Starr Commonwealth Annual Report 2019

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2019 Annual Report


President’s Letter There is no greater moment in my day than when I am able to see the fruits of our labor. It could be news of a group on campus who have made a breakthrough in their healing. Our trainers and coaches report back weekly with anecdotal inspiration from the communities with whom we work directly. As you’ll read in our report on Starr Behavioral Health, a broader range of children are gaining access to the care they need every day. Or, perhaps that moment comes from someone like Shelby Kasen, whose letter included in this annual report serves as a reminder of what creating positive experiences for children truly means. To Shelby, the fruits of our labor means she has the future she had given up on before Starr. No matter the source, these small moments build to something beautiful the more one steps back and appreciates them—each a drop of light combined to produce a blanket of stars across the night’s sky. This appreciation and excitement isn’t for me, for each success story is another example of the impact each of you is making in the lives of children. Therefore, I am delighted to share with you our annual report for 2019. In the following pages, you will read numerous examples of what your support, guidance, and partnership have made possible. In all, I could not be more proud of the work of Starr Commonwealth in 2019. Success breeds two sensations: accomplishment and challenge. For who are we, after 107 years, to simply rest on our laurels? We must always strive for the next step toward the vision of universal hope, boundless love, and limitless success for all children. We cannot do this alone, and that is why I look forward with great anticipation to how you might envision yourself serving our mission in 2020 and beyond. Ours is one of universal hope—there is a place for every human with a heart for children to play a role regardless of the nature of the contribution. Please join us as we celebrate our collective impact, and consider how you can help us complete “The Unfinished Work”.

Our Mission

Starr Commonwealth leads with courage to create positive experiences so that all children, families, and communities flourish.

Our Vision

Universal Hope, Boundless Love, and Limitless Success for all children.

Our Impact

Starr Commonwealth sees the greatness in every child, and has more than a century of experience providing behavioral health services for children and training for the

Yours in Healing,


Starr’s world class trainers bring trauma-informed, resilience-focused training to schools and organizations across the globe, both in-person and through dynamic online courses.

professionals who care for them. We understand childhood behavior is often a form of


In partnership with schools and organizations across North America, Starr works one-onone with both staff and children to transform the lens through which childhood behavior is viewed and healed.


Starr Albion Prep provides group and individual care while ensuring residents’ educational journeys can continue despite the obstacles facing each child. Starr proudly serves close to 300 youth in a variety of programs on our beautiful campus in Albion, Michigan.

communication, and they may even be reactElizabeth Carey President and CEO

ing subconsciously to past experiences and unable to explain or control their actions. We don’t judge—we seek to understand, enable


With clinics in Harper Woods and Battle Creek, Michigan, Starr is committed to trauma-informed and resilience-focused assessment protocols and interventions to heal trauma in children.

healing, and build resilience. 2


Starr Commonwealth 2019 Annual Report


Our Results

Transforming School Culture

“My focus has shifted to a need for understanding in regard to behavioral issues, instead of reacting to the issue.”

Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

– Teacher 95%

“Since working with Starr to build environments of resilience, we have shifted the culture in our school 180 degrees. We have experienced our highest test scores and the highest enrollment in 13 years.”

of staff indicated that their school uses time-in approaches more often - up from 25%*

– Superintendent “Students need to feel safe and accepted before they can begin to open up and allow themselves to grow, emotionally and educationally.”


– Teacher


5 continents, 9 countries, 45 states


290 youth were served in specialized residential treatment programs


of staff said their school fosters connections with students - up from 50%*


444 professionals became Starr Certified Trauma Practitioners

ELEARNING 2,949 enrolled in online learning

ORGANIZATIONS 98 trained directly by Starr

of staff indicated that their school understands how trauma impacts a student’s emotions, behavior, and ability to learn - up from 37.7%**


of staff indicated that their school teaches students emotional awareness - up from 25%*


of staff indicated that their school collaborates with families and communities up from 58.3%*


$69,543 in scholarship to Starr alumni

99 children received behavioral health services

571 donors gave 1,473 gifts


5,558 attended in-person trainings





*Data from a case study of 1 school ** Data from a case study of multiple schools


of staff indicated that their school is intentional about making sure each student feels connected to at least one peer and one adult at school - up from 47.7%**

