Madeleine Shaw s 10 day meal plan

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recipes, shopping lists and tips

Hey Beautiful, Welcome to your 10-day meal plan for a hot, healthy and happier life. Do you spend lots of time wondering what to have for dinner? Well this meal plan not only saves you time and money but it also takes that decision out of your hands. Over the next ten days you will see how easy healthy living is. Using my philosophy of eating yourself beautiful, you will see your stomach flatten, skin glow and energy sky rocket. I have created a shopping list using supermarket ingredients, with lists of simple and delicious recipes and a few extra bonuses too. I hope you enjoy it Let’s get glowing! Love Madeleine

What your plate should look like

Ideally you should aim to have your plate filled with 1/2 vegetables, 1/4 protein, 1/4 slow release carbohydrates and a circle of healthy fats in the middle. On the next page there are some examples of each of these, so everyday you can have a different combination and a beautiful plate!

Protein; FISH – salmon, mackerel, cod, seabass, seabream, haddock, trout, sardines, monkfish… (keep fresh tuna and swordfish for a special treat) SEAFOOD – prawns, mussels, clams, oysters, scallops, lobster, fresh crab GRASS FED MEAT – beef, lamb, pork PULSES – lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas etc GRAINS – quinoa, buckwheat, rice, millet POULTRY – chicken, duck, quail, turkey FREE RANGE EGGS

Carbohydrates; PULSES – lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas GRAINS – quinoa, buckwheat, rice, millet

Fats; AVOCADO OILS – olive oil, avocado oil, butter, coconut oil NUTS – almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios SEEDS – sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, chia, hemp, flax

Vegetables; STARCHY VEG – sweet potato, beetroot, potato, corn, peas, parsnips, pumpkin, squash, courgette NON STARCHY VEGGIES – peppers, cauliflower, aubergine, lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, spinach, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes GREEN VEGGIES – mangetout, broccoli, green beans, sugar snaps, cabbage GREEN LEAFY GREEN – spinach, kale, rocket, lettuce

Fruit; SWEETER FRUIT – mango, banana, pineapple LOW SUGAR FRUIT – berries, apples, kiwi fruit, grapefruit, tomatoes

ten tips to a healthier and happier life 1. hydrate

Water is the best thing to hit your lovely lips in the morning. Think hydrate before you caffeinate. Aim to drink two large glasses of warm water with freshly grated ginger upon rising, then throughout the day drink 3.3 per cent of your body weight in water. Try to consume clean filtered water to remove unwanted chemicals, bacteria and pathogens. Proper hydration gives you boundless energy and glowing skin.

2. up ya protein

Some adverts have led us to believe that cereal is the best way to start the day, when really we are pumping our bodies with buckets of sugar and chemicals that leave us groggy and reaching for coffee and cake at 11 a.m. Switching to a protein-powered breakfast will fuel you until lunchtime: no slumps, no snacks. Don’t skip this one: it really works. You can also up ya protein through grass-fed meat, fish, eggs, quinoa, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes.

3. don’t diet or deprive

This isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle. Telling yourself you can’t have something makes you want it more. It’s like being a kid again! It’s time to master your mindset. Start looking at food as something that nourishes your body, that boosts your energy, makes your skin shine bright and is always a pleasure to eat. Focus on crowding in, not cutting out. You will be filling your plate with lots of delicious veggies, fresh fruits, healthy fats, good-quality meat and fish, gluten-free grains and nuts and seeds. You’ll find that you don’t think about food as much, that you can sit back and enjoy your life. Trust me, diets don’t work, so stop depriving yourself and start living.

4. be grateful

As a Brit I have become accustomed to focusing on the negatives; the bad weather, the commute, the cost of living… however to live a healthy and happy life you need to focus on the positives. Gratitude is the best attitude, focusing on all the things that are great in your life. Try it at home: focus on 3 things you are grateful for each day; shifting your attention will make you happier.

5. 3 meals + 1 snack a day keeps indigestion at bay

Often we eat way too much, snacking all day in an attempt to battle our fatigue. But we don’t need all this food: three meals a day and one small snack , a good protein-rich breakfast followed by two wholesome meals is adequate for most of us. If you have an active job or exercise a lot you might need an extra snack over the course of the day, but try to get in the habit of having proper meals. Leave at least a four-hour gap in between to allow your stomach to empty and your body to rest. After all, it works hard to transfer that quinoa salad into energy, so cut it some slack!

