real estate
20 JULY 2017
Thursday, 20 July, 2017
hornton Nicholas Farrell Marianne Thornton Sylvestra Le Touzel Richard the Butler Jeremy Swift James Stephen Stephen Campbell Moore Lord Dundas Bill Paterson Sir William Dolben Nicholas Day Hannah Moore Georgie Glen Harrison Nicholas Woodeson John Ramsay Tom 4KEJCTF 4KFKPIU .QTF %COFGP &CXKF *WPV $GIICT &CXKF 6QQNG *GEMNGT #NGZ $NCMG /CTLQTKG #PIKG 9CNNKU %CODGT 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN hillips Eki Maria Daniel Naprous Peter White Bernie Collins Bernie Mayor Colin Woodbridge Dave Lowery Dave Youngs Gavin Gordon Geoff Nolan Graham Cole Joe Alley John O’Connor John O’Regan Mark Overall Matt Whelan Mike Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Peter obert Cann Roy O’Brien Sean McCarthy William West Darryl Carter Paul Smith Waseem Barlas John Coleman Alan Watts John Hollywood Terry Rhy Abbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Davies Mark Richards Pete Collins John Burdon Trevor Atkins Transport Facilities Location Fa ansport Facilities Manager Michael Harris William Wilberforce Ioan Gruffudd Barbara Spooner Romola Garai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Newton Albert Finney Lord Charles Fox Michael Gambon Thomas Clarkson Rufus Sewell Olaudah Equiano Youssou N’Do arleton Ciaran Hinds Toby Jones Henry Thornton Nicholas Farrell Marianne Thornton Sylvestra Le Touzel Richard the Butler Jeremy Swift James Stephen Stephen Campbell Moore Lord Dundas Bill Paterson Sir William Dolben Nicholas Day Hannah Moore Georgie Glen H cholas Woodeson John Ramsay Tom Fisher Richard Ridings Lord Camden David Hunt Beggar David Toole Heckler Alex Blake Marjorie Angie Wallis Camber Philip DunMike Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roy O’Brien Sean McCarthy William arryl Carter Paul Smith Waseem Barlas John Colem Daniel Naprous Peter White Bernie Collins Bernie Mayor Colin Woodbridge Dave Lowery Dave Youngs Gavin Gordon Geoff Nolan Graham Cole Joe Alley John O’Connor John O’Regan Mark Overall Matt Whelan Mike Smi oodall Nigel Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roy O’Brien Sean McCarthy William m West Darryl Dar Carter Paul Smith Waseem Barlas John Coleman Alan Watts John Wood od Terryy Rhy R Abbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Davies Mark Richards Pete Collins John ohn Burdon Trevor Atkins Tr EKNKVKGU .QECVKQP (CEKNKVKGU 6TCPURQTV (CEKNKVKGU /CPCIGT /KEJCGN *CTTKU .QTF %COFGP &CXKF *WPV $GIICT *GEMNGT #NGZ $NCMG /CTLQTKG #PIKG 9CNNKU %CODGT 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP & V GU C URQ V CE V GU C CIG E CG C U Q F %C FGGGP P & &CCX &CX & CXKKF KF * F W GE G G C G C LQ G I G 9C U %C DG R &W WWPD DC DCCTT 2 2CT 2C C C %G FC 9QQF Q G 0GYVQ U 5GE GVC [ ,QUGR C[ Q CCTNKC CT KCCO OGP OG GGP PVC [ 1 F 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG .QYGT[ &CXG ;QWPIU )CXKP )QTFQP )GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPQT ,QJP 1ŏ4GICP /CTM 1XGTCNN /CVV 9JGNCP /KMG 5OK KC PU $ U U C[ H 0 HH HH CJ 9 9J oodall Nigel Crafts Peter te Groves Robert Cann Roy Ro O’Brien ’Brien Sean McCart McCarthy William West Darryl arrry Carter P Paull Smith Waseem Barlas John Coleman Alan WattsJohn Holl Hollywood Terry Te Rhy Abbi A Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Davies Mark Richards Pete Collins John hn Burdon Trevor NOOSA SPRINGS NOOSA HEADS NOOSA SOUND ansport Facilities Location at Facilities Transport Facilities Manager Michael Harris William W Wilberforce ilb Io Ioan Gruffudd Barbara Spooner Romola Garai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch um JJohn n Newton Albert Finney Lord Charles Fox Michael Gambon Th Thomas ass C Clarkson Rufus audah Equiano Youssou o N’Dour Lord Tarleton Ciaran Hinds Toby Jones Henry Thornton Nicholas chho Farrell ll Marianne arianne Thornton Sylvestra Le Touzel Woodbridge Dave Lowery Dave ave Youngs Gavin G in Gordon Geoff Nolan Graham Cole Joe Alley John O’Connor Johnn O’Regan O Mark Price range: $1.2M-$1.8M Price range: up to $1Million Price range: up to $4Million att Whelan Mike Smithh Nick ick Goodall Nigel el Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann R Roy O’Brien Sean S an McCarth hy William lliam West Darryl Darr Carter Paul Smith Waseem Barlas John Colem Coleman nA Alan WattsJohn sJ hn Hollywood Hol ood Terry Te Rhy Rh Abbi bbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Davies Mark ark Richards Pete hn Burdon Trevor Atkins ki Tran ran William Wilberforce Ioan Gruffudd Barbara Spooner Rom Romolaa G Garai William ia Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Newton Albert Finney Lord Charles Cha lees Fox Michael h l Gambon Thomas Clarkson Rufus Sewell Olaudah Equiano You Youssou ou N’Dour Lord T CTCP *KPFU 6QD[ ,QPGU *GPT[ 6JQTPVQP 0KEJQNCU (CTTGNN /CTKCPPG 6JQTPVQP 5[NXGUVTC .G 6QW\GN 4KEJCTF VJG $WVNGT ,GTGO[ 5YKHV ,COGU 5VGRJGP %CORDGNN /QQTG 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT GU 6JQTPVQP 0KEJQNCU (CTTGNN /CTKCPPG 6JQTPVQP 5[NXGUVTC .G QW W\ TF $WVNGT ,GTG 5YKHV ,COGU 5VGRJGP % DGNN /QQTG 2JKNKR &WPDDCT GP %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGV ,Q J 6 PQT 2C NKKCO Jon & Kym are working with 2 buyers, Kate is searching for a 2+ bedroom home Shane is working with a Sydney couple GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG .QYGT[ &CXG ;QWPIU )CXKP )QTFQP )GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPQT ,QJP 1ŏ4GICP /CTM 1XGTCNN /CVV 9JGNC C HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTP PKG $ TPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG .QYGT[ &CXG ;QWPIU )CXKP )Q QTF H QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPQT ,QJP 1ŏ4GICP /CT XGT mith Nick Goodall Nigel ge Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roylevel