AWNW - 18th June 2014

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Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 1W

Issue #237 - Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Albury Wodonga’s largest circulating newspaper


Celebrating 40 years of education in Wodonga THE Albury Wodonga Community College (AWCC) is celebrating it’s 40th anniversary this year. In 40 years the college has been open it has grown from strength to strength thanks to a plethora of dedicated staff and the generosity of many in terms of time and money. But success did not come easily. Consistent growth within the college called for growth in venues, staff, courses and funds needed, all of which came about through clever planning and hard work. Today, the AWCC boasts up to 120 equivalent full time workers, plus tutors, servicing over 5,000 knowledge-hungry students. “When the Community College first formed it really came out of grass roots community initiatives,” AWCC CEO Rodney Wangman said. “The 40th anniversary is quite significant considering it started in one very small dilapidated old building into the site that it’s become. Gone are the days of having a handful of students and one person running the facility. “In my mind it’s a significant community asset

and continues to provide a service to our community that wouldn’t otherwise be here.” The AWCC services all ages, from babies and toddlers in early education right through to seniors wanting to further their education and skill set. It offers community services and education courses that cover learning of all types and outcomes, with four separate divisions. “The Community College now has grown to the point where we have different divisions providing services across the community in a wide array of areas,” Mr Wangman said. “We have U3A and active aging groups, child care, Vocational Education and Training (VET), and our Independent School. “Community early years child care goes all the way out to remote and rural facilities that wouldn’t otherwise be provided because the populous is too small. “We have a full Vocation and Education Training program which gives people nationally accredited qualifications that allow them to go out and secure

work. “And our Independent School is about providing a different alternative from the normal education curriculum in the way it’s actually taught. “It’s a very unique area we entered into eight years ago ... We found there were a lot of kids missing out on education because they didn’t fit to the traditional model. “Our Independent School still runs to Victorian curriculum standards or a modified New South Wales curriculum, but it’s taught a little differently. We have counsellors to back kids up for when they need extra help and extra support, and really small class sizes mean they get even more individual support. “In terms of evidence, we’ve seen the longer you can keep a young person in school the better the outcomes are socially, for their own progress in life and to hold down employment.” The 40th anniversary is also significant for the site itself, which has housed education since the mid 1800’s. “I think the fact that 63 High Street has always

been an education site is pretty significant,” Mr Wangman said. “While the Community College has been here for 40 years, we’ve actually had education on this site since 1857. The first school in the area was actually located here – School Number 37, the Belvoir Common School.” The complexities of operating a not-for-profit organisation as a modern corporate business relies heavily on the connectedness that the organisation can achieve with its local community, sector peak bodies and government funding agencies. In a frequently changing environment, the AWCC seeks to remain flexible, responsive and engaged, with a steadfast belief in learning as a tool of empowerment and growth, providing opportunities, choice and improved quality of life. “It’s about providing services to a community at a cost-effective way, providing an array of services that sometimes wouldn’t be provided for, and it’s about stepping out and meeting community needs.”

Special 4 page feature celebrating 40 years as a community organisation.

Page 2W Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities

Connecting people and communities



Celebrating 40 years a sa 1989


The purchase of a relocatable building named in honour of Marie Cardwell assists with accommodation pressures. New programs in Workplace Basic Education, Access for Developmental Disabilities and Adult Literacy Programs commence.

1973 A symposium recommends the establishment of an independent adult education ‘Centre’.



“School for Seniors is not just a ‘School’ it’s a way of life, and anyone who thinks the over 50’s are has-beens should come to the school and see if they can keep up the pace!” Margaret Andrews – Coordinator.

The collapse of the Pyramid Building Society puts undue pressure on the organisation, as all current savings were invested there.


Community Early-Years Childcare expands with the Kiewa Valley Project at Kergunyah and Dederang. Commonwealth Personal Support Programme expands. Annual income reaches $3 million; student and customer services are over 13,000 with 600 educational courses.


1975 Enrolments grow from 210 to 1246 students. Income reaches $20,000.




“With 7295 enrolments our Community College is large by any standards, even world standards - and there is every indication it is still growing.” Alan Cracknell - Chairperson

Income breaks through $1,000,000 with 26 staff and over 6800 students enrolled during the year. New Affiliated Centres begin at Bellbridge, Rutherglen. Holbrook and Baranduda.

Youth Pathways Program commences along with expansion of Flexible Delivery Programs and Workplace Learning. ‘Building for Learning’ Project continues with major changes to the High Street property through fundraising activities and volunteer support.

Staff size grows to 3 and over 25 tutors deliver growing range of courses.



Graham Crapp, after 10 years, steps down as Chairman.

The ADD Program (Access for people with Developmental Disabilities) receives the National Award for most outstanding program. The difficulties of the Pyramid collapse are finalised.

Kath Davey is elected Chairperson.

student numbers increase further in a variety of short courses.

1978 The Community College commences managing the premises at 63 High Street, Wodonga.

2007 School expands intake to 65 students. Student graduation success rate climbs rapid. Rodney Wangman invited as guest presenter at the 6th International Lifelong Learning conference South Korea. Trish Denisenko and Lois Hotson awarded Company Life Membership.

2008 Student courses extend into Higher Education. Application for new alternate school campus in Albury made and new Cracknell building opened.

Other programs include Second Chance Reading, Parent Education, Rural Education and General Education.


Executive Director Dorothy Lucardie resigns after 4 years. Rodney Wangman appointed as Chief Executive Officer. Move from Incorporated Association to Company Limited. Student numbers grow to over 12,000 and 780 courses. ‘Building for Learning’ project commences.



Mobile Children’s Service begins operation.

Youth Programs are now a feature along with labour Market Programs, Adult VCE overseas education tours, Community Managed Transport Scheme and School for Seniors are in both Albury and Wodonga.

Closer links formed with Neighbourhood Centres.

The school for seniors is established and growing.

Staff numbers increase to 5 and for the first time, student enrolments are above 3000

2006 Over 300 new Online Learning courses released, Distance and Blended Learning options are offered. Student services increased through e-marketing and e-business improvements. Company Life Membership awarded to Jim Saleeba and Brian Smith.


1977 Income grows to over $50,000 and

Literacy programs expand and classes occur in Albury and Lavington with classes operating 5 days a week.


Company Life Membership is awarded to Alan Cracknell and Graham Crapp. Glenbrae Family Homes donates profit from house to ‘Building for Learning’ fundraising project. Project concludes with total expenditure of almost $865,000.

U3A is formed and over 600 programs are offered during the year. Job Options and VCE Programs begin, along with joint ventures undertaken in cooperation with Wodonga TAFE

Pressure builds with in-sufficient accommodation space at High Street. Discussions commence to take over all building areas from the Department of Education.

community organisation

Over 300 new Online Learning courses released, Distance and Blended Learning options are offered. Student services increased through e-marketing and e-business improvements. Company Life Membership awarded to Jim Saleeba and Brian Smith.




Wodonga High School forms Steering Committee; Wodonga Technical School releases teacher as 1st Executive Officer. Community College opens 1st April 1974.


Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 3W

1982 The Women’s Access Program and Affiliated Centres are formed in Chiltern, Yackandandah, Hume Howlong and Corowa..

Community College is awarded Adult Learning Australia’s National Adult Education Provider of the Year Award. Learning Shop is opened.

1981 Classes are occurring in over 25 various locations in Albury and Wodonga. Migrant classes and Home Tutor Programs are undertaken and National art exhibitions are held by the Community College.



Student numbers increase to over 11,000 with staff numbers up to 34. An upgrade is made to the established Albury premises. Community College and City of Wodonga win a joint citation for Adult Learners Week presentations

Quality Assurance programs are introduced. Funding is provided for the establishment of the Learning City Project. Traineeships begin; organisational income is at $2 million.

1998 1996 Jim Saleeba retires after 23 years at the helm and is recognised by the City of Wodonga as the Citizen of the Year. Dorothy Lucardie is appointed the new Executive Director

Annual Turnover reaches $5m. Independent Schools have over 80 students. Company acquires ownership of 67 High Street property. Margaret Crisp completes 10th year as Chairperson. Australian College of Higher Education commenced.


2010 Purchase of 52 & 54 Hovell Street, Wodonga properties. $1.5M ICET Building works are completed. Reg Morley & John Shugg awarded Company Life Membership. 80+ migrants from 24 countries join our ESL program.

1983 Staff numbers increase to 10. Computer courses, Food Handling, Navigators and Amateur Radio courses commence.


2011 Schools grow to over 200+ senior secondary students. South Street building projects completed $3M. Turnover is over $6M and staff number 85+. Company assets are over $5M.

The Albury International English College begins in Albury.

2012 1997 Community Early-Years Childcare begins as a new innovative childcare service to families in rural locations outside Albury Wodonga. Job Pathways Program commences

Purchase of 52 & 54 Hovell Street, Wodonga properties. $1.5M ICET Building works are completed. Reg Morley & John Shugg awarded Company Life Membership. 80+ migrants from 24 countries join our ESL program.



Opening of South Street CEYC extensions by Minister Wendy Lovell. Albury Wodonga Schools average 150 students. 2cool4school grows to 350+ Learners. Creative Learners and U3A have over 350 members. College moves as an RTO to ASQA national framework.

Page 4W Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities SPECIAL ADVERTISING FEATURE

n i a s g a r tion o y t i n u m m o c a s a s r a Celebrating 40 ye The history of Albury Wodonga Community College From 1857 Belvoir Common School, No: 37 was built in 1857, headed by Mr Edwin Davis Davis.

From 1862 In 1862 the head teacher of the school Mr John Hughes set a fire in preparation for a warm start on Monday. Some hours later a burning log rolled out and set the school on fire. Two residents succeeded in saving the school but not before serious damage had been caused.

From 1874 The structural damage caused by the 1962 fire ultimately made the original building unfit for use, so it was sold, pulled down and removed. A two roomed school took its place in 1874. These new rooms were designed to cater for up to 150 students. The building (known as Big School) still remains as the administration area of the current AWCC. Belvoir Common School changed its name to Belvoir State School in 1875.

From 1973 The state school operated until the mid 1950's when 770 students transferred to another school site in Wodonga. The buildings were used as Wodonga Technical School until that was also relocated. A symposium recommended the establishment of an independent adult education centre in 1973. Wodonga High School formed a steering committee and Wodonga Technical School released a teacher as the first executive officer. The Community College opened on 1 April, 1974. Enrolments grew from 210 to 1246 students.

From 1978 The Community College took over site management of 63 High Street, Wodonga and the School for Seniors was established and expanded. Other programs included Second Chance Reading, Parent Education, Rural Education and General Education.

1982 – 1984 The Women's Access Program and Affiliated Centres were formed in Chiltern, Yackandandah, Hume, Howlong and Corowa, with the Mobile Children's Service beginning operation.

From 1989 The purchase of a relocatable building assisted with accommodation pressures and new programs in Workplace Basic Education, access for developmental disabilities and adult literacy programs commence.

From 1994 Youth programs became a feature along with labour market programs and adult VCE, overseas education tours, the Community Managed Transport Scheme and School for Seniors. Student enrolments climbed to over 800.

From 2006 2006 brought with it the commencement of an independent alternative secondary school with 36 students in years 11 and 12. Community Early Years Childcare expanded to 20 rural locations in Victoria and NSW. Over 300 new online and distance education courses were offered.

From 2007 $5 million in building extensions are added and the Trade and Training Centre opened. Albury Alternative School commenced and property purchases are made in Wodonga and Henty.

Issue #237 – Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Albury Wodonga’s largest circulating newspaper

Cups of kindness IT’S amazing how far a simple cuppa can go! The Ibis Styles Albury Lake Hume Resort Garden Party themed Biggest Morning Tea has managed to raise over $1000 for cancer. TURN TO PAGE 4 FOR MORE.

Sub gets bombed By KRYSTEN MANUEL DRIVING down the main street of Holbrook, it is impossible to miss the freshly yarn-bombed HMAS Otway in all its golden glory. Many hands lovingly knitted, weaved, crocheted and tangled the submarine’s winter attire across several months in a bid to put Holbrook back on the map after the bypass (and bring the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine song back to life, of course). While hundreds of people gathered around the submarine to see it make history at the official unveiling on Thursday, many were unaware of the sub’s history before the yarn-bombing. Many people would also not have noticed the smaller scale model submarine watching humbly from the sidelines - the B11 ... Surprisingly, Holbrook’s biggest attraction (HMAS Otway) is really a supplement to the B11 - the vessel which sailed Lieutenant Norman Douglas Holbrook into the history books, won him the Victoria Cross and resulted in the town being named after him. Of even more interest was the email NewsWeekly received just a couple of weeks ago from a man in England. Mr Colin Rogers is the descendent of John (Jack) Harding, a man who was not only on the B11 at the time of its hairraising trip into the Dardanelles, but who saved the officers and crew from suffocation after being submerged for over nine hours. Mr Rogers said he remembered sitting on his great uncle’s knee as he told the story and showed him the DSM he was awarded after the mission’s success. “In the ’60s my paternal grandmother told me a story about a First World War exploit that involved one of her brothers,” he said. “It will be 100 years on 13 December 2014 since this event took place. “She said that he had saved a submarine and was mentioned in dis-

Right: John (Jack) Harding is pictured here in the back row, second from the left. Harding saved many lives in Lt Holbrook’s epic 1914 journey aboard the B11. Below: Holbrook Submarine Museum curator Roger Cooper hangs the last pom-pom on the HMAS Otway.

patches, and as there are a lot of stories in the press at the moment of WWI, I decided to research this event.” Mr Rogers found a book with the answers he was looking for called We Dive At Dawn, by LieutenantCommander Kenneth Edwards. The book tells the detailed story of how a B Grade submarine took down the mighty Turkish warship - the Messudieh ... In preparation for the 1915 Gallipoli campaign, a mixed naval force kept watch on The Dardanelles to make sure the two German warships didn’t break out. Within the force were three old British submarines - B9 (commanded

by Lieutenant Warburton), B10 (Lieutenant Gravenor) and B11 (Lieutenant Holbrook). Patrolling was ‘galling’ and so the British and French began to talk about carrying out a submarine raid to The Dardanelles. Shortly, a rivalry sprang up between the French and British as to who would successfully attack first. The Brits were onto it, sending the slightly modified B11 on its first assassination attempt. The mission was tricky, to say the least. The B11 was only 150-feet long with a surface displacement of 280 tonnes. Full speed submerged was 5 to 6

knots, though speed had to be used sparingly due to battery power. The Dardanelles were 27 miles long and change direction twice. In the Narrows they were less than a mile wide for 3.5 miles. Through the straits runs a strong current from the Sea of Marmara into the Mediterranean. Nowhere in The Dardenelles is there a current less than two to three knots, while in The Narrows it reaches a speed of about four knots. The positions of enemy minefields were only approximately known, while nothing was known of the varying strength and directions of the currents. The B11 left Tenedos on December

12 in the dead of the night. Early the next morning Holbrook was faced with a dilemma thanks to a broken hydroplane guard - should he turn back and report failure, or carry on through an unknown minefield with one hydroplane unguarded? Holbrook carried on, checking his position at 9am. Just a mile away on his starboard beam he saw a large warship. Holbrook attempted to move closer for a better shot at the ship, but was swept several hundred yards off the attacking course - it was now or never. Continued on Page 2

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Page 2 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Sub gets bombed

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Disclaimer: Published at Level 1, 299 Townsend Street, Albury 2640, by Albury Wodonga Community Media Pty Ltd. ABN 27 133 396 382, Printed at BMP Printing, 1 Mckoy Street, Wodonga. Material published in this edition is subject to copyright provisions. Albury Wodonga Community Media Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for the unauthorised republication of such material.

