Benton Ag Plus - May 7, 2022

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Page 6B | SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2022| SAUK RAPIDS HERALD BENTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 19, 2022 The Benton County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on April 19, 2022, in the Benton County Board Room in Foley, MN. Call to order by Chair Steve Heinen was at 9:00 AM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the ag. A roll call showed Commissioners Beth Schlangen, Scott Johnson, Steve Heinen, Jared Gapinski and Ed Popp present. County Administrator Montgomery Headley requested to add the discussion of the One Watershed One Plan as the fourth topic under Land Services Director Roxanne Achman at 9:05 AM. Motion by Johnson and seconded by Gapinski to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried unanimously. No one was present to speak at the Open Forum. Motion by Popp and seconded by Johnson to approve Consent Agenda items 1 – 7: 1) approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 5, 2022 and authorize the Chair to sign; 2) approve the Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2022 and authorize the Chair to sign; 3) approve the Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2022 and authorize the Chair to sign; 4) accept and le the Management Team Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2022; 5) approve a resolution to re- con rm the 2012 County Commissioner Districts still valid after the 2020 US Census and authorize the Chair to sign; 6) accept and le a summary of the April 5, 2022 Department Head Performance Evaluations; 7) accept and le the Administrator’s Monthly Financial Report. Motion carried unanimously. Next on the agenda was Land Services Director Roxanne Achman to consider Ordinance #484 to rezone 56 acres from the “B-1” Business District to the “B-2” Business Enterprise District. Achman stated the applicant has requested to continue the public hearing to a later date. Applicant JuneMarie Friedrich of Reliastone, LLC requested to continue the public hearing to a later date to allow time to gather information to address the Planning Commission’s concerns. Achman stated that per statute, the County Board must act within 60 days of submission of a completed rezoning application. Achman asked Freidrich is she wished to waive the 60-day rule. Freidrich agreed. The public hearing on the rezoning request opened at 9:05 AM. Greg Bruestle of 11825 16th Ave NE Rice, MN 56367 shared his concerns regarding the lack of acceleration and turn lanes and speeds on Highway 10. Bruestle also stated that the Planning Commission voted 8-0 to deny the request. Jim Hovde of 160 North Freedom Rd, Rice, MN 56367 shared his concerns regarding the access at 115th and 116th to Highway 10 and requested the County Board take into consideration the safety of the crossing traf c from Township roads onto Highway 10. Gordon Otto of 16th Ave NW Rice, MN 56367 added that he is not in favor of the speeds in the area; and fertilizer plants and recycling going in the area. Achman stated that the only email or letter or other communications received was that from Watab Township Supervisor Julie Johnson. Achman read the following email that was received into the record: Hello Benton County Board & Staff, I would like to give you an update from the Watab (Township) Board as to what we discussed at our last meeting on Tuesday, April 12th, 2022 concerning the rezoning request of Reliastone. My email did not get sent properly so it missed the Planning and Zoning meeting. The board voted to approve the request to rezone to B2 with no conditions. In our road discussion portion of the meeting, we discussed the condition of 105th Street NW and 115th Avenue NW (both Watab Township roads). Watab Township “shares” this road with Langola Township. However, Watab maintains the entire portion of 105th Street NW west of Little Rock Lake, Langola maintains 105th east of the lake. Watab Township has many businesses/residential neighborhoods located within the Highway 10 corridor and their only access is Highway 10. While it can be dif cult to get off and onto the Highway on Fridays from 3-6pm, all other times they are able to navigate traf c successfully. Issues of trucks and trailers onto and off of Highway 10 is not a concern of ours. A list of these businesses include: Saldana Concrete, heavy trucks, conveyors, pump trucks



1. Two Eggs and 2 Slices of Toast 2. Two Eggs, Choice of Meat, Toast 3. Two Eggs, Choice of Meat, Hash Browns and Toast (Meat Choices:


4. Country Fried

Customer’s r Order Numbe

Sausage Patty,


Customer’s 6.00 r Order Numbe

5. Skillet - Hashbrowns,

Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Onion, Green Pepper, Cheese, 2 Eggs, Toast ON ACCT. - Egg, Cheese, Choice of Meat on English Muffi Muffin ffin or Bun


