Burnt but not bowed
By Cade Lucas
May 18 should’ve been a happy day for Point Cook’s Michael Andrew.
It was the day 58-year-old James Balcombe was jailed for up to 11 years for a series of arson attacks on rival jumping castle businesses.
Michael Andrew’s A&A Jumping Castles in Hoppers Crossing was one of them.
“Ours was the only one burnt to the ground,” he said of the blaze in the early hours of January 12, 2017, which completely destroyed the business Andrew and his wife Aline established in the early 2000’s .
“In total we lost $1.2 million and we never got nothing back.”
It’s a turn of events that would have most ordinary people filled with rage and bent on revenge, but as soon becomes apparent, Mr Andrew isn’t an ordinary person.
“Not really,” he said flatly when asked if Balcombe’s conviction and sentence gave him any satisfaction.
“I got nothing to say to him, nothing against him.
“ I guess I’m a weird bloke” he laughed, before adding, “I move on.”
He sure does.
In fact Mr Andrew began moving on almost as soon as he received the 1am phone call informing him of what had happened.
“An hour after the fire I realised it was only stuff.
“How many hearses do you see on the way to a funeral with a trailer on the back with all your stuff?”
If Mr Andrew wasn’t worried about stuff or his sudden lack of it, many others in the jumping castle industry were.
“Victorian amusement businesses turned up with equipment and keys to their factories to keep us going, ” said Mr Andrew of his competitor’s generosity which allowed him to keep operating; ironic given it was another competitor who started the fire in an attempt to put him out of business.
Mr Andrew had never heard of Balcombe and his company Awesome Party Hire until learning he was the behind the fire at his and numerous other jumping castle businesses across Victoria.
‘He was jealous and he wanted to be on top of Google so he thought he might burn
us down to get on top,” said Mr Andrew of Balcombe’s motive.
Jealous he might’ve been, but a criminal mastermind Balcombe wasn’t.
CCTV footage clearly showed a case of arson and Balcombe was eventually given up by a man he’d employed to set fire to his own
business in an attempt to distract police. Meanwhile Mr Andrew soldiered on with borrowed equipment before COVID-19 finally finished him off.
“We couldn’t re-coup our losses,” said the 69-year-old who now juggles jumping castle repairs with work in childcare.
It’s a change Mr Andrew seems almost grateful to Balcombe for inadvertently bringing about.
“It sorta did me a favour because I worked seven days a week.
“ It gave me a wake up call to go home for a change, not just work and work.”
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The arsonist who destroyed Michael Andrew’s jumping castle business in 2017 was recently convicted and jailed. (Damjan Janevski). 337669_01
Derrimut Road
• Hoppers Crossing Werribee Plaza Tavern Heaths Road, Cnr Derrimut Road
• Hoppers Crossing Coles Supermarket 250 Heaths Road, Cnr Derrimut Road
• Hoppers Crossing APCO Service Station 178 Morris Road
• Hoppers Crossing Hoppers Crossing Shopping Centre24-48
Old Geelong Road
• Hoppers Crossing Woodville Park Shopping CentreShop 20/70
Warringa Drive
• Hoppers Crossing IGA Plus Liquor Shop 4, 2-6 Deloraine Drive
• Hoppers Crossing Aqua Pulse Café 82 Derrimut Road
• Hoppers Crossing Coles Express 260 Derrimut Road (Cnr Hogans Road)
• Hoppers Crossing The Grange
Community Centre 260-280
Hogans Road
• Hoppers Crossing Hoppers Crossing
Cricket Club Hogans Road - Hogans Road Reserve (Club House)
• Hoppers Crossing Super Lotto News
agency Shop 8/166 Hogans Road (Hogans Corner Shopping Centre)
• Hoppers Crossing Woolworths
• Hoppers Crossing (Hogans Corner)
Corner Hogans Road & Derrimut Road
• Hoppers Crossing Tigers Club House
70 Old Geelong Road
• Hoppers Crossing Popeyes Kebabs
255 Old Geelong Road
• Keilor Park Star Weekly Office Unit 6/19 Thomson Road (Cnr Keilor Park Drive)
• Laverton Ray White Real Estate 6/161 Railway Avenue
• Manor Lakes Manor Lakes News & Lotto Shop 14, 455 Ballan Road (Manor Lakes Central Shopping Centre)
• Manor Lakes Manor Lakes Shopping Centre 455 Ballan Road (Manor Lakes Central Shopping Centre)
• Point Cook Featherbrook Shopping Centre 238 Boardwalk Boulevard
• Point Cook Wyndham Library Service Unit 1-21 Cheetham Street
• Point Cook Point Cook Pharmacy Shop 1-11 Dunnings Road
• Point Cook Jamieson Way Community Centre 59 Jamieson Way
• Point Cook Direct Chemist Outlet Shop 13, 15 Kenswick Street
• Point Cook Stockland Point Cook Shopping Centre Murnong Street
• Point Cook Saltwater Community Centre 153 Saltwater Promenade
• Point Cook Saltwater Coast Sales
Office 261 Saltwater Promenade
• Point Cook The Brooks 215S neydes Road
• Point Cook YPA Real Estate Shop
10/46-56 Tom Roberts Parade
• Point Cook Wyn City 36 Wallace Avenue
• Sanctuary Lakes Sanctuary Lakes Golf Club 70 Greg Norman Drive
• Sanctuary Lakes Sanctuary Lakes Resort 72 Greg Norman Drive
• Sanctuary Lakes Waterstone CaféSanctuary Lakes 72 Greg Norman Drive
• Sanctuary Lakes Sanctuary Lakes Real Estate 300 Point Cook Road
• Sanctuary Lakes Sanctuary Lakes Shopping Centre 300 Point Cook Road
• Tarneit Tarneit Central Shopping Centre 540 Derrimut Road
• Tarneit NewsXpress - Riverdale Village SC 200 Hummingbird Boulevard
• Tarneit Penrose Promenade Community Centre 83 Penrose Promenade
• Tarneit Brian Mark Real Estate Shop 18, 380 Sayers Road
• Tarneit Wyndham Village Shopping Centre 380 Sayers Road
• Tarneit Shell Service Station 380 Sayers Road (Wyndham Village
Shopping Centre)
• Tarneit Barry Plant Real Estate Shop
9, 380 Sayers Road (Wyndham Village Shopping Centre)
• Tarneit Community Centre - Tarneit 150 Sunset Views Boulevard
• Tarneit Serranos Cafe 747 Tarneit Road ( Tarneit Gardens SC )
• Truganina Koomail Tardy Community Centre 117 Alcock Road
• Truganina Palm Lakes Resort 7 Taronga Road
• Truganina Arndell Park Community Centre 29-49 Federation Boulevard
• Werribee Eagles Stadium Café 35
Ballan Road
• Werribee Ison Village 150-168 Bulban Road
• Werribee Casaccio Egg Farm 170-198 Bulban Road
• Werribee IGA Supermarket 92-94 Cottrell Street
• Werribee Mercy Place Wyndham 39 Deutgam Street
• Werribee Werribee Park Motor Inn 112-124Duncans Road
• Werribee Italian Sports Club 601 Heaths Road
• Werribee The Woman’s Hub 236 Hoppers Lane
• Werribee St Vincent’s Private Hospital 240 Hoppers Lane
• Werribee St Vincent’s Care Services Werribee 240 Hoppers Lane
• Werribee Wyndham City Council 45 Princes Highway
• Werribee Werribee Mercy Hospital Coffee Shop300Princes Highway
• Werribee SIMS IGAWerribee Village Cnr Shaws & Tarneit Rd
• Werribee Tatts Lotto16Station Place
• Werribee Westwoods First National1Synnot Street
• Werribee Werribee RSL2A Synnot Street (Kelly Park)
• Werribee Werribee Fersh Market2/57Synnot Street
• Werribee OBrien Real EstateShop 2/85Synnot Street
• Werribee Cellarbrations 52-54 Vincent Crescent
• Werribee Professionals Triwest 6a Watton Street
• Werribee Bendigo Bank 42 Watton Street
• Werribee P. Di Natale Real Estate 44
Watton Street
• Werribee Coles Supermarket 143 Watton Street
• Werribee Wyndham Cultural Centre 177
Watton Street
• Werribee Hodges Werribee Level 1/1 Watton Street
• Werribee Raine and HorneShop 4, 1-13
Watton Street
• Werribee Barry Plant Real Estate 21
Watton Street
• Werribee YPA Real Estate 1 Werribee Street
• Werribee Wyndham Private Medical Centre 242 Hoppers Lane
• Werribee IPEP Clinic University Werribee Campsus Gate 1, Building 12 - 235 Hoppers Lane
• Werribee South Werribee South General Store 785 Duncans Road
• Werribee South Wyndham Cache (LT’s Egg Farm)1K Ave
• Werribee South Anglers Anchorage Take Away 67 O’Connors Road
• Williams Landing Williams Landing News, Lotto & Tobacco Shop T10, 100 Overton Road (Williams Landing Shopping Centre)
• Williams Landing Woolworths Supermarket 100 Overton Road (Williams Landing Shopping Centre)
• Wyndham Vale BP Service Station 210 Ballan Road
• Wyndham Vale Woolworths 205 Greens Road (Wyndham Vale Square Shopping Centre)
• Wyndham Vale IGA Wyndham Vale 50 Honour Avenue
• Wyndham Vale Iramoo Community Centre 84 Honour Avenue
• Wyndham Vale Manor Lakes Community Learning Centre 86 Manor Lakes Boulevard
• Wyndham Vale 7 Eleven Wyndham Vale Corner McGrath Road & Ballan Road
2 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 SECTION STARWEEKLY.COM.AU 12477071-CG03-21 YOUR FINE ASIAN FOOD STORE FOR ALL YOUR GROCERY NEEDS. NOW OPEN WESTOCKTHAI,FILIPINO,BURMESE,KOREAN, CHINESE AND MANY MORE! FEBRUARY 10,2021 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU fireSomeWyndhamcouncillorshavecomeunder fortheirbehaviourduringaheateddebate atCouncillorspublicmeetinglastTuesday.havebeendescribedasbehaving like children and being “petulant child” by viewers watching the meeting as was broadcast Facebook. At one point mayor Adele Hegedich was forcedtointerject. debate deteriorated into bickering over thepronunciationofacouncillor’sname,andan accusationofabusivelanguagebeingused. “I’m appalled by behaviour, tone and commentsmadebysomepeopletonight”,one viewerstated. like“Communityareinterestedinadultsbehaving adults”wroteanother,andthat councillor
Wyndham residents are being invited enter an amateur photo competition aims showcase how locals came together during the COVID-19 pandemic. Non-profit group, Bridge Builders for Australasia (BBFA), is running the Wyndham2020&Beyond,You,Me, StrongerTogethercompetition supported by Manor Lakes Community Fund, an initiative of Dennis Family Corporation. BBFA president Melba Waugh said the group organised the photo contest to document how Wyndham stood strong as a community during the pandemic. The competition, for Wyndham residents aged 18 and older, is open to images which tell visual story of hope, courage, innovation, resilience or patience and must have been taken between January 2020 and March 2021. No digital photo editing allowed. Cash prizes are on offer. Entries close on March 31. Details: wixsite.com/mysite,https://bbfaustralasia. Bridge Builders for Australasia on Facebook email bbfa. wyndham@gmail.com “isbehavinglike petulantchild”. show.Otherslikenedthemeetingtotheirfavourite “Someonepassthepopcorn”. debate erupted when Cr Robert Szatkowski attempted to split a notice ofmotion,putforwardbyCrJoshGilligan,into fiveseparatemotionsforcouncillorstovoteon. motion concerned land 203 Woods Road, which was earmarked for construction of a future non-government school under the TruganinaPrecinctStructurePlan. As reported by Star Weekly in September, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has given the developer permission todividethe into227residentiallots, theCatholicEducationOfficepulledoutofan agreementtobuildaschoolthere. Cr Gilligan’s motion called for Tarneit MP SarahConnollytobeaskedtopubliclysupport the acquisition of the site for a future state governmentschool;andforcounciltowriteto EducationMinisterJamesMerlino. supportalsostatedthatcouncilshouldreiterate forthesitetoremain sitefor school; that council should remain “concerned theoverrelianceoftheprivatesectortoacquire land and deliver schools in Wyndham”; and to consider how this may relate to any futurestagesoftheSchools4Wyndhamadvocacy. motion also called for council undertake strategic planning review to look how could put in place stronger planning controls around sites designated for non-government schools and community infrastructure. splitting the motion and raised concerns that Szatkowski has “received thousands dollarsofdonations the member TarneitlinkedSzatkowskithismotion”. stated the donations a matter of public record. He then asked CrGilliganto“pronouncemysurnamecorrectly”. A twice,ertryingtosayCrSzatkowski’ssurname CrGilliganinsteadaddressedhimbyhisfirstname. raisedthedebatecontinued,CrSahanaRamesh point of order accusing Cr Gilligan of “using abusive language in the council chamber”. mayorsaidshedidnothearexactlywhat was said, “but if there was any language, can youpleaserefrainfromusingitagain”. Councillors on Szatkowski’s five separatemotions.Allwerepassed. Photos tell your stories
• Hoppers Crossing First Serve Tuck Shop 2/10 Dunlop Road • Hoppers Crossing Hoppers Indoor Sportz Unit 13/ 55 Graham Court • Hoppers Crossing Pacific Werribee Shopping Centre 250Heaths Road, Cnr Derrimut Road • Hoppers Crossing Wyndham Library Level 1, MM11 Heaths Road, Cnr
Council ‘soap opera’
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‘Good result’ for Werribee South
By Cade Lucas
State budget day was a big one for residents of Werribee South.
