31 minute read
Gymnasts scoring with the best
The Albany boys cross-country team fi nished fi fth among 12 teams Sept. 10 at the Monticello Invitational at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park in Monticello.
Carter Schwalbe led the Huskies with a 12th-place fi nish, running the course in 17 minutes, 56.10 seconds. Also competing for Albany were Keegan Eibensteiner, 24th, 18:45.10; Mason Plumski, 37th, 19:19.20; Ray VanHeel, 41st, 19:31.20; and Gavin Crumley, 49th, 19:46.90.
Becker led the boys with 44 points. Albany had 149.
The Albany girls team also competed but did not fi eld a full team to fi gure into the team scores. Jazmin Pullins fi nished 47th with a time of 24:02.20, followed by Bella Schiffl er, 49th, 24.06.40; Raelynn Hennen, 52nd, 24:35.10; and Sydney Dingmann, 62nd, 25:41.10.
Lady Dutchmen soccer falls twice
Six was an unlucky number for the Melrose Area girls soccer team last week, as the team fell 6-1 Sept. 8 at Little Falls High School in Little Falls. Goalie Audrey Peifer had 19 saves.
The Lady Dutchmen’s goal came in the second half, as Nora Schwieters booted the ball past the goalie. Cathedral 6, Melrose 0
The Lady Dutchmen fell 6-0 to Cathedral Sept. 6 at Cathedral High School in St. Cloud.
Melrose had six shots on goal by Schwieters. None found the back of the net.
Peif er was kept busy by Cathedral attacks. She fi nished with 26 saves.
Lady Dutchmen tennis tops SJP
The Melrose Area girls tennis team won six of seven matches over St. John’s Prep Sept. 12 at Melrose Area High School in Melrose.
Five of the wins were in two sets. Jamie Klasen and Jessica Pohlmann, at fi rst doubles, did not lose a set. Alexis Baumann, at second singles; and Macy Davis and Abigail Welle, at third doubles, lost just two sets. Melrose Area 6, SJP 1
Singles: No. 1. Emily Rieland won 3-6, 6-1, 10-5. No. 2. Baumann won 6-0, 6-2. No. 3. Gretta Hellermann won 6-1, 6-2. No. 4. Jenna Butkowski lost 4-6, 4-6. Doubles: No. 1 Klasen-Pohlman won 6-0, 6-0; No. 2. Madison Baysinger-Anessa Redepenning won 6-1, 6-4. No. 3. Davis-Welle won 6-1, 6-1.
By: Dr. Rick Optometrist
The global population is aging, and so are their eyes. In fact the number of people with vision impairment and blindness is expected to more than double over the next 30 years. A meta-analysis, consisting of 48,000 people from 17 studies, found that those with more severe vision impairment had a higher risk of allcause mortality compared to those that had normal vision or mild vision impairment. According to the data, the risk of mortality is 29% higher for participants with mild vision impairment, compared to normal vision. The risk increases to 89% among those with severe vision impairment. Importantly, four of fi ve cases of vision impairment can be prevented or corrected. Globally, the leading causes of vision loss and blindness are both avoidable: cataract and unmet need for glasses. The study’s lead author, Joshua Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H., sought to better understand the association between visual disabilities and all-cause mortality. The work complements some of Ehrlich’s recent research, published in The Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health, that highlighted the impact of latelife vision impairment on health and well-being, including its infl uence on dementia, depression, and loss of independence. “It’s important these issues are addressed early on because losing your vision aff ects more than just how you see the world; it aff ects your experience of the world and your life,” says Ehrlich. “This analysis provides an important opportunity to promote not only health and well-being, but also longevity by correcting, rehabilitating and preventing avoidable vision loss across the globe.” Albany
EYE CLINIC 471 Railroad Ave., Albany, MN
203 E. Main St., Suite B, Melrose, MN 256-4000 P37 -1B-TV
Melrose Area 5, Montevideo 2
Melrose won their matches Sept. 8 against Montevideo in Melrose.
Klasen-Pohlmann, playing at fi rst singles, started strong winning 6-4 in the fi rst set, then losing by the same score in the second. They took control of the deciding set with a 6-2 win.
As they rallied, the No. 2 doubles unit of Madison Baysinger and Anessa Redepenning were engaged in a threeset contest. They recovered from a 7-6 (7-3) loss in the fi rst set for 6-1, 6-2 wins.
