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Fence posts on Boot Hill

Blairs keepers of roadside novelty

PHOTO BY DIANE LEUKAM (Above) Boots are silhouetted against a cornfi eld backdrop Sept. 20 on Boot Hill north of Glenwood. (Left) A boot shines in the late summer sun.


GLENWOOD – Just north of Glenwood on Minnesota Highway 29, regular travelers will be met with a familiar sight. For at least a quarter mile, dozens of fence posts are topped with boots. At the top of the hill is an American fl ag. Not-so-regular travelers might wonder at the story behind it all. For the property owners, Ted and Suzanne Blair, it’s simply called Boot Hill. For the Blairs, the entire scene developed naturally from their love of horses. With a rich family history to build on, their own four children grew up riding ponies and horses. As they outgrew their boots, Mom and Dad decided to memorialize their well-worn footwear by placing them on fenceposts along the highway. “It started out we put our own boots on the posts and people started adding to it,” Ted said. “I’ve put in more posts and they just keep adding.” People will often leave boots near the fl ag pole, and the Blairs put them up. Some are dropped off at Blairview Saddle Shop in Alexandria, a western store owned by Ted’s brother, John.

Boot Hill page 6

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Primarily, the fence posts sport cowboy boots and military boots, especially from Korean and Vietnam veterans. And, there are work boots. Other types of footwear are not displayed and, if left, the Blairs just dispose of them. “If they put up tennis shoes or rubber boots, we take them down,” Suzanne said. “It’s mainly military and western people that really love horses and that have served.” The Blairs know very few of the donors. Still, they have many stories to tell. One of their favorites is the story of the fl ag. “Two ladies that were in the military in Kuwait, they sent us a fl ag,” Ted said. “They fl y an American Flag one day and they get rid of it, and they sent it to us.” They had hopes it would be fl own on Boot Hill. “They were from the Air Force, and they sent it with a letter asking us to fl y it,” Suzanne said. Some of the veterans’ boots, especially, are marked. Next to the fl ag are cowboy boots with information carved into the soles telling their wearer’s story: Glen W. Shannon, Korean War 1952-54. Born 5-11-31, Died 2-11-2017. Another story is particularly dear to the Blairs’ hearts. A woman called to ask if they would display her father’s boots. He had cancer and every time she would drive him to Alexandria for treatments, they would drive by and he said he would love to have his boots displayed there. “We said we’d be more than happy to,” Suzanne said. “She embroidered some dishtowels for me [as an appreciation gift].” Those boots are old now, and not in very good shape, just like most of their counterparts. Unfortunately, the couple has several stories of mischief that surround Boot Hill, but they have chosen to look at the bright side. With a twinkle in their eyes, they explained the boots are cool on the outside but, inside, they are a sanctuary for fi eld mice. Ted had always told Suzanne there were mice in the toes of the boots, and they have “nice little homes” in them. “I didn’t believe it, so one day he took me out there and he took a boot off and threw it on the ground and did I run,” she said. “They all live in those nice little homes; they stuff stuff in there and it’s nice and warm and that’s where they live for the winter. Whoever took fi ve pairs one time, wherever they put ‘em in their car, they had a surprise.” Laughter – and mischief – aside, the couple is still willing to put more posts into the ground for more boots. “We have 10 more pairs to put out now, but we don’t have any posts left,” Suzanne said.

PHOTOS BY DIANE LEUKAM Ted and Suzanne Blair are the proprietors of Boot Hill near Glenwood, where a quarter mile of roadside is lined with western, military and work boots.

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