After the state government provided $2 million for an upgrade of its boat ramp, a meeting of Wyndham council unanimously passed a motion supporting the Werribee South Beach masterplan.
“It was a really good result for Werribee South residents last night, ” said Ratepayers of Werribee South president Joe Garra of the
two projects which will transform the area’s foreshore.
The upgraded boat ramp will be bigger and have more amenities cater for boat users and those with recreational craft such as kayaks and canoes.
The Werribee South masterplan involves new and upgraded facilities along the foreshore,includingboardwalks,playgrounds, public toilets and a sporting pavilion being completed across a 10 year period.
Dr Garra was especially pleased the
motion supporting the masterplan included amendments to protect nearby green space from being turned into a car park.
‘We’re pleased that the amendment got through that removed any possibility of there being car parking at George Kavanagh reserve,” he said.
The amendments moved by councillor Mia Shaw and seconded by councillor Peter Maynard remove the car park proposal included in previous drafts.
Dr Garra said more parking was still
Brendan blows up on reality TV
It wasn’t Brendan Ord’s idea to go on reality TV.
Rather than seeking a spot on Blow Up, Channel 7’s latest reality show where the country’s top 10 balloon artists compete for the title of Australia’s best, the 50-year-old from Wyndham Vale said it was the other way around.
“They kinda head hunted us,” said Mr Ord of how he and his nine competitors ended up on national television.
“It’s nice to be recognised.”
Almost a year after first being approached, Blow Up has reached the halfway point of its 10-episode run and its effect on Mr Ord’s profile has matched its name.
“I’m getting calls asking are you the guy on Blow Up,” he said of how being on TV has
changed his business Balloons by Design.
“People have recognised me when I’ve been out on jobs and at parties.
“The other day I got recognised by a few of the kids.“
Birthday’s, bar-mitzvah’s, shopping centres and corporate functions have been Mr Ord’s usual beat since becoming a professional balloon artist 17 years ago.
“My cousin who is a professional clown he started me off,“ he said.
Mr Ord appreciates the boost the show has given to his business, especially after being unable to perform for three years during the pandemic.
However, he hopes Blow Up will help more than just his bottom-line, but balloon art itself.
“I hope people realise balloons are not just
dogs and swords and that they can be large sculptures.
I can do anything from a one balloon dog to a three-day, four thousand balloon build,” said Mr Ord who uses inflating machines and frameworks for bigger builds, including the 6six metre tall Ferris wheel he claims is his biggest.
This is the sort of artistry and skill that’s on display on Blow-Up, where contestants are vying for $100 000 in prize money.
Unsurprisingly, competition is fierce, but Mr Ord said given the small world of balloon art, it’s friendly too.
“They’re all my friends anyway, we all know each other.”
Blow-Up streams on Mondays at 7.30pm on 7 Plus and on Tuesdays at 7.30pm at 7 Flix.
required though to deal with congestion during summer.
“ItshouldbealongBeachRoadsomewhere,” he said of possible locations. Whilemoreparkingwillsuitsomemotorists, DrGarrasaidnewsolarpoweredlightingatthe boat ramp, which will be operated by sensors, will hopefully deter others.
“It might stop the hooning that goes on there some nights too.
“As soon as they drive down there it’ll light up.”
Tarneit company penalised
A Tarneit painting business has been ordered to pay nearly $80,000 in penalties, compensation and entitlements for breaching the Fair Work Act following the unfair dismissal of an international student.
Paint Splash was ordered to pay $57,000 in penalties by The Federal Circuit and Family Court on Thursday after it was found to have breached the act by failing to pay compensation and outstanding pay and entitlements to the former employee. Paint Splash’s parent company Mehtaab Group Pty Ltd was penalised $47,952 and sole shareholder and director Vikramjeet Singh Khalsa $9,590.04. In addition, the company will have to pay the worker more than $21,000 in outstanding compensation, plus the amount of pay and entitlements she is still owed.
FairWorkOmbudsmanSandraParker said the outcome sends a strong message to both employers and employees.
“The Fair Work Ombudsman is preparedtotakelegalactiontoensurethat employees receive all compensation and entitlements they are lawfully entitled to. Any employees with concerns about their pay or entitlements should contact the FWO for free advice and assistance.”
The investigation began after the Indian international student sought assistance from the Fair Work Ombudsman after her dismissal from Mehtaab Group where she had worked for almost 12 months.
After being found to have unfairly dismissed the employee by the Fair Work Commision, the company’s failure to pay compensation or comply with a compliance notice to award her outstanding pay and entitlements, resulted in the Fair Work Ombudsman taking Mehtaab Group to court.
Cade Lucas
‘Spectacular’ program of music to make your morning
Wyndham council has a fantastic line-up of the popular Morning Melodies program at Encore Events Centre for the remainder of 2023.
Morning Melodies is a great way to experience affordable, feel-good music and entertaining shows on the second Tuesday of the month from 10.30am to 12.10pm, featuring a different genre and themed show each month. It costs only $14 including morning tea. Creative city portfolio holder, Cr Marcel Mahfoud, said: “Morning Melodies features a spectacular array of musical shows for all to enjoy”
“Come along and enjoy the fabulous award
winning one man show ‘Chameleon’ on June 13, which is sure to shake away the winter bluesandwillhaveyousingingalonginaweof Stewart Reeves amazing array of breathtaking vocal ability.
“Chameleon is an entertaining show that features classic hits songs from over the decades and celebrity voices ranging from Frank-n-furter to Annie Lennox, Depeche Mode, Simply Red, Macy Gray, Tones and I andmanymore.Reeves’skillliesinmimicking an array of voices and sounds so you’ll be kept wondering what he is going to sing next.”
For those that are moved by 007, ‘Shaken Not Stirred’ on August 8will captivate the
audience and have them reminiscing and singing along to the James Bond soundtracks.
On September12, the soulful Nina Simone – A Musical Life will be sure to move the heart strings and enchant audiences with her emotion-filled songs.
“Morning Melodies is great way for residentstoexperiencemusicalperformances. The shows are entertaining, affordable and are all in Wyndham so there is no need to travel far to sing along to your favorite songs!” Cr Mahfoud said.
“Whatever your taste in music – there is something for everyone!”
Details: www.wyncc.com.au/
Stewart Reeve’s award-winning show Chameleon
coming to Encore Events. (Supplied)
Wyndham Vale man and balloon twister Brendan Ord is a contestant on a Channel 7 reality TV show Blow Up. (Damjan Janevski). 336154_03
Roads, schools, health in budget
By Cade Lucas
Wyndhamwillgetnewschools,roadupgrades and a PET scanner, but V/line commuters will have a longer wait following the state budget handed down last week.
Wyndham residents will also get a new traffic management plan, school, road and health infrastructure upgrades, while some existing projects received hefty funding increases in a budget that was otherwise defined more by what wasn’t being funded that what was.
With cuts long expect to reel in state debt, the Geelong fast rail project was among many
projects either delayed or scrapped altogether.
Theknock-oneffectmeansafurtherdelayin the Western Rail Plan, which would see lines to Wyndham Vale and Melton electrified, but which was reliant on Geelong fast rail being built first.
Commuters in Wyndham Vale and Tarneit will at least be able to ride on more modern trains with the classic fleet being retired, though new V/Locity trains will only be used on the Melton line rather than Geelong.
Itwasbetternewsforroadusers,witha$120 million upgrade of the Ballan Rd intersection to go ahead, while $5 million will be put towardsaWyndhamtrafficmanagementplan.
Grant helps kids play
Children, migrants, and football umpires are among those in Williams Landing that will benefit from the latest round of community grantsfrompropertydeveloperCedarWoods.
Run in conjunction with Wyndham and Whittlesea councils, the grants program awards not-for-profits and community groups in Cedar Woods’ Williams Landing and Mason Quarter developments.
Among the recipients is the Wyndham Little Buddies Toy Library, whose secretary Brenda Green said the grant will help them serve their growing membership base.
“With over 700 members and counting, we are proud to be one of the largest toy libraries in Australia, and this grant will go a long way in purchasing some new toys for our members and helping us to keep our services as affordable and accessible as possible,” Ms Green said.
The Australian Multicultural Women Association, Truganina South Primary School, WRFL Umpires Association Inc. and the Victorian Bangladeshi Sports Club were other Williams Landing based organisations to receive grants.
Since Cedar Woods began the grants program in 2009, more than $500,000 has been donated to community groups and not-for-profits across the country.
The Ison road rail overpass development however is in limbo.
Its funding is budgeted to jump from from $11 to $42 million, but the inclusion of federal funding means it could be subject to the Albanese Government’s infrastructure review.
Point Cook residents will get new P-9 and specialist schools at Point Cook South, with both set to open by 2026 and the nearby Saltwater P-9 school will have its capacity increased by 2027.
Planning will begin on an upgrade of Manorvale primary school in Werribee, while existingworksatHoppersCrossingsecondary
college, Alamanda college in Point Cook and Warringa Park school in Werribee South all received funding.
Werribee Mercy hospital will receive a new PET scanner as part of a $44 million statewide program while the expansion of its emergency department will share a $13.5 million boost with Casey hospital.
The construction of the new Wyndham Law Courts gets a boost of over $100 million to $164 million, while an ongoing upgrade at Werribee Open Range Zoo gets $25.8 million.
A $2 million upgrade of Werribee South boat ramp will also go ahead.
Wyndham Little Buddies Toy Library.
4 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne Make a difference. Visit jobsthatmatter.vic.gov.au Right now, there are community services jobs available where you can make a difference, helping people who have a disability, families fleeing violence, and children and families who need care and support. Plus, there is a jobs guarantee for new graduates in priority areas. 12605102-SN22-23
Rail plan budget disappointment
By Cade Lucas
“Not surprised but very disappointed.”