The third doubles team Davis-Welle won in two sets, though they had to work for it. They took the fi rst set 6-3, then held off Montevideo for a 6-4 win.
Those were similar scores to Hellerman’s No. 3 singles win. She won her fi rst set 6-4, then posted a 6-3 win to claim that match. “My back hand worked good today,” said Hellermann. “I’ve got a good backhand shot.” The closest Melrose came to an easy win was at No. 4 singles. Butkowski posted a 6-1 fi rst set win. The second, however was tighter but she held on for 6-4 win. Even the Melrose losses were close. At No. 1 singles Rieland fell in close matches losing 7-6 (7-6) in the fi rst set, winning the second and 6-2 and falling 6-4 in the fi nal set. Bauman was bested 6-4, 6-3 at No. 2 singles. ALBANY BOWLING CENTER
Monday Afternoon Ladies League • Sept. 6 Team standings
K&S Pharmacy 8-0 Mark’s Real People 6-10 CWI 6-10 Teal’s Liquor 6-10
Team high series
K&S Pharmacy 1465 Mark’s Real People 1380 CWI 1336 Teal’s Liquor 1108
Team high game
K&S Pharmacy 501 Mark’s Real People 484 CWI 463 Teal’s Liquor 409
Individual high series
Karen Brendal 445 Elaine Wedel 393 Sharon Timp 387
Individual high game
Jean Warner 167 Karen Brendal 161 Jan Theisen 161 Loretta Panek 147
Max Goebel 1-2-6-10
Aug. 29 Team high series
K&S Pharmacy 1360 CWI 1211 Mark’s Real People 1195 Teal’s Liquor 1086
Team high game
Mark’s Real People 486 K&S Pharmacy 467 CWI 414 Teal’s Liquor 397
Individual high series
Max Goebel 400 Jean Warner 379 Karen Brendal 369
Individual high game
Max Goebel 156 Jean Warner 153 Marie Schleppenbach 145
Races close as Lady Dutchmen defeat Huskies
The Melrose Area girls swimming and diving team showed from the start it was the team to defeat Sept. 10 at the Bemidji Invitational in Bemidji.
Five Lady Dutchmen relays earned points in the 200-yard medley relay. The top 16 fi nishers earned points for the team score. Led by Makayla Zirbes, Hallie Drossel, Paige Gruber and Brooke Ruoff, Melrose fi nished 1-5-7-12 and 14 in the initial event. From that point on, they dominated the meet, taking fi rst place with 762 points in the fi ve school meet.
Melrose placed swimmers in the top four throughout the meet, with high fi nishes in the 100 butterfl y and 100 backstroke races.
Three Lady Dutchmen: Gruber, Georgia Anderson and Drossel were among the top point earners. Drossel set the Bemidji pool record in the breaststroke at 1 minute, 6.95 seconds.
Drossel had the only Lady Dutchmen fi rsts, but diver Theresia Nathe came close. She missed gold by .15 points. 200MR: 1. Zirbes, Drossel, Gruber and Ruoff 1:57.42; 5. Anderson, Madisyn Von Wahlde, Ava Wensmann and Lauren Reed 2:10.22; 7. Ava Smith, Ella Erdmann, Victoria LaForge and Aubrey Braegelmann 2:23.91; 12. Anika Berscheit, Ella Klaphake, Freja Enright and Annabelle Lester 2:34.66; and 14. Grace Hinnenkamp, Jaelyn Mayer, Autumn Austing and Annika Frieler 2:49.91. 200FS: 4. Jaiden Smith 2:12.66, 7. Maggie Frieler 2:20.69, 11. Leah Seanger 2:22.71 and 16. Chloe Viere 2:32.53. 200IM: 1. Drossel 2:22.01, 5. Wensmann 2:39.62, 8. Maddie Kraemer 2:46.93, 10. LaForge 2:55.79 and 11. Klaphake 3:04.31. 