O’Briengolf William Wilberforce IIoan o Gruffudd fu Barbara Spoonerapartment Romola Garai William Pitt Benedict Cumberba Cumberbatch ch h JJohn Newton wt Albert Lord Charles FoxaMichael Gambon Thomas Clarksonn Rufus Sewell O both looking for single front in a small complex or duplex thatFinney are looking for Waterfront quiano Youssou N’Dour u Lord ord Tarleton Ciaran Hinds Toby Jones Henry He Thornton Nicholas Farrell arre Marianne n Thornton Sylvestra Le Touzel Richard the Butler Jeremy Jer Swift James Jam mes Stephen Stephen S phen Campbell C bell Moore Lord Dundas Bill Paterson Sir William Dolben Do been Nicholas Day H villa, or a double storey with potential for a couple in their 40's moving up from House in Noosa Sound. Must have 3+ oore Georgie Glen Harrison ar Nicholas Woodeson John Ramsay Tom Fisher Richard Ridings Lord Lo Camdeen iee Wallis W Camber m er Philip Dunbar Parliamentary Clerk Adam Woodroffe Newton’s Newton’ Secretary Sec Joseph T TNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG .QYGT[ &CXG ;QWPIU )CXKP )QTFQP )GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPQT ,QJP 1ŏ4GIC KO for &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CP PKG U VGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG YG ; PIU )CXKP )QTFQP )GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QP PPQ a downstairs master bedroom. One NSW. Must have a private sunny outdoor QY bedrooms. They are not afraid to do verall Matt Whelan Mike ik Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roy O’Brien O’B Br Sean M McCarthy arthy William West Darryl Carter Paul Smith Waseem Barlas John Jo n Coleman C Alan A Watts Terry Rhy Abbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Pete Collins Trevor Trev vo Atkins JOhn the buyers is a William local Wilberforce couple, and the Barbara space, undercover parking for at least work, or Gambon put inThomas a pool. cilities Transport Facilities il sof Manager Michael Harris Ioan Gruffudd arrba Spooner ne Romola Garai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Newton Albert lb ber Finney L Lordsome Charles Fox Michael Clarkson Rufus Sewell Ol Olaudah lau Equiano Y Dour Lord Tarleton Ci Ciaranother Hinds Toby Tofrom JonesNew Henry Hen Zealand. Thornton Nicholas Farrell Marianne orrnt Sylvestra es Le Touzel the Butler Jere Jeremyfor Swifttheir Jamessmall Ste Stephen nS Stephen C Campbell a M MoorePosition Lord Dundasis Bill Paterson SirThey William Dolben Nicholas Da Hannah nn na Moore Georg Both ready to TThornton one carRichard and pet friendly priority. are ready to Day CTTKUQP 0KEJQNCU 9QQFGUQP ,QJP 4COUC[ 6QO (KUJGT 4KEJCTF 4KFKPIU .QTF %COFGP &CXKF *WPV $GIICT &CXKF 6QQNG *GEMNGT #NGZ $NCMG /CTLQTKG #PIKG 9CNNKU %CODGT 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ FG QP ,QJP 4COUC[ 6QO (KUJGT 4KEJCTF 4KFKPIU .QTF %COFGP &CXKF * *WP T KF 6QQNG *GEMNGT #NGZ $NCMG /CTLQTKG #PIKG 9CNNKU %CODGT 2JKNKKR 2C KCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC PQT buy dog. Private pool would &CXG .QY be a bonus but buy now! OQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG .QYGT[ &CXG ;QWPIU )CXKP )QTFQP )GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPQT ,QJP 1ŏ4GICP /CTM 1XGTCNN /CVV 9 NK VCT now! HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNK 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0 QWU 2GVGT JKKVG %Q KPU $GTPKG / T %QNKP 9QQFDTK &CXG ;QW CXK P GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NN ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPQT ,QJP 1ŏ CP /CCTM ike Smith Nick Goodall al Nigel el Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roy O’Brien Sean McCarthy William Wi West es Darryl arryl Carter Paul Smith Waseem Barlas John Coleman Alan WattsJohn Watt Jo oh Hollywood wo Terry Rhy Abbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Davies Mark Richards P Pete et Collins John not essential. Ready to buy now! evor Atkins Transport F Facilities ilities Location Facilities Transport Facilities Manager Michael H Harris riis Lord Camden m en David Hunt Beggar David Toole Heckler Alex Blake Marjorie Angie Anggie Wallis Camber Ca er Philip Dunbar Parliamentary Clerk Adam Woodroffe Newton’s Newton’ Secretary Sec Joseph T TNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG .QYGT[ &CXG ;QWPIU )CXKP )QTFQP )GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPQT ,QJP 1ŏ4GIC KO Jon &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CP PKG U VGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG QY YG ; PIU )CXKP )QTFQP )GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPPQ Blonk 0412 806 252 verall Matt Whelan Mike ik Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roy O O’Brien Brrie Sean M McCarthy arthy William West Darryl Carter Paul Smith Waseem Barlas John C Coleman ol Alan an Watts tts John Hollywood Terry Rhy Abbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Davies avi Mark Richar Contact Contact ollins John Burdon Trevor ev Atkins Transport Trans t Facilities Location Facilities Transport Tra ort Facilities Manager Man Michael ch Please Harris William Wilberforce Ioan Gruffudd Barbara Spooner R Romola olla Garai William il mPlease Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Newton Albert Finney Finn Lord Charles C rlles Fox Michael G homas Clarkson Rufus Sewell S well Olaudah Youssou N’Dour Tarleton Ciaran Hinds T Toby o Jones H Henry y Thornton Nicholas zeel Woodbridge dg Dave ave Lowery Dave Youngs Gavin lee JJoe Alley John O Kym deEquiano Warren 0412 325Lord 421 Shane McCauley 0403Gordon 646 Geoff 930Nolan Graham Cole Kate Cox 0438Farrell 695Marianne 505 Thornton Sylvestra Le TTouzel r John O’Regan Mark k Overall O erall Matt Whelan Mike Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Peter