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WEEK OF OCTOBER 1, 2018 DAY 1 Exercise Sets 1A. Medicine Ball Toe Touches 2 1B. Superman 2 2 Light Deadlifts 2 3 Lat Pulldowns 4 4 Seated Close Grip Cable Row 4 5 T-Bar Row 4 6A Standing Straight Arm Pulldowns 3 6B Back Extensions 3 7 Chin-Ups 4

Reps 30 20 12 15 15 12 12 25 amrap

Rest Interval 0 30 45 60 60 60 0 60 60

Day 2 Exercise 1A. Hibberty Jibberties 1B. PB Reverse Hyper Ext 2 Seated Lat Raise Machine 3 Seated DB Shoulder Press 4A EZ Bar Upright Row 4B Standing Alternating DB Front Raises 5A Standing Rope Face Pulls 5B DB Shrugs 6 Cable Shoulder External Rotation

Sets 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 3

Reps 18 25 15 12 15 12ea 15 20 15ea

RI 0 30 50 60 0 60 0 60 45

Day 3 Exercise 1A Cable Ab Crunchdowns 1B PB Leg Lifts 2A Seated DB Hammer Curls 2B Standing Alternating DB Curls 2C EZ Bar Curl 3A V-Bar Tricep Pressdown 3B Rope Tricep Kickbacks

Sets 5 5 4 4 4 4 4

Reps 25 15 12 15 20 6/20 15ea

RI 10 45 10 10 60 20 60

Day 4 Exercise 1A. Physioball Crunch 1B. Bird Dogs 2 Incline DB Bench Press 3A DB Flat Bench Press 3B Hands on Bench Push-Ups 4A Assisted Dip Machine 4B Push-Ups 5A Hi-Lo Cable Fly 5B Lo-Hi Cable Fly

Sets 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 5 5

Reps 30 15ea 8 + 25 15 amrap 15 30 12 12

RI 0 30 60 15 60 15 60 15 60

Day 5 Exercise 1A. MB Russian Twists 1B. Good Mornings 2 Leg Extension Machine 3 Hi Box Step-Up 4 Walking Lunges 5 Lying Hamstring Curl Machine

Sets 2 2 4 4 4 5

Reps 30ea 20 12 15ea 20 steps 15

RI 0 45 50 60 60 60

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