wanted to be near. 4) After mother had finished doing households she fell asleep. 5) Roast goose had been a usual Christmas dish before they started cooking roast turkey.

5. Last weekend Mrs Smith was very busy. After she had had breakfast she washed up the dishes and put them into the cupboard. When she had cleaned the table and taken the tablecloth off, she began ironing the cloth. As soon as ironing had been done, Mrs Smith cleaned the carpet with a vacuum cleaner. Before she cooked the dinner for the whole family, she had gone shopping to the market with her husband. 6. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

My Mum has been gardening for two hours. We have been living in this house for ten years. My family has been using this car since 1999. Vira has been playing tennis since she was eight. My father hasn’t been smoking for three months. I have been learning English since I was seven.

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Ukrainians are expected to take off their shoes entering someone’s home. Ukrainians are supposed to make way for a girl or older people. Ukrainians are expected to give their seat for older people or other people who need it. Ukrainians are supposed to say «Smachnogo!» to people that are having meal. Ukrainians are not expected to greet their friends each time they meet them during the day. Ukrainians are not supposed to speak with their mouth full at the dinner.

7. How long has he been working as a shoe salesman? He has been working as a salesman for two years. How long has he been living in London? He has been living in London since 1980. How long has he been enjoying fishing? He has been enjoying fishing for 10 years. 8. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

How How How How How How How

long long long long long long long

has she been living in London? has she been working as a shop-assistant? has she been living in her own flat? has she been having a good friend? has she been playing tennis well? has she been learning to drive a car? hasn’t she been visiting her family?

Lesson 4 2.

1) Christmas goes on for three days: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. 2) Cristmas traditions are buying presents, cooking turkey and decorating Christmas tree on the Christmas Eve and opening presents, going


to church, singing carols and having Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. 3) A New Year Party is the most common type of New Year celebration. 4) The first visitor to enter a house in New Year’s morning is the First Foot. 5) The first visitor must be a man carrying food, drink and coal into the house. 6) Boys send cards to their girlfriends on 14th of February. 7) Lent is a period of forty days before Easter. 8) A May Queen is traditionally elected on the 1st of May. 9) On May Day people usually play different games and sports outdoors. 10) London’s May Queen is crowned at the May Queen Festival that is held in Great Britain in Kent.

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Lesson 5



The The The The The The

British British British British British British

are thought to be serious and reserved. aren’t said to be great coffee drinkers. are known to be well-mannered. are believed to be countrymen at heart. are considered to be practical and careful. aren’t supposed to be emotional.

Lesson 6 1.

b) 1) The British Royal family is always at the centre of people’s attention in Great Britain. 2) The Queen meets thousands of people every year. 3) Some say that Prince Charles has many intellectual interests. He’s a trained driver, he has climbed mountains, parachuted from aeroplanes, and served in the Navy. 4) On the day of the Queen’s silver jubilee celebration thousands of people came to the streets to see her. 5) In ancient times the Royal family had a German surname because its ancestors were German. 6) After World War I King George V decided to adopt a more Englishsounding name of Windsor. 7) Windsor is the surname of the Royal family because it’s the name of a Royal castle. 8) In London the Royal family lives in Buckingham Palace.


An average British family consists of two people either married or unmarried living together with children. An ideal family for the British is a married couple with two children.


In a typical British home there are two parents and one or two children. Nowadays the British divorce more often than in the past, so a lot of children live with just one parent. About half the households in Britain have got a pet. The most common pet is a cat. People get married and have children later nowadays. The average age for getting married is 26 for men and 24 for women. The

average age for having a child is 30 now. Many people don’t live in the town where they grew up, because they moved to another place to get a job. This means that it’s quite common for people to live a long way away from their grandparents, aunts and uncles.

Lesson 7 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

False. False. True. True. False. False. False. False. True.

3. a) The workshop was a stone building. It was fine workshop, big enough to take one car comfortably. b) The caravan was our house and our home. My father said it was at least one hundred and fifty years old. Many gypsy children, he said, had been born in it and had grown up within its wooden walls. Different people had knocked at its doors, different people had lived in it. But now its best years were over. There was only one room in the caravan, and it wasn’t much bigger than a modern bathroom. c) For furniture, we had two narrow beds, two chairs and a small table covered with a tablecloth and some bowls, plates, cups, forks and spoons on it. g) I loved the evenings when I was in my bed and my father was telling stories. I was happy because I was sure that when I went to sleep my father would still be there, very close to me, sitting in his chair by the fire. d) While I was still a baby, my father washed me and fed me, pushed me in my pram to the doctor and did all the millions of other things a mother normally does for her child. e) During my early years, I never had a moment’s unhappiness, and here I am on my fifth birthday. I was a little boy as you can see, with dirt and oil all over me, but that was because I spent all day in the workshop helping my father with the cars. f) What made him look so serious and sometimes sad was the fact that he never smiled with his mouth. He did it all with his eyes. He had bright blue eyes and when he thought of something funny, you could see a golden light dancing in the middle of each eye. But the mouth never moved. 4.