50FS: 2. Gruber 27.34, 6. Reed 29.29, 12. Von Wahlde 30.50, 14. Braegelmann 31.33, 15. Nicole Rademacher 31.64 and 16. Autumn Austing 32.91. 1M Diving: 2. Theresia Nathe 325.45 points, 5. Elli Dockendorf 276.90, 7. Rylee Feldewerd 247 and 8. Bella Kuechle 245.50. 100FLY: 2. Anderson 1:19.95, 3. Zirbes 1:11.91, 5 Wensmann 1:15.68 and 6. Reed 1:16.59. 100FS: 3. Gruber 59.74, 5. Ruoff 1:02.09, 11. Viere 1:07.91 and 14. Braegelmann 1:09.95. 500FS: 3. Jaiden Smith 6:02.34, 5. Maggie Frieler 6:14.98, 6. Erdmann 6:18.16 and 9. Seanger 6:30.89. 200FSR: 3. Reed, Kraemer, Maggie Frieler and Jaiden Smith 1:57.97; 9. Braegelmann, Erdmann, Von Wahlde and Viere 2:05.61; 10. Rademacher, Klaphake, Nadia Berscheit and Seanger 2:06.35; 14. Austing, Alaina Schleper, Lester and Annika Frieler 2:17.02; and 15. Brynn Berscheit, Elaine Herkenhoff , Jaelyn Mayers and Allison Friedler 2:19.33. PHOTO BY HERMAN LENSING Melrose Area’s Paige Gruber (top) congratulates Hallie Drossel after Drossel set the pool record Sept. 8 at Melrose High School in Melrose. Drossel was the winner of the 200 individual medley, Gruber took fi rst in the 200 and 100 freestyle races, and they both swam on the fi rst place 200m medley relay and 200 freestyle relay teams.
100BK: 2. Ruoff 1:06.50, 3. Anderson 1:08.13, 4. Zirbes 1:08.27, 6. Kraemer 1:12.64, 12. Ava Smith 1:20.54 and 13. Olivia Nathe 1:21.48. 100BR: 1. Drossel 1:06.95, 7. Von Wahlde 1:23.76, 8. Erdmann 1:24.61, 12. Klaphake 1:28.71 and 13. Brynn Berscheit 1:28.82. 400FSR: 2. Ruoff , Zirbes, Gruber and Drossel 4:02.75; 4. Frieler, Anderson, Wensmann and Jaiden Smith 4:23.93; 8. LaForge, Viere, Seanger and Kraemer 4:38.46; 10. Enright, Olivia Nathe, Ava Smith and Nadia Berscheit 5:05.52; and 14: Anika Berscheit, Gabrielle Finken, Grace Hinnenkamp and Caydence Nechanicky 5:28.47.
Melrose 123, Albany 62
The 100 breaststroke race during Melrose’s 12362 win over Albany Sept. 8 at Melrose High School in Melrose summed up the meet. Drossel won the race, setting a pool record at 1:06.62. She fi nished 15 seconds ahead of the runner-up.
Races for the other spots were close. Lynn Deters of Albany emerged from a pack of swimmers to take second place, besting Lady Dutchman Von Wahlde by just over two seconds. Von Wahlde and teammate Ellie Heller raced for third place, with Von Wahlde winning by .19 seconds.
“Before the race and after diving, we talked about winning close races, not always for fi rst place but for the other spots as well,” Meyer said.
The Lady Dutchmen’s depth showed, as they usually earned two of the top three spots.
Albany had highlights, taking second and third in the 200 medley relay and winning the 500 freestyle and backstroke races.
Spanier took her race by over a second. McLachlan had to work to stay ahead of Melrose’s Jaiden Smith, taking a lead after 10 laps and never losing it, but she did not really gain much until the fi nal two laps.
Melrose remains undefeated in dual meets with the win. The event most people will likely remember is the 100 breaststroke race.
