EuroCOPStatutesupdated9thNovember 2023-Page24-34
Tuesday16thApril–Registrationwillbeopenbetween1700hrs-1900hrs (Alltimesdescribedareapproximate)
09:00–09:05 Housekeeping–NigelDennis–HeadofOffice
ChairtorequestmeetingtostandandrememberinsilenceallthosePoliceOfficerswhohavelost theirlivessincewelastmet
09:55 PresidentsAddress
totaketothefloorforamaximumof3minuteseachtointroduce themselvesandtheirOrganisation,andtheprimarychallengetheir Organisationhashadtomanagesincewelastmet
10:55-11:25 BREAK
TanjaRakusic-Hadzic,HeadofCooperationinPolice,andDeprivationof LibertyDivision,CouncilofEurope,RoleoftheCouncilofEuropeinthisarea
12:45-14:00 LUNCH
EuroCOPDraftManifesto-IncludingVote,NigelDennis&DanWolff, EurotranConseil
15:10 BREAK
17:00 CLOSE
49 61-1 www eurocop org EUROCOP – 59a Rue Principale L-5480 Wormeldange - Luxembourg
Jonne Rinne European Confederation of Police President +352/43
11:00 Conclusion of Meeting, Jonne Rinne, President
Note; Lunch will be available for delegates at 12:00
Rinne European Confederation of Police President +352/43 49 61-1 www eurocop org EUROCOP – 59a Rue Principale L-5480 Wormeldange - Luxembourg
House Keeping
Messages from
Parliamentarians 10:15 Head of Office Report, Nigel Dennis 10:30 Treasurer’s Report, Mark Marshallsay 10:50 Auditors Report, Henry Bautista
Jonne Rinne President
EuroCOP is the umbrella organisation for police unions and staff organisations in Europe. We represent 30 police unions and staff organisations across Europe as well as over 230,000 police officers in 25 European countries. EuroCOP is tackling issues from police cooperation across borders to a safer working environment for police officers on the street. We are determined to contribute to European policy debates and provide added value by giving a practitioners’ perspective.
Since EuroCOP’s creation in 2002 we have been fighting to promote four key goals:
A Social Europe for Police
Internal Security in Europe
Safety for the Police
Solidarity and Network building
By working towards the realisation of these goals EuroCOP is supporting European police forces to keep our society safe and secure. We want Europe to be the place, where police officers are operating together in an environment of equality, safety and support, provided with the rights, resources, and training to keep Europe’s citizens safe and secure
With this 2024 European Parliament Elections Manifesto we call on all European democratic parties and candidates as well as newly elected MEPs and Commissioners to endorse our values and priorities in order to build a fair and secure European Union through 3 commitments.
In Europe we are experiencing an increasing epidemic of violence against police officers. This violence can include verbal abuse and hate crimes, sexual assaults
and most commonly physical violence against police officers and police staff.
Social media create their own specific challenges and the future will bring even more hybrid threats. This deteriorating situation has been routinely ignored for many years It is high time to take actions at EU level
EuroCOP is calling on policy makers to:
Establish a central repository of data in the EU regarding incidences of violence against police officers, potentially via Eurostat. Collection of data at EU level would help understand the roots of the problem, exchange best practices between Members States and adapt safety awareness training programs for police officers
Encourage Member States to equip their national legal systems with proportionate and stronger punishments that should actually act as preventative measures.
Facilitate identification and dissemination of best practices for aftercare for both physical and mental trauma suffered by police officers. Call on MSs to include fully reimbursing psycho-traumatic treatment costs through social security
Secure healing and reparation which also include the proposals to make sure that physical violence against the police leading to severe injuries or death are not time barred from prosecution.
Improve health and safety conditions at work for police officers. European initiatives to achieve zero deaths at work are needed in order to minimize violence against the police.
Organize yearly European Day on the Protection of Protectors to raise awareness on the missions of policemen and firefighters and their critical role in society.
Incentivise institutions such as schools to play a crucial role in educating the youth against violence in general and particularly the one targeted at the police
Only fair and adequate working conditions will help address challenges with regards to the recruitment and retention of police officers in EU Member States.
EuroCOP is calling on policy makers to:
Ensure that Europe’s policemen and women are provided with the appropriate support, training and resources needed to carry out their duties Member States shall guarantee adequate funding to police forces so that they can perform their duty as well as transparent and targeted spending of EU funds so that financial resources help address real issues on the ground.
Guarantee to police officers adequate wages, so that they can also be an effective tool in the fight against corruption In line with ETUC Manifesto (the European Trade Union Confederation), we call for the introduction of a European framework to promote upward convergence on wages, and stronger action at EU level to eliminate the gender pay gap.
Propose adequate working time provisions for police officers, including increase of workers’ control over working time, reduction of workload and overtime This can be achieved via potential revision of the Working Time Directive as well as correct enforcement of this Directive by Member States.
Defend and strengthen collective bargaining, as well as trade unions’ and workers’ rights (right to organize, union access to workplaces and the right to strike).
Recognize the role of mental health and addressing mental health disorders and post trauma effects as a priority in case of police officers Encourage exchange of best practice and streamline European funding.
EuroCOP sees urgent need in enhancing common trust between Members States and their authorities It is essential that the specific border management responsibilities and the related challenges of certain Member States are taken into account. While recognising the fundamental differences that exist among police forces in Europe, as well as the sovereign right of EU Member States to govern law enforcement within their territories, it is of utmost importance that any obstacles that hamper enhanced police cooperation in the EU are removed.
EuroCOP is calling on policy makers to:
Further enhance cross-border police cooperation, for instance by granting a more prominent role for the law enforcement cooperation agency Europol, criminal justice cooperation agency Eurojust and the EU border agency Frontex.
Address human trafficking with additional means to fight such international crimes (European Centre Against Migrant Smuggling / Europol coordination / Exchange of information).
Encourage Member States to improve cooperation at national level between competent safety authorities. The European Commission's efforts to improve international cooperation and co-ordination between Member States are in vain if the central governments themselves do not make a commitment to incorporate the same willingness to co-operate internally. There are still gaps in this respect. A failure to cooperate in one place may have fatal consequences for the rest of the European territory
Coordinate European approach to prosecuting and preventing eco-crime. The impact of climate change on police officers in Europe must be recognised at a European level Europe’s police officers will bear the brunt of climate change’s effects – in terms of involuntary migration and population displacement, increases in radicalisation, human trafficking and organised crime, as well as mass civil unrest.
Recognize the role of police officers in identifying the conditions for entering the country by (illegal) migrants and seeking asylum. This is especially relevant in the context of Russian aggression in Ukraine and hybrid threats Encourage Member States to increase the role of police forces in addressing the flow of illegal weapons and terrorist threats.
Further streamline access to information The political agreement reached in November 2023 on automated data exchange for police cooperation (Prüm II) is welcome in that respect. EuroCOP will closely follow its final adoption and implementation.
EuroCOP es la organización que agrupa a sindicatos y organizaciones de personal policiales de Europa Representamos a 30 sindicatos policiales y organizaciones de personal de toda Europa, así como a más de 230 000
agentes de policía de 25 países europeos. EuroCOP aborda diversas cuestiones, desde la cooperación policial transfronteriza hasta un entorno laboral seguro para los agentes de policía a pie de calle Estamos decididos a contribuir a los debates políticos europeos y dar un valor añadido al proporcionar la perspectiva de los profesionales.
Desde el establecimiento de EuroCOP en 2002 hemos luchado por los siguientes 4 objetivos:
Una Europa social para la policía
Seguridad interna en Europa
Seguridad para la policía
Establecimiento de redes y solidaridad
Al trabajar por la consecución de estos objetivos, EuroCOP apoya a las fuerzas policiales europeas para mantener nuestra sociedad segura y protegida. Queremos que Europa sea un lugar en el que los agentes de policía trabajen juntos en un entorno de igualdad, seguridad y apoyo, con los derechos, recursos y formación necesarios para mantener seguros y protegidos a los ciudadanos europeos
Con este Manifiesto para las Elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de 2024 hacemos un llamamiento a todos los partidos y candidatos democráticos europeos, así como a los eurodiputados y comisarios recientemente elegidos, para que defiendan nuestros valores y prioridades con el fin de construir una Unión Europea justa y segura a través de 3 compromisos.
