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Make and they’re here, (it) is a really good sign that they’re just open to people working with them.”
Michelizzi said lead mares can be good therapy horses. A good lead mare makes sure all the horses in the herd get a chance to eat, starting with the weakest and smallest.
“There is something about a lead mare that makes them instinctively aware of vulnerability,” she said.
Currently, RideAbility has about 50 volunteers. Michelizzi is in charge of doing the extensive volunteer coordination and management in addition to all of the program and onfarm tasks she and her husband do. With the workload, she is looking for a volunteer coordinator for the program.
“We don’t have a program without great volunteers,” Michelizzi said.
Oliver 1850, Gas, Cab, Fenders, WF, 3pt, 2 Hyd.; Oliver 880, Gas, WF, 3pt, PTO; Oliver 880, Diesel, WF, 3pt, PTO; Oliver 60, NF, Gas, PTO; Oliver 80, WF, Gas, Fenders; Oliver Super 77, WF, Gas w/NI Loader; Oliver 88, Gas, NF, w/Paulson Loader; Oliver 88, Diesel, NF; Oliver 1800, Gas, WF, Cab, Fenders, 3pt, PTO; Oliver Crawler OC-6; Oliver 1650, Gas, WF, Cab, Fenders, 3pt, PTO; Oliver Crawler OC-46 w/Oliver Loader, Forks & Bucket Cletrac BH Crawler Tractor, Gas, PTO; Oliver 66, Gas, NF, Fenders, PTO; Oliver 60, NF, Gas, PTO; Oliver 1955, Diesel, WF, Cab, Fenders, 3pt, PTO, 2 Hyds.; Oliver 88, WF, Gas, PTO; Oliver OC-6 Crawler Tractor; Oliver 77 Row Crop, WF, Gas, PTO, 1 Hyd.; Oliver 70 Standard, Gas, Fenders; Oliver 70, NF, Gas, (Parts); Oliver 60, NF, Gas; Oliver 70 Standard, WF, Gas, Fenders; Oliver Industrial Roller; Oliver 70, NF, Gas, Fenders, PTO; Tuff-Built Tractor, Gas, WF (Vegetable Farm Tractor), 3pt; HMDE Tractor w/Ward Motor; John Deere B, NF, Gas, PTO; John Deere B (parts); IH Cub, Gas, WF, w/Belly Blade
MACHINERY: Oliver Superior Grain Drill on Steel, Double Disc
Openers, Grass Seed, Manual; Oliver 2 Bottom Pull-Type Plow; Oliver #3 Corn Picker, 2 Row Wide Head; Oliver 3 Bottom Plow, Pull-Type; Oliver 566 Semi Mounted Plow, 5 Bottom; Several Oliver Parts; Weights; Pulleys; Hoods; Panels; Steel Wheels & More
CONSTRUCTION: Oliver Industrial Backhoe, Loader, Gas, w/Sherman Power Digger Backhoe Attachment; Oliver Forklift, Gas, w/3
Stage Mast; Oliver 550 Industrial Sweeper – From Mitchel County
IA Hwy Dept. LAWN & GARDEN: John Deere 110 Lawnmower w/ Blade; Cub Cadet #70 Lawnmower w/Loader; Cub Cadet 124 Lawnmower w/Snowblower &