Star Weekly - Hobsons Bay Maribyrnong - 11th October 2023

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Art funds

Rotary work

The annual Hobsons Bay Rotary Altona Art Show was staged on the weekend with president Therese McKenney labelling it a great success.

“We had some beautiful artworks on display from people of all backgrounds and ages,” she said.

More than 320 entries were put on display by Therese and her team. Mor than 150 of those pieces were on physical display at the exhibition at the Altona RSL, while 257 are now on virtual displayed until Sunday, October 15.

Therese said she was pleased that 16 pieces sold across the weekend.

“We had over 100 people come and view the show, it was non stop which was so great because we give that back what we made into the community,” she said.

“Therefore, we can continue with the projects that we have earmarked for this year.“

Details: https://hobsonsbayartshow.

Organisers of the art show Joan Shepherd and Trish Sutherland. (Damjan Janevski) 363555_02

Early flood warnings key

An investigation into the October 2022 Victorian floods has found Melbourne Water must improve its flood forecasting and early warning systems to avoid a repeat of the damage inflicted on homes and businesses.

The review instigated by Melbourne Water and led by former Federal and Victorian Supreme Court judge Tony Pagone, investigated the causes and contributors to the floods.

Amongst the findings, the report recommended Melbourne Water should undertake more regular reviews of flood models, considering the best estimates

of climate change. It also recommended investigating long-term sustainable flood mitigation options for the Maribyrnong River.

Another recommendation was that a hydraulic model be developed to confirm the impact of the Flemington Flood Wall and the efficacy of the associated downstream compensatory works. This is expected in April 2024. Melbourne Water was advised to implement flood forecasting at intervals of less than two hours and consult with the Bureau of Meteorology to develop rainfall forecasts more frequently than every 6 hours.

Melbourne Water managing director Nerina Di Lorenzo said the water authority would work to implement all the recommendations.

“We have been working closely with the communityinMaribyrnongandotheraffected locations over the past 12 months,” she said.

Ms Di Lorenzo said this included community sessions across the impacted areas where the authority had received more than 60 submissions and heard from more than 100 residents during the community consultation.

As well as the community consultation, Ms Di Lorenzo said since last October’s flood, Melbourne Water had begun providing new flood modelling for every river catchment in Melbourne by the end of 2026.

“That includes climate change impacts projected to the year 2100.”

Maribyrnong Community Recovery

Committee (CRC) chair Madeleine MF Serle said the report held no surprises.

“All of the recommendations and recommendations could have been written before the panel began its work,” she said.

“As chair of the CRC, I have not changed my view that the review was set up with flawed process and Terms of Reference.

“And now the flood affected community’s own understanding has been confirmed unreservedly, Melbourne Water did not do its job.

“Clearly, Melbourne Water now must work very hard to build expertise and systems to perform its role and discharge is statutory obligations.”

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Firearms blitz across the west

Detectives from across Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Wyndham last week joined forces to execute 25 firearm prohibition order (FPO) compliance checks across the north-west.

The two-day blitz saw officers search the propertiesofthosewithactiveFPOstodisrupt and deter illicit firearms use.

During a search in Tarneit, officers located animitationhandgunandafirearmmagazine. A20-year-oldmanwasarrestedandcharged with prohibited person possess imitation firearm and commit indictable offence whilst on bail.

He was remanded in custody to face court at a later date.

A subsequent search in Werribee located an imitation handgun and a quantity of


The 22-year-old man was arrested and charged with prohibited person possess firearm, possess drugs of dependence and handle stolen goods.

Furthers searches located another imitation firearm, cannabis, steroids and a stolen vehicle.

An FPO prevents a person from acquiring, possessing or using a firearm or firearm related items, as well as entering certain premises such as firearms dealerships and shooting ranges.

OnceanFPOisservedonaperson,theyare searched and a further search is conducted of their premises and vehicle.

Astheorderislinkeddirectlytotheperson, not a specific location, police can search any

property where the individual is located.

Detective acting inspector Caroline Johnson said, “Our ability to search those subject to an FPO at any time means they are a crucial tool in the prevention and disruption of firearms-related offending”.

“The fact that only two in 25 people searched were found with firearm-related material means these orders are really having an impact.

“We know they serve as a strong deterrent as every person subject to an FPO knows how severe the penalties are if caught.

“Our top priority is keeping the community safe so we’ll continue making it as difficult as possible for those with FPOs to carry firearms.”

Coffin Cheater charged

Detectives from the Echo Taskforce charged a man overnight on Wednesday 4 October as part of a series of incidents linked to the Coffin Cheaters Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG) in the western suburbs.

A 36-year-old Truganina man, who is a patched member of the OMCG, was arrested and interviewed by police.

He was subsequently charged with extortion, false imprisonment, assault, assault with a weapon and threats to injure.

The charges following several incidents over the past two weeks in Laverton and Altona North.

The first incident allegedly occurred on 27 September at a business premises in Laverton where a man was threatened and assaulted.

The second incident allegedly occurred at the man’s business premises in Altona North on 2 October where an employee was threatened and assaulted following a minor traffic incident involving a company vehicle.

An explosive open day on the way

The Truganina Explosives Reserve open day is coming up on Saturday, October 14, and project coordinator David Tsardakis wants everyone to know they are welcome.

“The open day is a chance for people to connect with nature and improve their own health and well being and hopefully create stewardship to care for the environment,” he said.

“Mental health benefits of nature reflect the Hobsons Bay Wetlands vision to promote the wetlands.

“On our open days we usually see around 400 people to pass through our doors and this

year we are expecting 600.”

FeedbackfrompastopendayshasleftDavid feeling that the weekend’s event is going to be a success.

“Everyonehasalwaysreallyenjoyedtheday, feedback has always been positive.

“The work we do at the Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre is to advocate for migratory birds, we advocate for the important role that they play the overall ecosystem.“

David said there are many opportunities for locals interested in helping out at the reserve.

“People can sign up on the day if they want to become a volunteer, they can be involved in

lots of different ways,” he said.

“We are always looking for new volunteers and new members with the wetlands centre, theycanbeleadersorjusthelpoutontheday.“

He said there are roles fitting everyone’s expertise.

“There are lots of opportunities for people to learn new experiences and new skills if they are interested in nature or even if they just want to find out more.“

The open day is being funded by the West Gate neighbourhood fund, The Ross Trust and Hobsons Bay council.

The third incident allegedly occurred later that day on 2 October at the same Altona North premises where it’s believed a number of men were involved in an affray at the property.

Two men remain in hospital as a result of this incident.

The investigation into the incidents by Echo Taskforce and Hobsons Bay Crime Investigation Unit remains ongoing.

Any witnesses or anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report at www.

Hobsons Bay business excellence finalists announced

The finalists for the 2023 Hobsons Bay Business Excellence Awards have been announced, celebrating the diverse range of businesses that make up the local business community.

Council said four finalists have been announced for each of the seven categories after an overwhelming response to the call for nominations from local businesses and the community.

The finalists for creating social change or diversity are Nova Rose Coaching, Sensory Oasis for Kids, TreeHaus Williamstown and Wamarra.

The finalists for excellence in customer

experience are Jim’s Self Storage, Mabel and Woods, Premium Glass & Aluminium and Renew Hair - Hair Salon.

The finalists for excellence in sustainability and circular economy are Footprint Group Events, Gedlec Energy, Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre and ML Windows.

Thefinalistsforexcellenceininnovationare Signcraft, Sweeney’s Swim School, Treehab Tiny Houses, Wishkeeper.

The finalists for new/start-up business are Big Badge Wolf, Oculus Dexter Optometry, The Health Sanctuary and The Quilt Merchant.

The finalists for home-based business are A

Focused Birth, Design Your Best Work Life, Kerrie Gottliebsen Art and Mums Matter Psychology.

The finalists for the Mayoral Award for service to the community are Assist Ability Australia Vic, Laverton Community Integrated Services Inc, Mind Up and Williamstown Community and Education Centre.

An independent panel is now judging the finalists and the winners will be announced at the gala event at Hobsons Bay Civic Centre on Wednesday, October 25.

Hobsons Bay mayor Tony Briffa congratulated this year’s finalists.

“Wehaveanincrediblebusinesscommunity and these awards are great recognition of the hard work that goes into running a business,” she said.

“It’s not just the winners or finalists, our entire business community deserves to be applauded.

“I’ve had the pleasure of visiting many local businesses throughout the year and it is inspiring to see the passion and dedication that goes into their work.

“Local business is the backbone of our economy and it’s fantastic that these awards cancelebratethegreatworkandachievements that are happening in our city.”

Vicki Tyrrell, David Tsardakos and Helen Meyer-Tinning from Hobsons Bay Wetland Centre. (Jacob Pattison) 363891_02 A suspect is arrested during the operation. (Supplied)

Cycling plan divides community

A decision to include a trial bike path as part of the reconstruction of Summerhill Road has divided Maribyrnong councillors and the community.

At a meeting on September 19, councillors disagreed with one another over the “rushed” decisiontoincludepop-upstyleinfrastructure for cycling.

The decision delighted cyclists, but raised concerns among some residents about loss of car parking and lack of public consultation.

The plan for a two year trial of pop-up infrastructure, put forward in a motion by Cr Bernadette Thomas, was approved by a majority of councillors four votes to three. However the following day mayor Sarah Carter said she felt she had no choice but to lodge a rescision motion to be heard at the next council meeting on October 17.

“We need a holistic approach and not just rush into this without consulting everyone, so I hope that the motion will be rescinded,” she said.

“The motion that was adopted by council at the last ordinary council meeting, didn’t provide for consultation with the community.

“It’s not that we’re against cycling infrastructure,weareallforit,andunderstand that we need to do more in the west.”

Mayor Carter said council officers had also not been consulted prior to the decision.

“Due process has not been followed as there has been no input from the expertise that we havewithintheorganisation,thosebeingroad and traffic engineers and managers,“ she said.

Councillor Simon Crawford was one of four councillors who voted in support of the bike lane trial. Cr Crawford said he was disappointed with Cr Carter’s decision to rescindthemotionashefeelstherehasalready

been community consultation.

“My biggest frustration at the moment is to see the mayor speaking out publicly against the council’s decision,” he said.

“We have already done a lot of consulting with the community around bike infrastructure over the last few years and the vast majority of people support it.”

Cr Crawford is confident if the decision is

Opening honours doors

The Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) is holding several free sessions on how to nominate someone for the Order of Australia.

AMCS chief executive Elizabeth Drozd said thesessionsareforpeoplewhoknowsomeone who has demonstrated outstanding service or achievements in their field and wants to nominate them.

“We as an organisation for the last few years have run automatic leadership courses,” she said.

“This year we are giving this program a different angle by focusing on the process of nominations, what’s involved and how it works.”

Ms Drozd said there is an under representation of nominations from immigrant communities, so this program will help boost those nominations.

“Whoever is interested in this particular topic can come and learn how to do it, which is why we have come up with this solution.”

The sessions are two hours long and Ms

Drozd will facilitate the three remaining sessions.

“Iwillbesharinginformationabouthowit’s done, what’s involved and who can do it,” she said.

“I will also be talking about leadership whichoftenmakespeopleconfused.“Weoften get asked questions regarding time span, for example if someone has been volunteering for 20 years, is that enough time for a nomination or if they are young are they still eligible.

“This is not an area or topic that people know a lot about.”