Committee for Wyndham chief executive Babara McLure was expecting the Geelong Fast Rail project to be delayed and with it the Western Rail Plan that depends on it, but confirmation in Tuesday’s state budget still came as a blow.
“This has been a message we’ve heard for many years,” Ms McLure said of another rail project in Melbourne’s outer-west being put on the backburner.
“We’re happy to see the growth here but we need to be supported with the appropriate
The Western Rail Plan was first announced in2018andinvolvestheelectrificationoftrain lines to Wyndham Vale and Melton that are currently serviced by V/Line.
The state government has repeatedly said the project was contingent on the Geelong Fast Rail link being completed first, but with Victoria’s debt needing to be reigned in and the federal government conducting an infrastructure review, both are now on hold.
The state budget mentioned the two rail projects but no funding or completion date.
“We’re going to have to put up with congestion and delays for years to come,” said
Page turning fundraiser
School fundraisers come in many forms: raffles, chocolate boxes, fairs and markets.
But to raise money to buy books for nearby childcare centres, year 4-6 students at Tarniet’s Islamic College of Melbourne came up with an ingenious method: selling books.
Second hand books donated to the school are currently being collected by students and will be until June 14.
Students will then try and sell the books on June 19 and 20, before using the proceeds to purchase and distribute new books by June 21 and 22, in time for the end of term.
This is all part of the school’s ‘Books Make It Better’ initiative, aimed at making reading inclusive and accessible for all.
Principal Dr Abdul M. Kamareddine said, “To foster a love for reading, to grow a sense of community, and to share all the magical places that books can take us. This great cause
will allow all three of those to happen, simply through the power of a book”.
For more information on how to donate or buy the second hand books, call the Islamic College of Melbourne on 8742 1739 or http:// www.icom.vic.edu.au/
Cade Lucas
Ms McLure of what further delays would lead to, pointing out that Wyndham was the fastest growing municipality in Australia with many residents travelling outside of it to get to work. She said commuting every day on V/Line was tough as it is.
“If you’re hopping on at Tarneit and would like to get seat it’s really hard work.”
Tarneit MP Dylan Wright confirmed the rail projects were under review, but said a new V/Line station would go ahead.
“The commonwealth is undertaking a 90-day national infrastructure review –we will wait for that process to run its course and will have more to say then.
“This review will have no impact on the fully funded Tarneit West train station.“
Along with a new station, V/Line customers on the Geelong and Melton lines will also get new trains, though Ms McLure said they were unlikely to be much help.
“Building new trains doesn’t help if you haven’t tracks for them to run on”
Wyndham motorists fared better in the budget, with the removal of the Hopkins Road level crossing in Truganina, the upgrade of the Ballan Road intersection in Werribee and development of a new traffic management plan, all being funded.
Islamic College of Melbourne principal Dr Abdul M. Kamareddine with students who are fundraising via a second hand book sale to purchase new books for local childcare centres. (Damjan Janevski). 337324_01
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY 5 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS For more information about our range of retirement communities visit: rcavillages.com.au Freecall: 1800 645 264 pointcookvillage.com.au 320 Point Cook Road, Point Cook A smaller home, with a big heart. Apartment living in Point Cook. Call Andrea to inspect the apartments on 0458 047 603, experience the welcoming community and discover all there is on offer $330K FROM 1 2 1 BY RCA VILLAGES “Living in Point Cook Village was not something I had planned for myself, but it is the best move I have ever made.” Point Cook Resident GREAT PRICE! AVAILABILITY AND PRICES CORRECT AT PUBLICATION DATE_MAY 2023. 12603903-SN22-23
Hoon driving charges
A 23-year-old Truganina man will face court in November charged over an alleged hoon meet in Coolaroo in April. The man was charged with four offences including the improper use of a motor vehicle and driving a prohibited vehicle on a probationary licence. Police allege he was part of a hoon meet in the vicinity of Zakwell Court and Motto Drive in Coolaroo on April 28, where several cars were gathered to perform burnouts while spectators watched on. Upon police arrival at the alleged meet up, the group is said to have shone laser lights into police vehicles before dispersing the scene.
Werribee crash
Picnic full of good news
Good News Lutheran College revealed the masterplan of its new Mambourin campus at a picnic on May 27.
Almost 300 people attended the picnic at Club Mambourin, not far from where the new campus will open in 2025.
Future and prospective families were in attendance, as well as existing Mambourin campus families whose children currently attend the Tarneit campus and who created a time capsule to be opened alongside the new school.
A handprint canvas that will be hung onsite was also created, while face painting, drawing
and maths and science activities were also on offer.
Good News Lutheran principal Fiona McAuliffe said it was a day the children will remember fondly.
“These pioneering students are part of history in the making and it was a delightful afternoon together,” Ms McAuliffe said.
The Mambourin campus will officially open in 2025 and offer classes from prep to year six.
Construction will begin early next year.
A woman was air-lifted to hospital with life threatening injuries following a crash on the Princes Highway at Werribee on Friday, May 26. It is understood a truck and SUV collided near Farm Road at about 9am. Police and emergency services were called to the scene where the driver of the SUV was trapped inside the vehicle. A 49-year-old Werribee woman was freed from the wreckage by emergency services and air-lifted to hospital. She was the only occupant of the vehicle. The driver of the truck, a 60-year-old Caroline Springs man, was not injured and stopped at the scene. Investigations remain ongoing.
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Tyre & Auto Service
6 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU CONTACT US PHONE \ 03 8318 5777 LOCATION \ Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 DISTRIBUTION \ 1300 656 678 distribution@fermax.com.au ADVERTISING GENERAL SALES INQUIRIES westads@starweekly.com.au CLASSIFIEDS \ 1300 666 808 EMAIL \ sales@networkclassifieds.com.au GENERAL REAL ESTATE INQUIRIES reads@starweekly.com.au EDITORIAL GENERAL EDITORIAL INQUIRIES westeditorial@starweekly.com.au COMMUNITY CALENDAR ENTRIES communitycalendar@starweekly.com.au Published by MMP Star Pty Ltd ACN 168 220 399 Head Office Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 Publisher/Managing Director, Paul Thomas All material is copyright to MMP Star Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Paul Thomas. All significant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit starweekly.com.au STARWEEKLY.COM.AU HOPPERS CROSSING 3/308–322 Old Geelong Rd 9369 0500 ST ALBANS 29 St Albans Rd 9364 3244 ‘Offers apply on purchases made in participating stores between 01/06/2023 and 30/06/2023. Terms and conditions apply. Tyre images are for illustration purposes only. See bridgestone.com.au for details. DEALER LOGBOOK SERVICE Minor Dealership Logbook Service From only $229.00. Includes: Replacement of engine oil filter and semi synthetic engine oil up to 7 litres Inspect and top up fluid levels • Check headlamp and light operation Inspect drive belts and cooling system, hoses etc • Remove wheels and inspect brake and suspension components • Stamp warranty booklet if applicable. $229.00 - Suits most Japanese vehicles $269.00 - Vehicles requiring full synthetic engine oils, Ie, Fiesta, Mondeo and some late model Japanese vehicles $349.00 - European Vehicles - Some earlier models Diesel Service Most Japanese 4WD & Commercial Vans $449.00 - European - Mid luxury/prestige vehicles. Note: Some 4WD, luxury, prestige and sports models vehicles may incur an extra costPrice on application. PROFESSIONAL VEHICLE SERVICING & REPAIRS, WITH HONESTY & INTEGRITY We use and recommend Valvoline Motor Oils & Ryco Filters • Fixed Price Servicing • Mechanical Repairs • Brakes • Clutch Repairs • Fleet Maintenance • Automatic Transmission • Wheel Balancing • Wheel Alignments • Batteries • Licensed Vehicle Tester • RWC LVT License no: EX 6187 • BRIDGESTONE • FIRESTONE • SUPERCAT • POTENZA • TURANZA • ECOPIA • DUELER • DAYTON No Deposit No Interest No repayments for 6 months *Conditions Apply 6 MONTHS INTEREST FREE*
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Cade Lucas
Principal Fiona McAuliffe with mum Chakshu Prabhakar and children at Mambourin campus picnic. (Supplied).
CFA bravery honoured
By Cade Lucas
Two Werribee firefighters who saved a woman from a burning home in March last year were honoured for their bravery at the Werribee CFA’s annual dinner on May 20.
Volunteer firefighter Mick Davie and Fire Rescue Victoria member Rodney Mitchell were both off duty when they noticed a plume of smoking rising from a Wyndham Vale home just after midday on March 26 2022.
Arriving before the fire brigade, Mr Davie andMrMitchellnoticedawomanwastrapped inside the burning home.
Both men then climbed up onto the roof and removed roofing tiles before pulling the woman to safety.
Mr Davie then went back to the Werribee fire station, put on his firefighting uniform and returned to the house to help bring the blaze under control.
Both men were awarded framed Chief’s Commendations by CFA Deputy chief officer GavinThomsponattheannualdinner,among a number of members honoured.
Brigade secretary Joshua Redman was awarded the evening’s most prestigious award, firefighter of the year, while Jim and Pauline Bright received the Pengelly award for administrative and recording service.
Several members received long service awards, including John Ryan who was awarded CFA life membership for 55 years service.
Among the only members to have served longer is former Werribee CFA captain and brigadespokesmanDarrylWellswholastyear celebrated 60 years of service.
Wells said there were good reasons why volunteers stay with the CFA for so long.
“It’s a very fulfilling task being a volunteer firie.
“There’s not only the camaraderie of being in the brigade, but you’re performing a task that helps the local community.”
As well as honouring those who’ve been involved for decades, Mr Wells said the
Eynesbury could depart
Eynesbury could soon no longer be part of Wyndham council and if one councillor had her way, Little River would follow suit.
A boundary realignment motion that would result in all of Eynesbury falling within Melton, unanimously passed a meeting of Wyndham council on Tuesday night. The boundary between the two council’s currently runs through thetown,thoughthemajorityandnearly all residential properties fall on the Melton side. Eynesbury developer and largest landholder Resimax Group has long campaigned for the change in order to improve planning and community cohesion.
Speaking in favour of the motion, councillor Peter Maynard called the section of Eynesbury within Wyndham an “anomaly and that having all its residents inside one council was “better practice”.
In seconding the motion, councillor Mia Shaw said the move made sense and that the boundary between Wyndham and Geelong that cuts through Little River should be the next to be realigned. Melton council have already voted in favourofthemovebutneededWyndham council to agree before submitting a proposal to the local government minister.
Melton council and Resimax Group were contacted for comment.
Werribee CFA had a new generation coming through too.
“We’ve got a junior brigade who start off at 11 and go through to 16 and we’ve got a waiting list because it’s so popular.”
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY 7 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS 12593994-SN20-23
Cade Lucas
Rodney Mitchell and Mick Davie with their Cheifs Commendations. (Supplied)
West couple face slave charges
By Karen Sweeney, AAP
AMelbournecouplehavefacedcourt,accused of keeping a woman as a slave in their home in Melbourne’s west for 10 months in 2022.
Chee Kit “Max“ Chong was charged in November last year with possessing a slave, and using coercion and threats to cause another person to enter into and remain in servitude.
Last month federal police laid a further charge of exercising control over a slave.
The same three charges were filed against his wife, Angie Liaw, on April 6.
It’s alleged Chong, 44, and Liaw, 29, kept a woman in domestic servitude at their Point Cook home between January and October last year.
The couple faced Melbourne Magistrates Court on Thursday May 25 where Liaw’s lawyer, Payne Wu, said he had not yet determined if he was also acting for Chong.
