12 minute read
2022-23 HOCKEY
The 2022-23 Sauk Rapids-Rice boys hockey team consists of Hayden Brown (front, from left), Ethan Euteneuer, John Claypool, Nolan Thell, Teagan Dodge, Keegan Patterson, Luke Pakkala, Ben Kulus, Carter Peplinski and Zander Parker; (second row, from left) Will Gunderson, Mason Campbell, Evan Trompeter, Carter Baklund, Kade Gibbons, Hudson Heinen, Eli Sjogren, Trace Nelson, Vince Murn, Jett Wheeler and Alex Ostendorf; (third row, from left) Gunnar Jacobson, Michael Fuecker, Colin Gruber, Gavin Allen-Markgraf, Hunter Behling, Blake Halter, Coltin Eich, Ryan Beehler, Jackson Dhein, Nick Anderson, Jameson Schultz and Alex Johnson; (back, from left) manager Josiah Rodriguez, manager Jeff Solorz, assistant coach Jerry DeGagne, assistant coach Dean Marlin, Jonah Thell, head coach Brady DeGagne, Jake Henkemeyer, assistant coach Cory Portner, assistant coach John Schultz, manager Julia Voigt, manager Emma Kottom and manager Ella Mrozek. Not pictured are assistant coach Evan Cochran, Treyton Morford and Reed Omvig.
The 2022-23 Sauk Rapids-Rice/Sartell girls hockey team consists of Brayley VanDenBerg (front, from left), Taylor Johnson, Hailey Kubinski, Megan Hess, Morgan Dorn, Jalyssa VanDenBerg, Ella Wilson, Shelby Omvig and Ellie Yozamp; (second row, from left) Lauren VanVickle, Jayden Felchle, Anna Lundeen, Emily VanVickle, Tia Vogt, Suma Jacobson, Alyssa Valdez, Mishaya Stonebarger, Avery Kane, Cienna Clark and Brittney Wannarka; (third row, from left) assistant coach Megan Mohr, head coach Marty Anderson, Faith Torborg Sella Grams, Kenzie Kahre, Halle Counter, Peyton Sabart, Ella Berger, assistant coach Bre Hess, assistant coach Scott Anderson and assistant coach Nathan Schultz; (back, from left) Brooke Pogatchnik, Annie Funk, Olivia Schlecht, Kaitlyn Lindberg, Brooke Andruschak, Hannah Markgraf, Liz Krueger and Grace Carlson.
Regular Meeting
Monday, February 13, 2023
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Kurt Hunstiger called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All members present.
2. Additions or Changes to the Agenda Ross Olson requested to add Eagle Scout Project as agenda item 10-A.
3. Approve the Agenda
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Approve Minutes
A. 1-23-2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Seamans to approve the 1-23-2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Receive and File
6. Mayor’s Communications
7. Audience Items/Visitors Total Time Limit 2 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda
A. Applicant Chad Carlson
Purpose To Consider a Planned Unit Development Amendment for Windsor Estates That Would Allow for An Alternative Plat Layout Than Allowed in Sauk Rapids’ Subdivision Ordinance
1. Open Public Hearing
Todd Schultz advised the City Council that the request that they are being asked to consider tonight is to complete the 2nd phase of the development known as Windsor Estates. Schultz explained that the rst phase of the development was originally platted in 2006. The original plat had 24 single family lots. He stated that the second phase had 20 additional
Notice of Election – Annual meeting
Sauk Rapids Township Benton County, Minnesota
The citizens of the Township of Sauk Rapids in the County of Benton and the State of Minnesota, who are quali ed to vote at General Elections, are hereby noti ed that the Annual Election of Town Of cers and Annual Meeting will be held at the Sauk Rapids Town Hall on Tuesday, March 14th 2023. Polls will be open from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Of ces to be lled at this Election are as follows:
One supervisor-(3-year term)
One Clerk- (2-year term)
The Annual Meeting will be held at 8:05p.m. Business to be conducted is Revenue Sharing Funds for the Township, and Storm water runoff policy question and answer session.
The bad weather alternate date for Election and Annual Meeting is March 21st, 2023.