1) Danny and his father lived in the caravan. 2) Danny loved living there. 3) Gypsies had lived in the caravan before. 4) Danny’s father cooked the stew in Danny’s family. 5) Danny was never unhappy in his early years. 6) Danny’s father repaired the cars in the workshop and Danny helped him.

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Lesson 8—9 The house is spacious and double-floored with a garage. There is a study on the attic. There is a kitchen, a dining room and a living room on the ground floor. There are two bedrooms with a bathroom on the first floor. The colours are bright and cheerful and the house is quite fashionable.


a) How many families watch TV in Britain today? Today 98 per cent of British families watch TV. How many families have a bath or shower in Britain today? Today 98 per cent of British families have a bath or shower. How many families have a telephone in Britain today? Today 83 per cent of British families have a telephone. How many families have a washing machine in Britain today? Today 83 per cent of British families have a washing machine. How many families have a freezer in Britain today? Today 74 per cent of British families have a freezer. How many families have a central heating in Britain today? Today 73 per cent of British families have a central heating. How many families have a car in Britain today? Today 64 per cent of British families have a car. b) How many of British families are couples without children today? Today 36 per cent of British families are couples without children. How many of British families are couples with children today? Today 25 per cent of British families are couples with children. How many of British families are couples with one child today? Today 21 per cent of British families are couples with one child. How many are there lone mothers in Britain? Today there are 17 per cent of lone mothers in Britain. How many are there lone fathers in Britain? Today there are 1 per cent of lone fathers in Britain.

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3. Men build houses, women make homes. In my opinion, it means that men build the place where you can just a dwelling. And women make you feel like living there, so consider a home to be a part of your pleasurable life. My home is my castle. I think it means that our home is the place where you feel safe relaxed. Nobody is allowed to interrupt you there. There’s no place like home. Every bird likes its own nest. Out home is a part of our life and ourselves at all. There you as you are and lead your life as you want. 4.


live, you



1) I disagree. British are very friendly and sociable even to foreigners they are just reserved. 2) I quite agree. They always say «Thank you», «Please», «Excuse me», etc. 3) I quite agree. They have different tea for each tea time. 4) I quite agree. They prefer living at the countryside to living in a busy city. 5) I disagree. They think they have but in fact they haven’t.

Test Yourself! 1.

1) 25% of British couples have got children. 2) Usually British young men get married at the age between 24 and 26. 3) An average British family has got one or two children. 4) There is no doubt that the members of an ideal British family devote enough time to each other. 5) It’s a disappointing fact that many couples divorce nowadays.


1) The Ukrainians are not expected to greet the friend every time they meet him. 2) The British are supposed to be well-mannered. 3) The Ukrainians are supposed to be emotional and kind-hearted. 4) The British are believed to be reserved. 5) The Ukrainians aren’t known to be great tea drinkers.

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8. Dear Sheila, Thank you a lot for your last letter. I was very pleased to get it. You told me about family traditions in your country. And I want to tell you about my family traditions. Usually we help each other to household. My father always does the shopping while my mother cooks. I always help my mother to tidy up the flat and do the washing up. In the evenings we usually sit in the living room and discuss the events of the day or watch TV together. At weekends we often go to the countryside or to the forest. We like to make shashliks. At that moment we are relaxing and forget about daily problems. We celebrate such holidays as New Year, the 8th of March, Easter, May Holidays and, of course, our birthdays. Then we invite a lot of guests and I help my mother to cook and serve the table. Maybe my family traditions are the same as in most families, but I like them a lot. Looking forward to hearing from you. Your friend, Kate

3. A: What will you cook for breakfast today? B: I’ll fry eggs and boil some sausages. A: Do you cook in your kitchen? B: Yes, I do. Here it is. A: Oh, your kitchen is light and spacious. You can even have your meal here. B: I think so. But we prefer to eat in the dining room. A: I’ve heard much about English roast beef. I’d like to try some. B: I’ll cook it for dinner today, specially for you! A: Thank you. That is very nice of you. B: You’re welcome. 4.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

True. False. False. True. True.


5. 1) It’s not very popular to speak about the weather. If you repeat the phrase «It’s a nice day today, isn’t it» 200 times a day people are surprised and think that you are extremely dull. 2) The newspapers appear on different days, most of them on Thursdays. 3) People like dogs more than cats but not all of them. 4) The riches are dressed in expensive and fashionable clothes. 5) The Ukrainians have good table manners but not very strict.