Guest speaker is Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General of Australia, director, Rob Ayling.

This inaugural initiative will run over three Thursdays on October 12, 19 and 26, from 6.30pm-8.30 pm, at the AMCS Maidstone office.

People are required to register at

madetokeepthecyclinginfrastructure,itwill be a popular one within the community.

“It is one of those things you have to just give it a go and see how it works out.“

Given the bike lanes will be on trial for two years, Cr Crawford said this will be another chance for community feedback.

“Absolutely we should be engaging with residents along the way, but at the same time,

we know that this kind of infrastructure is really important to residents so it’s something that we do want to try,“ he said.

Summerhill Road resident and “avid cyclist“ Tim Chandler said more commuity consultation is imperative.

“A lot of us are feeling frustrated because there’s been no consultation by council, they have not followed council process, they have done no planning,“ he said.

“Council needs to do some long term planning, rather than make knee jerk decisions by listening to the loudest voice and making a really poorly informed decision without consulting the community.”

In an open email to Cr Clarke, Mr Chandler said there are better options for a safe north south cycling route through Footscray, which build on existing infrastructure and do not include Summerhill and Rosamond roads.

“The most effective and timely solution to making Summerhill and Rosamond roads safer for everyone is to lower the speed limit to 30km and introduce safe pedestrian crossings.”

Pierre Vairo, who also lives on Summerhill Road, was one of 12 speakers who pledged supportforsafecyclingatthecouncilmeeting.

“Wewereprettyhappywiththeresultsfrom the meeting but that lasted 24 hours when we heard about the rescission motion, which is disappointing,“ he said.

“We understand some people will be inconvenienced but inconvenience needs to be weighed against the wider social benefits for the people of Maribyrnong as a whole for transport justice and for climate reasons.

“If the decision is made to do consultation, then we’ll obviously be a big part of that.

“We’ll try to explain to the broader community what these bike lanes would do for them.”

Mobil Melbourne Terminal community update

Community Liaison Committee drop-in session

Mobil’s Melbourne Terminal team will be holding a drop-in session for community members. Updates will be shared about activities across both the Altona and Yarraville terminals in 2023.

The drop-in session will be held between 5.30pm to 6.30pm on Tuesday 24 October 2023, at the Yarraville Community Centre, 59 Francis Street, Yarraville 3013. Please register your interest in attending at by Thursday 19 October 2023.

During the event, you will have the chance to chat with members of our terminal operations, decommissioning and remediation teams. We welcome all community members interested in learning more about the terminal to attend.

Elizabeth Drozd will be presenting the free sessions over the next few weeks. (Damjan Janevski) 362562_01 Plans for busy Summerhill Road have divided the community. 365730


Man charged

Very ‘appy with award

Three young girls with the help of their mums, won a United Nations award through the Tech Girls Foundation.

The foundation runs a yearly competition to encourage girls into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Emily, Emmaline and Ada are close friends from St Mary’s in Williamstown, who began this 12 week project when Emily’s mum, Karen Vella, began looking into ways to get her daughter interested in STEM.

“I was doing a bit of research as to what was out there and I came across this competition,” she said.

“I approached the school but they weren’t able to take it on with us, so I approached Emily’s two best friends and their mums to work with us.”

Karen said this year the competition was about identifying a problem in the community and coming up with a solution

by developing an app.

“The girls brainstormed multiple ideas that were affecting Hobsons Bay,” she said.

“The girls went into council and spoke to the mayor who was talking about waste disposal and how it is a big problem in Hobsons Bay.”

The team ended up settling on an app which rewards the community for throwing away rubbish in the right bins.

“The idea is to have the four bins set up for children to scan rubbish, identify which bin it goes in and collect reward points which can be redeemed for prizes for doing the right thing.”

While the competition is open to anybody, Karen said more schools are adopting it as a way to integrate it into the curriculum.

“Many of the groups were doing it through their schools but we did it in our own time, it was hard work but it paid off.”

Police have charged a man after an extended chase through Melbourne’s north-western suburbs on Thursday, October 5. Officers spotted a silver Toyota sedan driving erratically on Fitzgerald Road, Laverton North about 9.30pm. Police attempted to intercept the vehicle, but it failed to stop and took off at speed. The Air Wing followed the Toyota, which continued to drive erratically through numerous suburbs. Stop sticks were deployed and the vehicle came to a stop on Blossom Drive, Greenvale about 9.50pm. Air Wing observed the driver hiding underneath the car and was arrested by local members. A 26-year-old Altona Meadows man was charged with reckless conduct endangering serious injury, drive speed dangerous, drive manner dangerous, fail to stop on police direction, bail and drug driving offences.

Road closures

Until Friday, October 27, sections of Hampstead Road, Williamson Road and the Wests Road intersection in Maidstone will be closed day and night as part of works associated with the Department of Transport and Planning’s tram maintenance facility project. Car, bus and tram detours will be in place, and pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the duration of the works.


Maribyrnong & Hobsons Bay Star Weekly @starweeklynews @star_weekly

4 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU CONTACT US PHONE \ 03 8318 5777 LOCATION \ Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 DISTRIBUTION \ 1300 656 678 ADVERTISING GENERAL SALES INQUIRIES CLASSIFIEDS \ 1300 666 808 EMAIL \ GENERAL REAL ESTATE INQUIRIES EDITORIAL GENERAL EDITORIAL INQUIRIES COMMUNITY CALENDAR ENTRIES Published by MMP Star Pty Ltd ACN 168 220 399 Head Office Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 Publisher/Managing Director, Paul Thomas All material is copyright to MMP Star Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Paul Thomas. All significant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit STARWEEKLY.COM.AU
Subscribe to the Maribyrnong & Hobsons Bay Star Weekly Digital Edition FREE 12481548-SN07-21 SIGN UP NOW! JANUARY 27, 2021 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU By Goya Dmytryshchak A Williamstown woman who has received an Australia Day honour for significant service to women with ovarian cancer has recalled her own diagnosis, which brought heartbreak but also gratitude. Paula Benson, who formerly chaired Ovarian Cancer Australia, has been appointed a Member of the Order of Australia. Champion for women SIGN UP NOW! Champion for women still so much more to doScan this QR code to subscribe Or visit subscribe 12641461-ET41-23
Emily, Emmaline, and Ada. (Jacob Pattison) 360018

Shutting the door on gambling

Gaming machine areas in all Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay venues will soon be subject to mandatory closure periods following the state government’s first step to enforcing its landmark gambling reforms.

On October 3, Casino, Gaming and Liquor RegulationMinisterMelissaHorneannounced a bill to enforce mandatory closure periods for all gaming machine areas in venues, except Crown Casino, between 4am and 10am.

In August alone, $4 million was lost to

Electronic Gaming Machines in Hobsons Bay, and $5 million in Maribyrnong. Maribyrnong

Mayor Sarah Carter said further changes are needed.

“While the state government’s proposed gambling reform is welcome news, we know that gambling is a significant problem in Maribyrnong and more action needs to be taken,” Cr Carter said.

“InthelastyearElectronicGamingMachine (EGM) players lost $1.2 million each week in our municipality.

“Council’s Reducing Harm from Gambling

Sail down to yacht club

The Altona Yacht Club hosted its official open day to welcome people into the club.

Training coordinator Peter Robinson said the club hosted an icebreaker event on Saturday, October 7, which was designed to kick off the opening of the sailing season.

Following the introductions made on the 7th, the club is now getting ready to begin training and officially open the season on Saturday, October 21.

“The event on the 7th was held to get people into the water while getting to know our club, next we will get into the official training programme and sailing training program,” he said.

“We have a few weekends of warm-ups so wedon’thiteveryonewithgettinginthewater for the first week back of the open season.”

At the beginning of every season the club hosts an open day to which the community is invited.

“We invite people to come down and see

what we do, if they are interested in coming and getting involved this is a day they can learnaboutopportunities,”MrRobinsonsaid.

“We are family friendly, inclusive and welcoming to newcomers who offer learning to sail courses and we race on Saturday afternoons each year from October to May.”

The club celebrated its 70th anniversary last year and now has more than 170 members.

“We have a range of roles, they include supporting our training programmes, onshore volunteers, volunteers in the club rooms and more.

“There are positions in any capacity that they feel that they can do.” Mr Robinson said.

“The open day is really for people to come and see where they can fit it to be involved and contribute.”

Policy2022-2030callsforfurtherchangestothe regulation of EGMs in Victoria to reduce harm from gambling for Maribyrnong residents.”

The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) reports there are nine venues in Maribyrnong with pokies, and 471 machines across the municipality. Hobsons Bay has the same number of venues, however thereare554machinesacrossthemunicipality.

Hobsons Bay mayor Tony Briffa said the reforms are welcomed by council.

“Hobsons Bay City Council has played a leading role in advocating to the state

governmenttoreformgamingvenuestoreduce the devastation gambling causes to families,” Cr Briffa said.

“Council recently endorsed a Gambling Harm Prevention Policy Statement that supports the timely implementation of these reformsthatprioritisehealthandwellbeingand protect communities from gambling harm.” The bill will also extend the Minister’s powers to ban harmful betting on activities that take place outside of Victoria such as sports played by minors. The mandatory closures are set to come into effect by mid-2024.


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Members Gail Lines, Peter Robinson, Anna White and commodore Paul Lindemann.

Mum’s mission in honour of son

The Rehmat Sandhu Foundation is a Melton-based charity that supports people across the west who are living with disability, struggling financially, experiencing domestic violence and much more. The founder, Ravinder Kaur, is driven by her strong will to rise above her grief and make a difference to the lives of people in need. She spoke to Liam McNally about the foundation’s journey.

Shortly after Ravinder Kaur’s son passed away in 2014, she received a call from a young girl who had met her son at a low point in her life.

The girl said she was sitting in a park alone in the city when a 21-year-old Rehmat Sandhu approached her.

“He said hello to me, and then he asked, are you okay? Are you crying?” she told Ms Kaur. Thegirlsaidshewasinitiallyconfusedbythe stranger, but she explained to him that she was alone on her birthday and feeling sad.

“Straight away he called all his friends and they organised a birthday for her, a party and a cake and everything and celebrated her birthday,” Ms Kaur said.

“That was Rehmat, and he would do that for anyone.”

Ms Kaur said that it was to honour her son’s caring spirit that inspired her to launch her charity organisation, and name it the Rehmat Sandhu Foundation.

“The very word, Rehmat, means blessing,” she said.

“He was very compassionate, very kind and he always desired to make a positive impact on people, on the lives of others. So I’m just trying to do that.”

Since 2015 Ms Kaur’s tribute to her son’s legacy has been successful in uplifting the

community in Melton and across the west.

Ms Kaur has a long history in the healthcare field, and The Rehmat Sandhu foundation began with blood drives and organ donation programs.

It quickly expanded into a leading charity organisation in the disability support field, as well as assisting people who are struggling in any way it can.

“Our aim is to enhance the lives of people with disabilities by offering essential support services and promoting inclusivity within our community,” she said.

“We aim to reach out across all cultures and abilities, rendering assistance to anyone in need across Melton and the western suburbs.

“We meet the needs of homeless people, disadvantaged youth, seniors, those affected by domestic violence and vulnerable and financially struggling families.

“We also provide support and counselling services to new migrants and victims of domestic violence.”