Starr Commonwealth 2019 Annual Report


Resilient School Projects The momentum continues as Starr enters multi-year—as well as embarks upon new—Resilient School Projects throughout the nation. Starr Commonwealth’s Resilient School Projects consist of several long-term partnerships between Starr and school districts across the country where Starr provides training, consultation, and coaching to create trauma-informed and resilient school buildings and districts. This powerful model challenges districts and communities to shift traditional practices and procedures in their schools to better meet the needs of all children—all the while being guided by Starr professionals and supported by community partners. As part of the project, school professionals learn about the 10 Steps to Create a Trauma-Informed School© to understand childhood trauma and how it impacts learning and behavior. These ten steps provide school professionals with the tools to help students feel safe in school so they can learn and flourish. To measure progress towards the ten steps, Starr created the Trauma-Informed Schools Questionnaire (TISQ). The tool quantifies staff perceptions of the frequency to which staff individually, and their school collectively, exhibit traumainformed, resilience-focused knowledge and behaviors. Based on the results measured through the tools described, Starr is delighted to share overwhelming success and growth throughout its Resilient School Projects. “With every Resilient School Project undertaken, Starr continues to learn and develop the critical ingredients for success,” explains Starr Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Derek Allen. “Based on our findings in 2019, it is evident that those ingredients are producing results better than ever before. I am delighted about what this means both for the schools we operate in, as well as their communities as a whole. To see teachers and administrators be courageous enough to challenge old models and produce better outcomes for children is a testament to the love and care each community brings to education.”



Training, Coaching, & eLearning To truly achieve systems-level change so that all children, families, and communities can flourish, Starr’s work must rely on equipping professionals in all communities with the skillset they need to empower children long after the training has ended. In 2019, Starr trainers and coaches made great strides toward ensuring that could happen. Trainings can vary from school district-wide professional development days to intimate sessions with a single clinic. Regardless of the setting, Starr Commonwealth is delighted with the feedback received on a weekly basis from any number of the 432 locations served over 2019: “[Since implementing these trainings into practice], I have seen transformations within the entire school culture—the beliefs of the teachers about the kids, and the kids’ personal beliefs about themselves.” “I use Starr’s resources every day. I use not only the materials, but what I’ve learned in the trainings as well.” “These trainings are very empowering. They allow me to reach each and every child where they are.” “It’s amazing to take these trainings and discover the science to reinforce what I believe about children!” In addition to in-person trainings, Starr Commonwealth also offers a robust online catalog of courses, which were enjoyed by 2,949 professionals in 2019. Coinciding with the introduction of a new brand “Driven to Heal”, Starr has developed a series of new and refreshed courses. This series is professionally produced and focuses on user experience. Starr will continue to debut new courses throughout 2020 and beyond.

Starr Commonwealth 2019 Annual Report


Residential Care The foundation of Starr’s legacy has always been helping children flourish on Uncle Floyd’s campus. Starr Commonwealth takes great pride in meeting the constant demand for mental health services for children—a task in 2019 that experienced tremendous success. In fact, that success has propelled Starr Albion Prep to be a destination school for public child caring agencies around the country. “Since December of 2014, the goal of a full campus, 200 youth, has always been pursued, albeit methodically,” explains Randy Copas, executive director of Starr Albion Prep. “At any point we could go out and fill the cottages. However, maintaining campus culture and success rates is critical to this expansion, and something we work for every day. If you grow too quickly it could compromise that balance.” In this last year additional cottages and programs were opened, and about 165 kids are being served every day. A key component in Starr Albion Prep’s growth has been reaching out across the country to make sure those who need specialized care know that Starr is here. This means that Starr Albion Prep has been able to not only expand its population, but ensure students received more specialized programming to accommodate their needs. To Copas, campus was prepared for the task. “We are well-positioned to ensure we are able to meet the needs of special populations around the country. Our national presence has allowed a beacon of success to shine on Starr Commonwealth to attract referrers to our services.” Copas’ dedication to meeting the needs of campus has meant the implementation of extended training—well above the national average of hours trained and required for licensing— to allow his staff to approach their care to the greatest benefit of each student.

Scholarships Thanks to the generosity of all who give to scholarship funds for alumni of Starr, countless individuals are able to pursue their passions—and their futures. One alumna, Shelby Kasen, is on the verge of making her dreams a reality. Below is her letter of appreciation for all who have made that possible.

When thinking of all the goals and plans I have for my life, I often take pause. The truth is, there was a time when I had no future. Not only did I not think I would see my 18th birthday, a large part of me didn’t want to. By the time I was a freshman in high school, the abundance of trauma in my life, both self-inflicted and cast down by others, had convinced me I didn’t have what it took to make it. All of this changed when I came to Starr Commonwealth. My transition to Starr was not easy. After almost giving up, I realized that being willing to admit that I needed help was a huge step, and the turning point of my time on campus. I was starting to value myself more, and value my wellbeing– although I didn’t realize that was what was happening at the time. While the healing took many forms, ultimately the biggest things that changed were the value I assigned to myself, the respect/trust/value I assigned to my support system (especially my family), and the courage required to stay alive. When I left Starr, I knew that my past didn’t have to define me, and that life is full of opportunity. I realized that it was not fair for me to project my pain onto others, and that assuming what others may be thinking, or feeling, was doing nothing but hurting me. I learned how to communicate, how to advocate and fight for myself, and how to respect and listen to myself. When I left Starr, I still had a long way to go, but I had the foundation to get me there. That foundation meant my future was still possible. And thanks to the Tim Ness Memorial Scholarship, the next step in my future was clear. All told, I have been happier than I ever remember being and am flourishing at everything I dedicate myself to. Today I am going to school full-time to finish my undergraduate degree, working part-time night shift in the neonatal intensive care unit, and sitting on the executive board for Grand Valley State University’s Pre-Physician Assistant Club—all while being a mother and wife when I’m home.