Groves Grov ve Robert C Cann n Roy O’Brien Sean McCarthy William West Darryl Carter Paul Smith mi Waseem m Barlas rlas John Coleman Alan WattsJohn Hollywood Terry Rhy Abbi Oz Ozturk ztu Colin Morri avies Mark Richards Pete Pe Collins ollins John Burdon Trevor Atkins Tran William Wilberforce Ioan G Gruffudd ru Barbara ar S ner Romola Garai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Joh N Newton e Albert be Finne ord Charles Fox Michael Gambon Thomas Clarkson Rufu Rufus S Sewell e Olaudah E oussou N’Dour Lord Tarleton Ta n Ciaran Hinds Toby Tob Jones ones Henry Henr Thornton hornton Nicholas Farrell Marianne Ma iaan Thornton nt Sylvestra lvestra Le Touzel Richard the Butler Jerem Jeremy Swift wift James S Stephen nS Stephen Campbell a ll Moore Phi Philip Dunbar Parliament Parliamentary Clerk Adam Woodroffe Newton’s ew Secretary C[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG .QYGT[ &CXG ;QWPIU )CXKP )QTFQP )GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPQT ,QJP 1 1HſEG ſEGT 5K T 5KOQ KOQP & P &GNC GNCPG[ N PG[ 1N 1NFF 2 F 2CTN CTNK NKCOGPV KCOGPVCT[ CT[ 1H 1Hſ ſEKKCN CN 0 N 0GXKNN 0GXKNNG 2JKN G 2JKN JKNNK NKRU 'MK U 'MK MK / /C /CTK 0CRTQ 0C RTQWU WU 2 2GVGT 9JK 2GVGT 9JKVG 9JK VG $ $GTPKG $GT K %QNNK %QNNK NNKPU PU $ $GTPKG $GT K /C[QT /C[QT %QNK %QNKP 9Q 9QQFD FDTKF TKFIG KFIG & &C &CX [ &CX &CXG ;QWP G ;QWPIU IU )CXK )CXKP ) KP )QTF )QTFQP FQP )G )GQHH HH 0QN 0QNCP NCP )T )TCJC J O % O %QNG N ,Q ,QG #NN G #NNG[ , [ ,QJP J 1ŏ ark Overall Matt Whelan Mike Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roy O’Brien Philip Dunbar Parliamentary Clerk Adam Woodroffe Newton’s Secretary Joseph Traynor Simon Delaney Neville Phillips Eki Maria Daniel Naprous Peter White Bernie ernie Mayor Colin Woodbridge Dave Lowery Dave Youngs Gavin Gordon Geoff Nolan Graham Cole Joe Alley John O’Connor John O’Regan Mark Overall Matt Whelan Mike Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roy O’Brien Sean McCarthy William arryl Carter Paul Smith Waseem Barlas John Coleman Alan Watts John Hollywood Terry Rhy Abbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Davies Mark Richards Pete Collins John Burdon Trevor Atkins Transport Facilities Location Facilities Transport Facilities Manager Michael Harris W ilberforce Ioan Gruffudd Barbara Spooner Romola Garai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Newton Albert Finney Lord Charles Fox Michael Gambon Thomas Clarkson Rufus Sewell Olaudah Equiano Youssou N’Dour Lord Tarleton Ciaran Hinds Toby Jones Henry Th cholas Farrell Marianne Thornton Sylvestra Le Touzel Richard the Butler Jeremy Swif Swift wiifftt JJa Jam James aam me Stephen Stephen Campbell Moore Lord Dundas Bill Paterson Sir William am m Dol Do D Dolben oolllben b Nicholas Day Hannah Moore Georgie Glen Harrison Nicholas Woodeson n Joh Jo John ohhn nR Ram Ramsay Tom Fisher R FKPIU .QTF %COFGP &CXKF *WPV $GIICT &CXKF 6QQNG *GEMNGT #NGZ $NCMG /CTLQTKG #PIKG 9CNNKU %CODGT 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNN &CXKF *WPV $GIICT &CXKF 6QQNG *GEMNGT #NGZ $NCMG /CTLQTKG # #PI PIKG PI KG 9 9C N 9CN GT 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GY YVVQP PŏU ŏU 5GETTGV TG C J 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCO OGGPVVVCCT[ CT[ [ 1Hſ HſEK aria Daniel Naprous Peter e White Bernie Collins Bernie Mayor Colin Woodbridge Dave Lowery yD Dave Youngs un Gavin Gordon Geoff Nolan Graham Cole Joe Alley John O’Connor O’Con r JJohn o O’Regan g Mark ark Overall Matt Whelan Mike Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Pe Peter ete Groves Robe oy O’Brien Sean McCarth a y TEWANTIN William illiam West Darryl Dar Carter Paul Smith Waseem Barlas John C Coleman em Alan WattsJohn W tsJohn Ho Hollywood wood Terr Terry Rhy Abbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Davies Da es Mark Richards ch NOOSA Pete Collins WATERS John Burdon Trevor Atkins Trans Transportt Facilities Location Locaati Facilities Tr NOOSA HEADS EKNKVKGU /CPCIGT /KEJCGN *CTTKU .QTF %COFGP &CXKF *WPV $GIICT &CXKF 6QQNG *GEMNGT #NGZ $NCMG /CTLQTKG #PIKG 9CNNKU %CODGT 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1 JC *CTTKU .QTF %COFGP &CXKF *WPV $GIICT &CXKF 6QQNG *GEMNGT #NG $NC QT PIKG 9CNNKU %CODGT 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQQF Y ŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NNF eville Phillips Eki Maria ria Daniel iel Na Naprous us Peter White Collins Bernie Ma Mayor Colin Wood Woodbridge db Dave ve Lowery owe Daverange: Youn Youngs Gavin Geoff Nolan Graham Cole Jo Joe A Alley ll John O O’Connor nor John O’R O’Regan n Mark Matt Whelan Mike Smith Nick Go Goodall oo Nigel Craf Price range: upBernie to $500,000 Price upGordon to $850,000 Price range: upOverall to $1.2Million roves Robert Cann Roy oy O’Brien ’Brien Sean McCarthy William West Paul Smith Waseem Barla Barlas John ohn Coleman an Alan n WattsJohn Hollywood Terry Rhy Abbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin olin Davies M Mark rk Richards Pete Collins John Burdon Trevor Atkins Transport Faci Facilities ilit Location Fa ansport Facilities Manager na r Michael Harris William Wilberforce Ioan Gruffudd Barbara Spo Spooner er R Romola G Garai ai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Newton Albert Finney Lord orrd Charles Fo Fox Michael ichael Gambon Thomas Clarkson Rufus Sewell Olaudah Equian Equiano Y Youssou ou N’Dour T Brendan is working with an investor CamDave areYoungs searching on behalf Frank is searching aOverall house inWhelan Mike aran Hinds Toby Jones es Henry ry Thornton Nicholas Farrell Marianne Thornton Sylvestra Le Touzel ou uz Woodbridge br geJill Dave&Lowery Gavin Gordon Geoff Nolan Graham Cole C Joe Alley Al y John O’Connor John O’Reganfor Mark Matt Mik Smith