Unit 6. Sport in Britain Lesson 1

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1) Terry writes they are making the issue about sports. 2) He asks girls to write them some information for the paper about sports. Britain invented many sports and games which are played all over the world. 3) Mary’s idea is to talk about football with David. 4) He says that football is a wonderful game. It was played in one form or another more than a hundred years ago. First it was a very rude and hard game. 5) The greatest football competition is FA Cup. 6) The first competition was organized in the middle of the 19th century. 7) They are held every May at the famous Wembley stadium in London. 8) Chris understands that the British club teams are often successful in Europe because football is quite a British game. I think she is right.

3. Was the Football Association started in old times? Yes, it was. It was started in 1863. Was the game introduced to somebody? Yes, it was. It was introduced to other countries by British soldiers, seamen and businessmen. Was the competition organized in old times? Yes, it was. The first competition was organized in the middle of the 19th century. Were many sports invented in Britain? Yes, they were. Were they brought to other countries? Yes, they were. They are played all over the world nowadays. 4.

Rugby was played all over Britain in 1830s. In 1845 the first set of rules was introduced. The proper rules were taken in 1893. Тhe first national championship was held a hundred years ago. The standard game (Rugby Union) was played by teams of 15. 400 rugby clubs were organized in Britain. The Rugby League is played by teams of 13.

Lesson 2 2. 578

1) Ice dancing was introduced to the Olympic programme in 1976. 2) National championships in volleyball were held in 1933 for the first time.

3) Peter Pan Cup was presented to the winner of the hundred yards Christmas Swimming Race 4) Audience was pleased with the gymnast’s style and charm. 5) The game was lost hopelessly.

5. 1) Who won a gold medal? 2) What company designed the bike? 3) Who supported Chris Boardman? 4) How many times was the European Cup won by Manchester United Football Club? 5) How long was Bryan Robson elected to be a captain of Liverpool Football Club? 6) What was won by an American, Doris Kennedy, in the women’s 200 metres freestyle competition? 7) What sport was the best result shown by Olha Ulyanchenko in? 8) When was the Olympic Gymnasium in Luzhniki built in Moscow? 9) Where was a new world’s record done in the high jump event? 10) How many bowling leagues were formed by Boston University students? 11) Why was not golf played yesterday?

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3. 1) Running competitions were held in ancient times. 2) The first London Marathon was run in 1981. 3) The first professional golf contest — the Ryder Cup — was organized in 1927. 4) The first Goodwill Games were introduced in 1984. 5) Tour de France race was started in 1926. 6) The games in Olympia were held in 1453 BC. 7) The games were organized every fourth year beginning with 776 BC. 8) The four-year cycles are called the Olympiads.

6. The Olympic Games are called an outstanding international event. Wonderful sport facilities were created for the Olympic Games and provided with the modest modern communication system, radio, TV and ‘Olympiad automatic control system’. Excellent living and training conditions were made available to the athletes, and the first-class hotels were built. All the time the participants of the Games and the guests are surrounded with hospitality and warmth of people.

Lesson 3 2.

1) The first three sports that will come to every Englishman’s mind are football, cricket and tennis. 2) Britain invented and developed football, tennis and cricket. 3) The international lawn tennis championship is held at Wimbledon near London. 4) Boxing existed even in Saxon times.

3. volleyball player; cricketer; golf player; rugby-player; tennis-player; basketball player.


Lesson 4 6. Sport is one of the most important activities to lead the healthy life. It helps us to keep fit. It is also necessary for children to grow up normally. During sport our muscles and lungs train and become stronger. Our heart becomes tough and we seldom are sick. In my opinion the main thing is to go in for sport for pleasure. You shouldn’t go in for sport till you drop. It won’t be useful but tiring. Besides sport is also an object for competitions. Unfortunately many sportsmen aren’t really healthy people. And sport isn’t hobby for them but hard work. Too much sport can lead to health problems. In my opinion sport is a thing for relaxing and pleasure. I think it’s mainly for you and for your health but not for the competitions.

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Lesson 5



a) A professional player is a person who goes in for sport not only for pleasure but for earning money and works hard to be the winner in competitions. An amateur is a person who goes in for sport just for himself and for his pleasure. b) The professional cricketer has to learn many kinds of skills. He has to be an athlete, to run fast, jump and turn like a gymnast. He must be patient, and must not let other players be dishonest with him. Above all, he has to be very brave.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

3. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A

False. True. True. False. True. False. True. football player needs to run fast. football player doesn’t need to be patient. football player must have a lot of energy. tennis player has to run fast. tennis player must have a lot of energy. tennis player doesn’t need to be clever. swimmer must be strong. swimmer has to have a great wish to win. swimmer doesn’t have to be brave. cricketer needs to be brave. cricketer must run fast. cricketer doesn’t have to be strong. weight lifter has to be strong. weight lifter must have a great wish to win. weight lifter doesn’t need to run fast. jumper needs to be strong. jumper must be fit. jumper doesn’t have to think clearly.