I will graduate in April of 2020, and in the fall I will be attending Grand Valley’s Physician Assistant program. Despite the rocky path, I am fortunate to have guidance and support from Starr Commonwealth. I have always felt like Starr has believed in me and my ability to do great things, which was especially encouraging since I was on campus during the roughest phase of my life. I feel so blessed to have Starr in my life in all the ways that I do, including my scholarship. Every time I think about the fact that Starr wasn’t just a one-stop part of my life, but rather it is something that continues to come with me and help me grow, I can’t help but smile. It’s easy to want to leave that part of life in the past, but if we leave those parts of life in the past, we cannot use them to better ourselves in the future. That is exactly what I’m doing now. Starr Commonwealth 2019 Annual Report


Behavioral Health

Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

To answer the call for behavioral health services throughout our communities, Starr Commonwealth embarked on a challenge in 2019 to develop clinics that not only served the general public, but could work alongside its other projects to deliver wraparound services to the children who need them most. Through this initiative, Starr provides trauma-informed and resiliencefocused assessment protocols and interventions to heal trauma in children. What was established through Starr Behavioral Health has provided a critical component to helping communities build on their strengths to further flourish. “Behavioral health is so important,” advocates Starr Director of Behavioral Health Becca Gerlach, LMSW, CAADC. “If we want children and communities to be successful, we must be proactive. We can’t wait until our citizens end up on the criminal justice side of the equation. It’s up to a community—we need to notice the signs and help each other. This is what it means to be human. If we don’t address trauma and the fact that it can be caused from any number of sources, we’re just spinning our wheels. If we can’t wrap around individuals, we can’t solve these problems.” Starr has utilized its Harper Woods location to take referrals from the likes of Children’s Hospital of Michigan and others, but to also provide even more value for the Resilient School Project occurring in Lincoln Park. “We’ve been able to work with Lincoln Park in a preventative manner,” explains Gerlach. “Having coaches and behavioral health specialists in the school together is quite beneficial. School staff are hearing the needs of their students from multiple professionals.” The momentum has taken off quickly. “Our growth has been quite organic and in a non-socioeconomic manner,” celebrates Gerlach. “We have a wide range of families—from needy to affluent—requesting services.” In that growth, the message is clear: every community can benefit from the care available through Starr Behavioral Health. “Starr Behavioral Health is a tangible way of not only saying we’re committed to community, but we’re going to change the world this way,” explains Starr President & CEO Elizabeth Carey. “We’re now impacting all the professionals we work with—from Children’s Hospital to the schools and police departments we come into contact with, and empowering them to move forward with these skills in their community. In that spirit, this is much more about impact on a larger scale to improve kids’ lives, and their communities, for decades to come.” 10


Gladsome Circle Gladsome Circle recognizes Starr’s friends who fund named endowments, endowed scholarships, charitable gift annuities, and charitable trusts. These planned gifts secure the future financial stability of Starr Commonwealth. Gladsome Circle celebrates the ongoing mission of Starr Commonwealth and its friends who ensure that its services are available to children in need as long as these services are needed. Each member of the Gladsome Circle can receive a print of “The Old Barn”, depicting Floyd Starr’s original barn and the story of its significance. Named Endowments: Starr is pleased to recognize its friends who have fully funded named endowments and endowed scholarships for Starr Commonwealth. The income from these gifts is used to provide services and scholarships, while the principal is kept intact. Charles and Russell Amidon Endowment Fund Norma T. Anderson Endowment Fund John M. Ankrum and Murphy Swindell Endowment Fund Mildred Asselstine Endowment Fund Lee and Merle Baker Endowment Fund

Kathleen Barnett Endowment Fund Robert O. and Edna I. Barstow Endowment Fund Lillian H. Beach Endowment Fund Roy W., W. Watula and Ernest C. Beckman Endowment Fund Clair E. and Mary H. Berry Endowment Fund Jim and Wanda Bolton Endowment Fund Irma M. Bradley Memorial Endowment Fund Fred M. and Maude Brakeman and Blanche VanDyke Endowment Fund Brasseur Family Endowment Fund Louise R. Breisch Endowment Fund Ellen and Erwin Breternitz Memorial Endowment Fund