Federal police said they received a report from a healthcare provider, concerned that a
Square up at Brickfest
Wyndham LEGO fans will not only be able to indulge their passion for the famous toy building blocks, but raise money for a good cause too, when the 2023 Wyndham Brickfest takes place next month.
Held over the weekend of June 24 and 25 in the library at Hoppers Crossing Secondary College, the display event will raise money for Wyndham Health Foundation to purchase a Smileyscope virtual reality headset.
Valuedatmorethan$6000,theSmileyscope VR headset helps distract children while they undergo medical procedures, reducing the need for sedatives.
“Anything which makes it easier for children to get the treatment they need in our community is a positive thing and Wyndham Brickfest is eager to raise as much of the funds as we can to get a Smileyscope into Werribee Mercy Hospital,” said Brickfest president Andrew Elsbury.
The event will showcase LEGO models in a variety of categories, with a people’s choice
and committee award presented for each.
Applications to display close on June 17 and all models need to be set up by June 23.
Allproceedsfromticketsalesanddonations go towards the purchase of the Smileyscope headset.
Tickets for Wyndham Brickfest are on sale now at www.trybooking.com/CINNF
Donations to the Smileyscope can be paid to: Wyndham Brickfest BSB 633 000 Acc:16792 9421.
Dynon Road closed in both directions
From mid-June to late-August
woman was exhibiting indicators of human trafficking.
The couple’s home was searched in late October.
Mr Wu said he hoped to reach a decision on representing Chong in the next week or so.
Chong told the court he believed he and his wife already shared the same lawyer, but would find another if needed.
He appeared by video-link wearing a blue jumper in a white-walled room, while Liaw appeared from inside a car.
Dynon Road between Dryburgh St and the CityLink inbound exit ramp will be closed in both directions from 8pm Friday 16 June to 5am Thursday 31 August so we can continue strengthening the Dynon Road Bridge.
Buses will also replace trains on the Werribee, Williamstown and Sunbury lines from 8pm Friday 23 June to last service Sunday 9 July. Delays are expected.
Keep in mind there are other disruptions during this time. Find a detailed list at bigbuild.vic.gov.au
Commonwealth prosecutor Zoe Hough said their alleged victim was a vulnerable adult, who would not be required to give evidence at a committal hearing against them.
But the court heard other witnesses may include people who interacted with the alleged victim at a hospital or medical centre she attended.
Their case was adjourned for a further committal mention on June 19.
Chong and Liaw are both on bail.
Thanks for your patience
We’re widening the bridge at Dynon Road over the rail lines to build new connections to the city as part of the West Gate Tunnel Project. Visit bigbuild.vic.gov.au for more information, including detour routes and closure times. Please note that dates and times are subject to change.
Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne
One of the displays at last year’s Wyndham Brickfest. (Supplied)
RSL offers a varied menu
Dining at the Werribee RSL provides a pleasant and enjoyable experience for visitors.
Werribee RSL is a Returned Services League (RSL) club that offers various facilities and services, including dining options.
The dining experience at Werribee RSL typically offers a range of options to suit different tastes and preferences.
There is a bar area and a restaurantdining area where you can enjoy a meal.
Menus feature a variety of dishes, including classic Australian pub fare, steaks, salads and vegetarian options.
Werribee RSL’s dining options cater to a range of budgets, with different menu items priced accordingly. The RSL offers affordable meals, especially during certain times or for specific promotions.
Checkoutthechef’sspecialsonSaturdays for lunch and dinner and try your luck on the spinning wheel. Thursday night enjoy a roast carvery and buy a ticket or two in the raffle.
Werribee RSL also has a bar area where you can enjoy drinks before or after your meal. The bar offers a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, including beers, wines, spirits, cocktails, and soft drinks.
To make the most of your dining experience at Werribee RSL, it’s recommended to check the website or contactstaffdirectlyforthemostup-to-date information regarding dining facilities, menus, operating hours, and any special events or promotions they might have.
Werribee RSL also offers function and meeting rooms.
Great food and views
Rosana Bistro + Bar extends a warm welcome to everyone in the community, offering a versatile dining experience for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or casual bar snacks and drinks.
Situated on level eight within the Holiday Inn, the bistro boasts floor-to-ceiling windows soaking in picturesque views of Werribee.
From an extremely satisfying buffet breakfast to a delicious lunch menu, the fusion of flavours in its modern Australian cuisine ensures a delightful dining experience for all guests.
As the day transitions into the evening, theinvitingatmospheresetsthestageforan
intimate dinner or a gathering with friends and family.
The bar at Rosana Bistro + Bar provides an ideal spot for relaxing with casual bar snacks and a wide selection of drinks. Sip on refreshing cocktails, enjoy a glass of wine, or choose from an array of beverages that suit all preferences.
Embracing the spirit of community Rosana Bistro + Bar invites locals, visitors, and passers-by to come together and enjoy delicious food, drinks, and memorable moments. Whether it’s a quick bite, a leisurely meal, or an evening of socialising, everyone is welcome for an exceptional dining experience. Let’s Eat!
Enjoy family dining at Werribee RSL. (Supplied)
12608203-RR22-23 WERRIBEE RSL SYNNOT ST, WERRIBEE 9741 5525 12607599-JC22-23 Kids eat free on a Sunday with any Main meal purchased.
Rosana Bistro + Bar boasts floor-to-ceiling windows soaking in picturesque views. (Supplied)
Asthma ‘hot spot’ help
By Jennifer Pittorino
The National Asthma Council Australia has launched two online clinical education packages to tackle the burden of asthma in Melbourne’s inner west.
The first is designed to be implemented in schools, the ‘Childhood Asthma Guide for Inner West Melbourne (Schools and Sports Clubs)’, is tailored for teachers to help with formulating asthma action plans, asthma first aid training and more dedicated health care such as school nursing.
Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Brimbank suffer from high levels of air pollution, ranking highest in the state for emergency department presentations for asthma and wheeze in child and adolescent patients.
In particular, Yarraville and Brooklyn have been named as two of Victoria’s air pollution ‘hot spots’.
They rank seventh and eighth in Australia for air pollution concentrations, mainly from transport, industry, shipping, localised urban issues, waste fires and wood heaters.
National Asthma Council Australia senior clinical consultant Narelle Williamson said the most immediate childhood health consequences of air pollution are wheezing and asthma, along with allergy.
“Children are especially vulnerable because their lungs are still developing and they spend a lot of time outdoors and yet the knowledge and capacity of staff to manage asthma in local school and sports clubs varies significantly,” she said.
The Schools and Sports Club education packagefocusesonidentifyingandmanaging asthma in children within a school or sports setting for children and adolescents five -19 years old.
The package can help in identifying
signs and symptoms of asthma, identifying asthma triggers and those triggers specific to the west.
As well as how to utilise written asthma action plans and provide effective asthma management , identifying the signs of an asthma emergency and how to provide first aid treatment for an asthma attack.
A complementary clinical package Improving Childhood Asthma Management
Protecting waterways
A new program will help culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities learn and explore their local waterways across Melbourne’s west.
Water Minister Harriet Shing recently laucnched the Waterways of the West CALD Engagement Toolkit, which provides step-by-step solutions and resources for engaging and educating CALD communities about the waterways in Melbourne’s west.
The toolkit was co-designed with councils, migrant community groups and Wadawurrung Traditional Owners. The toolkit is already being used by the Werribee River Association to engage CALD communities with their local waterways in the Werribee catchment.
“Melbourne’s west is one of the most multicultural regions in Victoria and this toolkit will help more people to share ideas about their waterways and what they would like to achieve in their local environments now and into the future,” she said.
in Inner West Melbourne (Primary Health Care) has also been developed for general practitioners (GPs), practice nurses, pharmacists and allied health providers based in the inner western suburbs.
Both packages were developed by the National Asthma Council Australia as their projects for the Improving Childhood Asthma Management (ICAM) – Inner West Program; funded by the state government.
Point Cook MP Mathew Hilakari said it was important to ensure the whole community can play a role in protecting local waterways for generations to come.
TarneitMPDylanWrightsaid:“Local community groups do important work to protect and maintain our precious Werribee River, it’s great to share this work with the whole community”.
YOURNEWCAREER ...startshere
Star Weekly seeks an enthusiastic sales executive to work across our print, digital, social and online platforms. Star Weekly is an independently owned company which prides itself on its long history of community experience but also its investment in the future. The successful applicant will need to possess good people skills to enable them to meet with local businesses to sell solutions through our advertising platforms to help promote their business. Applicants will need their own reliable vehicle for which we will provide an allowance. The position is salaried, plus we offer an open ended commission scheme. Send your application letter and resume to: Advertising Sales Manager, Mandy Clark salescareers@starnewsgroup.com.au 12570945-JC40-22
ICAM Sporting Club is one of the programs set to benefit from the two online locally tailored education packages, designed to aid in asthma management in the west. (Supplied)
The west dominates land sales
Melbourne’s western growth corridor has continued to dominate new land sales across Melbourne and Geelong in the first quarter of 2023, according to Victorian residential development sales, marketing and advisory agency RPM.
The latest RPM Greenfield Market Report revealedthecorridorwhichcomprisesMelton, Bacchus Marsh and Wyndham captured 42 per cent of all sales across the region with 797 new lots sold, which is a 7 per cent decline on the previous quarter.
Lot prices remained stable at $385,000, and
44 per cent of buyers were age 25 to 44.
RPM managing director project marketing Luke Kelly said demand for the corridor is driven by its appeal to families and first-time buyers.
“Couples with children dominated sales during the quarter, representing 59 per cent of purchasers,” Mr Kelly said.
“The majority of buyers, at 71 per cent, indicated they were planning to own and occupy their home, with 69 per cent of those first home buyers.
“[This is an] indicator of this area’s
desirability and relative affordability for those stepping in to the market, despite prices remaining slightly higher than the broader region’s average.”
While there was a decline in sales from the previous quarter, RPM said the report shows the dip is inline with the broader market, with new land sales falling 9 per cent across Melbourne and Geelong.
MrKellysaidconsumerconfidenceremained low on the whole following interest rate rises, the rising cost of living and continued caution around the building industry.
“The reality for many is that their purchasing power has been significantly reduced by interest rate rises and cost of living pressures,” he said.
“[Buyers are] assessing their options in terms of adjusting their buying expectations or delaying their purchasing decision.”
“We believe it will take several continuous months of interest rate holds to see any meaningful turn-around in confidence, so we’re anticipating signs of improvement toward the end of the year.”
Details: https://rb.gy/p8rzm
Werribee ladies raise a cuppa and cancer funds
The Italian Sports Club of Werribee Ladies Club held its annual Cuppa for Cancer fundraiser on Thursday, May 25.
The event is part of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser run by the Cancer Council, and as they do every year, the ISCW Ladies Club did their very best to live up to the name.
Two hundred and fifty guests attended this year’s event, and through raffles and auctions raised a total of $14000.
The importance of the Biggest Morning Tea fundraiserandhowthemoneywillbeusedwas explained by the Cancer Council’s Christine Shaw who addressed the event.
Since first being held in 2005, the ISCW’s Cuppa for Cancer has raised over $100,000 for the Cancer Council.
Party to warm up Watton St
As the days get colder, the Winter Street Party will bring a warm glow to the Werribee city centre.
The much-loved street festival will bring wintry fun to Watton Street on Friday, June 23, from 5-9pm, with a new program to enjoy including fire shows, a pop-up roller-rink, snow play, live music, roving performers, a makers market, glow zone, delicious winter dishes and much more.
Wyndham mayor Susan McIntyre said the event would build on the success of last year’s event – which attracted a record-breaking 12,000 people.
“This year, the Winter Street Party will be even bigger and better; creating a carnival-like atmosphere across the entire Watton Street,” she said.