7. Eggs Benedict


- Ham &

Eggs on English T Muffi Muffin, ffin, HollandaiseAMOUN Sauce PRICE - With Hash Browns

smothered with


- Country fried bacon, egg & country steak style gravy - 1/2 lb. Hamburger Steak, Hashbrowns, 2 eggs & Toast

on bread with

11.00 10.00

9. Steak & Eggs

Take Out -

Peppers P O Onions Mushrooms M Black Olives Bl Taco Ta


8. Sunrise Breakfast



full 7.00

Meat - Bacon, sausage patty, Links, or ham Hash Browns

50¢ 50¢ 50¢ 50¢ $1.00

Cheese Onions


Bacon Sausage Ham Pepperoni

2.00 or sour dough)

2.00 1 slice



$1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00

Hot Tea (green,

black, peppermint)

Gravy Hollandaise sauce

Ice Tea - Freshly

50¢ 1.00

or uncooked meats, poultry or eggs your risk of food may increase borne illness.

Monday Closed


1.50 1.50

Milk (white or chocolate)


Lemonade 50¢ 50¢

* Consuming Con raw

1.00 3.50

1 Egg





3.00 3.00

American Fries French Toast (1) Toast (white, wheat

9.00 11.00

6. Breakfast Sandwich


1/2 - 5.00 6.00


Ham) s Addres

- With Hash Browns


Biscuits & Gravy Biscuit French Toast - 3 Slices Pancakes Pancak

1 - 3.49 Blueber Pancakes Blueberry 2 - 5.99 1 - 4.99 Chocola Chip Chocolate 2 - 6.99 Pancakes 1 - 4.99 3 Eggs & Cheese 2 - 6.99 Omelet 5.50 w/Hasbrowns Ham & C Cheese Omelet 7.50 6.50 w/Hasbrowns 8.50 SOLD Bacon & Cheese Omelet 6.50 w/Hasbrowns Sausage & Cheese 8.50 Omelet 6.50 10.00 w/Hasbrowns 8.50 Western Omelet O 8.50 w/Hasbrowns 10.50 4.50QTY ADDITIONAL


Links, Bacon, or

Steak - 2 Eggs, Toast




Pop Juice (Orange, apple,

grape, grapefruit

HOURS: | Tuesday - Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 8 p.m. | Sunday 7 a.m.

1.50 or cranberry)


- 2 p.m.


Mike Schafer SALES REP

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PUBLIC NOTICE Saldana Excavating, Heavy trucks and trailers K Johnson Construction, Trucks Trailers & a conveyor. Oak Hill Golf Course residences Westside of 85th Street NW residences Poirier Trucking Performance Foods, Rice MN RDO Equipment, Heavy equipment, trucks and trailers Unique Movers, trucks and trailers Zwilling Tree Service, Trucks and trailers As to the concerns of 105th & 115th Avenue NW, both of these roads are in poor condition and are part of our ongoing discussion for rebuilding. 105th particularly had a bad winter and is in disrepair. When the township rebuilds roads, we are building them to a 9 ton speci cation. After I had discussions with Jeff and Tom Friedrich last week I sent an email to MNDOT (St. Cloud) and asked for their guidance for their exit and entrance off of Highway 10. I also asked if it was possible to change the angle of the 105th entrance to a 45 degree angle from its current approximate 35 degree angle for greater safety access. I am waiting for their response and will send it to you when I receive it. I hope you will consider tabling the vote on the rezoning at the board meeting and ask that the board send it back to Planning and Zoning to allow the Friedrich’s the chance to address that board’s concerns. I was unable to attend last week and would have rearranged my schedule had it been known that traf c was such a concern for this large commercial parcel and a part of the zoning process. Sincerely, Julie Johnson Watab Township Supervisor 320-248-5245 Achman stated that the Department has not received any other comments or concerns from any State agencies, cities or townships on this agenda item. Also, there was no of cial action required by the affected Township. Popp stated that Julie Johnson’s letter was not heard by the Planning Commission. Achman stated we can send this request back to the Planning Commission to be reconsidered. Popp, Gapinski and Heinen stated that they do not want to go against a decision by the Planning Commission, however, the email from Julie Johnson would be new information to be considered by the Planning Commission. Johnson added that the Planning Commission would appreciate seeing the email from Julie Johnson, and by doing this, the County Board is not overruling the Planning Commission by sending it back. Johnson stated the Planning Commission was only looking at the rezoning request at the time it was denied, and they did not have the additional information provided by Julie Johnson. Motion by Johnson and seconded by Heinen to table this topic and to send it back to the Planning Commission’s next meeting on May 26, 2022, to then continue the public hearing to the June 7, 2022 Regular Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Next, Achman requested the County Board to consider a resolution amending, terminating, and dissolving the St. Cloud Area Joint Planning District (JPD). Achman stated staff from Stearns County and the City of St. Cloud recently had discussions about the St. Cloud Area Joint Planning District that was established by the 1997 State of Minnesota Community-based Planning Act. Achman added that Matt Glaesman, the Community Development Director with the City of St. Cloud provided a summary and the history of the St. Cloud Area Joint Planning District Board (JPDB). Achman added that based on email conversations between participating jurisdictions, it is the desire of most jurisdictions to terminate and dissolve the JPDB due to there no longer being a need for such a body. The JPDB last met around 2015. Achman added that there remains approximately $11,000 of funds in the JPDB account. The funds will be refunded equally to each jurisdiction ($1,240 each). Motion by Popp and seconded by Johnson to approve the resolution amending, terminating, and dissolving the St. Cloud Area Joint Planning District. Motion carried unanimously. Next, Achman provided an update on the Eagle View Commons Loan Program, the clean-up efforts on the King’s Inn site, and the Local Board of Appeals & Equalization for informational purposes only. There was no action taken; no motion was made. Next, Achman and Assistant County Attorney Michelle Meyer queried how the County Board wished to move forward with the Mississippi River-Sartell One Watershed One Plan agreement. Meyer stated that a Joint Powers Agreement would be the best option, and another option would be to have the Benton Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) be the scal agent via a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Benton SWCD District Manager Gerry Maciej stated the Benton SWCD Board favors a Joint Powers Agreement, which they would administer on the County’s behalf. Maciej added this view stays in line with advice from the County Attorney’s Of ce. This topic was for informational purposes, no action was taken; no motion was made. Next, Sheriff Troy Heck Requested the County Board approve the proclamation declaring May 1st to May 7th 2022 as National Correctional Of cer’s week. This designation honors the men and women of our nation’s jails and prisons who do the dif cult and dangerous job of ensuring that those arrested for and convicted of criminal offenses