Absentee Ballots will be available to those who will be absent from the precinct on Election Day by contacting the Clerk at 320-250-7413, Between February 10th 2023 thru March 13th 2023 or during the Absentee voting hours of 10:00 am until 12:00 pm on March 11th 2023 at the Sauk Rapids Town Of ce at 4074 5th Ave NE, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Given under my hand this 28th, day of February, 2023 single-family lots. Schultz said that the nal plat has been modi ed by adding four more lots. The original plat had several non-conforming lots on the north end. Schultz explained that this plat modi es that by making the remaining north end lots conforming but then making two lots on the westerly culde-sac non-conforming based on their size.
Karl Schmidt, 1086 29th Street NE, questioned the smaller lots and the proposed addition of four more lots. He asked about doing three extra lots and if that would eliminate the issue of non-conforming lots. Schmidt expressed concerns with the additional traf c. He stated that he did not understand the need for non-conforming lots, if the need for them could be resolved by eliminating one lot.
Schultz explained that the non-conforming lots were already approved on the original plat, but the non-conforming lots are just being shifted with the proposed plan.
2. Close Public Hearing
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Sauer to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consider Action
Schultz stated that it is important to note that this development is occurring due to a partnership with Benton County. The County is providing some of their American Rescue Act dollars to help make this project economically feasible for the developer. Schultz noted that the City is matching those dollars by reducing fees for the project. He stated that adding these 24 new lots will be a good thing for people looking to build in the community.
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the amendments to the Plat as proposed on the condition that a new Planned Unit Development Agreement and Developers Agreement be executed between the City and the Developer. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Consent Agenda
A. Approve and Authorize Amusement Permit for Sauk Rapids Farmers Market at Coborn’s
B. Approve Attendance of the Building Of cial/Fire Marshal to Annual Fire Investigation Conference
C. Approve Purchase of Lawn Mower for Replacement of Unit Number 355
D. Approve Purchase of Ventrac Tractor with Leaf Vacuum System
Monday, January 23, 2023
A semi-monthly meeting of the Sauk Rapids-Rice ISD 47 Board of Education was called to order by Chair Butkowski Monday, January 23, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the District Of ce Boardroom.
Members present included Butkowski, Hauck, Holthaus, Johnson, Loidolt, Morse, and Solarz. Others present were Superintendent Bergstrom, Director of Teaching and Learning Bushman, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Schoenherr, Director of Business Services Fiereck, Director of Technology Zimpel, PV Principal Froiland, MHES Principal Peterson, SRRHS Interim Principal Logrono, SRRMS Principal Arndt, SRRMS Assistant Principal Johnson, District Accountant Bentley, and SRRHS Student Council Representatives Buchanan and Lo.
Chair Butkowski asked Clerk Loidolt to af rm there was a quorum in attendance. Clerk Loidolt af rmed there was a quorum.
A motion was made by Holthaus, seconded by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve the meeting’s “Agenda” as amended.
E. Approve Boards and Commissions for 2023
F. Approve Letter of Support for Benton County Transportation Planning RAISE Grant
G. Approve Awarding the 2023 Division Street Improvements Project
H. Approve 2023 Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor Licenses
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to approve consent agenda item 9A-9H. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Regular Agenda
A. Eagle Scout Park Proposal
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Seamans to approve the Eagle Scout project down at the Clearing with the exact location to be determined. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Other Staff Items NONE
12. Other Council Items and Communications
A. Area Planning Organization (APO) Update
Councilperson Seamans stated that she attended an Area Planning Organization (APO) meeting last Thursday. She spoke about carbon reduction funding and there being a new pot of money in which to purchase and set-up EV chargers. Councilperson Seamans questioned if the City of Sauk Rapids would be interested in owning EV chargers or if this is something that the EDA would consider owning. Councilperson Seamans said that the money is available right now for carbon reduction funding and so far, nobody else is applying for these funds.
The City Council agreed by consensus to direct the EDA to look further into EV charging stations and carbon reduction funds available through the APO.
13. Approve List of Bills and Claims
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Seamans to approve the List of Bills and Claims. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Adjournment
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Hunstiger adjourned the meeting at 6:29 PM R-9-1B imously carried to adopt the Donation Resolution. The Minnesota School Board Association recommends the Donation Resolution be adopted in the Action area of the agenda.