7. competitors change into their sports clothes — суперники переодягаються в спортивну форму circular — круглий chalk up — вести рахунок shield — екран


1) John tried to find good football players for his team. 2) John’s football players were good at running, jumping, swimming, rowing and playing different games. 3) The players were tall strong men, excellent sportsmen and just nice people. 4) The University team was the best in the South of England. 5) The important things for the sportsmen were regular training, keeping to a diet and a lot of exercises. 6) The footballers rarely lost a game or hardly ever ended matches in a draw. 7) The only trouble with some footballers was their bad knowledge of many school subjects because the sportsmen were often not good at Maths, English, etc. and it was not always easy for them to become University students.

3. 1) A coach trains sportsmen for international competitions. 2) We call the members of the football team the football players. 3) Sportsmen train a lot to keep fit and to be in an excellent form. 4) If the result is 0:0 the game ends in a draw. 5) A coach can say to his sportman that it’s impossible to become a champion without regular trainings. 6) If a boy or a girl gets very good marks he/she is an excellent student. 7) If I’m a teacher I will use some punishment to make lazy students study. 4.

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Lesson 6

1) The coach had the football team, which was the best in the South of England. 2) The footballer had regular training to keep fit. 3) The coach’s sportsmen had very bad knowledge of mathematics. 4) The coach said the new footballer had been only wrong by two.

6. If I want to keep fit I will eat healthy food and do exercises regularly. If I want to take part in gymnastic competition in my school I will train a lot in some kind of sport. I like basketball the best because it’s an interesting team game. I am fond of playing with the ball and hit the basket. I am sorry.

Lessons 7—8 3b. The club is called in such a way because they enjoy a lot of dangerous activities which require good sport schooling. The members of this club are risky and interested in testing themselves in different dangerous and difficult situations.


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They do dangerous and risky sports such as climbing, mountain rowing, car racing, parachute jumping, etc. If members are not lucky they can hurt themselves or even die. 6. 1) The Olympic Games are the world’s number one sport event. 2) They started many years ago in the Greek town of Olympia. 3) It symbolizes the peoples of five continents who take part in the Olympics. 4) The Olympic flame is the symbol of the beginning of the Games. 5) Yes, I agree with this motto completely. I always try to take part in different events and do my best. But the main aim is not to win. It is to find out how well you can do some things. 6) The motto means «Higher, better, stronger». 7) Medals are the awards. They can be gold, silver or bronze. 8) Every Games have their own mascots. Everybody knows the Olympic Bear. 9) A great festival takes place at the opening and closing ceremonies. 10) There are competitions in running, swimming, cycling, jumping, weight lifting, arm wrestling, gymnastics and many other sports. 7. My favourite sportsmen is Vitaliy Klichko, although he left the sport because of the injury. Vitaliy was a sixfold World Champion in kickboxing, European Champion in boxing among professionals, and exchampion in version VBO in 1999. By 2003 he has had twenty eight duels. He won twenty seven of them (knock-out) and only one of them — lost. He is rather smart as for boxer and very hardworking. He has a brother, Vladimir, and they are very friendly. Vitaliy is purposeful and brave. He made the world respect Ukrainian boxers. That’s why I like him.

Test Yourself! 1.



1) to train — 2) training — 3) a coach — 4) a trouble — 5) to receive — 6) to punish — has done 7) to invent — 8) to exist — 9) impossible — 10) to participate —

h) to teach or learn how to do something. f) a course of special exercises, practice, etc. b) a teacher or trainer. i) a difficult or dangerous situation. j) to get. e) to make a person suffer for the wrong thing he a) d) c) g)

to make or think of for the first time. to live or to be real. opposite to ‘possible’. to take part in.

1) Golf is a game that is played in all English speaking countries. 2) The first International Olympic Games were organized in 1896 in Athens. 3) The number of events on the programme has increased since that time. 4) The Winter Olympic Games are held the same year but in a different country. 5) Last Olympic Games all the nations of the world were invited to send their athletics teams.

3. 1) Let’s go to a cricket match tomorrow. It’ll be exciting. No, I’d rather not.