“Each year, we’ve seen the event continue to growandthisyearwe’reexcitedtoseeitfurther expand into a full street celebration that brings local businesses, musicians, artists, sporting clubs and community groups together in the midst of winter.”
Wyndham’s creative city portfolio holder, councillor Marcel Mahfoud, encouraged residents to rug up and enjoy the magic of the Winter Street Party.
“This year there will be a new winter wonderland and light-themed activity zones, two live music stages, a neon DJ booth, silent disco, glow-in-the-dark face painting and loads of fun for the kids,” Cr Mahfoud said.
“Businesses will be open late and will be venturing/spilling out onto the street with a range of offerings. From delicious winter fare along with alfresco dining areas to special retail offers, pop-up activations and a new Winter Market featuring more than 30 stalls from local Wyndham makers.”
The free pop-up roller rink will get everyone moving and keeping warm. It will be run from 4pm, Friday, June 23 to 9pm, Sunday, June 25 and at 4 Watton Street, near Troup Park. Bookings are essential and will open Monday. June 5.
Details: wyndham.vic.gov.au/winter
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY 11 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS Subscribe to the Wyndham Star Weekly Digital Edition FREE 12481540-JW07-21 SIGN UP NOW! FEBRUARY 3, 2021 SIGN UP NOW! YOUR FINE ASIAN FOOD He said some pregnant women within Full house at Mercy which currently the final stages since 2016 prepare the future needs receive the level and quality health services Scan this QR code to subscribe Or visit wyndham.starweekly.com.au/subscribe/
Last year’s Winter Street Party attracted 12,000 people. (Supplied)
Ladies at the Cuppa for Cancer fundraiser at the Italian Sports Club of Werribee on May 25. (supplied).
Cade Lucas
The Dragon Lady’s colourful life
When Fran Bowden decided to try her hand at tattooing in 1979, female tattoo artists were few and far between in Australia. Over the years Fran has fine-tuned her craft and worked around the country, leading her to a female-owned shop in Brooklyn. She chats to Jennifer Pittorino about her colourful journey and why she loves being a tattoo artist.
FranBowden,alsoknownas‘DragonLady’, always knew she was going to use her passion for creativity and her fine art skills in her career.
Forty-three talent-filled years later, she has one of the most recognisable tattoo careers in the country.
Whenanoptimistic20-year-oldFranstarted looking for work in 1979, she hadn’t settled on anything concrete, so she decided to stumble into some tattoo shops to try her luck.
“I always knew my job would involve something creative and artsy, I just didn’t know what,” she says.
“I had always been drawing so tattooing seemed like a good next step, people were something new to draw on.”
In the ‘70s there were only three or four other female tattoo artists in Australia, so getting work in a tattoo parlour was no easy feat for Fran.
“I walked into many tattoo shops with some of my drawings prepared, and all I wanted to do was learn how to tattoo people,” she says.
“I received many negative remarks because at that time having a woman tattooing was very different, it was a fairly male-orientated industry.”
Fran’s obstination and ‘won’t take no for an answer’ attitude, eventually got her her first job in a little shop on Elizabeth Street in Sydney.
“Eventually I walked into a shop and showed the manager my work, he said alright let’s see what you can do.
“I think I was very lucky to have been given that opportunity, I got on very well with people and my career escalated from there.”
Fast forward 40-odd years and Fran now lives in Geelong with her husband of 18 years.
Fran has continued her love affair with tattooing at Rogue Ink, a small tattoo shop in Brooklyn, owned by Jessica Gronow.
Jess herself has been tattooing for 11 years, facing similar struggles to Fran when trying to break into the industry.
“There weren’t very many females around tattooing when she started and even when I started the industry was still primarily run by men.
“There were a lot of sexist remarks and a lot of sexual harassment when I started, now we see more young people and even more females running the show.”
Before making the move to Victoria to care for her late mother, Fran had opened three shops, married three times and had three children – all boys.
“I got to travel around doing work in New South Wales, some in Western Australia and eventually in South Australia where I opened my shops,” Frans says.
“South Australia was my favourite state to work in, I met so many nice people and had a great time there.”
Franworkedandworked,gettingbetterjobs, leading her to better shops, eventually allowing her to open her own businesses which she said was hard work.
“It is very difficult working for yourself, havingyourowntattooshopisespeciallyreally difficult,” she says.
“I was fortunate my husband was the shop manager at one, which helped me with a lot of things.”
Like being a hairdresser, Fran said people
tend to open up to tattoo artists when getting inked, which happens to be her favourite part of the job.
“One of the highlights is definitely meeting lots of new people, you meet all sorts of people, some even famous,” she says coyly.
Fran has been working at Rogue for more than two years working on her colourful, fantasy pieces.
“She has mastered her work with colour over the last 40 years, she is extremely well known for her colour work and her fantasy art,” Jess says.
Fantasy art, day of the dead, Neo-Japanese, Celtic and knotwork, tribal, black and grey, traditional Americana, dragons and fairies are some of Fran’s specialities that she has mastered.
Jess speaks of Fran with great fondness,
describing her as a great asset to their team and a mentor for the seven who work at Rogue.
“Her main skill is her quickness, she is one of the quickest tattoo artists I’ve ever seen,” she says.
“It is very insightful working with Fran, she is extremely friendly and all she wants to do is put her head down and work, it’s very refreshing.”
Fran is a life member of the Professional Tattoo Association of Australia (PTAA), which has been running for more than 40 years, winning several awards for her tattoos.
“I have tattooed people just about all over the body,thereisatrophyforjustabouteverybody part,” she says.
In addition to working at Rogue, Fran happily spends her spare time painting and drawing, she is also in the middle of a graphic
novel which she is compiling.
After 63 years, Fran is entirely covered in tattoos including two full arms, two full legs , her back, chest and some on her face.
Heradvicetoyoungergenerationsistothink really hard before getting any tattoos.
“It might be fun now but 20 years down the track it might affect you more than you think,” she says.
“It’s been really difficult for me to get a normal job because I am heavily tattooed, tattooing has truly been my whole life.”
Following the advice she imparted on to young readers, her advice to her younger self was on par with her outlook on life.
“I would tell myself, you have to take life as it comes , do your best and you will get there in the end. “Look out Fran, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”
‘‘ I have tattooed people just about all over the body, there is a trophy for just about every body part ’’
- Fran Bowden
Fran Bowden, a.k.a. ‘Dragon Lady’, has been tattooing for more than 43 years. She is well known for her colourful fantasy pieces, and has been working at Rogue Ink in Brooklyn for the last two years. Left: Fran with Rogue Ink owner Jessica Gronow.
(Pictures: Damjan Janevski) 335917
From concept to reality, create a dream outdoor space
As the warm weather falls behind us, now is a great time to get started on your dream outdoor space and Outside Concepts are the perfect choice to make those dreams a reality.
Building their reputation on creating quality outdoor living and storage spaces, including their signature high standard carports, they also specialise in pergolas, decks, verandas and outdoor entertaining areas for the family to enjoy.
They’ll work with you from concept and completion, to clean up, so you can just sit back while the hard work gets under way and then enjoy your new space.
Established in 1991 by Brian Rohan and originally called Mr Carports, they have 30 plus years in the business and over 18,000 finished projects has created thousands of satisfied customers Australia-wide.
They’ve established themselves as highly reliable and abundantly experienced with a customer centric focus the whole way through, Outside Concepts take care of the entire process, taking the pressure off you.
The team will work on developing your ideas, starting with design, everything is done in house, from the engineering, to plans and building permits, you’ll only need to contact Outside Concepts for your outdoor upgrades.
Whether it be pergolas, carports, or a new deck, they work with both timber and steel materialsandonlyusequalityAustralianmade products.
They can employ a range of designs to suit your home, with both flat and gable roofing options available, their decks also include timber or composite options, it’s up to the customer’s preference.
For a stunning natural look, timber decking is the way to go, but if you want minimal upkeep and a more environmentally conscious solution, their supplied composite decking is
made with recycled plastic and the team can talk through what’s best suited to your needs. With great experience with pergolas, carports and verandas, Outside Concepts can work through different design ideas with you. Polycarbonateandlaserlightroofingoptions
will ensure the sun’s warmth can make it through, whereas insulated panel ceilings will give a cleaner modern touch and can be finished up with in-ceiling lights and fans to pull everything together. Welcomingprojectsbigandsmall,ascustom
builders they ensure to always be upfront with designpossibilitiesandcosts,there’snoneedto go anywhere else.
For an obligation free quote contact 1800 601 647 or visit www.outsideconcepts.
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY 13 FEATURING ... MY BUSINESS Advertising feature
Get started on creating the perfect outdoor space for your family and contact Outside Concepts for an obligation free quote today. (Shutterstock)
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The online nightmare facing kids
Children as young as four are being exposed to nightmare fuel that could set them up for a lifetime of anxiety as Melissa Meehan, the editor of Star Weekly’s Kids West Today magazine, and a reporter with AAP explains.
Animated online games such as Rainbow Friends,andvideoclipsofpeopleplaying them, might seem innocuous but their benign names often hide more sinister content.
Rainbow Friends is a Roblox horror experience that turns a seemingly welcoming environment into a terrifying nightmare.
It’s similar to content such as Piggy, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Poppy Playtime, or the more well-known Huggy Wuggy.
The gamer poses as an unnamed child who has been kidnapped during a school trip to an amusement park called Odd World.
‘‘ It’s a very, very vulnerable place that these children find themselves in ’’ - Deirdre Brandner
Some videos of Rainbow Friends animations on Youtube have had as many as four million views while the game itself – which is played on Xbox, mobile devices and PCs – has had more than one billion visits.
Despite being PG-rated for mild violence –its creators claim it’s suitable for children over nine years old – children aged much younger are being exposed.
While there is no substantial research on the issue, anecdotal evidence from a number of child educators suggests children accessing such content are more prone to act out, sometimes violently, or display anxious behaviour.
A Melbourne kindergarten teacher, who declined to be named to protect the identity of her students, said last year several boys in a class for four-year-olds had seen Rainbow Friends.
“My colleagues and I were seeing them play and talking about some characters. We had never heard of it before so did some research anditreallyshockedusthattheyknewsomuch about it,” she told AAP
The main concern was that four- and five-year-olds were being exposed to age-inappropriate content, although it was noted that they often had older siblings which made it easier to access.
Child psychologist said stories of children as young as four accessing similar content were concerning because their developmental age meant the line between pretend and reality can be blurred.
“It starts with something quite benign and engaging and it’s actually the shift from that to the darkness that is the most distressing for children,” she told AAP
“By then, they have developed trust in that character and then it turns out to be something they are not expecting.”
She said characters in these kinds of online content force kids to lose trust and brings a cautiousness that develops across everything they do.
This could include being scared while watching a Disney show or even Bluey”, she said.
“That’s when we see increases in anxiety and, you know, there is a correlation between what children are being exposed to, and anxiety and the fact that particularly for this age group – it’s a very, very vulnerable place that these children find themselves in,” Ms Bradner said.
“It is important to talk to your kids, and other parents, about what they are watching or what their friends are watching.”
Cybersafety expert Susan McLean says it’s paramount that parents take control of what their children are exposed to online.
“If we applied the same rules to parenting
It is important to talk to your kids about what they are watching online. (Shutterstock)
in the real world – if we let our three-year-old aimlessly wander the streets and hope for the best, you know that wouldn’t work,” she said.
“So why do parents think that the internet is different?Itisnot.Itisfarmoredangerousthan the real world for little young people.”
Shesaidunsupervisedchildrenusingdevices often stumbled upon content not meant for their eyes.
An example of this is Shrek the Rapist, which comes up when searching for videos of the G-rated Shrek movie.