Thefoundation’ssuccesshasbeenrecognised through record-breaking blood donations, a Victorian Premier’s Volunteer Champions award, and celebrated community events, but for Ms Kaur it’s one-on-one assistance that brings the most satisfaction.

“We are particularly proud of our work in providing vital assistance to individuals with disabilities, helping them lead more fulfilling lives,” she said.

“Additionally, our foundation has made significant strides in promoting community awareness. Any positive change we bring to someone’s life is a source of pride for us.”

The current economic climate has seen demand for the foundation’s services increase, with Ms Kaur noting an increase in vulnerable families in need of food assistance, with fuel and day to day supplies.

The organisation responds to rising demand by making an effort to be available when many organisations aren’t - including on weekends and holidays - and by doing little things that help struggling people regain their confidence, such as providing personalised birthdays for kids.

Ms Kaur said the organisation is soon set to expand following the purchase of a house in Melton West that is almost finished being renovated.

“We can accommodate more people with disabilities, or who are homeless, or domestic violence affected families,” she said.

“We’re going to have a community garden so that we can have a veggie patch and people can come and have coffee, socialise.

“Im very, very, excited about this one.”

Looking further ahead, Ms Kaur said her vision is for the foundation to continue to expand its reach and impact.

“We aim to continue providing comprehensive support to individuals with disabilities, fostering a more inclusive community. Additionally we aspire to create partnership and collaborations that enable us to make an even greater difference in the lives of those we serve,” she said.

Ms Kaur said it’s the community that keeps her going.

“I’m just trying to make a positive impact,” she said. “The love and support I get from everyone, it makes me keep going.

“Rehmat Sandhu foundation is we, not I, it’s all of us.”

Ms Kaur said anyone in the community who isstrugglingshouldreachouttothefoundation to see how they can help.

“Anyone who is in need, we dont judge, we don’t ask questions,” she said.

Details: https://rehmatsandhufoundation.

Rehmat Sandhu Foundation volunteers. (Joe Mastroianni) 291461_04 Ravinder Kaur with a picture of her son, Rehmat Sandhu. (Damjan Janevski) 362782_01
‘‘ Rehmat Sandhu foundation is we, not I, it’s all of us ... Anyone who is in need, we dont judge, we don’t ask questions ’’
- Ravinder Kaur

To the rescue in Gippsland floods

Hobsons Bay and Sunbury volunteers came to the rescue in Gippsland last Friday, saving two people from the roof of their vehicle in floodwater.

At 5.30am on October 6, a VICSES boat crew stationed at Lakes Entrance received a call from Victoria Police to attend a water rescue incident in Bairnsdale.

VICSES Sunbury coxswain’s Alan Kuras and Jacinta Hall, and Hobsons Bay unit member Jaymes Oldani were deployed to assist flood-affected communities as a boat rescue crew.

The crew of three approached the car

downriver to where it was floating, near a submerged bridge.

As the occupants had taken refuge on the roof of their vehicle, the crew grabbed at them with outstretched arms to safely pull them into the craft.

Mr Kuras said in comparison to other flood events, the first day of activity is often spent rescuing people from homes.

“After that, you can spend a lot of your time rescuing people from submerged cars,” he said.

“I expected that this time as well, however ,VICSES had put a lot of work into warnings

and door knocking before the weather event, so the local community were well-informed.”

The crew then travelled to different parts of the flood-affected area to monitor water gauges to upload information to the Snap Send Solve app, for use in real-time planning.

Having already been through floods and fires, the local unit members farewelled the visiting crew before continuing their work assisting flood-affected communities.

VICSES Bairnsdale unit volunteers were also in attendance to provide rescue support to the vehicle rescue.

Machine Imagining for nature inspired display

Machine Imagining was the latest exhibition to be displayed at the Braybrook Community Hub.

Artist Kate Geck had the idea for the community engaged arts project because she was curious to explore databases that are used in machine learning.

“I thought it might be interesting to bring robotprojectsintothecommunitybyworking with people in the area who might not have experience with machine learning and are probably curious about it,” she said. Over several months, Kate has worked with community members to produce a community database of observations of the local, natural world.

“We worked together to make our own database of local endangered plants from the area.

“We did that by hand drawing and hand painting lots of specimens of vulnerable flora

in our area.

“And then those were used to train some machine learning models to generate thousands of new images on the community


Kate said these datasets were arranged through collage into large hanging textiles, and finally were finished with hand


Kate’s long term interest in emerging technologies gave her the inspiration for the project.

“I am always wondering how you can use technologytorevealanewrelationshipornew understandings about the world,” she said.

“Machine learning is all about recognising patterns, and then the machine intelligence recreates those patterns.

“I was just curious about what patterns mighthelpusrecogniseorobservethenatural world.”

More than 30 Maribyrnong locals participated across the whole project which Kate said was great fun.

“It was a real local strengthening and connection to place, while we all thought about these plants that are disappearing.”

Kate Geck with her exhibition. (Damjan Janevski) 362258_05 VICSES Sunbury unit volunteers Alan Kuras and Jacinta Hall, and VICSES Hobsons Bay unit volunteer Jaymes Oldani who were deployed to Gippsland last week (VICSES).

Have a very merry Christmas at Altona Sports Club

At Altona Sports Club the team believes in Christmas. They are especially proud of Carols by The Bay, successfully held for the first-time last Christmas and set to be staged again on December 14.

The Yarraville Glee Choir will start off the evening with carols and Christmas songs for everyone to enjoy and sing along to, followed bytheRingwoodPipeBandwhichisreturning for this year’s event. The evening will again feature a standout rendition of a well-known Australian hit accompanied by well known local artist Michael Zammit.

The carols will also feature someone we all know and who’s synonymous with Christmas. Yes, of course, Santa will make an appearance Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa will be joined on stage by Ric Charles who will not only chat with Santa, but also sing some songs and talk everything Christmas.

In fact, if Santa needed somewhere to hold his staff breakup, the Altona Sports Club would be the first place he’d call, because it is the perfect place to hold your Christmas functions. The newly renovated Waterfront Reception Room is ideal for hosting your own team of little elves too, whether it be a work Christmas breakup, a family function or just family and friends for a Christmas get together. Special Christmas menus will be available over the festive season in the Bayview Bistro which has its own indoor play area making it perfect for families including young children.

A recent addition, a competition size half basketball court, ensures kids of all ages are catered for.

Also, the club’s very own little elves will be busy from early December putting up Christmas decorations all around the club. What is possibly the biggest Christmas tree

The Altona Sports Club is perfect for any event.

outside of North Pole can be found in the reception area.

The Altona Sports Club makes celebrating the festive season easy so if you’re looking for

something Christmassy at Christmas, why not pop in and say hello?

Please understand, because the club’s elves like to celebrate Christmas too, the club will

Santa with Ric Charles at last year’s Carols by the Bay.

be closed on Christmas Day.

The team hope to see you over the festive season, and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

FEATURING ... BOOK NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Advertising feature 12639792-FC41-23

Webinar offers gambling help

Young people in Maribyrnong and Brimbank will be able to attend a free webinar about gambling and gaming run by IPC Health’s Financial Counselling and Gambler’s Help team.

The webinar is being run in support of Gambling Harm Awareness Week running from Monday, October 16 to Monday, October 22.

The webinar will be held on Tuesday, October 17, in partnership with Brimbank and Maribyrnong councils.

CommunityengagementofficerSarah-Jane Blunt said Brimbank and Maribyrnong are partners with the Young Leaders of the West program funded by Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.

“Our Gambler’s Help program provides service to the local community who are experiencing gambling harm in Brimbank and Maribyrnong,” said Ms Blunt.

“This webinar will provide information to parents about the relationships between online gaming and gambling.

“We will be looking at topics such as what is safe gaming, ways of purchasing things to advance to the next level, like loot boxes or skins, and risk and harms of gambling.”

One of the webinar’s main objectives is to increase parents’ awareness of the relationship between in-app purchases and gambling later in life.

“Also, to make parents aware of the signs and risks of gambling harm and gaming harm, as well as how to seek help for anyone

impacted by gambling harm.”

Ms Blunt said gambling can easily become normalised among young people because they have grown up in a world where gambling is seen to be normal.

“People can gamble 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without leaving their homes, there are 948 gambling advertisements shown on free to air TV in one day.”

For every person experiencing gambling harm there are 6-10 other people also impacted.

Ms Blunt said some signs to look out for which might mean someone close to you is experiencing gambling harm can be their increasing social isolation, friends borrow money but never returning it, and friends who are unable to watch a sports game without gambling.

Gambler’s Help provides free counselling for everyone impacted by gambling harm. Help is available 24/7 on 1800 858 858.

Registration: https://www.trybooking. com/events/landing/1097283

Food and fundraising

Kon Karapanagiotidis has dedicated his life to advocating for the rights of people seeking asylum and refugees, founding the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC), and now he has found a new passion in cooking.

Together Kon and his mother Sia developed a Greek vegetarian and vegan cookbook, titled Philoxenia: A Seat At My Table, of which all the proceeds from the sales will go back to the ASRC.

“I created this cookbook because I wanted to have the chance to share this with my mum,” Kon said.

“I wanted to be able to create something beautiful with my mum because I lost my father at 17 and regretted all the things I never learned about my dad or asked my dad about.

“I thought her recipes and her stories wouldbegreattopassthemongenerations to come.”

In addition to creating this keepsake for his mum, Kon said he wanted to raise money for the ASRC.

“I wanted to be able to raise money to provide food security to refugees.

“All the money I’m making from this cookbook I have donated back to the ASRC to provide food security to refugee families.”

Kon sold 6,300 copies of the book during the presale period from February to June.

Including those sales, so far Kon has raised over $211,000 on the book, which Kon said was created to celebrate and encourage people to be kind and compassionate towards those doing it tough and to be welcoming in the power of food.

“My mum and I are really proud of how it’s turned out, I hope this will also encourage men to get to the kitchen and step away from gender roles.”

The book was released on Wednesday, October 4.

Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY 9 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS ELECTRICALSAFETYRECALL The affected ESS Home Batteries may overheat and catch on fire and cause injury or death and/or damage to property.Incidentshave occurred and caused damagetoproperty. 1300677273 IsYourBatterySafe? IfyouhaveanLG batteryorSolaXorOpal Powersolar/battery system,pleasecontact usat1300677273. RESU3.3 R4863P3SBMA RESU13 EH048252P3S1BMA S/AGen21P EM048063P3S2BMA EM048063P3S4BMA EM048063P3S5BMA RESU6.5 R48126P3SBMA RESU7HTYPER R11163P3SSEG1 S/AGen22P EM048126P3S7BMA EM048126P3S8BMA RESU10 R48189P3SBMA RESU10HTypeC,R R15563P3SSEG1 R15563P3SSEG2 R15563P3SDLT1 R15563P3SDLT7 IsyourLGhomebatterysafe? Findoutnow,topreventtheriskoffire. 12640852-RR41-23
IPC is hosting a free gambling harm webinar on Tuesday, October 17. (Supplied) Kon Karapanagiotidis. (Sarah Pannell)

Prestige Fruit and Veg

PrestigeFruitandVegisagreengrocerlocated in Yarraville. It is a family-owned business that proudly supports local farmers by only buying local produce.

In store, customers will find a large range of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as a number of grocery items.

Customers enjoy free delivery on orders over $35, wholesale and retail. Prestige Fruit and Veg delivers to over 24 cafes in Yarraville and surrounding areas.