Sm mi Nick Goodal afts Peter Groves Robert be Cann Roy O’Brien Sean McCarthy William West Darryl Carter Paul ul Smith S Waseem as Barlas John Coleman Alan WattsJohn Hollywood Terry Rhy Abbi A bi Ozturk Colin Co n Morris Colin Davies Mark Richards Pete Collins John Burdon Trevor Trev vo Atkins Tran W from Brisbane looking for a house in of an older local couple wanting Noosa Waters on a dry block up to ilberforce Ioan Gruffudd ud Barbara arbara Spooner Romola Garai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Jo Newton to Albert lbert Finney Fin Lord Charles Fox Michael Gambon Thomas Clark Clarksonn Rufus R Sewell we Olaudah laudah Equiano Youssou N’Dour Lord Tarleton Ciaran Hinds Toby by Jones Henry Th EJQNCU (CTTGNN /CTKCPPG 6JQTPVQP 5[NXGUVTC .G 6QW\GN 4KEJCTF VJG $WVNGT ,GTGO[ 5YKHV ,COGU 5VGRJGP 5VGRJGP %CORDGNN /QQTG 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1 P JQTPVQP 5[NXGUVTC .G 6QW\GN 4KEJCTF VJG $WVNGT ,GTGO[ 5YKHV ,CO U 5 VG JGP %CORDGNN /QQTG 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQF FTQ VQ U 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG 1NNF Tewantin. Must have 3+ bedrooms, to downsize. They're looking for a $1.2Million. The buyers have already eville Phillips Eki Maria ria Daniel iel Naprous Peter White Bernie Collins Bernie Mayor Colin Wood Woodbridge db Dave ve Lowery owery Dave Youngs Gavin Gordon Geoff Nolan Graham Cole Jo Joe A Alley ll John O O’Connor nor John O’Regan Mark Overall Matt Whelan Mike Smith Nick Go Goodall oo Nigel Craf 2 bathrooms. Will consider leaving single level house with 3 bedrooms, 2 sold their home and are relocating roves Robert Cann Roy y ’Brien chael Harris William Wilberforce Ioan Gruffudd Barbara oner on Romolaa Garai ai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Newton Albert Finn Lord Lo Charles es Foxx Michael Gambon Thomas Clarkson Rufus Sewell Olaudah iano no Youssou N’Do arleton Ciaran Hinds Toby To Jones Henry tennants Thornton Nicholas Farrell Marianne Thornton Sylvestra Sylv sttra Le Touzel ze Richard the Butler Jeremy Stephen Stephen Campbell Moore Mo Lordd Dundas D from das Bill Melbourne. Paterson Sir William Nicholas Day G Glen H current in place. bathrooms and 2Swift carJames spaces. 4+Dolben bedrooms is aHannah Mooree Georgie EJQNCU 9QQFGUQP ,QJP 4COUC[ 6QO (KUJGT 4KEJCTF 4KFKPIU .QTF %COFGP &CXKF *WPV $GIICT &CXKF 6QQNG *GEMNGT #NGZ $NCMG /CTLQTKG #PIKG 9CNNKU %CODGT 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ %NGTM #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP & P COUC[ 6QO (KUJGT 4KEJCTF 4KFKPIU .QTF %COFGP &CXKF *WPV $GII T & & NG MNGT #NGZ $NCMG /CTLQTKG #PIKG 9CNNKU %CODGT 2JKNKR &WPDCT 2 NKKCO % #FCO 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPV T[ [ 1 Ready to buy now! must, and they would like to be in the F 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT %QNKP 9QQFDTKFIG &CXG .QYGT[ &CXG ;QWPIU )CXKP )QTFQP )GQHH 0QNCP )TCJCO %QNG ,QG #NNG[ ,QJP 1ŏ%QPPQT ,QJP 1ŏ4GICP /CTM 1XGTCNN /CVV 9JGNCP /KMG 5OK KC GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QN PUU $ C[ 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Gavin Gordon Geoff Nolan Graham Cole Joe Alley John O’Connor John O’Regan Mark Overall Matt Whelan Mike Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roy O’Brien Sean McCarthy William West Darryl Carter Pau aseem Barlas John Coleman Alan WattsJohn Hollywood Terry Rhy Abbi Ozturk Colin Morris Colin Davies Mark Richards Pete Collins John Burdon Trevor Atkins Tran William Wilberforce Ioan Gruffudd Barbara Spooner Romola Garai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch Joh n Albert Finney Lord Charles Fox Michael Gambon Thomas Clarkson Rufus Sewell Olaudah Equiano Youssou N’Dour Lord Tarleton Ciaran Hinds Toby Jones Henry Thornton Nicholas Farrell Marianne Thornton Sylvestra Le Touzel Richard the Butler Jeremy Swift James S ampbell Moore Philip Dunbar Parliamentary Clerk Adam Woodroffe Newton’s Secretary Joseph Traynor Simon Delaney Old Neville Phillips Eki Maria Daniel Naprous Peter White Bernie Collins Bernie Mayor Colin Woodbridge Dave Lowery Dave Youngs Gavin Gordon Geof raham Cole Joe Alley John O’Connor John Regan Mark Overall Matt Whelan Mike Smith Nick Goodall Nigel Crafts Peter Groves Robert Cann Roy O’Brien William Wilberforce Ioan Gruffudd Barbara Spooner Romola Garai William Pitt Benedict Cumberbatch John Newton nney Lord Charles Fox Michael Gambon Thomas Clarkson Rufus Sewell Olaudah Equiano Youssou N’Dour Lord Tarleton Ciaran Hinds Toby Jones Henry Thornton Nicholas Farrell Marianne Thornton Sylvestra Le Touzel Richard the Butler Jeremy Swift James Stephen S ampbell Moore Lord Dundas Bill Paterson Sir William Dolben Nicholas Day Hannah Moore Georgie Glen Harrison Nicholas Woodeson John Ramsay Tom Fisher Richard Ridings Lord Camden David Hunt Beggar David Toole Heckler Alex Blake Marjorie Angie Wallis Camber WPDCT 2CTNKCOG NK OGPVC PVCT[ T[ %NG %NGTM TM #FC #FCO 9 O 9QQFTQHHG 0GYVQPŏU 5GETGVCT[ ,QUGRJ 6TC[PQT 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEGT 5KOQP &GNCPG[ 1NF 2CTNKCOGPVCT[ 1HſEKCN 0GXKNNG 2JKNNKRU 'MK /CTKC &CPKGN 0CRTQWU 2GVGT 9JKVG $GTPKG %QNNKPU $GTPKG /C[QT 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SOURCED FROM OUR LOCAL & HOLIDAYS DATABASE. Noosa attracts a large percentage of buyers from interstate and overseas. R&W Noosa capitalises our unique ability to connect with these buyers by combining our local real estate database with our unrivalled R&W Noosa Holidays database. Giving you the real advantage to connect with local, interstate and overseas buyers. With proven record sales year after year why not put your property in our hands and see for yourself how the largest and most relevant database in Noosa could work for you.
