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City of Sauk Rapids Reg. Minutes, April 11
REGULAR MEETING SAUK RAPIDS CITY COUNCIL SAUK RAPIDS GOVERNMENT CENTER, 250 Summit Ave N. Monday, April 11, 2022 6:00PM MINUTES 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Kurt Hunstiger called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All members present. 2. Additions or Changes to the Agenda Ross Olson requested to add Approving the Closing of the PIR Fund as agenda item 9-N and Approve American Rescue Plan-Local Fiscal Recovery Funds as agenda item 9-O. 3. Approve the Agenda Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Approve Minutes A. 3-28-2022 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Sauer to approve the 3-28-2022 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously with Councilpersons Ellering and Seamans abstaining from the vote. 5. Receive and File NONE 6. Mayor’s Communications • 114th Anniversary for Sauk Rapids Fire Department— Mayor Hunstiger congratulated the Sauk Rapids Fire Department on its 114th year anniversary this month. Mayor Hunstiger thanked all of the past and present re ghters for their service to the community. 7. Audience Items/Visitors Total Time Limit 2 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda Tom Haaf, 2730 15th Street NE, discussed his ongoing concerns with open enrollment at Sauk Rapids-Rice School District. Haaf stated that he did not agree with the City of Sauk Rapids collaborating with Sauk Rapids-Rice School District. Mayor Hunstiger reminded Haaf that the City Council does not make decisions for the Sauk Rapids-Rice School Board. 8. Public Hearings NONE 9. Consent Agenda A. Approve Purchase of Radar Speed Feedback Sign B. Approve and Authorize Amusement Permit for Rapids River Food Fest C. Approve and Adopt Resolution Approving Temporary OnSale Liquor License for the June 25, 2022 Rapids River Food Fest Event D. Approve the Resolution Dissolving the St. Cloud Area Joint Planning District E. Approve 2021 Fund Transfers F. Approve Site Plan for Rice Building System at 1019 Benton Drive G. Approve Contract with Benton County for Assessment Services H. Approve Resolution Calling for Sale of 2022A Bonds I. Approve Authorizing SEH to Prepare Plans and Speci cations for the 2022 Water Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project J. Approve Purchase of Park Vehicle for New Park/Building Maintenance Position K. Approve Awarding the 2022 Second Avenue North Improvements Project L. Approve Awarding the 2022 Southside Parking Lot Improvements M. Approve 2022 Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor Licenses N. Approving the Closing of the PIR Fund O. Approve American Rescue Plan-Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Motion: Moved by Councilperson Seamans and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve consent agenda item 9A9O. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Regular Agenda A. Gate City Bank Housing Rehab Program Presentation Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the City of Sauk Rapids partnering with Gate City Bank for the Home Improvement Program. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Other Staff Items A. Summer Music Concert Series Ross Olson stated that planning is well underway for this year’s Riverside Nights, which has also been referred to as Rock the Riverside. Olson noted that the bands have all been lined up as well as sponsors. The music starts the rst Thursday in June and runs through the rst Thursday in September. B. Sauk Rapids Government Center Community Room Update Ross Olson advised the Council that up to this point, the city has not been taking reservations for the Community Room at the Government Center. He said that the reason for this was primarily because Benton County had been using the Community Room as a COVID-19 vaccination site. Olson said that because the County has been using the room less and less, he wanted to gauge the Council’s opinion on re-opening the room up for rentals. The City Council agreed by consensus to re-open the community room up for rentals. C. Community Development Update, Todd Schultz Todd Schultz provided an update on the ongoings of the Community Development Department. 12. Other Council Items and Communications NONE 13. Approve List of Bills and Claims Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to approve the List of Bills and Claims. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Adjournment Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Hunstiger adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m. R-17-1B
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES District Of ce Board Room 7:00 a.m. A special meeting of the Sauk Rapids-Rice ISD 47 Board of Education was called to order on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. in the District Of ce Board Room. ROLL CALL Members present included Braun, Butkowski, Hauck, Holthaus and Loidolt. Others present were Superintendent Bergstrom, SRRHS Principal Nohner, SRRHS Assistant Principal Logrono, and SRRHS Assistant Principal Wagner. ESTABLISHMENT OF A QUORUM Chair Butkowski asked Vice Chair Braun to af rm there was a quorum in attendance. Vice Chair Braun af rmed there was a quorum. AGENDA APPROVAL A motion was made by Loidolt, seconded by Braun and was unanimously carried, by a margin of ve, to approve the Special Board Meeting Agenda as written. ACTION CLOSED SESSION A motion was made by Butkowski, seconded by Braun and unanimously carried to move to a Closed Session to review educational data and to consider the proposed expulsion of a student, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 13D.05 and 121A.47. Board members moved to a Closed Session at 7:04 a.m. ADOPTION OF EXPULSION RESOLUTION The motion for the adoption of this Resolution was made by Butkowski was duly seconded by Braun and on a roll call vote the following voted in favor of the Resolution: Hauck, Holthaus, Loidolt, Braun, Butkowski And the following voted against this Resolution: None Based upon the vote, this resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT With no further topics appearing before the Board, a motion was made by Holthaus, seconded by Hauck and was unanimously carried by a margin of ve to adjourn the Special Board meeting at 7:32 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Tracy Morse, Board of Education Clerk Sauk Rapids-Rice ISD 47 R-17-1B
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