2) It’ll be a great fun. Why not? Well, it sounds boring. You told me the game lasted five days. 3) No, this time is a one day match. One day is still too long. What are the seats like? 4) They are very comfortable. Really! Comfortable! I remember what you said about them — hard wooden benches! 5) You can always sleep. Sleep! I don’t want to spend six hours sleeping on a hard wooden bench! 1) 2) 3) 4)

Rugby was started in 1823. The first set of rules were in 1845. Rugby Union is played by teams of 15. There are 13 players in Rugby League and slightly different rules.

Unit 7. Entertainment Programme Lesson 1 2.

1) London is famous for its museums and theatres, galleries and historical places. 2) The Globe is a famous theatre where only Shakespeare’s plays are staged. 3) It is an open air wooden theatre, where the audience stands around the stage. 4) It was opened in London in 1997. 5) The original Globe Theatre burnt down over four hundred years ago. 6) The audience was noisy in Shakespeare’s times. They cheered and clapped and often threw rotten fruit at the bad actors. 7) No, the audience doesn’t throw rotten fruit at the bad actors nowadays. 8) People usually buy a programme before the performance at the theatre.

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3. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in England. He wrote lots of famous plays. Some of them were very funny comedies. Shakespeare also acted in his plays. People loved Shakespeare’s plays, and there was always a big audience at the Globe Theatre. People stood around the stage. They cheered and clapped. Sometimes they threw rotten fruit at the bad actors.

Lesson 2 1.

a) The London Eye is in London, of course, and it was designed by British architects. However, it wasn’t made in Great Britain at all! The main parts of the Eye were built in Holland. Other parts were made in the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Italy. The parts were carried to Great Britain by ship. Then they were put together in London. It was opened to the public on February, 1, in 2000. b) The Millennium Bridge is a new bridge across the River Thames in London. It was opened in 2000 by the Queen. However, it was closed again two days later because it was wobbled too much!


Two years later, on February 22nd, it was opened again. Now it is used by thousands of people every day.

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Who was the London Eye designed by? Where was the main part of London Eye built? Where were other parts made? How were they carried to Great Britain? Where were they put together? When was London Eye opened? When was the Millennium Bridge opened? Why was it closed two days later? When was it opened again?

3. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 4.

The books are written by writers. The cars are driven on the left in Great Britain. The cars are driven on the right in other countries. English is spoken in many countries. The play Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The Colosseum was built by Romans. Othello was staged in local theatre.

1) My granny said that she had never been to London before. 2) He remembered that he had left his hat at the theatre. 3) She wrote that she had had a good sightseeing tour around London. 4) The travellers came to the hotel, left they their bags there and went for a walk in the town. 5) Yesterday I received a letter from my friend, from whom I had not heard for a long time. 6) We read in yesterday’s newspaper that a group of doctors from Ukraine had gone to London to take part in a conference.

5. 1) By what time had she shown us the central part of the city? 2) Had she bought all the things for dinner? 3) Had they seen most of the Tower of London by that time? 4) By what time had Martin seen all the most popular places of interest in London? 5) Who had prepared breakfast by 8 o’clock?

Lesson 3 2.


1) It has wide streets but low houses. This city has never been planned and it has many parts which are different from each other. 2) Modern London is really three cities: the City of London, the City of Westminster (West End) and the city of Southwark (East End). 3) You can go to watch historical places to the City of Westminster. 4) The City of London is good for doing shopping. 5) All kinds of ships can come into a London port because London stands on the deep river Thames, which runs into the North Sea. 6) Londoners say about their city: «When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life».

3. a — Madame Tussauds’s b — the Royal Observatory, Greenwich

c — the Tower of London d — Downing Street e — St Paul’s Cathedral f — the Houses of Parliament 4.

a) Mary and Chris have visited such places: Madame Tussaud’s, the Tower of London, the Royal Observatory, Greenwich and St Paul’s Cathedral. b) They haven’t visited Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament yet.

Lesson 4 3. 1) The Odeon is one of the biggest cinemas in London. 2) There are ten screens which show around ten films three times a day. 3) Most of the famous cinemas in London are in the area around Leicester Square. 4) Popular films with British teenagers are cartoons (especially Disney), police films, westerns, adventure films and romantic films. 5) Watching Shrek Mary was impressed by special computer effects 6) The Royal Opera is in Covent Garden. 7) The Old Vic is one of the most famous theatres in London. 8) In December and January they usually put on pantomimes for children. 9) A pantomime Sleeping Beauty is a musical comedy based on the story about a Sleeping beauty. 10) Chris and Mary enjoyed music, beautiful scenery and wonderful dancing as well as some funny tricks.

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6. a) You can see the British Prime Minister at Madame Tussaud’s. b) St Paul’s Cathedral has got the memorials of many famous men. c) Buckingham Palace is the place of living for the British Queen. d) I would go to watch beautiful paintings to the National Gallery. e) Piccadilly Circus is a round square in London. f) The Palace of Westminster (the Houses of Parliament) has got the famous clock tower.

