Workshop on HIV Reservoirs Program Available After CROI

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Workshop on HIV Reservoirs Program Available After CROI Toulon, France - February 18, 2011 -- The Fifth International Workshop on HIV Persistence is slated to be held in St. Martin, West Indies from 6th to 9th December 2011. Started in 2003 by Coordinator, Dr. Alain Lafeuillade, MD PhD, this workshop has grown in stature and is today recognized as the major meeting for those searching for an HIV cure. Since its inception this organization has been responsible for conducting different scientific reference researches on HIV persistence, HIV reservoirs along with discussions on a variety of eradication strategies. Unlike other programs that have introduced a few sessions on these subjects, this workshop is widely acclaimed for its visionary approach, innovation and originality of its scientific committee. The earlier editions of the workshop have focused on a variety of topics, ranging from the inhibition of HIV transmission to discussions on the biological and immunological challenges of persistent HIV Infection. The main focus area is to understand and eradicate HIV from the infected hosts. At this workshop, a team of international scientists will address the reasons as to why HIV still persists in treated individuals or the so called HIV reservoirs. The main purpose of this workshop is to understand how this HIV reservoir is established and maintained in the body, what kind of cells are affected, what mechanisms are involved and a host of other related issues. This gives raise to the possibilities of finding new eradication strategies that will help in developing a cure for HIV. Every two years, over two hundred doctors, researchers and scientists who have achieved significant breakthroughs in the field of HIV take part to this workshop. It provides an opportunity for these brilliant minds to interact with one another and share information about the different aspects of HIV. The presentations at the workshop cover all the latest research developments taking place in the field. Dr. Alain Lafeuillade, Coordinator and other contributors from the scientific community will meet at the end of this month in Boston where the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections will be held. This team will work out a strategic research plan and chalk out the program for the 5th edition of the International Workshop on HIV Persistence. For more information, please contact: Alain Lafeuillade, MD, PhD, Chair of the ‘International Workshop on HIV Persistence’. Department of Infectious Diseases, General Hospital, Toulon, France. Ph: +33-494616340, email:; Website:

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