Stark-Magazine Cover Art & Featured Artist Miguel Cabezas
Stark-Magazine LLC Issue.11 Editor & Publisher Jason Lowry Printed on demand by MagCloud Images published in Stark -Magazine are the sole property of the contributing photographers and are copyright materials. No image may be reproduced in any form, mechanical or electronic, without the express permission by its owner. Š Stark-Magazine. All rights reserved.
Creative Vision
25% of profits from Magazine sales donated to Doctors Without Borders
Life |
Miguel Cabezas
Contemplation |
Miguel Cabezas
Publisher Choice Mystic River |
Hengki Koentjoro
Experience more of Hengki’s art on 500px | on Facebook
Sue単os 5 |
Mariano Belmar Torrecilla
El camino 2 |
Mariano Belmar Torrecilla
Sleeping dragon |
Yury Bird
Bridges in the Fog |
Yury Bird
ewe and i on top of the world |
Andy Lee
Outpost | Ian Good
Needles and the Haystack |
Quincy Jefferson
Curator Kuki Walsch
Exhibits offer us an opportunity to further promote the talented artists sharing at Stark -Magazine. This month we celebrate Creative photography by highlighting the Creative Exhibit curated by featured and published artist Kuki Walsch. Experience the ongoing Exhibit
Minimalism in sepia|
Kuki Walsch
Parvati's secret |
Alex Colias
Bell |
Richard Bland
Winterscape |
Bertrand Chombart
A tree will never forget |
Miguel Cabezas