It is also important to have tough conversations in the playground with other parents about what their kids are watching - because often what one parent thinks is appropriate, isn’t necessarily appropriate for another child.
Roblox is a user-generated content platform, whichmeansthegamesandvirtualexperiences on the platform are not built by Roblox but by
a community of more than 12 million creators and developers.
Roblox told AAP in a statement that it encouraged parents to determine what experiences were appropriate for their children by providing a suite of Parental Control features.
Those controls can be used to restrict what games and experiences kids can access, as well as who they can interact with and how much they can spend.
“Parents can set restrictions based on the age recommendation assigned to individual games and experiences on Roblox, with three age categories to choose from: content recommended for “All Ages”, content for users “9+”, or content for users “13+”,” it said.
“In the case of Rainbow Friends, the game is not playable for accounts that have been age-restricted to either the “All Ages” or “9+” categories.”
McAuliffes box it with the best Wyndham businesses
By Cade Lucas
ForBiancaandMatthewMcAuliffe,ownersof UBXTraininginHoppersCrossing,successat the
2022 Wyndham Business Awards came at just the right time.
“We were originally 12 Round Fitness, but we did a rebrand in May and it helped us get our name out there, the awareness of it,” said Bianca of the change, which as franchisees, they had no say in.
Fortunately their reputation in Wyndham already transcended any brand name, something Bianca said was the most gratifying part of winning the art and recreation category last year.
“You want people who live locally to come to your business so that the fact that it’s recognised in the local community is great for growth,” she said.
As a trained accountant, growing the business is Bianca’s repsonsibility, leaving the fitnesssidetohusbandMatthew,whoseboxing background was what got them into the fitness industry to start with.
“My husband Matthew was in construction for 25 years and he and a friend had been training together and had just finished a 12 week challenge and they were looking for something else to continue their training,” Bianca said of the process that led to them opening their franchise in 2019.
Since then the boxing based gym, which offers 12 round circuits of three-minute exercises, has grown to 250 members across sites in Hoppers Crossing and Point Cook.
It’s growth that’s made all the more impressive given the impact of COVID-19 which wiped out many other gyms and franchises.
Bianca credits customer service with
helping them survive the pandemic and thrive afterwards.
“Wereallycareaboutourmembers,wewant to know what they’re goals are.
“We’ve been told that we exceed customer expectations so we must be doing something right.”
The post-lockdown period led to a boom in
Star Weekly looks back through the pages of our predecessors
the fitness industry as people flocked back to gyms, and while UBX Training benefited from this, Bianca said the cost of living crisis has presented another challenge.
“Unfortunately people see their gym membership as a luxury not a necessity for their health, it’s very volatile,” she said. While pointing out that numbers at UBX
40 years ago
June 1, 1983
Werribee Shire Council supports the introduction of poker machines into Victoria, in the hope that it will be beneficial to the finances of clubs.
30 years ago
June 2, 1993
Five local hotels and 200 people object to the redevelopment of Centenary Hall.
20 years ago
May 28, 2003
Wyndham’s migrant community are reeling following the precipitous closure of the Inner Western Region Migrant Resource Centre (IWRMRC) office in Hoppers Crossing.
Trainingremainedstrong,Biancasaidanother win at this year’s Wyndham Business Awards wouldn’t go astray.
“If that popped up again that would be awesome.”
Entries for the 2023 Wyndham Business Awards close on June 13 and can be made at: https://shorturl.at/mCDJT
9 years ago
May 28, 2014
Nudists could lose their right to swim in the buff , with Wyndham council announcing a review of Werribee South beach’s clothing-optional status.
UBX owners Matt and Bianca McAuliffe. (Damjan Janevski) 337691_04
Wyndham Rotary
Wyndham Rotary welcomes people interested in helping people in need in the community. Interested in finding out more, come to the Italian Sports Club each Wednesday night at 6.30pm for a meal, to share ideas and to work for a common cause.
■ Julie, 0406 196 630
CWA Werribee branch
The Country Women’s Association Werribee branch meets on the third Wednesday of every month at the Wyndham Park Community Centre at 1pm. Afternoon tea is provided. The branch also has various social outings and fundraising events. Visitors who would like to learn a little of what the CWA do are welcome. You do not have to be a keen cook or crafty person, just someone looking for friendship.
■ Michelle, 0407 207 801
Friends of Presidents Park
The Friends of Presidents Park meets from 10am to noon on the first Thursday of the month, to undertake Landcare activities along the Werribee River through the park and surrounding areas. Bring your own gloves and water. Morning tea provided. Meeting at the carpark near the Shaws Road Bridge, Heaths Road, near the fenced dog park.
■ admin@werribeeriver.org.au
Seniors House of Fun
The Grange Community Centre would like to invite the seniors of Wyndham to its weekly Seniors House of Fun. This is a free program running every Friday 11am-12.30pm, at The Grange Community Centre, 260-280 Hogans Road, Hoppers Crossing.
■ Vanessa, 8742 8000, or enquires@grangecommunity.org.au
Seniors club
The Werribee Senior Citizens Club Inc meets at 80 Lonsdale Circuit, Hoppers Crossing. The group is open to all people 55-plus , and it runs on Wednesdays, 10am- noon. Entry: $2, includes morning tea.
■ 0403 041 499
Diabetes Support Group
The Werribee Diabetes support group has been active in the community for over 18 years providing advice, information and support for members of the group. The support group provides an opportunity to hear from experts on how to manage your diabetes, to share information on diabetes and to engage with other diabetics. It meets at the old council shire buildings at 10 am every second Friday of the month.
■ Bob, 0409 252872.
Hoppers Crossing Ladies Probus
The friendly and vibrant group meet at Hotel 520 on the second Wednesday of each month from 10am. They have a guest speaker each month as well as social lunches, outings and theatre trips.
■ 0407 856 519
Soroptimist International
Would you like an opportunity to support women and children in your local community? Then, come along to come along to a community information session. Soroptimist International of Wyndham is a global service club for women & a multicultural organisation. We meet once a month to plan and carry out service projects in the local community. All our projects support women and children. Women of all ages are welcome. Saturday, June 3, Point
Cook Community Learning Centre, Room 1, 1-21 Cheetham Street, Point Cook (same building as the Point Cook Library)
9.45am to 11.15am.
■ 0419 426 274, or karentn@optusnet.com.au
Sunrise Social Groups
GenWest Sunrise Social Groups are currently seeking new members for their Melton, Brimbank and Wyndham programs.
The free groups are organised by Genwest and provide a social space for women, gender diverse and nonbinary people, who have a disability, chronic health issues and/ or mental health challenges.
■ https://genwest.org.au/what-we-do/ health-wellbeing-programs/
U3A Werribee
The group is a not-for-profit community organisation for semi-retired and retired Wyndham residents. They hold a variety of classes/activities specifically designed for Seniors, including, light physical and mental wellbeing sessions, arts, games and craft, and general classes such as current affairs, history and lunch groups. Most classes/activities are held at Wyndham Community Centres.
■ Rick, 0402 299 220.
Lions Club
Lions Club of Werribee meets at the RSL Club 2a Synnot Street Werribee on the first and third Wednesday of the month
6.30pm for a 7pm dinner meeting.
■ Lou, 0409 331 271
Bingo for all
The Werribee RSL hosts Bingo every Monday, except public holidays. Eyes down from 12.30-2.30pm.
■ 9741 5525
Western Budgerigar Club
The Western Suburbs Budgerigar Club meets at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of each month at Masonic Hall, 223 Watton Street, Werribee. Meet other members
who are also passionate about breeding Budgerigars.
■ Don, 0414 975 862
Wyndham Ladies Probus
Are you recently retired or semi-retired? Looking for fun, fellowship and to increase your social networks. The Ladies Probus Club of Wyndham meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Hotel520, Sayers Road, Tarneit, and normally has an outing or event on the third Wednesday of each month.
■ Rosa Sanderson, 0410 303 046
Maribyrnong /Hobsons Bay
Newport Folk and Fiddle Beginner Play Along Group. The Newport Folk and Fiddle Beginner Play Along Group invites people of all instruments and levels of expertise are welcomed , children are also most welcome. Date: Saturday 17th of June, 2023, 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Venue: 2nd Newport Scouts 6 Market Street, Newport 3015 ■ https://www.nffc.org.au/ beginner-playalong
Carers’ walk and talk
A collaboration between the state government, Interchange Outer East and Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL), the Pathways for Carers program is launching a monthly walk in Footscray on the third Thursday of each month. ■ lauren. mcalpine@bsl.org.au, or www.pathwaysforcarers.com.au
Flower workshops
Want to learn how to do professional flower arrangements in a fun and relaxed program? Flowers, vase and snacks included. Joan Kirner House, 14 Thompson Street, Williamstown.
■ Liza, 0416 268 959
Seeking stories
Award-winning local author Dr Dominique Hes is writing a book on Newport Lakes, tracing its history, its impact and its
contribution. The book will outline the story of its development, highlighting the role of consensus, courage, vision and working with nature to create a beautiful ecological and social place. Weaving in theories of biophilia, regenerative development and placemaking with local stories, it aims to provide inspiration for other communities looking at what they can do in their neighbourhoods. Locals are asked to come forward with any stories, photos, memories to be included in the book.
■ NPLbook22@gmail.com
Williamstown book sale
Friends of Williamstown and Newport Libraries hold a book sale every second Saturday of each month 9.30am to 12.30pm. The book sale is held in the Friends’ Room – entrance from deck on Ferguson Street. Cash only sales.
■ libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
Heritage walks
Enjoy a leisurely one-and-a-half hour walk around historic Williamstown and nearby suburbs with guide John. Walks start at 9.20 am each Tuesday outside the Visitor Information Centre in Nelson Place. Each week is a different week and a printed sheet with the route and points of interest provided each week. Walks are leisurely and we usually end at a cafe for a tea/coffee.
■ John, 0418 377 336
Walking group
The Altona Meadows and Newport Heart Foundation Walking Group is a local community of men and women committed to walking together, socialising together with a post-walk coffee and chat. Anyone is welcome to join the group on Mondays 10am at Altona Beach, Wednesdays 10am at Altona Meadows (Jolly Miller Cafe) or on Fridays 10am, at Newport Lakes.
■ Ian Watson, 0411 566 862, or www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/Community/ Whats-On/Altona-Meadows-and-NewportHeart-Foundation-Walking-Groups
Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to westeditorial@starweekly.com.au by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication
This week’s photographer’s choice picture is of the kids at Christ the Priest Primary School, Caroline Springs, who won a state-wide competition for designing their own mural (Damjan Janevski). 336159_01
To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.
1 Constructs (6)
4 Rant and rave (8)
9 Traditional English sponge cake (7)
11 Imbricate (7)
12 Knick-knacks and souvenirs (11)
13 Firearm (3)
14 Arduous (8)
16 Capital territory of India (5)
19 Regal (5)
20 Influenza strain (5,3)
22 Phone program (3)
24 Reciprocal (11)
26 Annoying (7)
27 Deviate (7)
29 Accurate shooters (7)
30 Stylish (6)
1 Cadge (3)
2 Compensation (9)
3 Less wet (5)
5 Greek god of music, poetry, etc (6)
6 Girls’ name (9)
7 Forced labour camp (5)
8 Outlay (11)
10 Collections of songs or photos (6)
12 Prioritising material possessions (11)
15 Rocks containing silica (9)
17 Exaggerated self importance (9)
18 Mount (6)
21 In ancient architecture, a horizontal design (6)
23 Metal rod for stirring a fire (5)
25 Celestial being (5)
28 Speak (3)
1 14
2 15
3 16
4 17
5 18
6 19
7 20
8 21
9 22
10 23
11 24
12 25
12 345678910111213
719468523 481275639
836521497 365849712
189327465 897135246
375964182 461279538
easy medium hard
254793186 516389247
945638721 293745618
872451963 784162359
R S R B E Today’s Aim:
P 18 words: Good 27 words: Very good 37 words: Excellent
1415 1617181920212223242526 S G K R T D N C V H Z A Q X Y O E U M B I J P F W L Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. NOTE: more than one solution may be possible
No. 135
02-06-23 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com
1 Do peanuts grow on trees, on bushes or below ground?
2 The archer is the symbol of what zodiac sign?
3 Stenography is the process of what?
4 Wynton Marsalis is known for playing which instrument?
5 The three Margin brothers (Zaac, Sam and Elliott) are members of which Australian rock band?
6 Who was the only Ptolemaic ruler to learn the Egyptian language?
7 Jessica Walsh is a graphic designer and creative director based in which US city?
8 Which 2020 sci-fi thriller stars John David Washington and Robert Pattinson?
9 The rusty-spotted cat (pictured) is notable for being what?
10 Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders designed which typeface in 1982?