En Europa estamos viviendo una creciente epidemia de violencia contra los agentes de policía. Esta violencia puede incluir abusos verbales y delitos de odio, agresiones sexuales y, más comúnmente, violencia física contra los agentes y personal policial. Las redes sociales presentan sus propios retos específicos y el futuro traerá amenazas aún más híbridas Esta situación en deterioro se ha ignorado sistemáticamente durante muchos años. Ya es hora de tomar medidas a nivel de la UE.
EuroCOP hace un llamamiento a los responsables políticos para:
Establecer un repositorio central de datos en la UE sobre incidentes de violencia contra agentes de policía, potencialmente a través de Eurostat La recopilación de datos a nivel de la UE ayudaría a comprender las raíces del problema, intercambiar mejores prácticas entre los Estados miembros y adaptar los programas de formación sobre concienciación en materia de seguridad para los agentes de policía
Alentar a los Estados miembros a dotar sus ordenamientos jurídicos nacionales de penas proporcionadas y más severas que actúen realmente como medidas preventivas.
Facilitar la identificación y difusión de las mejores prácticas para la atención posterior a los traumas tanto físicos como mentales sufridos por agentes de policía Pedir a los Estados miembros que incluyan el reembolso íntegro de los gastos de tratamiento psico-traumático a través de la seguridad social
Garantizar la curación y la reparación, incluyendo propuestas para garantizar que la violencia física contra la policía que provoque lesiones graves o muerte no prescriba
Mejorar las condiciones de salud y seguridad en el trabajo de los agentes de policía. Se necesitan iniciativas europeas para lograr cero muertes en el trabajo con el fin de minimizar la violencia contra la policía.
Organizar anualmente el Día Europeo de la Protección de los Protectores para concienciar sobre las misiones de policías y bomberos y su papel fundamental en la sociedad
Incentivar a instituciones como las escuelas a que desempeñen un papel crucial en la educación de los jóvenes contra la violencia en general y, en particular, la dirigida contra la policía
Sólo unas condiciones de trabajo justas y adecuadas ayudarán a abordar los retos relacionados con la contratación y retención de los agentes de policía en los Estados miembros de la UE
EuroCOP hace un llamamiento a los responsables políticos para:
Garantizar que los y las policías europeos reciben el apoyo, la formación y los recursos necesarios para desempeñar sus funciones. Los Estados miembros deberán garantizar una financiación adecuada a las fuerzas policiales para que puedan cumplir con su deber, así como un gasto transparente y específico de los fondos de la UE para que los recursos financieros ayuden a abordar los problemas reales sobre el terreno.
Garantizar a los agentes de policía unos salarios adecuados, para que puedan ser también una herramienta eficaz en la lucha contra la corrupción En consonancia con el Manifiesto de la CES (Confederación Europea de Sindicatos), pedimos la introducción de un marco europeo para promover la convergencia al alza de los salarios, y una acción más enérgica a nivel de la UE para eliminar las diferencias salariales entre hombres y mujeres. Proponer disposiciones adecuadas en materia de tiempo de trabajo para los agentes de policía, incluido el aumento del control de los trabajadores sobre el tiempo de trabajo, la reducción de la carga de trabajo y las horas extraordinarias Esto puede lograrse mediante una posible revisión de la Directiva sobre el tiempo de trabajo, así como mediante la correcta aplicación de dicha Directiva por parte de los Estados miembros
Defender y reforzar la negociación colectiva, así como los derechos sindicales y de los trabajadores (derecho de sindicación, acceso de los sindicatos a los centros de trabajo y derecho a la huelga)
Reconocer el papel de la salud mental y abordar los trastornos mentales y los efectos postraumáticos como una prioridad en el caso de los agentes de policía. Fomentar el intercambio de buenas prácticas y optimizar la financiación europea.
EuroCOP considera urgente reforzar la confianza común entre los Estados miembros y sus autoridades Es esencial que se tengan en cuenta las responsabilidades específicas en materia de gestión de fronteras y los retos relacionados de determinados Estados miembros. Aun reconociendo las diferencias fundamentales que existen entre las fuerzas policiales en Europa, así como el derecho soberano de los Estados miembros de la UE a gobernar la aplicación de la ley dentro de sus territorios, es de suma importancia que se elimine cualquier obstáculo que dificulte una mayor cooperación policial en la UE
EuroCOP hace un llamamiento a los responsables políticos para:
Seguir reforzando la cooperación policial transfronteriza, por ejemplo, otorgando un papel más destacado a la agencia de cooperación policial Europol, a la agencia de cooperación judicial penal Eurojust y a la agencia de fronteras de la UE Frontex
Abordar la trata de seres humanos con medios adicionales para luchar contra estos delitos internacionales (Centro Europeo contra el Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes / Coordinación de Europol / Intercambio de información)
Alentar a los Estados miembros a mejorar la cooperación a nivel nacional entre las autoridades competentes en materia de seguridad. Los esfuerzos de la Comisión Europea para mejorar la cooperación internacional y la coordinación entre los Estados miembros son en vano si los propios gobiernos centrales no se comprometen a incorporar la misma voluntad de cooperación interna Todavía existen lagunas a este respecto La falta de cooperación en un lugar puede tener consecuencias fatales para el resto del territorio europeo.
Coordinar el enfoque europeo para perseguir y prevenir la delincuencia medioambiental El impacto del cambio climático sobre los agentes de policía en Europa debe reconocerse a nivel europeo Los agentes de policía europeos serán los más afectados por los efectos del cambio climático, en relación con migraciones involuntarias y desplazamientos de población, aumento de la radicalización, trata de seres humanos y delincuencia organizada, así como disturbios civiles masivos.
Reconocer el papel de los agentes de policía en la identificación de las condiciones de entrada en el país de migrantes (ilegales) y solicitantes de asilo. Es especialmente relevante en el contexto de la agresión rusa en Ucrania y las amenazas híbridas. Animar a los Estados miembros a aumentar el papel de las fuerzas policiales para hacer frente al flujo de armas ilegales y a las amenazas terroristas.
Agilizar aún más el acceso a la información. El acuerdo político alcanzado en noviembre de 2023 sobre el intercambio automatizado de datos para la cooperación policial (Prüm II) es bienvenido en este sentido. EuroCOP seguirá de cerca su adopción y aplicación definitivas.
MinutesofAutumn CommitteeMeeting
Draft Minutes, Torremolinos
8th – 9th November 2023
Melia Hotel
2OpeningofmeetingbyMeeting Chair UnnAlmaSkatvold.
25MemberOrganisation’sinattendance,with73Delegates with35 votesavailable.1GuestOrganisationinattendance.
AdoptionofdraftminutesoftheEuroCOPAutumnMeeting2023 Minuteswereadopted.
TheChairaskedConferencetostandandobservea1minutessilencefor allthosePoliceOfficerswhopassedsincewelastmet.
Thankyouall,thankyouChair,Mr.President,andMr.Headofoffice. GoodmorningandwelcomeeveryonebacktoTorremolinos.Itisareal pleasureformetohavetheopportunitytowelcomeyoutomyownland, tomybelovedSpain.Lastyearwealreadyhadtheopportunitytoenjoythe climateandthetypicalgastronomyofthissouthernarea,butforallthose whohavenevervisitedthecountryorwhocouldnotcomelastyear,letme recommendthepleasureofeatingsomeespetosinarestaurantnearthe Malagacoastwhereweare.Youwillnotregretit.Andifyouarelucky enough to have more free time or plan to return here during some vacations,besuretovisitElCaminitodelRey,abeautifulpaththatruns alongsteepcliffsalongabeautifulriverwhereyouwillenjoynatureand passexcitingmomentscrossingitssuspensionbridge.
ButforgivemesinceIhaven'tintroducedmyselfyet.MynameisRoberto García,amemberoftheMossosd'Esquadra,thenationalpoliceforcein Catalonia,for21years,amemberofthemostrepresentativeunionin Spain,CCOO,andtodayIhavethehonorofspeakingtoyouasarecently electedmemberoftheEurocopExCOMatourlastmeetinginAprilin Belfast.