Dog Diversity

Unlock the world of dog grooming at Dog Diversity Grooming School!

Deepenthebondwithyourfurrycompanion through Dog Diversity’s comprehensive DIY training course. Empower yourself to groom your own dog with confidence and expertise. Acquire skills to transform your dog’s grooming experience. Master basic techniques and groom your dog from home. Expert instructors guide you every step of the way.

Pamper your pup with professional grooming while saving time and money.

The hands-on, one-on-one classes include a take-home workbook and a complimentary pass to igroomhub for further learning. Embark on a fulfilling journey of self-sufficiency and doggy TLC! Book now on the website for a grooming adventure that leaves both you and your dog looking and feeling their best!

The Chestnut Tree

The Chestnut Tree is a small locally owned business – an independent bookshop and cafe on the land of Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation.

The team behind the business has a dream to become the heart of the community, a place where words of wisdom are shared (and read), where friendships are made, where the magic of children’s story time lingers while poetry readings and book clubs gather.

The store has a wide range of general fiction and non-fiction, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for just let the staff know and they can order it in for you!

Check the store’s socials or visit the team in store to find out about upcoming book clubs and other events.


Jumpside- Footscray

Welcome to Jumpside, the ultimate indoor adventure park. Featuring trampolines, ninja obstacles and action packed fun. Jump, flip, twist and soar through the exciting trampoline zones. Channel your inner ninja and conquer the ninja warrior obstacles. Experience the rush of the air track sports. Guaranteed fun for all ages, including your little one in the junior play zone, designed for 5 years and under. The new additions add an interactive element. Speed touch, bullseye and the basketball shoot out, these three new interactive challenges will test your skills in a

fun game environment.

Party time? Celebrate at Jumpside which offers a fun filled and action packed awesome party experience.


Yarraville Dental

Yarraville Dental, nestled on Anderson Street in the heart of Yarraville, is your go-to destination for exceptional dental care. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for oral health, the skilled team of professionals is dedicated to serving the local community.

Yarraville Dental offers a wide range of dental services, from routine check-ups and cleanings to specialised treatments. The experienced and caring staff ensures your comfort and well-being throughout your visit.

But Yarrraville Dental is more than just a dental clinic. It is a trusted partner in your overall health and wellness journey. Conveniently located in Yarraville, the clinic provides easy access to comprehensive dental care that promotes your smile and enhances your quality of life. Experience top-tier dental services with a warm, welcoming approach at Yarraville Dental.

Carnovale Pharmacy

Carnovale Pharmacy takes pride in providing expert services in various health areas. It is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and provide a free nursing service every day between 6pm and 10pm.

The highly trained pharmacists are knowledgeable about various health-related topics and medications.

At Carnovale Pharmacy staff focus on addressing not just the symptoms but also the underlying health issues to achieve the best possible health outcomes.

The pharmacy has a patient-centered approach to healthcare. If you have specific questions or need assistance with your health-relatedneeds,it’sadvisabletoreachout tothepharmacydirectlyformoreinformation about services and how it can assist you and your family.

Life Ready Physio + Pilates Maribyrnong

Life Ready Physio + Pilates Maribyrnong runs an arthritis clinic. If you have been struggling with arthritis pain of any kind then reach out for a free discovery session with one of the expert physiotherapists to discuss your problem and what might work best for you and your circumstances.

Contact Life Ready on 9086 5843 and mention the Star Weekly to claim your free session today.

10 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 12608469-AP24-23 Free Delivery Over $35 Wholesale & Retail Opening Hours 6am to 7pm Open 7 days and public holidays Ph: 0422 059 395 Email: 12607043-AP28-23 ELEVATE YOUR FUN at jumpside 1MephanStreet,Footscray BOOKONLINEAT 12634437-JB41-23 Yarraville. VIC 2013 Comprehensive check-up, clean, X-ray & polish (Valued at $300-410) Kid’s dental for Medicare eligible individuals Check up and clean for non-Medicare eligible kids Pensioners discount available on all treatments In-chair whitening (Valued at $500-700) (03) 9314 7712 $199 FREE $120 20% off $350 12633897-KG37-23 MARIBYRNONG ARTHRITIS CONSULT FREE Contact Life Ready Physio on 9086 5843 to learn the best way to manage your arthritis pain! 12632612-AA37-23 Free Nursing service every day between 6-10pm 149 Somerville Road Yarraville Ph: 03 9314 7557 Email: OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 365 Days a year CHEMIST 12633197-AV41-23 @chestnuttreebookshop The Chestnut Tree Bookshop 12633475-JC37-23 OPEN TUESDAY - SATURDAY: 9AM - 6PM SUNDAY - MONDAY: 9AM - 4PM DISCOVER MARIBYRNONG Advertising feature

Women In Business

Throughout history, women have faced and overcome unique challenges because of our sex. As adult human females, women have shown time and again that we are a force to be reckoned with-economically, socially, culturally, and politically. I congratulate all the ‘Women in Business’ for their achievements, because as all Liberal’s know, it is private businesses that grow a nation’s wealth and provide employment and training opportunities to the next generation. I also congratulate all the ‘Women in Business’ because as all of us know - there is nothing in this world that can compare to a real woman!

Jade knows the west! She is a local from way back and has seen the western corridor of Melbourne transform and develop into what it is today. She loves the west and spending time sampling the area’s restaurants and cafes and all the west has to offer. She also frequents our local outdoor icons like the Yarraville Gardens keeping her family busy and active. She’s a proud Mum with many ties to the local area and local community. Jade is motivated, driven and a go getter, this has been reflected in Jade’s previous sales experience. Her professionalism is always attuned to assisting both the vendors and buyers as they navigate their way through purchasing or selling a home. She values the opportunity that her role provides to contribute to the success people seek and always provides her positive and fun flare to the sales process. Both parties certainly appreciate Jade’s involvement, passion, and proficiency.

At Jas Stephens, we empower women in business by providing mentorship, equal opportunities, networking, and access to resources, fostering growth, innovation, and gender equality.

104 Somerville Road, Yarraville 0412 305 626

202309212916_1-AA39-23 Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY 11

Train your brain to stay active and alert in retirement

Keeping your brain active and healthy in old age is essential for maintaining cognitive function and overall well-being. Just like physical exercise is vital for your body, mental exercises and lifestyle choices can help keep your brain sharp as you age. In this 500-word article, we’ll explore various ways to achieve this.

Continuous Learning: Engaging in lifelong learning is a fantastic way to keep your brain active. Take up a new hobby, learn a musical instrument, study a new language, or enroll in coursesatalocalcollegeoronline.Challenging your brain with new information and skills helps create new neural connections.

Reading: Reading regularly is like a workout for your brain. Whether it’s books, newspapers,ormagazines,readingkeepsyour mind engaged and expands your knowledge. Join a book club to discuss literature and stimulate your critical thinking.

Puzzles and Games: Activities like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, chess, and board games challenge your brain and improve cognitive function. These games require problem-solving skills, memory, and strategic thinking.

BrainTrainingApps:Therearevariousapps designed to improve memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Apps like Lumosity, Elevate, and Peak offer a variety of exercises to keep your brain active.

Social Interaction: Maintaining an active social life is crucial for brain health. Engaging in conversations, playing social games, and participatingingroupactivitieshelpstimulate your mind and provide emotional support.

Physical Exercise: Regular physical activity not only benefits your body but also your brain. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Meditation and Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help reduce stress and improve focus and memory. These techniques promote mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Healthy Diet: A nutritious diet rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and other brain-boosting nutrients can support cognitive health. Foods like fish, leafy greens, berries, and nuts are known to be beneficial for the brain.

Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is essential


for memory consolidation and overall brain function. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night to promote brain health.

Stay Curious: Cultivate a curious mindset. Ask questions, seek out new experiences, and explore topics that pique your interest. Curiosity keeps your brain engaged and encourages learning.

StayOrganized:Usingcalendars,to-dolists, and reminders can help you stay organized and reduce mental clutter. This allows your brain to focus on more important tasks.

Brain-Boosting Supplements: Some supplements, like vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and ginkgo biloba, may support brain health. Consult with a healthcare professional before adding supplements to your routine.

ManageStress:Chronicstresscannegatively impact brain health. Practice stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing, yoga, or tai chi to keep your mind calm and resilient.

Brain-Engaging Hobbies: Pursue hobbies that challenge your cognitive abilities. Activities like painting, woodworking, or playing a musical instrument require concentration and creativity.

Travel and Exploration: Traveling exposes you to new cultures, environments, and experiences, which can stimulate your brain and broaden your perspective.

Volunteer Work: Engaging in volunteer activities not only helps others but also provides a sense of purpose and social interaction, which are beneficial for your mental well-being.

Cognitive Training Programs: Consider participating in cognitive training programs designed for seniors. These programs often include exercises and activities specifically designed to enhance memory and cognitive skills.

RegularHealthCheck-ups:Regularmedical check-ups can help identify and manage conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol that can negatively impact brain health.

In conclusion, maintaining a healthy and active brain in old age is within reach for everyone. By adopting a combination of these strategies, you can help prevent cognitive decline and enjoy a vibrant and intellectually stimulating retirement. Remember that consistency is key, and it’s never too late to start taking care of your brain.

Presents Morning Melodies

Wednesday 18 October 10:00am

Rivervue Retirement Village

RSVP by 16 October 2023




treasured songs including Secret Love, Que Sera, Love Me or Leave Me as well as other vintage gems and favourites, Dear Doris evokes the melodic splendour of a bygone era of song.

Along with an ensemble of Australia’s finest jazz musicians, Tamara’s performance promises an entertaining morning at Rivervue Retirement Village.

After the performance, enjoy light refreshments and a tour of the village. Meet our friendly staff and residents, experience the resort-style facilities, and see for yourself the lifestyle you too could enjoy living at Rivervue.

Limited seats available - RSVP essential. Call 1300 298 439 or visit

12 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 Dear Doris Join in and sing along to some feel good music as we step back in time in our upcoming Morning Melodies performance at Rivervue Retirement Village.
25 Bellavista Drive, Avondale Heights RivervueRetirement 1300 298 439
Dear Doris
Starring Tamara Kuldin
FEATURING ... SENIORS Advertising feature

Discreet hearing solutions that you will barely notice

For many individuals facing the prospect of wearing hearing aids, concerns about appearance and comfort can be daunting. The good news is that modern technology has brought about a revolution in hearing aids, making them more discreet and less obtrusive than ever before.

Independent audiologists Amanda Nguyen and Naomi Fuertes from Active Audiology, are experienced in fitting invisible or discreet hearing aids and say these remarkable devices helpyouhearbetterwithoutdrawingattention.

According to Amanda “Invisible or discreet hearing aids have become a game-changer for those hesitant to address their hearing concerns.”

“These devices are designed to be virtually invisible when worn, fitting snugly within the ear canal or hidden behind the ear.”

This level of discretion not only addresses aesthetic worries but also ensures that wearers can comfortably and confidently engage in social and professional settings without self-consciousness.

Types of Discreet Hearing Aids: Naomi explains “There are several types of discreethearingaidstochoosefrom,depending on your preferences and needs”.

She continues:

1/ Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) Hearing Aids: These are custom-made to fit deep inside the ear canal, making them virtually invisible. They provide excellent sound quality while remaining hidden from view.