07 5447 4499 ZZZ UZQRRVD FRP DX 12358455-KC29-17
Thursday, 20 July, 2017
JeWeL IN the CroWN!
Noosa Waters 33 MASthEAD QUAY
4 A 4 B 2 C
Luxury & Lifestyle
view Saturday 12-12.30pm Price Offers over $3.9Million
Located in the exclusive Noosa Waters estate, 33 Masthead Quay exudes class and sophistication of the highest proportions. Set at the closing of a quiet cul-de-sac, the home sits proudly amongst other prestigious properties. Opportunities to secure waterfront homes of this caliber are very scarce so I urge you not to miss the boat and arrange an inspection today. • North facing with a wide water frontage. • Spacious Paul Clout design masterpiece. • Both main bedrooms look north over the canal. • Large 881m2 block of land.
Shane McCauley 0403 646 930 Frank Milat 0438 528 148 5447 4499 | richardson & Wrench Noosa
reNovated 2 bedroom
Noosa heads 201’NEtaNya’ 71 HastiNgs strEEt
2 A 1 B 1 C
Renovated 2 bedroom on the beachside of hastings!
view thursday 12-12.30pm, Monday 12-12.30pm Price $965,000
the Netanya beachfront complex offers a rare opportunity to acquire a 2-bedroom beachfront apartment without the beachfront price. Side apartments in Netanya have strong rental returns and great occupancy rates. Situated on hastings Street with access to the great shopping and café lifestyle Noosa has to offer this fully renovated apartment allows direct access to the pool and the Noosa beach. • Fully renovated 2-bedroom with beach access. • Excellent historical income, depreciation and growth. • National park and cafés at your door. • Professional on-site management.
Frank Milat 0438 528 148 shane McCauley 0403 646 930 5447 4499 | richardson & Wrench Noosa
Thursday, 20 July, 2017
OPEN YOURSELF TO LUXURY LIVING BRIGHT, modern and completely renovated, this stunning Tewantin home is the epitome of luxurious family living. From the free-standing bath in the master bedroom to the oversized 704 square metre block and the designer kitchen, everything is beautiful and luxe. The floorplan now offers four bedrooms, including the master suite with open-plan, resort-style ensuite, air-conditioning and a lovely leafy outlook. There is also a main bathroom that is just as impressive as the exceptional master ensuite. From the designer light fittings to the high-quality finishes, its clear intense care was taken to offer to the market a renovated home of the utmost quality. In the main living space, soaring ceilings, a neutral colour scheme and warming timber accents create a bright and welcoming space the whole family can enjoy. For the home chef, the kitchen has been designed to effortlessly combine with the living room while still offering complete functionality. A dishwasher and lovely timber island all make this a wonderful place to create family meals. In the living space, large sliding doors open out to the rear deck with plenty of space for a lounge suite, barbecue and dining suite. Here, you can sit and relax, watch the kids play in the fully-fenced yard or just enjoy Noosa’s amazing local climate. There’s also lots of room for a pool, if needed. A double lock-up garage, off-street parking, airconditioning and ceiling fans are just some of the home’s extra features. All of this is set on a corner block opposite a lovely park, with easy access to schools, shops and services. The Noosa Marina, Noosa National Park, Noosa Junction business centre and so much more is all within easy reach. ●
HOME ESSENTIALS Address: 9 Blackheath Drive, Tewantin Price: $625,000 Description: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car View: Saturday 11am-11.30am, Wednesday 11am-11.30am Agent: Gillian McCauley for Richardson and Wrench Noosa, 0467 600 009 22 NOOSA TODAY
Thursday, 20 July, 2017
Proudly perched on 4,268sqm of land with impressive views of Mt Coolum through to Noosa Hill and Laguna Bay, this property lets you elevate your lifestyle and escape suburbia. Located on the cusp of Noosa Hinterland the executive home is only 15 minutes from cosmopolitan Hastings Street and even closer to all the ambience of the Noosa River dining and shopping precinct. The elevated position ensures cooling sea breezes and the protected native bushland front and rear, safeguards privacy and views forever. The versatile property comes with the added bonus of Council approval to run a business from the home, with up to four staff. A unique air-conditioned glass office or gym with views and separate entrance, is a feature of the home. The contemporary home is the epitome of style – open plan layout, parent’s retreat, high ceilings, privacy, views, fireplace, multiple living and dining zones, sweeping balconies and a massive outdoor entertaining/pool area allowing unrestricted living and entertaining all year round, day and night. • Master suite is privately situated on a separate level with an expansive balcony enjoying panoramic ocean views, ensuite and spa also with views. • Multiple indoor and outdoor dining and living areas with room for a billiard table. • Private large saltwater pool with water features and spa. • Massive timber entertaining deck surrounding pool with stunning private bushland views. • Large Jet Master wood burning ireplace.
david berns principal m 0408 629 438 e
• Polished timber, quality tiles and pristine new carpet adorn the floors. • Triple car garage with enormous additional under house storage plus 2 car carport • Purpose built high carport for boat/caravan storage. • Air conditioned. • High level of security. • Fenced dog run. • Four generous double bedrooms, 3 ensuited, separate office/gym.
If you are considering purchasing anywhere on the Sunshine Coast, to avoid disappointment, please inspect this impressive property.
OFFERS OVER $1.6 MILLION prime property. premier service.
