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Spring cleaning
Get ready for a new season

While the decluttering trend fights with the trend of maximalist interior design, there are some things that need to go on every homeowner’s spring to-do list.
When it comes to spring cleaning and decluttering, these are some of the top ways to get ready for a new season:

– Start at the bottom: Go through rarely used cupboards and pull out anything that is not used. Clutter can easily get out of control behind cabinet doors. Recycle those plastic container lids that have no container and take out the used-once kitchen novelties.

– Hit the pantry: Go through each and every item, pulling out expired foods and foods that have lost their appeal but are still good and could be donated to a local food shelf. Stylish organization boxes are an easy way to group like things together and create a cohesive pantry space where things are simple to find.
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– Part with the junk: Take a minute to go through kitchen drawers and part with mismatched flatware and accumulated fast-food accoutrements. Hit up the “junk” drawer at the same time and get rid of things that no longer work and things that are building up.
– Reduce the chemicals: Look through home cleaning products and make an active choice to use up what’s there or properly dispose of lesser used items. Products that are nearly empty can take up a lot of space.
– Out with the old: Go through the bathroom cabinets and look for expired personal care products, including makeup; yes, makeup has a shelf life.

– Eliminate the excess: Linen closets can quickly bulge with extra towels and sheets. Do not hang onto bedding that no longer goes with the mattresses in the home. Instead, find a place to donate and put to good use.
– Keep the most loved: Closets can become an overwhelming bundle of various sizes and clothes that looked good once but are no longer worn. Go through and pull out things that are not being worn to make space for the pieces that are loved. Pairing down the closet is freeing and makes it easier to get ready for the day using only pieces that fit well and look great.
– Clear the dust: Get out a vacuum attachment and hit the walls and ceiling, cleaning them of accumulated dust and cobwebs.
– Fix the fans: Grab a pillowcase and run it over each blade of interior fans. The pillowcase will catch any built-up dust and then the blades can be wiped clean with a damp rag.

– Clear view: Clean the insides and outsides of the windows and doors, paying special attention to the tracks that can fill with debris and dead bugs.

– Freshen the air: Clean the carpets, rugs and upholstery. Not only will they look fresh, a good cleaning will reduce allergens and built-up oils and bacteria.
– Scour it: Take some time to give those showers, bathtubs and sinks a deep clean. Use a scouring agent if necessary. Also take some time to get the glass back to its original see-through condition.

– Wash it up: Go through each bedroom and take the time to wash the pillows and comforters. Freshening the bedding freshens the whole room.
– Keep it clean: Change the furnace filter as the winter season comes to an end. Filters should be changed regularly according to manufacturer’s directions.
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