• Given the nature of this construction, no seam will be invisible. End-user should be made aware of this prior to installation.
• It is absolutely critical that every cut edge, including seams, perimeters and openings are sealed. Sealer should be applied with a 1/8” bead. This should be done immediately after cutting, but latex should still be “tacky” when creating a seam.
• Allow carpet to acclimate to room conditions for at least 12 hours. Stanton recommends 24 hours when possible.
• All products with repetitive patterns require that installations involving multiple rolls be sequenced, installing rolls with the longest pattern repeat first and moving towards installing rolls with short repeats last. This allows shorter pattern repeats to be stretched to fit longer ones. Match all patterns in center of seam and work towards the ends.
• Recommended under lays for these products include flat solid rubber (18 lb minimum density) or fiber cushions (synthetic felts) with a minimum weight of 40 oz/sy.
• Attach proper cushion to the floor, ensuring that no carpet seam will be traveling parallel within 6” of the cushion seam. Stanton requires architectural tackless strips to be used (J pins). Strips should be placed 3/16” from walls.
• Cuts should be made from the top using a cushion back cutter.
• In the event of pins protruding through the surface of the carpet, use thin felt pressed over the tacks to “build up” the base on the tackless strip prior to attaching carpet.
• Ensure that patterns are squared and aligned during the initial layout and continue throughout the seaming and power stretching procedure.
• Planning and care should be taken in determining the proper location for the lengthwise cut for a seam. Depending on the style (pattern), the cut should be made so as to cut through as few weft (widthwise) accent yarns as possible. When viewed from the back, you will notice a white line running in the length direction. The first cut should be made next to this line. This will eliminate most fraying, but this edge still requires latex.
• To greater ensure the durability of seams when installing patterns with top warp yarns that are spaced ¼” or greater, the following steps need to be followed:
1. Strip 1 ½” inches of warp yarns away from the seam edge on either side of the seam.
2. Trim away filler weft yarns without disturbing weft accent yarns.
3. Fold under exposed accent weft yarns and glue to the back of the carpet to ensure the accent yarns will not fray after the seam is made
4. Complete seam using standard CFI installation guidelines.
• When welding the seam, loose yarn must be worked down into the seam.
• Stanton recommends premium 6” seaming tape to attain a good bond at seam areas and to avoid seam peaking.
• Conventional seaming irons should be set no higher than 2.5 to avoid burned or distorted seams. A non-heat conductive weight should be used to smooth the seam. Star tractors are not recommended.
• When installing via direct glue down, the substrate should be clean and dry. A high quality, latex adhesive with high solids content should be used, applied with a 1/8” x 1/16” “U” shaped trowel at a spread rate of 10 -12 square yards per gallon, and should be allowed to flash off before laying the carpet into it to prevent the glue from coming through the material and onto the face. It should be stringy or tacky before adhering the carpet to the substrate. The carpet should never be laid in wet. The material should be rolled with no more than a 35-pound roller.
• IMPORTANT BEFORE CUTTING: The carpet should be visually inspected for any defect or flaw. The carpet should be checked against the shipping papers, labels, and store sample to ensure it is the correct pattern, color, and size. Any noted defect of discrepancy should be immediately reported to the Stanton Claims Department.
• Carpet should be allowed to acclimate to room conditions at least 24 hours before installation. Ideally, the temperature should be between 65 – 95 degrees F (18 – 35 C). Extreme variances in temperature can cause difficulties during installation.
• It is the owner or general contractor’s responsibility to check concrete subfloors for excessive levels of alkaline and for moisture. According to CRI guidelines the recommended pH is between 5 and 9. Readings greater than 9 will result in adhesive failure. Moisture levels can be checked by a calcium chloride testing kit. Readings between 3 – 5 pounds are in the acceptable range.
• Stanton’s recommended pad or cushion is 40 oz. synthetic felt pad or a flat rubber pad with minimum density of 18 pounds.
• The cushion should be attached to the floor, making sure that all cushion seams fall perpendicular to carpet seams.
• Stanton requires architectural tackless or double rows of 1” tackless. Strips should be placed ¼” from the walls.
• All cut edges (seams, transitions, openings) should be sealed with a premium latex seam sealer to avoid unraveling and fraying. Seam sealer is required on both stretch-in and glue-down installations.
• Stanton recommends premium 6” seaming tape to attain a good bond at seam areas and to avoid seam peaking.