2/ Completely-in-Canal (CIC) Hearing Aids: Slightly larger than IIC aids, CIC hearing aids also fit inside the ear canal but are partially visible. They strike a balance between discreetness and functionality.

3/ Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) Hearing Aids: RIC devices hide most of their components

behind the ear, with a small wire or tube delivering sound into the ear canal. They are knownfortheircomfortablefitandclearsound quality.

Benefits of Discreet Hearing Aids

Amanda and Naomi highlight the advantages of invisible or discreet hearing aids, stating, “The benefits of these devices extend beyond aesthetics.”

They continue:

Natural Sound Quality: Discreet hearing aids offer wearers natural sound quality, enhancing the listening experience.

Comfort and Adaptability: Many models are designed to automatically adapt to different listening environments, ensuring a seamless listening experience.

Advanced Features: These aids often come equipped with advanced features like noise reduction and Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to stream audio from their devices.

Making the Right Choice

Amanda and Naomi advise “If you’re considering discreet hearing aids, consult with a hearing care professional.”

Theyemphasisetheimportanceofathorough assessment of your hearing needs and lifestyle, helping you select the most suitable device. Withinvisibleordiscreethearingaids,youcan enjoybetterhearingdiscreetly,enhancingyour overall quality of life without any compromise.

Active Audiology’s Amanda and Naomi affirm that the era of bulky and noticeable hearing aids is behind us. They encourage individuals not to let concerns about appearance deter them from addressing their hearing needs. Explore discreet hearing aids and embark on a journey to rediscover clear hearing with confidence and ease.

Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY 13 FEATURING ... SENIORS Advertising feature
Make and appointment with Amanda or Naomi today at17 Harrington Square Altona. Phone 9398 3331 or go to
Naomi Fuertes. (Supplied)

Six tips to help you care for someone with a disability

If you care for someone with a disability, it’s important to prioritise looking after yourself as well. Here are 6 tips to help ease some of the pressure:

1/ Are you eligible for payments?

As a carer, you may be eligible for carer payments. Explore au/carer-payment for more information. Additionally, the person you care for may also be able to get a Disability Support Pension.

2/ Make an emergency care plan

An emergency care plan has all the information about the person you care for in one place. It makes it easy for someone to take over from you in a hurry, or if you need to talk with a health care professional. Find out how to create one at planning

3/ Learn how to deal with challenging behaviours

Some people with a disability can have challenging behaviours, such as aggression or violence. Find out how to prevent or manage these behaviours at managing-health-behaviour

4/ Managing incontinence

Some people with a disability are incontinent, meaning they can’t hold in urine or faeces. Learn how to manage incontinence at, plus get additional support buying incontinence products at servicesaustralia.

5/ Get help around the home

If your care role leaves you less time to do jobs

around the house, you might need extra help at home. There are many services that can help you, from providing meals to cleaning and making home repairs. Find out more at

6/ Need some respite care?

Respite care is when someone else looks after thepersonyoucareforwhileyouhaveabreak.

If you need time to do everyday activities, deal with stress or look after yourself, visit

You may care for someone by yourself, but you’re not alone – it’s okay to ask for support. Simply visit today or call 1800 422 737.

14 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 DISABILITY Advertising feature



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Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY 15
*forconstipationrelief Sunraysia Prune Extract is a food and not a medicine From 99c perday* Scannowtosave$5 1800 778 637 12640154-AV41-23



Braybrook Community Hub

Getting your garden ready for summer. Find out what foods to plant in summer and how to make sure that they thrive, along with the rest of your garden.

Time: 10am-12pm

Date: Monday, 16 October

Cost: $20

Hatha yoga online

Practice yoga in the comfort of your own home with Sue via Zoom. A general Hatha Yoga style practice suitable for all levels, concluding with deep relaxation.

Time: 6-7pm

Date: Weekly, 2 Oct - 4 Dec

Cost: $60 per 10 week term | $6 per session

Small steps walking group

Are you looking for a fun and social way to stay active? Join the Braybrook Community Hub walking group. Get some fresh air, make new friends and enjoy the benefits of walking. Or come for social connections, bikkies and a cuppa.

Time: 10.30 -11.30am

Date: Every Wednesday, free


Looking for a group that can help inspire, teach and support you in your craft endeavours? Bring along whatever you are working on and enjoy a morning with like-minded people.

Time: 10am-12pm at the Braybrook Community Hub.

Date: Weekly, 5 October - 7 Dec

Cost: $30 Full | $15 Concession

Meditation for stress management

Meditate under the guidance of an experienced teacher through visualisation, breath and movement. This term you will also be guided to create a vision board. A form of mindful planning combining the psychological process of visualizing, preparing for the future, and assigning action steps including milestones and to review your progress. This class will also be live streamed for you to join from home .

Time: 10-11am at the Braybrook Community Hub

Date: Weekly, until 6 Dec

Cost: $60 per 10 week term | 6 per session

Spice-up for your next BBQ

You have probably heard everyone talking about Barbie, and rightly so: the weather is warming up and the barbie needs firing up! Make your next BBQ a hit with marinated dishes inspired by fires and food from around the world. Register online to book.

Time: 10am -12pm at Braybrook Community Hub.

Date: 15 November

Cost: $20

Yarraville Traders Association

The Yarraville Traders Association invites you to enjoy a FREE coffee from Willis and Anderson and some colouring and treats for the children, while you get to know the Footscray police members, discuss local matters and learn more about the safety initiatives that are in place for our community. Join us on Tuesday 17 October 2023 from 10am to 12pm at the pop-up park in front of the beautiful Sun Theater.


Computer classes for beginners

Computer classes are run on a wide range of times and days, at both Altona North Community Centre, and Joan Kirner House in Williamstown.

■ Lynne, 9397 6168

Palliative volunteers needed Mercy Palliative Care is looking for

volunteers to visit palliative care patients in their homes to offer social support.

■ 9313 5700 or

Willin Wimmin choir

Williamstown-based women’s community choir Willin Wimmin is currently welcoming new members. The group meets each Wednesday evening in school terms in the Church of Christ hall at the corner of John Street and Douglas Parade, Williamstown from 7.30pm-9.30pm. There are no auditions and you don’t need to be able to read music.


Altona North Combined Probus

The Altona North Combined Probus Club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Altona Sports Club. Includes a speaker, organised trips and outings, and a friendly atmosphere.

■ Lesley, 0414 481 442

Friendship group

Altona Day Voice Interest and Education of Women [VIEW] Club meets at 11am on the third Wednesday of the month at Altona RSL.

■ Janet, 9394 6522 or 0412 010 176

Diabetes support group

The Westgate Diabetes Support Group meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Altona Bowling Club at 10am.

■ Elaine, 0415 030 996

Altona Day View Club

The Altona Day View Club meets on the third Wednesday each Month at 11am, at

the Altona RSL 31 Sargood Street, Altona.

■ Marion, 9394 6557

AeroSpeakers Toastmasters Club

Would you like to develop confidence in communicating, competence with language and clarity in writing? AeroSpeakers Toastmasters Club would like to invite any and all residents to join them on the first and third Thursday of every month to help develop public speaking, communication and leadership skills. The group meets at the Laverton Community Hub, 95-105 Railway Avenue, Laverton from 7-9.30pm.

■ Vimi Gaoneadry, 0411 530 944

Art workshops

The Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre presents MonArt. Workshops for people of all abilities facilitated by community art specialist Amanda Neville, Mondays 10am-11.30am. Cost: $5 casual fee each week.

■, or 9398 2511

West Footscray Rotary

The Rotary Club of West Footscray meets at the Medway Golf Club in Maidstone for lunch, fellowship and guest speakers each Wednesday from 12.30pm- 2pm.

■ Mike, 0417 622 372

Cherry Lake Market

Set between Millers Road and the stunning Cherry Lake in Altona, this market has something for everyone. The market hosts more than 60 stalls selling plants, bric-a-brac, handcrafts, hot jam donuts, tools, clothing and much more. There is live music every month from the Cherry Lake Cultural Series, showcasing local musicians

from across Hobsons Bay. From 9am- 1pm on the first Sunday of every month.

■ Whats-On/Altona or

Musicians welcome

Do you play trumpet, flute or lower brass instruments? The Hobsons Bay City Band is seeking musicians to join its community band. Rehearsals are held Mondays from 7.30pm at the Newport Lakes Primary School, Elizabeth Street, Newport.

■ Roger Lewis,, or

Point Gellibrand Rotary Club

Rotary Club of Point Gellibrand meets at Customs House Hotel, 161 Nelson Place, Williamstown, on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 6pm for a dinner meeting. The club has some great speakers and needs new, energetic, enthusiastic members who want to make a difference in their community.

■, Pam, 0418 347 691, or

U3A Altona Inc

The 2023 AGM for U3A Altona Inc. will be held on Friday 28th July, at 1pm, at the Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre. We are inviting nominations for our 2023-2024 Committee of Management. Our guest speaker will be well known local artist and conservationist Rob Mancini, and an afternoon tea will follow the meeting.

■ 9398 1346

Women Talk – Conversational English

The Women Talk Group will be held on Mondays at 10am for women to learn and practice speaking English in the classroom and the local area and make new friends in an all-women class.

■ 9391 8504, or

Laverton Community Education Centre

Laverton Community Education Centre has started free AMEP classes in Williamstown Community Education Centre at the Joan Kirner House, onTuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am-3pm. Participants can build English, digital and employability skills with the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

■ 9369 2726

Altona Repair Cafe

The Altona Repair Cafe are looking for more repairers to help meet community demand for repairs at their monthly repair events! We are particularly looking for people with skills in repairing electricals and textiles! Repair cafes happen on the first Saturday of the month, 12pm to 3pm.

■ Danielle, 0413 434 082

Tax Help

The Seabrook Community Centre is offering free tax return help with a tax help volunteer. This program is for people who have earned less than $60,000 and are pay as you go employees. This program runs until mid October.

Social Dancing

Social dancing in Maribyrnong for all ages and experience levels on Thursday evenings at the Maribyrnong Community Centre from 7.30pm-10.30pm.

■ Janine, 0421 371 883

YOUR EVENT LISTED? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication
This week’s photographer’s choice picture is of Evie, 5, with
part of a local
initiative to give away free seeds. (Damjan Janevski) 362972_01




To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.



1 Looks for (5)

4 Pathological self-admirer (9)

9 Contain (7)

10 Instrument for crushing material into small pieces (7)

11 Subtle change by degrees (9)

12 US state (5)

13 Swine (3)

14 Bug poison (11)

16 Tools (11)

19 Long, slippery fish (3)

20 Cavalry sword (5)

22 Charity (9)

25 Print process (7)

26 Drank (7)

27 Dangled (9)

28 Unkempt (5)


1 Throw (5)

2 Gives something and receives another (9)

3 Aqualung (5)

4 Foes (7)

5 Natural (7)

6 Talents (9)

7 Country (5)

8 Relating to the body (9)

13 Female religious leader (9)

14 From Israel (9)

15 Beyond words, indescribable (9)

17 Coped (7)

18 Cared for (7)

21 Dollars (coll) (5)

23 Puzzle (5)

24 Currently (5)


Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.