Autumn Meeting
DuringthesemonthsIhavebeenabletoseefromwithinthelargenumber ofissuesthatarebeingdiscussedatEurocop,thegreatfamilytowhichwe belong and the great human team behind it. I have to say that I am overwhelmedbyknowingsocloselytheinvolvementandeffortputinby ourPresident,ourHeadofOfficeandtheothermembersof ExCOMas wellasourcolleaguesatEurotran.Iamproudandgratefultobeableto workwithallofyousothankyouagainforthisopportunityyouhavegiven me.
AndthisiswhereIwouldliketofocusalittlemoreonthispresentation,on theworkbeingcarriedoutatEurocop.Aworkthathasverydiverseand distantroots.Aworkthatcomesdirectlyfromthedifferentpoliceforces ofeachandeveryoneofourcountries.DuringthetimeIhavehadtospeak withsomeofyouinotherpreviousmeetings,Ihavebeensurprisedbythe greatculturaldifferencesatthepolicelevelthatexistbetweenus,how differentitistoworkasapoliceofficerinplacesthataregeographically closebutwithwaysoflivingandthinksodifferent.Eachandeveryoneof ushasunionfunctionsappropriatetoourterritory.Differentrequestsand demandsaccordingtoourculture.Butwealsosharemanyshortcomings. AndthatispreciselywhereEurocopmakessense.Itispreciselyatthis pointwhereEurocophasitsstrength.Thinkaboutwhatitmeanstobeable to join the same demand with the signature of dozens of unions representingdozensofotherpoliceforceswiththousandsofagentsfrom differentcountriesandpresentthatcomplaintcollectively.Trytoimagine what the members of the European Parliament might feel when they receive it. I am probably too optimistic, but you cannot deny that the powerthatcomesfromhavingthesupportoftheunionofsomanypolice officersbehindyouissomethingtotakeintoaccount.Iamconvincedthat thisistheappropriatepath.Iamsurethattogetherwearestrongerand thatwecangofurther.
Forthisreason,Iencourageyoualltocontinuecollaboratingasbeforeand thankyou,withthepermissionofourpresident,onbehalfofEurocop, everyoneforyourworkandeffort.Aworkandeffortthatbecomesmore important every day due to the great instability that we have been experiencinginrecentyears.Wehaveonlyrecentlyemergedfromaglobal pandemic, last year the war began in Ukraine and this year we are witnessingthewarintheNearEast.Eventsthat,togetherwiththestrong inflation,theincreaseininterestratesandthepossibleinternalproblems thateachofourcountriesmayhaveindividually,meanthatourfellow policeofficerswhoareonthestreetmustfacenewchallenges,newsocial problemsthatenduphavingadirectimpactontheirwork,theirphysical integrity,theirfamiliesandtheirlives.Keepthinkingaboutthem.They needusandwearenotgoingtoletthemdown.Wemustkeepthelevelof ourdemandsashighaspossiblesothattheyfeelmoreprotected.Itisour goal.Theyareourgoal.
AndwiththisI'mdone.Ireiteratemythankstoallofyouforallowingme tobeheretodayasamemberoftheExcom,toourpresident,toourHead ofofficeandespeciallytothepeoplewhohavehelpedmeduringthese yearstobecomewhatIamtoday;ThankyouJavier,thankyouAuriand specialmentionfortwoabsenteessuchasManuelaandJosean.
TheChairInviteddelegatesand/orobserversofmemberorganisationsto taketothefloorforamaximumof3minuteseachtointroducethemselves andtheirorganisation.
DearMadamChair,CommitteeMeetingrepresentatives,invitedguests, lecturersandexpertsandourvisitors.
I stand before you, as autumn turns to winter and it is once again a pleasure and an honor, to see all Confederation representatives from differentpartsofEuropetogetherhere,undertheSpanishsun.Youhave onceagaincomealongwayfromdifferentpartsofEurope,toshowyour commitment to the common Confederation, and to make your own contributiontothefactthatEuroCOPisthelargest,mostpowerfuland most effective community representing the police in all of Europe.
SpeciallyIwanttothankfortheopportunitytoarriveasaguesttothe beautifulcountryofSpain,andspendtwodaystogetheronceagainina wonderfulsetting.
OnbehalfoftheEuroCOPEX-COM,wewantedtomakesurethatthe programofferedonthesetwodaysisexpert,high-levelandwhichbrings you recent information about the situation in Europe and the Confederation'sactiveworkstrivingtoprotecttherights,safety,values, andpositioninsocietyofEuropeanpoliceofficers.
First,however,Iwanttobrieflyrecalllastspring'smeetinginBelfast.Even thoughwehadtochangehotelatthelastminute,wehadamemorable meetingwithveryimportantagendas.Duringthecoronapandemic,we learned how important it is to meet in person and not just through a remoteconnection.However,avisittotheMemorialGardenandthelaying ofagarland’sinthememorialgrove’sforthosewhohavegaveanultimate sacrificeinthelineofduty,madetheoccasionmemorable.Itwasinstantly memorableandwillneverbeforgotten.Thankyouforthishonoronbehalf of myself and the entire EuroCOP community. And thank you for your hospitality, goes to Mr
AlothashappenedinEuropesincewelastmet.Wehaveheardofan increase in violence against the police, as well as general unrest and movement of people. In my last speech, I outlined three things that I consider topical and important in addition to the goals specified in EuroCOPactionplan:
1.TheeffectsofthewarinUkraineontheinternalsecurityofEurope duringandafterthewar
2.EpidemicinEurope,bywhichImeanincreasingviolenceagainstthe policeofficers
Wecan’tignoretherootsofviolenceintheIsrael–Palestineconflictwhich challengesanyfuturepeaceinthatregionandtheimpactthesehostilities arehavingacrossthewholeoftheEuropeanlandscape,whichishavinga directeffectonthosePoliceOfficersweallrepresent.TheHamasattacks onIsraelisandothernationalsincludingEuropeancitizens,canneverbe justified.Let’susallhopethatinourlifetime,thisregionwillbeableto move past the cycle of violence. It will undoubtedly be a long and challengingjourneybutwherethereishopetherearepossibilitiesandI holdontothatdream.
Unfortunately,regardingthefirstofthese,wearestillintheactivephase ofwarfare.AsweheardinBelfast,ourbrothersinindifferentcommunities aredoingimportantandirreplaceableworktohelpthepeopleofUkraine, whoarefightingforfreedom,democracyandafreeEurope,protecting whatissacredanddeartoallofus.Atthesametime,we,aspoliceofficers, mustbereadytoeffectivelyandappropriatelycombatallphenomena’s relatedtowarandinternalsecurityofEurope.Onceagain,ourmembers areonthefrontlinewhentheeffectsofwararereflectedinEurope's internal security. That is why it is important that e.g. The Halo Trust introducedtousinBelfastcancontinueitsworkefficiently,appropriately andwithsufficientresources.Afterthewar,thevalueoftheirworkwillbe shownwhenwestarttogethertotrackdownillegalweaponstogetthem outofthehandsofcriminalsandterrorists.
Violenceagainstthepolicecontinuestoincrease,despitethefactthatour organization, with the active and professional assistance of EuroTran, raises the issue and brings it to the attention of decision-makers, demanding a common European program to collect information on violenceagainstthepolicethroughEuroStatand,mostimportantly:active measurestocombatthephenomenon.Wehaverepeatedlyrejectedthe viewthatviolenceagainstthepoliceisonlyanationalphenomenonand canbesolvednationally.Weclaimthatitisanepidemicandwemust respondtoitasacommunity,emphasizingthatthereisapersoninside every uniform. Someone's child, someone's parent, someone's sister or brother.Thesepeoplehavetakenanoathtoprotectothers.Itisoursand hastobeEurope'stasktoprotecttheprotectors.
Thepolicehavetosolveevenmorechallengingproblemsnowandinthe future.Sincethespringourmembershaveriskedtheirownlivestoprotect rescueoperationsinareaswheretheterrainhasbeenengulfedbyseasof flamesduringthesummer,andwherepeoplehadtobeevacuatedand taken to safety. Among other things, the situation in Sweden is very dangerousforbothitscitizensandthepoliceofficersonduty.