From Page 1 Holbrook torpedoed the ship successfully, but was spied by the enemy. When the B11 should have been fleeing, the sub’s compass malfunctioned, leaving them blind. Holbrook put up a periscope and found he was in Sari Siglar bay and headed toward where he thought the entrance lay. But the sub had been swept much further into the bay than Holbrook thought and, with a sickening thud, B11 hit a sandbank. The only hope was for her to pass over it - not an easy task considering the impending Turkish attack, the limitations of B11 and the position they were in. But with Holbrook’s ambition and bravery, the sub lurched over the bank after several attempts. Holbrook then navigated blind to the entrance to the straits. The B11’s only navigation was Holbrook’s guess, using only the freshly torpedoed warship as a clue. “ ... It is the easiest thing in the world to lose one’s bearings in a submarine with only a single and very intermittent eye - ‘lost in the box’ submarine officers call it - and there is no more helpless feeling,” We Dive At Dawn reads.

Patrol boats hunted B11 the whole way as it attempted to navigate five rows of moored mines, but B11 arrived at the entrance to The Dardanelles at 2.10pm on Sunday 13 December. “So foul was the air in the tiny submarine when she reached the surface that a match would not burn in her,” We Dive At Dawn reads. “Even the engine refused to start until the boat had been ventilated for 10 minutes.” This is where John Harding stepped in ... “My great uncle was the Chief Engine Room Artificer on the submarine B11,” Mr Rogers said. “His account to us was that ‘all of the officers and crew had been unconscious at the end of the mission but he managed to keep going long enough to vent the boat and save them all.’ “Even though my great uncle said that he had to surface and vent the boat himself, he was never

WEATHER Proudly Supported By

given credit for it. He said himself the Captain and second officer would never admit to be in such a state! “He was awarded the DSM and I am sure he showed it to me when as a small boy; I sat on his knee and he told me of his adventures ... ” And so, when Germanton was to be renamed, Holbrook was chosen. “The world viewed the story with amazement,” Holbrook Submarine Museum curator Roger Cooper said. “People viewed subs in those days like you would a spaceship. Later, in the ‘70s, the Apex Club brought the scale model of the B11 into Holbrook.” So next time you visit the Holbrook submarine, be it yellow or not, don’t forget to visit the B11 and revisit its David and Goliath tale.

James W. Sexton D E N TA L P R O S T H E T I S T





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James W. Sexton D E N TA L P R O S T H E T I S T ฀

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440 Dean Street, Albury. Ph: 02 6021 7236

฀ 1139862-CB25-14


Children from St Patrick’s, Holbrook Public School and Mullengandra Public School sang The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine at the official opening.


Level 1, 299 Townsend Street, (Cnr Townsend & Nurigong Street) Albury NSW 2640 Advertising Manager: Adam Burton Journalist/Photographer: Krysten Manuel Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Phone: (02) 6022 5800 Fax: (02) 6022 5888 Classifieds: 1300 666 808 Classifieds email: Website: News email: Advertising email: Facebook:

Connecting people and communities

Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 3

Cash injection for homeless campaign

By TANIA PHILLIPS TRINITY Anglican College Thurgoona has received a $1.8 million upgrade of its science facilities. Students and staff at Trinity celebrated the opening of the new Founders’ Centre, which included the construction of three science laboratories. The new buildings, built with the help of $700,000 in federal funding, were officially opened on Monday by local Federal MP and Assistant Minister for Education, Sussan Ley. The project, totalling $1.8m was funded through a $700,000 Australian Government grant and by a $1.1 million contribution from the Trinity Anglican College community. “These new facilities are an important part of ensuring students get a great education,” Sussan Ley said. “Our government is committed to building a world-class education system which will equip all Australian students with the skills they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.”

The region’s homeless are set to be given a boost thanks to the Going Home Staying Home reforms. to access services before they are at crisis level, before they are on the streets sleeping rough. “Importantly, resources will be delivered where they are needed most, based on evidence not history. “I am proud to be a part of a government that has acted to support the most vulnerable members of our community. “I congratulate the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW and Albury Wodonga Youth Emergency Services Ltd and their partners for the work they do to support families, young people and men and women

who are in need of assistance.” In addition to the Going Home Staying Home program, over the next three years the NSW Government will introduce a number of complementary initiatives to prevent and respond to homelessness. These include: $31.2 million to extend and increase the Start Safely program that provides stable, private rental housing for 1300 women and children escaping domestic violence. A new $27 million program to provide up to 4000 unaccompanied homeless children and young


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people under 16 years with help to reconnect with family, or transition to independence through education, training and employment. An additional $7.5 million for new housing and support programs to help 100 homeless people currently in the inner city to find stable homes in suburban and regional areas. A new $4.5 million homelessness hotline and referral service that will act as a single state-wide phone line for people who require homelessness services.


A RANGE of new services will be introduced to help reduce homelessness in the region under the widestranging reforms of the sector in a generation. The Going Home Staying Home reforms, which were announced by Family and Community Services (FACS) Minister, Gabrielle Upton, will increase funding in the FACS Murrumbidgee District from $5.46 million to $5.94m. The Albury electorate will share in $1.954m to the Eastern Murrumbidgee Network Homelessness Service led by the St Vincent De Paul Society NSW and $1.974m to the Southern Murrumbidgee Network Homelessness Service lead by Albury/Wodonga Youth Emergency Services. The Going Home Staying Home reforms will provide a record $445 million over three years for nongovernment organisations to deliver homelessness services across the state to improve the lives of more than 52,000 people a year. “Without a doubt, Going Home Staying Home will help improve the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society,” member for Albury, Greg Aplin said. “Under these reforms, local homelessness services will be better placed to deliver a full range of supports that will help us to tackle homelessness at a local level. “Greater focus will be placed on early intervention and prevention, not just crisis management. Those at risk of homelessness will be able

Lab smartened up


Inheritance battles leave “boomer” families shattered, pockets empty The sale of an inherited family home is the leading cause of mid-life sibling rivalry between Albury-Wodonga Baby Boomers. Dean Lupson reports. Albury Wodonga Property Agent Dean Lupson says “even minor disputes between siblings and relatives can chew up tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal costs. The result is normally a broken family and MUCH less of the sale proceeds going to the intended beneciaries. It’s no way to honour a loved one’s memory” says Dean. “I remember one recent case where an elder brother of two sisters took control over the sale of their deceased parent’s home and a neighbouring block of land, and refused a combined offer that ended up costing his two sisters $45,000. Sadly, those siblings are no longer on speaking terms Too often brothers and sisters go to war citing reasons of greed, dishonesty or incompetence that and the once happy family is all costs others over the sale of a parent’s home. but broken.” Albury Solicitor, Mike Eden adds that this type of situation can be easily avoided simply by getting an independent valuation before seeking the services of an experienced Property Agent. He stresses the importance of hiring a Property Agent who can offer a strong process in dealing with these kinds of cases where there’s a chance a family could come to loggerheads over any number of issues related to the sale of a loved one’s property. “For many siblings it seems like a pretty straightforward thing to manage, but the cost of something going wrong (causing a family breakup) is too heavy a price to pay” he says… For the rest of this article, please phone Dean Lupson on 0260 215590 or 0458 527 632 or email: 1140695-CB25-14


Connecting people and communities

Page 4 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Space, thought, action By KRYSTEN MANUEL GIGS Art Gallery is hosting an exhibition with a difference. Mother Earth - A Breathing In And A Breathing Out is a celebration of the space between thoughts and actions, encouraging and inspiring an almost meditative state, by local artist Sari Cecilia. The exhibition features 38 works composed of limestone, gourds (dried pumpkins) and found wood using interesting techniques like pyrography - an ancient American Indian marking reminiscent of tattoos. Like Cecilia’s works, her journey has been unique and varied, touching on many different countries and cultures. “Art has always felt natural to me, so I went to Melbourne University and did fine art at university,” she told NewsWeekly. “After that, my security side kicked in and I did teaching as well. I’ve been teaching art for 17 years now but I’ve been travelling the world. I’ve been an art teacher in the Middle East, Asia, Australia and Ireland.” After travelling for so many years, Cecilia has leant to appreciate both nature - in all its complexity and simplicity - and the freedom to create works not limited by size and shape. “I like to dance, I like to sing, so there was always that feeling of the more kinaesthetic the more visceral effect we have in the arts,” she said. “When I got back to Australia I moved to Wodonga and was really excited about having my own art studio rather than having a travelling suitcase studio, so I went big. “I live in Stanley and it’s just so inspiring. It’s really helped me to see who I am, where I’ve come from and what I want to do. “This exhibition is a celebration

Don’t miss the beautiful simplicity in Sari Cecilia’s new exhibition: Mother Earth. of how beautiful Australia is in comparison to some of the countries I’ve been to. When I was in the Middle East I was in a desert, I didn’t see a flower in a year. That yearning for nature was really prevalent in my life, so here it’s a celebration of nature and the way Mother Nature starts to take care of us. She’s given us nature in abundance and a lot of the time in our busy lives we forget about just stopping, so a lot of my artworks are about that pause, or the space between a breath and a thought - that emptiness. “I hope my exhibition is going to help people to relax a bit. It’s limestone, very soft subdued colours. There will be plaques on the walls and they’re all soft muted colours as well. “In my exhibition you’ll also see a lot of animals or impressions animals make like a kangaroo paw their mark on the land. “So there’s a lot of different themes but I’ve left it quite simple - very pure simplistic forms because that helps you to relax.” Mother Earth is on display at GIGS Art Gallery until 13 July. The official opening is 5.30 - 7.30pm, Friday 20 June.

The Ibis Styles Lake Hume Resort Biggest Morning Tea raised just over $1000 for the cause.

Hats off to our cancer fighters DID you know an estimated 128,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Australia this year, with that number set to rise to 150,000 by 2020? The Ibis Styles Albury Lake Hume Resort Garden Party themed Biggest Morning Tea was held on Thursday 29 May and from 11am, with 55 enthusiastic community supporters enjoying delectable sweets prepared by the head chef. The sun was shining and everyone’s enthusiasm was clearly shown as they arrived wearing their favourite hat.

The sails on the Lake Room at the resort were transformed into a serene and colourful garden. Attendees were encouraged to participate in the fun, with prizes being awarded for the most unique hat and the most colourful hat. A special thankyou is in order for all the local community businesses and suppliers who supported the cause. The Lake Hume Resort’s community initiative raised a total of $1005. Jenny Jensen, who has worked as a volunteer with the Cancer Council NSW for three years and is the Border Advo-

cacy Network chairperson, was the guest speaker for the event. Her passion about cancer research, support, a healthy lifestyle and prevention programs was clearly felt in her 10-minute address. Making every cup count was Lake Hume Resort’s way of giving back to the community by supporting the 128,000 estimated new cases of cancer and their families that will be diagnosed this year. Lake Hume Resort promise next year will be bigger and better to encourage the local community to ‘dig deep’ and make every cup count.