200MR: 1. Zirbes, Drossel, Kaydence Bertram and Ruoff , Melrose, 1:57.35; 2. Brooke Hoff arth, McLachlan, Spanier and Trista Hoffarth, Albany, 2:02.07; and 3. Kaiden Gaebel, Deters, Sara Eiynck and Amy Butkowski, Albany, 2:11.14. 200FS: 1. Gruber, Melrose, 2:08.51, 2. Spanier, Albany, 2:11.30, 3. Jaiden Smith, Melrose, 2:12.02, 4. Maggie Frieler, Melrose, 2:20.44 and 5. Mckenzie Eiynck, Albany, 2:30.87. 200IM: 1. Drossel, Melrose, 2:17.20, 2. McLachlan, Albany, 2:26.69, 3. Zirbes, Melrose, 2:35.32, 4. Deters, Albany, 2:39.37 and 5. Wensmann, Melrose, 2:40.35. 50FS: 1. Bertram, Melrose, 26.37, 2. Ruoff , Melrose, 27.03, 3. Trista Hoff arth, Albany, 27.08, 4. Lauren Reed, Melrose, 28.53 and 5. Gaebel, Albany, 28.54. 1M Diving: 1. Brooke Hoff arth, Albany, 203.75 points, 2. Theresia Nathe, Melrose, 190.25, 3. Dockendorf, Melrose, 157.30 and 4. Feldewerd, Melrose, 146.40. 100FLY: 1. Bertram, Melrose, 1:06.51, 2. Anderson, Melrose, 1:11.71, 3. Reed, Melrose, 1:14.98, 4. Sara Eiynck, Albany, 1:15.07 and 5. Rayvin Pullins, Albany, 1:15.54. 100FS: 1. Gruber, Melrose, 58.68, 2. Brooke Hoff arth, Albany, 1:00.32, 3. Ella Erdmann, Melrose, 1:03.85, 4. Maddie Kraemer, Melrose, 1:04.29 and 5. Amy Butkowski, Albany, 1:04.48. 500FS: 1. McLachlan, Albany, 5:56.62, 2. Jaiden Smith, Melrose, 5:58.89, 3. Frieler, Melrose, 6:12.84, 4. Heller, Melrose, 6:26.95 and 5. Mckenzie Eiynck, Albany, 6:45.61. 200FSR: 1. Drossel, Reed, Smith and Gruber, Melrose, 1:49.51; 2. Gaebel, Trista Hoff arth, Sara Eiynck and Butkowski, Albany, 1:52.38; and 3. Wensmann, Kraemer, Frieler and Braegelmann, Melrose, 1:59.06. 100BK: 1. Spanier, Albany, 1:04.60, 2. Ruoff , Melrose, 1:05.68, 3. Zirbes, Melrose, 1:06.59, 4. Anderson, Melrose, 1:09.07 and 5. Gaebel, Albany, 1:13.26. 100BR: 1. Drossel, Melrose, 1:06.62, 2. Deters, Albany, 1:21.19, 3. Von Wahlde, Melrose, 1:23.69, 4. Heller, Melrose, 1:23.88 and 5. Butkowski, Albany, 1:24.81. 400FSR: 1. Bertram, Zirbes, Ruoff and Gruber, Melrose, 3:57.91; 2. Brooke Hoff arth, Trista Hoff arth, McLachlan and Spanier, Albany, 4:02.9; and 3. Wensmann, Kraemer, Anderson and Smith, Melrose, 4:18.17. Melrose 105, Willmar 73
Melrose juggled its lineup in a 105-73 win Sept. 6 against Willmar at Melrose High School in Melrose. “We moved some people around but still had nice times and a convincing fi rst place,” Meyer said.
Zirbes, Drossel, Anderson and Reed won the 200 medley relay. That was the fi rst of nine Lady Dutchmen fi rst-place fi nishes. The team swam the fi nal three events as exhibitions and had the fastest times in those races.
The Lady Dutchmen had 1-2-3 fi nishes in the individual medley, the 50 freestyle and the 100 freestyle and the three fastest times in the 100 breaststroke. The latter was an exhibition.
200MR: 1. Zirbes, Drossel, Anderson and Reed 2:02.06; and 3. Kraemer, Von Wahlde, Wensmann and Braegelmann 2:15.18. 200FSR: 1. Gruber 2:08.67, 2. Smith 2:12.09 and 4. Frieler 2:18.94. 200IM: 1. Zirbes 2:38.55, 2. Wensmann 2:40.92 and 3. Kraemer 2:47.38. 50FS: 1. Bertram 26.51, 2. Ruoff 27.05 and 3. Reed 28.69. 1M Diving: 1. Nathe 184.35, 2. Dockendorf 162 and 4. Bella Braun 141.35. 100FLY: 1. Drossel 1:04.92, 2. Zirbes 1:12.36 and 4. Anderson 1:15.28. 100FS: 1. Gruber 57.74, 2. Bertram 59.14 and 3. Ruoff 1:00.43. 500FS: 1. Smith 5:57.93, 3. Frieler 6:13.08 and 5. Leah Seanger 6:30.07. 200FSR: 1. Bertram, Zirbes, Ruoff and Gruber 1:48.18 and 3. Braegelmann, Reed, Frieler and Smith 1:59.14. 100BK (EX): Drossel 1:03.76, Anderson 1:09.36 and Kraemer 1:12.16. 100BR (EX): Von Wahlde 1:23.35, Heller 1:24.28 and Erdmann 1:26.38. 400FSR (EX): Bertram, Ruoff , Gruber and Drossel 3:54.55 and Wensmann, Anderson, Reed and Smith 4:18.84.