InSweden,thecountry'sarmyhasalreadybeenaskedforhelpandthe cooperationandhelpofauthoritiesfromvariousneighboringcountriesis needed. Even in these situations, they are EuroCOP members who run whereotherpeoplerunaway,riskingtheirlivesandhealthtoperform theirdemandingandoftendangerouspoliceduties.Forthisreason,all Europeanpoliceforcesmustbeequippedwithsufficienthumanresources, thebest-usedequipment,adequatetraining,andensurethatintheevent ofdangeranddamage,adequatehelpisquicklyonhand.Weowethatto thoseworkingonthefrontline.
In Europe, active measures have already been taken in cooperation betweentheemployerandtheemployees,sothatviolenceagainstthe policecanbetackled.Sincethephenomenonisanepidemicthatspreads acrosscountries,themeanstocombatitmustalsobefoundbetween countriesbybenchmarkingandadoptingpracticesthathavebeenfoundto be good and effective. Where there is a will there’s a way. Nordiska Polisförbundet, together with the Nordic police commissioners, has launchedacollaborationtocombatviolenceagainstthepoliceandtomap and share the best and most effective practices. It is my pleasure and honor to warmly welcome The Commissioner of Norwegian Police: BenedicteBjörnlandtoourmeeting.Thankyouforgivingyourvaluable timetoshareyourexperienceswiththewholecommunityandawarm welcometoourcommitteemeeting.
In the afternoon we will continue to discuss police violence and hear researchonitstruecoststoournations.IampleasedtowelcomeMr.Luis AGarciaSegurafromNebrijaUniversity.Gooddecision-making,exactlythe kind on which EuroCOP's decision-making is based, relies on reliable statistics, scientific research and scientific conclusions along with the experiencesofourownmembers.Mr.LuisAGarciaSegura,thankyoufor sharingyourknowledgeinourcommunityandawarmwelcometoour meeting.
In addition to learning new things and sharing information and experiences,Ihopethatyouareasmotivatedasalwaystodoandinvent newideastogether.MargaretaandDanfromEuroTranareorganizinga workshoptoday,wherewereallyneedyourdedicationtoourcommon causes. You have information, views and insights. EuroCOP Committee
Meetingsarenotanevent’swhereyoujustcometohearnewthings,buta place where phenomena’s are also discussed and where we share informationtogether.Let'sdothisworktogether.Tomorrowwewillhear EuroTran'sexpertpresentationonhowEuroCOPwillraiseitsprofileinthe EuropeanParliamentCommissionandthecouncilofEurope.Thanksto bothofourexpertsinadvance,MargaretaandDan.
Let'salsolooktothefuture.EX-COMcloselymonitorstheEuroCOPAction Plan2020-2024confirmedbyCongressandtheeffectiveimplementation ofitsgoals.Atthesametime,weshouldturnoureyestotheautumn2024 congress meeting and, in cooperation with you, start the preliminary preparationofthe2025-2028ActionPlan.Justbylookingattheannual figures,wenoticethatwhentheactionplanconfirmedbyCongressnext fallcomestoanend,wearealreadyknockingonthedoorsofthe2030 decade.Ourtimeframeforplanningislong,butthechangesintheworld arefastandunpredictable.Thatiswhyweneedtocloselymonitorthe Europeansituationanditschangesandremainagileandreadyforchange. Butpreparingfortheunexpectedisakeypartofpolicework.
Let's make this Committee Meeting memorable. Let's do it together. Ladiesandgentlemen,thankyouverymuchforyourtime.
MOsweresplitinto groupstodiscusstheinformationgatheredfromthe meetinginBelfast.Eurotranranthisinactivesession.Thepurposeofthe groupworkwasthatwithineachgrouptheywoulddecidewhattheir 3 prioritiesfromtheinformationcollatedinBelfast.EachGrouppresented theirfindingsandprovidedtheirrationalefortheirdecisions. Thiswill inform the EuroCOP’S lobbying strategy on this subject and the constructionofourEuropeanParliamentaryquestions.
Thepresentationsfromourspeakersoverthelasttwodayscanbefound throughthefollowinglink; 2023 presentations?
fr=xKAE9 _zU1NQ
Since we last met in Belfast, allow me to share with you where as an organisationinmyviewwedevelopingandshapingourstrategicprofilein awaythatweanticipatewillyieldapositivereactionwiththosewhohave influenceinshapingthepoliticalagenda.
Our profile, and visibility have noticeably increased, not only with our partnerswithinEuropeanTradeUnionConfederation,butalsowithinthe corridorsoftheEuropeanCommission,thisclearlywasevidentrecently when the LIBE Committee secretariat contacted myself directly for EuroCOPtoprovideaspeakertoaddresstheLIBECommitteeDemocracy, RuleofLawandFundamentalRightsMonitoringGroup,thismeetingwas dedicatedtodiscussandtounderstand“TheuseofForcebythePolice undertheRuleoflaw”.
ExcomMemberAngelsBoschpresentedonbehalfofEuroCOP,andgiven hercurrentroleasaPublicOrdercommanderinBarcelonashewasbest placedtoprovidearealtimeoperationalperspectiveoftheissuebeing debatedon.
We were the only representative body asked to contributeby this EU Committee. This is a tangible step, albeit small, but when placed into context,quitesimplythePolicingsectorintheEuropeanCommission& Parliamentwehavetoworkhardtohaveitsvoiceheardamongstthelarge sectoral players both on the Union side and that of the employers representativebodies.
As the EuroCOP representative on the ETUC Executive Iattend the quarterlymeetingsIwasjoinedbyourPresidentJonneRinneattheETUC Congress in Berlin this May where he introduced EuroCOP to all the delegates,attendingseniorpoliticiansandpoliticalcommentatorsfrom across Europe at their 50th Anniversary. The visibility, profile and recognitionalignswithourgoalsassetoutinour2020–2024actionplan. Thisisanongoingprocessandcollectively,wehavetoworkhardtoensure thatourvoice,therepresentativevoiceofthePoliceOfficerinEuropeis heardandthatourprofileismaintainedandenhancedbytheprofessional waywegoaboutourbusinesswiththeEuropeaninstitutions,thosewho develop and construct policy, and those that have been provided the authoritythroughtheballotboxtomakedecisionsthatshapesourfuture life’sandthatofthePoliceOfficersweallrepresent.
Inthepast6monthswehavebeenvisibleinourcollaborationwithother ETUF’s in challenging how social dialogueshould be managed with the Commissionmovingforward(Explain),andIamgratefultoourcolleagues fromEurotran,whohaveprovidedmewithtargetedprofessionaladvise andguidanceinthisarea.
EuroCOPareworkingcollaborativelywithourpartnersintheETUCandthe ETUFonajointcorrespondencetothePresidentofEuropeanCommission in relation regarding Social dialogue and how it’s managed moving forward.
Icanassureyouwhenbothbodiescollectivelycometogetherandwho haveacumulative membershipofover45millionpeopleacrossthewhole ofEuropeanlandscape,theCommissionhasatendencytolistentoour concerns.
TheETUCagendaisextensiveandoneofitsprimaryfocuscurrentlyison rejectingareturntocutsthatpunishworkingcommunitieswhichinclude thePoliceOfficersyourepresent,anobservationthatsometimesislost amongsttheheatofthedebate.
Thisapproachisbeingundertakeninanefforttoexposedecisionmakers whoareendorsingthispathway.TheETUChasalsolaunchedacampaign calledAusteritywatchalongsideacampaignona“FairdealforWorkers”
EUFinanceMinistershavedelayedadecisionrecentlyonanewbudget ruleswhichwouldrequireatleast45billioneurosincutsnextyear.Such cutshasthepotentialtokilljobsandlowerwagesandpushtheeconomy towardsanotherrecession.
Wehavesincewelastmetwehave madetargetedsubmissionsontheEU ConsultationprocessonFirearmsmarkingsandtheconsolationprocesson theVisaSuspensionMechanism.
Thesesubmissionstotheconsultationprocesswillhaveimplicationsacross thewholeoftheEuropeanlandscapewhichinturnwillhaveaknockon effectonourmembershipwhosecountriessitoutsidetheEU.
Inthepast6monthswehavebeenvisibleinourcollaborationwithother ETUF’s in challenging how social dialogueshould be managed with the Commissionmovingforward(Explain),andIamgratefultoourcolleagues fromEurotran,whohaveprovidedmewithtargetedprofessionaladvise andguidanceinthisarea.