6. get on the chew chew train

It’s time to start using our teeth. This may sound strange, but there is a reason why I’ve made this one of my ten principles. Most of us don’t chew our food; we wolf it down on the way to a meeting, whilst checking emails or sitting in front of the TV. But doing this means you aren’t digesting your food or absorbing the nutrients efficiently, and neither do you register when you’re full. Digestion starts in the mind, so get present while you’re eating: no distractions, no eating and tweeting! Sit down, breathe and chew your food 10–15 times: relax whilst you eat, don’t rush. Watch your bloated belly disappear, your body feel calmer and your desire to grab something sweet diminish.

7. get your fats straight

Ah, the terrible F-word; the thing we don’t want to be and the foods we have long avoided. But fats are so good for you! They will make your hair shine, your nails grow and your skin glow. They are an amazing source of energy, keeping you full all day long. They boost your immune system and contain essential fatty acids that are vital for your body. So up your fats from healthy sources like nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, olive oil, coconut oil and avocados.

8. getting meaty

People are sometimes surprised that I cook with meat and fish; ‘isn’t meat bad for you?’, I’m often asked. Well, it’s all about quality, and I always choose pasture-raised, grass-fed meat. Grass-fed beef is naturally leaner than grain-fed beef: it contains much higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and is a great source of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), a fat that reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes and many immune disorders. If you don’t eat meat, no worries! But if you do, try to buy the best quality. It will be slightly more expensive so think buy less, buy better – use the money you would have spent on a few pieces of cheaper meat and just buy one that’s good quality. The taste alone will get you hooked.

9. cook once, eat twice

I hate washing up, so I cut corners by cooking an extra portion of whatever recipe I’m making in the evening for me to eat the next day. It means I have lunch ready and don’t have to scrub an extra dish. It is a money and time saver, and one of my golden rules that I can’t recommend enough!

1"0. smile everyday

Smiling makes you happy, give it a go; smile big. It also makes those around you happy, it’s like a domino effect so smile big and spread the love.

meal plan Breakfast





Salmon with buckwheat noodles and broccoli

1 cup of green tea before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm

Sunday - Shopping - Part 1


Blueberry Porridge

Avocado salad with toasted seeds and hummus

50g of berries

1 cup of green tea





Scrambled eggs on rye bread

Leftover - Salmon with buckwheat noodles and broccoli

Hummus and carrots 50g of hummus 2 carrots, chopped into sticks

Roasted chickpea salad bowl

50g of berries

Poached eggs on rye bread with avocado

Leftover - Chicken, courgetti and pesto salad

Hummus and carrots 50g of hummus 2 carrots, chopped into sticks

Blueberry Porridge

Leftover - Sweet potato noodle salad with courgette and brown rice

Blueberry Porridge

50g of berries

Roasted chickpea salad bowl

before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm

Chicken, courgetti and pesto salad

1 cup of green tea before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm

Sweet potato noodle salad with courgette and brown rice

1 cup of green tea before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm

Tray baked cod with olives and peppers

1 cup of green tea before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm

Saturday - Shopping - Part 2 Breakfast




Scrambled eggs on rye bread

Avocado on toast

Scrambled eggs on rye bread


Leftover - Tray baked cod with olives and peppers

Leftover - Black bean chilli

Leftover - Chicken and sweet potato chips with green salad


1 energy ball

1 energy ball

1 energy ball



Black bean chilli

1 cup of green tea before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm

Chicken and sweet potato chips with green salad

1 cup of green tea before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm

Smoked mackerel salad

1 cup of green tea before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm 1 cup of green tea



Avocado on toast

Scrambled eggs on rye bread

Leftover - Smoked mackerel salad

Leftover - Black bean chilli

1 energy ball

1 energy ball

Leftover - Black bean chilli

Lamb chops with parsnip mash and kale

before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm 1 cup of green tea before 12pm 2 litres of water throughout the day Herbal Teas 1 coffee, if you want before 12pm

S hopping List PA RT 1 : S U N DAY B E F O R E YO U STA RT T H E P L A N – S H O P S F O R 5 DAYS 150g porridge oats 1 litre rice milk 300g berries (150g blueberries, 150g of your choice) 1 lemon 2 avocados 100g rocket 300g cherry tomatoes 200g hummus 4 carrots 2 salmon fillets 100g buckwheat noodles 1 broccoli 6 eggs 1 tin of chickpeas 3 sweet potatoes 2 chicken breasts 4 courgettes 100g mushrooms 100g frozen peas 100g brown rice 4 spring onions 2 limes 2 cod fillets 1 cauliflower 2 red peppers 100g olives