Huskies defeat Gators in swim and dive meet
Finish fi rst in 7 of 12 events
Led by several fi rst place fi nishes, the Albany Area girls swimming and diving team defeated the visiting Minnewaska Morris team 59-43 Sept. 6 at Albany High School in Albany. Albany fi nished fi rst in seven of the 12 events.
“They did much better tonight, better attitudes, better times,” said Karla Schneider, head coach, following the team’s third meet of the season.

Albany’s Emily McLachlan stays ahead of her competitors in the 500 yard freestyle during the Minnewaska Morris meet Sept. 6 at Albany High School in Albany. She fi nished fi rst as did the team, winning 59-43.

Team has good drives but does not capitalize
The Dutchmen had the numbers for a win Sept. 8 when it hosted Rockford in football at Melrose Area High School in Melrose. What it did not have in their 7-0 loss were points. The team had its chances but did not capitalize on them.
Following Rockford’s 23-yard touchdown pass and point after kick on its fi rst possession, the Dutchmen spent the game trying to reach the end zone. They had good drives and were able to run the ball.
Blocks by linemen Avery Kraemer, Will Sjogren, Hunter Goihl and Fernando Estrella Becerra provided holes for quarterback Devin Orbeck to gain 100 yards, led by running back Anthony Berscheit around defenders for 60 yards and helped Lucas Feldewerd run through tackles for 16 yards.
When they had to pass the Dutchmen were slowed. Orbeck was intercepted three times, all coming when it appeared the Dutchmen were in control of the game. Despite those mistakes, Melrose kept the game close, a credit to the defense.
Each time Melrose let an offensive opportunity slip by,

PHOTOS BY HERMAN LENSING Dutchman Devin Orbeck (center) takes advantage of the hole created by his linemen to get into the open fi eld for a 58-yard run as running backs Lucas Feldewerd (left) and Anthony Berscheit provide protection from the back Sept. 9 at Melrose Area High School in Melrose. The trio accounted for 176 yards rushing for Melrose.
Dutchman Will Sjogren breaks through the line to grab Rockford running back Logan Stedman Sept. 9 at Melrose Area High School in Melrose. Sjogren fi nished with fi ve tackles and one sack.

the defense responded well. The team kept Rockford from long possessions. It sacked the quarterback four times and dropped ball carries behind the line of scrimmage six times. Berscheit and Jose De Los Santos Morales participated in seven tackles.
Except for Rockford’s fi rst drive, the Dutchmen defense forced punts or turnovers on downs. Once it recovered a Rockford fumble.
The Dutchmen gave themselves another scoring opportunity late in the game. A 58-yard run by Orbeck put Melrose inside the Rockford 20-yard line. A run by Feldewerd put the ball on the 13-yard line with a second-and-seven situation. The drive stalled there as Melrose was called for holding, threw an incomplete pass and then an interception.
With close to three minutes left, and only one time out left for Melrose, Rockford opted to run and burn time off of the clock and preserve its win.
Rockford 7 0 0 0-7 Melrose 0 0 0 0-0
Passing: Orbeck 3/9-11 yards (3 interceptions). Rushing: Orbeck 19 carries-100 yards, Feldewerd 4-16, Berscheit 10-60. Receiving: Feldewerd 1 reception-minus 4, Berscheit 2-15. BY MIKE KOSIK | STAFF WRITER
The Holdingford swim and dive team dominated in their Sept. 8 meet against Ogilvie-Mora winning 66-32 at Holdingford High School in Holdingford. The Huskers fi nished fi rst in seven events and second in nine events.