Addendum Action
A motion was made by Hauck, seconded by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve two additional student support positions for 6.5 hours daily for the remainder of the 2022 – 2023 school year. The staf ng request is to provide additional supervision in the locker rooms, bathrooms and hallways at the high school, which aligns with the District’s Strategic Commitment; Commitment to Student & Staff Wellbeing. The additional positions are included in the 2022 – 2023 Revised Budget.
A motion was made by Holthaus, seconded by Solarz and unanimously carried to approve the addition of an Assistant Principal position at Pleasantview Elementary beginning the 2023 – 2024 school year. The additional administrative position aligns with the District’s Strategic Commitments Culture of High Quality & Effective Instruction and Commitment to Student & Staff Wellbeing.
Clerk Sauk Rapids Township
Published in the March 4 and 11 Sauk Rapids Herald. R-9-2B
A motion was made by Morse, seconded by Hauck and unanimously carried to approve the meeting’s “Consent Agenda”.
There was no Public Input at 6:54 p.m.
A motion was made by Holthaus, seconded by Solarz and unanimously carried to approve the 2022 – 2023 Revised Budget.
A motion was made by Solarz, seconded by Loidolt and unanimously carried to approve the Pay Equity Report, which must be approved and submitted to the Minnesota Department of Employee Relations. Pay Equity Law guidelines require the district to test compliance with this law every three years. The district meets the Pay Equity compliance standards by reporting on or before January 31, 2023.
A motion was made by Holthaus, seconded by Hauck and unanimously carried to approve the following additional middle school activities staf ng based on student participation; one track and eld coach, one 7th – 8th grade baseball coach, and one 6th – 8th grade wrestling coach. The additional activities staf ng positions are included in the 2022 – 2023 Revised Budget. The staf ng requests align with the District’s Strategic Commitments; Equitable Education and Culture of High Quality & Effective Instruction.
A motion was made by Solarz, seconded by Morse and unan-
At. 8:18 p.m. the Board of Education and Superintendent moved into Closed Session, which took place in the District Of ce Curriculum Center. The meeting was closed as permitted by Minnesota Statues, Chapter 13D.01, Subd. 2 to discuss the evaluation of Superintendent Bergstrom who is under the Board of Education’s authority and in accordance with school district policy and Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13D.01, Subd. 2. The Closed Session was recorded as required by Minnesota Open Meeting Law.
A role call attendance was recorded. The following Board members were in attendance at the Closed Session: Hauck, Johnson, Loidolt, Morse, Holthaus, Solarz, and Butkowski
A motion was made by Johnson seconded by Hauck and unanimously carried to adjourn the Closed Session at 8:41 p.m. The Board of Education moved to the District Of ce Boardroom and resumed the regularly scheduled Board meeting.
With no further business appearing before the Board, a motion was made by Loidolt, seconded by Holthaus and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Loidolt, Board of Education Clerk
Sauk Rapids-Rice ISD 47 R-9-1B
Lumberjacks from page 15
“Matt’s an age-out kid, and those are the guys you’re relying on this time of year in the tough moments,” Vold said. “He’s got the ability to break a game open at any moment.”
Christian Carto, Zak Kennett, Luke Delzer and Parker Comstock picked up points, while goaltender Ryan Lehet came away with 28 saves and a .933 save percentage.
The Lumberjacks started its nal weekend of the regular season with a road test against the Alexandria Blizzard March 3 and will visit Breezy Point Hockey Center in Breezy Point to battle the Minnesota Loons at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 4.
GCL 0 1 2-3
MCT 1 1 0-2
Second period: 2. Mitchell (Carto) 0:41. Third period: 4. Delany (Kennett) 8:25; 5. Delany (Delzer, Comstock) 13:20. Goalie: Lehet 28 saves of 30 shots on goal.
Mason City 6, Granite City 3
A 3-2 lead disappeared in a matter of moments for the Lumberjacks, as the Toros lit the goal lamp four times in the nal eight minutes to steal a 6-3 victory Feb. 24 at Mason City Arena.
The Toros jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the rst period, but Granite City ever-so-slightly chipped away at the de cit. Ashton Ericksen and Finnigan Greeley red home goals in the second period to tie the game before Delzer’s man-advantage score at 6:46 in the third period gave the Lumberjacks its rst lead.
Unfortunately, two of Mason City captain Cullen Hogan’s shots whistled past Granite City goalie Paul Cassin in the next 10 minutes as the Toros ran away with the win.