EuroCOPareworkingcollaborativelywithourpartnersintheETUCandthe ETUFonajointcorrespondencetothePresidentofEuropeanCommission in relation regarding Social dialogue and how it’s managed moving forward.
Icanassureyouwhenbothbodiescollectivelycometogetherandwho haveacumulative membershipofover45millionpeopleacrossthewhole ofEuropeanlandscape,theCommissionhasatendencytolistentoour concerns.
TheETUCagendaisextensiveandoneofitsprimaryfocuscurrentlyison rejectingareturntocutsthatpunishworkingcommunitieswhichinclude thePoliceOfficersyourepresent,anobservationthatsometimesislost amongsttheheatofthedebate.
Thisapproachisbeingundertakeninanefforttoexposedecisionmakers whoareendorsingthispathway.TheETUChasalsolaunchedacampaign calledAusteritywatchalongsideacampaignona“FairdealforWorkers”
EUFinanceMinistershavedelayedadecisionrecentlyonanewbudget ruleswhichwouldrequireatleast45billioneurosincutsnextyear.Such cutshasthepotentialtokilljobsandlowerwagesandpushtheeconomy towardsanotherrecession.
Wehavesincewelastmetwehave madetargetedsubmissionsontheEU ConsultationprocessonFirearmsmarkingsandtheconsolationprocesson theVisaSuspensionMechanism.
Thesesubmissionstotheconsultationprocesswillhaveimplicationsacross thewholeoftheEuropeanlandscapewhichinturnwillhaveaknockon effectonourmembershipwhosecountriessitoutsidetheEU.
My mantra in all of my dealings and interactions with likeminded organisationsandtheinstitutionsofEuropeandwithalltowhomI come intocontactwithisthatwe“EuroCOP”areintegritydriven,andsolution focussed.
You will recall in Belfast I advised you of the importance of our organisationhavingafootprintinBrussels,andtherationalebehindit,is quitesimplyisthatalongwithLuxembourgandStrasbourg,Brusselsisthe seatoftheEuropeanCommissionandanumberoftheprincipalEuropean Institutions.
Alloftheother10ETUFhaveafootprintinBrusselswhichallowsthemthe flexibilityofmeetingthepolicycreatorsandinfluencers,alongwiththe decisionmakerswithintheEuropeanParliamentinavenueclosetotheir placeofwork.
WehaveidentifiedacoworkingofficespaceveryclosetotheEuropean. ParliamentwhichcomeswithinbudgetthatisacceptabletoourTreasurer, thisallowsustheuseofofficespaceforupto6dayspermonthalongwith useofmeetingroomsandassociatedfacilities.
TobeclearitistherecommendationoftheExcomthatwemaintainour registered offices for the present time in the Duchy of Luxembourg, alongsidesecuringacoworkingspaceinBrussels,todootherwisewould impose significant legal costs on EuroCOP which would require amendmentstoourcurrentstatutestocomplywithBelguimlegislation. YouhavejustheardfromourTreasurerandthefiscalchallengesweare currentlytravellingthrough,howeverthisexpenditurecanbemanaged
TheEXCOM,haspreviouslytakendetailedlegaladviceonthisspecific issue, which they have reviewed and this has reinforced their recommendationtoyouinthismattertoproceedinsecuringaworking spaceinBrussels.
ThoseofyouwhoattendedourCommitteeMeetinginBelfast,willrecall wetookavoteontosetamaximumfeeof60,000Eurosirrespectiveofthe sizeoforganisationalongsidethisanvotingstructurethatprovides8votes tothatorganisation.ThisrequiredachangeofStatutes
Iamhappytotakequestions Noquestionswerereceivedfromdelegatespresent.
8Treasurer’sReportMrMarkMarshallsay&InternalAuditor’sReport MrMarshallsay(Treasurer)presentedhisreporttoMember Organisation’spresent.Ithasbeenredactedforthepurposeofthe publicationoftheseminutes.
MrHenryBautista (InternalAuditor) PresentedhisreporttoMember Organisation’s present . It has been redacted for them purpose of the publicationoftheseminutes.
TheTreasurersReportandInternalAuditors Reportwas acceptedbyMO NoQuestionswerereceivedoneitherreportfromthedelegatespresent.
9 The following questions were presented to M.O organisations to voteon;
(ItshouldnotedthatM.Ohadpreviouslybeenadvisedofthemattersto bevotedon)
1 – To secure co working space in Brussels close to the European Parliament,whilstmaintainingourOfficeinLuxembourg.
2–Maximumannualfeeof60,000EurostobeenactedintotheStatues/ Financial orders, irrespective of membership size of organisation, No organisationshallhavemorethan8voteseitherata Committeemeeting orCongress.
Jonne Rinne, President closed the committee meeting thanking all delegates for their engagement and support and reflected that as a unifiedandconsolidatedgroupofPoliceRepresentativebodiesweare strongertogetherworkingtowardsourcommongoals.
EuroCOPStatutes updated
Statutes European Confederation of Police
Article 1 The European Confederation of Police
1 1 The European Confederation of Police hereinafter referred to as EuroCOP is a Federation of Police Unions and Professional Police Staff Side Associations or Federations in Europe.
1 2 The Secretariat of EuroCOP shall be at a location determined by its members
1.3 EuroCOP is independent from governments, political parties and philosophical, theosophical or religious communities or organisations
Article 2 Aims and Objectives;
2.1 The aims and objectives of EuroCOP shall be to:
1) safeguard, protect and improve the rights and interests of police officers in Europe
2) develop co-operation and harmonious relations between its members
3) co-operate with like minded organisations
4) pursue improvement in the status, training and qualifications of police officers
5) pursue improvements in policing standards
6) ensure police officers enjoy the same civil rights as are enjoyed by other citizens
7) secure the participation and influence of EuroCOP members in the administration, development and planning of policing initiatives
Proposed Statutes for EuroCOP 9 November 2023 th
1 Articles 1. The European Confederation of Police 2 Aims and Objectives 3 Membership 4. Congress 5. Executive Committee & Principal Officers 6 Head of Office , Treasurer & Auditor 7 President 8. Ordinary Committee Meetings 9. Sub Committees 10 Finances 11 Use of Funds 12. Suspension ; Termination of Membership ,& Interpretation of EuroCOP Statutes 13. Complaints & Conduct 14 Language
15 Dissolution of
Statutes European Confederation of Police
Article 3 Membership
3.1 Application for Membership of EuroCOP shall be open to any police representative organisation in Europe interested in furthering the aims and objectives of EuroCOP.
3.2 An application for admission as a member shall require a recommendation from the Executive Committee and approval of 2/3 of the available votes at an ordinary committee meeting of the members
3 3 Membership shall be limited to Full Member, Observer Member & Associate Member
3 4 In order to become a full member an organisation has to fulfil the following conditions:
1 The organisation is legally constituted in its own country as one which represents, and negotiates on behalf of its members in respect of their pay, conditions of service and welfare.
The organisation is a national or other recognised representative organisation for police officers.
2. The internal structures and composition of the organisation’s bodies as well as decisionmaking procedures are transparent and governed by democratic rules
3. The organisation is financially sound and financed by regular subscriptions from its members
3 5 An organisation that is a national representative organisation of police officers that is restricted, due to national legislation, and not able to fully comply with the conditions of membership can apply to become an Associate member
3.5.1 Associate membership shall be at the absolute discretion of EuroCOP.
3.5.2 Associate members must shall comply with any conditions of membership as shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
3 6 An organisation that meets the conditions of membership and is in the process of considering application as a full member can apply to become an Observer member of EuroCOP
3 6 1 Observer membership shall be at the absolute discretion of EuroCOP
3.6.2 Observer membership shall be for a maximum of three years after which the Observer member must seek full membership status or shall cease to be an Observer member.
3.6.3 Observer members shall pay such a membership fee as may be determined by the Executive Committee in accordance with any direction from Congress.