Kenneth A. Brower, Sr. Memorial Endowment Fund Ashel G. and Dorothy J. Bryan Endowment Fund Garth M. Bryan Endowment in Memory of Jesse and Myrtle Bryan Fred C. and Dorothy A. Buhler Endowment Fund Phyllis C. Clark Endowment Fund Edward S. Coe Memorial Endowment Fund David and Edie Cole Endowment Fund Lucille Beebe Coles Endowment Fund Marvin L. and Laverne I. Colness Endowment Fund Grace Oliver Colter Endowment Fund for Oliver Cottage Marjorie S. Cowherd Endowment Fund

Starr Commonwealth 2019 Annual Report


Bettie and Jim Cox Memorial Endowment Fund Alton D. and Phyllis Crandell Endowment Fund Robert C. and Theresa L. Davis Endowment Fund Jeannette A. Davis Memorial Named Endowment Leland F. and Gertrude A. Deibele Endowment Fund David W. and Amanda B. Deshler Endowment Fund Theodore S. and Adelaide M. Diehm Endowment Fund Anna and Raymond Dowden Endowment for Fine Arts Hugh C. and Marian W. Downer Endowment Fund William F. and Mary F. Earle Endowment Fund J. Dean Eckersley Endowment Fund Elsie and Carl Eggebrecht Endowment Fund Patricia Ann Ellis Endowment Fund For Tomorrow’s Children Endowment Evelyn M. Fry-English Endowment Fund Gary R. and Betty E. Faircloth Endowment Fund Martinus Faircloth Memorial Endowment Fund Elsie M. Farley Endowment Fund Clarence E. and Harvey D. Fassold Endowment Fund I. Janet Field Endowment Fund Dorothy Jean Fowler and Elizabeth Leone Heaton Endowment Fund J. Deloras (Cashman) Friderichsen Endowment Fund Edna A. Frobenius Memorial Endowment Fund Helen M. Gager Endowment Fund Barbara P. Garrett Endowment Susan and William Gillam Endowment Fund George and Judith Goodman Endowment Fund Evelyn Shores Hall Endowment Fund C. M. Hargraves Family Memorial Endowment Fund Harold and Ruth Hicks, Sr. Endowment Fund Ruth J. Husung R. N. Endowment Fund William Johnston and Ronda Stryker Endowment Fund Helen E. Jones Endowment Fund Robert A. and Anita M. Junker Memorial Endowment Fund Calvin W. and Mary E. Kalte Endowment Fund Howard W. and M. Josephine Kern Endowment Fund Sophie C. Kunz Endowment Fund Andrew and Greta Lamberson Endowment Fund Jerry Neil Lantz Memorial Endowment Fund Gladys and William Larson Endowment for Training William C. and Gladys E. Larson Endowment Fund Lauff Family Endowment Fund Donna Lee Lehman Endowment Fund John and Judy Lore Endowment Fund Carl G. and Betty L. Maple Endowment Fund Ruth and Russ Mawby for Continuing Education Named Endowment



Ruth and Russ Mawby for the Fine Arts Named Endowment Edward F. and Sarah McCauley Family Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. T. Ellsworth McDowell Endowment Fund Donald J. and Dorothy C. McIntosh Endowment Fund Chandan Mehta Endowment Fund Mary L. Melvin Endowment Fund Peter J. E. Mitchell Endowment Fund Phyllis Mitchell Memorial Endowment Fund Stewart Payne Moffatt Endowment Fund for Payne Family Cottage Francis E. Morse Endowment Fund Sylvia Morse Memorial Endowment Fund Robert & Mary Lu Nepil Endowment Fund Arlin E. and Barbara A. Ness Endowment Fund Keith O. Palmer Endowment Fund Verne and Marlene Plassman Endowment Fund George and Joan Staudt Pracy Memorial Endowment Fund Glen and Joan Rager Endowment Fund Margaret Ann Riecker Endowment Fund George and Sandy Ropp Endowment Fund Gail M. Seitz Endowment Fund Herbert and Christine Sellers Memorial Endowment Fund Chad M. Shelton Memorial Endowment Fund Charles E. Shontz Endowment Fund Lora M. Sims Endowment Fund Doris E. Slater Endowment Fund Alyce Lorraine Smith Endowment Fund Christopher L. and Cathy L. Smith Endowment Fund M. Gene Smith and Joseph J. Gondol Educational Endowment Fund Jessie L. Soars and Janet Soars Platt Endowment Fund Spade Family Endowment Fund Virginia Z. Spieth Endowment Fund David and Elta Starr Endowment Fund Floyd Starr Endowment For Fine Arts Edward S. and Clara H. Starr Endowment Fund John F. Starr Endowment Fund Paul Stearns Named Endowment Fund William K. Stoffer Endowment Fund Milton and Ella Stover Endowment Fund Richard W. and Jonsie M. Sturgis Endowment Fund Margaret I. Syring Endowment Fund Vivian B. Tate Endowment Fund Dr. Carl S. and Florence Taylor Endowment Fund Kurt O. Tech II Endowment Fund Wilbert and Mary Thiltgen Endowment Fund Eunice and Roger Thompson Endowment Fund