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Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 5

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Whole Chicken Marinated in Mustard and Garlic per kg $4.49 per kg

garnish not included

Pork Shoulder Roast per kg

garnish not included

$6.99 per kg

for more visit OPENING HOURS: See your local store or for details. Meat and produce prices valid from 18/06/14 - 24/06/14 in the following stores: Abbotsford, Airport West, Albury, Alfredton, Altona Meadows, Ararat, Bacchus Marsh, Ballarat, Belmont, Benalla, Brimbank, Broadmeadows, Brunswick, Burnside, Caroline Springs, Colac, Corio, Craigieburn, Drysdale, Eaglehawk, Echuca, Epping, Epping Plaza, Footscray West, Geelong West, Grovedale, Hamilton, Highton, Horsham, Kangaroo Flat, Keilor Downs, Keilor East, Lavington, Maribyrnong, Maryborough, Melbourne CBD, Melton, Moonee Ponds, Mooroopna, Newcomb, Northcote, Plenty Valley, Point Cook, Portland, Preston Markets, Preston South, Roxburgh Park, Sanctuary Lakes, Sebastopol, Seymour, Shepparton, South Melbourne, Strathdale, Sunbury, Sunshine, Swan Hill, Tarneit, Wangaratta, Warrnambool, Werribee, Wodonga, Woodgrove and Wyndham Vale stores. Some items are sold in pre-packed sizes. While stocks last – please note stocks are limited and will vary between stores. Despite our careful planning, we apologise if selected items may sell out on the first day due to unexpected high demand. In the event of unexpected high demand, ALDI Stores reserves the right to limit purchases to reasonable quantities. ALD4358_W25_D



$ 89


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Wooden Dolls House with Accessories



Page 6 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities

Social Seen

Concerti’s crowd By KRYSTEN MANUEL, Pictures: ADAM WILSON THE Murray Conservatorium took a step in the direction of big city orchestras last Saturday with their newest performance - Concerti. “Concerti was a series of virtuosic performances with guest artists supported by the Murray Conservatorium Orchestra,” Murray Conservatorium assistant director Jenny Pietsch said. “It’s the first time we’ve done it in this format. The orchestra performs regularly, but it’s the first time we’ve had high level concerti played. It’s


Aylish and Claire Jorgensen.

Jacob Dowlan and Anne-Maree Callister.

the kind of thing that happens in the big cities a lot - with the Melbourne Symphony and Sydney Symphony, but it hadn’t been done locally as far as I know. So we thought we’d feature some of the fantastic talent we have,” Ms Pietsch said. Concerti featured a violin solo by Mendelssohn, a clarinet solo by Mozart, a piano solo by Chopin and a double cello performance by Vivaldi. “They did fantastically well,” she said. “Two of them were students and three of them were staff members from the conservatorium. “There were many many hours of practice pre-

paring for it. They each prepared their pieces on their own and then had rehearsals with the orchestra in the lead-up to it.” Concerti was performed in front of a very grateful crowd who look forward to the next conservatorium performance. “The next concert for the orchestra is in November December and the theme is ‘Swoon,’ so there’ll be some tango and ballads - something a little bit different again,” Ms Pietsch said. “It was such a success we’ll be having guest soloists again in the Swoon concert,” she said.

Veronica and Ben Maclauley, and Valerie Crawford.

The Murray Conservatorium.

Emily Callister.

Jurgen Lett, Stan and Bernice Duffield.

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Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 7

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Images used for illustrative purposes only.

SHOP with CONFIDENCE Ends 21/06/14. Harvey Norman速 stores are operated by independent franchisees. *1. Bonus offer applies only when Flexirenting selected products. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Bonus can only be redeemed at the store from which the applicable product(s) are Flexirented. Bonus is not transferable for a discount or cash. Terms and conditions apply. See in store for details. Flexirent Capital Pty Ltd holds Australian Credit Licence Number 394735.


Page 8 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

WELCOME to another edition of Dhurany, meaning ‘news’ in Wiradjuri. As we head into winter most people across Australia are waiting for the nal say on what will or will not be part of the Federal Budget as agreed to by Parliament. However, below are some statements that reect funding focus for Indigenous Australians: The programs will include: • Jobs, Land and the Economy – focused on jobs, business and the use of land for economic development. • Children and Schooling – focused on school attendance, improving education outcomes, early childhood and families. • Safety and Wellbeing – focused on health and social and emotional wellbeing. • Culture and Capability – focused on maintaining culture, social and economic participation and that organisations are capable of delivering quality services. • Remote Australia Strategies- focused on strategic investment in local, exible solutions based on community’s priorities and remote housing and infrastructure. According to Reconciliation Australia the following are key statements made in the budget: • Health funding to be “refocused” under the “Indigenous Australians Health Programme”. • The Government will respond to the Forrest Review of Indigenous Training and Employment later this year and the Treasurer has indicated that there are funds held in Contingency Reserve for these measures. • The Government’s priorities remain “getting children to school, adults into work and building safe communities”. • A new “Indigenous Advancement Strategy” comprised of ve programs within PM&C.

Connecting people and communities

NAIDOC Week NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920’s which sought to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians. NAIDOC Week is held in the rst full week of July. It is a time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and an opportunity to recognise the contributions that Indigenous Australians made to our country and our society. We encourage all Australians to participate in the celebrations and activities that take place across the region during NAIDOC week. The Albury Wodonga NAIDOC committee members are either community members or organisation employees, Family and Community Services, Wodonga City Council, Albury City Council, Centrelink, Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service, Mungabareena, Albury City Library Museum, La Trobe University and Albury Police to name just some. The NAIDOC planning committee was originally formed in 2011 and provides

opportunities for all of the community to celebrate Aboriginal culture together. This year we have a NAIDOC logo competition. We want to express pride and professionalism in what we do. What better way than to have a dedicated logo. First prize winner not only has their artwork used and displayed as the Albury Wodonga NAIDOC logo but also wins $500. Second place wins $200 and third place wins $100. We are also very happy to have a community member organise a Pride walk providing an opportunity for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait community members to show the wider community our pride of heritage. This is one of the rst events in NAIDOC week being held on the Sunday 6 July after a service at St Matthews Church. After the walk the rst ags will be raised by our elders at QEII square. All members of the Albury Wodonga communities are welcome and encouraged to join in. Other events include – A tour of the Wagirra Trail, traditional story telling at the Albury and Lavington libraries, breakfasts and ag raisings at the Lands Council, family fun days

with Family And Community Services (FACS) and Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service (AWAHS), Woomera and Burraja open days, lunch at the wood red oven, morning tea at Centrelink. Albury Police is hosting a morning tea for the local elders and much more. Again this year La Trobe University are hosting the NAIDOC awards. Categories include Uncle Arthur Melrose Memorial Encouragement award, Elder and Youth of the year, Community Person, Scholar, Artist and Sportsperson of The Year, Volunteer of The Year and Appreciation award awarded to an individual for their demonstrated commitment and contribution to benet Indigenous people over the

long term and demonstrated achievement in this area and demonstrated involvement in the Indigenous community at local, regional or national levels. A Facebook book group called Albury Wodonga NAIDOC community noticeboard 2014 seems to be paying off, with comments being received around what people would like to do and see. There is also a short video clip on both this Facebook page and YouTube. We also hope to promote using our local radio stations so listen out for some of the exciting events. If you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to call John Murray at Albury City Council on 6023 8111.

Are you at risk for type 2 diabetes? July 13–19 is National Diabetes Week. It’s a scary fact that two million Australians are at high risk of type 2 diabetes. The good news is that we can prevent or delay this progression from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes through sustained lifestyle change programs. “We have strong evidence that over half of cases of type 2 diabetes developing from pre-diabetes can be prevented through sustained lifestyle changes which combine healthy eating, increasing physical activity, and obtaining and maintaining a healthier weight,” said Diabetes Australia CEO Prof Greg Johnson. “We have seen the state-wide implementation of a program in Victoria funded by the Victorian Government, the Life! program, which has now seen over 30,000 people access structured lifestyle change programs to prevent type 2 diabetes and we need a National Diabetes Prevention Program to take this powerful and proven prevention to a national scale.” What causes type 2 diabetes? The cause of type 2 diabetes is still unknown but is associated with modifiable lifestyle risk factors and also runs in families. The condition is more likely in people with a family history of type 2 diabetes or from particular ethnic backgrounds but usually develops in adults over the age of 45 years. It is increasingly occurring in younger age groups including children, adolescents and young adults.

My ideal holiday destination lying in hammock in Hawaii Someday I will eat salsa in Spain I often say if you don’t get involved, you can’t make change

How can type 2 diabetes be managed? For those who do develop type 2 diabetes, most will need oral medications and/or insulin injections in addition to lifestyle changes to help manage their type 2 diabetes. Self-monitoring and management is particularly important. Unfortunately, if type 2 diabetes is not well-managed then it can lead to serious health complications including heart attacks, strokes, kidney damage, blindness, limb amputations, serious anxiety and depression and more. There is no such thing as ‘mild’ diabetes.

My ideal Sunday is spent lazing around eating and yarning up with my family and friends I’m grateful for being the youngest in my family and having three strong, smart deadly Boorai’s of my own

Women who develop gestational diabetes are also at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the next five years. What are the risk factors of type 2 diabetes? There are many different risk factors for type 2 diabetes and the more of these you have, the greater your risk: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀฀฀฀ European, Middle Eastern, Northern African and Southern Asian backgrounds. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ To know your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, do the risk test at or call 1300 136 588. How can I find out more? For more information about National Diabetes Week from 13–19 July visit

What do you love about your life? Being female, being Aboriginal, living in Australia, having a big family and lots of friends, being happy and healthy What has been your biggest achievement? My career – 14 years assisting our mob into houses and out of crisis.

Ruth Davys I’m best known for organising cultural events and shaving my head this year for Shave for a cure I barrack for North Melbourne Kangaroos. I get frustrated with unkind and closed minded people

What or who helped you to get to where you are today? Some people come into our lives for a reason, I have plenty of people who have helped and assisted me, managers, colleagues, friends and acquaintances to thank on my life journey so far. Of course my Mum and Dad had a huge inuence in forming the person I am today. I know they were happy with the way I turned out.

Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 9

What’s Been Happening at Westside? WHAT’S Been Happening at Westside? We have days lled with programs, activities and services available for the whole community. Including supported playgroup with Andy and Rosina every Tuesday 10am - noon. Come along with the kids, newborn to 5yrs enjoy a relaxing and creative environment. Come and check out the community garden with lots of vegies to harvest, currently silver beet, parsley, shallots and heaps of beautiful owers to enjoy, and some bush tucker too. Workshops will be in the spring school holidays, come along and join us for a family fun day out. Join us for community lunch including quest speakers every Thursday at 12.30pm, if you love to cook or love to learn, come along plan prepare or just share a meal, all welcome. So far in 2014 WRAPT (Westside Restorative Action Practice Team) has developed and delivered a workshop on respectful relationships, the workshop is aimed at providing community members with practical hints and demonstrations for repairing relationships when things go wrong, 17 local community members attended, the next workshop is happening Thursday 19 June 11.30am - 1.00pm, hearty lunch provided and all welcome to attend. The Westside Brothers have entered a team in the local Rugby League Murray Cup, come along to home our next home game Saturday 14 June at Hayden Park and support the brothers, fundraising barbecue and drinks available. The recent Gindaymanha Sports Carnival held in West Albury every April school holidays was a terric family day of touch footy, kids activities, including the Gindaymanha gift. A Fantastic community connections program

proudly supported by Albury City Council, NSW Sport and Rec, Housing NSW and Westside community centre staff and volunteers, The carnival continues to grow bigger and better every years thanks to the hard work and dedication of Mandy Wilson youth development worker at ACC. Westside community centre is an information and referral service providing access to computers including internet, phone, fax,

photocopying, laminating. Hall and Trailer hire. Services include child and family nurse, child immunisation, child, youth and family support including generalist counselling, nancial, grief and loss counselling, housing visits and food share assistance. We are a drop in centre, so drop in for a cuppa, have a chat, meet up with friends, hang out, play pool and food is always happening at Westside. We have many plans for the rest of the year

including a new youth space, community shed, garden arts projects and much more, come along and check out what’s happening in your community. Drop in to 16 mulga place West Albury or call us on 6041 2236. Open Monday – Thursday, 9am – 4.30pm, Youth Group – Thursdays from 5pm. Also keep an eye out for the winter edition of the West Express.

BOOK YOUR SEAT NOW FOR THE LA TROBE UNIVERSITY ALBURY-WODONGA NAIDOC AWARDS 2014 Come to the Awards dinner on Sunday the 13th of July and celebrate with this year’s Albury-Wodonga NAIDOC winners and nalists.

RECONCILIATION What is it? RECONCILIATION is about building better relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the benet of all Australians. To create positive change we need more people talking about the issues and coming up with innovative ideas and actions that make a difference. What is the Hume Medicare Local Reconciliation Plan? In November 2013 the HML established the Reconciliation Working

Group comprised on HML Management, staff, Aboriginal staff and external Aboriginal community members. The working group developed a foundation Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-15 that can be built upon. On Monday the 26 May, the Plan was launched with 20 people attending including representatives from the Aboriginal Health Service, community members, key primary care providers and HML staff. Hume Medicare Local has entered into discussions with Reconciliation Australia and has been advised that the Plan will be endorsed by Reconciliation Australia in July.

Do you need help with your children’s schooling? HOME Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters - HIPPY is a two-year home-based (involving home visits and parent groups) early childhood enrichment program. HIPPY builds the condence and skills of parents and carers to create a positive learning environment to prepare their child for school. The HIPPY program is a free program, available to families where there is a preschool aged child. Are you interested in getting involved? If you enrol you and your child will be involved for two years during school terms. Families start HIPPY with their child the year before they start school (around 4 years old) and continue for a second

year during their rst year at Big School. There is a mix of home visits and group meetings. The good things about HIPPY for Carers and their Pre-schoolers are that it: • Encourages a love of learning in children • Promotes language, listening skills and concentration • Gives parents and children a chance to enjoy time together • Increases parents’ knowledge of child development and an understanding about the way children learn Donna- 0457 099 904, Kristy-0417 516 053 or Tamara- 0417 509 415

The categories are: • U le Arthur Melrose Me orial E ourage e t Award • Elder of the Year • Youth of the Year • Co u ity Perso of the Year • S holar of the Year • Arist of the Year • Sportsperso of the Year • Volu teer of the Year • Appre iaion Award To ook seats please o ta t Dr Peina Love (details below). Please note that seats are limited and you must be 16 years old or over to atend. If you would like to know more about the awards please o ta t: Dr Peina Love, Indigenous Student Services Officer La Trobe University, Albury-Wodonga Campus on (02) 6024 9796 or 0428059946 or

Page 10 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities

Let’sWheretravel do you want to go ?