PA RT 2 - S AT U R DAY, A F T E R L U N C H – S H O P S F O R 5 DAYS 1 white onion 2 yellow peppers 3 carrots 2 celery sticks 2 tins of chopped tomatoes 2 tins of kidney beans (800g) 250ml vegetable stock 3 avocados 1 lime 2 sweet potatoes 2 chicken breasts 2 lemons 2 baby gem lettuces 1 beetroot 100g cherry tomatoes 2 smoked mackerel fillets 4 lamb chops 4 parsnips 100g dates 100g almonds or walnuts 50g desiccated coconut 50g kale

STO R E C U P B OA R D STA P L E S ( OV E R 1 0 DAYS ) 4 tbsp. Olive Oil 2 tbsp. Coconut Oil 4 tbsp. Sesame Oil 8 tbsp. butter 2 red chillies 4 tsp. mustard 1-inch piece of ginger 8 garlic cloves / 1 bulb 2 tbsp. tamari 1 tsp. dried oregano 4 tsp. ground cumin ½ tsp. ground coriander 2 tsp. chilli flakes 2 tsp. smoked paprika 3 tsp. ground cinnamon 100g pumpkin seeds 7 slices of rye bread 3 tbsp. pesto Sea Salt Black Pepper



Heat the porridge oats, rice milk, cinnamon and salt together, stir for 3 minutes until the oats soak in the milk and it has thickened. Top with berries and pumpkin seeds.

Poached eggs on rye with avocado Serves 1 2 EGGS 1 S L I C E O F RY E B R E A D, TOA ST E D ½ AVO C A D O S E A S A LT A N D P E P P E R 1 PINCH OF CHILLI FLAKES

Boil a pan of water and poach your eggs for a few minutes or to your liking. Smear the avocado over the toast, sprinkle with sea salt, top with the eggs and serve with chilli flakes.

Scrambled eggs on rye Serves 1 2 EGGS S E A S A LT A N D P E P P E R 1 TSP OF BUTTER 1 S L I C E O F RY E B R E A D, TOA ST E D 5 0 G O F C H E R RY TO M ATO E S, S L I C E D I N H A L F

Beat the eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper. Heat the butter in a pan until it melts, add the egg and allow to settle for 20 secs then gently fold them towards the centre until cooked through. Place the eggs on the rye bread and top with the tomatoes.


Smear the avocado over the toast, pour over the lime juice, pumpkin seeds, chilli flakes, sea salt and pepper and dig in.

Avocado S alad with toasted seeds and hummus Serves 1 ½ LEMON - JUICE 1 T B S P. O F O L I V E O I L 1 T S P. O F M U STA R D 20G OF PUMPKIN SEEDS 1 AVO C A D O 50G OF ROCKET 1 0 0 G O F C H E R R I E S TO M ATO E S, H A LV E D 75G OF HUMMUS

Mix together ½ of the lemon juice with the olive oil, mustard and a pinch of salt. Toast the seeds in a pan for a few minutes then leave to the side to cool. Slice the avocado in half and cover in the rest of the lemon juice. Plate the rocket and cherry tomatoes, top with the avocado and hummus then sprinkle over the pumpkin seeds.

Roasted chickpea salad bowl Serves 2 - for dinner and lunch the next day 1 T B S P. O F B U T T E R 1 T S P. O F G R O U N D C U M I N ½ T S P. O F G R O U N D C O R I A N D E R 2 GA R L I C C LOV E S, C R U S H E D 1 C A N O F C H I C K P E A S, D R A I N E D 1 SW E E T P OTATO, P E E L E D A N D C H O P P E D I N TO C M C U B E S 50G OF ROCKET 1 T B S P. O F O L I V E O I L ½ LEMON - JUICE S E A S A LT A N D P E P P E R

Heat the butter in a pan, add the cumin, coriander and garlic. Add the chickpeas, sweet potato and sauté for 20 minutes until the sweet potato is cooked through and the chickpeas are golden. Mix with the rocket, olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt and pepper and serve.