200MR: 1. Mekenna Bartkowicz, Molly Leners, Madison Tschida and Grayce Johnson 2 minutes, 9.23 seconds; and 2. Laina Hoac, Shailyn Welinski, Kirstyn Sand and Paige Gerads 2:14.31. 200FS: 2. Johnson 2:21.99 and 3. Gerads 2:27.18. 200IM: 1. Leners 2:39.14 and 2. Brooklyn Kuklok 2:50.47. 50FS: 1. Bartkowicz 28.36 and 4. Lexi Reis 33.39. 1M Diving: 3. Precious Diakite 104.05 points, 4. Angelika Diakite 91.55 and 5. Allison Feia 80.60. 100FLY: 1. Tschida 1:11.16 and 2. Hoac 1:15.31. 100FS: 1. Bartkowicz 1:01.48 and 2. Welinski 1:106.70. 500FS: 3. Johnson 6:26.77 and 4. Gerads 6:54.98. 200FSR: 2. Bartkowicz, Leners, Sand and Tschida 1:53.05; and 4. Jordyn Kostreba, Gerads, Reis and Welinski 2:07.89. 100BK: 2. Hoac 1:13.46 and 4. Kendal Isder 1:29.93. 100BR: 1. Leners 1:18.31 and 2. Sand 1:25.55. 400FSR: 1. Kostreba, Isder, Johnson and Welinski 4:03.91; and 2. Maggie Gross, Sand, Tschida and Hoac 4:18.51.
Royalton blanks football team
The Holdingford Huskers football team moved the ball but could not punch it into the end zone in a 26-0 loss to Royalton in Mid State (Sub 2) competition Sept. 9 at Holdingford High School in Holdingford.
Drew Lange was 12 of 24 passing for 107 yards and one interception. His passes went to fi ve different receivers. Ryder Petersen had three receptions for 30 yards, Tanner Tomasek had three for 29 yards, Masyn Patrick had three for 25 yards, Brandon Hall had two for 24 yards and Justin Anderson had two for 16 yards. Luke Bieniek led Holdingford in rushing with 38 yards on 10 carries. Connor Patrick gained 28 yards on eight attempts and Petersen logged 11 yards on six carries.
Royalton scored 18 points in the second quarter and eight in the third.
The loss drops the Huskers to 0-2.
Holdingford 0 0 0 0-0 Royalton 0 18 8 0-26
Runners race to 3rd place
Both the boys and girls Holdingford cross-country teams fi nished third at the Long Prairie-Grey Eagle Cross-Country meet Sept. 12 at the Long Prairie Country Club in Long Prairie.
The boys competed in a fi eld of 12 teams and girls eight.
For the boys, Aiden Pellett was the top fi nisher, coming in ninth overall with a time of 18 minutes and 34.84 seconds. Right behind and in 10th place was Joseph Guthrie at 10:49.30.
Loretta Mrsola fi nished eighth for the girls, with a time of 22:31.19.
Others competing for the boys were Nick Guthrie, 19th, 19:30.08; Jimmy Jenson, 31st, 19:58.30; CJ Clear, 38th, 20:20.29; and Cameron Martini, 42nd, 20:35.18.
For the girls, Claire Arvig fi nished 18th at 26:16.06; Alyssa Young, 21st, 24:23.14; Olivia Klasin, 27th, 24:58.27, Gracelyn Gerads, 33rd, 25:22.04; and Evie Aleckson, 25:32.26.
St. John’s Prep fi nished fi rst with 54 points in the boys race while Melrose Area came in fi rst with 61 points in the girls race. The Huskers boys totaled 71 points while the girls team recorded 93 points.
Wolves take advantage of Albany football woes
Huskies fall to Milaca for fi rst loss
The turnover margin, while not a perfect science, can often dictate the winner and loser of a football game.
The Albany Huskies struggled to keep the football on offense and demonstrated how important possession can be, as the Milaca Wolves earned a 20-7 home victory over the Huskies Sept. 9 at Milaca High School in Milaca.
The Huskies received an early boost from athletic quarterback Izaac Hutchinson, who made a Milaca defender miss in the open fi eld on a triple option play for a fi rst-quarter touchdown. The score was enough for Albany to enter halftime with a 7-6 lead, but the Huskies were already beginning to show cracks in the mold with a turnover on downs and a fumble in the fi rst quarter, both in the red zone.