• Seams should be row cut from the face. After determination is made on where the seams are to be trimmed, use an awl or flat screwdriver to open a row. Use a cushion back cutter to trim seam edges. All seams should be sealed.
• Conventional seaming irons should be set no higher than 2.5 to avoid burned or distorted seams. A non-heat conductive weight should be used to smooth the seam. Star tractors are not recommended.
• Direct gluedown and double glue installations require premium adhesives. Follow the adhesive supplier’s recommendation on trowel size and pad requirements for double glued installs. In both procedures, the adhesive must be given proper open time and allowed set up. It should be stringy or tacky before laying in the carpet. The carpet should never be laid in wet.
• Seams on patterned carpet should be matched in the center of the seam first and then stretched to match from the center outward to both sides. Trimming of pile may be necessary to balance seams. This is not a defect, as this is a handmade product. No seams are invisible; consumer expectation should be realistic.
• Whether tackless or gluedown, the installation should conform to all CRI 105 or CRI 106 guidelines.
• Use knee kicker for positioning the carpet only, being careful with the amount of pressure since it is a handmade product. Stretch evenly across the length and width with a power stretcher or power head, again using caution.
When installing Stanton’s natural flooring it is important to follow our basic guidelines. These materials are woven from natural plant fibers and tend to expand and contract according to climate and moisture conditions. It is our recommendation that this material be acclimated for at least 24 to 48 hours, open at the installation site, before it is cut to fit.
Approved installation methods include direct glue-down installation or double glue-down installation. Stanton does not recommend stretch-in installation or loose laid wall-to-wall installation for sisals.
• Temperature and humidity: It is very important that the indoor temperature be kept between 65 – 95 degrees with a relative humidity of 65% or less. If the ambient temperatures are outside these parameters, installation should not begin until the HVAC system is operational. The conditions must be maintained for at least 48 hours before installation and 72 hours after completion.
• Floor preparation: Carpet must be installed over properly prepared substrates that are suitable for the method of installation and product selected. Concrete floors, even with adequate curing time, can present an unacceptable moisture condition by allowing excessive amounts of moisture vapor to pass through to the surface. This can be a problem even on suspended concrete floors. Test all concrete floors for moisture emission rates using an anhydrous calcium chloride moisture test kit. As a general guideline an emission rate of 3.0 lbs or less is acceptable. Testing for alkalinity, a pH range of 7 – 9 is satisfactory. A reading above 9 requires corrective measures.
• Direct Glue Down (complete transfer of adhesive required). Use a premium multi-purpose adhesive. Adhesive should be spread evenly using a spread rate of approximately 7 square yards per gallon. This requires a 1/8” x 1/8” U-notched trowel. The back of these materials, even with latex, has a considerable amount of texture. Getting complete contact between the flooring and the floor requires much more adhesive than typical carpeting to fill in all voids created by the texture. Failure to apply the proper amount of adhesive will result in a poor or loose bond to the floor and will allow the material to shrink, bubble, or wave.
1. Remove existing trim before beginning installation.
2. Dry fit the pre-cut floorcovering into the room, laying it out so that you have 3–4 inches surplus to lap up the walls evenly. Allow the material to acclimate for 24–48 hours. Natural grass materials tend to shrink in the length as they acclimate because this is the direction of the grain of the weave.
3. Side seams will provide the best results. Always trim the factory woven edge off before seaming.
4. Make sure the trowel lines are heavy enough to be busted and the glue has enough time to flash off before laying the material into the glue.
5. Seal the edges of the seam with an appropriate seam sealer taking care so as not to contaminate the face yarns.
6. The “trim in” should be one of the last steps, allowing the adhesive to start to grab. Use a wall trimmer to get a nice, clean cut along the walls.
7. Make sure all transition areas are protected.
8. Use a 35 – 75 lb. roller to insure complete transfer of adhesive.
9. You may use a tack or staple placed on the seam edge for added security.
10. Floor moulding, quarter-round, etc. is recommended to complete the installation.
• CHECK BEFORE CUTTING – Is the carpet the correct style, color, size, pattern, texture? Compare it to the sample and look for obvious errors. Ask the end user to check the material for a possible error in any of the items listed above.
• All carpet must be cut with SHARP CUTTING EQUIPMENT to assure a clean cut and a smooth edge for seam sealing. All carpet edges (especially loop textures) must be sealed with an appropriate seam or edge sealer to prevent raveling. A non-sealed edge will eventually ravel causing the yarn to come out and the secondary back to delaminate.