S moked mackerel salad Serves 2 - for dinner and lunch the next day 1 T B S P. O F O L I V E O I L 1 LEMON - JUICE 1 T S P. O F M U STA R D 1 B E E T R O OT, G R AT E D 2 C A R R OT S, G R AT E D 1 0 0 G C H E R RY TO M ATO E S, C H O P P E D 2 S M O K E D M AC K E R E L F I L L E T S

Mix the oil, lemon juice and mustard together with a pinch of salt. Mix the dressing with the beetroot, carrot and cherry tomatoes and top with the mackerel.

Chicken, Courgetti and Pesto S alad Serves 2 - for dinner and lunch the next day 2 C H I C K E N B R E A ST S 3 T B S P. O F P E STO 1 T B S P. O F B U T T E R 1 0 0 G O F M U S H R O O M S, S L I C E D 2 L A RG E C O U RG E T T E S S E A S A LT 100G OF FROZEN PEAS

Rub the chicken breast in 2 tbsp. of pesto. Melt the butter in a pan and cook the chicken for 6 minutes each side until cooked through. Place the mushrooms in the same pan as the chicken and cook for the last 5 minutes of the chicken time. Spiralize the courgettes. Remove the chicken and add the courgette, the rest of the pesto, sea salt and frozen peas and cook for 3 minutes. Serve with the chicken on top.

Black bean stew

Serves 4 - 1 portion for dinner, one for lunch the next day. Freeze 2 portions for later in the week. 2 T B S P. O F C O C O N U T O I L 1 L A RG E W H I T E O N I O N 2 GA R L I C C LOV E S, C R U S H E D 1 C A R R OT, C U T I N TO C U B E S 2 Y E L LOW P E P P E R S, C U T I N TO C U B E S 2 C E L E RY ST I C K S, C U T I N TO C U B E S 2 T S P. O F G R O U N D C U M I N 1 RED CHILLI 1 T S P. O F S M O K E D PA P R I K A 1 T S P. O F D R I E D O R E GA N O 2 T I N S O F C H O P P E D TO M ATO E S 2 T I N S O F K I D N E Y B E A N S ( A P P R OX . 8 0 0 G ) 2 5 0 M L O F V E G E TA B L E STO C K ( F R E S H LY M A D E – N O S U GA R N O P R E S E R VAT I V E S ) 1 T S P. O F S A LT ½ AVO C A D O

Heat the coconut oil in a large pot, add the onion, garlic, carrot, pepper, celery and a pinch of salt, sauté for 7 minutes until golden. Then add the cumin, chilli, smoked paprika and oregano. Pour in the tomatoes, beans, stock and a large pinch of salt, cook for an hour, add more seasoning if needed. Slice up the avocado and serve together.

S almon with buckwheat noodles and broccoli Serves 2 1 T B S P. O F G R AT E D G I N G E R 1 GA R L I C C LOV E , C R U S H E D 1 T B S P. O F TA M A R I 2 T B S P. O F S E S A M E O I L 2 SALMON FILLETS 1 0 0 G O F B U C K W H E AT N O O D L E S 1 B R O C C O L I , C U T I N TO F LO R E T S 1 R E D C H I L L I , F I N E LY C H O P P E D

Place the ginger, garlic, tamari and sesame oil in a bowl and place the salmon fillets in it to marinade. Cook the buckwheat noodles by washing them, then pop them in boiling water with sea salt and cook for 10 minutes or as the pack instruction suggests. While the noodles are cooking, heat a pan and cook the salmon for a few mins each side until cooked through. Pop the salmon to the side and place the buckwheat noodles in the pan with the rest of the marinade sauce and stir well. Steam the broccoli. Mix the broccoli with the noodles and serve with the salmon on top and the chilli sprinkled over.

Chicken and sweet potato chips with green salad Serves 2 - for dinner and lunch the next day 2 SW E E T P OTATO E S, P E E L E D A N D C U T I N TO ‘ C H I P S ’ 2 T B S P. O F B U T T E R 1 T S P. O F G R O U N D C U M I N ½ T S P. O F C H I L L I F L A K E S 2 C H I C K E N B R E A ST S 1 T B S P. O F O L I V E O I L 1 T S P. M U STA R D ½ LEMON - JUICE 2 BA BY G E M L E T T U C E S, S L I C E D 1 5 G O F P U M P K I N S E E D S ( 1 T B S P. )

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Rub half the butter on the sweet potato chips, with the cumin, chilli flakes and big pinch of sea salt. Roast in the oven for 40 minutes. Bring the chicken to room temperature just before the wedges are done, cover the chicken in sea salt and leave to the side. Heat 1 tbsp. of butter in a frying pan once the pan is hot, place the chicken in the pan and cook for 6 minutes each side until cooked through. Mix the olive oil, mustard and lemon juice together with a pinch of salt and mix with the lettuce and pumpkin seeds. Serve all together.

