2023 Buyers Capabilities - Dawn Hinton, Starck Real Estate

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DAWN HINTON 847.637.6440


Your local real estate expert

Dawn Hinton is a Designated Managing Broker for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Starck Real Estate with a passion for professionalism and ethics. A 24 year veteran in real estate with a rich background in marketing, management and sales, she has consulted and trained on marketing tools and strategy for agents, off ices and associations. Her unique management approach with her brokers raises their game in sales production, skills and professionalism. Dawn leads her agents by example, coaching them from a perspective of experience and success. Dawn is an acting board director for the Heartland Realtor Organization, where she is Chair of the Education Committee and member of the PR Committee. She has served on the Illinois Realtors 45 Hour Post Licensing Task Force, Mainstreet Organization of Realtors Grievance committee, and currently serves on professional Standards for Illinois Realtors and the Mainstreet Organization of Realtors. Dawn is a repeat award winner in the Honor Society, Leading Edge and President’s Circle, with personal production in the top 6% of BHHS agents nationwide. As a Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist and a Certified Staging Consultant, Dawn brings her clients a complete end-to-end strategy to prepare, merchandise and market their home from a position of strength, providing them a seamless and successful home selling experience.

My market savvy keeps buyers from overpaying and sellers from missing an opportunity.
Dawn Hinton


We have extensive knowledge of the local markets to better help you fulfill your wants and needs


We are your advocate and help you negotiate complicated contracts with experience and skill


We save you time by narrowing your search and doing all the footwork to find your dream home


We are legally bound to look out for your best interests


We are trained with the entire sales process and are up to date on best (and required) practices


We will take care of all the paperwork for you


We have access to homes not visible to the public and can reach out to an extensive network of other brokers

Why work with a broker?

While the internet is increasingly incorporated as an important tool in the process, buyers needed the help of a real estate professional to help them find the right home, negotiate terms of sale, and help with price negotiations.

87% 89% of buyers purchased their home through a broker*

found their real estate agent to be a very useful information source*

*National Association Of REALTORS® 2019 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers

Our goal is always to exceed your expectations

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Starck Real Estate has brought together a group of trusted strategic partners to enhance your home selling and moving experiences. Our commitment is to provide you with Double Platinum service throughout the transaction of selling your home.

Strategic Partners TITL E ST AR CK

Home State Bank has been assisting clients in the Chicagoland area since 1915 with banking and mortgage services. We have a range of affordable mortgage options for you.

Starck Title provides you with peace of mind, ensuring you from any defects of title to your property.

Cinch Home Services protects buyers from expensive home repairs and gives sellers confidence that their buyers are taken care of.

Local Experts, Global Reach

Starck Real Estate is part of the Berkshire Hathaway Home Services network of fine brokerages. Nationally the Berkshire Hathaway network has over 1,450 offices and 50,000 brokers. Locally, Starck is a family owned firm with almost 600 brokers and 19 offices throughout the Chicago area, Rockford, and Wisconsin. After 60 years of faithfully serving our clients, we are in the top 1% of all real estate brokerages nationally*. Service and integrity are the hallmarks of our success.

Local Expertise

Since our inception, the Starck name has stood for honesty, integrity and excellence in real estate. Our highly ethical approach works for us and our clients. We deliver an exceptional experience at the local level that is best evidenced by the fact that we are respected in more than 300 communities throughout the Chicago suburbs, Northern Illinois, and Southern Wisconsin.

National and Global Reach

Berkshire Hathaway is admired globally and has a reputation that draws international buyers to your home. Additionally, more than 1,450 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices sister offices have the ability to attract buyers and provide a high level of service to sellers across the nation.

Personal Touch

Berkshire Hathaway Starck Real Estate brokers live up to the promise of “world-class results from down-to-earth people”. We have the latest technology but never let it come between us and our clients—we are high-tech and high-touch.

*Transaction Sides. 2018 Real Trends 500 Rankings.
If you are looking for a company with integrity, stability, strength and innovation—it’s smart to begin your partnership here.

Homebuying Process

1. Get Pre-Approved: Meet with a loan professional and find out how much home you can afford based on your income and down payment. Submit an application and the required documents and get a loan pre-approval. This will make any offers you make more credible in a buyer’s mind since they know you are ready and able to buy.

2. Find a Good Realtor®: Interview at least 3 real estate professionals and choose one that you feel has the market knowledge, integrity, and who understands your goals.

3. Go Looking for Houses: Now the fun begins! Based on the type of home you need and your financial situation, your real estate broker will present you with homes currently for sale. You will pick the homes you feel are a good fit, then your broker will schedule a tour.