Milaca punished this lack of lead extension in the third quarter with a massive swing, fi ring off back-to-back touchdown-scoring drives sandwiched between an Albany three-and-out. Suddenly, the Huskies were staring at a 20-7 defi cit off the back of failed defensive assignments and a failure to stop the Wolves’ ground game, as Milaca lead running back Jack Schoenborn converted 19 carries into 222 rushing yards.
Still, the Albany defensive unit showed promise against a talented Milaca offense. Tanner Reis logged six solo tackles and eight assisted tackles, while Andrew Olson, Luke Barrow, Isaac Evenson and Devon Schaefer totaled three solo tackles each. Mason Bierbaum and Ethan Borgerding came away with interceptions to keep the contest competitive.
Offensively, Hutchinson compiled 42 passing yards and 38 rushing yards, while fellow quarterback Carter Voss, a more dynamic pocket passer, completed three passes for 54 yards.
“I think both quarterbacks are doing what we’re asking them to do,” Ellingson said.
Albany will have a chance to redeem its ugly loss against a strong Watertown-Mayer team at 7 p.m., Friday, Sept. 16, at Herges Stadium in Albany.
Albany 7 0 0 0-7 Milaca 6 0 14 0-20
Passing: Hutchinson 2-6-42 yards, 1 interception. Rushing: Adam Dennis 5 carries-52 yards and Hutchinson 6-38-1 TD. Receiving: Cole Panek 2 receptions-34 yards.

Melrose girls win LPGE cross-country meet
The Lady Dutchmen placed three in the top-15, winning the Long Prairie-Grey Eagle Cross-Country Invitational Sept. 12 at Long Prairie Country Club in Long Prairie.
There were 13 schools represented, with fi ve having incomplete teams.
Melrose Area’s Kayla Meyer, at 22 minutes, 11.46 seconds, earned sixth, and was the top fi nish by any Lady Dutchmen out of the 66 competitors. Maria Hinnenkamp, of Melrose, fi nished in 10th place and 14th was claimed by Zoe Hoeschen. Melrose Area fi nished with 61 points.
The Dutchmen earned 142 points, taking fi fth. First place was a 54 by St. John’s Prep.
The Dutchmen’s leading runner was Dominic Kerzman, 19:04.22, taking 12th, and Austin Kelzer, 19:09.06, fi nished 14th. Brandon Kampsen, of Sauk Centre, was fi rst with 1:16.14.

PHOTO BY MARK KLAPHAKE Holdingford senior middle-hitter Chesney Phillipp tries to hit the ball past two Foley blockers during the Sauk Rapids-Rice tournament Sept. 10 at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School in Sauk Rapids. The Huskers and 15 other teams competed at the annual tournament.
The Holdingford Huskers volleyball team competed at the 16team Sauk Rapids-Rice Tournament Sept. 10 at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School in Sauk Rapids.
No additional information or stats were available at press time. Holdingford 3, ACGC 1
The Huskers got its fi rst Central Minnesota Conference win Sept. 8 with a 3-1 victory over the Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City Falcons at ACGC School in Grove City.
The Huskers won all of its sets by the same score, 25-20, with the Falcons winning the third set 25-21.
Makenna Hohbein led the team with 11 kills and 6 aces.
“Maddy Mitchell followed behind with eight kills and became a key player when we needed it most,” said Molly Klatt, head coach. “Ellie Sand had six kills and became one of our go-tos at the net when we needed someone to make a smart play.” Holdingford 3, LPGE 0
Holdingford swept the visiting Long Prairie-Grey Eagle Thunder 3-0, winning 25-15, 25-19, 25-13, Sept. 6 at Holdingford High School in Holdingford.
“The team came out wanting to win tonight, and win they did,” Klatt said.
Hohbein led the team in aces with four, followed by Trista Popp with three. Hohbein, 6, Addy Pilarski, 5, Sand, 5, and Brooklyn Burns, 4, led the team in kills.

Lose 2-1 on home fi eld
A ferocious attack by the Dutchmen boys soccer team came close to tying the game Sept. 8, but they lost 2-1 to Little Falls at Melrose Area High School in Melrose.
Trailing 2-0 with less than six minutes left, Dutchman Alonso Montanez Garcia found himself unguarded and in front of the Flyer goal. He booted it past the goalie.