John H. Tucker and Helen I Tucker Memorial Fund Joseph A. and Judith S. Valentine Endowment Fund Warren and Maria Van Wicklin Endowment Fund Alice Heminway Wardwell Endowment Fund Madeline G. and Leonard O. Weidman Endowment Fund Ervin J. and Helen A. Wilee Memorial Endowment Fund Robert Reino Williams Endowment Fund Ralph Lindsay Williamson Memorial Endowment Fund Haslet H. Wilson Endowment Fund for Fine Arts Wayne L. Yanz Endowment Fund John E. and Catherine C. Yarnelle Endowment Fund Harold H. and Geneva B. Youngs Endowment Fund

Arlin E. Ness Circle

Named after Starr Commonwealth’s President Emeritus, this recognition society remembers Starr’s history as a working dairy farm, and symbolizes the work of nurturing children’s bodies, minds, and spirits. Each bottle represents $2,500 of accumulated gifts to Starr Commonwealth. Receiving eight bottles represents total accumulated giving of $20,000 or more. The following donors reached the next level of accumulated giving and qualify for new milk bottles in the 2018-19 fiscal year. Milk Bottle 2 Summary of Gifts $5,000-$7,499

Annuitants: Starr is pleased to recognize its friends who created a Charitable Gift Annuity during the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Seiler

Scholarship Funds: Bassage Memorial Scholarship Fund Christian and Emma L. Breisch Scholarship Collins Carter Scholarship Mildred J. Carter Scholarship John Corsey Memorial Fund Alton D. and Phyllis L. Crandell Scholarship John D. and Ruth Gillman Scholarship Fund Floyd Kent Scholarship Thomas Metz Kent Scholarship Thomas E. and Gayle J. Kolassa Scholarship Fund Clyde and Kathy LeTarte Scholarship Fund Thomas T. Lloyd Scholarship Lou Ann and Russ Mawby Scholarship Fund Timothy A. Ness Memorial Scholarship Richard A. and Clara M. Patterson Scholarship Fund Earl F. and V. Eileen Payne Scholarship Ruth N. and William B. Pierce Scholarship Frederick and Anne Raisch Scholarship Herbert J. and Ruth Ann Richmond Scholarship Floyd Starr Scholarship Starr Commonwealth Scholarship Fund Mary Towler Scholarship Ubuntu Scholarship Fund Wayne L. Yanz Scholarship Fund

Starr Commonwealth 2018 Annual Report

Milk Bottle 1 Summary of Gifts $2,500-$4,999 Individuals: Dr. James Crowfoot and Ms. Ruth Carey Mr. and Mrs. John Dillon Jr. Mr. Richard S. Faulkner Mr. Albert W. Foster Mr. Tom Franke Mr. Aron Hodo Mr. Brian V. Howe Mrs. Lynn Komasara Dr. and Mrs. Harry Kotsis Mr. and Mrs. David H. Mason Ms. Connie Rebar Mrs. Mary E. Reynolds Mr. Sean Silver Mr. Ronald A. Tachuk Ms. Sherie L. Veramay Mr. Michael R. Weaver Organizations: Access Angels, Saints and Stuff BC Vision Brembo North America, Inc. Brown and Brown of Lehigh Valley Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C. Highland Consulting Associate, Inc. John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation Marshall BenjaMen Club McDonald’s Coldwater Nonprofit Finance Fund PWG Charitable Foundation Plunkett Cooney Spectrum Public Affairs Starr Alumni Association TAKTIX Solutions

Individuals: Mr. Derek Allen Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beard Dr. James Curtis Mr. Richard S. Faulkner Mr. Albert W. Foster Mr. Tom Franke Mr. and Mrs. Philip Green Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Peterson Mr. John Soma and Dr. Caelan K. Soma Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Valentine Organizations: Brembo North America, Inc. Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C. John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone Nonprofit Finance Fund PWG Charitable Foundation Quality Engraving Sequel Youth Services of Albion, LLC Spectrum Public Affairs Wells Fargo Foundation

Milk Bottle 3 Summary of Gifts $7,500-$9,999 Individuals: Mr. Derek Allen Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beard Mrs. Rebecca Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Dunn Mr. Tom Franke Mrs. Donna Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Ted F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John S. LaMonte Pastors Randy and Karen Parlor Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Schafer Organizations: Bailey Cavalieri LLC Brembo North America, Inc. Chemical Bank – South Region Comerica Bank