13 26 FL ANSWERS: 1. Below ground 2. Sagittarius 3. Writing shorthand 4. Trumpet 5. The Rubens 6. Cleopatra 7. New York 8. Tenet 9. The world’s smallest cat 10. Arial
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY 17 12 34 5678 91011 12 13 14151617 18 19 20 21 22232425 26 2728 29 30
No. 135
135 918 51 983 7563 6783 4 214 584 1 7368 5479 easy 36 1 83 4 756 58 34 612 417 64 75 289 medium 53 7 95 81 3 8 235 79 64 37 34 45 31 612 8 hard
apes, apse, espy, pare, pares, parry, parse, parser, payer, pays, pear, perry, pray, prayer, prays, prey, preys, pyre, rape, raps, rasp, RASPBERRY, raspy, reap, reaps, repay, repays, spar,
spare, sparer, spay, spear, spray, sprayer, spry, spryer, yaps
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. R A S A K
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Isuzu Ute MU-X is big and bold
By Ewan Kennedy, Marque Motoring
Isuzu MU-X LS-T is a large 4WD from a Japanese company that has a long history of producing hard working vehicles. Indeed, Isuzu has a history dating back for over 100 years in light commercial vehicles.
With research showing 50 per cent of Aussie owners tow something behind their Isuzu MU-X this latest model has a stronger body-on-frame chassis and re-engineered coil-sprung five-link independent rear suspension has delivered what the company says is best-in-class braked towing capacity of 3500 kg.
MU-X comes with three equipment levels: LS-M, LS-U and LS-T, each with the choice of two- or four-wheel drive. All are powered by Isuzu’s new 3.0-litre turbodiesel engine, putting out 140 kW and 450 Nm, mated with a six-speed automatic transmission.
The MU-X has a six-year/150,000 km warranty (some rivals have unlimited kays) with up to seven years roadside assistance and seven years capped-price servicing available.
This is a good-looking vehicle that’s aimed at those looking for an attractive vehicle that’s going to appeal to family buyers looking for something that’s more than an upmarket station wagon.
The front grille is large and stretches all the waytotheheadlights,indeeditslightlyoverlaps the headlights. There’s a huge “Isuzu” badge in the top centre of the grille.
The headlights have an interesting look in that they are in two sections, making them styling feature not merely a way of letting the driver see better in the dark.
The bonnet is tall and slopes down at the outer edges. The windscreen has a practical, relatively upright slope in that it doesn’t reach too far back and therefore keeps the sun off the driver and front passenger.
The roof stretches back so that it provides a tall load area, again adding to the practical nature of this vehicle.
Again, the MU-X has an upmarket look as it’s aimed at those who want a quality family vehicle not simply an off-road machine.
It has quilted leather-accented seven-seat upholstery with white stitching and quilted
leatherette across interior door trims and centre console.
The LS-T has heated front seats, with improved eight-way power adjustment on the driver’s side with under-thigh adjustment, power adjustable lumbar support and four-way power adjustment for the passenger.
This model has dual-zone climate control air-conditioning, which covers all three-rows.
The instrument cluster has analogue dials for tacho and speedo, with a 4.2-inch Multi-Information Display in between them. This includes a digital speedometer, turn-by-turn navigation instructions, drive modes, fuel usage and vehicle range information.
A new nine-inch centrally mounted screen displays high-definition infotainment with crisp images. Connectivity is by way of Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. Eight JVC Kenwood speakers give the occupants excellent quality sound.
Engines / transmissions
Power comes from a 3.0-litre, four-cylinder, common-rail turbo-diesel engine. It drives all four wheels through a six-speed automatic transmission. High- and low-ranges give it good traction on-road or off-.
The Isuzu MU-X gained a five-star safety when tested in August 2021.
Isuzu’s Intelligent Driver Assistance System combines active and passive safety with driver
assistance technology.
It has eight airbags which includes a front centre airbag between the driver and the front passenger.
Other safety features across the range include Hill Start Assist, Hill Descent Control, Roll-Over Mitigation, Autonomous Emergency Braking, Post-Collision Braking, Forward Collision Warning, Misacceleration Mitigation, Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop and Go Functionality, Traffic Sign Recognition, Intelligent Speed Limiter, Lane Departure Warning, Lane Departure Prevention, Lane Keep Assist, Driver Inattention Assist, Blind Spot Monitoring, and Rear Cross Traffic Alert.
Thetop-specLS-Tgetsfrontandrearparking sensors, the other only have rear sensors.
The outer centre-row seats come with ISO FIX compatible anchor points.
Driving Engine response off the line is pretty good, thought as is often the way in turbo-diesels it’s a bit slow to respond off the mark. Once it up andrunningitdoeswhatyouaskofitpromptly and is enjoyable to sit behind.
It’s not quite car like in the way it drives, but the Isuzu MU-X is pleasant to drive in the way that it provides good feel from the steering wheel as what vehicle is doing.
It turns in nicely and holds the path chosen bythedriverwithouttheneedforsmallchanges to keep it on the chosen path.
Keep in mind that you’re driving a 4WD not apassengercarandit’sexcellentinthewaythat it responds to road conditions.
Isuzu MU-X LS-M 3.0 turbo-diesel auto 4x2
Isuzu MU-X LS-U 3.0 turbo-diesel auto 4x2
Isuzu MU-X LS-T 3.0 turbo-diesel auto 4x2
Isuzu MU-X LS-M 3.0 turbo-diesel auto 4x4
Isuzu MU-X LS-U 3.0 turbo-diesel auto 4x4
Isuzu MU-X LS-T 3.0 turbo-diesel auto 4x4
Isuzu MU-X LS-T 3.0-litre turbo-diesel AWD five-door wagon SUV
Note: The price of the LS-T 4x4 is driveaway. All other prices do not include government or dealer delivery charges. Contact your local Isuzu Ute dealer for drive-away prices.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have the opportunity to drive the MU-X in off-road conditions, but we are confident the it will handlethemwell.Perhapsinthefuturewewill find time to borrow one for a further week and be able to spend time in the tough stuff.
Fuel consumption is listed at 8.3 litres per 100 kilometres. We averaged 9.3 L/100 km during our test.
Summing up
Isuzu MU-X LS-T is a well-built Japanese vehicle that looks good, handle well for its type and is offered in a number of variants. Would I buy one if this is the type of vehicle I’m shopping around for? Certainly, as it’s one that would sit very high on the list of vehicles I would shop around for.
Big and bold, Isuzu Ute MU-X is a versatile family SUV. (Pictures: Supplied)
Falcons avenge early season loss to Cougars
City West Falcons were able to avenge an early Victorian Netball League championship loss to the Geelong Cougars on Wednesday.
The Falcons only loss this season came back in round one to the Cougars, in the first of the grand final rematches.
On Wednesday night in the second of those rematches, the Falcons were able to turn the tables and come away with a 67-58 win.
Falcons coach Marg Lind said it wasn’t either team’s best performance, but it was good to still come away with the win.
“We chipped away at it,” she said. “We had a game plan and stuck to the strategy against them and it played out nicely.
“It wasn’t our best game, they are different to a lot of other teams.”
Lind and the coaches made a number of changes throughout the game to get the right connections.
With the Cougars having a small shooting circle, the Falcons looked to match them.
“We started Sienna [Allen] at goalkeeper, but we were too tall and their smalls were too
“We then had Zoe [Davies] back and Sophie [Hanrahan] out the front, we ended up reversing that and were more settled.
“When Daisy O’Kane came on in the last quarter we brought Sienna back on and she took and intercept straight away.”
Jane Cook shot 57 goals from 58 attempts in another strong game under the ring.
Lind said Cook, who was a question mark going into the game due to illness, started slowly before building into the game
She said it was a big step forward for her against Brooke Allan, who has had some good performances on her in the past.
Lind said overall it was a really good team performance for a second straight week.
One of the most pleasing things for Lind was the way that the players who were on the bench stayed ready for when they got their chance.
“Lucia Fauonuku did a really good job in delaying the midcourt,” she said.
“She took a crucial intercept after coming
fromnowhereinthethirdquarteranditreally lifted the spirit of the team, it was the turning point for us.
“Uneeq [Palavi] was heaps better when she came back on in the last quarter. She was sick as well.”
The win means the Falcons have beaten every team this season. Lind said they needed to keep pressing and wouldn’t die wondering as they push for three premierships, in the last year of the current VNL format.
This week the Falcons face second-placed BoroondaraExpress,inatopofthetableclash.
Meanwhile, Collingwood’s Suncorp Super Netball team has made the decision to withdraw its licence at the end of this year.
Before the announcement, the Geelong Cougars denied speculation that they would replace the Magpies if they made that call.
Lind said the Falcons, who have been one of the most successful teams in the VNL and have a strong junior set up with the Altona Netball Association, said they would love to have a team.
Bulldogs sneak home
By Tara Murray
Sometimes you have to win ugly and that was the case for Point Cook in the Western Region Football League division 1 on Saturday.
The Bulldogs and Spotswood played out a low scoring tussle on Saturday, which won’t be one many people watch back.
Despite not making the most of their opportunities, the Bulldogs came away with the points, 5.14 (44)-6.5 (41).
Bulldogs coach Clay Smith said it was a frustrating game to watch.
“It was an arm wrestle all day,” he said. “Kicking 4.14 doesn’t help either. Had we convertedafewmorewewouldhavebeenabit clearer and it would have been less stressful.
“It was good to come away with the win.”
The Woodsmen kicked the only two goals of the opening quarter, before the Bulldogs kicked 3.5 in the second quarter to take the lead.
It was one goal apiece in the third quarter and while they were outscored in the final quarter, the Bulldogs were able to do enough.
Smith said being able to win in those
situations is something the team is learning to do this season.
“Winning ugly,” he said. “Went you’re not playing your best footy and you can still come away with the four points is good.
“We would have liked the boys to have played a little bit better and a bit more free flowing, but we’ll take the win.”
Smith said they missed three or four easy shotsinfrontofgoalandanotherthreeorfour that were really good chances.
Having already lost one game this season after kicking themselves out of it, goal kicking remains a big focus of the Bulldogs.
Smith said Spotswood’s straight kicking especially in the first half kept them in it.
Smith said Billy Kolynluk was the standout in the win.
“Down back he had a really good game,” he said. “He stood tall late when the game was on the line.”
Smith said they had a couple of injuries late in the game, but it would be a wait and see on how serious they were.
The win has the Bulldogs sitting 5-2 having played everyone once.
For the Bulldogs first year coach, it’s something he’s happy with considering they were in the regulation battle last season.
“We would have definitely taken 5-2 at the start of the season,” he said.