Lesson 5 3. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

True. False. True. False. False. True. True. True.

5. c) Shrek is one of my favourite computer animation films. 6. ‘Titanic’ by James Cameron ‘Titanic’ is one of my favourite films. I immensely enjoyed this film because ‘Titanic’ is a romantic drama about love, which is based on the real historical event of the beginning of the XX century: the awful tragedy of the biggest liner ‘Titanic’, which didn’t finish its first race.


This film, which was brilliantly directed by James Cameron, got 11 Oscars and it’s really staggering, because of the deep touchfulness. The story takes place on the liner. The poor painter (played by Leonardo di Caprio) fell in love with the girl (played by Kate Winslet) from a rich and noble family, so they decided to get married in America. But the ‘Titanic’ was collided with a huge iceberg and began to go down. The actors play their roles fantastically. The story is very sad and touches some things of the soul, and gives you such a strong emotional experience, that it makes you take to heart someone’s fate like your own one. I recommend it!

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Lesson 6 1.

William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. His birthplace is Stratford-upon-Avon. No, his father was a glove-maker. Yes, he had a family which consisted of him, his wife and their three children. False. He had been living in London for 26 years. He died in Stratford. He became famous because he had written a lot of wonderful plays which are still acted not only in England but on the stages of many theatres of the world.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

False. True. False. True. False. False. True. True.

Lesson 9 1.

I agree with the first opinion. You get friends not because of your money but because of your personality and you should understand when people aren’t interested in you but in your fame. Anyway, are you famous or not you should work for living, shouldn’t you? So I don’t think it’s a big problem of hardworking to be famous and rich. And the main reason I agree with the first opinion is that it’s great to get a place in history.

Test Yourself! 1.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

What play are you going to perform in your school theatre? When does the performance begin? Our seats were not very far from the stage. The scenery is so colourful, isn’t it? It was clear that the audience was pleased with the performance.

6) When the actors appeared on the stage, the audience began to applaud. 7) This TV set has got a small screen. 8) What is on this afternoon? 9) Who is your favourite actor? 10) What films did Brad Pitt star in? St Paul’s Cathedral was built by Sir Christopher Wren. After the 2nd World War bomb damaged stained glass was replaced with clear glass. This originally was planned by Wren. This made the interior of the Cathedral larger. Christopher Wren, Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington were buried in St Paul’s.

3. 1) D I am going out tonight. I’ve got two tickets to the Musical Theatre. 2) I What’s on? 3) A A comedy. 4) B Who is your companion? 5) E My elder sister is. She always enjoys a good laugh. 6) H Oh, is it possible to join you? I haven’t been to the theatre for ages. 7) C Of course you can. We can try to get an extra ticket at the theatre door. 8) G Fine! I am going to join you! See you tonight at 6:30! 9) F OK. Let’s meet outside the theatre near the entrance door. 10) J Good. Looking forward to seeing you. 4.

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1889 Charlie Chaplin was born in England. 1894 He started acting and was soon a successful comic in the theatre. 1916 Chaplin earned $10,000 a week. 1929 The age of the silent film came to an end. 1931 He made another classic film, ‘City Lights’, but again it was silent. 1936 ‘Modern Times’, which is considered to be his most successful film, was made and it only had music.

5. Film title Type of film Why Kathy likes it Story

Favourite characters

‘Monster Inc’ Computer animation film It’s funny with a great story and the actors, who do the voices, are perfect. The story is set in a huge monster factory. The monsters have to frighten children because power for the factory comes from children’s cries. The problems begin when a little girl comes into the factory. Sulley (actor John Goodman), Mike (actor Billy Crystal)


Unit 8. A Shopping Paradise Lesson 1

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1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Chris really liked the red T-shirt very much. Mary couldn’t afford to buy the designer trainers. There were some pretty T-shirts in the sale. The T-shirt was a real bargain. Mrs McBright couldn’t find her credit card.

3. 1) No, she hasn’t. 2) It means that they are from popular trainer company. 3) No, she couldn’t because they cost too much. 4) The T-shirt cost 7 pounds. 5) Mrs McBright promised to meet the girls at four. 6) The shop assistant thought they were shoplifters. 7) Mrs McBright was delaying because she had lost her credit card and had to stop at the bank for cash. 8) She took her cash at the bank. 9) Mrs McBright liked the T-shirt Chris had chosen. 10) She suggested Chris to try it on and buy it for her. 4.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Which shoes do you like the best? The red ones. I think my parents will sell their old car and buy a new one. Which jeans are you going to buy? The most expensive ones. Which shirts would you like to see? The one on the third shelf. Which computer do you use? The one in the central office. Please, pass me the plate. Which one?