Carson Van Zuilen assisted on the Lumberjacks’ nal goal, grabbing his 50th career point in the process.
GCL 0 2 1-3
MCT 2 0 4-6
Second period: 3. Ericksen (Kennett, Tucker Skime) 2:17;
4. Greeley (Brett Robinson, Skime) 13:38. Third period: 5. Delzer (Van Zuilen, Carto) 6:46. Goalie: Cassin 28 of 33.
Swim & dive from page 15
In the rst event after celebrating Zabinski’s diving title, Broman claimed another state meet spot with a second-place nish in the 100 butter y, setting up a Lucas third-place in the 500 freestyle. Evan Scapanski placed third in the 100 breaststroke to advance, and the 200 freestyle relay team of Blodgett, Evan Scapanski, Zabinski and Walz earned a silver medal.
The Storm 400 freestyle relay of Walz, Lucas, Broman and Blodgett concluded the meet by grabbing third place to advance.
“Overall, the boys had a great meet with some huge personal-best times,” Tangen said. “We have a couple athletes that are still mid-taper and will have a little more to show at state, so it’ll be interesting to see how we end up at the state meet.”
Team scores: 1. Hutchinson 406 points, 2. Monticello 400.5, 3. SRR 348, 4. Montevideo 213, 5. Apollo 191.5, 6. Willmar 187, 7. Princeton 175 and 8. Dassel-Cokato/ Litchfield 151.
SRR results: 200 MR: 2. Broman, Evan Scapanski, Zabinski and Lucas 1:40.72.* 200 FS: 2. Zabinski 1:49.13* and 6. Evan Scapanski 1:55.82. 200 IM: 1. Walz 1:59.31* and 4. Lucas 2:09.75. 50 FS: 2. Blodgett 22.03.* 1M diving: 1. Zabinski 401.75 points* and 8. Chuck Peterson 230.85. 100 FLY: 2. Broman 54.87.* 100 FS: 1. Blodgett 48.43.* 500 FS: 1. Walz 4:50.45,* 3. Lucas 5:05.08, 11. Jack Merritt 5:35.4 and 13. Andrew Scapanski 5:38.64. 200 FSR: 2. Blodgett, Evan Scapanski, Zabinski and Walz 1:32.22.* 100 BK: 1. Broman 55.0* and 8. Peterson 1:03.5. 100 BR: 3. Evan Scapanski 1:02.02,* 14. Butkowski 1:11.48 and 15. Benaiah Hinz 1:12.74. 400 FSR: 3. Walz, Lucas, Broman and Blodgett 3:20.72.* *State meet qualifiers
Mia Rogholt
Parents: Chris and Rebecca Rogholt
Accomplishment: Senior on the Sauk RapidsRice High School girls basketball team
What do you enjoy most about being on the basketball team? Creating memories with my friends.
What has been the highlight of your basketball career? This season because of how much we have improved since last year.
What other activities are you involved in at school or in the community? Storm Buddies. We help teach little kids basketball. and Jack Merritt share a lighter moment prior to the start of the Section 3A championships Feb. 25 at Willmar High School. The Storm had a representative advance to the state meet in every event.
What life lesson has being involved in activities taught you? Teamwork and how to work with each other to complete a common goal.
What SRR teacher has made an impact on your life? Mrs. Lefebvre. She was always so positive, and it brightened up a room.
Sophomore Evan Scapanski swims the breaststroke leg of the 200-yard medley relay Section 3A championships Feb. 25 at Willmar High School. The Storm team of Garret Broman, Scapanski, Hayden Zabinski and Alex Lucas placed second to advance to the state meet.
(Left) Junior Hayden Zabinski celebrates his first-place finish on the awards podium after winning the diving competition Section 3A championships Feb. 25 at Willmar High School. He helped the Storm place third in team points at the meet.
What do you do to show your Storm pride? I go to other sporting events and activities.
What board or yard game is your favorite to play with friends and family? Phase 10 because I always have a blast playing with my grandparents and cousins.
What is your dream job? A child therapist.
If you could travel anywhere for free, where would you book tickets to? If I could travel anywhere, I would travel to Iceland because I have always wanted to go there for the views, hiking and to see the northern lights.