Advertising Feature


Barossa Valley - South Australia

Travelling experience By KRYSTEN MANUEL WHEN you’re planning an important getaway, the peace of mind you receive from working with an experienced consultant who has been where you’re going is invaluable. And when you can organise your trip any time, anywhere and through any medium, your travel planning becomes an exciting experience, not a chore. Libby Frankel is your trusted local personal travel manager and can deliver all this and more. Having worked in the industry for over 14 years and travelled everywhere from Antarctica to Africa, Libby can mould your unique travel dreams into an exciting reality. Libby can assist you with holiday packages, airfares, cruises, tours, accommodation, car and motor-home hire, rail and ski packages, special interest holidays, conferences, weddings, travel insurance and more. And if you have your eye on Africa, well - your planning prayers are answered. “Africa has my heart,” Libby said. “Back in 2007 I did my first trip to Africa and while on safari I came across this tiny little community right near Lake Malawi. “A local Malawian couple were putting all their wages towards doing what they could to help the kids. At the time they were wanting to raise some money to build a shelter. It was only $5000 US dollars and I thought ‘I can do that.’ “I’d fallen in love with Africa so when I got back I thought maybe the best way to do it is to become a safari leader over there. So I went back in 2008 and worked as a safari leader for a while, but I realised I’d be able to raise a lot more money back home. “I raised $12,500 US and went back in 2010 with a bunch of volunteers, did a lot of work and now it’s just an ongoing thing I’ll be doing for the rest of my life. “I absolutely adore Africa because of the people and the wildlife, it’s absolutely amazing. It really does capture your heart - and you tend to leave a piece of it there.” Being the travel-hungry person she is, Libby also has a passion for many other places ... “One of my other favourite places is Egypt,” she said. “Seeing something like the pyramids and all of the structures over there ... You’re standing where someone else was standing 6000 years ago and touching something someone put there or carved there - it’s mind-blowing. “Then you have the absolute natural

Cruising both rivers and oceans is one of the easiest ways to travel.

For your travel dreams By KRYSTEN MANUEL

Libby Frankel - your local TravelManager.

It really does capture your heart - and you tend to leave a piece of it there.” Libby Frankel

beauty of places like Antarctica, and one of my other favourite places is Mexico because it’s so vibrant and colourful, it has amazing food - the list is endless.” TravelManagers is a nationwide company with over 400 personal travel managers running their own businesses. Consultants like Libby enjoy the freedom to work for themselves, but with the backing of a major travel brand providing security and access to all the deals. “That gives people the flexibility to contact me when they are free, but I can come and meet with them, whether it be at their work, their home or a coffee shop.

“I can give them 100 per cent undivided attention, whereas previously, having worked in an actual travel agent store, you do have a lot of distractions.” Having worked locally as a travel agent for 14 years, Libby would especially like to take the opportunity to reconnect with her old clients. “I’m back in the industry and I’m ready to help!” she said. Call Libby on 0438 469 630 or email at au. You can also sign up for her fortnightly e-newsletter by going to http://

authentic asia: india 27 NIGHT LUXURY CRUISE TOUR - 8 DEPARTURES BETWEEN FEB 2015 & NOV 2016 This cruise tour is limited to just 56 travellers per departure and includes: • Return airfares from Melbourne • 10 night luxury cruise aboard RV Ganges Voyager including all meals & most beverages • 17 nights accommodation at luxurious five star hotels including most meals • Sightseeing, onboard gratuities and transfers



MARTIN’S Albury Travel Group arrange all types of travel dreams, offering passengers both domestic and international travel holidays. Specialising in ocean and river cruising, fully inclusive coach tours, independent travel itineraries, and international airfares, you can always rely on Martin’s Travel to provide high-quality advice, service and knowledge. One of the most popular holidays at the moment is cruising. “I’ve completed a number of ocean cruises so have first-hand knowledge on how they’re run, and suggestions on which cruise is suitable to my passengers’ needs,” Martin’s senior travel consultant Lorelle Forelli said. “A lot of people are nervous about travelling, but cruising is just so easy. It is basically a onestop-holiday, and of course allinclusive. “European river cruising is becoming very popular as many passengers have seen Europe the traditional way by coach touring and are now looking at alternative options. “And with a lot of companies offering similar itineraries, it can be quite difficult so sort between companies and there are price differences. “We at Martin’s Travel arrange what is best suited to our client budget and travel expectations. “The most popular 14-night




KOLKATA Fly Drive Train Cruise




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European river cruise is between Amsterdam and Budapest, but you can also add a couple of extra nights in Paris and Prague at either end of this itinerary or a premium escorted tour including the Alpine regions, Dalmatia or Turkey, or the Chelsea Flower Show for example. “Other selections may combine a river cruise with an ocean cruise in the Mediterranean or through the Norwegian fjords for something a little different. “Evergreen Tours has just launched two brand new deluxe ‘Star Ships’ and another two will be arriving in 2015. They are unique in featuring a 24 square metre heated swimming pool and a cinema on board. It’s 4.5 star, all meals are included and complimentary beer, wine and soft drinks are served with lunch and dinner. “Most daily shore excursions are included but there are a number of optional sightseeing tours to tailor your holiday.” Currently Evergreen Tours have Fly Free offers with your airfare included in the cost of your cruise (conditions apply), as well as savings of up to $5200 per couple* (*conditions apply). Contact Martin’s Travel on (02) 6040 4400, or visit them at 66 Fallon Street, North Albury (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) or email them at

RV Ganges Voya ger

P: 6024 3422

*Price is per person in AUD, includes all early bird savings, based on lowest available twin share accommodation. Package includes return Economy Class airfare from Melbourne, air taxes, river cruise including meals, beverages, port charges, on board gratuities to dining staff and cabin staff, ashore to drivers and tour guides; Land Tour including hotel stays, select meals, sightseeing and internal flights as specified. Offer valid for a limited time only, new bookings, are capacity controlled, subject to availability and can be withdrawn at any time without notice. Prices correct as at 10 June 14 and are subject to change due to fluctuations in charges, taxes and currency. Westbound Kolkata to Mumbai is a 27 night package and Eastbound Mumbai to Kolkata is a 26 night package due to flight schedules to Australia. Images of riverboat are indicative only. Travel insurance is mandatory and is at an additional cost. Image of riverboat is indicative only. For full terms and conditions see the Cruiseco Authentic Asia India 2015-2016 brochure. Conditions apply. Details on application. Lic: 30738 1139281-CB25-14

Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 11

Let’sWheretravel do you want to go ?

Advertising Feature


Whitsunday Islands - Queensland

What a winter getaway By KRYSTEN MANUEL THE winter months are the perfect time to snuggle up and treat yourself - and your better half, of course! Imagine - you’re up to your neck in glorious warm bubbles, sipping wine and eating chocolates as the spa rumbles away, massaging away the week’s tension. Your partner sits across from you, a similar look of blissful satisfaction sliding across their face and your thoughts begin to wander to what you might do for the rest of your stay ... You’ve decided to spend the night in your beautifully secluded cedar cottage and the lamb shanks, crusty bread and dessert are on their way. Tomorrow you’re looking forward to waking up at your leisure and drawing the curtains. You know the view before you will be breathtaking - where the Walwa Jingelic mountains kiss the valleys and the morning fog quietly lingers. This is what you came for - to relax, replenish and be renewed. You decide the itinerary for the following day will include a bit of bush-walking at Paddy’s River Waterfall, or Bluff Falls, a visit lunch at one of the quality nearby wineries, or a day trip up through the beautiful snowy mountains to the Yarrangobilly Caves. After lunch, you decided to play a lazy round of golf before heading

Exploring Authentic Asia

WHETHER it’s experimenting with the local cuisine in India, being transported back in time in Burma or exploring the temples in Vietnam and Cambodia, Cruiseco’s exclusive Authentic Asia river cruise range offers something incredible for every type of traveller. Beginning five years ago in Vietnam and Cambodia, then in 2013 in Burma, Cruiseco’s Authentic Asia range has quickly gained a reputation for providing culturally rich voyages in exotic destinations and in complete luxury. These unique luxury land and cruise tours have been designed to provide guests with the experience of a lifetime, venturing off the beaten track to access some of the most secluded parts of the world. Cruiseco’s Authentic Asia range currently includes: Cruiseco Adventurer - Cruiseco’s first custombuilt ship was launched in October 2012, enabling guests to travel along the Mekong River from Saigon to Siem Reap (or vice versa). Guests stop at local villages, colourful ports and visit historic landmarks, learning about the culture and traditional rituals of the local people. Cruiseco Explorer - Cruiseco Explorer is scheduled to depart on 21 October 2014 and will operate in Myanmar on the waters of the Irrawaddy, Upper Irrawaddy and Chindwin Rivers. Guests may choose to start their adventure from either Prome or Mandalay, travelling the Irrawaddy. Authentic Asia India - offers a spectacular 27-night cruise and land adventure from Mumbai to Kolkata, giving travellers the opportunity to venture into the heart of India. Guests spend 10 nights on board the luxurious RV Ganges Voyager, plus 17 nights touring India, staying in fivestar hotels.


Make the most of snuggle weather at Upper Murray Cottages. to the Bridge or Walwa Hotels for dinner and a few sneaky drinks. When you return, it’s back in front of the cosy log fire while the spa fills up again ... That’s the Upper Murray Cottages romance package - two nights, wine, chocolates, gourmet platter, wood fire and spa, breakfast provisions and late check-out. What more could a couple want? The resort and cottages are nestled in 180 acres of natural bushland. Facilities include outdoor spa, two swimming pools, barbecue

facilities, tennis court, badminton court, billiards table, canoe hire, bush-walking trails and an adjacent golf course. “The nicest thing to do up here is enjoy the views and read a good book,” owner Robyn Caldwell said. “A lot of people do bush-walking and bird-watching, there’s two lots of waterfalls within half an hour. “We have a limited choice of meals available to the accommodation - lamb shanks, soups, desserts and breakfast hampers. It doesn’t go up to them hot, they’re usually three

COORONG PENINSULA CIRCLE TASMANIA & KANGAROO ISLAND Depart 14th October 2014 Depart 10th November 2014 8 DAYS • Coorong Discovery Cruise • 2 nights on Kangaroo Island • Seal Bay & Flinders Chase National Park

NORFOLK ISLAND Depart 26th April 2015 9 DAYS • Half Day Island Sightseeing • Night as a Convict Dinner • Glass Bottom Boat Tour

quarters prepared and they can heat it when they want. “We do lovely barbecue packages - Angus scotch fillet, crusty bread and dessert. And, if they order two packages they get a bottle of wine from Gapsted as well.” Upper Murray Cottages welcome small dogs (no dangerous breeds) and also offer some great family deals for the upcoming school holidays For more information, visit, or call them on 02 6037 1226.




Winter Warmer Specials

• Spirit of Tasmania • Arthur River Cruise • Cradle Mountain National Park • Gordon River Cruise



Depart 9th March 2015 6 DAYS • Surfworld Torquay

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• Otway Fly

• Fletchers Fate Mystery Dinner

• Sound & Light Spectacular “Shipwrecked”

• BBQ Breakfast and Bush walk

• Historic shing town of Port Fairy



Package includes: • Return economy airfares with Qantas Airways, including taxes

Package includes: • Return economy airfares with Malaysian Airlines,including taxes • Accommodation for 2 nights in Kuala Lumpur with breakfast daily & return airport transfers • Kuala Lumpur hop on hop off tour & discount spa voucher • Accommodation for 10 nights in Phuket with breakfast daily and return airport transfers

• Return airport transfers • Accommodation for 5 nights in Anaheim • Disneyland Park Hopper Pass for 2 days.

Prices from $1925* per person, twin share. *Conditions apply. 66 Fallon Street, Albury Phone: (02) 6040 4400


Breaking News.....Download Martin’s FREE Smart Phone App or Find us on Facebook

Prices from $1319* per person, twin share.*Conditions apply.

Speak to Libby Frankel your Personal Travel Manager E: Other Asian destination options on offer


Page 12 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities

Looking for a new family pet or best friend to love? Albury Wodonga Animal Rescue is here to help, with a variety of puppies and dogs waiting to be re-homed with a loving new owner. Most dogs are unclaimed from the Albury Pound or are surrendered by members of the public. Each dog has passed a temperament test before being placed into foster care. The adoption fee for dogs and puppies is $340 plus $40 for council registration if adopted in NSW. The fee includes a veterinary health check, microchipping, desexing, C5 vaccination, flea treatment and intestinal worming. For cats and kittens the fee is $200 which includes veterinary health check, microchipping, desexing, F4 vaccination, flea treatment and intestinal worming. Albury Wodonga Animal Rescue endeavours to carefully match dogs with their new owners to ensure dogs are placed in the best environment for their future wellbeing.



