3 minute read
from SPF Conference 2023
by Starkevents
97th Conference Minutes 2021
Joint Central Committee Report 2019-21
2023 Conference Documentation
P1-4 P5-7 P8-10 P11-12 P13-16 P17 P18 P19-22 P23-24 P25
2023 Conference Programme/Agenda
Rules made by the Joint Central Committee for the Governance and administration of the Central Conference
Standing Orders for Central Conference
The Police Federation (Scotland) Regulations 2013 –Part 5 In Memory
List of Delegates
Chairmen of the Joint Central Committee since 1919
General Secretaries of the Joint Central Committee since 1919
Scottish Police Federation
Established by Act of Parliament
24 April 2021
1 Roll Call
The Chair noted the number of delegates in the hall.
2 Chair’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
The Chair welcomed everyone to the 97th Conference of the Scottish Police Federation and declared Conference open. He said the past year and the global pandemic had been unique and difficult for everyone and members had responded to the challenges in a magnificent fashion. In addition, as elections to the Scottish Parliament would take place on Thursday 6 May 2021, Conference was in a period of ‘purdah’ where specific restrictions on communications activity were in place for politicians The pandemic and ‘purdah’ meant that Conference was very different this year and he hoped representatives would understand these reasons for it being held by video conferencing and the restricted nature of the Agenda.
The Chair asked representatives to respect a minute’s silence for members who had passed away since the last Conference
3 Adoption of Rules & Standing Orders
The Rules and Standing Orders were adopted.
4 Minute of 96th Conference
The Minute of the Ninety Sixth Conference was moved, seconded and adopted as a true record of the Conference
5 Joint Central Committee Report
The General Secretary delivered a presentation on the work of the Joint Central Committee (attached) He said he would report on Internal matters, PSoS, SPA, External matters, Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament, HMICS, Pan UK matters, UKPPCF, International matters, EuroCOP and ICPRA
Internal - He said, internally, the SPF had received 14,406 phone calls (not including calls to mobiles), around 140 calls per week. Over 276,000 emails were received from external sources, about 375 per day. He said representatives had attended 120 formal organizational business meetings and in addition, weekly Covid meetings.
Legal - The General Secretary reported that since last Conference, legal expenditure stood at £2,236,485 72 He said 490 Officers had been legally assisted; there was 356 live ongoing cases and 83 cases had been settled. He explained that £4,268,210.18 had been obtained in settlements for members.
He reported briefly on the Allard case, a Supreme Court which was being watched internationally and the Sheku Bayoh Public Inquiry.
Conduct - He said there had been 119 Misconduct Investigations (85 Gross), 46 Suspensions, 4 Dismissals and 16 Resignations.He also gave a brief overview of the Angiolini Review.
Equality – The General Secretary covered Reckoning of Pay (additional hours); Homeworking / Pregnancy / COVID; Detailed Tribunal Summaries and Diversity Liaison.
Health and Safety – He told Conference there had been 49 Accident Investigations, he reported on the work of the SPF Panel of Experts; Recording COVID exposures; COVID H&S, PPE, HSE and Naloxone.
Scottish Police Consultative Forum – The General Secretary reported on the Police Leadership Development Programme (PLDP), Accelerated Leadership Programme (ALP), Legal Advice & Assistance and a proposed Compensation scheme
PNB – The General Secretary reported on Shared Parental Leave / KIT (2019/01); Additional Travel (2019/02); ‘Handbook’ (www.PNB.scot ); TWG; Inspectors Working Hours; COP 26; Away from Home; Overseas; EWG; Increased Maternity Pay
Pay – The General Secretary reported on the pay claim which was ongoing and included Toil & Overtime for Inspectors; Narrowing the Pay Gap between Ranks; 2 Additional PHs; RD x 2 (10 days) RD x 1.5 (21 days); An in service Compensation Scheme; and a 1% uplift for Superintendents
6 Martin Evans, Chair, Scottish Police Authority
The Chair welcomed Mr Evans and wished him well in his relatively new appointment. He interviewed Mr Evans on a wide range of subjects about the work of the SPA and its relationship with the Police Service of Scotland. Mr Evans spoke about vaccinations, bonus payments and the Campbell Christie Award presented to the C3 CALM Project. The Chair offered Mr Evans every possible assistance in his role which was central to the success of policing.