If you are up to a DIY painting project for your home learn the common possible mistakes to avoid and get a perfect home painting.
Get the right gear, properly prepare the surface and take time to choose a colour scheme that works for you. Here are a few things you’ll want to avoid when deciding on the colour.
Not Thinking about Atmosphere
It’s not just about picking out colours that look good or that you like, it’s also important to think about what the purpose of the room is and how you want people to feel when they’re in it.
Some colours, like, light blues, creams and some yellows are particularly effective in bathrooms. Darker shades may appropriate in living rooms to help people unwind and relax.
Using More Colours than is Optimal
Another common mistake is to get overly cute and trying to do too much with the colours you’ve selected and gone a little overboard. A colour palette will generally include 3-4 different shades, any more and you risk having the room look cluttered and uncomfortable.
Choosing Colours that Don’t Suit
You’ll see homeowners trying to invent their own colour palette and a lot of the time it simply doesn’t work. There are a time and a place for experimenting, and you don’t want to play it too safe, but generally, we’d recommend following a colour scheme that you’ve seen used before, or has recommended before.
Going Too Bold or Harsh
An overly bright room with strong, bold colours can be quite uncomfortable to be in; remember that it’s important to make sure there’s somewhere where the eyes can rest. Even if you took the idea of a colourful room, make sure you contrast the bright colours with neutral shades to balance things out.
We would say, even if you aren’t planning on using a painting services professional, it can be a good idea to have a chat with experienced residential painters and colour consultant about your project. At the very least, ample research is a must and with the internet, as a resource, you have no excuse to not be properly prepared.
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