Breed: English X American Staffy Gender: Male DOB: 29/05/2013 Contact: 0427 962 662

Breed: Staffy X Puppy Gender: Male DOB: 01/02/2014 Contact: 0427 076 959

Sally Breed: Irish Wolfhound Gender: Female DOB: 16/11/2006 Contact: 0416 632 588

Phone volunteers Dallas 0428 608 163 Ella 0427 962 662

Astro Breed: Staffy X Puppy Gender: Male DOB: 1/01/2014 Contact: 0422 750 423

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Breed: Mixed Breed Gender: Male Size: Medium DOB: 19/03/2013 Contact: 0427 076 959

Breed: Mini Foxy x Jack Russell Gender: Male DOB: 7/03/2014 Contact: 0427 962 662

Breed: Mini Foxy Gender: Male DOB: 20/10/2009 Contact: 0428 608 163

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Freddo Breed: English Staffy Gender: Male DOB: 01/10/2011 Contact: 0427 962 662

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Breed: Mastiff X Gender: Male DOB: 18/03/2011 Contact: 0412 643 647

Breed: English Staffy Gender: Male DOB: 23/04/2010 Contact: 0427 962 662

Colour: White Gender: Female DOB: 28/01/2014 Contact: 0427 962 662

Colour: Silver Grey Tabby Gender: Female DOB: 28/01/2014 Contact: 0427 962 662


new advert to come Phone: 0448 244 639

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Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 13


Cafe Amore An odd combination ALPACAS, books and coffee – not your usual combination but this weekend at “Chalk and Chat” they will be the order of the day. On Saturday, 21 June, from 11am to noon Albury author Sue Carolane, a local speech pathologist, will be on hand to sign her new book at Chalk and Chat in David Street, opposite the Albury Primary School. Chalk and Chat owner Judy Redman said Sue had written a book for parents about letter sounds. The book “Aa is for Alpaca” is based on Sue’s own alpacas and as well as a chance to talk to the author and get their books signed parents (and their kids) will have a chance to pat two friendly young alpacas. Sue Carolane has had 35 years of experience in the field of speech pathology and has written a book showing children how to recognise a letter when it is written down, and learn the sounds it makes. She believes for adults teach-

ing children to read, using the word ‘sound’ and ‘letter’ at the right time is crucial. Using them in the wrong place can confuse a child. The book event is something unique but then so is Chalk and Chat. The shop combines coffee, cake and biscuits with educational resources on sale for both teachers and parents. The store is the brainchild of Judy Redman, a former teacher with more than 35 years’ experience, who discovered that the region was lacking a place to buy educational resources to assist parents and teachers. She said living in Sydney there were places to buy educational books and toys (although she stresses that Chalk and Chat is not a toy shop) in every second suburb but when she moved to the area she was surprised to find there was nothing of the sort around. “My dream for this place was to be able to support the teaching and learning of children, and to also support

teachers and parents as well,” Mrs Redman said. “I was an assistant principal at Howlong Public School until a car accident sidelined me from that career path. But once a teacher, always a teacher!” she said. She said she wanted a place where teachers and parents can go and enjoy a coffee and find the things they need to help in their job or with educating their child. After all, coffee is synonymous with teachers and the staff room. “Coffee or tea are the things you look for at recess and lunchtime to keep you going, so I planned the cafe as an important part of the business as well. The smell of new books and coffee - wonderful!” Chalk and Chat was opened in October and now offers the people of the area a place to find curriculumfocused books, teaching resources, Koorong Books and tutoring as well as a conference room out the back.

Lemonhead make everything we sell from scratch, using only premium, free range and organic ingredients. We source as locally as we can, in an effort to reduce our food miles, and limit our environmental footprint. Our takeaway containers and cups are fully compostable and will readily break down leaving no residue. We are always in search of the best local produce. If you have bountiful excess of anything, we would love to hear about it.

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By supporting our business, you are not only caring for your own health, you are caring for the health of our planet.

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If you would like to be part of this feature call 02 60225 800

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Chalk and Chat Educational Tools and Tutoring Children’s Book Event, Saturday Juneresources. 21 at 11:00am Huge range of educational


Wednesday, 16th July

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Cafe Amore Next published:

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3/525 Sanders rd Lavington. Phone: 02 6025 0408 Opening hours Tues – Fri 9am – 3pm Sat 8.30am – 2pm Please be our Facebook pals, to see Our Daily Specials and Offers.

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Sue Carolane has written an alphabet Relax in our cafe book that comes with a user guide. and enjoy coffee and treats. Helping children and students to read will Plus a kids be easy with this charming book. Corner! The perfect There will be friendly alpacas to pat, place for coffee mums to book signings and cake and to meet. enjoy. Call Judi Redman for more details. Open Monday - Friday 8.30am - 6pm & Saturday 10am - 2pm Mon-Fri 10am-6pm & Sat 10am-2pm 472 David St, Albury (opp Albury Public)

Ph: 02 6041 3104

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What’s on

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How is your pool going? Is it the the oasis that you paid top dollar for? Or is it a green monster taking up room in your backyard?

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If you’ve got a pool-based problem, we here at Polished Pools have the solution. Not only can we can diagnose and fix your problem, but we offer ongoing support and maintenance.

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TODAY ■ Wodonga Family History Society Inc have research rooms at the Wodonga Library 10.30am to 3.30pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 1pm to 5.30pm Thursday. Wodonga Library, Hovell Street, Wodonga. Inquiries: 02 6056 3220. ■ Mother Earth - Sari Cecilia. “The forms I create are deliberately simple, as simple as a breath of air. Mother Nature provides me with endless entertainment of form, line, shape and colour.” Official opening: Fri 20 June 5.30 to 7.30pm. Meet the Artist: Sat 21 June 10am to 12 noon. G.I.G.S. Art Gallery, Gateway Village, Lincoln Causeway Wodonga. 10am-4pm. Inquiries: 02 6021 3073. THURSDAY ■ Free meditation classes - Felltimber Community Centre, cnr of Melrose and Pearce Street, Wodonga. Thursday at 7pm for newcomers. Meditation class 7.30-8.30pm, Qualified tutor. Call Lyn to schedule 0427 594 708. ■ Albury Toy Library is open every Thursday and Saturday until 28 June. Today 1011am at Aged Concern Building (432 Townsend St). Entry via side car-park entrance. New members welcome to call in. Inquiries to ■ Murray Wheezers, Respiratory Illnesses Support Group meeting. Glenecho Neighbourhood House, Burrows Rd Nth Albury. Time 1.30pm. Topic: Keep your home fire-safe this winter. Speaker: Local fireman. Visitors always welcome. Inquiries (02) 6021 4939, (02) 6056 9966. ■ The Empire Strips Back - MA 18+. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away ... For the first time in Albury, The Empire Strips Back: A Star Wars Burlesque Parody hits a theatre stage! Get ready to indulge yourself in a sci-fi fantasy of intergalactic proportions - George Lucas would never have dreamt that his characters could be used in such a manner, a manner guaranteed to get some hearts racing with The Force. Albury Entertainment Centre, 8pm. Tickets: $58.80. Inquiries: 02 6043 5610. FRIDAY ■ Howlong Golf Club Members Draw - every Friday. Free, raffles, $500 EFTPOS card give-aways, tonnes of prizes. Howlong Golf Club, free, 6pm. Inquiries: 02 6026 5321. ■ Rhonda Burchmore. Sophisticated Ladies of Jazz, the latest stage show from Australia’s glamour girl of song, Rhonda Burchmore, offers a tantalising feast of the songs of the greatest American jazz divas of all time - Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Julie London and Rosemary Clooney. Commercial Club Albury, 7.30pm, $35. Inquiries: 02 6057 2000. ■ Mercy Place Open Day. As part of ACSA National Aged Care Open Day, Mercy Place Albury will welcome visitors to learn about their flexible aged care options and enjoy morning tea with the friendly staff and residents. There will be a bowling tournament hosted by North Albury Bowling Club from 9.30-11.30am, storytelling and the launch of the Mercy Place Albury Cookbook. Mercy Health, 578 Poole Street, Albury. 10am-2pm. Inquiries: (02) 6024 9500.

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Connecting people and communities

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Page 14 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

■ Lipstick Dreams. Four women, a hair-dressing salon and a karaoke competition. What could go wrong? Albury Entertainment Centre, 8pm. Inquiries: 02 6043 5610. SATURDAY ■ Wodonga Toy Library Inc. Wodonga West Primary School room 30 (corner Lawrence and Murphy Streets) 9am12pm. New members welcome. Inquiries: 0404 936 208. ■ NSW Justice of the Peace volunteer available every Saturday. 11am-noon at the Albury LibraryMuseum. ■ Celtic Exhibition. St Matthew’s Church Kiewa Street. Open all Day. Admission gold coin donation. ■ Fellowship of First Fleeters Albury Wodonga District Chapter meets third Saturday each month. ■ Next meeting will be held in conjunction with an outing to Jindera Museum. 10am for a cuppa and scones, ready for a 10.30am start. Inquiries: Val Heel: 03 5728 2613. ■ Spirituality workshop with Celtic harpist Cath Connelly. St David’s Uniting Church cnr Olive and Wilson Streets Albury. 10am-3pm. Cost: $25, lunch included. Book at St Matthew’s Office 6021 3022. ■ Cocktail party and Celtic concert. St Matthew’s Church, Kiewa Street Albury. From 6pm. Cost $35. Tickets available from St Matthew’s Office. Pipes and drums, Irish and Scottish dancing and others. SUNDAY ■ Miniature railway. The railway is located at Ten Mile Creek Gardens. Second and fourth Sunday of the month, every Sunday on school holidays. Bookings can be made for special occasions, birthdays parties, school classes, tourist coaches or other groups. Open 10am to 4pm, $3 per ride. For bookings: 02 6036 2253. ■ Have you had a spiritual experience? Free discussion for people of all faiths. Sunday, 2 - 3pm, Trudewind Rd Neighbourhood House, Quirk Court, Wodonga. (Off Trudewind Rd). Inquiries: (03) 5852-3547. ■ Celtic Mass. St Matthew’s Anglican Church. From 9am. ■ Harp Concert with Cath Connelly, Matthew’s Church Albury. 1-3pm. Cost $15, tickets at the door. MONDAY ■ Open Age Learning. 432 Townsend St. Term two from 28 April to 19 June. Cards; scrapbooking; dolls and teddy bears, embroidery; computer for beginners and advanced; creative writing; exercise; music (piano); drawing, painting; Tai Chi; coffee and conversation; PhotoShop Element 11; New - Art For The Heart (dementia specific). Inquiries: 6021 5122. ■ TOWN (Take Off Weight Naturally) Club Wodonga has moved. Meetings are now held every Monday evening at Gateway Health, 155 High Street, Wodonga. TOWN Club is a low-cost, non-profit organisation primarily run by dedicated committees of voluntary people, all ensuring and striving to work and promote weight loss for women, men and young people. Weighin starts at 6pm and the meeting at 6.30pm. Cost is a small joining fee and just $6 per week. For more information call Pam on 0447 864 534 or Elizabeth on 0414 867 836. TUESDAY ■ Wodonga Toy Library Inc. Wodonga West Primary School room 30 (corner Lawrence and Murphy Streets) 11.30am1.30pm. New members welcome. Inquiries, 0404 936 208. ■ Albury Wodonga Stroke Recovery Club. PO Box 1652 Wodonga VIC 3689. Email:, Phone: 0429 785 192. ■ The Australian Shareholders’ Association (ASA), next meeting is Tuesday 24 June at 10am, Commercial Club, Albury. Topic is “Yield investing - tips and traps”. Speaker is from Hume Building Society, Taki Griparis. Visitors welcome. Sponsored by ASA. Inquiries: 0402 586 450 or (02) 6021 8035.

Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 15



Stormtroops turns sexy for three nights only. Those three nights sold out in record time, and the show has gone beyond all expectations. Since then it has travelled the country and has delighted audiences of over 20,000 people. Still, the show was designed for a small stage, and feeling like they had never taken full advantage of a full theatre stage, nor realised the ideas that were just a pipe dream for the original show, the producers destroyed all the props and costumes in May 2013 and started rebuilding a new show from scratch: The Empire Strips Back: A Star Wars Burlesque Parody. “When I started doing this show I did a kind of cheap version many years ago,” Beattie said. “In order for me to do it again on a much larger scale I told everyone I had to take it up a notch. So I destroyed all the costumes and props we already had. I started from scratch. I wanted to get as close to movie accuracy as I could given the logistics. “There was a lot of research, six months’ worth!” And of course, the storyline was heavily appropriated for

By KRYSTEN MANUEL IT’S Stormtroopers in g-strings and C-3PO with skin - lots of it. “It’s funny, it’s sexy, it’s very entertaining and it’s very contemporary,” creator Russall S. Beattie said. “It’s meant to awaken the feeling of being a child, where you can enjoy yourself and not think of the consequences. “It’s a show that anyone can see. If you’ve seen Star Wars, if you haven’t seen Star Wars, if you want to bring your mum it will still be a good show. It’s not gratuitous, it’s just fun.” After sell-out tours of the original production, Star Wars Burlesque, the producers are back to meet the audience demand with an even bigger and better production. Empire Strips Back is designed to indulge audiences in a sci-fi fantasy of intergalactic proportions - George Lucas could never dream that his characters could be used in such a manner, guaranteed to get some hearts racing. In 2011 Russall S. Beattie created the first run of Star Wars Burlesque in Australia. It was booked in a 150-capacity room, with the intention to run

the burlesque stage. “Because Star Wars is so well-known by everybody and the characters are so wellknown, we didn’t follow the storyline so to speak, it’s more of a celebration of Star Wars as a whole,” Beattie said. “We recreate scenes and things from the film but it’s more about the characters in certain situations and doing things they wouldn’t necessarily do.” Empire Strips Back is firing on all cylinders to exceed the expectations from the previous production, with a full size remote controlled R2-D2 by the same people who worked on the Star Wars films and custommade character masks to bring to life characters that have only ever existed as puppets or CGI. “We’ve taken everything up a notch - not just in scale but also in quality, everything is as close to the movie version universe as possible, from a full size R2-D2, casting a Han Solo in carbonite, and having a seven-foot Wookiee,” Beattie said. Albury Entertainment Centre, Thursday 19 June, 8pm. Tickets: Adult $58.80. For bookings go to www.alburycity. or phone (02) 6051 3030.

The Empire Strips Back is everything you want in escapism - it’s funny, sexy and dripping in creativity.