57 FOXTAIL RISE, DOONAN Thursday, 20 July, 2017
INDUSTRY NEWS INNER CITY APARTMENT AT BARGAIN BASEMENT PRICE It’s cute, compact and probably in need of a little touch-up, but this $130,000 inner city apartment boasts one of the lowest price tags the city has seen in seven years. The apartment offers a studio bedroom, a small kitchen and a bathroom with shower, but with everything the city has to offer only moments away, you can’t beat this location. The building complex also offers a gym, common area and outdoor covered terrace with beautiful views, so there’s plenty of room for stretching the legs. The apartment is at 902/188 Shafston Avenue, in Kangaroo Point, and is currently marketed by Solomon Michael from Coronis who describes it as a “great gem” perfect for professionals tired of commuting or investors looking for a positively geared addition to their portfolio. Media reports quoted Mr Michael as saying the low sale price was the result of an urgent sale. “We have sold a few of these, but none priced at this level.
WEDDING VENUE SALE The iconic, must-have wedding venue Maleny Manor has been listed for sale for the first time in over 20 years. The award-winning wedding venue is being marketed via an expressions of interest campaign and owner Geoffrey Thomas said it was with “great sadness” the property was for sale. “As I am living in the United States, I don’t have the time to visit as much as I would like to,” he is reported to have said. The property is set on a 11.42-hectare estate and includes the wedding and reception venue with a chapel, plus a helipad, vineyard and seven boutique accommodation suites. Mr Thomas said the management team at Maleny Manor remained dedicated to providing their service and the venue would continue operations throughout the transition period. ●
Compact kitchen.
For the first time in seven years, $130,000 will buy you an inner-city studio apartment. This owner needs it sold as soon as possible,” he said. The 21 square metre $130,000 apartment is currently rented for $250 per week and Mr Michael said the new owners can choose to rent it out or live there. ●
Views from the common area.
SYDNEY OFFICES CHEAPER THAN HOMES While on the topic of affordable inner-city living, CoreLogic has revealed there are Sydney CBD offices that are more affordable than Sydney’s cheapest houses. According to the report, Sydney has a median dwelling price of $880,000 while over 100 offices in the heart of Sydney’s CBD sold for under $605,000 in the year to May 2017. The lowest sales price was a 26 square metre room within 229 Macquarie Street that sold for just $87,000 in July last year. Comparatively, a 22 square metre office at 118/250 Pitt Street sold for $188,000 in the same month along with office number 104 in the same building that also sold for $180,000. CoreLogic’s report stated small commercial spaces are relatively low in value for a number of reasons including investors being more reliant on rental yield than capital growth. ●
The iconic Maleny Manor is for sale.
Offices in the heart of the Sydney CBD are more affordable than a home in the outer suburbs.
IMMACULATE PRESENTED 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE / RIVERSTONE CRT ‘This has got to be one of the best townhouses I have seen this year at this price”, said agent Ron Davey who has sold seven ( 7 ) in here over the past few years and all in record time, and this one will be no exception. There is nothing more to spend here, all three bedrooms are airconditioned, 3 toilets, 2 bathrooms ( one ensuite ), fans throughout, superb feature champagne bamboo flooring throughout the lounge / dining areas and kitchen, the kitchen is big and spacious with a mass of cupboards and plenty of bench space, lovely sunny north facing outdoor timber decking and garden areas to enjoy, remote control garage with direct entry to townhouse. Security gated, intercom, communal pool area, manicured gardens, very easy walk across to the beautiful Noosa River, Yacht Club, Bowls Club and the fabulous Tewantin Harbour area with its restaurants and ferries. Ideal retirement townhouse!
11/4 Riverstone Court, Tewantin Inspect: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1-1.45pm Ron Davey M: 0412 206 563 P: 07 5474 2442 12358464-PB29-17
Prestige Property Collection
5474 2442
REaDy To REnoVaTE o/o$750k
This 2 storey original home has amazing ocean views. 2
• Large open plan kitchen, living/dining areas plus 2 bedrooms, and a bathroom upstairs • Downstairs accommodates 3 cars plus an additional large room and bathroom • This 818sqm block is complimented by the undercover entertaining area and swimming pool • Great location. Huge potential. Don’t hesitate.
A 2
B 3
365 David Low Way
VIEW SaT: 12.00-12.30pM
Vicki Cooper M: 0418 231 955
SpACE, STylE & CoMforT $1.2m
Elevated and high on the hill this family home captures ocean views from the large wrap around entertaining deck. 4 • Contemporary spacious home with quality inishes • Hardwood timber looring on the upper level • Two separate living areas and high ceilings • Modern kitchen, powder room & loor to ceiling windows • Master bedroom upstairs, guest bedroom with ensuite downstairs
A 3.5
B 2
Vicki Cooper M: 0418 231 955
IdEAL InVEstMEnt $320k
This ground floor unit is a low maintenance property with its own backyard. 2
• Located in a quiet cul-de-sac at the back of a complex of 3 • Functional kitchen and living areas with air con • Currently tenanted at $315 per week • Low Body Corporate fees, minimal maintenance expenses • Central Location and pet friendly
B 1
3/4 Power Court VIEW By APPoIntMEnt
Vicki Cooper M: 0418 231 955
Thursday, 20 July, 2017
OASIS PROVIDES A LOT OF LUXURY LOCATED in the exclusive Oasis enclave, this is a chance to live surrounded by only the finer things in life from travertine flooring to Miele appliances, plush carpets, statement picture windows and excessive detailing that is a pleasure for the senses. This home has it all. As one of only a lucky few in the Oasis estate, you can enjoy the peace and serenity of golf course living with stunning views over the sparkling pool and out to the fairway and lake. As part of the Noosa Springs Resort, you can also enjoy access to a range of world-class facilities such as the day spa, fitness centre, restaurant and of course, the golf course. The home itself offers an expansive floorplan with living spread over two levels. There are five bedrooms, all with their own private ensuite and robe. The master suite also enjoys a sitting room and access to a covered balcony where you can take in the views over the fairway. The main living space is located downstairs and features a formal lounge, open-plan living and dining space with Jetmaster lowline gas fireplace and banks of bi-fold doors that flow out to an outdoor living room with built-in barbecue and access to the beautiful lap pool. At the heart of the home lies the kitchen. From the statement pendant lights to the Caesarstone waterfall bench tops, it’s clear no expense has been spared in the creation of the ultimate designer kitchen. Here, a suite of Miele appliances such as a built-in coffee machine, 900mm gas cook top and integrated dishwasher in the butler’s pantry will make catering for friends and family an absolute joy. A double garage with golf buggy space, plenty of built-in storage throughout and ducted air-conditioning are just some of the home’s extra features. All of this is set in one of Noosa’s most prestigious and exclusive enclaves only moments from the world-famous Hastings Street with a selection of award-winning restaurants and cafes. ●