are safely housed during their incarceration. Correctional Of cers in Benton County, and all over this country, do a dif cult job that requires them to be ready to deal with violent, mentally ill, and dangerous inmates. Their job is truly not for the faint of heart and we are fortunate to have a talented and dedicated group of professionals doing this job in Benton County. Motion by Gapinski and seconded by Schlangen to approve the proclamation for National Correctional Of cer’s Week in Benton County from May 1st to May 7th, 2022. Motion carried unanimously. Next, Auditor-Treasurer Nadean Inman requested the Board’s approval to use the VEGA-3 election equipment grant along with $59,500 of county funds to purchase new accessible voting equipment (Omni Ballot Tablets) to ensure continued compliance with federal and state laws. This was continued from the April 5, 2022 Regular Board Meeting. Inman stated that on December 14th, the County Board signed a resolution giving permission to the Auditor-Treasurer’s of ce to apply for the VEGA-3 election equipment grant. As stated in the April 5th Board Meeting, the Minnesota Secretary of State’s of ce awarded Benton County with a VEGA-3 grant award of $37,180.38 for the purchase of Omni Ballot Tablets to replace the aging AutoMark assistive voting devices. As with previous VEGA grants, the county is required to provide 50% matching funds. This grant money must be used by the end of April or returned to the State. Assistive Voting Devices are required by both state and federal law to be at polling places for all federal and state elections as well as township elections in towns with more than 500 registered voters (currently 10 out of 12 towns). Inman added that they did not know this grant was coming, so this would have been dif cult to know what to budget for. Gapinski stated that he is in favor of using this grant, but we need to gure out where the other funds are coming from. There was a suggestion to have a conversation in the future with the cities and townships on cost sharing of the election equipment going forward. Motion by Popp and seconded by Gapinski to approve to use the VEGA-3 election equipment grant along with $59,500 of county funds to be taken out of the County’s reserves to purchase the new accessible voting equipment (Omni Ballot Tablets). Motion carried unanimously. The Regular County Board meeting was recessed at 10:15 AM to conduct a Human Services Board Meeting. The Regular Board meeting reconvened at 10:16 AM. Next, Headley requested the County Board to consider a resolution establishing an allocation plan for the County’s American Rescue Plan Act Funds but noted additional discussion will be needed before a nal, detailed plan can be adopted. Headley stated that Benton County will receive a grant totaling $7,942,209 from the federal government under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Headley reviewed obligations of ARPA funds that have already occurred, primarily for broadband purposes. Johnson suggested that after a meeting with broadband providers on April 26th, the County will have a better idea of how much we should allocate towards broadband. Headley added the proposals from broadband providers suggest a range of County contributions from $5 million up to $8 million. Popp stated he is not comfortable spending $5 million on broadband. There was a consensus among the County Board to set a Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss the allocation of the ARPA funds after the ndings of the broadband meeting on April 26th. Regular Board Meeting recessed at 10:26 AM to conduct a Ditch Authority Meeting. Regular Board Meeting reconvened at 11:33 AM. There were no additional comments by Commissioners under Comments by Commissioners (general comments by Board Members on Topics not requiring County Board action). Motion by Johnson and seconded by Gapinski to set the future Committee of the Whole (COW) Meetings: Thursday, April 28, 2022 discussion of ARPA Funds, Sauk Rapids Government Center, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 at approximately 9:00 AM or upon conclusion of the Benton Economic Partnership Quarterly Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johnson and seconded by Heinen to conduct two consecutive closed meetings of the County Board: 1) the rst under MN Statutes §13D.05, Subdivision 3, to develop or consider offers or counteroffers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property. Headley stated that before holding a closed meeting under this paragraph, the public body must identify on the record the particular real or personal property that is the subject of the closed meeting, which would be for parcels number 13.00302 and 13.00731 (known as the old High School property); 2) the second closed meeting of the County Board under MN Statutes §13D.05, Subdivision 3 (b), as permitted by the attorney- client privilege to discuss a legal dispute over a Human Services client’s residency with Carver County and the payment of placement costs. The proposed language was agreeable to the motion-maker and the second. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Popp and seconded by Johnson to adjourn the closed session at 12:15 PM. Motion carried unanimously. Steven J. Heinen, Chair Benton County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Montgomery Headley Benton County Administrator R-18-1B



THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has t occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: J a n u a r y 12, 2018 MORTGAGOR: t Andrew J Krupke and Brittany Krupke husband and wife as joint tenants. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Primelending, A Plainscapital Company, its successors and assigns. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded January 16, 2018 Benton County Recorder, Document No. 427348. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: RoundPoint Mortgage t Servicing Corporation. Dated January 17, 2020 Recorded January 23, 2020, f as Document No. 440937. And thereafter assigned to: Freedom Mortgage Corporation. Dated t October 20, 2020 Recorded November 2, 2020, as Document No. 447074. And thereafter assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association, not in its individual capacity but solely as trustee for RMTP Trust, Series 2021 Cottage-TT-V. Dated February 8, 2022 Recorded April 4, 2022, as Document No. 459744.

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE T R A N S A C T I O N requirements as required AGENT: Mortgage by statute; That no action Electronic Registration or proceeding has been Systems, Inc. instituted at law or otherwise T R A N S A C T I O N to recover the debt secured AGENT’S MORTGAGE by said mortgage, or any part I D E N T I F I C A T I O N thereof; NUMBER ON PURSUANT to the M O R T G A G E : power of sale contained in 100053601316306041 said mortgage, the above LENDER OR BROKER described property will be AND MORTGAGE sold by the Sheriff of said ORIGINATOR STATED county as follows: ON MORTGAGE: DATE AND TIME OF Primelending, A SALE: June 23, 2022 at Plainscapital Company 10:00 AM RESIDENTIAL PLACE OF SALE: MORTGAGE SERVICER: Benton County Sheriff’s Rushmore Loan Of ce, 581 Highway 23 Management Services LLC Northeast Foley, MN M O R T G A G E D to pay the debt then secured PROPERTY ADDRESS: by said Mortgage, and taxes, 1212 3rd St SW, Rice, MN if any, on said premises, and 56367 the costs and disbursements, TAX PARCEL I.D. #: including attorneys’ fees 150082700 allowed by law subject to L E G A L redemption within six (6) DESCRIPTION OF months from the date of said PROPERTY: sale by the mortgagor(s), LOT 10, BLOCK their personal representatives 2, FIELD OF DREAMS or assigns unless reduced to PLAT 2, IN THE CITY OF Five (5) weeks under MN RICE, BENTON COUNTY, Stat. §580.07. MINNESOTA COUNTY IN WHICH TIME AND DATE TO PROPERTY IS LOCATED: VACATE PROPERTY: If Benton the real estate is an ownerO R I G I N A L occupied, single-family PRINCIPAL AMOUNT dwelling, unless otherwise OF MORTGAGE: provided by law, the date $169,375.00 on or before which the AMOUNT DUE mortgagor(s) must vacate the AND CLAIMED TO BE property if the mortgage is DUE AS OF DATE OF not reinstated under section NOTICE, INCLUDING 580.30 or the property is TAXES, IF ANY, PAID not redeemed under section BY MORTGAGEE: 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on $174,212.36 December 23, 2022, unless That prior to the that date falls on a weekend commencement of this or legal holiday, in which mortgage foreclosure case it is the next weekday, proceeding Mortgagee/ and unless the redemption Assignee of Mortgagee period is reduced to 5 weeks complied with all notice under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07