Box office


Should have stayed invisible By KRYSTEN MANUEL MOVIE: The Invisible Woman STARRING: Felicity Jones and Ralph Fiennes DIRECTOR: Ralph Fiennes DURATION: 111 minutes WHILE there was clear talent to be found in almost every facet of this film, I left the cinema caring less about the characters than when I entered. The film begins with Nelly (Jones), a quiet school teacher with a passion for drama. Nelly is married to a gentle, kind man whom she has a young son to, but despite her comfortable life she is increasingly troubled. Nelly has bottled up a secret for many years, along with growing guilt, shame and sadness. Her memories take us back to when she was 18 years old and she met Charles Dickens (Fiennes). Nelly, her mother and sisters are travelling actresses and find themselves acting in a Dickens play. Nelly is capti-

vated by the talent and passion she sees in Dickens while he is similarly captured by her her beauty, youth and above all, intellect. And so the affair begins. Not the sordid sexual encounters you may imagine but a true love affair - a stifled meeting of similar minds bound together in red-hot, tangled emotions. While Dickens, the selfrighteous, conceited man he was, made no excuses for turning his back on his family and the wife who kept him for decades, it was good to see Nelly felt at least a little conflicted. Around halfway through the film is a set of three scenes that show Dickens telling his wife he will continue the affair, her being sent over to see Nelly and give her the go ahead for the ‘secret’ relationship, and Nelly getting on her high horse when brought to the house Dickens’ friend had set up for his mistress. Further into the film, Dick-

ens alerts his wife to their separation by writing into a newspaper, explaining their situation. While the acting in The Invisible Woman was superb, the costumes and sets were faultless and the storyline was far from boring, I just really hated this film. I felt Fiennes wanted the audience to relate to Nelly, even feel sorry for her. I failed to feel anything for any of the characters. I felt I didn’t know them well enough to care how they felt, and so took the situation on face value - he was a selfish scumbag, so was she and they both deserved to feel the full force of the guilt and remorse they brought on themselves. The most valuable thing I took from The Invisible Woman was a cold slice of life - a sad glance into how extramarital affairs worked in the day of Charles Dickens. I wouldn’t be rushing out to see this one.


(MA 15+)

NOW SHOWING: Thu 19.06.14 to Wed 25.06.14 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST (M) Thu to Tue 4.00, 9.15 Wed 8.30pm

22 JUMP STREET (MA15) Thu to Tue 11.30am, 2.00, 4.30, 7.00, 9.30 TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION (CTC) Wed 11.00am, 2.30, 6.00, 9.15 NO FREE TICKETS SURCHARGE APPLIES

BAD NEIGHBOURS (MA15) Thu to Tue 11.45am, 9.15 Wed 9.15

EDGE OF TOMORROW (M) 2D Thu to Tue 1.45, 6.45, 8.45 Wed 11.00am, 1.30, 6.45

GRACE OF MONACO (PG) Thu Sat Sun Mon Tue 4.15, 6.30 Fri 4.15

MALEFICENT (M) 2D Thu to Tue 2.15, 4.30, 6.30, 8.30 Wed 11.00am, 2.15, 6.30

3(/7#!3% THE INVISIBLE WOMAN (M) Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed 11.15am Sat Sun 12noon

BLENDED (PG) Thu to Wed 11.00am, 1.30, 8.45 Wed 1.30, 4.15, 8.45

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (PG) NO FREE TICKETS 2D Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed 12noon, 1.30, 2.15, 4.20, 6.30 Sat Sun 9.30am, 10.00am, 12noon, 1.30, 2.15, 4.20, 6.30 Wed 12noon, 2.15, 4.20, 6.30

MUPPETS MOST WANTED (G) Sat & Sun 9.30am

World’s Best Fine Films

A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST (MA15) Thu to Tue 11.00am, 4.15, 6.45, 8.45 Wed 4.15, 8.45

22 JUMP STREET (MA15) NO FREE TICKETSThu to Tue 11.00am(RM), 2.00(RM), 4.30(RM), 7.00(RM), 9.30(RM) Wed 11.30am, 2.00, 4.30, 7.00, 9.30


TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION (CTC) NO FREE TICKETS 3D Wed 1.15, 4.30, 7.45 2D Wed 11.00am(RM), 2.30(RM), 6.00(RM), 9.15(RM)

THE TRIP TO ITALY (M) NO FREE TICKETS Thu to Wed 11.00am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 GRACE OF MONACO (PG) Thu Sat Sun Mon Tue 4.15, 6.30 Fri 4.15

THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (M) NO FREE TICKETS Thu Fri Mon Tue 11.00am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15 Sat Sun 11.00am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15 Wed 11.00am, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15

THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (M) Sat & Sun 11.00am

THE INVISIBLE WOMAN (M) Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed 11.15am Sat Sun 12noon

THE TRIP TO ITALY (M) Thu to Tue 4.00pm

THE TRIP TO ITALY (M) NO FREE TICKETS Thu to Wed 11.00am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30

22 JUMP STREET (MA15) Thu to Tue 6.45pm & 9.30pm

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Page 16 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities

$'%) () ) 'YOUR 7 DAY TV GUIDE 18 JUNE - 24 JUNE 2014 )) $)) ) ) )

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Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 17

home entertainment ฀


ALL FLOOR STOCK LESS 20% OFF RRP With discounts as high as 50% Offer ends June 30th* Compare equipment from the ’80s with today..

Brands Include. Marantz, Denon, Jamo, Mission, Castle, Mordaunt & Short, Loewe, NAD, Cambridge Audio, An-them, Sonus Faber, PSB, Project, RE-GA, ARCAM, Swans, Richter, Subson-ic, KEF, CHORD, Martin Logan, Para-digm, REL, Tannoy, and More

Quality lasts IS QUALITY audio too expensive, and how do we compare the value for money? A frustrating part of today’s retail environment is everything has a lowest common price. Generally, all you end up chasing is he who can make the cheapest version wins, and the end result is the purchase was on price rather than value. I invite you to stop and compare – in 1980 a typical full component audio system averaged around $1500 or $6000 on today’s money and around one in three homes invested in a quality music experience. How does $6000 stack up today? The Eagles Concert tickets went on sale last week with a mid-priced ticket at $269. In 1980 a mid-priced ticket was $25, a trip to the cinema

was between $2 and $5, fuel was 32 cents a litre and $1 for a packet of cigarettes. We quickly forget that a typical television in 1980 was $1,000 and a stereo model $1,500, a video camera pack $3000 or a video recorder $1200. We are quite often requested by prospective clients to replace a quality sound system that they have had for 20 to 30 years, intending to enjoy a similar but expecting a better performance than the old system. The $1,500 old system is to be replaced by a new shiny, compact $400 unit. The likely result is that music no longer does what it used to do for them and it becomes a good radio. Quality music systems today need not dominate living rooms to perform well, nor do

you have to spend the $6000 as inflation suggests. Today, $6000 purchases the inspirational standard of product that was only in the reach of the most affluent in 1980. Once you have invested enough to provide a quality performance, two things are likely to happen. The life spans of the products are expected to be similar to the quality products of 1980 and the equipment becomes easier to use. Many second string brands will load up on features to distract you from what you really want and that is quality sound and ease of use. Quality music systems are the most affordable they have ever been and with music streaming services providing almost all the music ever recorded, the rediscovery of music is awaiting you.

Check our Facebook Page Tru Hifi and Electrical for further information. *Exception is Sonos with lesser discount offers.

NOW LOCATED! 383 Townsend Street Albury Ph 02 6021 2226 Mob 0401 181 854 Open Mon to Saturday or by appointment. Tru HiFi matches or betters most online prices.


Brainteaser CROSSWORD



In this puzzle each number represents a different letter of the alphabet. Work out which number stands for which letter. We have given you two to start you off. When you have cracked the code, ll in the box below the grid to spell out the answer. NB: All letters are not always used. 1





















10 9



11 1






N 1


































4 9












DOWN 1. Attractively old-fashioned 2. Fossil resin 3. Bury (corpse) 4. Magazine subscriber 5. Droning insect 6. Certifies (accounts) 10. Chopped 11. Famous volcano 12. We were, I ... 13. Effortlessness 14. Catch on 15. Correct Jewish food 16. US desert state 17. Overly prim people 18. Talks (oneself into) 19. The Press 20. Tore (along)


15 16


18 19


D 17



N 1




N 17


ACROSS 1. More nauseous 5. Havana is there 7. Egypt, formerly United ... Republic 8. Straw-roofed 9. In closer proximity to 12. Funeral garlands 15. Abducts for ransom 19. Brings together 21. Ventured (guess) 22. Well-dressed 23. Duty list 24. Beer-lemonade drinks




D 14




N 1 11






D 2 15


















D 5



N 17







D 23










N 10 9


15 19



22 12



15 18




1 2


4 1




D 15






N 16


22 9


23 24

How to play: Fill every grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Crossword A







































































































Codecracker Solution


A=18, B=4, C=11, D=6, E=12, F=3, G=19, H=7, I=20, K=1, L=15, M=9, N=21, 0=13, P=16, R=23, S=17, T=8, U=22, V=5, W=14, Y=2, Z=10 PLOVER

Page 18 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities

Homes&Property �� Albury Wodonga

Presentation of pride 0.7%

Your next rental property is only a click away 6 Stanley Street Wodonga

6056 1888


PRIDE in presentation shines through this weatherboard located in one of Wodonga’s most treasured locations, just minutes from the CBD. The presentation reflects the way the home has been lovingly maintained by its owners, who have lived there and raised their family over many decades. A comfortable lounge presents off the welcoming entrance hall and offers a gas console heater, carpet, light fittings and window furnishings. A formal dining area adjoins both lounge and kitchen, which is served by an upright electric stove.



The cupboards are neat and clean but may be upgraded by anyone with long-term plans to live in the centrally located home. Both bedrooms are of generous size and the bathroom has been upgraded to shower and vanity. An enclosed verandah at the rear could serve as a third bedroom or a sewing room or office. Car accommodation is by way of a lockable garage workshop plus a large carport. Gardens are attractive and low-maintenance. Undoubtedly, the crown-

ing glory of this property is its central location as its versatility extends from a residence for permanent or rental living or a future development as townhouses (subject to council approval). The land component is 736 square metres (approximate) and is within walking distance of five churches, four schools, medical and commercial facilities as well as shopping and restaurants – eat in and take-away. Really, you won’t get much better than what this muchloved residence offers you.



9 Nilmar Avenue ■ Auction: Saturday, 28 June at 11.00am ■ Inspect: Saturday, 13 August, 2-3pm ■ Contact: Des Lonergan, Wodonga Real Estate (02) 6056 1888 or 0408 575 825

Artists impression

WINNER VICTORIA’S BEST HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Retiring, investing, smarter living - award winning Elmwood has something for all. Q Efficient homes with low running costs Q 8 Star rated homes from $285,000 Q Single and double storey townhouses Q Stand alone title - no ongoing fees Q Low Stamp Duty - no progress payments Q Medical centre, pharmacy & café on site 1134941-EG20-14

Display Home open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Sunday 2-4pm in Elm Street, Wodonga. Look for the Elmwood sign on Beechworth Road.

0417 237 680 Q

Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 19


Albury Wodonga

Big enough for the family THIS large and comfortable fourbedroom home has plenty of room for a family to grow and enjoy all of Thurgoona’s facilities. There is a substantial amount of living space with areas for lounge, dining, family, and meals in addition to the large undercover barbecue area. The kitchen includes a huge fridge space, dishwasher, and walkin pantry. All four bedrooms have built-in



robes (two with a window box seat, and master with ensuite). Year-round comfort is provided by ducted evaporative cooling and two gas wall furnaces. The double garage has a rear roller door and there is an additional garden shed and parking area for a boat or trailer. All of this is enclosed by a lovely garden which provides privacy and a foreground for the views to One Tree Hill in the distance.


Thurgoona 33 Hickory Street ■ Price: $315,000 ■ Inspect: By appointment ■ Contact: Nigel Horne, Hutton Real Estate 0407 058 706


FOR LEASE 26 Egret Way, Thurgoona

FOR LEASE 2/944 Carcoola St, Nth Albury

33 Hickory St, Thurgoona

As new & with a great view  Built 2012  Immaculate  Oodles of room  Lifestyle plus

240m2 shed  Office & kitchen  Separate access

Spacious and private  Quiet area  Views to hills  All big rooms  Lovely garden




 Lockable yard  Disabled facilities

$380 per week $16,500 pa all inclusive

468 Breen St, Lavington

470 Breen St, Lavington





3-4/711 East St, Albury - 2 Units

Real Estate View properties for sale and lease on our website:




Solid investment  Rented at $260pw  Excellent History  Renovated kitchen  Great location




Attention Investors  Simple Gardens  Rent $505pw  Secluded Location  Great tenants



4 $450,000 for both

Ph: 02 6025 8000 Shop 8, 330 Urana Road (Coles Shopping Centre), Lavington


$450,000 for both Superb renovation  Huge open living  Awesome BBQ area  Polished boards  Rented at $305pw


Page 20 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities

Homes&Property Enzo Raimondo CEO Real Estate Institute of Victoria


4 Ahern Court, Wodonga


WODONGA - Invest In Style



A generous size four bedroom home with quality additions of eight and a half foot ceilings throughout and an uninterrupted view of the surrounding hills and beyond. Features include: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀

฀ ฀

฀ ฀

฀ ฀ ฀

฀ ฀ ฀

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀

฀ ฀

฀ ฀ ฀ ฀

Love The Lifestyle “We have many buyers looking for a home just outside town. If you are looking to sell call me, I think I have your buyer”

Call Joan 0419 483 919 LAND FOR SALE Enjoy a country lifestyle with freedom and space whilst living with the luxury of town services. (water, gas, telephone, electricity, sewerage)

Exclusive — country living near the Kiewa River Only minutes — schools, shops, sporting facilities ฀ 2 3 6 7 8 20


฀ 11 12 13 15 16 17

OWNING your own home is the great Aussie dream, yet many first home buyers worry that they are being priced out of the market. Australian Bureau of Statistics show buying has certainly become tougher for first-timers: its latest figures, for March this year, showed first-home buyer finance commitments were just 11.9 per cent of total owner-occupier housing finance commitments in Victoria, and 12.6 per cent Australia-wide. But while this is still much lower than the long-run average proportion of 19.9 per cent, the trend is upwards: it was an improvement on February – up 0.1 per cent – and on the historic low of 12.3 per cent in November last year, REIV and its national counterpart REIA in Canberra continue to make representations to government about the need for more help for first-time buyers – greater stamp duty concessions and a bigger housing supply, for example. But meanwhile that dream need not be out of reach – there are strategies to help you get a foothold in the property market. For those planning to buy their first house, unit or apartment there is good news too: interest rates remain at a record low, with the Reserve Bank cash rate just 2.5 per cent. That makes borrowing cheaper and repayment smaller. House prices are still cheaper in many areas of Victoria than in boom times and there are still plenty of affordable properties – if you know where to look. The latest median house price figures, for the first three months of this year, show there are parts of regional Victoria where it is still possible to buy a house for less than

$200,000. Ararat, Donald, Dunolly, Churchill, Moe, Morwell, Merbein and Seymour all had median prices below this level. And there were many more towns with prices between $200,000 and $250,000. Ask yourself where you want to live? Find the kinds of homes you want, get to know the local agents and talk about what is available and what you can afford. If your preferred town or area seems beyond your reach, check other locations close by to see if they may offer a cheaper alternative. If you are looking in a large regional centre, it’s worth considering a unit or apartment rather than a house, as a way of entering the market. The key is to try not to overextend your mortgage, and make sure payments are manageable, and you’ll be able to enter the property market with confidence – and in your own home sooner. You can then benefit from capital growth, with property a solid long-term investment.

