Dooney's World 1776. New Children's Book Series to Focus on American Revolution, Founding Fathers A new children's book series, Dooney's World 1776, teaches children actual American History and not revisionist fiction. The book focuses on the American Revolution, Founding Fathers and the role that God played in the creation of the United States. San Diego, CA, November 19, 2010 announced today the launch of its new children's multimedia book series designed to educate American youth on our rich history and traditions. Dooney's World 1776 is the story of a young lad growing up in colonial times, who dreams of becoming a drummer boy in General Washington's Army. He, his best friend Molly and little brother Harry take off on adventures in Braintree, Massachusetts uncovering littleknown historical secrets along the way. Edward the Bald Eagle watches over the children and keeps them safe. The multimedia book series is the brainchild of Jonas Clarke (a pseudonym), named after a famous preacher in revolutionary times. "When my grandson was born I tried to find books on real American History that I could read to him. There were precious few to choose from and those I did find were historically inaccurate. While stories of Washington's wooden teeth, and chopping down cherry trees might be fun, they were not true. I wanted to teach kids real history and not revisionist fiction," Clarke said. The project has been nearly three years in the making. When his young illustrator joined the Peace Corps he all but thought the idea was a goner. A friend connected him with noted artist Joseph Paul Dorsa, who had done work for at least one former US President, and a bond was formed. JP as he likes to be called, dedicated hundreds of hours breathing life into the characters and researching the vivid detail necessary to create historically accurate drawings. He took the basic character concepts conceived by artist Laura Randall and created a truly unique children's series. The first book in the series, "Dooney's World 1776," introduces children to the Founding Fathers, the first American Flag and what would become known as the Boston Tea Party. Subsequent books will cover topics like Women of the American Revolution and the Black Regiment or the Fighting Preachers who were among the most feared by the British. The latter may cause a bit of a stir. The book starts off with the words "One Nation Under God" and speaks to the role that God played in the development of our great nation. "There was no such thing as separation of church and state at our country's founding; quite the opposite. It is a 20th century progressive, social construct," Clarke said. "We have certainly messed that one up and children should be taught the truth. Our Founders were deeply religious men and removing God from the story because He is not politically correct, is simply wrong and
inaccurate. Our history revolved around God and our ability to worship without interference from any government. It is a founding principle and each of the Founders were also Mason's, a group that celebrates individual religious freedom," He added. Clarke is hoping that schools will embrace the book and use it to help develop an interest in children for American History at a young age. "Even if you do not believe in God, one cannot deny that the Founders relied upon divine inspiration in the formation of our country. It is a historical fact," Clark noted. Each purchaser receives a flexible soft cover edition of the book along with Digital Talking Book downloads that can be viewed on any computer screen or television. Additionally the book can be viewed on IPAD, IPhone, Sony Reader or any electronic device that can read a PDF document. All included in the $19.95 price. A portion of the proceeds will go the Warrior Foundation and books are available at Lulu Booksellers, and for $19.95 plus tax & shipping. Digital only copies are available for $5.99. Signed and numbered prints of actual pages from the book are also available. Contact: Carl Braun Dooney's World 1776 San Diego, CA 6195756577 / 8582548734