1 In which city are the headquarters of the United Nations located?

2 Diamond is the birthstone for which month?

3 Who was the 23rd prime minister of Australia and longest-serving Australian Labor Party prime minister?

4 Which planet in the solar system is farthest from the sun?

5 What is the name of the founder of the Scout Movement?

6 What was the name of the assassination plot in which Guy Fawkes was famously involved?

7 With which legendary king do we associate the castle and court of Camelot?

8 Which football team did Charles Brownlow, namesake of the Brownlow Medal, play for?

9 Mark Zuckerberg (pictured) is the founder and CEO of which social networking site?

10 What is the highest peak in the Caucasus Mountains?

Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY 17
No. 154 No. 154 No. 154
154 81 76 72 63 7482 75 96 543 2 1 538 27 54 3549 easy 243 5 9 567 4 2 549 1 78 5 48 1 86 2 61 7 9 medium 29 7 8657 96 3 57 3 74 42 41 15 78 9 hard
No. 154
acquit, ACQUITTAL, actual, alit, aqua, aquatic, attic, laic, quail, quittal, tacit, tact, tactual, tail, tala, talc, taut
LETTERS ABOVE ACING ACTED ADAGE ALIAS ALONE ANGST APING ARENA ATOMS AVERT AWAIT AWAKE BONES BRINE CAMEL CANOE CATER DRAFT DRAPE DRESS EDGES ENSUE ENTER EVADE INANE MIGHT MINCE MONTH NEARS NEVER PALER PENCE RIDER RILED RIVAL ROSES SCANT SEAMS SECTS SEIZE SLEWS SNEER TRAYS TREES TRUES VOICE WHEAT 6 LETTERS CEASES DRAWER ERRANT SPARSE USHERS VERSES 7 LETTERS AMATEUR ARISING AUSTERE GROCERY NEUTERS SATANIC 8 LETTERS ARRAIGNS PENITENT PRESENTS WARRIORS 10 LETTERS DISMISSIVE TREASURIES 12 345678910111213 1415 1617181920212223242526 O S J W Q F C B I G V T R K H M U P X E Y L Z N A D Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. NOTE: more than one solution may be possible 13-10-23 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | 276489351 391567248 825314769 543271896 784192635 469758123 918635472 652843917 137926584 easy medium hard 825173469 346285791 971826543 637498215 758941632 584739126 419652378 192367854 263514987 238964517 482635179 941256783 159873462 795128346 867349251 674512938 316497825 523781694 1 14 7 20 2 15 8 21 3 16 9 22 4 17 10 23 5 18 11 24 6 19 12 25 13 26 ND ANSWERS: 1. New York City 2. April 3. Bob Hawke 4. Neptune 5. Lord Robert Baden-Powell 6. The Gunpowder Plot 7. King Arthur 8. Geelong (VFA) 9. Facebook 10. Mount Elbrus
8 words: Good 12 words: Very
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Prescription changes

You’ve probably heard about Australian government changes to medicine prescribing rules, and how it’s now possible to get your regular pills for two months at a time instead of one.

If,likemanyofus,youusuallypopintoyour localpharmacy12timesayearformedicinesand maybe double that if you also collect stuff for a family member – then this is good news.

However, it’s important to remember that this change doesn’t happen automatically, and you can’t just ask for twice the amount from the nice people behind the counter at your pharmacy – even if you’ve been going there for years and they know you well!

The main thing you need to know is that the repeats on your current prescription will still be valid only for a month at a time, and, no, you can’t use two of them at once.

Strictly speaking, the new scheme covers 60-dayprescriptions-whichisasnearenough to two months to make no difference. The plan is that for certain long-term medications - those for cholesterol or diabetes or endometriosis, as examples – 60-day supplies will be available, but only as long as your doctor thinks it’s a good idea.

On September 1 this year, almost 100 common medicines listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme became eligible for 60-day prescriptions. By this time next year the list is expected to have grown to over 300.

To take advantage of this you need to talk with your GP, who has to make some important decisions with you. They have to be confident your condition, whatever it is, is well managed by the medications and that

General Notices


1. The proposed upgrade to the existing facility includes:

• Removal of existing Vodafone & Optus equipment.

•Replacement and reconfiguration of three (3) existing Vodafone and three (3) existing Optus panel antennas (six (6) in total), with new panels not more than 2.8m in length onto new mounts attached to existing steel mast.

•Installation of three (3) Vodafone and six (6) Optus (nine (9) in total) new 5G panel antennas, each approximately 0.8m in length, on new mounts attached to existing steel mast.

•Installation of new ancillary equipment, including but not limited to twenty-one (21) new Remote Radio Units (RRU) installed on new RRU Headframe, Mast Head Amplifiers (MHA), combiners, breakout boxes, filters, cabling, cable trays, mounts, steelwork, GPS antennas and other items associated with the safety and operation of the facility.

•Reconfiguration of existing and installation of new equipment within the existing equipment shelter including upgrade to existing power supply to facility.

2. Vodafone and Optus regards the proposed nstallation as a Low-impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 (“The Determination”) based on the description above.

3. In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposal. Further information and/or comments should be directed to: Abhishek Gampala at Nokia Solutions & Networks on 0413 809 856 or at communityrelations.vha@groups. by COB 25th October 2023. Further information may be obtained from the RFNSA website at


you won’t need a change of dosage for the next couple of months.

If they consider that you are doing well on the meds, then they may issue 60-day scripts, with repeats.

The 60-day prescriptions look different to the normal monthly ones, so your pharmacist canidentifyitataglance.And,ofcourse,your pharmacist might ask you a couple of gentle

questions, to make sure you’re comfortable with the new arrangement.

These new rules, the government says, will save many Medicare card holders up to $180 a year, and concession card holders up to $43.80 a year. They don’t affect the PBS Safety Net in any way.

So, patience is probably the key here. Remember that your current repeat scripts –



1.The proposed upgrade to the existing facility includes:

•Installation of three (3) Vodafone and three (3) Optus panel antennas (six (6) in total), each approximately not more than 2.8m in length onto new mounts.

•Installation of three (3) Vodafone and six (6) Optus (nine (9) in total) new 5G panel antennas, each approximately 0.8m in length, on new mounts.

•Installation of new ancillary equipment, including but not limited to twenty-seven (27) new Remote Radio Units (RRU), Mast Head Amplifiers (MHA), combiners, breakout boxes, filters, cabling, cable trays, mounts, steelwork, GPS antennas and other items associated with the safety and operation of the facility.

•Reconfiguration of existing and installation of new equipment within the existing equipment shelter including upgrade to existing power supply to facility.

2. Vodafone and Optus regards the proposed installation as a Low-impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 (“The Determination”) based on the description above.

3.In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposal. Further information and/or comments should be directed to: Abhishek Gampala at Nokia Solutions & Networks on 0413 809 856 or at by COB 25th October 2023. Further information may be obtained from the RFNSA website at


Victorian Timber Wholesalers (VTW) require a sales representative to service new and existing customers. VTW has a strong reputation for customer service, product quality and competitive pricing. The successful candidate joins a strong experienced team of wholesale timber reps, the company has strong supply levels to ensure customers are receiving the stock required. Orders are mostly in bulk form and all turned around in 24 hours.

Experience in the wholesale timber market would be preferable, but timber merchandising at market level would be suitable.

The areas VTW supply are Melbourne Metro, and country areas. The position offers an attractive salary package, computer, phone and a fully maintained company car.

Please forward your resume detailing your experience to Marnie Conway 0408 371 506

even if the medication is on the list - are still monthly,andthereisnothingyourpharmacist can do to change that.

Once the time comes to see your doctor for some more, however, ask them if you can have the two-month versions. And remember, even with them, i you can still pop into your local pharmacist as often as you like for great advice!

Real Estate section of Network Classifieds. Trades & Services section of Network Classifieds. FREE CAR REMOVAL Pay up to $500 for most cars Dead or Alive LMCT 10268W 7 days a week service Call Gus for a free quotation on 0435 904 818 12321532-HM36-16 V Wrecking NEED NEW STAFF? Fill your position online 12565959-HC35-22 V Positions Vacant CARS wanted. $$$$ Paid. Buying all years and models. Call 0455 776 443 LMCT 12395 V Wanted To Buy Employment section of Network Classifieds.
DISCRIMINATION IN ADVERTISING IS UNLAWFUL The Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 1995 makes it unlawful for an advertiser to show any intention to discriminate on the basis of sex, pregnancy, race, age, marital status, political or religious belief or physical features, disability, lawful sexual activity/sexual orientation, HIV/AIDS status or on the basis of being associated with a person with one of the above characteristics, unless covered by an exception under the Act. As Network Classifieds could be legally liable if an unlawful advertisement is printed, Network Classifieds will not accept advertisements that appear to break the law. For more information about discrimination in advertising, contact your legal advisers or the Equal Opportunity Commission. V Professional ACCOUNT MANAGER SALES REPRESENTATIVE
Part Time Accounts / Admin Person MYOB Experience Preferred. Accounts processing, chasing money and filing. All training is provided. Please post or email your current CV to: Absolute Rubber Pty Ltd, 46-52 Hume Road, Laverton North 3026 or email: V Public Notices and Event V Public Notices and Event V Positions Vacant V Positions Vacant

The ultimate 4x4 dual cab ute

Well, hello. We’d almost forgotten about the other Korean – you know, SsangYong.

After some financial woes, restructure and change of ownership, SsangYong is back in business selling cars, with two SUVs and a 4x4 dual cab ute to offer.

Originally launched here in 2004, Musso was available as both a ute and SUV, the former calledtheMussoSports,whichattractedbuyers with a bargain price and Mercedes-sourced turbo-diesel.

These days ute and SUV have parted company, but it’s the Musso 4x4 dual cab ute that we are checking out here and its bid to grab a slice of the lucrative sports utility market.

Launched in 2018, Musso is offered in two lengths with different-sized tubs, but is not available in cab-chassis form with a metal tray replacement.


Musso comes in a choice of short or long wheelbase, both with the same 2.2-litre turbo-diesel.

The short wheelbase version is 5095mm long, with a 3100mm wheelbase and 1300mm long tub – and can carry a 790kg payload.

At 5409mm, the XLV is 314mm longer, with a stretched 3210mm wheelbase and extended 1600mm tub that is able to accommodate a full tonne (1020kg). The shorter version is fitted with benign five-link coil suspension and is more of a sports focused model.

Tick the box for the long wheelbase option and it also comes with supportive leaf springs at the rear and is targeted at the working end of the market.

Both versions have independent, double-wishbone front suspension.

There are two grades from which to choose, ELX and Ultimate, with a couple of add-on packs from which to pick.

Prices start from $36,790 driveaway for the short wheelbase ELX with a six-speed manual.

ThelongwheelbaseELXis$38,290driveaway, also with a manual. An auto adds $2000.

Ultimate is priced from $43,090 driveaway, with an auto and metallic paint thrown in. Addingthelongertubtakesthepriceto$44,590 and topping it off with the Luxury Pack takes the total driveaway price to $47,590.

Metallic paint is $495, the XLV Pack $1500 and Ultimate Pack $3000.

Even at these prices it leaves plenty of overhead for further optioning the vehicleand there’s plenty of them.

Sports bars, fender flares, side steps, tub liner, roller tonneau, under-body protection and sports suspension kits are available.

There’s a choice of six colours. Atlantic Blue is standard; Grand White, Silky White Pearl, Marble Grey, Space Black or Indian Red cost extra.

Standard kit includes cloth seats and manual air, 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster, 18-inch alloys, cruise control, LED daytime running lights, front fog lights, projector headlights with integrated LED turn signals, frontandrearparkingsensors,autohighbeam, auto lights and wipers and an auto dimming mirror.

