3 Effective Strategies to write Product Description on Amazon

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EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES 3 Effective Strategies to write Product Description on Amazon

Aplus Global Ecommerce

Have you ever thought, why your sales figures are constantly poor? Well, there can be N number of reasons behind it. And, the description written on your product page can be one of them. And trust me, it is a major one. Product descriptions are responsible for telling the visiting customers about your product. If the exchange in information is not through, chances are you have a lead that turned cold. He/she was your prospective customer to the point that sleazy product description turned their back. Product descriptions that are false from the customer’s perspective can lead to a seller suspension. And, then an Amazon appeal service like us can be your greatest ally. Well, we are here to sell ourselves indirectly but by fulfilling a purpose. It is by telling you some of the best strategies to write a product description.

Title Well, writing a title that sells can be tricky. And, it is the first point of contact between your product page and the customer going through the product listing. The competition there is high and it is understandable why one would want to make it attractive. Also, the ideal length of the title should be from 80 to 200 characters. So what should one do? Nothing!!! Yeah, you heard it write. When you are a blogger or an email marketer or anyone who needs to deal with a low attention span, think. But, here it is important to be as transparent as possible. Don’t use fancy words, just the name of your product. Trying unnecessary adjectives might get you a suspension. But, then how you are going to gain the attention of the customer. To that, I would ask you to check the USP of your product. After that, check the competitor's page (the ones who are ranking) and see what they have done. Combining both these strategies, come up with a title. And make sure that the title is not false in any sense otherwise you may need an Amazon appeal service.

Description Answer me this, suppose you wish to learn the recipe for fried chicken. And, I offer you a book of 100 pages (with complete history and whatnot) and then a 2-page recipe, what would you choose?. I hope the answer matches the coming explanation. Remember this, nobody likes to read long and endless paragraphs. It may seem like an achievement once you are done with a long one (often bragging about the length too) but absolutely everyone hates it. Make your description as precise as possible. Also, you must describe all the features in bullet points. You can start with a short paragraph followed by bullet points that tell the features. Also, I repeat that don’t write false information otherwise only an Amazon appeal service may be able to help you.

Keywords Keywords are the most important part of your entire product description. Whenever a user makes a search on Amazon about any particular product, it is the keywords based on which your product is shown in the search results. This means that you can not use just anything. Although, do proper research and find out all the necessary keywords that describe your product best. And, try to integrate them properly with your page content. Handling an online business can be tough and especially in a very competitive place. Amazon is home to so many sellers earning a decent living from the platform. Therefore, it becomes important that you control yourself for any shortcuts. We are an Amazon Appeal Service that goes by the name APlus Global Ecommerce. And we see so many cases where to get instant success, sellers sabotaged their seller account. If you need help with your business then we provide services like seller suspension prevention, regular account health checkups, and sales boost. We work as a consultant and are the response from your side in case of suspension. If you wish to get a free consultation then click on the link here. We hope this article may have been of some help to you. Also, thank you for reading it until the end.


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