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The simple things
Parkers revel in life they have built around family, nature
The Parker family can often be found outdoors enjoying everything from dirt bikes, four-wheelers and snowmobiles to sledding, horseback riding, hiking, fishing, hunting and gardening.
Kimberly Parker, her husband Josh and their six children –Maximus, Rayna, Jacob, Greta, Heidi and Elias – live on 101 acres south of Glenwood. Kimberly home-schools the kids, and though she does not schedule time for physical education, she said it comes naturally each and every day.
“That’s just our way of life,” Kimberly said. “The kids get out and burn off en- ergy. We all know the benefits of fresh air; they go out and use their imaginations for the most part.”
The kids spend a lot of time in nature. The couple has wooded acres filled with trails for enjoying the various seasons.
Kimberly grew up on a dairy farm, and her husband grew up in agriculture too.
“We saw the beauty and the peace in raising a family in the country,” she said. The couple, both from central Minnesota, moved to their land from Colorado in June 2022 to be closer to family. They did custom harvesting and farmed a portion of their land, growing corn and soybeans, but recently stepped away from custom work. They continue to farm 40 acres and

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