“We are rapt. We’ve been in every single game and matched it with the best. We lost to Werribee Districts, but kicked 7.15 which didn’t help.
“It’s good for the boys that they know they can match it with everyone in the competition.”
The Bulldogs this week have a bye due to playing in the only division 1 match on the King’s Birthday weekend.
Having had a bye last week, Smith said they would have rather played this week.
Smith said they would look to address the way they use the break, having been a bit flat heading into the Spotswood game.
In other results, Werribee Districts remain undefeated after beating Caroline Springs, while Point Cook Centrals and Hoppers Crossing both suffered losses.
Sophie Hanrahan had a good performance across all three defensive positions. (Robbab Photography)
“If we had the backers supporting us, we would love to do it,” she said.
“We would love to have the red, white and blue in SSN.”
Jennings appointed WRFL CEO
TheWesternRegionFootballLeaguehas finally locked in a new chief executive. The league announced on Wednesday night it had appointed David Jennings to fill the role which has been vacant since the start of March, when Ritchie Hinton and the league mutually agreed he should depart the league after four months in the job.
Jennings comes to the WRFL with a wealth of experience in community sports management.
For the past six years, he has served as the Southern Football Netball League operations general manager, having previously worked as NRL Touch Football in Victoria general manager, AFL Northern Territory club development manager, St Mary’s Football, Sporting and Social Club chief executive and sport and recreation managementroleswithYMCAVictoria.
Jennings said he was excited for the opportunity.
The league announcement said that Jennings has a wide understanding of the Melbourne metro community football and netball landscape and the challenges that go with the development and management of those sports.
“I am honoured to be appointed to the role of CEO at the Western Region Football League,” he said.
“The WRFL has a strong brand and proud history with great clubs. The competition is very strong with 34 member clubs and the growth of women’s football and netball is exciting.
“Ithanktheboardfortheopportunity and look forward to working with staff, member clubs and all the stakeholders in the western region.
“I am excited by the challenge of continuing to grow, develop and evolve the league”.
WRFL president Meredith Angwin said that Jennings stood out in the interview process.
“I am pleased to announce that David Jennings has accepted our offer of the WRFL CEO position,” he said.
“Heisexcitedaboutjoiningourleague and will start officially on Monday, June 26th after he finishes his tenure with the Southern Football Netball League.”
Tara Murray
Tara Murray
Paul Tsapatolis (Supplied)
Jets on the hunt for a new coach
Point Cook is on the hunt for a new coach for the rest of the FV state league 3 north-west season.
The club announced on social media on Wednesday that Ben Swinney had stood down from the role.
“It is with much sorrow and sadness that today the committee accepted the resignation of our senior men’s head coach Ben Swinney and assistant senior men’s coach Ashley Lymn,” the club said.
“On behalf of the club the committee would like to thank both Ben and Ash for all the hard work and dedication they have put in over these past 10 years, at both a coaching and committee level, we wish them both all
the very best in their future coaching careers whatever that may entail.
“We still look forward to seeing you around the club.
“We will now begin a process of searching for a replacement senior men’s head coach and assistant.”
Swinney took over as a head coach of the Jets after six rounds of the 2019 season having previously been assistant coach and reserves coach,
He was one of the founding players of the Jets senior men’s team.
The Jets were back in action on Saturday against Moreland United.
It was a good day for the Jets, winning 3-1.
Sports shorts
The Jets now sit ninth on the ladder with four wins for the season.
Point Cook this week faces Diamond Valley United this Saturday.
In state league 2 north-west, Hoppers Crossinghada2-2drawwithGeelongRangers. Hoppers Crossing sits second bottom.
In state league 4 west, Truganina Hornets had a 5-0 win against Bell Park.
The win was the Hornets second of season. The Hornets are now five points clear of bottom side Gisborne.
In state league 5 west, it was a tough day for Tarneit United against Melton Phoenix, leading 12-0. Wyndham had a 4-2 loss to Bendigo City, while West Point had the bye.
Wyndham takes the win
By Tara Murray
Wyndham got a much needed test in the Big V women’s state championship division on Saturday night.
With a gap between the top and the bottom sides, Wyndham welcomed the top of the table challenge against the Bulleen Boomers.
The two teams were locked at 16-apiece at quarter time, before the Boomers led by three points at the main break.
Wyndhamtooktheleadinthethirdquarter and led by a point heading into the final quarter.
A 24-20 final quarter, sealed the 81-76 win.
Wyndham coach Gerard Hillier said it wasn’t the greatest game, but they did enough to come away with the points.
“It wasn’t too bad, we didn’t play anywhere near our potential,” he said.
“We’re finding a way to win and we did that last [Saturday] night. Bulleen is a strong team and they challenged us from the get go.
“We got the win in ugly circumstances, but
we will take it.”
Amanda Paschal top scored with 32 points for Wyndham while Dyani Ananiev scored 18 points coming off the bench.
The win keeps Wyndham undefeated and at the top of the table.
Hillier said at times it had been hard to get a real read on their form.
“There is a really big gap between the three and the rest of the competition,” he said.
“The reality is the top teams don’t get competitive games every week. Sometimes it can lull you into a false sense of security.”
While happy with the season so far, Hillier said they are nowhere near their best basketball.
“We’ve just got Lauran Jones back from college,’ he said.
“Zoe [Zwerling] has missed the last four rounds with illness. We’re still a few weeks out from our best basketball.
“We’ve still managed to win all our games so far. It has been frustrating not having our full side to get the structures right.”
As part of trying to get the connections right, Hillier has made some changes to the starting line up.
Ananiev has come off the bench in recent rounds.
“It’s been about helping other players get a bit more experience,” Hillier said.
“We’ve put Lauren Jones into the starting five to fast track the gelling side of things.
“It’s a tough match up with Dyani coming off the bench. It’s about exposure and finding our best starting five.”
Wyndham this week faces the Sunbury Jets on Sunday afternoon before the King’s Birthday weekend bye.
Wyndham’s men’s side fell just short against Melbourne University in the state championship division on Sunday.
It was a topsy turvy game with both sides having periods of dominance. A 25-16 final quarter would prove the difference with Melbourne University winning, 99-92.
The loss results in Wyndham dropping from first to fourth.
Maddison Rocci has been named in an extended squad ahead of the 2023 FIBA Women’s Asia Cup. The squad combines a mix of both youth and experience, six debutants have been named. The Asia Cup will be hosted in Australia for the first time between June 26- July 2, with the best teams across the Asia region converging in Sydney.
Werribee Centrals caused an upset in the Western Region Football League women’s division 1 competition on Friday night. Facing Spotswood in a top of the table clash, the Centurions inflicted the Wolves first loss of the season, winning 3.9 (27)-3.4 (22). Saphyre Swanson was named the Centurions best. The Centurions stay in second spot behind the Wolves.
Werribee Centrals had their worst performance of the season on Saturday in the Geelong and District Football League. Facing Inverleigh, the Centurions were on the back foot early, trailing 50-13 at quarter time and while able to close the gap in the middle two quarters, weren’t able to go with Inverleigh late as it ran away with a 23.9 (147)-9.10 (64). Ryan Young kicked four goals for the Centurions. The Centurions, which has now lost two games in a row, sit seventh on the ladder.
Hockey Werribee wasn’t able to match it with Casey in the Hockey Victoria Vic league 1 men’s competition on Saturday. Travelling to Berwick, the Tigers fell short 4-1. The Tigers sit in seventh spot with one win after seven rounds. Werribee’s women’s team also had a tough road trip down to Berwick in the Vic league 1 competition. The Tigers lost 4-0. The Tigers sit in eighth spot after seven rounds, with three wins.
Coates Talent League
It was a mixed return to the field for the Western Jets in the Coates Talent League competition. After several weeks off with players back at their local clubs, the Jets were back in action on Sunday on the road. The Jets boys headed up to Bendigo to face the Bendigo Pioneers and came home with the points, winning 9.11 (65)-7.15 (57). It was a much tougher day for the Jets’ girls who headed up to Queensland to face the Gold Coast Suns Academy. The Suns led by 19 points at quarter time, before kicking eight to none in the second quarter to break the game open. That continued in the second half, with the Suns winning, 21.3 (129)-3.2 (20).
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22 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY Wednesday, 31 May, 2023
Amanda Paschal top scored on Saturday night (Wyndham BA)
Werribee finishes strong for an important win
By Tara Murray
Werribee isn’t focusing too far ahead despite claiming a second straight scalp in the Victorian Football League.
After giving the Gold Coast Suns their first loss of the season last round, Werribee backed it up with a win on Saturday against reigning premier, the Casey Demons.
The win, Werribee’s sixth in eight matches, moves the side to fourth on the ladder.
Werribee coach Michael Barlow said they knew the last two teams would give them an idea of where they sit in the competition.
“We’re starting to get a few wins together which is really good,” he said.
“We knew it was a two week block that we would get a feel where we are at. Against Gold Coast, we learned that you can’t give a team a six to seven goal lead regularly and expect to win.
“Against Casey we didn’t play at a high level for patches in the first three quarters but were able to stay in touch.
“They got early goals in each of the first and third quarters and got away from us … Last week it was for a 15-minute period, there was lots of focus against Casey to make those poorer patches not as long and we did that.”
On Saturday it took three quarters for Werribee to take control of the game. The Demons led at quarter time by a goal and then Werribee led by that margin at half time and three quarter time.
A three goal to nil final term was enough to seal the win for Werribee.
Barlow admits that it wasn’t their greatest game.
“The first three quarters were tug and war,” he said. “The pleasing thing was we kept grappling and trying to stick to the game plan.
“We hung in, hung in and it was going to be which side opened the door for the opposition to walk through.
“We took that invitations around the contest and lifted our clearance game. The first 10 minutes of the last quarter, we weren’t finishing our work, then we managed to get a couple of goals and get some breathing space.”
Hudson Garoni kicked three goals for Werribee, while Sam Paea, Noah Lever and Nick Hayes kicked two goals apiece.
Barlow said their midfield was probably the most consistent performers across the day, despite allowing the Demons to get goals from clearances.
He said Tom Gribble put out a third straight week, while Dom Brew continued his good form.
Barlow said Louis Pinnuck did a good defensive job on AFL-listed Jake Melksham, while highlighting the role of Noah Lever.
“He’s been good for us this year,” he said. “He came to us as a midfielder from Williamstown but has had the opportunity to play as a high forward and has played a real team role for us.”
While happy to be sitting in the top part of the competition, Barlow knows things can quickly change with the AFL-listed clubs.
He said they were just focusing on what they can control.
“We feel like there are parts of our game that we are not doing at a high level,” he said.
“Consistency is still something to focus on. We have to be on notice and we don’t take anyone lightly.”
Werribee this week faces Coburg. The Lions are yet to win a game this season
and sit bottom.
“It’s our third game against a standalone club and we have not been defeated,” he said. “We want to remain undefeated.”
Meanwhile, several Werribee players will have their eye on the AFL mid-season draft on Wednesday, May 31.
Kobe Annand, Jack Boyd, Nathan Cooper, Kye Declase, Harrison Grintell, Bailey Henderson, Shaun Mannagh,
Samuel Paea and Pinnuck have all nominated.
Barlow said Mannagh was the one that had spoken about the most at their club.
“The guys are realistic and what will be, will be,” he said. “Kye Declase and Shaun Mannagh play above the level and deserve an AFL opportunity.”
Werribee against Coburg is on Saturday at Piranha Park from 1.05pm.
Wednesday, 31 May, 2023 WYNDHAM STAR WEEKLY 23
Dom Brew (Belinda Vitacca Photography)
Sam Paea. (Belinda Vitacca Photography)
Nick Hayes celebrates a goal. (Belinda Vitacca Photography)