4. You Found It! You’ve fallen in love, it’s the perfect home. Now it’s time to make an offer. Your broker will help you submit an offer to buy including an offer price you feel represents a fair market value. Your broker will present the offer to the sellers and negotiate the terms. You may have to negotiate a few rounds. While this can be nervewracking, be patient and don’t overpay. You need to love the deal as much as you love the home!

5. Offer Accepted: Once the offer is agreed to by the seller, you have 7 days to get all of your home inspections completed. Make sure you understand what is included in the home inspection. If something important is not included, such as a well and septic system, you will want to schedule a separate inspection using an expert in that field. Negotiate repairs for any major items that may be revealed by the inspection. If you love the home, avoid including minor items on your punch list.

6. Submit Your Loan: Your Loan Officer will submit a completed loan package to the lender and order the appraisal. Your Loan Officer will review the terms and any final conditions with you.

7. Remove Contingencies: Everything this seems right. It’s time to commit! Remove all contract contingencies and make your final deposit. Your lender prepares the closing documents and sends them to escrow.

8. Close the Deal! You and your attorney will meet with the seller and their attorney and sign the loan documents. You will bring the balance of your down payment. The lender will wire funds and the sale will be closed.

9. Congratulations! You’re a homeowner. Once the recording is final, the home is yours.

Homebuying Lingo

Appraisal: Professional analysis used to estimate the value of the home. A necessary step in validating the home’s worth to you and your lender to secure financing.

Closing Costs: The costs to complete the real estate transaction. Paid at closing, they include taxes, title insurance, financing costs, and items that must be prepaid or escrowed. Ask your lender for a complete list of closing cost items and an estimate of the total cost, so you are prepared in advance.

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA): A strategic pricing analysis, that is compiled by your Real Estate Agent, that looks at similar homes to determine a comparative price for your target property.

Credit Score: A number ranging from 300-850 that is based on an analysis of your credit history. Helps lenders determine the likelihood that you’ll repay future debts, like your mortgage.

Down Payment: Down payments are typically 3-20% of the purchase price of the home. Some 0% down programs are also available. Ask your lender for more information.

Earnest Money: A deposit made by the buyer to help assure the seller that the buyer has the intent to purchase the property.

MLS: The multiple listing service (MLS), is a database of homes for sale within a particular region. This database makes it much easier for real estate agents to find potential properties to show to buyers. This database contains additional information that is only available to licensed Realtors.

Mortgage Rate: The interest rate you pay to borrow money to buy your home. The lower the rate, the better.

Pre-Approval Letter: A letter from a lender indicating you qualify for a mortgage of a specific amount.

Real Estate Agent or Broker: An individual who provides services in buying and selling homes. Real estate professionals are there to help you through the confusing paperwork, find your dream home, negotiate any of the details that come up, and to help you know exactly what’s going on in the market.

What clients are saying about Dawn Hinton

“WejustclosedourthirdtransactionwithDawnandwouldn’t useanyoneelse.WemetwhenIwaslookingforasuitable rentalaftermydivorcetosettlemygirlswithintheirschool district.Dawnwassopatientandwentoutofherwaytofind homesthattrulyfitmypriorities.Whenitcametimetoblend householdswithmyfiance,weturnedtoDawn.Icansay fromexperiencethatsheactsonherclients’bestinterestsevenwhenitmeanswalkingawayfromasale.Shehasaway ofhoninginonexactlywhatisimportanttoherclientsand focusesondeliveringtheexperiencethatisimportanttothem. Itissoimportanttoworkwithsomeonewetrustwhenmaking significantchoicesforourfamily.WejustloveDawn.Infact,I justreferredadearfriendtoher!”

“WorkingwithDawnhasbeennothingshortofamazing.The thoughtofrelocatingfromTennesseefeltoverwhelming,but sheputusateasebyexplainingtheprocesseverystepof thewayandfoundtheabsoluteperfecthomeforus.When obstaclescameup,shemadesureweunderstoodallofour optionsandhandleditsowecouldfocusonourmove.We don’tknowhowwewouldhavemadesuchahugelifechange withoutherhelp.WearesogladwewerereferredtoDawnand we LOVE our new home!”

“A home is one of the most important assets that most people will ever buy. Homes are also where memories are made and you want to work with someone you can trust.”
—Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
©2023 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity.
Dawn Hinton Designated Managing Broker 847.637.6440 dhinton@StarckRE.com DawnHintonHomes.com

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