Tray baked cod with olives and peppers Serves 2 - for dinner and lunch the next day 2 COD FILLETS 2 GA R L I C C LOV E S, C R U S H E D 1 T S P. O F S M O K E D PA P R I K A 2 T B S P. O F B U T T E R , M E LT E D S E A S A LT A N D P E P P E R 1 C AU L I F LOW E R , C U T I N TO S M A L L F LO R E T S 2 R E D P E P P E R S, S L I C E D I N TO C M ST R I P S 100G OF OLIVES 1 LIME - JUICE

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Mix together the garlic, smoked paprika, ½ tbsp. of butter and sea salt and rub over the cod fillets. Place the cauliflower, and peppers into a bowl and mix with the rest of the melted butter and sea salt. Place the veg on the roasting tray and roast for 20 minutes. Add the cod and olives on top and roast for another 15 minutes. Serve hot with the lime juice squeezed over.

S weet potato noodle salad with brown rice Serves 2 - for dinner and lunch the next day 1 0 0 G O F B R OW N R I C E 2 T B S P. O F S E S A M E O I L 1 T B S P. O F TA M A R I 1 GA R L I C C LOV E , C R U S H E D 1 T B S P. O F G R AT E D G I N G E R 1 T S P. O F C H I L L I F L A K E S 2 SW E E T P OTATO E S, S P I R A L I Z E D 4 S P R I N G O N I O N S, F I N E LY C H O P P E D 2 C O U RG E T T E S, S P I R A L I Z E D ½ LIME - JUICE

Wash the brown rice, cover in water and a pinch of salt, bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer and cook for 40 minutes until cooked through. Just before this is done, place the sesame oil, tamari, garlic, ginger and chilli in a pot and stir well. Warm for a minute then add the sweet potato and cook for 5 mins, keep stirring. Add the spring onion and the courgetti into the pot and cook for another 3 minutes. Plate up with the brown rice, and squeeze over the lime.

Lamb chops with parsnip mash and kale Serves 2 - for dinner and lunch the next day 4 LAMB CHOPS 4 PA R S N I P S, P E E L E D A N D C H O P P E D 1 T B S P. O F B U T T E R 1 T S P. O F M U STA R D S E A S A LT A N D P E P P E R 50G KALE

Cover the lamb chops with sea salt and pepper. Steam the parsnips for 15 minutes until cooked through. Blend the parsnips with half the butter, sea salt and mustard. Steam the kale. Heat a griddle pan to a medium heat, add the butter and place the chops on, griddle for 4 minutes each side or until done to your liking, serve on top of the mash, pile on the kale and season with sea salt and pepper.

Energy Balls Makes 10 1 0 0 G O F DAT E S 1 0 0 G O F A L M O N D S O R WA L N U T S 1 T S P. O F C I N N A M O N 3 0 G O F D E S I C C AT E D C O C O N U T, P L U S E X T R A F O R R O L L I N G

Place the ingredients in a food processor and process until fully combined (around a minute), roll into balls and roll into some desiccated coconut so it is covered. Place in the fridge until you want to eat them. These will last 2 weeks in the fridge.

Emotional eating Emotional eating is something that has affected my life. Endless days of reaching for food to solve my stresses. People are either emotional overeaters or under eaters. This post is mainly going to focus on tips for overeaters. So why do we overeat? Well, from a young age food has been seen as comfort, when we fell over we were given a treat. Even at happy times, food would be a comfort, so we have trained our habits to turn to food when we are emotional. When things get overwhelming, sad and stressful we often turn to food to fix. What I firstly want to say is; you are not alone, loads of women do this. Yes, we don’t talk about it, but so many people are doing it. Here are my top 5 tips to reduce emotional eating:

1. When you get home, go upstairs

When you get home don’t go straight to the fridge and look inside. There is nothing in there that will make you feel better. Go upstairs have a shower, wash off the day and relax in bed doing some deep, noisy breathing, have a bath or light a candle and nourish yourself. Food doesn’t really fix it.