Within the remaining time, Melrose remained on the attack and had chances to score. A shot from the right side just missed the open goal, another sailed over the net, a third bounced off of the left goal post, and then time ran out.
Melrose had a late game surge, playing a good defensive game while looking for scoring opportunities. Goalie Adan Lara Ambriz had 16 saves.
“They are getting better, developing more of a passion for soccer,” said Mauricio Perez, head coach. Cathedral 10, Melrose Area 0
The team was limited in its offensive attack. It had two shots on goal in the fi rst half and three in the second half. The Dutchmen’s focus was to play a tight defense.
Perez and assistant coach Syndey Ortiz said in the fi rst half Melrose was able to keep Cathedral from easy goals. With Lara Ambriz in the net, Melrose trailed 3-0 at halftime. If there was a chance, Lara Ambriz got to the ball. In the second half, though, Cathedral’s pressure overcame the Melrose defense. Most of the seven second half Cathedral goals came in a fi ve-minute period, and Lara Ambriz often had no chance to make a stop. He had close to 20 saves in the game.

PHOTOS BY HERMAN LENSING (Above) Midfi elder Aaron Abonce Garcia looks for a way around a Cathedral defender Sept. 6 at Melrose Area High School in Melrose. Melrose’s attack produced fi ve shots on goal.
(Left) Alonso Montanez Martinez drives the ball toward the goal Sept. 8 against Little
Falls at Melrose Area High School in Melrose. Montanez Martinez later scored a Dutchmen goal.

Kendall Buerman

Parents: Ron and Doris Buerman Accomplishment: Senior setter who helped the Albany girls volleyball team place third at the 16-team Sauk Rapids-Rice tournament Sept. 10. Albany defeated Cathedral 25-19, 1225, 17-15 in the third-place match.
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What do you enjoy most about being part of the volleyball team? I enjoy being able to rely on my teammates to make me a better player and being able to do the same thing for them.
What is your favorite thing to do on the
court? I love giving a hitter a good set so they have an even better kill.
What other activities are you involved in at
school? Softball, Captains and Leaders, and Letter Club.
Why is it important for you to be involved in
school activities? It is important to be involved in school activities because you can meet some of your closest friends and relieve some of the stress that school creates.
What are two of your goals that you would
like to accomplish during the school year? I would like to do my best in the classroom and leave my mark for future classes.
What is one piece of advice you would give underclassmen to help them excel in aca-
demics or athletics? The work you do behind the scenes is some of the most important work you will ever do.
What are you thankful for today? I am thankful for my parents and my siblings, Courtney and Payton. They push me to be the best person I can be and the person I am today.
What are three words that describe your per-
sonality? Determined, stubborn and kind.
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Ryder Petersen
What is your favorite part about football? I like the speed and intensity. It is all instincts, and you never have time to think until after the play.
What is your most memorable moment play-
ing football? Being part of my fi rst playoff win as a freshman against Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City, known as the mud game.
What other activities are you involved in at
Holdingford High School? I am part of the basketball and baseball teams, band, and I’m planning on joining track this season.
What is your favorite memory from elementary
school? Playing football on the playground with my friends every day. How do you try to make a diff erence at school? I try to bring positive energy everywhere I go and lead my younger teammates. I give rides to athletes doing weights and for practice and also try to support other sports by bringing energy to the student sections at their games.
What is something you have learned in class
recently? I learned a steam engine is an external combustion engine.
Tell us something about yourself most people do
not know? I have a pet turtle named Camaro.
What is your dream job? Automotive engineering.
Parents: Matt and Laura Petersen Accomplishment: Senior captain and a four-year starter on the Holdingford football team. Petersen has earned all-conference twice.
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Audrey Peifer Dynamite Dynamite Dutchmen Dutchmen
What do you like most about being on the team? It is a great support system, and it is always a lot of fun. We encourage each other.
What have you liked most about
school? I like the community of my friends.
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What has been your most memorable experience on
the soccer team? My freshman year, the fi rst time I started on the varsity team.
How do you prepare yourself leading up to a game? I try not to overthink the game.
What do you hope to do in school outside of your
activity before the year ends? I hope to keep my grades up and get As.
How have you tried to make a diff erence at school? I try to be positive and kind to those around me.
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