3 7 Full member may, with the agreement of 2/3 of the available votes at an ordinary committee meeting of members, cease to be a full member, and shall instead become an Observer member
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Statutes European Confederation of Police
3.7.1 WhereanObservermemberisacceptedundertheprovisionsofrule3.7,that membermayretainObservermembershipfornomorethan12months,andshall duringtheperiodofmembershipberequiredtopaynotlessthan50%ofthefull membershipfee
372 Attheexpiryof12monthsanobservermemberacceptedundertheprovisionsofrule 3.7musteitherseekfullmembershipofEuroCOP,orresign
41 CongressisthesupremeauthorityofEuroCOP
4.2 Congressshalltakesplaceatafrequencynotexceedingfouryears,andondatesandat locationsasshallbedecidedbytheExecutiveCommittee.
421 TheExecutiveCommitteeshallpaydueregardtotheviewsofthememberspriorto determiningthedateandlocationofanyCongress
4.3 Congressshalllastnotlessthantwo,andnotmorethanthreedays.
44 Congressshallberesponsiblefor;
1) AgreeingthestrategicobjectivesforEuroCOP
2) TheapprovalandamendingoftheEuroCOPrulesandstandingorders.
3) Thesettingofanycriteriaformembership.
4) ThesettingofanycriteriaforfeesforAssociateandObserverMembers
4.5 Thenumberofdelegatesandvotesaffordedtoeachfullmemberorganisationatcongress shallbeasfollows:
th 1
Membership Votes Delegates 1-7,500 1 1 7,501-15,000 2 2 15,001-22,500 3 3 22,501-30,000 4 4 30,001-60,000 6 6 60,001 + 8 8 Proposed Statutes for EuroCOP 9 November 2023
Statutes European Confederation of Police
4 6
Delegates are expressly prohibited from splitting their vote(s) and, unless abstaining on the matter in hand, must cast their vote in its entirety either in support or in opposition of the proposal before the Committee Member organisations can bring up to the maximum number delegates described in 4 5
An extraordinary Congress can be convened to deal with matters of such importance that cannot await an ordinary Congress.
An extraordinary Congress may be convened where the Executive Committee, or 50% of the member organisations request such, and where the ordinary committee meeting of the members decides by a 2/3 majority of votes to convene an extraordinary Congress
Delegates to an extraordinary Congress shall be the same delegates as for an ordinary committee meeting, but delegates shall be entitled to cast the number of votes for their organisation at an ordinary Congress
An extraordinary Congress shall only deal with the matter(s) that necessitated that Congress.
An extraordinary Congress shall last not more than one day.
Article 5 Executive Committee & Principal Officers
5 1 The Executive Committee shall, subject to any direction or restriction laid down by Congress, be responsible for the day to day running and governance of EuroCOP
5 2 The Executive Committee is the executive authority of EuroCOP
5 3 The Executive Committee will comprise
1) No more than three members from the Northern Region
2) No more than one member from the Nordic and Baltic Region
3) No more than two members from the Southern Region
4) No more than one member from the Central Region
5) No more than one member from the Eastern Region
6) The President of EuroCOP
And shall at no time comprise fewer than five members.
5.2.1 The Nordic and Baltic region includes Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
5 2 2 The Northern Region includes the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Monaco, Andorra, and Poland
5 2 3 The Central Region includes Switzerland, Lichtenstein, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Croatia
5.2.4 The Southern Region includes Portugal, Gibraltar, Spain, Italy, San Marino, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, and Albania.
Proposed Statutes for EuroCOP 9 November 2023
Statutes European Confederation of Police
5 2 5 The Eastern Region includes Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Kosovo* (*UNSCR 1244/1999)
5 3 With the sole exception of the member organisation from which the President is elected, no member organisation may hold more than two positions on the Executive Committee
5 4 The Members in each region shall only be able to vote for the Executive Committee member(s) in their region.
5.4.1 A Member Organisation with more than 60,001 members shall be entitled to appoint one memberto the Executive Committee , in addition to the number required by statute 5.3
5.5 A candidate seeking election to the Executive Committee shall intimate in writing his or her intention to stand for election to the Head of Office and shall give not less than 90 days’ notice (save that on any occasion the timescales may be modified with the unanimous agreement of an ordinary committee meeting of the members) For the purposes of this Rule ‘in writing’ shall include by facsimile or electronic
5 5 1 A candidate must have a nominator and seconder from their electoral region
5.6 The President shall appoint a Vice President from the elected members of the Excom
5.7 The President, Vice President, Head of Office , and Treasurer shall be the Principal Officers of EuroCOP.
5 8 The full Executive Committee will meet not less than twice a year with the Principal Officers meeting not less than four times a year At least one meeting should where possible shall be in person
Article 6 Head of Office ,Treasurer & Auditor
6.1 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for securing the employment and appointment of a Head of Office to manage in collaboration with the Executive Committee the day to day running of EuroCOP.
6.2 The Executive Committee shall pay due regard to the views of the members prior to the appointment of a Head of Office.
6 3 The Head of Office may be drawn from amongst the membership of EuroCOP
6 4 The Head of Office shall be an additional ex-officio member of the Executive Committee, and shall be one of the principal officers of the Organisation
6 5 The Head of Office shall act in accordance with any direction and the responsibilities vested in him/her by Congress in coordinating the content of the business and processes of the organisation, and will be the principal contact with the ETUC & ETUF.
Proposed Statutes for EuroCOP 9 November 2023
Statutes European Confederation of Police
6.2.1 Treasurer
The Treasurer will be elected by the Member Organisation’s with a term of office of 4 years
The Treasurerwill be regarded as a Principle officer of EuroCOP
The Treasurer will act in accordancewith the EuroCOP Financial orders and will manage the finances of EuroCOP, The Treasurer shall keep the Excom and Membership updated on the fiscal landscape of the organisation.
6.5.1 Internal Auditor
Member Organisations shall elect an internal Auditor from amongst its membership at Congress for a period of 4 years
The Auditor will undertake an annual audit on the organisations compliance of its function and its financial management
The Auditor shall provide a report on the organisation function and its Financial Managerment to the Excom prior to the Autumn Committee meeting and to Congress which then be presented to Member Organisations by the Auditor
Article 7. President EuroCOP
7 1 The President of EuroCOP will be elected by the members
7 2 A candidate seeking election as President shall intimate in writing his or her intention to stand for election to the Head of Office and shall give not less than 45 days’ notice (save that on any occasion the timescales may be modified with the unanimous agreement of an Ordinary Committee meeting) For the purposes of this Statute ‘in writing’ shall include by electronic mail.
7.2.1 A candidate for President must
1) be supported in their candidature by their member organisation, and
2) have a nominator and seconder from a member organisation, other than their own, and
3) come from a member organisation that is a full member
7 3 In the event more than one candidate is proposed an election shall be by secret ballot
7 3 1 Other than in an election that may require to be conducted under the provisions of statute
6 3 8 the voters will be supplied with a ballot paper and instructions on how to vote
7 3 2 A vote may be cast by marking an “X” against a candidate’s name OR by writing the candidates name.
7.3.3 If the voter uses any mark other than “X” or writes the name of more than one candidate the vote shall be deemed void.
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Statutes European Confederation of Police
7 3 4 The number of eligible voters and votes will be determined in accordance with the usual procedures of the meeting at which the election is to take place
7 3 5 Where there are more than two candidates, the candidate with the fewest number of votes shall drop out and further rounds of voting will take place until two candidates remain. The candidate with the most votes shall be declared the winner.
7.3.6 In the event of an equality of votes at any stage in the election the candidates will draw lots in a manner determined prior to the commencement of the election.
73 7 In the event of any candidate in any round of an election receiving the majority of the votes available, the election will end and that candidate will be declared the winner
7 3 8 In the event it is not possible for an election to take place at a physical meeting of EuroCOP, the Executive Committee shall be responsible for putting in place an alternative form of voting that is capable of delivering a fair election
7.4 The Presidential term of office shall not exceed two years.
7.4.1 Other than with the unanimous agreement of EuroCOP, no President may serve for more than 2 consecutive terms of office.