Lesson 2



1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

When we entered the hall, the music was playing loudly. My elder brother finished school 3 years ago. Many years ago people wore funny clothes. When we got up, the sun had already risen. Before mother called us she had set the table. I came home very early yesterday afternoon. While my friend was fishing I was watching the birds. He said I had made up the story myself.


1) When I opened the door, the lesson had begun and the teacher was explaining something to the class. 2) I was cleaning the carpet, when the dog came and shook himself. 3) When the bell rang, the children run into the classroom and took their seats. 4) We had a good long holiday after we had done all work. 5) Before we took the boy to the theatre, he had never seen a play. 6) By the time we arrived, the party had finished. 7) When I got to the playground my friend had already left so I didn’t see him that day. 8) What were you doing when I called you? I was cooking.

3. 1) Bill can play either football or tennis. 2) Liza plays either the piano or the guitar.

3) We are going to visit either Kyiv or Zhytomyr. 4) They’ll buy either the present or the flowers. 5) She was able either to cook dinner or to look after the child. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

She drinks neither water nor coffee after lunch. I shall go to neither United States nor Canada. Neither Kate nor Mark are fond of ice cream. Ted has bought neither the jeans nor the trainers. Yesterday neither Martha nor Sally ate pancakes. We need neither sugar nor sweets. They speak neither German nor English.

5. 1) Bill has never spoken Japanese. 2) — Mary’s voice sounds strange. Has she been crying? — Oh, no. She has been laughing. 3) Kathy can’t go on holiday, she has broken her leg. 4) What have you been cooking all morning, dear? 5) I can’t listen to him any more. He has been talking to us an hour and a half. 6) How long have you been living here? 7) We have been phoning Mrs Smith for half an hour but can’t get through. 8) Have you phoned Mrs Smith? — Sorry, not yet. I’ll do it in a minute. 9) Liza has been working as a teacher here since she left London. 10) Betty has been living in Sally’s flat over last month. 6. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

A new school was opened by the President on the 1st of September. This umbrella was made in Japan. Tea with milk is drunk in England. Kate and Fred were asked to leave the class yesterday. Coffee is grown in Brazil. Smoking is not allowed here. This house was built last year.

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Lesson 3 2.

1) Buying food is usually done at the baker’s, at the butcher’s, at the sweet shop, at the greengrocer’s, at the grocer’s, at the fishmonger’s or at the dairy. 2) Shopping in supermarkets becomes more and more popular, because it’s convenient as they operate on the self-service system. 3) In the supermarket you walk round the shop and choose what you want. At the exit you pay for all your goods at the cashier. 4) If you are a traveller in Britain you should know some shopping habits in the country. 5) Sales are held twice a year by shops and department stores to get rid of old stock. 6) Sainsbury’s supermarkets are leaders in food and drink selling. 7) Tesco’s supermarkets sell goods at lower prices. 8) British Home Stores is a group of large shops selling mainly clothes but also food and other products for the houses.


9) Buying clothes is a problem because they have different size system. 10) Ready-made clothes in London usually use both British and European sizes on the tags. 11) Teenagers in Britain usually buy clothes by themselves. 12) Mothers in Britain usually buy clothes for their small children and do the food shopping. 13) You can hear ‘cheers’ instead of ‘thank you’. 3. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Англiйська мова


a a a a a a a a a a a

You can You can No, you You can You can

buy buy buy buy buy

a loaf of bread, biscuits, buns, etc at the baker’s. beef, pork and sausages at the butcher’s. sweets at the sweet shop. a sour cream at the dairy. fish at the fishmonger’s.

bottle of tomato ketchup bottle/packet of milk bar of chocolate loaf of bread bag of flour packet of tea jar of coffee pound of meat kilo of cheese tin of fish bottle of Cola

Lesson 4 2.

1) Everyone can find such kinds of shops in London as department stores, designer shops, souvenir shops, well-stocked book shops, market stalls and many other kinds of shops. 2) Second-hand shops are popular with young people. 3) Chris has already bought a present for Lilly, but hasn’t bought presents for boys yet. 4) On Saturday they went to Harrods. 5) There were a lot of people and prices were disappointing. 6) No, Mary hasn’t bought anything yet. 7) Yes, Mary likes shopping in London. 8) She called London a paradise for shoppers because there is a large selection of goods.

3. The market is closer to the McBright’s house than supermarket. Mrs McBright thinks the market is better than the supermarket. Fruit and vege-tables are fresher than vegetables and fruit in the supermarket, and they are also cheaper than the ones in the shops. Mrs McBright thinks the market is the most exciting place in London. It’s more colourful than the shops in the high street. She thinks the market is a better place to shop in London. 4.