2. Make a list

What is stressing you out? Write down a list, let it all out, write everything down. Then make a to-do list. Is there something you can do right now to help it? If so, do it now, it will make you feel so much better. Even if it’s a broken heart then make a list of lovely things you can do for yourself, book in a date night with a girlfriend and spoil yourself.

3. S witch your inner dialogue

What sort of things do you tell yourself? I’m a pig… I’m always unlucky… I’m always stressed. What you tell yourself, you become. Make sure you are kind to yourself, turn off that self-loathing tape and switch to kind nourishing words like; I am good enough, I eat mindfully, I am relaxed and calm. Having a positive inner dialogue will make you happier and make you less likely to binge.

4. Eat in front of people

Emotional eating often happens secretly. Eating in front of people makes a big difference. It makes you slow down and it makes you happier. Try and have meals with friends, family or partners; sharing food with people makes you less likely to binge.

5. Hydrate

Instead of reaching for the ice-cream, reach for some water, coconut water or fizzy water. Hydrating will make you feel like you are filling yourself up with something and stop you from overeating. A cup of herbal tea does wonders! Other things that cause over eating are not eating a balanced diet, so try and eat protein with every meal, reduce sugar intakes and DON’T skip meals. We all emotionally eat here and there, but hopefully these tips will help combat it for the future. It’s all about carving new habits into your life, believe in yourself and you will be able to do it.

How to recover after eating badly N O O N E I S P E R F E CT AN D IT ’S NOT FUN TO BE ANYWAY! On the whole I eat healthily, but when it’s my birthday or other celebrations I might not be sticking to gluten free & sugar free living and I usually feel pretty rubbish because of it. Most people do when they are eating so clean and they put something foreign into their bodies because the body reacts with rage. These are my tips to get yourself back on track:

Take` 1. DIGESTIVE ENZYMES They speed up the breakdown of foods therefore speeding up the breakdown of that chocolate cake – so it’s out of your system pronto. 2. PROBIOTICS This helps heal your gut and restore the gut lining. 3. SLIPPERY ELM This helps the GI tract excrete mucus which forms a barrier and promote healing of the gut.

Hydrate 1. WATER Flush your system with some fresh filtered water. If you’ve had an upset stomach, some coconut water is great for electrolyte balance. 2. GINGER TEA This highly anti-inflammatory tea of 1 tbsp of fresh grated ginger with a cup of hot water will help reduce nausea or stomach cramps. It’s very soothing for the body and is great to have first thing in the morning.

Eat well 1. FISH It’s hard to get back on the bandwagon of healthy eating after you fall off but make sure you put some omega 3 rich foods like salmon or mackerel into your diet. If you’re not a fish fan, then flax seeds and chia seeds are great and are packed full of anti-inflammatory levels. 2. PROTEIN Sugar cravings can be high after a cookies feast, help regulate them and reduce cravings by eating lots of clean protein like chicken, fish, meat, eggs, quinoa and hemp seeds. This will help get you back on track.

Think clean 1. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS Make sure you don’t beat yourself up, we all have days we eat cake or booze too much. Just get back into your new routine the next day. Happy thoughts create a happy body, so no self-punishment please. Remember to keep taking big, deep, cleansing breaths.

How to stay motivated Staying on the right track can be tough – life throws us so many curve balls that can undermine our best efforts – but these are a few pointers that have helped me on this journey:

S et yourself goals:

What do you want to achieve? To be healthy? Have glowing skin? Lose weight? Boost your energy levels? Find balance in your life? Decide on your own personal goal and measure your progress weekly.

Stay motivated:

Stick some Post-it notes with positive messages on your mirror, laptop, desk, fridge – wherever – to give yourself a little shout-out. The background to my phone says ‘smile’ and whenever I turn on my phone that’s exactly what happens – I let off a big Cheshire-cat grin.

S ilence your inner critic:

We are our own worst enemies. Stop telling yourself ‘you are fat, ugly, sick and tired’ the more you say it, the more you believe it and the more likely you are to stay in that place. Start turning those words into positive ones to motivate you to sip on that green juice rather than reach for that glass of wine.

S urround yourself with love and support:

Your tribe is key; get support from your family, friends and work colleagues. You’re far more likely to succeed when people are supporting you.

