Lookbook summer 2016

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Ja leesa : b louse a nd b a g (vinta g e)


Za rd y: t-shirt (Chea p Mond a y) a nd ja cket (Na tive Youth)

Ja leesa : trousers (Pop Boutique)

Za rd y: tea ns (Chea p Mond a y)


Bria n: shirt (RVCA), short (RVCA), shoes, g la sses a nd fa nny pa ck (vinta g e), wa tch (CASIO ) Ca to: top a nd trousers (My O h My Amsterd a m), b a g a nd ha t (vinta g e), shoes (mod els own)

Bria n: shirt a nd d enim vest (vinta g e) Ca to: d ress (My O h My Amsterd a m) a nd g la sses a nd pola roid ca mera (vinta g e)

Ca to: t-shirt a nd b omb erja cket (Motel Rocks)

Bria n: t-shirt a nd b a nd a na (vinta g e), jea ns (Chea p Mond a y)


Ca to: t-shirt a nd b omb erja cket (Motel Rocks), jea ns (vinta g e) a nd shoes (mod els own). Bria n: t-shrirt a nd b a nd a na (vinta g e) a nd jea ns (Chea p Mond a y). Ja leesa : ca p a nd ja cket (vinta g e), jea ns a nd shoes (mod els own). Za rd y: swea ter (vinta g e) a nd jea ns (Chea p Mond a y) :

Ja leesa : t-shirt a nd fa nny pa ck (vinta g e), socks a nd shoes (mod els own)


Ca to: shirt a nd ja cket (vinta g e), d enim skirt (rema d e Gla ss O nion), socks (Alfred o Gonza lez) a nd shoes (vinta g e)

Ca to: top (vinta g e), skirt (rema d e Gla ss O nion) a nd ca p (mod els own). Ja leesa : t-shirt (vinta g e) Bria n: ca p (vinta g e), shirt (mod els own) a nd t-shirt a nd shoes (vinta g e)

LO O KBO O K STARDUST - SUMMER 2016 CREDITS: Photog ra phy: Jord y va n Wijhe Mod els: Bria n And ring a , Ca to d e Bock, Ja leesa Schiphorst & Za rd y d e Ha a n Styling : Da isy va n Heerd e, Ja leesa Schiphorst & Lotte va n Es www.sta rd ust-store.nl

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