The shop in picture b is a large group of popular shops, I suppose. It is huge with the wide selection of goods and it is more modern than the shop in picture a. But the shop in picture a is much cheaper and less noisy than the one in picture b.

Lesson 5 a) necessary — необхідний pillow — подушка blanket — ковдра sheet — простирало towel — рушник wool — вовна b) wool a blanket a sweater a pillow a towel necessary

3. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 4.

Selfridge’s is a big department store. It is situated in Oxford Street. The ‘White Sale’ means that the goods are sold cheaper that usual. She wanted to buy a blanket, a pair of sheets and some towels. The price of towels was 9 pounds for six. She bought a pair of cotton sheets. She will get that week all she has bought. She bought a silk tie for her husband. She bought a pair of gloves for herself.

The British shoppers never know what they want. The French shoppers know exactly what they want. Americans are always looking for a bargain.

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Lesson 6 2.

1) Jane, Michael and Mary went to the largest shop to buy Christmas presents for their parents. 2) The children bought a toy train and a doll’s pram for their parents. 3) The children bought a book for the Twins. 4) When Jane, Michael and Mary were going out of the shop, they saw a running girl. 5) Mary Poppins knew the girl. 6) Maia knew a lot about Jane and Michael because she watched them from the sky. 7) Maia bought no present for herself. 8) When Maia went home, Mary Poppins gave her a pair of her new gloves.

3. a) Jane, Michael and Mary went shopping that day to buy Christmas presents for their parents. b) Michael chose a toy train for his father because he himslef liked this toy very much and he hoped his father would give him to play sometimes. c) Her mother always wanted such pram. Jane hoped her mother would give it to her sometimes.


d) Jane and Michael didn’t know Maia because they have never seen her before. e) Maia knew them because she has often watched them from the sky. f) She came to the shop to do the Christmas shopping and buy presents for her sisters. g) She bought a broom for sister who was very domestic; a skippingrope for sister who liked dancing; a book for her quiet sister; a hoop for sister who liked doing exercises in the sky; a top and a rubber for her little sisters. h) Maia paid nothing for the toys because the shop assistant gave her the bag full of toys freely. i) Maia kissed Mary Poppins because she had presented Maia her new gloves.

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Lessons 7—8 1.

a) In most countries the sign at the cash desk in a shop says something like «Pay HERE». In Britain, though, it nearly always says «Please pay HERE». When you go shopping, you can often hear people say «please». Let’s say you are buying a book which costs 10 pounds. You hand it to the cashier, who will probably say, «Ten pounds, please». This sounds like «May I have the money, please?», but it’s really just the way of talking. Even if you’ve got the money in your hand, and are giving it to the cashier, he or she will still say the same thing! Remember, the cashier is always expected to be polite.


a) batteries «TV Times»

9. 1) c) ‘Mobilomania’, on the other hand, has been opened for eight years. Because it is not the city centre, not many people know about it. You can get there on bus 20. 2) d) ‘Mobilomania’ doesn’t have all the latest models, but if you like engineering, you will learn more interesting things and other useful information there. 3) a) ‘Mobilomania’ is less crowded than ‘Mobilochka’, so you don’t have to queue at the cash desk. The staff have also time to talk to you.

Test Yourself!



1) Department stores sell a large selection of goods. 2) I can’t afford to buy things from this designer shop. 3) That jacket is cheap because it is in bargain. 4) I paid 5 pounds for the shirt. It was a sale! 5) Mike’s mother can’t pay for the trousers with her credit card, so she will pay in cash.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

How many days does February have this year? It is raining all day and we have to stay at home. Alec was not at home, he has left for his sport club. Helen is out, she is having a walk in the park. I was busy all day and I didn’t have time to write a letter.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

True. False. False. True. False. True.

Goodbye! 2.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

True. True. False. False. True. False. True. False.

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3. 1) Can I help you? b) Yes, I need a suit. 2) All the suits are over there on the left. e) Thanks. Can I try this on? 3) Yes, sure. The changing rooms are over there. c) Thanks. 4) Is it any good? a) No, not really. The skirt’s too long and anyway the jacket’s worng. Have you got a size 10 in black? 5) No, I’m sorry, we haven’t. That’s all we’ve got. d) OK. Then I’ll leave it.

7. Tomorrow it’s time to come back home and I’m a bit sad. I enjoyed my stay with the English family, they have been very nice for all this time. Three weeks flew like a day and I learned a lot of interesting things and places about London. I’m going to miss this wonderful city with a rich history and great atmosphere. I’m also going to miss my new friends and we are going to write letters each other. I am going to visit London one more time one day. I also invited my new friends to visit me in Ukraine. I’ll never forget these exciting weeks!


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