7 5 The first election under these statutes shall take place in November 2020 Subsequent elections will take place at the meeting prior to the expiry of the President’s term of office, or in the event of retirement or resignation of the President, at the first available opportunity
Article 8 Ordinary Committee Meetings
8 1 There shall be not less than two ordinary meeting of the EuroCOP Committee each year
8.2 The Executive Committee shall determine the date and location for each ordinary meeting of the EuroCOP Committee.
8.3 Each ordinary meeting of the EuroCOP Committee shall last not less than one day, and not more than two days.
8 4 Delegates to Ordinary Committee meetings shall be responsible for;
1) The approval of the annual membership fee
2) The approval of the annual budget
3) The approval of the annual accounts
4) Decisions on the acquisition or disposal of assets
5) The appointment of members to any subcommittee established in accordance with rule 9 1
6) Approve the terms of reference for such subcommittees
7) The approval or disapproval of any application for full, observer, or associate member
8) The suspension, and conditions of suspension of any member.
9) The expulsion of any member
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Statutes European Confederation of Police
8 4 The number of delegates and votes afforded to each full member organisation shall be as follows;
8 4 2 Member organisations can bring up to the maximum number delegates described in 8 4 1
8 5 Subject to the provisions of rule 8 4 2, delegates are expressly prohibited from splitting their vote(s) and, unless abstaining on the matter in hand, must cast their vote in its entirety either in support or in opposition of the proposal before the Committee.
Article 9 Sub Committees
9.1 The Executive Committee may establish any subcommittee for any purpose and duration, and size as appears to be appropriate for the good and efficient running of EuroCOP.
9 2 Participation in any subcommittee meeting may be video or audio conference
9 3 If not appointed by the Executive Committee, a subcommittee must appoint from amongst its members a secretary and a chair whose responsibility will be to report its function to M O
9.4 A minute of any meeting of a subcommittee must be prepared and made available to the Executive Committee and for the information of the members.
Proposed Statutes for EuroCOP 9 November 2023
Membership Total
Delegates 1-7,500 1 1 7,501-15,000 2 2 15,001-22,500 3 3 22,501-30,000 4 4 30,001-60,000 6 6 60,001 + 8 8
Statutes European Confederation of Police
Article 10 Finances
10.1 EuroCOP may raise, establish and maintain funds:
1) By means of subscriptions from member organisations
2) By borrowing money from members or any other person or persons or body corporate, etc., on such security and upon such terms as may from time to time be arranged by interest earned on capital and by commissions.
3) By acceptance of donations or gifts whether directly or by bequest providing the acceptance of such donations or gift shall not or shall not appear to affect or interfere with the impartial status of EuroCOP.
4) By the sale of periodicals, articles or publications and such other matters or items which can be considered incidental to and compatible with the objects and purposes of EuroCOP.
5) By any other legitimate means as may be approved by Congress
6) There will be a minimum and maximum subscription feefor membership to EuroCOP.
7) A Minimum full Subscription fee shall be set at 2000 euros ( Two Thousand Euros) and a Maximum Subscriptionfull membership fee, shall be set at 60,000 Euros( Sixty Thousand Euros ) for any organisation with a membership that exceeds 60,001.
10.2.1 The member subscription shall be determined by the voting members at an ordinary meeting of EuroCOP, following an annual recommendation from the Executive Committee
Article 11. Use of Funds
11.1 Congress shall prepare and adopt policies and rules regarding collection and expenditure of EuroCOP funds and assets
Without prejudice the generality of the foregoing, EuroCOP funds may be put to the uses set out in the following paragraphs of this article.
1) On all matters as may be incidental or conducive to the objective of effectively managing the daily business of EuroCOP
2) On the costs of the meetings of Congress.
3) On the costs of the meetings and activities of the Executive Committee and Principal Officers.
4) On the maintenance of office premises including but not limited to the provision of furnishings and equipment, the payment of due taxes, the retention and payment of persons employed by EuroCOP in a professional or advisory capacity, and generally in any matter which Congress as the ruling body shall deem necessary to enable EuroCOP to carry out its functions effectively
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Statutes European Confederation of Police
5) TogranthonorariatomembersoftheExecutiveCommittee.
6) Onthemakingofanygiftordonationtoanybody,onlywheredoingsofurthersthegood nameandreputationofEuroCOP
7) TopayanyexpensesasmaybeapprovedinadvancebytheExecutiveCommitteeto membersdischargingdutiesonbehalfofEuroCOP.
113 EuroCOPfundsmaynotbeusedtoreimburseanyexpenseincurredbymembers travellingtoorfromaCongress, ordinarycommitteemeeting,oranextraordinarymeeting ofCongress.
11.3.1 EuroCOPfundsmaynotbeusedtoreimburseanyexpenseincurredbyanobserveror associatemember
121 Anorganisationmayresigntheirmembershipinwriting,providednotlessthanthree months’noticeoftheintentiontoresignhasbeenprovidedtotheExecutiveCommittee
12.1.1 AmemberorganisationcanbesuspendedontherecommendationoftheExecutive Committeetothenextordinarycommitteemeetingofthememberswhere;
1) Amemberorganisationfailstopayitsmembershipfeeswithoutgoodreasonor,
2) AfteranorganisationbreachestherulesoftheEuroCOP
122 AmendingtheEuroCOPStatues
ThesestatuesmaybeamendedorreplacedbyCongressonlybyatwothirdsmajority. Theserulesmaybeamendedorreplacedatoneordinarycommitteemeetingofthe membersbya3/4majority,providedmorethantwoyearshaspassedsinceCongress, andwherethenextmeetingofCongressismorethantwoyearsaway
12.3 InterpretationofEuroCOPStatutes
WherethereisambiguityoftheEuroCOPStatues,theExecutiveCommitteeinthefirst instancewillseektounderstandtheproblemthattheseStatuteshavesoughttoaddress
ItwillseekacompriseontheinterpretationthatwillbeacceptabletoMember Organisation’sbyvirtueofavoteontheissuewhereatwo-thirdmajoritywillberequired onachangeofinterpretationofaspecificEuroCOPStatute.
Article13 Complaints&Conduct
EuroCOPshallestablishandmaintainproceduresfortheinvestigationofcomplaintsorallegationsof misconductonthepartofaMemberOrganisationoranindividualactingonbehalfofEuroCOP AfromEuroCOPtomemberorganisationsaswellasdocumentationformeetingsofthebodiesof EuroCOPwillbedisseminatedinEnglish.
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Statutes European Confederation of Police
141 Correspondence
14.2 WorkingLanguage
AllwritteninformationfromEuroCOPtomemberorganisationsaswellasdocumentationfor meetingsofthebodiesofEuroCOPwillbedisseminatedinEnglish
BywayofwrittenmotionprovidedtotheHeadofOffice45dayspriortoaCongress byaMember OrganisationwhichissecondedbyanotherMemberOrganisation thatisnotwithinthesameregionof theoriginatoroftheproposal thedissolutionoftheConfederationmaybedecidedbyCongresswitha two-thirdmajority
Inthecaseofdissolution,theConfederation’sassetswillbedividedamongthememberorganisations inaccordancewiththeirmembershipnumbers,aftersettlementallobligationstowardsthe Confederation’sstaffandalldebtsandliabilitiestowardsthirdparties
Proposed Statutes for EuroCOP 9 November 2023
Personnel facts and figures
One police officer per 294 people, or 340 police officers per 100,000 inhabitants
One in six police officers is a woman
1.52 million police officers in the EU27
Crime statistics2
Police-recorded robberies in the EU fell by 34% between 2012 and 2018
In the EU27 there were 70 police-recorded offences per 100,000 inhabitants (average 2016-2018)
Why do we need an Action Plan?
Who is the Action Plan for?
Our vision for 2024
How will we achieve our vision?
I. Raising EuroCOP’s profile
II. Establishing and building a foundation for developing a policy environment that supports police officers
III. Promoting and supporting policing best practice
About EuroCOP
1 Police, court and prison personnel statistics#One police officer per 294 people
2 https://ec europa eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index
php?title=Crime statistics 2 / EUROCOP ACTION PLAN 2020-2024 36
Why do we need an Action Plan?
Europe’s police officers are working in ever more demanding environments, routinely presented with new and unprecedented challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has added another layer to these challenges, which include terrorism, health and safety concerns, cuts to budgets for training and other resources, and the lack of access to essential data.
It is therefore more important than ever that EuroCOP has a coherent vision for the future and a clear route to achieve it. Both are set out in this Action Plan, which will underpin our work for the next four years.