This could be your NEW address... Hamilton Valley, Lavington. House and land package from $302,500 Start up inclusions as follows: ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀฀฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀฀฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀


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Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 21

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Page 22 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

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Dr Rod Paton and Dr Giselle Henning specialise in general and cosmetic dentistry. We welcome new patients and offer same day emergency appointments For gentle dental care please call our friendly and professional team for an appointment today EFTPOS & HICAPS facilities and on-site parking available Proudly participating in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule

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Phone Mick 0427 316 497




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Function Centre/Restaurant - Level 5 Northpoint Public Toilet Facility - Albury Botanic Gardens (Children’s Garden) Residence & Garage

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General section of Network Classifieds.

60-71 Koowong Lane THURGOONA

V Massage Therapists

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ADVERTISERS in this section are qualified practitioners and are offering a non-sexual service.

20 Chatterton Place WEST ALBURY 75 Felstead Circuit THURGOONA 46 Corriedale Court THURGOONA

ADVERTISERS, in this section are qualified practitioners and offer non-sexual services.

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10 Annika Place NORTH ALBURY


New Front Fence and Alts & Adds to Residence Residence & Garage


Shed Awning



370 Tribune Street ALBURY



Retaining Wall

752 Kiewa Street ALBURY






Alts & Adds to Residence

19 Hauteville Street THURGOONA

ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE New rules apply to the advertising of dogs and cats for sale. It is now an offence to advertise the sale of a dog or cat unless the microchip identification number of the animal is included in the advertisement or notice. A registered domestic animal business may use its Council business registration number as an alternative.

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General Classifieds V Adult Services

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KATALINA, Slim, attractive, brunette, early thirties, warm and caring. SWA3672xe. 0410 328 859.

V For Sale BED, QS, mattress and base, Beauty Rest, top condition. $200. (02) 6043 2484. BIKE MATE, Rear Pannier Travel Bag Set, fits 26 or 28 inch bike, never used $60, 0427 688 823. BRUSH CUTTER, /polesaw, 6.5 metre reach, not used. $240. 0457 353 871


Albury Aussie Truckie 49 Years Old 5'10", 90kgs, Blue eyes, smedley man. Loves a laugh and is an all-round handyman. Ideal gent for Aussie woman who likes her man to be home when he is home. SMS "Tom49" to 0432 655 003 or call toll free 1300 179 168 for Tom's phone number and full details. Or for the man of your choosing.

General Enquiries welcome Affinity (02) 9808 6995 V Massage Therapists

Acupressure Sports & Remedial Massage BUPA Health provider

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Working after hours, bookings from 9am-9pm.


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124 Melrose Drive Wodonga

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KITCHEN BENCH TOPS, brand new, granite, colour ice/snow, to suit U-shaped kitchen, LHS2880x600x 30mm (including cut out for 600mm cook top) front 2700x600x30mm (including cut out for 2 round undermount sinks). RHS- 2880x600x30mm (breakfast bar). Plus 1540x600x30mm and 900x600x30mm (both suitable for vanity tops). Granite can be cut to suit. Bargain. $2,100ono. 0429 180 024.

Buy & Sell in our


LEAF BLOWER, new, 33CC petrol motor, 450km/hour. $150. 0457 353 871. LOUNGE SUITE, Freedom, 2 and a half seater, plus 2 chairs, 3 years old, neutral colour, EC. Cost $2,700, sell $970. (02) 6056 0163.

Call or visit us online!

Appointment times to suit you Member of ACA, support to get your life back on track Call Carol: 0434 785 707

INVERSION TABLE, For back relief, as new $110. 02 6059 3054 or 0408 242 340.



Residence, Garage & Retaining Walls - Display Home Residence, Garage & Colorbond Shed

GOLF CLUBS, Suit beginner, 5 irons, putter and wood, complete with bag and buggie, all in GC, plus 6 new balls, $70. 0459 194 646.

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10.2014.32971.1 10.2014.32978.1

Medium Density Housing - 2 Additional Residences & Attached Garages, Demolition, Carport & Front Fence 4 Lot Torrens Title Subdivision

GAS LOG FIRE, Masport, with fan plus flu, VGC. $1,700. Phone: (02) 6025 7013 or 0423 373 596.


฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀

Dual Occupancy Development - 2 Residential Units & Attached Garages Demolition of Existing & Construction of New Residence Alts & Adds to Residence


PO BOX 957, Wodonga 3689



Lot 1 DP1169239 Kywanna Road WIRLINGA 3 Felstead Circuit THURGOONA


General Notices

Don’t Replace It . . . RESURFACE IT LIKE NEW! ฀


Two (2) Lot Torrens Title Subdivision




Has your favourite chair seen better days? Are your dining chairs loose and lumpy? Is your lounge stuffed?





Phone: (02) 6059 3817 ฀

Advice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 81 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for the purpose of activating Section 101 of the Act, that the following applications were determined by AlburyCity during the period ending 13 June, 2014:


Don’t buy new furniture! Recycle it! Call now for a FREE in-home quote




Specialising in Bathroom Renovations Re-Grouting l Sealing l Waterproofing Kitchen Splashbacks

ROTARY HOE, cultivator, German designed. $250. 0457 353 871.






Call Nick 0448 869 997

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Efficient, Reliable & Friendly

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RIDE ON MOWER, Murray, new motor and blades, 38 inch cutting deck, VGC. $1,200ono. 0457 353 871.

MOBILITY SCOOTER, Pride Deluxe, as new puncture free tyres, canopy and 2 shopping bags, EC. $2,000. 6025 3117.

section of Network Classifieds.

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Motoring section of Network Classifieds.



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Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 23

Page 24 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities


Motoring V Auto Parts /Accessories

V Business Opportunities

V Motor Vehicles

SPORTS BAR, and Tonneau cover from 2010 Triton. Twin Cab, new price, $1,730, selling for $400. 02 6025 7796.

V Boats & Marine EST.

1 97


PELICAN, 14ft, on solid trailer, not registered, forward controls, electric start, canopy, new Parson motor, marine battery and fuel tank, oars, urgent sale, $3,500 ono. (02) 6040 2304.

HONDA, Odyssey Luxury, 7 seater, 2004, not a thing to do, professional car detailer's own family car, best example, time to downsize, RWC, Vic reg WBI-417. $15,000ono. Peter: 0425 206 508.

V Caravans & Trailers

BLUE TONGUE, Off road camper trailer, fully galvanised, large tent and annexe, s/s kitchen, large tool box, electric brakes, water tanks, NSW reg X42-609, $7,400ono, call 0417 008 968.

V Motor Vehicles BEDFORD. 5 tonne truck, 1972, reg until 07/14, QFY-588. $2,000. 0438 895 925.

MAZDA 2, Maxx DE series 1 sedan, 2010. 26,000kms, manual, 5 mths rego, new tyres, BSS-87D. Call Zoe on 0417 073 070. $14,000 neg. NISSAN DUALIS Blue, ST 2012, 77,000k's, fully serviced, new tyres, NSW BZU-O5Q, 01/15, DVD headsets,$20,000, Call 0427 247 617.


V Training And Development

TAE40110 Full qualification 1131260-LN17-14

Training & Assessment Face to Face Albury Monday to Friday 7th to 11th July,2014

FORD, AU, Fairmont Ghia, 2000, VGC, Tickford motor, wheels and bodykit, leather interior, IRS, 139,500kms, NSW reg, YUO-246. $5,900. 0417 008 968.

TOYOTA YARIS, 2010, 5 door hatch, auto, tinted windows, cruise control, CD player, 1 owner, 84,550kms, VIC Reg, TVB-215, $11,500, Call 0418 468 579

V Motorcycles

Last year’s Big Give grant recipients and foundation builder – Albury Wodonga Regional Foodshare grant recipient Peter Matthews and Youth Albury Wodonga grant recipient Diana Elliot stand with Lester and Son donors Andrew and Pauline Harbick.

Living to give

Phone: 0428 407 761 HONDA, Odyssey Luxury, 7 seater, 2004, not a thing to do, professional car detailer's own family car, best example, time to downsize, RWC, Vic reg WBI-417. $17,000ono. Peter: 0425 206 508.

TRIUMPH, Speedmaster, 11,000kms, rear rack, mufflers and dual seat, reg, reg until 05/15. $9,900ono. 0417 008 968.

Find local work in the

Employment section of Network Classifieds.

Call or visit us online!

2007, spare NSW TR11.

BORDER Trust, the region’s community foundation, is urging residents to consider giving locally this end of financial year. “Giving locally is such a rewarding experience,” Border Trust’s executive officer Glenys Atkins said. “Through our annual grant round, we have the capacity to fund projects as diverse as a portable office for AW Regional Foodshare, equipment for the Beechworth Men’s Shed, a barbecue trailer for a Scout group and materials for hand-made quilts for Hilltop. “The projects aren’t neces-

sarily the big ones that attract major national funding; they are generally the smaller, community-driven ones that benefit enormously from a grant of up to $3000. “It sounds cliched, but the reality is that donations of all sizes really do make a difference. “Because Border Trust distributes the income from the perpetual fund we are building for our region, the amount available for distribution via our annual Community Grant Round is directly linked to the amount held in trust.

“The community foundation model provides benefit today and in the future as the donations people give today do grow and keep on giving.” Since 2005, Border Trust has distributed more than $530,000 through community grants and Back To School programs. Donations to Border Trust are tax deductible and potential donors are welcome to ring the Border Trust office to discuss giving options. Border Trust: Westpac Lane, Albury. Telephone (02) 6051 3349.

Oration speaks to Timor A SERIES of events focusing on Indigo Shire’s relationships with regional neighbour TimorLeste will lead the way to the 2014 Kerferd Oration on 27 July. One of the lead-in events is an evening with Andrew Mahar AM, the founder of WithOneSeed – a charitable organisation carrying out developmental work in Timor-Leste. Kerferd Oration Committee chair Ian McKinlay says Mr Mahar has been working with remote communities in TimorLeste for the past 10 years, assisting them to move beyond aid and charity. “He has done this through a social enterprise model that focuses on social and economic

participation,” Mr McKinlay said. “WithOneSeed works with communities across Australia and the Asia Pacific region to make environments sustainable, to end poverty and hunger, to build knowledge and to create regional partnerships. “Andrew is also the CEO of the xpand Foundation and has been involved in creating social enterprises for 25 years. He has provided advice and guidance to community sector organisations, government at all levels and the private sector. “Andrew has built his knowledge and understanding from practical, hands-on experience working in the not-forprofit field.”

The evening will be held at the Beechworth Neighbourhood Centre at 7pm on Saturday 21 June. “It is a wine and cheese night with a blue note entry donation, which will go to WithOneSeed and the Indigo Atauro Friendship Group,” Mr McKinlay said. The Kerferd Oration will be delivered by Ms Jenny Coles, Australian liaison representative for education for the Australian-born wife of Timor-Leste’s Prime Minister, Ms Kirsty Sword Gusmao, at Baarmutha Park, Beechworth at 11am on Sunday 26 July. For bookings, please contact Lesley Milne on 0428 389 138.

Support Red Nose Day this June

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Connecting people and communities

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 25

Local Sport St Pats thrashed By KRYSTEN MANUEL A DEMORALISING loss was suffered by St Pats Football Club on the weekend’s round 12 game, failing to score while Melrose managed to put five goals in the net. “Obviously, the result wasn’t what we wanted,” St Pats Club president John Mahoney said. “The boys put in the best effort they could - Melrose are a very quick side.” Melrose FC president David Pye said despite their clear win, St Pats put up an unexpectedly good fight that had them on their toes for a good portion of the game. “It was competitive initially and just a matter of us breaking down St Pats,” he said. “We got an early goal, but it’s always dangerous at one nil until you get two or possibly the third goal. You start to relax even at two nil, which takes a bit of time to get there, it’s always a bit of a lottery that they could fight back into the game. “It took us a little more time to break them down than I thought. They’re an improved outfit from the first game we played against them, so credit to Andy Stevens there. “When we got to two nil, I anticipated we would get three more.” Pye was quick to isolate strengths and weaknesses with the team, naming Adam Walters and Peter Donaldson stand out players in the match. “We were strong all round,” he said. “I thought we knocked the ball around quite well. It’s not the best of grounds in wet conditions, and the opposition did make it awkward. “Domination of possession needs to improve. I felt we controlled it quite well but we don’t seem to be able to put things away as quickly as we believe we should be able to.” Mahoney was also quick to give credit where it’s due. “The younger members of the team played very well,” he said. “Curtis Iverson, he’s one of our younger back line players, he played very well. We had some very good contributors on our back line on the day. “But we need to strengthen our defence as much as we can. We’ve been trying to improve that all year, and then to score some goals would be lovely.” This week St Pats will play Wodonga Diamonds, while Melrose will face Wangaratta.