Have compassion:

Change takes time. Some people see results quickly but for others it may take longer. You are on your journey, not someone else’s, and you should enjoy every day of it. Treat yourself with kindness and empathy.

Celebrate every success:

Even a tiny change in the right direction is great, whether it’s less bloating, reduced cellulite, more energy or finding a new love for cooking. Any positive result is awesome – well done you! It’s time to celebrate.

How to get your loved ones involved It makes life a lot easier when your other half and your family eat the same way as you do, and I’m often asked how I get my partner on board with my food choices. First off, you need to stop pushing your philosophy onto them. I know from my own experience that when I force my boyfriend to eat something that he doesn’t like the sound of, he resists. Honestly, don’t you hate being told what to do? The key is to lead by example, cook how you want to and casually drop in just how delicious it is and how good you feel . . . they’ll soon follow suit. At home I make a curry with white rice for my boyfriend and cauliflower rice for me. At first he turned his nose up at the veggie rice, but now he asks for it too! So don’t see it as an issue, just make compromises and meals that you all enjoy.

FAQs Can I drink alcohol over the next ten days? Yes, I recommend sticking to 3 glasses per week of red wine or a vodka soda with fresh lime. However, if you want to get the most out of these 10 days I would recommend cutting it out.

Can I exercise over the 10 days? Of course, I would encourage you to move every day, even if it’s a 20-minute walk. It is important to do both cardio as well as strength training, it will help tone your body and make you strong. Add a little yoga in there to stretch out and relax your mind.

I'm craving sugar what do I do? Sugar is in everything and is one of the hardest things to cut out. A few good tips to reduce it are: 1. START YOUR DAY RIGHT Don’t start the day with a sugar laden breaky. Instead of a bowl of fruit or toast and jam, eat something more nutritionally dense like eggs and avocado or oats with almonds and yoghurt. The way you start your day off in the morning determines your blood sugar levels for the rest of the day so don’t let them sky rocket as it will lead to a 4pm crash. 2. EMBRACE FAT Full fat foods are not super fatty they are just the way they are supposed to be. Ditch low fat, diet foods for the pure kind. This will decrease your sugar intake (low fat =high sugar) and help regulate your blood sugar levels. Healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, fish and eggs help keep you full too, so you will glide past the cake stand without looking back. 3. DRINK SMART Switch those diet cokes for licorice tea, it’s super sweet and it feeds your adrenals. There are lots of hidden sugars in diet drinks, juices and milkshakes so make sure you stick to water, coconut water and herbal tea. 4. EAT COCONUT OIL Always need something sweet after dinner? I know the feeling. Pop 1 tsp. of coconut oil in your mouth and see those cravings melt away. Give it a go! 5. BREATHE AWAY YOUR STRESS Sugar cravings often come from lack of sleep and stress. Make sure you take time in the day for a breathing break, just like a fag break, take a few minutes outside to breathe, calm yourself and unwind. Your body will thank you for it and you won’t be running on low as much.

How can I carry on this way after the ten days? My best advice is to follow the recipes on the website. If you enjoyed the meal plan and want more, then sign up to my Glow Guides 8-week transformational program.

Can I over eat healthy food ? Yes, although healthy food is very nourishing it still contains calories and even good food in excess can put on weight. Aim for 3 meals plus a snack a day and you will reduce the likelihood of overeating.

Can I eat out when I am on this plan? Of course, just try and stick to having some good quality protein, veggies and carbohydrates, like the plate diagram on page 2. Restaurants are very accommodating, so you can just ask them for the steak with salad instead of chips, or not to have that tempting bread basket on the table. It is ok to have a burger when you are out if you want it, just jump back on the meal plan the next day.

I want to cook for my family/partner can I adapt the recipes? Of course you can double/triple the recipes up for the family, just note the shopping list and recipes are for 1 person for 10 days.

Want to live your glow? Sign up to the Glow Guides 8-week transformational program. There is an 8-week meal plan for you to follow just like this one with nourishing, delicious and simple meals. 8 weeks worth of workouts and Yoga classes, plus 8 weeks of mediations to banish stress and make you feel confident and happy in your body. The best part is the community aspect, within the app there is a wonderful community who cheer each other on, share their stories and I’ll be in there answering your questions. Start your glowing transformation today by going to the Glow Guides website. We are offering you an exclusive discount of 30% off the app.


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