John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation Nonprofit Finance Fund Oaklawn Hospital PWG Charitable Foundation Spectrum Public Affairs Wells Fargo Foundation

Milk Bottle 4 Summary of Gifts $10,000-$12,499 Individuals: Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Dunn Mr. Donald Efremoff Mr. Tom Franke Mr. James R. Greene Pastors Randy and Karen Parlor Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pettengill Mr. Don Vermeulen Organizations: Brembo North America, Inc. Comerica Bank John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation Nonprofit Finance Fund PWG Charitable Foundation Oaklawn Hospital

Milk Bottle 5 Summary of Gifts $12,500-$14,999 Individuals: Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crist Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Dunn Mr. Donald Efremoff Mr. Michael Krenn and Dr. Huilan Krenn Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pettengill Organizations: City of Rockwall Dollar General Literacy Foundation John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation Keller Partners & Company Nonprofit Finance Fund Plante Moran

Milk Bottle 6 Summary of Gifts $15,000-$17,499 Individuals: Mr. Kenneth Barhite Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crist Dr. Miriam S. Daly Mr. Donald Efremoff Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gill Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Spade Mrs. Mary L. Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Vande Vusse Organizations: City of Rockwall Dollar General Literacy Foundation John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation Nonprofit Finance Fund North Congregational Church Plante Moran

Milk Bottle 7 Summary of Gifts $17,500-$19,999 Individuals: Mr. Donald Efremoff Mr. and Mrs. John Lawter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDowell Mr. Jared C. Scofield Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Vande Vusse Organizations: City of Rockwall John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation Nonprofit Finance Fund Zanetti Foundation

Milk Bottle 8 Summary of Gifts more than $20,000 Individuals: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Vande Vusse Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schuler Organizations: City of Rockwall John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation Nonprofit Finance Fund Zanetti Foundation

Starr Commonwealth 2019 Annual Report


Gifts of $500 or More

Starr Commonwealth appreciates the following individuals, foundations, groups, businesses, and organizations who have made donations of $500 or more during the 2018-19 fiscal year. Names highlighted in blue indicate legacy gifts. Individual Donors:

Floyd Starr Founder’s Circle Floyd Starr Founder’s Circle recognizes friends who give to Starr Commonwealth through their wills or estate plans. Members receive a beautiful replica of the statue “Floyd Starr with a Boy” that graces the entrance of the Albion campus, as well as other benefits. Floyd Starr Founder’s Circle celebrates Uncle Floyd’s dedication to children, and the dedication of those who continue to support his vision.


Will Inclusions:

Starr is grateful to have received gifts from the estates of these loyal friends during the 2018-19 fiscal year.

Starr is pleased to recognize its friends who have informed us that they have included Starr Commonwealth in their wills and estate plans.

Estate of Paul E. P. Carlson Estate of Lois K. Behm Fitch H. Beach Charitable Foundation Estate of Ivan Borley Estate of Dorothy Greider Estate of Phyllis J. Grimm Eugene B. Hamilton Trust Estate of Robert and Geneva Leonard Estate of Hazel Lewis Estate of Beryl H. Martin Estate of Douglas Martin Mary McVicar Trust Annemary Meeter Charitable Trust Estate of Dorothy E. Mellor Estate of Edgar W. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allen Mrs. Lavonne G. Bauer Mr. Fred C. Buhler Mrs. LaVerne I. Colness Mrs. Janet C. Hewett Dr. Thomas F. Higby Mr. Ronald Hooker Mr. and Mrs. Ted F. Johnson Ms. Diana S. Langley Dr. and Mrs. Harry Leibowitz Mrs. Frances M. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Arlin E. Ness Mr. Andy Nowlin Mrs. Richard Owen



Charlotte Miller Trust Estate of Ruth Phillips Robert Picking CRUT George J. Pohl Trust Zora B. Pohl Trust Carrie M. & Alex A. Reid Charitable Trust Starr Anonymous Legacy Jessie R. Stewart Trust Estate of Edward H. Stoller Estate of Harry Swanquist Estate of Elizabeth Van Leeuwen Charles W. Walton Trust Alma L. Weixelbaum Trust Estate of Harold H. Youngs

Dr. Richard L. Pinkerton, Ph.D. Mrs. Merry Ann L. Sauls Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sheridan Mrs. Ann J. Simpson Mr. Roger K. Smiley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Smith Mrs. Libby Stearns Mr. William K. Stoffer Mrs. Mary L. Weber