Above: Adam Walters and Jordan Mahoney were both solid contributors on the weekend. Left: Morgan Payne and Curtis Iverson spring for the ball. Right: Evan Rawluk gets one by Scott Mildren.

A mixed bag IT WAS a mixed weekend for the Subway North East Bushrangers as they came away from their Melbourne road trip with a win over Western Port and a disappointing loss against Keilor. Going into Saturday night’s game against Keilor, the Bushrangers felt they were a good chance to reverse the result from the last time they met. Yet again it was the Bushrangers inability to look after the ball, coupled with some interesting officiating that would allow the Thunder to take control of the game. The Thunder set the game up with a scintillating first quarter as they jumped out to a 12-point lead, and from there the Bushrangers were playing catch up. Despite putting on a couple of big runs, the Bushrangers lack of cohesion on the offensive end would ultimately see them go down 67 to 53. Jon Lindhe led the way for the Bushrangers with 12 points and 9 rebounds. Darcy Locke (10 points and 6 rebounds) and Ben Appleford (6 points and 12 rebounds) were solid contributors on the night. Looking to salvage something from the weekend, the Bushrangers headed to Western Port to take on the Steelers. The game was a complete turnaround from the night before, as the Bushrangers used some crisp ball movement and solid pack defence to build a comfortable 17-point lead, heading into the long break. The Bushrangers were able to build on their lead in the second half. Western Port made a big run at the Bushrangers in the fourth quarter as they were able to cut the lead to single figures, before youngster Trent McMullan steadied the ship with a couple of long range bombs. Eventually, the Bushrangers would run out 11 point victors, 83 to 72 and register their third win of the season. The Green’s Garden and Ag North East Lady Bushrangers made the early trek down to Western Port to take on the Steelers. Western Port was able to get the jump on the Lady Bushrangers in the first half as they built a steady 11-point lead. The Lady Bushrangers struggled through a poor shooting performance to rally and cut the lead to just three points, heading into the final quarter. Unfortunately, the Lady Bushrangers were unable to capitalise on multiple opportunities, converting on three of 22 attempts for the quarter, and would ultimately go down 54 to 48. Next up for the Bushrangers is an encounter with their rivals the Shepparton Gators. Both sides will face a tough task, but will be hoping to reverse the results from last time. - Sam McDonald, North East Bushrangers

FARMERS and livestock agents have teamed together in a unique fund-raising drive to support the James McQuillan Future Fund. Farmers are being encouraged to donate livestock to their nominated saleyard with all proceeds going to the fund. Livestock agents and participating saleyards are generously waiving their commissions and fees, and strong buyer support is being encouraged. Currently, Wodonga and Corowa are receiving donated livestock for the months of June and July. The Farmers Helping A Farming Family In Need fund-raising drive is also being extended to other regions across the country such as Bendigo, Wagga Wagga, Swan Hill and hopefully more as time progresses.

Farmers are encouraged to log onto the James McQuillan Future Fund website for updates. James McQuillan, the son of a dairy farmer at Nanneella near Echuca, suffered a serious spinal injury after an accidental collision in an Ovens and Murray Football League match in Albury in April this year. As a result of this collision, James has been diagnosed with quadriplegia. He is currently undergoing rehabilitation at the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre in Melbourne. The McQuillan family has been overwhelmed by offers of support, including this latest fund-raising drive which will be crucial in helping fund the ongoing care and very expensive rehabilitation their son will need for the rest of his life.

James McQuillan and his family are consistently grateful for the community’s ongoing support.


Farmers, livestock agents team up for charity

Page 26 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

Connecting people and communities

O&M FOOTY2014 Home on the world stage Simon

Says with SIMON CORR AUSTRALIAN Rules is undeniably the greatest game in the world, however it is hard not to be drawn into the excitement of this year’s Soccer World Cup. While the Aussies may struggle to advance to the final 16, the game has still captivated our country and I am sure many are in awe of the incredible skills on display. Perhaps if Aussie Rules wasn’t such a dominant game here Down Under and more of our incredibly talented athletes turned their hand to soccer as youngsters, Australia would be a real international force. I didn’t have to look too far for examples as I ran through the lists of our current Ovens and Murray football clubs to see who I thought would naturally adapt to the world game. Albury: Lonnie Hampton. The Socceroos would kill for a player with the blistering pace and exquisite skill of Lonnie. He has already shown that he can play different codes - he would be awesome. Lavington: Luke Garland. Perhaps Tim Cahill’s heir apparent, Garland is a great reader of the play and I’m betting would possess similar aerial dominance. Brendan Fevola takes a mark against the Raiders. Wangaratta: Matt Grossman. Would be right at home sweeping across the backline and creating many chances for his strikers with long and precise ball delivery.

Corowa - Rutherglen: Kade Kushert. I am aware Nathan Thomas has played the game at a state level, but Kade Kushert would be a defensive Rock of Gibraltar. A defensive wall that included Kush would be almost impenetrable.

North Albury: Jarrah Maksymow. This guy would be a freak! Unpredictable and full of excitement, Jarrah would be capable of scoring from scissor kicks with monotonous regularity and his celebrations would be a delight.

Wangaratta Rovers: Alex Marklew. This guy would not only be a natural with his flair and uncanny ability to do the impossible, but I daresay would also be a very marketable player ... particularly with hair products!

Wodonga Raiders: Dean Limbach. Limbach’s height and penchant for scoring a goal would see him as a valuable commodity. I reckon had he turned his hand to the world game he would be a very similar player to our own Josh Kennedy.


Myrtleford: Brad Murray. No doubt growing up in the Alpine Valley, Murray has already been exposed to the great game. His natural on-field leadership qualities and strong physical presence would make him a good candidate to wear the skipper’s armband. Wodonga: Ben Hollands. In his heyday Hollands would have made a fantastic winger. Great pace, natural balance and loads of skill with a real hunger for scoring a goal. This weekend’s Ovens and Murray action sees some fantastic contests. Another chapter will unfold in the epic arm wrestle between powerhouses Albury and Yarrawonga. Albury are playing brilliant football at the moment and

On the ball with Sonia Harbridge Owner of Stuff ‘N’ Footy

after a pretty soft month will be looking forward to the contest. They have a real weapon up forward in Setanta O’hAilpin who has yielded 43 goals in the last four weeks, and possess the league’s most dominate midfield. In contrast the Pigeons are playing well below their best, but Drew Barnes and his boys are always up for the challenge when it comes to a meeting with the arch-rival. Myrtleford will take some winning form into their contest with the Wodonga Raiders. The Raiders have shown signs of improvement in the past fortnight and will consider themselves a real chance after defeating the Saints earlier in the season. Corowa Rutherglen will be looking to get back on the winners’ board






8 0 1 257.99 34

Favourite Sport: Footy and tennis


8 1 0 195.88 32

Favourite O&M team: North Albury

Favourite Music: Anything with a good beat


7 1 1 169.92 30

Favourite AFL player: All from Carlton!

Favourite Food? White chocolate raspberry bullets

Corowa - Ruth 6 3 0

Favourite O&M player: Clay Moscher -Thomas

Travel? Alaska and Canada Who do you admire the most? My kids & hubby.

YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR FOOTY STUFF 474 Dean Dean Street Albury NSW 2640 Phone: (02) 6041 4299 Dea ฀ ฀฀฀฀฀ ฀ Outlet call 136 100


MY SELECTIONS WANG ROVERS v Nth Albury Wodonga v LAVINGTON Myrtleford v WOD RAIDERS COROWA-RUTH v Wangaratta Yarrawonga v ALBURY


Favourite AFL team: Carlton

Ultimate Sports Hero: Andre Agassi

when they host Wangaratta. The Roos couldn’t quite match Lavington last week, however they showed enough to suggest they are certainly heading in the right direction. The Magpies will need a win to stay in the hunt for a top five finish. The Rovers will host the Hoppers and Wodonga fronts up to the secondplaced Lavington Panthers.

94.88 24

Wang Rovers 5 4 0 103.59 20 Wangaratta

4 5 0

67.69 16

Nth Albury

2 7 0

93.09 8

Wod Raiders

2 7 0

63.40 8


2 7 0

58.25 8


0 9 0

52.81 0

Mark Treloar ................................... 37 Clinton Harvey ............................... 37 Henk Van de Ven ............................ 35 Andy Newton ................................. 35 Lavington Panther .......................... 35 Krysten Manuel.............................. 35 Andrew Reid .................................. 34 Paul Azzi ........................................ 34 John Lawrence .............................. 34 Sandra Moon ................................. 34 Adam Burton ................................. 34 Cathy McGowan ............................. 33 Matt Dalby .................................... 31 Summer Ralph............................... 28 Sonia Harbridge ............................. 28


Yarrawonga: Brendan Fevola. We’ve already seen Fev score numerous goals in true soccer style. His midair strike last year from a boundary throw in, suggests he would have been very comfortable up front alongside Mark Viduka.

Connecting people and communities

Andrew Reid

Summer Ralph

Last Round

Owner of SIgnarama

Matt Dalby Ma

Last Round

Co-Owner of Barney’s Rubbles


•Wangaratta •Yarrawonga

•Nth Albury •Lavington •Myrtleford

Wednesday, 18 June, 2014 Page 27


•Nth Albury •Corowa - Ruth •Lavington •Albury •Myrtleford


฀ ฀

฀ ฀

For all your tinting needs • Cars • Homes • Ofďƒžces


U.V. Protection, Safety & Privacy

Come and see Jayson and Summer for all your Building, Landscaping and Gardening Supplies

2/202-204 Melbourne Rd, Wodonga Phone: 02 6056 5821

534 Urana Road, Albury Phone: 02 6025 1735 Paul Azzi

Last Exciting Sales at Glenvill Homes Round new house and land •Nth Albury packages •Lavington •Corowa - Ruth coming •Wod Raiders •Albury soon!


Sonia Harbridge Son

Henk Van de Ven

Last Round

Owner of Stuff ‘N’ Footy Owne

Last Round

Owner of Enzed Albury


•Nth Albury •Wangaratta •Lavington •Albury •Wod Raiders


•Wang Rovers •Corowa - Ruth •Lavington •Myrtleford •Albury

Under New Managment! ฀ ฀

Last Round

Co-Owner of Vogue Window Tinting Co-O

•Wang Rovers •Lavington •Corowa - Ruth •Myrtleford •Albury




NEW DISPLAY HOME 312 Borella Road, Albury

474 Dean Street Albury NSW 2640 Phone: (02) (02 6041 4299 ฀ ฀฀฀฀฀ ฀

Open 7 days from 11am-3pm Sales enquiries call Paul Azzi 0488 166 400

Andy Newton •Nth Albury •Lavington •Myrtleford


•Corowa - Ruth •Albury

416 Wilson St, Albury Phone: 02 6021 3199

Outlet call 136 100 1000

Last Round

Co-Owner of Star Bar Co-Owne

See Henk and the team at Enzed Albury for all your hose and fittings needs.

Cathy McGowan

Last Round

Member for Indi


•Wang Rovers •Lavington •Corowa - Ruth •Myrtleford •Albury

Lavington Panthers

Last Round

•Wang Rovers •Corowa - Ruth •Lavington •Yarrawonga • Myrtleford


Federal Member for Indi

A pub... not a club since 1874

Authorised by Cathy McGowan AO MP, Member for Indi 117 Murphy Street, Wangaratta, Vic, 3677

502 Guniea St, Albury Ph: 02 6021 3176

03 5721 7077

Clinton Harvey

Last Round

Real Estate Agent for Wodonga Real Estate

•Wang Rovers •Corowa - Ruth •Lavington •Wod Raiders •Albury


John Lawrence

795 Centaur Road Lavington Phone 02 6025 1555

Last Round

Owner of Lawrences FurnitureOne

•Wang Rovers •Lavington •Corowa - Ruth •Myrtleford •Albury


Mark Treloar

Last Round

Owner of Lawton’s Interiors

•Wang Rovers •Lavington •Corowa - Ruth •Myrtleford •Albury






฀ ฀

Phone: 6056 1888 6 Stanley Street Wodonga

Krysten Manuel Journalist for Albury Wodonga NewsWeekly

•Nth Albury •Lavington •Myrtleford

•Corowa - Ruth •Albury

฀ ฀ ฀

Last Round


Connecting people and communities

Sandra Moon •Corowa - Ruth •Albury

Live every Saturday from 1pm 2AY’s Broadcast of the Ovens & Murray Match of the day. Plus score updates from the AFL , O&M, Hume and Tallangatta Football Leagues.


Roman Blinds ฀Swags and Tails ฀Curtains ฀Pelmets ฀Venetians ฀Cushions

See Mark Treloar and the team

฀Folding Doors ฀Holland Blinds ฀Vertical Drapes ฀Exterior Awnings ฀Security Doors and Screens.

฀ 96 High St, Wodonga Vic. 3690 ฀฀฀ Mobile: 0428 529 866 Phone: 02 6024 4677 Fax: 02 6024 1550


Last Round

2AY Brekkie Show

•Nth Albury •Lavington •Myrtleford




Adam Burton Advertising Manager for Albury Wodonga NewsWeekly

•Wang Rovers •Wangaratta Last •Yarrawonga Round •Lavington •Myrtleford


Connecting people and communities ฀

฀ ฀


฀ ฀


Page 28 Wednesday, 18 June, 2014

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Winter Warmer Deals ฀ ฀

฀ ฀

฀ ฀

฀ ฀

฀ ฀

฀ ฀

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