1 minute read
Personalize your clothes
more important. Moreover, you will only own clothes you really love, because there is simply no space to keep things you’re moody and sceptical about.
Some basic starting tips you’ll find in every guide:
• Don’t pressure yourself to a specific number, but try to aim for less as well as you can. • You can do a trial run with picking 7–10 pieces you’ll wear for the next week.
• Start with clearing out your closet – try making a list at the beginning (without looking in your closet) of pieces you love and definitely want to keep. • Establish a personal colour scheme before or during the process (Pinterest or other social media might be of help). • Make a plan as to how many jeans, t-shirts, sweaters etc. you need. • Give the clothes you have sorted out to friends or family (maybe organise a clothes switching party – but don’t get heaps of new stuff!).
• Don’t go on a shopping trip immediately to fill your closet up again: instead make lists of what you really need, and take your time scanning the market.
• Have fun at it
Instead of throwing out four of your five white t-shirts in the process of reducing, you can use some of your clothes to make something new and uniquely personal. One amazing and fun way to get a new, one-of-a-kind piece is batik or tie-dyeing. 11
11 Sources: www.truecostmovie.com/learn-more/environmental-impact www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2019/633143/EPRS_BRI(2019)633143_EN.pdf www.edgexpo.com/fashion-industry-waste-statistic/ www.commonobjective.co