Ultimate adds black 18-inch alloys, artificial leather, heated and cooled front seats, heated steering wheel, 360-degree camera and walk-away locking.

Our test vehicle was the short wheelbase Ultimate with $205 Luxury Pack fitted at $46,685 driveaway.

It adds Nappa leather, dual zone climate air, HID headlights, power-adjust front seats, powered driver lumbar support, heated rear seats and a power operated sunroof.

Musso is covered by a seven-year unlimited kilometre warranty, with seven-year roadside assistance and seven-year capped price servicing.

The warranty extends to commercial use.


Infotainment consists of an 8.0-inch touchscreen, six-speaker audio, Bluetooth,

AM/FM radio and wired Apple Carplay and Android Auto.

It’s not the fastest, or most intuitive system that we have used – but it’s not the worst either.

At times it can be difficult to see, particularly in strong sunlight.

The front console offers two USB-A ports, a 12V/120W power outlet and a cigarette lighter.

Engines / transmissions

noise and a more refined ride.

Weighing up to 2090kg, it can tow a 3500kg braked load and is equipped with trailer sway control as standard.

Steering is hydraulic in ELX but Ultimate scores speed sensitive power steering, with an 11.8-metre or 12.2-metre turning circle depending on wheelbase.


ELX manual, $36,790

ELX auto, $38,790

ELX XLV manual, $38,290

ELX XLV auto, $40,290

Ultimate auto, $43,090

Ultimate XLV auto, $44,590

Ultimate Luxury auto, $46,090

Ultimate XLV Luxury auto, $47,590 SPECIFICATIONS

SsangYong Musso Ultimate 4x4 dual cab utility, 2.2-litre turbo-diesel, 6spd automatic, part-time 4WD

Note: These prices are driveaway and include government or dealer delivery charges.

The first holds 1011 litres while the longer tub has a 1262-litre capacity - an increase of almost 25 per cent.


2.2-litre four-cylinder turbo-diesel produces 133kW of power at 4000 rpm and 400Nm of torque from 1400-2800 rpm.

The latter figure rises to 420Nm in the longer XLV but is available over a narrower band from 1600 to 2600 rpm, presumably because it is expected to carry heavier loads.

Transmission is six-speed manual or six-speed auto, with drive to the rear wheels and selectable four-wheel drive, with 2Hi, 4Hi and 4Lo ranges. It also has an auto-locking rear diff.


As yet Musso has not been rated by ANCAP for safety and we cannot justifiably award more than five points for this feature on this basis.

But the safety story is a strong one with six airbags, a rear-view camera and Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) with Forward Collision Warning, Lane Departure Warning, Front Vehicle Start Warning, Active Rollover Protection and Driver Attention Warning.

Ultimate adds Blind Spot Detection (BSD), Rear Cross Traffic Warning (RCTW) Lane Change Collision Warning (LCW) and Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS).

Two ISOFIX and three top tether child seat anchors are provided.

The entry level model lacks reach adjustment for the steering wheel, but in a real faux-pas the rear-centre seating position is equipped only with a lap seat belt.

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen one of these in a modern vehicle.

Driving Musso’s new body-on-frame platform is shared with the SsangYong Rexton.

The rigid body-on-frame design features high strength steel with eight large mounting points that contribute to lower levels of road

And,insomethingofararityforthesegment, it comes with four-wheel disc brakes, ventilated at the front -- most of the more fancied utes still come with rear drums.

With a 75-litre tank, fuel consumption ranges from 7.9 to 9.0L/100km, depending on grade and wheelbase.

Nexen N Priz RH7 road tyres are fitted, with 255/60 18s for Musso and 235/70 17s for XLVsilver for ELX and black for Ultimate.

A full-size spare is provided.

We’ve always felt the tub in the Musso was too short, a bit stubby even compared to other utes. The latest model addresses this issue, at leastwiththelongwheelbaseXLVwhichboasts one of the longest tubs in its class.

Having said that, we were still able to transport a heavy, power adjustable hospital-style bed in the short wheelbase, even though the end jutted over the tailgate.

Fortunately, it was only for a short distance.

Although our test vehicle was not fitted with side steps, grab handles at each of the four doors makes entry easier.

Rear legroom is limited, particularly for knees which press the back of the front seat.

Musso is push-button start and performance is surprisingly strong, both off the mark and in roll-on acceleration.

You can change gears manually with a thumb-operated switch on the side of the transmission lever.

The feel is solid but nothing fancy, with stiff suspension that generates plenty of old school shake and shudder. Large bumps are likely to produce some steering wheel backlash.

The digital instrument cluster looks a bit underdone and while you can choose from three different skins, it needs to be more configurable.

In terms of dimensions, the standard tub is 1300mm x 1570mm x 570mm, with a width of 1100mm between wheel arches. The longer tub is 1600mm, with other dimensions the same.

As for off-road capability, Musso presents mainly as a farm or worksite candidate. Weekend warriors will need to invest in a lift kit and some chunkier all-terrain rubber to tackle anything tougher.

Low range gearing and a locking rear diff deliver plenty of traction, with hill descent control as well as hill start assist to help.

But a silly 23-degree approach angle, modest 215mm ground clearance and equally shy 350mm wading depth are limiting factors, the former when it comes to negotiating tricky fire trails with some rock hopping involved.

But the foundations are good and Musso certainly has potential.

We were getting an impressive 7.1L/100km after more than 500km.

Summing up

Musso is the proverbial value for money.

The styling is generic but the basics are there, it just needs fine tuning to meet market expectations.

To wit we live in a digital world and that means digital radio and a wireless charge pad need to be added.

It’s got the desired black wheels but a sports bar and soft tonneau (at minimum) are needed to complete the look that 4x4 dual cab buyer’s desire.

CarPlay and Android Auto are okay when they work, but when you’re out in the sticks and run out of reception, built-in navigation is your friend.

These electronic aids are all available in other markets, but have obviously been removed to keep down the price.

While resale could be an issue, Musso presents as a quality product with more than enough off-road capability for most, at a price that is frankly difficult to ignore.

Don’t forget the Nappa leather and vented front seats.

Musso – hard to pass up at the price. (Pictures: Supplied)

United season around the corner

Daniel Penha was the happiest man on earth when he scored his first goal in a Western United jersey last week.

The Brazilian star has arrived at Western United and settled immediately into the side, making his competitive debut against Sydney FC in the Australia Cup and catching the eye in his brief cameo.

But Penha went one better in a behind-closed-doors friendly against Western Sydney Wanderers, scoring early in the second half as United won the clash 2-1.

After being played clean through by Noah Botic, Penha had much of the attacking half to run into and following a lovely dummy shot, the Brazilian blasted a brilliant finish into the back of the net.

Leaping into the air and releasing a wave of emotion, Penha celebrated in style and said after the game that it was a special feeling after the adversity of injury over the last 12 months.

“I can’t tell you. I am so, so, so happy,” he said.

“After I scored, I cried a little bit because the mind can remember the hard times in the last year. I am so happy, I’m looking forward to this season.

“After one year, I’ve come back again and I can play again in the first 11. I’m so happy to score, to help the team. I think this is a good game for the start of the season. I’m so happy to be back again.”

After the club reached the quarter-finals in the Australia Cup for the first time, United is continuing to get up to speed ahead of the A-League Men opener in just over two weeks.

Penha is buoyant about how the side is shapingup,withUnitedaimingtoreturntothe finals after missing out last season.

“Our team is so good, we have good staff,


1. How many points did Collingwood win the 2023 AFL Grand Final by?

2. Which team does the 2023 Dally M medal winner Kalyn Ponga play for?

3. The Qizhong Forest Sports City Arena is set to host which ATP tennis tournament?

everyone is together working like family, so I am looking forward to the season,” he said.

“Everyone is working so much. Everyone, the staff, the players, everyone is working together. This is good for the team, so looking forward to the season.”

4. The Bathurst 1000 is an annual race in which series?

5. How many kilometres long is a marathon?

6. Which Australian swimmer won the 2022 World Swimmer of the Year?

7. Harry Kane recently announced his departure from which English Premier League team? What is the training

Which team recently won the 2023 Laver Cup tennis tournament by

Who is the most decorated Australian

Which NRL awarded the 2023 Clive Churchill

Which AFL player awarded the 2023 Norm Smith Medal?

For that return to the finals to happen, Penha admitted the players will need the backing of the Western United faithful throughout the season.

“Your support is so important for us, because when we have everyone together in the game

13. Which NRLW player was awarded the 2023 Karyn Murphy Medal?

14. Which team did Newcastle Knights defeat 24-18 to win the 2023 NRLW Grand Final?

15. Which Australian bowler took a hat-trick versus the Netherlands in a recent warm-up match?

16. Which two teams qualified to play off in the 2023 WNBA Finals?

17. Which Northern Irish golfer was particularly upset at an opposing caddie during the 2023 Ryder Cup?

18. An officail at the 19th Asian Games suffered a fractured leg after being struck during which throwing event?

19. Retired US baseball pitcher Curt Schilling won how many World Series championships?

20. Travis Kelce plays tight end for which NFL team?

21. What is the name of the annual Indigenous Rugby League carnival held in New South Wales?

with the membership, this is good for the team,” he said. “This is good for everyone. So come support, come with membership, this is important for us.”

Western United’s A-League season will begin on Saturday, October 21.

22. In what year was the Los Angeles Olympics boycotted by Russia and more than a dozen other countries?

23. Which AFL team has the first pick in the 2023 National Draft?

24. Which nation did the Wallabies defeat in their final group match of the 2023 Rugby World Cup?

25. How many AFL/VFL premierships has Collingwood won?

26. And which player was Collingwood’s top goal kicker of the 2023 season?

27. Which US gymnast is to have the double pike vault skill named after her?

28. Which NBL team plays home games at RAC Arena?

29. Who is the Australian women’s cricket team currently playing a Twenty20 International series against?

30. Which city will host the NFL Super Bowl this current season?

1. Four 2. Newcastle Knights 3. Rolex Shanghai Masters 4. Supercars Championship 5. .19542 6. Ariarne Titmus 7. Tottenham Hotspur 8. Tom Wills Oval 9. Team World 10. Emma McKeon 11. Nathan Cleary 12. Bobby Hill 13. Tamika Upton 14. Gold Coast Titans 15. Mitchell Starc 16. Las Vegas Aces and New York Liberty 17. Rory McIlroy 18. Hammer throw 19. Three (2001, 2004, 2007) 20. Kansas City Chiefs 21. Koori Knockout 22. 1984 23. West Coast 24. Portugal 25. 16 26. Brody Mihocek 27. Simone Biles 28. Perth Wildcats 29. West Indies 30.
1310 Harry
Las Vegas Travis
Daniel Penha. (Western United)

Druids aiming for ‘the next step’ up to finals

Druids are hoping to make the leap into finals ahead of the Victorian Turf Cricket Association senior division season.

The club finished just outside of the finals last season, winning six games and drawing one from its 13 matches. Needing just one more point and percentage to play off in the finals.

However, this year under a new coaching set up with co-coaches Andrew Brennan and JaredAndrewsatthehelm,theclubisreadyto take the next step.

“We’re really looking forward to it, we’ve waited six months to have another go,” Brennan said.

“Hopefullywecangetofftoagoodstartand give ourselves a chance at making finals.