Mrs. Mary E. Abeles Mr. and Mrs. Derek Adolf Mr. Derek Allen Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allen Ms. Annette Andrews and Mr. Doug McKillop Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beard Mr. Gregg Beeg Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Bennett Mr. Darrell J. Black Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burkhart Mr. Michael Young and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Carey Dr. James Crowfoot and Ms. Ruth Carey Estate of Paul E. P. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Carrel Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Gary Crist Dr. James Curtis Dr. Miriam S. Daly Mr. and Mrs. Fred Damron Mr. and Mrs. Michael Darling Mrs. Rebecca Davis Mr. Spencer L. Davis Mr. and Mrs. John Dillon Jr. Ms. Paula C. Dolson Jakubiak and Ms. Gretchen Jakubiak Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Dunn Mrs. Anne Wilson Dupre Mr. Donald Efremoff Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Ely Mr. Tom Franke Ms. Rebecca Gerlach Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gill Mr. and Mrs. Philip Green Mr. James R. Greene Honorable and Mrs. John Hallacy Eugene B. Hamilton Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harker Mrs. Kathy Hart Mrs. Carol Hartman Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hartzell Ms. Marilyn J. Heiling Mr. Aron Hodo Mr. Brian V. Howe Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jacob Mr. and Mrs. Ted F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kolassa

Mrs. Lynn Komasara Mr. Michael Krenn and Dr. Huilan Krenn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis LaFleur Ms. Kathleen Lambrix Dr. George H. Lauff Mr. and Mrs. John Lawter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leighton Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Lenkey Mr. Michael Dixon and Dr. Stacey Levin Estate of Hazel Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Libbe Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lilley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lindsey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McDowell Miss Dorothy E. Mellor Estate of Edgar W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Mitchell Dr. Sheryl L. Mitchell Ms. Maria Mueller Dr. and Mrs. Don E. Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Arlin E. Ness Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Richard Newman Pastors Randy and Karen Parlor Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pettengill Robert Picking CRUT George J. Pohl Trust Zora B. Pohl Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Puttkammer Ms. Connie Rebar Mr. Terry Roth Dr. Paul Rizzo and Ms. Mary E. Rutan Miss Patricia Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Schafer Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schuler Mr. Jared C. Scofield Mr. and Mrs. Dallas E. Seiler Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sievertsen Mr. Sean Silver Mr. and Mrs. John S. Slavens Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith Ms. Joyce Soebbing Mr. John Soma and Dr. Caelan K. Soma Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Spade Mr. Steven Stankewicz and Ms. Myra Willis

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Stark Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Stewart Estate of Edward H. Stoller Miss Marion A. Stowell Mr. John Stupak Estate of Harry Swanquist Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Tate Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Tellas Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson Mr. William H. Tousey Mrs. Mary L. Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Valentine Estate of Elizabeth Van Leeuwen Dr. Van Wicklin Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Vande Vusse Mr. Robert W. VanSumeren Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Varani Mr. and Mrs. Mark Veich Mr. Don Vermeulen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Voigt Charles W. Walton Trust Mr. and Mrs. John A. Watkins Jr. Alma L. Weixelbaum Trust Estate of Harold H. Youngs Mr. Edward A. Zeschin

Foundations, Corporations, Groups, and Organzations Access Albion Community Foundation Angels, Saints and Stuff Anna Paulina Foundation Bailey Cavalieri LLC Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Battle Creek Community Foundation BC Vision Brown and Brown of Lehigh Valley Guido A. and Elizabeth H. Binda Foundation Caster Concepts Chemical Bank South Region City Of Rockwall The Colina Foundation Comerica Bank Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Cronin Foundation Darling & Company

Eaton Corporation Edward E. MacCrone Private Foundation O.P. & W.E. Edwards Foundation Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Fitch H. Beach Charitable Foundation Trust Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C. Genoa Healthcare Halderman Farm Management Service Hartzell-Norris Charitable Trust Havirmill Foundation Helen L. Kay Charitable Trust Highland Consulting Associate, Inc. J & L Manufacturing Jessie R. Stewart Trust John D & Jean E. Dinan Foundation Keller Partners & Company Marshall BenjaMen Club Marshall Community Credit Union Marshall Eye Care McDonald’s Coldwater Michigan Health Endowment Fund Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone Nonprofit Finance Fund North Congregational Church Oaklawn Hospital Plante Moran Plunkett Cooney PWG Charitable Foundation Quality Engraving Real Estate One – Rosemary Davis Realty Run Albion LLC SBD Commercial Interiors Schuler’s, Inc. Sequel Youth Services of Albion, LLC Spectrum Public Affairs Starr Alumni Association Starr Anonymous Legacy State Farm Insurance TAKTIX Solutions Team 1 Plastics Tyler-Little Family Foundation United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region W. K. Kellogg Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Zanetti Foundation

Starr Commonwealth 2019 Annual Report


Unfinished Work

“Oaklawn has many values in common with Starr Commonwealth. We strive to heal those around us and we want to see our communities flourish. We cannot reach our mission alone and it is imperative that we have these types of strong community relationships and partnerships.”