Who is the Action Plan for?
Every part of the organisation has a role to play in making EuroCOP’s Action Plan a success, from each individual police officer to the President. To make our vision for 2024 a reality, EuroCOP needs to be a proactive and authoritative voice for the policing community. We therefore need the active support of all EuroCOP member organisations to achieve our strategic objectives, whether that is
through spreading the word about who we are or providing us with your views on the issues that matter to you.
Our Vision for 2024
Our vision for 2024 By 2024 European police officers will operate together in an environment of equality, safety and support, provided with the rights, resources, and training to keep Europe’s citizens safe and secure.
How will we achieve our vision?
Our work over the next four years will build on a clear set of strategic objectives that will guide our priorities and actions. These objectives are broad and cross-cutting, encompassing internal and external aspects of EuroCOP’s work.
To ensure we stay on the right track, the EuroCOP Executive Committee will define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) against which to measure our progress towards these strategic objectives, and will review the Action Plan twice a year
Our strategic objectives for 2020-2024 are:
1 2 3
Strategic Objective
Raising EuroCOP’s profile
Strategic Objective
Establishing and building a foundation for developing a policy environment that supports police officers
Strategic Objective
Promoting and supporting policing best practice
EuroCOP, the leading voice for the police in Europe, represents hundreds of thousands of European police officers Our principal strength is our wide and diverse membership of police unions and staff organisations, which brings with it an enormous wealth of knowledge and experience. This is a strength we should take advantage of when promoting EuroCOP to our key audiences. However, we are not always as well-known as we should be by policymakers, the media and even the wider policing community.
The first of EuroCOP’s strategic objectives is therefore to raise the confederation’s profile both internally and externally. We will take a more proactive approach to achieve this, building a new integrated strategy that will support all our communications activities.
To be a truly representative and authoritative organisation, we need the active support of our member organisations. We want everyone in our membership to feel part of the EuroCOP community and to identify with our values, motivations and activities. We will therefore make it easier for member organisations to find out about, and participate in, our work: we will improve access to information about our aims and activities, create more opportunities to provide input directly to us, and demonstrate to member organisations how their contributions make a difference to what we do. Open channels of communication between EuroCOP and our member organisations will help us build a truly common set of values, priorities and data that will strengthen the organisation and help us raise our external profile Working closely with member organisations, we will also
identify opportunities to deliver training and learning development at the regional level where appropriate
We will establish EuroCOP as a thought leader with its key external audiences. EuroCOP will be a transparent and authoritative source of expertise with ‘on the ground’ operational experience. Policymakers, the media and EuroCOP’s partners will recognise us as the go-to representative of the policing community in Europe. This will boost our credibility and increase our visibility to prospective member organisations and in policy debates
EuroCOP is already recognised as an important stakeholder, with seats at the European Trade Union Confederation and the Council of Europe Conference of INGOs. We will maximise the impact of these positions, developing clear and coherent policy priorities and carrying out direct lobbying campaigns where appropriate (see Strategic Objective II). We will also seek opportunities to partner with other organisations which align with our goals
Successfully raising EuroCOP’s profile will help us achieve the latter two strategic objectives set out in this action plan. With a successful push of EuroCOP’s brand, the organisation itself will be more robust and better able to convey its views externally. Given the current political climate and the rising political saliency of law enforcement, now is the time to raise our confederation’s profile and provide the insights nobody else can to ongoing debates.
The Executive Committee will:
Deliver an integrated EuroCOP communications strategy
Promote EuroCOP as the go-to representative of the policing community in Europe to key audiences: member organisations and prospective member organisations, policymakers and the media
Improve information exchange between EuroCOP and its member organisations
Promote EuroCOP to prospective member organisations and increase membership
Leverage EuroCOP’s seats in the Council of Europe Conference of INGOs and the European Trade Union Confederation
Raise EuroCOP’s profile using direct lobbying and media campaigns where appropriate
Remain open to partnerships and joint ventures with other organisations where goals are aligned
EuroCOP member organisations will:
Promote EuroCOP’s activities among their own members
Provide input to EuroCOP data and opinion-gathering exercises
Encourage their members to participate in EuroCOP’s activities
Work with the Executive Committee to identify opportunities for training and learning development at regional level
European police officers’ day to day working environment is directly shaped by national laws, EU legislation and international guidelines such as the Council of Europe’s European Code of Police Ethics. These cover issues from health and safety, training and protective equipment to migration, terrorism and information exchange between police forces.
Our ability to perform our role successfully and protect Europe’s citizens depends on how well these laws and guidelines are drafted and how effectively they work in practice. As the leading European voice for police officers, EuroCOP has a clear responsibility to play an active role in policy debates at national and international level. Our insights are vital to policy makers – we provide ‘on the ground’ insights to the officials writing the laws that govern how we operate.
We have a strong track record in cooperating with national governments, international organisations and all institutions of the EU. We are active members of the European Trade
Union Confederation, the Council of Europe Conference of INGOs, and the Workers’ Group of the European Economic and Social Committee This places EuroCOP in a strong position to influence pan-European policy debates that affect police forces.
Over the next four years EuroCOP will continue to play an active role in policy debates at all levels. We will ensure that we have a strong understanding of member organisations’ priorities, as well as of policy issues at EU and national level. We will take a strategic approach to determine the most relevant policy issues to EuroCOP, where we can have most impact and when to act We will work proactively to build a policy environment that supports European police officers, providing insights, solutions and strong evidence to support our position.
The Executive Committee will:
Execute an annual operational plan and engagement strategy in line with EU and national policy agendas
Encourage member organisations to input to policy priorities and positions
Build and maintain relationships with key EU institutional, Council of Europe and ETUC officials
Conduct regular data gathering exercises among EuroCOP member organisations to build a strong evidence base to support policy activity
Launch a workstream to review Council of Europe Code of Police Ethics
EuroCOP member organisations will:
• Undertake continuous monitoring and regular audit of European/national policy issues
Provide input to EuroCOP policy discussions in order to shape priorities and positions
Encourage their members to participate in EuroCOP policy discussions
Participate in EuroCOP data gathering exercises to build a strong evidence base
Now more than ever, European police forces are under pressure to cope with continually changing threats and challenges. Trust between police forces is essential, as is the public’s trust in those forces. Uniformly high standards in policing across Europe and robust protections that provide the best professional environment for police officers are pivotal to effective law enforcement.
EuroCOP will promote standards and best practices at the national and European level to enhance the effectiveness of police services. We will provide an open forum for discussion, allowing member organisations to share insights and experiences, and finding viable solutions to the challenges faced daily by Europe’s police officers. The exchange of best practices and know-how is crucial to maintaining high standards across Europe. We will also continue to gather qualitative and quantitative data from member organisations through regular information gathering exercises. These exchanges and data will underpin our positions on relevant policy issues.
In addition to acting as a best practice facilitator, EuroCOP will oppose any discrimination based on sex, race, disabilities, religion or sexual orientation in European police forces. Any examples of such behaviour will be discussed and dealt with in appropriate fora.
We will seek opportunities to participate in relevant debates at national, European and international level, including partnering with think tanks and academic studies where appropriate.
EuroCOP will promote standards and best practices at the national and European level to enhance the effectiveness of police services.
The Executive Committee will:
Develop thought leadership: promote standards and best practices in policing at the national, European and international level
Provide an open forum for EuroCOP member organisations to discuss core issues facing police officers, share experiences, elaborate solutions and define recommended best practices
Gather a strong evidence base to support issue advocacy (feeding into Strategic Objective II)
Initiate/contribute to joint studies on European policing issues with think tanks and academics as appropriate
EuroCOP member organisations will:
• Participate, and encourage their members to participate, in EuroCOP open forum discussions on core issues facing police officers
Provide evidence and data that will support EuroCOP’s issue advocacy
Publicise among their members EuroCOP’s activities to promote standards and best practices in policing
EuroCOP is the leading representative voice for the police across Europe. We are an active organisation, reflecting current operational attitudes of the police along with the practical application of current rules.
Our mission is to work with policymakers at the national, European and international level, providing a practitioners’ perspective to ensure police officers have the rights, resources and training necessary to keep Europe’s citizens safe and secure
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