“This is the first time I’ve been involved as coaching a cricket club at a senior level and I’m thoroughly enjoying the experience”

“To be able to have someone like Jared who’s got a significant amount of experience

supporting me in the role is very valuable, so I’m grateful for that.

“Pre season’s been going really well. It’s probably the highest standard of training that I’ve seen in the number of years that I’ve been involved with the club.

“We’ll definitely be aiming to make finals.

“In the last five years, I think we’ve won one league title, made finals twice and won two t-20 titles.

“So we’re definitely a club that’ll be aspiring to be a part of cricket in March.

“We’ve also got four new players who will be joining our playing list this year, which is really exciting.”

The players that have signed at the Druids over the off season include Charith Perera, Luke Shoesmith, Charith Mendis and Dhanushka Dharmasiri has returned to the club.

Dharmasiri returns to the club after having played for East Keilor last season where he

scored 500 runs. In his most recent season with the Wizards, 2019-20, he took out the club champion player amassing 440 runs.

MendisjoinedtheclubHaigFawknerwhere he proved himself as a strong all rounder over hislasttwoseasons.SomeofMendis’standout performances include when he scored 135 not out in a one day fixture against Sunshine United in 2022 and his five wicket haul in last season’s semi- final.

However, young Shoesmith has really caught Brennan’s eye over the winter.

“He’s a young fast bowler who joined the clubafewyearsagoandhe’soneofthehardest workersandmostdisciplinedathletesthatI’ve played with,” he said.

“He started to show some fantastic glimpses last season, and we’re really confident that he will be able to step up for us and have a big season with the ball.”

Another award for Muus

Wyndhamvale’s Chloe Muus has taken out the women’s Western Region Football League division 2 best and fairest award.

Muus won with 22 votes, only one above West Footscray’s Roxana Sefton who came second. Spotswood’s Isabel Choate came third polling 16 votes.

This is Muus second league best and fairest after winning the award in 2021, in her first season on football at the Rovers. Muus had previously played football while completing Year 11 and 12 in Mildura.

LastseasonwhilelivinginWesternAustralia she continued playing the game she loves for Baldivis in the Perth Football League.

Upon her return to the WRFL and Wyndhamvale,Muussaidshewasn’texpecting to have the impact that she did.

“I didn’t really think I was a sniff this year,” she said.

“Didn’tthinkIwasgoingtowinanything,so it was a good surprise.”

When Muus first won the award in 2021, the Rovers finished on the bottom of the ladder without winning a game. This season, they were runners up in division 2, coming just two points away from premiership glory.

“Obviously, everyone prefers a team win but sometimes individual awards are nice,” she said.

“Itwasnicethisyeartowinitandforustobe successful, just not completely successful.

“[The improvement in the team has] been massive, when I came back this year and saw the development.

“There were a fair few new girls who have fit right in, but the growth of the girls who have been there since the start [has been massive].

“Some of those girls had never played before that first season [in 2021] and to see how far they’ve come now is awesome.

“Every year we’re getting more new girls coming down, some that have played before and some haven’t.

“So it’s good to see the talent growing so much.”

With another year under the teams’ belt, the next step is obvious for the Rovers, to win the premiership.

“That’s the goal next year,” Muus said.

“But every club is developing at the same time too, so although I think we’re definitely well placed for next year, we’ve got a good group and another 12 months of building, so does everyone else.

“So I definitely wouldn’t rule Laverton out, they’ve been really great, they’re like us, they’ve come a long way from where they started.

“So I don’t think it’s going to be a walk in the park next year.


“It’ll definitely be a hard fought year, but [a premiership] is definitely the goal for next year and we’ve definitely got the group that will be able to do it.”

In other results, the division 1 best and fairest was awarded to Spotswood’s Molly Althouse for her incredible season.

Althousewasaclearstandoutinthedivision polling 25 votes.

Parkside Spurs’ Rita Ceravolo and Werribee Centrals’ Jessica Spall tied for second place on 19 votes. While Caroline Springs’ Caitlin Pretty was fourth on 18 votes.


Williamstown has announced a heap of re-signings over the past week, just weeks after its Victorian Football League came to a halt in a semi final loss to Brisbane. Those who have signed on include Cameron Polson, Toby Triffett, Jake Greiser, Mitch Cox, James Cousins, Jack Toner, team of the year ruckman Tom Downie and Gerry Callanan B&F medal winner Marty Hore.


Spotswood have announced a new signing on top of a flurry of re-signings ahead of the 2024 Western Region Football League season. Julian Mosaresvki has signed with the Woodsmen for next season. The club said Mosaresvki is a winger with good agility and pace. He comes to the club from Glenroy in the Essendon District Football League where he played the full season in the senior side. Those who have been announced as re-signed with the club include Tom Elliott, Lachy Heriot, Cian O’Callaghan, Will Stafford, Luke Mathews, James Cleaver, Spencer Meagher, Ethan Bentley, Isaac Moore, Max Owen, Mitch Schibeci and Henry Mos.


The start of the much anticipated Victorian Sub-District Cricket Association season was postponed due to weather. The first round of matches, scheduled to be two day fixtures will now be played next weekend as one day games, with teams needing to wear coloured outfits and a white ball.



Maribyrnong & Hobsons Bay Star Weekly



Chloe Muus. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 356233_07_ Tom Downie (Jacob Pattison)357619_10 Dhanushka Dharmasiri is returning to the Druids. 200780_03

Slow start leaves AFLW Western Bulldogs winless

The Western Bulldogs remain winless in the 2023 AFLW competition after recording a 19-point loss to Carlton at Whitten Oval on Friday night.

A slow start from the Bulldogs proved costly in the end as they conceded three of the first four goals - with the team unable to reel in the deficit for the remainder of the game.

The Blues controlled field position for much of the contest, particularly in the opening term, where they enjoyed a 14-1 inside 50 advantage.

After an even second quarter the margin was 19 points at the main break, with Britt Gutknecht providing one of the game’s standout highlights with a running goal in front of the red, white and blue fans.

The Blues kicked the only two goals of the third stanza and led by 30 points at

three-quarter time, but the Bulldogs fought hard in the final stages, registering seven scoringshotstooneandwinningthelastterm

on the scoreboard.

After the match it was revealed that several Bulldogsplayerswerestruckdownwithillness during the week, while ruck Celine Moody, who failed a fitness test before the Carlton game, has been ruled out for the remainder of the season with a shoulder injury.

Coach Nathan Burke spun the magnets against the Blues, starting Katie Lynch up forward and persisting with Gabby Newton in defence.

Liz Georgostathis started in defence and spentlargechunksofthegameinthemidfield, as did young gun Rylie Wilcox in the latter stages of the contest.

Georgostathis was the Dogs’ leading ball-winner on the ground with 29 and five clearances in an outstanding performance, while the Dogs’ skipper Ellie Blackburn was the team’s barometer again, collecting 27

Last hit-out for United

Western United fell to a 2-0 defeat against Melbourne Victory in its final pre-season friendly before the A-League Women season opener next week.

After an intense contest, Victory took the ascendancyinthesecondhalfandscoredtwice after the hour mark to secure the win.

Both sides started gradually following the firstwhistle,buildingintothegameandlooking to string together patterns of possession.

Victory settled perhaps the quicker of the two teams, taking on more possession and looking to stretch United’s defence.

Despite giving up possession in the middle third of the pitch, United defended stoutly and ensured Alyssa Dall’Oste’s goal was not troubled, with two good saves from long-range efforts the only work she was required to do in the first half.

Western United carried a significant threat on the counter attack and Hannah Keane got the better of Victory’s defence on a number of occasions. One in particular brought about

a sharp save from Lydia Williams, with the Matildas goalkeeper flinging out a foot to deny Keane at her near post.

TheGreenandBlackenjoyedthebetterofthe final part of the first half and Adriana Taranto had a sighter on goal, turning Kayla Morrison brilliantly before trying to lob Williams from distance.

Keiwa Hieda was one of the liveliest players on the pitch and came as close as anyone to creating the opening goal when she made a move down the right wing before firing a ball across goal, but nobody was on the end of it to break the deadlock before the break.

Victory quickly moved to a higher gear at the start of the second half, penning United’s defence in and forcing a number of hurried clearances to rid the danger.

Dall’Oste was on hand again to deny Mackenzie Weinert and Rachel Lowe before Keane nearly engineered an opener when she stepped in front of Williams to intercept Emma Checker’s under hit back pass. Victory’s

defence ultimately recovered and scrambled the ball to safety.

That was a big moment for United, making Victory’s sucker punch moments later all the more ill-timed.

United allowed Victory time on the ball and Beattie Goad sent a cross into the box towards Lowe who put the ball beyond Dall’Oste with a clinical half-volley.

Mark Torcaso’s side enjoyed its best spell of the second half in the immediate aftermath of that goal but couldn’t turn a number of corners and free-kicks in promising positions into definitive chances on goal.

Victory then had the final say essentially right on the final whistle when Kurea Okino headed home from a corner, Goad again providing the delivery.

All eyes for United will now be on next week’s Liberty A-League round one clash against Perth Glory as the Green and Black seeks to embark on another successful season in the competition.

touches and taking a game-high eight marks.

“It was obviously a tough loss again for us,” Blackburn said/

“I thought we showed some really positive signs in patches there, but that seems to be the way we’re going about it at the moment.

“We’re playing in patches, some really good footy but we’re really inconsistent at the moment, which is something we need to tighten up on.

“We’ve got nothing to lose at the moment, so [the positional changes] gives other girls an opportunitytotrydifferentrolesandevenjust for us to have different looks at it, it’s not that we’re giving up or anything like that, it’s what elseworks,whatelsecanwetry,sowhynottry those things,” she said.

The Bulldogs travel to South Australia in Round 7 to take on the Adelaide Crows at Norwood Oval next Friday night.

Imai commits to the west

Western United defender Tomoki Imai will remain with the club through to a seventh season after committing to new terms with the Green and Black.

The new deal will see Imai remain in the West until the end of the 2025/26 season, meaning he will have played a part in the club’s first seven seasons in the A-League.

After joining midway through the club’s inaugural campaign in 2019/20, Imai has remained a regular at centre-back and the personification of consistency on the pitch.

His 84 appearances – 82 of which have been starts – make him the third highest appearance-maker in the club’s historyandthehighestamongmembers of the current squad.

After committing himself to two additional seasons on his contract, Imai spokeofhisloveforWesternUnitedand his motivation to continue to succeed at the club.

“I’m extremely happy to continue my journey with Western United. I’d like to thank everyone who has always supported me and my family,” he said.

“It’s a great pleasure and wonderful for me to be playing for Western United since the first season. I’m looking forward to building heaps of history together with this young club.”

Western United general manager of soccer Mal Impiombato hailed Imai as the ultimate professional and a key cornerstone of the club’s culture.

“Since joining the club in our inaugural season, Tomoki has played an integral part in establishing and driving the Western United culture,” he said.

“Tomoki’s character is reflected in the way that he plays, making him a favourite amongst the fans, his peers and the entire club staff.

“We are grateful for the impact that Tomoki has had on our Club and we are delighted to be able to retain such an important player for the next significant chapter of our history.”

Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 MARIBYRNONG & HOBSONS BAY STAR WEEKLY 23
(Western Bulldogs/Ruby Harkness) Keiwa Hieda (Jack Dilks/Football Victoria)


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