• Pad – for maximum texture retention, we recommend installation over a proper underlayment or pad such as a flat rubber (Tred-MOR 2580, 1562-2, or equivalent) or fiber cushion (synthetic felt) with a minimum weight of 40 oz/sy.
If there are any problems with the carpet that will prevent you from making a good installation, STOP the installation and report the problems to the Stanton Carpet Technical Department. 706.624.9385.
NOTE: All warranties and performance guarantees require proper installation and maintenance of the carpet. Claims against carpet cut and/or installed with obvious errors or defects will not be honored.
For more detailed installation instructions, refer to publication CRI-105-2002 STANDARD FOR INSTALLATION OF RESIDENTIAL CARPET or CRI-104-2002 STANDARD SPECIFICATION OF COMMERCIAL CARPET.
• End user should be made aware of applicable, natural characteristics of the construction being installed prior to installation.
• We recommend this product be installed by a professional CFI qualified installer using CRI104 or CRI105 guidelines unless otherwise specified in this document.
• IMPORTANT: Before cutting, the carpet should be visually inspected for any defect or flaw. The carpet should be checked against the shipping papers, labels, and store sample to ensure it is the correct pattern, color, and size. Any noted defect or discrepancy should be immediately reported to the Stanton Claims Department.
• Allow carpet to acclimate to room conditions for at least 24 hours before installation. Ideally, the temperature should be between 65 to 95 degrees F (18 to 35 degrees C). Extreme variances in temperature can cause difficulties during installation.
• It is the owner or general contractor’s responsibility to check concrete sub floors for excessive levels of alkaline and for moisture. According to CRI guidelines the recommended ph for alkalinity is between 5 and 9. Readings greater than 9 will result in adhesive failure. Moisture levels can be checked by a calcium chloride testing kit, Readings between 3 to 5 pounds are in the acceptable level.
• Stanton’s recommended pad or cushion is 40 ounce synthetic felt pad or a flat rubber pad with minimum density of 18 pounds.
• The cushion should be attached to the floor, ensuring that no carpet seam will be traveling parallel within 6” of the cushion seam.
• Stanton requires commercial or architectural tackless to be used (either C or D pin). Strips should be placed ¼” from walls.
• All products with repetitive patterns require that installations involving multiple rolls be sequenced, installing rolls with the longest pattern repeat first and moving towards installing rolls with shorter repeats last. This will allow shorter pattern repeats to be stretched to fit longer ones.
• For optimum side match and finished seam appearance, this product should be installed whenever possible with the seams running perpendicular to major (outside) lighting sources.
• Ensure that patterns are squared and aligned during the initial layout and maintain alignment throughout the seaming and power stretching procedures.
• All cut edges (seams, transitions, and openings) should be sealed with a premium latex seam sealer to prevent raveling and fraying. Seam sealer is required on both stretch-in and glue down installations.
• Using a double head power stretcher or dead man, pre-stretch the seam area if needed to get a proper pattern match. Use stay nails to hold the pattern match and begin the seaming.
• Stanton recommends that a high quality seaming tape be used to attain a good bond at the seam and to lessen peaked seams.
• Face to Face seams should be cut from the back of the carpet following the pattern. Wilton seams should be cut from the face taking care to avoid cutting loops whenever possible. All cut edges should be sealed immediately.
• Seaming iron setting should be set initially on a low setting, then gradually increased as needed. Carpets should be seamed with the lay of the carpet on top of a hard surface, such as a seaming board. A non heat conductive weight should be used to smooth the seam. Star tractors are not recommended.
• Once the seam has cooled, the carpet can be stretched in and installed.
• Some seams may require spot tacking or sewing in extreme cases of pattern stretch. Stanton woven carpets can safely be stretched 1% - 1.5% in the length.
• Direct glue down and double glue installations require premium adhesives. Follow the adhesive supplier’s recommendation on trowel size, and pad requirements for double glued installs. In both procedures, the adhesive must be given proper open time and allowed set up. It should be stringy or tacky before laying in the carpet. The carpet should never be laid in wet.
• Seams on patterned carpet should be matched in the center of the seam first and then stretched to match from the center outward to both sides. The use of a dead-man, crab stretcher, double-headed power stretcher, and stay nails may be required. No seams are invisible, consumer expectation should be realistic.
• Whether tackless or glue down, the installation should conform to all CRI 104 or CRI 105 guidelines.