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PROBATE NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF BENTON IN DISTRICT COURT SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROBATE DIVISION Court File No: 05-PR-22-746 ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION OF INTESTACY, DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE IN UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Re: Estate of Charles Edward Kalscheuer, Deceased. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS AND CREDITORS: It is Ordered and Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day of June, 2022, at 8:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in the above-named Court at 615 Highway 23, Foley, Minnesota, on petition of Chad E. Kalscheuer for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the above named decedent, and for the appointment of Chad E. Kalscheuer whose address is 630 Main Street, Clearwater, Minnesota 55320, as personal representative of the estate of the above named decedent in unsupervised administration, and that any objections thereto must be led with the Court. That, if proper, and no objections are led, a personal representa-

tive will be appointed to administer the estate, to collect all assets, pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, and sell real and personal property, and do all necessary acts for the estate. Notice is further given that ALL CREDITORS having claims against said estate are required to present the same to said personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this notice or said claims will be barred. Dated: April 28, 2022 /s/ Michael S. Jesse Judge Of District Court By /s/ Sue S., Deputy Court Administrator Timothy R. Reuter Attorney No. 0264684 KELM & REUTER, P.A. 1287 2nd Street North, Suite 101 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 (320)251-1423 kelmreuter@kelmreuter. com R-18-2B

Marks the spot where your ad could have been. Let’s Talk!


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Register now for Strategic Farming: Field Notes MORRIS – Registration is open for the Strategic Farming: Field Notes program. The Field Notes program is designed for farmers and agricultural professionals as a weekly webinar program addressing crop-related questions in real-time in an interactive, discussion-based format. The Field notes program will begin May 11 and will continue throughout the 2022 growing season on a weekly basis from 8-8:30 a.m. Wednesday mornings. The program will feature a live webinar with interac-

tive discussion with attendees, addressing in-season cropping issues as they arise. Weekly topics will be announced on the week of the program, maintaining the exibility to react to issues that come up in 2022. Topics will include soil fertility, agronomics, pest management, equipment and more. Speakers will include researchers and educators from the University of Minnesota and neighboring states in addition to crop consultants and farmers. Register for the live sessions at

gic-farming Live sessions will be held over Zoom, which can be accessed nearly anywhere via computer, phone or other mobile device. Can’t make the live session? No problem. The discussion-based series will be posted immediately following the webinar to podcast-streaming services to listen at your convenience. Subscribe to these sessions on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or Google podcasts.

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We have fly control additives, sprays, pour-ons, baits and more!

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Classic Clas Cl assiic Ri as Rib ib

If it’s time to cover your home, ome, barn, shed, utility building or any other project, metal panels are the durable and sustainable choice. Metal Sales Classic Rib and Pro-Panel II roof and wall panels are available in a wide selection of ENERGY STAR® listed colors and standard trims.

Pro-Panel II

A 45 year finish warranty makes Classic Rib and Pro-Panel II Panels a durable and economical option for just about any metal roof or wall project.

ATV’s, side-by-sides, chainsaws and more!

LASTRUP, MN 320-468-2543

PIERZ, MN 320-468-2168 BUCKMAN, MN 320-468-6433



LITTLE ROCK, MN 320-584-5147

240 Main Street, Foley, MN 56329 320-968-6291 •



Stop at Midsota Trailer Sales! Come get a trailer that YOU need!

A Quality Team Selling Quality Equipment


Enclosed Trailers


Holly Bloch (from left), Chad Zirbes and Justin Gertken are pictured Oct. 11 at Midsota Trailer Sales and Service in Avon, where they are proud to be a one-stop shop for their customers.

320-356-2412 • • 404 County Road 50 • Avon, Minnesota 56310 • South Side of I-94 BA5-1stIEM-tfnB-TV

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