HOME ESSENTIALS Address: 17 Springs Crescent, Noosa Heads Price: By negotiation Description: 5 bed, 6 bath, 2 car, pool View: Saturday, noon-12.30pm Agent: Sam Walker and Mike Hay for Century 21 Conolly Hay Group, 0400 730 457 or 0417 624 059
Stunning Designer Home in the Heart of Old Tewantin This is a very exciting opportunity to secure a brand new designer house, simply stunning in every way with quality design, fixtures and fittings on offer. • 2.55 M square set ceilings, ducted air conditioning throughout
FOR SALE By Negotiation VIEW Sat 22nd July 10-10.30am AGENT Sam Walker 0400 730 457
• 80mm caesar stone bench tops and satin inish custom cabinetry • Stunning surry blend wool carpets in all bedrooms, European style appliances • 3.6 M x 5.6 M plunge pool with seamless glass fencing
David Conolly
2 b
0438 259 956
2 c
TEWANTIN 7 Livingstone Street
HOME ESSENTIALS Address: 11/4 Riverstone Court, Tewantin Price: $605,000 Description: 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 car View: Friday and Saturday, 1pm-1.45pm Agent: Ron Davey for Base Realtors, 0412 206 563
Ron has sold seven townhomes in the complex over the past few years all in record time and he said villa number 11 will be no exception. All of this is located within a secure, gated complex with intercom access, a communal pool area and manicured gardens. The beautiful Noosa River foreshore, local bowls club, yacht club and Tewantin harbour are all within easy reach. ●
Make a change to Elite Rentals today, it’s easier than you think. Ask us how. • Experienced rental specialists • Personalised service • Locally owned and operated
BOASTING a central yet quiet location close to the river, this townhome is a must-see for those seeking the permanent holiday lifestyle. Everything has been done so the new owners can simply move-in and enjoy the villa that is perfectly-presented and lovingly-maintained. The floorplan offers three bedrooms, each with air-conditioning and the master with a private ensuite. There is another bathroom plus a powder room, separate laundry and ceiling fans throughout. The main living spaces feature beautiful champagne bamboo flooring, while the kitchen boasts plenty of storage and bench space. With a lovely north-facing aspect, the rear timber deck and tiled patio are sure to be favourite places to rest and relax. There is also a single garage with internal access. Marketing agent Ron Davey said the sellers have moved down the coast and are seeking a quick sale, making this a great opportunity for those wanting riverside living at a great price. “This has to be one of the best townhouses I have seen this year at this price,” he said.
PO Box 936 Noosa Heads QLD 4567 E: M: 0419 239 855 E: M: 0455 912 910
PROPERTY VALUES ENJOY FIVE-YEAR HIGH COMBINED capital city dwelling values have increased by 9.6 per cent over the past financial year, according to the latest data. The increase was greater than the 8.3 per cent rise over the 2015/16 financial year making it the fifth year in a row that combined capital city dwelling prices have risen. Prior to this five-year run of increases, there were successive financial years in which values fell; down 1.4 per cent in 2010/11 and down 3.6 per cent in 2011/12. CoreLogic’s Cameron Kusher said across the individual capital cities the growth story over recent financial years had been vastly different. “(In Sydney) dwelling values increased by 12.2 per cent over the past year and it was the fifth successive year in which values rose. Value growth was slightly higher than the 11.3 per cent over the previous financial year,” he said. For Melbourne, values have now increased for five successive financial years with each of those years
progressively seeing a faster rate of value growth. Over the past year, values increased by 13.7 per cent which was their greatest increase over a financial year since 2009/10. For Brisbane, a two per cent increase in values over the past financial year was down on the 5.3 per cent the previous year. Brisbane values have increased over each of the past five years however, last year was the slowest rate of growth since 2012/13. “In most capital cities, the rate of value growth over the past financial year was superior to that over the previous year,” Mr Kusher said. “The exceptions were Brisbane and Darwin. A number of cities recorded their greatest increases in values in a number of years highlighting that the rate of growth has been accelerating.” Mr Kusher said the rebound in investment activity after 2015/16 and successive rate cuts in May and August last year have influenced the rebound in capital gains. ●
Price Guide
Castaways Beach
4 2 3 3 3 2
$995,000 Offers Invited
6 5 2
O/o $1million
4 3 2 4 3 5 5 3 2
O/O$925,000 O/O$1,600,000 O/O $949,000
Doonan Thursday 20th July
93 Duke Road
Saturday 22nd July
10.45am - 11.45am 20 Templeton Way 12.30pm - 1.30pm 57 Foxtail Rise 1.30pm - 2.30pm 17 Panavista Court
Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0438 259 956 10.00am - 10.45am 17 Bunya Grove Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0403 134 420 10.00am - 10.45am 8 Bunya Grove 10.00am - 10.30am 11 Peachtree Crescent 10.00am - 10.45am 32 Pavilion Drive Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0433118575 10.00am - 10.45am 24 Pavilion Drive 11.00am - 11.30am 74 The Avenue David Berns Real Estate - 0408 629 438 David Berns Real Estate - 0408 629 438 Sunrise Beach David Berns Real Estate - 0419 818 418 Friday 21st July
12.00pm - 12.30pm 20 Dame Patti Dr
Saturday 22nd July
Saturday 22nd July
10.00am - 10.30am 2 Jocelyn Drive 1.00pm - 1.30pm 2 Monomeet Close 2.00pm - 3.00pm 1335 Eumundi Noosa Road
3 2.5 2 4 2 3 5 2 4
Contact Agent $1,350,000 O/O$1,595,000
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0412 325 421 12.00pm - 12.30pm 20 Dame Patti Dr Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0418 714 653 David Berns Real Estate - 0408 629 438 Sunshine Beach
Lake MacDonald
3 3 4 3 3 4
2.5 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
$650,000 Offers Over $640,000 High $600,000's $660,000 $670,000 $749,000
Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0411 579 789 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0411 579 789 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0418 712 600 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0438 579 911 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0438 579 911 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0438 579 911
4 2 6
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505
4 2 6
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505
4 2 2 3 2 2
Contact Agent $1,795,000
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0466 248 345 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0403 134 420
Contact Agent By Negotiation $1,795,000 $530,000 Offers Over $990,000 By Negotiation
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0466 248 345 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0403 134 420 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0403 134 420 David Berns Real Estate - 0419 038 887 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0403 134 420 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0403 134 420
Friday 21st July
Saturday 22nd July
12.00pm - 12.30pm 176 Dath Henderson Road
4 4 2
O/o $1.75m
10.00am - 10.30am 40 Park Cres Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0418 714 653 5.00pm - 6.00pm 33 Parkedge Road
Marcus Beach
Saturday 22nd July
Saturday 22nd July
11.00am - 11.30am 1/28 Tristania Drive
3 2 2
By Negotiation
4 3 3 2 3
1 2 2 1 2
$1,850,000 $1,195,000 $1,450,000 O/o $965,000 from $1.895
2 2 1 3 1 2
O/o $750,000 $660,000
2 3 2 3 3 3 3
$775,000 $2,200,000 O/o $750,000 Offers Invited $660,000 from $1.895 $1,200,000
Noosa Heads Thursday 20th July
3/31 Picture Point Cres 4/34 Edgar Bennett Ave 18 'Rise Apt' 37 Noosa Dr 201 Netanya, 71 Hastings 3 Viewland Drive
3 2 2 1 2
Friday 21st July
12.00pm - 12.30pm 200/201 - 6 Hastings St 1.00pm - 1.30pm 35 Warana Street Saturday 22nd July
11.00am - 11.30am 12.00pm - 12.30pm 12.00pm - 12.30pm 1.00pm - 1.45pm 1.00pm - 1.30pm 2.00pm - 2.30pm 3.00pm - 3.30pm
Price Guide
Saturday 22nd July
11.00am - 11.30am 24 Antipodes Close 2.00pm - 2.45pm 1/512 David Low Way
11.00am - 11.30am 11.00am - 11.30am 12.00pm - 12.30pm 12.00pm - 12.30pm 5.30pm - 6.00pm
Peregian Springs
Saturday 22nd July
4.00pm - 4.45pm
8 St Tropez, 89 Noosa Pde 502/61 Noosa Springs Drv 200/201 - 6 Hastings St 20 Coral Tree Avenue 35 Warana Street 3 Viewland Drive 2/29 Viewland Drive
2 3 2 2 1 2 3
1 2 1 2 2 2 2
10.00am - 10.30am Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0400 730 457 10.00am - 10.45am 11.00am - 11.45am 11.00am - 11.30am Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505 12.00pm - 12.30pm Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505 3.00pm - 3.45pm Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505 Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 528 148 Tewantin Star Noosa Real Estate - 0418 231 955 Friday 21st July
1.00pm - 1.45pm 11/4 Riverstone Court Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 528 148 Saturday 22nd July Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505 10.00am - 10.30am 7 Livingstone Street Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 528 148 11.00am - 11.30am 9 Blackheath Drive 11/4 Riverstone Court Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0412 806 252 1.00pm - 1.45pm Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 528 148 Wednesday 26th July Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0403 134 420 11.00am - 11.30am 9 Blackheath Drive Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505 Star Noosa Real Estate - 0418 231 955 Tinbeerwah Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505
3 2 2 4 3 1
$1,195,000 1,850,000
4 2 3 2 4 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 1 2 1 3 2
3 2 1
Base Realtors - 0412 206 563
4 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 1
By Negotiation $625,000 605000
Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0400 730 457 Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0467 600 009 Base Realtors - 0412 206 563
4 2 2
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0467 600 009
4 3 4
4 2 4
Saturday 22nd July
Monday 24th July
11.00am - 11.30am 4/34 Edgar Bennett Ave 11.00am - 11.30am 3/31 Picture Point Cres
40 Park Cres 2/29 Duke Street 33 Parkedge Road 3/2 Park Crescent 48 Solway Drive 223 Edwards Street
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505 Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505
Noosa Springs
12.00pm - 1.00pm
38 Kinsgate Drive
David Berns Real Estate - 0419 818 418
Verrierdale Saturday 22nd July
12.00pm - 12.30pm 24 Martha Lane
Saturday 22nd July
11.00am - 11.30am 524/61 Noosa Springs Dr 12.00pm - 12.30pm 17 Springs Crescent
3 3 2 4 2 1
Contact Agent By Negotiation
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0412 806 252 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0417 624 059
3 2 2 4 2 3
1475000 O/o $2million
Base Realtors - 0412 206 563 Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0403 646 930
3 2 2
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0466 248 345
Auction diary
Noosaville Friday 21st July
2.00pm - 2.45pm 4.00pm - 4.30pm
2/24 Ann Street 41 Dolphin Cres
Saturday 22nd July
2.00pm - 2.45pm
2/24 Ann Street
Base Realtors - 0412 206 563
Noosa Waters 12.00pm - 12.30pm 33 Masthead Quay
4 4 2
O/o $3.9million
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0403 646 930
4.00pm - 4.30pm
31 The Quarterdeck
4 3 2
Contact Agent
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505
1.00pm - 1.30pm 2.00pm - 2.30pm
123 Sebel, 32 Hastings St 31 The Quarterdeck
1 1 1 4 3 2
O/o $600,000 Contact Agent
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 528 148 Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505
2 1 1
Contact Agent
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505
5 5.5 2
Contact Agent
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505
5 5.5 2
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0438 695 505
Monday 24th July
Peregian Beach
12.00pm - 12.30pm 9 ‘Rise Apt’ 37 Noosa Dr
Friday 21st July
11.00am - 11.30am 1/28 Pelican St
3 2 1
Contact Agent
Saturday 22nd July
1/28 Pelican St 2 Lorikeet Drive 26 Parakeet Crescent 365 David Low Way
Friday 21st July Saturday 22nd July
Saturday 22nd July
11.00am - 11.30am 11.00am - 11.45am 11.30am - 12.30pm 12.00pm - 12.30pm
Noosa Heads
3 3 5 2
2 2 3 2
1 1 4 3
Contact Agent By Negotiation Over $1,050,000 O/O $750,000
Thursday, 20 July, 2017
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0466 248 345
Noosa Springs Friday 21st July
Richardson & Wrench Noosa - 0466 248 345 11.00am - 11.30am 9 Springs Cres ‘Oasis’ Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0401 807 697 Century 21 Conolly Hay Group - 0418 712 600 Saturday 22nd July Star Noosa Real Estate - 0418 231 955 11.00am - 11.30am 9 Springs Cres ‘Oasis’