Uncle Floyd often said “as long as there is a child in trouble, the work of Starr Commonwealth will never be finished.” We need places like Starr Commonwealth more than ever, and that means we can’t do this work alone. Regardless of your role, there is an opportunity for you with Starr Commonwealth.


Whether working with schools or agencies dedicated to improving the lives of its children, or public agencies and foundations moved by the mission, Starr’s partners are integral to the expansion of the Commonwealth

– Gregg Beeg, Oaklawn President and CEO 2020 Night of Starrs Title Sponsor


For 107 years, Starr has relied on donors and other supporters to help us heal trauma and build resilience so that all can flourish


– Cathy Dillon

“One of my heroes, Mahatma Gandhi, said: ‘I finally found myself when I lost myself in the service of others.’ These words ring true for me also. It is an honor and a blessing to lose myself in support of the young people at Starr Commonwealth. Nothing makes me happier.”

To become certified through Starr is a commitment to transforming the lens through which you see children and signifies your dedication to healing


While time, treasure, or talent may not always be available, all one needs to do to join the mission is to raise your voice in support of breaking down barriers for children and staying connected with Starr

“I think of my own children and the many wonderful opportunities they have been given. It makes me want the same for all children. This is what attracted me to Starr. [Their] mission to create positive experiences so that all children, families, and communities flourish continues to speak to my heart.”


– Anonymous $10,000 Night of Starrs donor Starr Commonwealth 2019 Annual Report


2018-2019 Leadership BOARD OF TRUSTEES Erick Stewart, Chair (2009 – 2023) President Stewart Industries LLC Battle Creek, MI Craig Carrel, Immediate Past Chair (2008 – 2021) President and Partner Team 1 Plastics Albion, MI Stanley Allen, Vice Chair (2014 – 2023) Configuration Engineering Wells Fargo & Company Des Moines, IA Lisa Miller, Treasurer (2018 – 2027) President MMK Consulting Group Coldwater, MI Randy Neumann, Secretary (2013 – 2022) Vice President J.F. Daley, Inc. San Antonio, TX Milton Barnes (2019 – 2028) CEO & Founder Play Right Basketball Academy Albion, MI Simon P. Bisson (2018 -2027) Vice President, Institutional Relations and Development University Hospitals Health System Cleveland, OH



Huilan Krenn (2017 – 2026) Director of Learning & Impact W.K. Kellogg Foundation Battle Creek, MI Sheryl Mitchell (2019 – 2028) City Administrator City of Lathrup Village Lathrup Village, MI Sean Silver (2019 – 2028) Senior Vice President Bank of America Merrill Lynch Troy, MI Keena Williams (2019 – 2028) Assoc. Dean of Students President’s Special Advisor for Global Diversity Albion College Albion, MI OFFICERS Elizabeth A. Carey President and Chief Executive Officer Derek S. Allen Chief Operating Officer Dr. Caelan Soma Chief Clinical Officer Gary Crist Chief Financial Officer John M. Thompson II Chief Advancement Officer

Financial Summary TRUSTEES EMERITUS Michael J. Gable Human Resources Executive (Retired) Orlans Associates, PC Troy, MI

Starr Commonwealth Statement of Activities for the year ended September 30, 2019. 000 omitted.

George D. Goodman Executive Director (Retired) Michigan Municipal League Ann Arbor, MI


Honorable Eugene A. Moore Chief Probate Judge (Retired) Oakland County Pontiac, MI William K. Stoffer Chairman and CEO (Retired) Albion Machine & Tool Co. Albion, MI HONORARY TRUSTEES Anne Willson Dupré Granddaughter of Floyd Starr Toronto, Canada

Financial Position


77% Agency Fees


68% Residential Treatment Services



14% Contributions


5% Community Based Services




9% Investment Income Appropriated


5% School Based Services


Net Assets


9% Professional Training


9% General Administration


5% Fundraising



Diana Starr Langley Montecito, CA





PRESIDENT EMERITUS Martin L. Mitchell Coldwater, MI Arlin E. Ness Phoenix, AZ All Officers and Trustees can be reached at: 13725 Starr Commonwealth Rd. Albion, MI 49224-9525 517.629.5591

NOTES *This is an unaudited report of financial operations. A complete audited report, including the opinion of independent certified public accountants is available upon request.

Starr Commonwealth 2019 Annual Report


13725 Starr Commonwealth Rd. Albion, MI 49224-9525 800.837.5591 • 517.629.5591 • Starr Commonwealth is a nonprofit organization serving children and families, regardless of race, religion, color, or national origin. Starr Commonwealth is accredited by the Council on Accreditation. Founded in 1913, Starr is licensed by the State of Michigan. The Albion campus is a Michigan Historic Site. Starr Commonwealth receives funds from social agencies, foundations, corporations, and individuals.







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