Inorganic Vs Metal Complex Dyes Why do we use pigments? Well, it calls for a simple answer for creating colourful things that otherwise looked dull. Both, the metal complex dyes and inorganic dyes have significant uses in various industry verticals and therefore, makes it an important ingredient in the dyeing industry. Several portals offer supply of dyes online for a hassle-free service experience of the customers across the globe. What are Metal Complex Dyes? The metal-complex dyes (also called premetallised dyes) are a combination of two types, one with 1:1 metal complex and other 1:2 metal complexes. The metal-complex dyes have properties to dye the fabric in no time at all with much long lasting and resistance to many things in general. However, the use of dyes for these fibres is limited according to the latest research. But dyeing jute like fabrics require pre-treatment with some improvement of fastness percentage.
How are Inorganic Pigments Different than Metal Complex Dyes? The pigments that are made up of mineral compounds including oxides, sulphides of one or more than one metals are called inorganic pigments. These are extensively used to impart colours of various shades to things that are manufactured using colours and dyes. It is said that inorganic pigments are better than the metal complex dyes due to their long-lasting properties and high durability percentage when it comes to sunlight exposure or chemical exposures. The inorganic pigments also raise the abrasion resistance and rigidity to the molecules. Buy inorganic pigments and metal complex dyes online and avail good discounts on deals. The chemical fastness is a property that is best in terms of outcomes whether used in industries or households. The pigments for coating are required in most industry segments and expected to last as long as the things that are made from using it. Source: Follow us on social media: