Public Record Office Victoria Annual Report 2018-19

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Public Record Office Victoria Annual Report 2018–19 A report from the Keeper of Public Records as required under section 21 (1) of the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic)

Published by Public Record Office Victoria 99 Shiel Street North Melbourne VIC 3051 Tel (03) 9348 5600 Public Record Office Victoria Annual Report to the Minister 2018–19 September 2019 © Copyright State of Victoria through Public Record Office Victoria 2019

Except for any logos, emblems, and trademarks, this work (Public Record Office Victoria Annual Report to the Minister 2018–19) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license, to the extent that it is protected by Copyright. Authorship of this work must be attributed to Public Record Office Victoria. To view a copy of this license, visit Published on ISSN: 1320-8225

Cover image: Woman In Black, State Transport Authority, Photographic Collection (c.1900–c.2000). Down St Albans ramp at Footscray Station with passenger traffic Platform 3, No date. Public Record Office Victoria, VPRS 12800/P3, Unit 121, Item ADV 1353

Public Record Office Victoria Annual Report 2018–19 A report from the Keeper of Public Records as required under section 21 (1) of the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic)

Hon Gavin Jennings Special Minister of State Level 1, 1 Treasury Place East Melbourne VIC 3002 Dear Minister I am pleased to present a report on the carrying out of my functions under section 21(1) of the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic) for the year ending 30 June 2019. Yours sincerely

Justine Heazlewood Director and Keeper of Public Records


Contents Vision and Purpose


Values 8 Message from the Director 9 Message from the Public Records Advisory Council President 10 Public Records Advisory Council 11 Overview 12 Organisational Structure 14 Contact 15 Highlights 17 Report on Performance Strategic Initiatives Improve Recordkeeping Practices Across the Public Sector Increase Use of the Collection Increase Community Engagement with Public Records Build Our Profile Identify and Preserve Records of State Significance Strengthen Our Culture and Capability Deliver, Embed and Leverage Our Systems Output Measures 2018–19

19 20 20 22 24 28 29 29 31 33

Appendices 36 Appendix 1: Assets 36 Appendix 2: Financial Statement 36 Appendix 3: Workforce Data 37 Appendix 4: Standards and Advice 38 Appendix 5: Recordkeeping Standards Framework Documents Issued 2018–19 38 Appendix 6: Retention and Disposal Authority (RDA) Documents Issued or Varied 2018–19 38 Appendix 7: Approved Public Record Office Victoria Storage Suppliers (APROSS) 41 Appendix 8: Staff Achievements 41 Appendix 9: Volunteers 45 Appendix 10: Local History Grants Program Recipients 46 Appendix 11: Victorian Community History Award Winners 48 Glossary 50


How we roll, Southbank, 2017. Photography by Janice Ward. ‘Many times when I was out shooting in the city at night, I came across this gentleman and his little dogs, one of them is crippled and gets around on a set of wheels. He certainly doesn’t let his disability keep him standing still.’


Vision and Purpose Public Record Office Victoria’s Vision Statement is ‘Public Records Publicly Available’. ‘Public Records Publicly Available’ expresses our vision that the records of Government be kept and protected so that all Victorians can have access to their history and important information about themselves. Purpose To support the effective management and use of the public records of the State of Victoria, to ensure that the Government is accountable to the community and that its historical memory is preserved, secure and accessible.

Daily Operations

Mission Statement

Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) was established under section 3 of the Public Records Act 1973 (the Act), ‘for the better preservation, management and utilisation of the public records of the State’. The Act provides the legal framework within which PROV operates, and specifies the core functions of PROV and the Keeper of Public Records with respect to government records. These functions, pursuant to sections 7, 11 and 12 of the Act include:

We will provide leadership to Government on the use and management of public records. We will ensure that the historical memory of the Victorian Government endures, is secure and accessible. We have identified three outcomes that represent the ongoing goals for the organisation:

Establish standards for the efficient management of public records, including creation, maintenance, security, selection of those worthy of preservation, transfer for archiving, and segregation or disposal of those not worthy of preservation

• Preservation: The records of Government are preserved so that they are available and accessible for as long as they are required. • Management: The records of Government are managed to enable accountability, efficiency and innovation. • Utilisation: The records of Government are used by communities to connect to their history and culture.

• Assist public officers to apply these standards to records under their control • Take public records into custody, preserve archives and provide security • Classify records and publish indexes and guides to facilitate access • Provide facilities for viewing, and make records in custody accessible • Duplicate or reproduce and authenticate public records.


Values The Public Administration Act 2004 (Vic) requires that public sector employees demonstrate public service values as outlined in the Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees. Public Record Office Victoria actively implements, promotes and supports these values. PROV, as a public sector body, has developed the following set of values which are based on and consistent with the Code of Conduct: Responsiveness


• We will demonstrate and deliver best-practice recordkeeping across Government and our community.

• We will proactively promote and share our unique capability widely.

• We will maintain the highest levels of quality and accuracy in our advice and service to our colleagues and clients. • We will celebrate innovation, ideas and challenge, where it is positive and constructive. Integrity • We will show courage in giving feedback, making requests and offering ideas. • We will share knowledge, information and results willingly and openly.

• We will seek opportunities to enhance and improve our programs, processes and products. • We will show leadership through demonstrating our values and unique behaviours at all times. Human Rights • We will consider Human Rights in all our plans, decisions, advice and interactions and abide by all relevant legislation. • We will observe zero tolerance for harassment, bullying or discrimination.

• We will consider the security of our records and historical memory in our decisions.

• We will facilitate the preservation and expression of the diversity of Victoria’s cultural heritage through our work.



• We will invite, encourage and value the views, contribution and capabilities of all colleagues.

• We will seek to engage and consult with internal and external stakeholders as ‘partners’ with shared objectives.

• We will provide objective and impartial advice to all stakeholders. • We will account for all activities and results with honesty and transparency. Accountability • We will accept both personal and shared responsibility for all actions and ‘follow through’ to ensure agreed outcomes. • We will consider the public good and the public purse in all activities and decisions. Respect • We will show professional and personal respect, courtesy and positivity to all colleagues and clients. • We will be thoughtful and generous with praise and acknowledge a job well done. • We will treat all colleagues, clients, stakeholders and actions fairly, objectively and without bias.


• We will seek opportunities to support and assist each other. • We will consult and engage through direct communication where possible.

Message from the Director The pages of this year’s Annual Report feature photographs from the 2018–19 Moving Melbourne exhibition showcased in our Victorian Archives Centre Gallery. Half the photographs used in the exhibition are from the collections of PROV and the National Archives of Australia (NAA), while the other half were submitted by present-day street photographers of Melbourne. The submitted street photographs now form part of our collection and also feature in this Report. In 2017–18 our new Corporate Plan came into effect. This year’s Annual Report outlines the strides made in 2018–19 to achieve our goals, with particular highlights including the launch of a beta version of our catalogue and Map Warper online, and a large-scale project to review all of our recordkeeping standards. We also say farewell to the current Family Search missionaries who have been based at the Victorian Archives Centre completing digitisation projects to make our collection more accessible. All of these milestones are described in detail under the Highlights section of this Report. Other areas of significance at PROV in 2018–19 included: Our digital presence

Recordkeeping in government

The redevelopment of our digital presence has been a key focus for us over the last few years and was again in 2018–19. Last year we reported that we were designing a new catalogue and order and copy request system. While we were thrilled to see a beta (test version) of the catalogue search launched this year, we are taking the time to further refine and develop a new ordering and copy request system which we now anticipate launching in 2020.

As it is every year, ensuring the improvement of recordkeeping practices throughout the public service has also been high on our agenda. We continued our successful Records Management Network series of events, hosting three sessions in the last year including one specifically devoted to how we and Victorian Government departments are addressing the recordkeeping recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse – we go into detail on the activities we’ve been undertaking in relation to this further on in the Annual Report. We also completed our Information Management Maturity Measurement (IM3) program and commenced a review of all of our recordkeeping standards.

Ballarat relocation We have operated the Ballarat Archives Centre at the State Government Offices in Mair Street since the early 1980s including a reading room and repository. Over the years, the facility has suffered from numerous issues related to the building’s structure with the facility coming to the end of its useful life. So, in June this year we said goodbye to the old building and moved the Ballarat Archives Centre reading room into the Eureka Centre in Stawell Street where we now share a research ‘hub’ with the Ballarat Libraries’ Australiana Research Collection. Our Ballarat collection has also been moved to a State Library of Victoria storage facility nearby, while closed records are now stored at the Victorian Archives Centre in North Melbourne. This relocation required a lot of planning and work by our staff, particularly Merrick Morris, and Liz Denny and Gertie Cotterill in Ballarat, and has been a success in ensuring the safe storage of the collection and provision of updated facilities and increased opening hours for researchers.

Achievements and acknowledgements Thank you to all staff and volunteers for another successful and productive year, particularly for continuing outstanding work to improve our online services while tackling other big essential projects such as relocations and reviews. I would also like to thank the Public Records Advisory Council (PRAC) members for all their assistance. I look forward to another successful year in 2019–20.

Justine Heazlewood Director and Keeper of Public Records 9

Message from the Public Records Advisory Council President I was pleased to serve as the President of the Public Records Advisory Council (PRAC) for another year, alongside our Public Records Advisory Council members Jeremi Moule, David Brous, Belinda Ensor, Deidre Missingham, Prof. Keir Reeves, Susie Zada and Bonnie Chew. I would like to thank all the members of PRAC as well as the Keeper of Public Records, Justine Heazlewood, and PRAC secretary Jill Broomhall for another successful year. Also a special thank you and farewell to Kathryn Dan whose last meeting as PRAC member was in August 2018.

In 2018–19 PRAC also played an integral part in the development of an issues paper related to reviewing the Public Records Act 1973. We look forward to continuing to support PROV with this and other significant recordkeeping and archival projects in the coming year.

In 2018–19 we continued our Council visits to regional towns across Victoria to hear from local groups and historical societies about what matters most to them when it comes to archives, recordkeeping and historical research. In August 2018 we visited Ballarat and in April 2019 we visited Emerald. In conjunction with our Council meetings we were pleased that PROV staff were able to conduct information sessions for the local community, sharing tips on how to access the PROV collection. These regional meetings came off the back of successful visits to Geelong, Sale and Narre Warren in 2017–18 and Box Hill in 2016. I was also pleased to again assist in hosting duties at the Victorian Community History Awards run by PROV in partnership with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. The Awards are important in recognising the people who use archival collections across Victoria to tell stories of our history, and it’s fantastic to see firsthand just how much the recognition means to historians. Attendees were captivated by a special performance by composer Jessie Lloyd who spoke about her research into Aboriginal Mission Songs. Her talk was interspersed with musical performance, demonstrating how history can be shared in a variety of different ways – even song. To end the event I was pleased to present the Victorian Premier’s History Award to Jill Giese who wrote a book called The Maddest Place on Earth, detailing the history of mental health during the gold rush in Victoria. A great event I look forward to being part of again in October 2019.

Judy Maddigan President, Public Records Advisory Council 10

Public Records Advisory Council

Establishment and Functions

Summary of Activities

The Public Records Advisory Council was established under section 4 (1) of the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic). The functions of the Council, as specified in section 5 of the Act, require that it:

The Council met on five occasions in 2018–19:

(a) In consultation with the Keeper of Public Records, shall promote cooperation between Public Record Office Victoria and public offices.

• 6 February 2019, Victorian Archives Centre

(b) May report and make recommendations to the Minister on any matter relating to the administration of the Act. PROV provides support to the Council by preparing Council agenda papers, coordinating the scheduling of Council meetings, providing assistance with the appointment of new Council members, as well as providing assistance and administrative support for Council sub-committees. Council membership Section 4 (1A) of the Act requires that the Council consist of not more than ten members with knowledge and experience in such areas as public administration, local government, records management, business administration, historical research, Indigenous heritage and genealogical research. The current Council is comprised of:

• 22 August 2018, Ballarat Town Hall, Ballarat • 10 October 2018, Victorian Archives Centre • 10 April 2019, Emerald RSL, Emerald • 19 June 2019, Victorian Archives Centre Council meetings Council members continued to show their commitment to raising public awareness of PROV especially in regional and outer-metropolitan locations where people may not be aware of or have not had access to archives. In August 2018 the Council met at the Ballarat Town Hall and in April 2019 they met at the Emerald RSL. PROV staff conducted public information sessions on records conservation and digitisation at both visits. The Council would like to thank the Keeper of Public Records, Justine Heazlewood, and Council Secretary, Jill Broomhall, for their support throughout the year.

Judy Maddigan, President Jeremi Moule, Department of Premier and Cabinet representative David Brous, Public administration Belinda Ensor, Historical research (public history) Deidre Missingham, Finance and business administration Prof. Keir Reeves, Historical research (academic history) Susie Zada, Genealogy and local history Bonnie Chew, Indigenous heritage Secretary: Jill Broomhall


Overview Executive

Protected disclosure

Headed by Justine Heazlewood, Director and Keeper of Public Records, the executive team is located at 99 Shiel Street, North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; phone (03) 9348 5600.

The Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic) is designed to help people make disclosures about improper conduct within the public sector without fear of reprisal. The Act aims to make the public sector more open and accountable by encouraging people to make disclosures and protecting them when they do.

Act administered: Public Records Act 1973 (Vic) PROV’s operations are governed by the Public Records Act 1973, which defines the role of both the Keeper of Public Records and the organisation. The Act is available for inspection on the PROV website and at our North Melbourne and Ballarat offices. Regulations made and administered Regulations are made under section 23 of the Public Records Act 1973 and are known as the Public Records Regulations 2013. The Regulations prescribe fees for making and supplying copies of public records and set out conditions for the inspection of public records and use of facilities provided by PROV. All Regulations are available for inspection on our website about-us. Portfolio responsibility The Department of Premier and Cabinet has portfolio responsibility for PROV. PROV is an administrative office under the Public Administration Act 2004. Freedom of information The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) gives members of the public a right to access documents held by Victorian Government agencies, including PROV. For the 12 months ending 30 June 2019, PROV received no Freedom of Information applications. FOI requests for PROV agency documents should be addressed to: Freedom of Information Officer Public Record Office Victoria GPO Box 2100 North Melbourne 3051


PROV is committed to the aims and objectives of the Act. PROV does not tolerate improper conduct by its staff or reprisals against those who come forward to disclose such conduct. The procedures for protecting people who make protected disclosures under the Protected Disclosure Act 2012 are available on our website about-us/legislation-and-governance. Public Record Office Victoria standards and authorities PROV issues standards for records management and authorities for retention and disposal under section 12 of the Public Records Act 1973. A full list of current standards and authorities is provided on our website at and at our North Melbourne and Ballarat offices.

Government Services

Access Services

Government Services develops the recordkeeping requirements which all Victorian public sector agencies must meet and provides a range of products, tools and services to support them to manage their records effectively and compliantly. This is done through:

The goal of Access Services is to ensure that our unique collection is widely known and accessible to the people and Government of Victoria. This is achieved through:

• Developing mandatory standards and specifications, associated advice and guidance products •

Working across the Victorian public sector to appraise the functions of Government in order to assess the value and significance of the records they manage and to specify records required as state archives

Managing and promoting the Victorian Electronic Record Strategy (VERS) and working with strategic partners to assist agencies to transition to digital recordkeeping

Working with agencies to schedule, plan and manage the transfer of permanent value records to PROV, focussing on high-value and at-risk records

• Providing advice to individual agencies and developing and publishing a comprehensive set of guidelines, case studies and tools to assist them • Engaging in committees and taskforces and partnering with other organisations on projects and initiatives designed to improve recordkeeping • Delivering a program of awareness and recognition events, and investigating and reporting on the state of recordkeeping in Victoria including associated challenges and issues.

• A program of digitisation to improve access to our collection and services through our website • A program of exhibitions, publications, educational resources and outreach activities • The provision of public reading room services and online access to PROV’s collection and research tools • Preserving archives within their region of origin, ensuring equality of access for communities in regional Victoria • Providing culturally appropriate services, procedures and tools that enhance access by the Koorie community • Transmitting information to clients about the collection • Issuing records in a manner that meets government needs and community expectations. Corporate Services Corporate Services supports staff across PROV through the provision of the following services: • Budgeting, financial management and reporting • Risk management • Facilities management • Environmental planning and reporting • Strategic planning and reporting • Communications and online engagement • Information communication technology • Information management • Human resource management • Organisational development.


Organisational Structure

Special Minister of State

Secretary Department of Premier & Cabinet Deputy Secretary Department of Premier & Cabinet

Governance, Policy & Coordination

Director Public Record Office Victoria

Public Records Advisory Council

Government Services

Access Access Services Services

Corporate Services

Standards & Policy

Digital Digital Projects Projects

Finance & Risk Management

Government Recordkeeping

Collection Collection Services Services


Community Community Engagement Engagement

Communications & Online Engagement

Technology Services

People & Culture


Contact As at 30 June 2019, PROV operated two public reading rooms and had 51.4 staff members (FTE) working across two operational areas.

Public Reading Rooms Email: Website: Victorian Archives Centre Harry Nunn Reading Room 99 Shiel Street North Melbourne VIC 3051 Phone: (03) 9348 5600 Ballarat Archives Centre Joan Hunt Reading Room at the Eureka Centre 102 Stawell Street South Ballarat Central VIC 3350 Phone: (03) 5333 0306 Follow us on Facebook @PublicRecordOfficeVictoria Twitter @PRO_Vic Instagram @vic_archives

Government Services Assistant Director: David Brown Phone: (03) 9348 5621 Email: Agency enquiries:

Access Services A/Assistant Director: David Taylor Phone: (03) 9348 5678 Email: Public enquiries:

Corporate Services Assistant Director: Renee Kjar Phone: (03) 9348 5681 Email: Public enquiries:



Highlights Farewell Family Search This year saw the ending of the most recent set of projects in a long and fruitful relationship with the organisation Family Search who has worked with us over the last 15 years to digitise a significant proportion of our collection including our most highly used records. The partnership commenced in 2004 when a project was set up to digitise wills, probates and inquests from the first records in those series up to 1925. This was later extended to overall inquests up to 1937 and wills and probates up to 1950. Other records copied throughout our partnership include:

One of our previous Family Search volunteers working on the digitisation of Ballarat rate books.

• Land selection registers

Over time, more than thirty missionaries have worked at the Victorian Archives, supported at times by local volunteers.

• Rate books (up to 1930) • Petty sessions registers (in partnership with Find My Past, the UK based genealogy website)

Our most recent team of missionaries consisted of:

• Coastal passenger lists (in partnership with Find My Past)

• Becky and Gary Clement

A variety of other records including teacher and public service employment records and hospital patient registers were also digitised.

• Charlie and Marsha Olsen

In all, hundreds of thousands of records have been digitised, totalling approximately 15 million images, which is somewhere between two and three per cent of our overall collection.

Past volunteers can be found listed across previous Annual Reports.

As well as digitising, between 2007 and 2010 Family Search partnered with genealogists across Australia in a crowd-sourced project to transcribe the registers of probate. This project delivered a name index to wills and probate records that vastly simplified the process of finding records to something that can now be done easily online. The digitising was accomplished onsite at the Victorian Archives Centre by teams of Family Search volunteers on eighteen-month or two-year missions. Most of the volunteers were from the continental United States, but we also hosted missionaries from New Zealand and other Australian states. The digitising was done on Family Search equipment for which we provided space.

• Ben and Dottie Grimes • Shelia and Bob Stearns

Family Search do not claim any rights in the material that they copy, which means that the work they have done is now freely accessible and shared around the world on our website and theirs.

Standards Review Project During 2018–19 we began a major review of the mandatory Standards issued by the Keeper of Public Records to ensure they are current, usable and support digital practices. The structure has been revised to merge the Victorian Electronic Record Strategy (VERS) Standard Framework with the Recordkeeping Standard Framework. After extensive consultation, the Strategic Management, Operational Management, Create, Capture and Control and Access Standards and Specifications are being finalised. Guidelines for implementing the Standards and Specifications have also been developed.

Left image: Pancake, Australian Broadcasting Commission, Victorian Branch Television Station. Bicycles, c.1980–1982. National Archives of Australia. NAA: B383,3/-


Ballarat Archives Centre Relocation Throughout the last financial year we worked with the local council to secure ourselves a place in the Eureka Centre building in Ballarat Central, replacing outdated Ballarat Archives Centre facilities at the Government Offices on Mair Street. The move, which took place in June, saw us come together with the Ballarat Libraries’ Australiana Research Collection under the same roof, forming a shared research hub for the community. The move also included the relocation of open records to the State Library storage facility nearby and closed records to the Victorian Archives Centre, ensuring the records are kept in the most up-to-date storage conditions available. As a result of the relocation, finalised in June, we have been able to extend our services from two days a week to four days to better accommodate researchers. We have also designated the reading room the ‘Joan Hunt Reading Room’ in memory of Dr. Joan Hunt who was a passionate and committed champion of local and community history in Victoria, particularly within the Ballarat region, and worked with us at PROV for many years. One thing that hasn’t changed is our incredible Ballarat team – our long-standing Ballarat Archives Centre staff Liz and Gertie have made the move with us and are excited to start the 2019–2020 financial year in a brand new state-of-the-art premises.

PROV Map Warper In 2018–19 we embarked on a project to make our digitised maps and plans more accessible and engaging for geography and history researchers. Bringing the past into the digital present, we’ve created the PROV Map Warper allowing users to view more than 4000 maps from Victoria’s past. Map-lovers can use the online platform to overlay these with maps from the present-day by marking them with current geographic coordinates. The platform also allows users to search by modern-day location names so they can see how things have or haven’t changed over time.


The beautiful Eureka Centre building and surrounding parklands. Photograph by Graham Denholm courtesy of the City of Ballarat.

Launch of Beta Search As part of our work to redesign our online catalogue, in 2018–19 we released a beta version for our users to test and provide feedback to help us further refine and develop an interface that is user-friendly and showcases our collection in the most accessible way possible. The beta search includes a thumbnail view of digitised records within the search page results, allowing users to click through to an image viewer where they can download the record in the desired format and resolution. Filtering has been improved so that users can simultaneously filter by date range, location (including online), the series the record comes from, or even by the agency that created the record. Archival language has also been simplified making the collection more accessible for those unfamiliar with archival systems. We’ve been pleased to receive positive and constructive feedback from a range of users throughout the last six months with changes to be implemented by the time we launch the final systems in the next financial year.

Report on Performance Corporate Plan 2017–18 to 2020–2021 PROV’s four-year Corporate Plan provides the strategic direction for the period 2017–18 to 2020–21. The Plan articulates the mission, primary strategic objectives and values of PROV; describes our current and emerging operating environment; and details our three overarching outcomes and strategic initiatives. It also details the guiding principles that we use when implementing these initiatives.

Initiatives •

Improve recordkeeping practices across the public sector: We will continue to support effective recordkeeping in agencies by creating and mandating standards, promoting their implementation, and surveying and reporting on agency adherence and practice.

Increase use of the collection: We will continue to make our collection more accessible and ensure the needs of different communities accessing the collection are met.

• Increase community engagement with public records: By supporting communities and engaging in community interaction, we will increase usage of the PROV collection and encourage good community collection management practices. •

Deliver, embed and leverage our systems: We will complete the development and implementation of a new digital archive that is capable of supporting our electronic recordkeeping standard, and deliver additional business solutions to improve the efficiency and delivery of our service to government and the public.

Detailed information about our activities under each of these initiatives can be found in the next section of the report.

Build our profile: Our reputation as an inspiring, accessible and educational agency will be further increased with targeted communication campaigns to highlight the importance of government recordkeeping to the state and to the public, and our important service to the public and community, online and offline.

• Identify and preserve records of state significance: We will work with agencies to identify records of significance, determine how long records should be kept to meet the government’s needs, support organisational accountability and meet community expectations. •

Strengthen our culture and capability: Our programs over the next four years will ensure that our staff are equipped and supported to work in our changing technology environment. We will strive to be a leader in diversity and inclusion and develop an employee value proposition.


Strategic Initiatives Improve Recordkeeping Practices Across the Public Sector

Response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

Recordkeeping major highlights and challenges

PROV is working with the Victorian Government and Commonwealth, state and territory archival authorities to address the Royal Commission recommendations. We have published guidance for agencies on creating, managing and retaining records relating to child sexual abuse and are working with affected agencies on improving practices and meeting National Redress Scheme requirements.

Much has been written about the current state of recordkeeping in the Victorian public sector; independent reviews and investigations have been conducted into not only recordkeeping, but other government activities where poor recordkeeping has been identified as a contributing factor to failures in process. In addition to these independent inquiries, PROV has undertaken a range of assessments and surveys to determine recordkeeping maturity in agencies, recordkeeping issues affecting agencies, and barriers to proper recordkeeping practices. We released a report of our findings in February 2019. We found a lack of professional records management expertise and resourcing across the VPS with records often not adequately created and managed to ensure that accurate and reliable information is accessible when required to support evidence of decisions or actions. We also found that new systems are being procured which do not adequately manage records and that ongoing accessibility, security and privacy are major issues with current digital record storage practices. The full report can be found on our website.

A new Retention and Disposal Authority is currently being finalised to ensure that minimum retention periods for records relating to actual or alleged child sexual abuse are appropriate. PROV has reviewed and is redeveloping website pages on accessing records for care leavers. In addition, we have given presentations at a number of events and sit on a number of working groups related to this work.

Review of the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic)

In 2018 we found that all previously participating departments and agencies maintained their 2015–16 ratings, achieving a level 2 average. A third of participants indicated their training and support as unmanaged while those departments with relevant training have seen improved awareness, understanding and capabilities.

A review of the Public Records Act was approved by Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings on 6 September 2017. PROV has been advocating for a review for several years, in line with recommendations made by the Victorian AuditorGeneral’s Office following audits in 2008 and 2017 which found that the Act was outdated and hindered effective records management. In 2018–19 we conducted extensive consultation with heads of agencies. As a result of these consultations, PROV developed a policy paper for the Minister which was approved as the basis for wider consultation in 2019.


Information management maturity Our Information Management Maturity Measurement (IM3) Program is undertaken every two years to assess and report on the state of Information Management (IM) maturity across the Victorian Government departments and some agencies.

Among our recommendations to come out of the 2018 program are for agencies and departments to continue to develop IM governance, vision and strategy, strategic alignment and management support and leadership. Once these are in place, organisations will be able to effectively improve performance ratings over time. The full report can be found on our website.

Victorian Electronic Records Strategy (VERS) 2018–2021 In 2018–19 we published our 2018–2021 Victorian Electronic Records Strategy. The Strategy is about ensuring the creation, capture and preservation of authentic, complete and meaningful digital records by the Victorian public sector. The Strategy for 2018–2021 outlines three key goals, to have: 1. Trusted, complete and reliable digital recordkeeping. 2. Preserved and accessible digital records of continuing value. 3. Increased capability to respond to future opportunities and challenges. The actions and outcomes achieved under each of these goals will help us work towards our vision of digital by design, automated and embedded recordkeeping for the Victorian public sector, ensuring complete, authentic and meaningful records now and into the future. The VERS 2018–2021 document is available on our website. New Retention and Disposal Authorities (RDAs) In 2018–19 we released three new RDAs. The RDA for Records of the Professional Registration and Accreditation Function was developed in consultation with the Victorian Legal Admissions Board. It provides disposal coverage for the functions of registration and accreditation standards, codes, guidelines and procedures; practitioner registration and regulation; and accreditation. The RDA for Records of the Gambling and Liquor Regulation Functions covers the records of the Victorian Commission of Gambling and Liquor Regulation. We also released an RDA for Records of the Anti-Corruption Function.

Office 365 and SharePoint Office 365 (including SharePoint Online) is currently being considered or in the process of being implemented across a number of Victorian Government agencies. In an effort to better understand agency use, issues and considerations around these systems, we undertook a survey throughout April and May. The results of this survey will inform future guidance material around managing public records in an Office 365 and SharePoint environment. The findings will also be de-identified and summarised for external distribution to recordkeepers and information management professionals in the next financial year. Records Management Network (RMN) The Records Management Network was established to provide a forum for knowledge exchange and discussion on issues affecting records management within the VPS. We held three Records Management Network events in 2018–19, attracting approximately 300 attendees. The October 2018 event focussed on PROV’s current programs including our ongoing digital archive work, digital transfers, reviews in progress and updates on an upcoming recordkeeping assessment tool. The November RMN was focused on responses to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse with presentations from PROV, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education and Training. Lastly, our May 2019 RMN featured case studies by the City of Whittlesea, National Archives of Australia, Parks Victoria and National Coronial Information System on topics such as transitioning to digital, using SharePoint and gaining records management buy-in from within an organisation.

The details of these RDAs, and RDAs varied throughout the year, are listed in the Appendix.


Increase Use of the Collection Digitisation program The focus of the digitisation program in 2018–19 continued to be on preparing and migrating already-digitised material to our new online repository (the Secondary Asset Management System, or SAMS). The community saw the first demonstration of our new way of presenting records online with the launch of beta in August, providing access to over 400,000 of our digitised records with more records being added as they are migrated. The beta is described in more detail in the Highlights section of this Report. As well as migrating records that were already online through our legacy systems, we have been adding new records not previously online. Coinciding with the opening of the relocated Ballarat Archives Centre, we published digitised copies of the majority of the Ballarat Rates and Petty Sessions Courts records. We have been focussing on the digitisation of records held in regional Victoria, and this year digitised the records held at the Burke Museum, Beechworth. The records were brought down to Melbourne to copy and then returned to their museum-quality home. Our thanks to the Museum and manager Cameron Auty for supporting the project. The year also marked a milestone on our long partnership with Family Search as a 15-year series of onsite copying projects came to an end. We are immensely grateful to the organisation and to the many volunteers who have worked with us through this fruitful relationship and we continue to look for partnership opportunities. We also undertook other digitisation projects as resources permitted. Our volunteers continued to work on the digitisation of City of Melbourne and Melbourne Harbour Trust records. We are also grateful to the R E Ross Trust for supporting a project to digitise images created by the Education Department in the late 1960s for publications and curriculum material. The collection is a rich and evocative resource depicting post-war Victoria. The digitisation of these photographs will continue in 2019–2020.


Volunteers Millie Marsh and John MacKinnon celebrated 30 years volunteering with PROV in February 2019.

PROV volunteers Public Record Office Victoria’s 180 highly skilled volunteers participate in digitising, indexing and transcription projects. In the past year volunteers have contributed more than 30,000 hours to the organisation, adding immense value to the collection. During National Volunteers Week in May, we launched the Time and Tide exhibition featuring 1600 digitised photos and negatives from the J.B.O. Hosking, Melbourne Harbour Trust collection – detailed in the Exhibitions section of this Report. Several other large projects have been significantly advanced in 2018–19. Areas of focus have included the Supreme Court (records of insolvency and civil cases), Education Department correspondence, correspondence of the Melbourne Town Clerk, and indexing records of Coroner’s inquests. This contribution of volunteer’s time, effort and talent allows researchers, genealogists and interested community members to more easily find and use records of Victoria’s history. A new larger Volunteer Project Room was also unveiled during the year. The new space has enabled most volunteers to work in the one area and has made the provision of projects and support simpler and swifter. We have also been able to provide quiet zones and a training room so the space is multi-functional and user friendly. PROV gratefully acknowledges the outstanding contribution that all volunteers have made during the year and we look forward to an equally productive 2019–20.

Hazel Edwards’ 2018 writing group with PROV’s Tara Oldfield who introduced the group to the archival collection during the year.

University outreach This year we completed research on how to strengthen our value to the university sector and increase use of the collection by students. The Communications and Online Engagement team interviewed people across six major universities and focussed on the study areas of architecture, history, Indigenous studies, writing, design, archival studies, arts and curatorial studies. While the results indicated a low level of understanding of archival research there was much enthusiasm for PROV to offer more training in this area to teachers and students. Writing group After a successful first year in 2017, we continued our partnership with Hazel Edwards in 2018 and 2019, hosting her monthly writer’s course at the Victorian Archives Centre. As part of the writing program, participants are shown how to use PROV’s collection and encouraged to use our records within their writing. In 2018 many of the writers utilising the collection wrote articles for our blog about specific areas of research, providing tips for other writers and researchers.

Journalist Erica Cervini was one participant who lent her advice to our blog with an article entitled Researching houses that are no longer there. She explained the records available at the Ballarat Archives Centre that could prove useful to writers who need to write descriptions about real-life houses from the past that are no longer standing and where photos do not exist. Darren Arnott shed light on his research into the circumstances around the fatal shooting of a young Italian Prisoner of War at the Rowville internment camp during World War 2. In his article A missing piece of the puzzle, he goes into detail about his search for a specific inquest exhibit – a photograph of the crime scene. His article looks at not just our collection but NAA’s as well. Other examples can be found on our blog under the category of ‘Research’. In addition to sharing their learnings on our blog, the “graduating” writers have formed a Facebook group providing each other with additional writing and research support. The natural growth of networks such as this is increasing use of our collection by expanding our audience, encouraging research at PROV of writers and authors who might not otherwise have sought out our records.


Increase Community Engagement with Public Records Places of Deposit Program PROV works with a range of organisations across the State to support the Victorian community’s access to the State’s collections. Our Places of Deposit (POD) program encompasses regional archives which manage and provide access to permanent and temporary public records. In particular, we have a close relationship with Bendigo Regional Archives Centre (BRAC), run in partnership with the City of Greater Bendigo and the Goldfields Library Corporation. On 29 June BRAC celebrated 10 years of operation and community access to records of local significance with public lectures. This year a major undertaking has been a review of BRAC’s public record collections and collection management needs. The project has included the survey and documentation of accessioned public records and a review of storage requirements. This project will enable community access to these records, increased access through the online catalogue and improved processes for the storage and management of the collection. Another highlight for BRAC has been an increased focus on audience engagement and public access through a range of highly successful events and workshops. These have included industry training sessions for the Australian Society of Archivists Victorian Branch and a sold out public event on conservation and collections care in partnership with Australian Museums and Galleries Association Victoria (AMaGA Victoria). This year , a major focus of the overall POD program has been the development of a plan to implement recommendations from the 2017–2018 Review. This has included the completion of a major audit of Places of Deposit including the reappointment of 64 organisations into the newly revamped program.


The POD workshop held in May was attended by 30 POD members.

A highlight this year was the successful delivery of the first POD Collections Day. A recommendation of the review, the event provided POD organisations with training and guidance on managing and providing access to public records in their collections and included a workshop delivered by AMaGA Victoria on the Victorian Collections collection management system. Through this new type of engagement with our PODs we will improve their capacity and ability to care for and provide access to the locally significant records they hold.

In May, as part of National Volunteers Week, our volunteers took over the space for a display featuring a subset of the Melbourne Harbour negatives they’ve been busily digitising over the last few years. They entitled the exhibition Time and Tide: The Presence of JBO Hosking in honour of the Melbourne Harbour Trust Chief Engineer from 1936 to 1959 who began collecting the images, many of which depict projects he oversaw such as the development of Appleton Dock operation of the Yarraville fuel terminals and the evolution of the Williamstown and Port Melbourne wharfs. The black and white images have been displayed as a wave across the gallery walls in celebration of time and tide. In 2018–19 we also continued our partnership with the Old Treasury Building. Last year there were 93,935 visitors through the doors including school groups, history-lovers, tourists and the curious! Our records formed part of numerous exhibitions including the newly installed First Peoples and the Gold Rush and Wayward Women?

Records from our collection are on display at Old Treasury Building as part of the First Peoples and the Gold Rush exhibition.

Exhibitions We have held three photographic exhibitions in the Victorian Archives Gallery to showcase the images in our collection and highlight their significance in re-telling stories from Victoria’s past.

In addition to our own exhibitions and existing partnerships, we also offer a loan service that allows other museums the opportunity to display public records from our collection as part of their own exhibition programs. In 2018–19 our records featured as part of the Bendigo Post Office Gallery’s Rule Britannia: The Golden City exhibition and the Melbourne Medical History Museum’s The Women’s: Carers, Advocates and Reformers exhibition.

The Beyond Bluestone exhibition detailed in last year’s Annual Report made way for Moving Melbourne: Cities Don’t Stand Still in September. The photographs from this exhibition feature as part of this Report. Following on from our existing model, half of the exhibition was devoted to photographs from our collection, as well as the collection of the National Archives of Australia, and the other half were photos of the present-day submitted by Melbourne street photographers. From bustling city streets to Melbourne train travellers and concert crowds in chorus, the exhibition showed a city in constant motion.


Provenance Provenance is our free online journal, published annually on our website. The journal features peer-reviewed articles as well as other written contributions that contain research drawing on records from our collection. This year saw the completion of a project to create PDF-printable versions of all back issues to enhance the accessibility, distribution and promotion of the journal. We would like to acknowledge the contributing authors, as well as the experts who have reviewed articles in the last twelve months. We are also very lucky to have a dedicated editorial board to support the production of Provenance each year: • Tsari Anderson, Editor, Provenance; Coordinator, Koorie Records Unit, Public Record Office Victoria • Dr David ‘Fred’ Cahir, Associate Professor of Aboriginal History, Federation University Australia • Dr Sebastian Gurciullo, Assistant Editor, Provenance; Community Archives Officer, Public Record Office Victoria • Dr Adrian Jones OAM, Associate Professor of History, La Trobe University • Mike Jones, Consultant Research Archivist, the University of Melbourne •

Dr Antonina Lewis, Research Fellow, Centre for Organisational and Social Informatics, Monash University (until February 2019); independent archival consultant and researcher

• Dr Seamus O’Hanlon, Associate Professor of History, Monash University • Dr Dianne Reilly AM, FRHSV, Secretary, La Trobe Society • Katherine Sheedy, Professional Historians Association (VIC) Inc. • Dr Judith Smart, Adjunct Professor, RMIT University; Principal Fellow, The University of Melbourne • Dr Rachel Standfield, Lecturer, Monash Indigenous Studies Centre, Monash University.


The 2018 edition is now available on our website, with documents from the 19th century prominent features of this edition from the death penalty through to the threat of smallpox. Skipping forward a hundred years, this issue also uncovers the rulebending that changed Melbourne’s skyline forever. Koorie records The Koorie Records Unit (KRU) promotes awareness about Aboriginal records within our collection and aims to improve accessibility of these records to the Aboriginal community. The KRU: •

Provides a culturally sensitive Koorie Reference Service in collaboration with the National Archives of Australia (NAA), to provide support and advice to Aboriginal people wishing to access records relevant to their personal and community histories

Develops resources, programs and initiatives that increase the knowledge, accessibility and use of Victoria’s unique collection of government records relating to Aboriginal people.

We have completed a project to digitise an important collection of records relating to Victorian Aboriginal peoples and the Aboriginal Protectorate from the period 1838–1860. Indigenous researchers have direct access to these records in the Victorian Archives Centre Reading Room via a standalone portal designed specifically for accessing digitised Aboriginal records that are not published online for cultural sensitivity and privacy reasons. A collaborative project has commenced with the Taungurung Land and Waters Council to provide a complete copy of these digitised records for a significant research and mapping project which will bring to light important historical information about Taungurung history and connection to country. The work will also lead to an increased understanding of the relationship between the records and the Aboriginal communities that came into contact with the Protectorate system.

We also launched a Koorie Records Unit Researcher Stories series on the PROV blog as well as a short video where researchers talk about their experiences using records held at the Victorian Archives Centre for their family history research. The KRU’s Koorie Reference Service responded to 78 new research enquiries, involving searches conducted for 990 names and resulting in a total of 5,185 index results across the PROV and NAA collections for the names searched. We also delivered a number of Aboriginal family history workshops and stakeholder training sessions throughout the year. Grants and awards Through our grants and awards programs we offer funding to support Victorian community groups preserve local history and heritage, and recognise the valuable contribution local communities make in preserving Victorian history for future generations. Coinciding with History Week in October 2018, we announced the Victorian Community History Awards at a ceremony at the Arts Centre Melbourne – marking the 20th year of the Awards. The Victorian Community History Awards are presented annually by Public Record Office Victoria in partnership with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Melbourne clinical psychologist and writer Jill Giese was awarded the 2018 Victorian Premier’s History Award for her book The Maddest Place on Earth.

All of the 2018 Victorian Community History Award winners with Don Garden, President of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.

• Carlton Community History Group for electronic preservation of oral histories that tell the story of the suburb’s diverse past.

• Melbourne Legacy to digitise films of their work caring for the widows and children of deceased servicemen, dating back to the 1930s. • Wandong History Group for equipment to help mount exhibitions, including a Black Saturday memorial and a World War I display that will be shown at local libraries. Other successful projects ranged from walking tour apps, newspaper digitisation projects and interactive installations to practical storage solutions allowing museums and history groups to keep their historical artefacts in top condition. The full list of award winners and grant recipients is available in the Appendix of this Report.

Other winning entries included the online documentary series Migrant Stories from Medea Films, the book A Secondary Education for All? by John Andrews and Deborah Towns and the Judges’ Special Prize was awarded to Jennifer Bantow and Ros Lewis for their self-published book Barro-abil. In May 2019 we announced the recipients of Round 17 of the Local History Grants Program, including: • Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co-operative to collate an online history marking the group’s 40 years of work.


Build our Profile


Mainstream media

This year we focused on redesigning the interface for searching the collection, launching beta in early 2019, as already described in this Report. The new catalogue will launch on production in 2020 alongside a new ordering system. Both of these changes will ensure a seamless search and order journey for all users. Alongside this work we continued to refine and build topic pages, including pages about courts, crime and justice and public transport records, as well as tell stories from the archives via our blog. Our web traffic for the year was 1,125,819. The most popular topic pages were Wills and Probate, and Passenger Records, with the most popular blog post about researching maps and plans.

PROV and our collection appeared in the media approximately 218 times in 2018–19, with coverage ranging from online to radio, television and print. Highlights included: Victorian Community History Awards and Local History Grants coverage for winners across their local news outlets; various ABC online, radio and Landline television programs covering topics such as our Section 9 records release, the Black Allan Line, Blue Lake history and soldier settlement (pictured); and coverage for our Provenance authors including The Age reprint of Kath McKay’s family history story. We also wrote several articles about PROV’s recordkeeping projects for various industry publications such as IQ. Media activities such as these draw the attention of new audiences to our collection and present PROV as an authority on archives and recordkeeping practice in Victoria.

Dr Sebastian Gurciullo being interviewed about soldier settler Percy Pepper for Landline in the repository. Photo by Tim Lee.

Social media In 2018–19 we continued to grow and engage our online community of 21,555 followers across Facebook, multiple Twitter channels, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, increasing our audience by 2,551 people. Throughout the year, content shared on our two main channels (PROV Facebook and Twitter) resulted in more than 133,614 engagements (comments, shares and likes), which shows just how valuable these platforms are in exposing our collection to Victorians who might not otherwise have had an opportunity to engage with original records of Victoria’s history.


Events and partnerships Over the past few years we have been forging relationships with key festival programs in Melbourne as a means to broaden our audience, increase use of our collection and public profile. In 2018–19 we continued our successful partnerships with the Melbourne Writer’s Festival, Melbourne Design Week and Open House. In July 2018 we opened our doors on the Saturday of Open House weekend, hosting 12 tours of the collection focusing on records related to other buildings on show throughout the festival. The tours were filled by approximately 240 people all of whom had never visited the Victorian Archives Centre before. In September we ran two events as part of the Melbourne Writer’s Festival. The first was a discussion with award-winning author Alexis Wright hosted by Bonnie Chew of the Public Records Advisory Council. Alexis spoke about the process of researching and writing the Miles Franklin Award-winning tribute to Aboriginal leader Tracker Tilmouth, Tracker. This event tied in nicely with the work of our Koorie Records Unit who were on hand to answer questions related to our collection of records about Aboriginal peoples of Victoria. The second event we hosted for Melbourne Writer’s Festival was a workshop with Gideon Haigh who showed writers how to use and incorporate records from our collection into their writing. And in March 2019 we hosted a panel discussion and display for Melbourne Design Week, showcasing plans from our Landmark collection and talking about Melbourne’s green spaces.

Strengthen our Culture and Capability Health and safety PROV is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment without risk to physical or psychological harm. We do this by having an active health and safety committee and by placing mental health at the forefront of what we do.

Bonnie Chew in discussion with Alexis Wright as part of the Melbourne Writers Festival. Photo by Tamsien West of MWF.

Identify and Preserve Records of State Significance Cabinet transfer In preparation for the 2018 State Election, PROV and the Cabinet Office worked together with Victorian Government departments to successfully prepare and transfer digital Cabinet in Confidence (CiC) records - records of the first term of the Andrews Government - to PROV for the first time in Victorian Government history. Hardcopy records were also prepared and transferred in record time. In the lead up to November 2018, PROV and the Cabinet Office worked with seven departments to facilitate the CiC transfers: • Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning • Department of Education and Training

Health and safety committee: Our dedicated health and safety representatives play an integral role in ensuring our near misses and incidents are kept to a minimum. In 2018–19 there were no days lost or WorkCover claims and 100% of workplace inspections were completed on time. The biggest risk to physical safety at PROV is through manual handling, specifically through the movement of records. This cycle, to minimise the risk of injury to staff we implemented a Manual Handling Program where any staff member could be trained in manual handling to help assist with records retrieval and returns. Mental Health Action Plan: A staff led committee has been convened to develop and implement a Mental Health Action Plan which was a key priority from the Mental Health Framework developed last cycle. The Action Plan will run over the next three years and is closely aligned to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter for the Victorian Public Sector which aims to: • Promote Positive Mental Health Wellbeing • Address Mental Injury and Illness • Protect From Mental Injury and Illness

• Department of Health and Human Services • Department of Justice and Regulation • Department of Treasury and Finance • Department of Premier and Cabinet. From this, four departments transferred physical records which amounted to 177 boxes (31.74 linear meters) and six departments transferred digital records totalling 323.79 GB and comprising 297,158 individual digital records (VEOs). Careful planning meant that this project became the quickest ever transfer of CiC records to PROV post-election. All records were in PROV custody within one week of election day.


Staff engagement PROV completed the People Matter survey, a public sector employee opinion survey run by the Victorian Public Sector Commission. Our results once again demonstrated that we are a great place to work, with staff who are productive, motivated and engaged. PROV % agreement

Comparator Group % agreement

Job satisfaction






People in my workgroup treat each other with respect



In my workgroup, human rights are valued



My organisation encourages employees to act in ways that are consistent with human rights



Senior managers provide clear strategy and direction



I am confident that I would be protected from reprisal for reporting improper conduct



I am confident that if I lodge a grievance in my organisation, it would be investigated in a thorough and objective manner



Overall measures

Our highest result

Our lowest results

Our response rate was 74%.

Gender equality

Culturally and linguistically diverse

LGBTI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and/or Intersex



Generational diversity



il it

ie s

Inclusive systems and processes Workplace flexibility


All n

Inclusive and diverse leadership




awareness and inclusion

Al li

s te

All cu l

res tu Aboriginal

s itie nt de

Last cycle we completed a Diversity and Inclusion Framework which outlines PROV’s commitment to building a workplace that is grounded in respect, fosters inclusion, promotes diversity and embraces the unique skills and qualities of all our people. This year we built on that Framework by developing a three year action plan. Core to our action plan is four themes which cover nine focus areas:


Diversity and inclusion



Our PROV PRIDE Network and Engagement Committee organised a Wear It Purple morning tea with special guest, non-binary activist and author, Nevo Zisin in August 2018. Nevo spoke about their experience growing up and “how I confused everyone” to quote directly from their book. Gold coin donations on the day raised money for the Minus18 Foundation.

Deliver, Embed and Leverage our Systems PROV is continuing its program to implement new business systems for managing and facilitating access to the collection. All major procurement of new systems was completed during the 2018–19 period and PROV is now involved in an intense period of installation, integration and testing. In early 2019 PROV launched new search and browse functionality to the public, in beta, which included an image viewer for viewing digitised records. PROV transformed the descriptive information held about the collection to conform with a revised Archival Control Model in preparation for the implementation of a new Archival Management System which will be implemented in 2019–20. A new Digital Archive is also being implemented during this period, which will increase PROV’s capacity for storing and managing digital records. A Proof of Concept (POC) for an order and copy request system was successfully completed. The POC determined that PROV’s approach to security for closed records was sound.

System design and implementation has progressed further with user experience design work undertaken for ordering records on the PROV website, as well as the development of back office functions. Detailed design for the system which will track and manage the location and storage of physical records in our repository has also been completed. The installation of this system will commence in 2019–20. We have also implemented new internet services at PROV providing faster internet speed for our digital archives systems, volunteer network and the public reading room. This work enables reliable connectivity and sufficient bandwidth between our on-premises environment and our cloud environment (Amazon Web Services - AWS). It also ensures better access to our collection and services for staff, volunteers and the public. Hard work by all the teams involved and our external vendors has driven on-time delivery of the fundamentals required to be compliant with the Victorian Government requirements for online security before go-live in early 2020.


Rowers in the mist, Kew, 2013. Photography by Kai O’Yang. ‘The morning fog was just about to break under the sun and the mist was just golden within the rowers. Melbourne has lots of people doing all kinds of sports, even on a winter’s morning where it’s all foggy, one can stand still and find people rowing on the Yarra.’


Output Measures 2018–19 PROV 2018–19 BP3 Measures Performance measure

Quantity, Quality, Timeliness

Unit of measure

2018–19 Full Year Target

2018–19 Full Year Actual

Variance (%)

Collection usage: utilisation of physical and digital records held by Public Record Office Victoria






Satisfaction with services Quality provided by Public Record Office Victoria to government agencies and to the public

per cent




Provision of services within published timeframes

per cent





PROV 2018–19 Annual Report Measures OUTPUT

Unit of measure

2018–19 2018–19 Full Year Target Full Year Actual

Government Services Public Record Office Victoria records transferred

shelf metres



Digital records preserved

number of VEOs



Retention and Disposal Authorities issued




Number of participants undertaking records management training




Transfer projects completed






Access Services Records deaccessioned from the PROV collection

shelf metres

Total visitors/users




Online visitors to website




Volunteer hours




Collection storage meeting industry standard






Corporate Services Staff hours spent on L&D activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


This figure includes access to records through third-party genealogical websites. The target was based on previous year figures but we exceeded the target as a result of more records being available and promoted through the third party sites. Significant effort was made to complete transfers prior to decommissioning of old transfer management system. This resulted in more transfers being completed than had been anticipated. Digital records ‘preserved’ means VEOs ingested into PROV’s digital archive. Due to delays with the digital archives program, this system is not yet operational which has prevented VEOs being ingested. One RDA did not progress as expected and will be completed in 2019–20. Old online training module withdrawn. New online training will be launched in 2019–20. Significant effort was made to complete transfers prior to decommissioning of old transfer management system. This resulted in more transfers being completed than had been anticipated. All planned deaccessions were achieved, however it was ultimately determined that the quantity of eligible records was less than anticipated. A higher number of visitors reflected the popularity of the Old Treasury Building’s Gold Rush exhibition. Raised interest in PROV’s grants and Community History Awards resulted in a higher volumes of visitors.


Reading Room and Record Retrievals We operate two public reading rooms; one at the Victorian Archives Centre in North Melbourne and the other at the Ballarat Archives Centre in Ballarat. Records can also be accessed at the Bendigo Regional Archives Centre within Bendigo Library, the Geelong Library Heritage Centre and (by appointment only) at the Burke Museum in Beechworth. During 2018–19, 9,646 visitors utilised the reading rooms to view public records, 44,780 records were issued to visitors and an additional 6,589 were issued to Government agencies and for internal PROV use. Reference enquiries were managed through our online system, which received an average 638 queries per month.

Number of records

Records Issued

Public users

Government users

70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Year



Visitors to Reading Rooms






Victorian Archives Centre

Bendigo Regional Archives Centre

Ballarat Archives Centre

Geelong Heritage Centre


Number of visitors

50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Year








As the visitors to Geelong Library & Heritage Centre jumped significantly in 2015–16 due to the attraction of the new building facilities, for 2016–17 and beyond we are only counting those who visited the reading room specifically to research public records.


Sunday Drive, Road Construction Authority, Photographic Collection, Master Negatives and Digitised Images (1913–1995). Bright Tawonga Road near Mount Beauty showing Kiewa Valley and Mount Bogong, 1962. Public Record Office Victoria, VPRS 17684/P1, Unit 71, Item 62_253


Appendices Appendix 1: Assets Our assets include both community and operating assets in the following four categories: Community assets These assets are the State’s archival collection. The physical collection was valued in June 2017 at $299.9m. The digital collection was valued at $16.7m. Building assets Records repositories for storage of the State Archives and the State Government’s non-current records are located at North Melbourne and Ballarat. The Victorian Archives Centre in North Melbourne, including land, was valued at $88.3m in June 2017. Motor vehicles PROV operates one vehicle: a station wagon. Plant and operating equipment Operating assets are used for the upkeep of the physical and digital repositories so that public records can be stored safely and made available for public inspection.

Appendix 2: Financial Statement 2015–16









Salary and on-costs




















Capital Assets Charge









Total Expenditure


Appendix 3: Workforce Data Ongoing Employees

Fixed-term & Casual

Number (Headcount)

Full-time (Headcount)

Part-time (Headcount)



June 2018






June 2019






June 2018

Number (Headcount)


Fixed-term & Casual



June 2019 Ongoing

Fixed-term & Casual

Number (Headcount)



Gender Female




































































Grade 6







Age Under 25

Over 65 Classification

Grade 5







Grade 4







Grade 3







Grade 2








Appendix 4: Standards and Advice Section 12 of the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic) requires the Keeper of Public Records to establish standards for the efficient management of public records and assist public offices in the application of those standards to records under their control. The Act requires public offices to implement records management programs in accordance with the standards established by the Keeper. All standards are available on the PROV website:

Appendix 5: Recordkeeping Standards Framework Documents Issued 2018–19 Standards and specifications issued Number



PROS 11/09

Control Standard variation


PROS 11/09 S1

Control Specification variation


PROS 11/10

Access Standard variation


PROS 11/10 S1

Access to Records in PROV Custody variation


PROS 11/10 S2

Access to Records in Agency Custody variation





PROS 10/15

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of Anti-Corruption Function


PRO 19/01

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Gambling and Liquor Regulation Functions


PROS 19/02

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Professional Registration and Accreditation Function


Appendix 6: Retention and Disposal Authority (RDA) Documents Issued or Varied 2018–19 New RDAs


RDAs varied





PROS 99/02

Department of Treasury and Finance Retention and Disposal Authority Variation 8



PROS 01/01

Schools Records Authority Variation 8



PROS 01/03

Victorian Auditor-General’s Office Records Authority Variation 5



PROS 04/03

Office of Public Prosecutions Variation 4



PROS 04/07

Office of Gaming and Racing Variation 3



PROS 04/08

Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal Variation 3



PROS 07/02

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel Variation 2



PROS 07/06

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Office of the Health Complaints Commissioner Variation 2



PROS 08/13

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Disability Services Function Variation 1


No date

PROS 08/14

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Housing Function Variation 1


No date

PROS 08/03

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the County Court Variation 2



PROS 08/06

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Port of Melbourne Variation 2


No date

PROS 08/07

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Working with Children Check Function Variation 1


No date

PROS 08/08

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Rural Finance Function Variation 1


No date

PROS 08/09

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Essential Services Function Variation 1


No date






PROS 08/10

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Curriculum and Assessment Functions Variation 1



PROS 08/11

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Legal Services Commissioner Variation 1



PROS 08/12

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of Child Protection and Family Services Functions Variation 4


No date

PROS 08/17

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Youth Parole and Residential Boards Variation 1


No date

PROS 09/01

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria Variation 1


No date

PROS 09/02

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Legal Services Board Variation 1



PROS 09/04

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of the Childrens Court Variation 2



PROS 09/06

Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of WorkSafe Victoria Variation 2


No date


Appendix 7: Approved Public Record Office Victoria Storage Suppliers (APROSS) APROSS sites are commercial facilities that have been inspected by PROV and approved for the storage of temporary and un-sentenced public records. For a complete list of APROSS sites see our website: APROSS Facilities approved in 2018–19




Number of current approved APROSS facilities


Appendix 8: Staff Achievements Awards

Public Record Office Victoria: PROV received a commendation at the 2018 Museums Australasia Multimedia and Publication Design Awards (MAPDA) under the institution website category for the new Public Record Office Victoria website. Sarah Harris: Collection Management and Access Services Officer Sarah Harris made the Vice-Chancellor’s List for Academic Excellence (M. IM, RMIT) in 2018.


Professional committees Tsari Anderson: editor, Provenance journal; member, Professional Historians Association. Grace Baliviera: member, CAARA Out of Home Care Working Group. Lauren Bourke: member, Australian Galleries and Museums Australia Victoria Branch Committee; member, Australian Galleries and Museums Australia Victoria Museum Accreditation Advisory Committee; member, Museums Australia (Victoria) 2018 National Conference Program Committee. Elise Bradshaw: member, Automated Briefing and Correspondence Governance Model Working Group. David Brown: member, Australian Institute of Company Directors; member, Information Management Group; member, Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative; member, Australian Society of Archivists. Charlie Farrugia: member, Australian Women’s Archives Project Committee; member, Victorian Association of Family History Organisations Committee; member, Geelong Heritage Centre Collection Advisory Committee. Kate Follington: member, Australian Galleries and Museums Australia Victoria Branch; committee member, Museums Australia (Victoria) 2018 National Conference Program Committee; committee member, Creative Victoria Digital Engagement Stakeholder Group. Peter Francis: member, Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative; member, Association of Computing Machinery. Carly Godden: member, Bendigo Regional Archives Centre Operations Committee. Suzy Goss: recognised professional member, Australian Society of Archivists; communications officer, ASA Victoria Branch committee; mentee, Institute of Public Administration Australia mentoring. Dr Sebastian Gurciullo: editorial board member, Archives and Manuscripts; editorial board member and assistant editor, Provenance journal; webmaster and steering committee member of the Section on Literary and Artistic Archives of the International Council on Archives; board member, Course Advisory Board, Bachelor of Arts, La Trobe University.


Justine Heazlewood: chair, Bendigo Regional Archives Centre Committee of Management; chair, Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative; chair, Monash University Information and Knowledge. Management Course Advisory Committee; board member, Emerald Tourist Railway Board; member, Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities; member, Standards Australia, Records and Document Management Systems Committee (IT-21). Al Hunter: professional member (ARIM), Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA or RIM Professionals Australasia); communication portfolio lead and member, Victorian Public Sector Pride Network; member, VPS Pride Council and Trans & Gender Diverse Group; member, Australian Anthropological Society. Asa Letourneau: committee member, Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums. Julie McCormack: chair, Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities National Bodies Working Group; member, Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative; member, WoVG Information Management Group; member, Department of Health and Human Services Records Management Steering Committee; PROV delegate, Australian Society of Archivists. Alison McNulty: member, Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative; member, CAARA Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse Working Group; member, Department of Education and Training Schools Working Group. Simon Moeller: Member, Knowledge Management Leadership Forum. Tara Oldfield: board member, History Council of Victoria; member, North Melbourne Agency Collective. Jennifer Rout: member, Open Minds Advisory Board. David Taylor: member, Public Relations Institute of Australia; member, Australian Council for Educational Leaders; director, St Columba’s College Board (to February 2019). Nicole Tighe: member, Australian Human Resources Institute; member, Department of Premier and Cabinet Human Resources Working Group; member, GLAM Human Resources Working Group; member, VPS Human Resources Working Group.

Andrew Waugh: member, Standards Australia, Records and Document Management Systems Committee (IT-21) Subcommittee on Recordkeeping Metadata. Rebecca Young: coordinator, Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative. Conference and seminar presentations How to Research Place Workshop Various dates across Melbourne University, Victoria University, and Federation University Kate Follington What Is Engagement? Museums and Galleries Australia National Conference Melbourne, 2018 Kate Follington The Places of Deposit Program History Victoria Support Group Seminar Royal Historical Society of Victoria, August 2018 David Taylor Researching Aboriginal family history at the Victorian Archives Centre Aboriginal Family History Day State Library of Victoria, August 2018 Tsari Anderson and Georgia Harris VEO Processing Application Australian Society of Archivists Government SIG Perth WA, September 2018 Julie McCormack Digital transfer step-by-step PROV’s Records Management Network Melbourne, October 2018 Elise Bradshaw Researching Aboriginal family history at the Victorian Archives Centre Shepparton Library Shepparton, October 2018 Tsari Anderson and Georgia Harris Building bridges: from Latin American history to Victorian history Exhibition launch No Vacancy Gallery, QV Building Melbourne, November 2018 David Taylor

Meeting the Recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Senior Health Information Managers Forum, December 2018 Alison McNulty Researching Aboriginal family history at the Victorian Archives Centre Link Up Victoria Victorian Archives Centre, January 2019 Tsari Anderson and Georgia Harris Towards a networked archive for the digital age International Digital Curation Conference Melbourne University, February 2019 Owen O’Neill and Daniel Wilksch Digital Forever: Preserving Victoria’s Records 10th Digital RIM Summit Melbourne, February 2019 Julie McCormack and Elise Bradshaw Public Libraries Victoria Local Studies Special Interest Group Yarra Plenty Regional Library, networking meeting Conference Room, PROV, March 2019 Sarah Harris and Heather Ogilvie Introduction to records about Aboriginal people in the Public Record Office Victoria collection Monash University, ATS3280 The Ethnographic endeavour: capturing the Indigenous past to understand the Indigenous present Victorian Archives Centre, March 2019 Tsari Anderson Digital transfer step-by-step Municipal Association of Victoria’s Local Government Information Governance Committee Melbourne, April 2019 Elise Bradshaw Government Records and the Koorie Community RMIT University Melbourne, April 2019 Georgia Harris Innovative Approaches to Records Management Department of Justice and Community Safety Forum, April 2019 Alison McNulty


PROV Appraisal & Disposal Update Victorian Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA) - Local Government Chapter Meeting Victorian Archives Centre, May 2019 Alexia Bushby and Andrew Harris Modern problems FIT5206 - Digital continuity Monash University, May 2019 Peter Francis Responding to the Recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse eScholarship Research Centre, Melbourne University, May 2019 Alison McNulty What They Never Taught Us in GLAMR School Australian Society of Archivists Victorian Branch Monthly Event Melbourne, May 2019 Elise Bradshaw RMIT University Industry Forum Panel School of Business, IT and Logistics RMIT University, Melbourne, June 2019 Andrew Harris Koorie Records Unit – services and resources for Aboriginal family history Social and Emotional Wellbeing forum, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Koorie Heritage Trust, June 2019 Tsari Anderson and Georgia Harris Introduction to PROV and Government Services RMIT University – Master of Information Management Student Visit Victorian Archives Centre, June 2019 Andrew Harris


Appendix 9: Volunteers Leayne Alden Penny Anggo Mark Armstrong-Roper David Asquith Robert Asquith Garry Ball Jennifer Barker Pamela Baum Fay Beslee Marian Bierenbroodspot Teresa Boonekamp Elizabeth Buckle Carol Bullen Ian Burandt Stefano Callegari Graeme Cardillo Wendy Carver Celestine Chisholm Neil Chisholm Keng Chong Ahnya Chuah Marvite Cini Kaye Clancy Sandra Clapp Beth Codling Tim Coffey Sue Coleman Gene Condello Tom Connolly Cheryl Cox Calvin Crisp Graeme Dawson Sue Dawson Catherine DeLuca Brian Dixon Lorraine Doig Alison Dredge Claire Dunlop Barry Flemming Matthew Forster Elliot Freeman Charissa Good Leanne Goss Claudia Guli Kerry Gutowski Clive Haddock Carol Hagan Violet Hamence-Davies

Kerry Hammond Therese Hammond Sara Hardy Elizabeth Harry Joanne Hawkesworth Ian Hazewinkel Walter Heale Mary Henkel Joy Herman Joy Hirst Jennifer Horne Lyell Horwood Kim House Lewis House Lesley Jeffrey Paula Johnson Edgar Judy Johnston Anne Jones Lou Kearney Irene Kearsey Marilyn Kenny Andrew Knopfelmacher Philip Lally Gordon Lee Desmond Logan John MacKinnon Sue Maclellan Louise Macnamara Anna Maree Malmgren Tim Marriott Millie Marsh Judith Mason Jane Matews-Bede Matthew McGhie Maureen McGinnes Fiona McKinley Kathy McNamara Julie McQueen Bernard Metcalfe Barbara Minchinton Simon Moeller David Morris Neil Morris Alastair Munro Pauline Murphy Mitchell Naughton Christopher North-Coombes Ross Oberin

Fiona O’Donnell Neil Paddle Carol Panjkov Matthew Parker Geoffrey Paterson Bruce Paule Lyn Pecchiar Margaret Pope Pat Porigneaux David Power Janet Purkis David Rankine Liz Raven Mark Richardson Sue Rickard Dawn Riddel Lois Roberts Adriene Rodriguez Marie Rogers Warwick Rose Colin Ruehland Gerard Ryan Jennifer Sach Rick Sidgwick Dorothy Skewes Jan Skidmore Allan Smith Jennifer Smith Chris Statham Alan Stevens Bianca Stolar Ruth Sturgeon Maria Teresa Tavares Costa Lindsay Thomas Robert Thomas Gail Thornthwaite Kathy Trajkovska Maureen Treacy Brian Tseng Mathew Turton Robert Twyford Tom Tyrrell Judith Vardy Maxine Wagerman Rosemary Waghorne Anna Wells Ian Willmott Suzanne Woolley

And a special thank you to Family Search volunteers: Becky Clement Gary Clement

Ben Grimes Dotti Grimes

Charlie Olsen Marsha Olsen

Sheila Stearns Bob Stearns


Appendix 10: Local History Grant recipients The Local History Grants program provides small grants to community organisations to support projects that preserve, record or publish Victorian local history. Recipients for the 2018–19 round:




Alexandra Timber Tramway and Museum Inc.

Interpretation panels and signage for historic exhibits display

Bacchus Marsh and District Historical Society

Digitisation of The Bacchus Marsh Express newspapers


Ballarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative

BADAC: 40 years strong


Beaumaris Modern Inc.

Beaumaris modern walking tour app


Benalla Aviation Museum Inc.

Museum information signage



Bonnie Doon Recreation Reserve Inc. Historical timeline and details of the Bonnie Doon Recreation Reserve


Carlton Community History Group Inc.

Digitisation and preservation of oral history interviews and talks


Castlemaine Billy Cart Challenge

70 years in the making: capturing the history of billy cart racing in Castlemaine


Colac and District Family History Group Inc.

Computer to digitise Colac and District family history


Collingwood Children’s Farm (CCF)

Shared histories

Creswick Museum - Hepburn Shire

Purchase and installation of compactus unit for the Creswick Museum Research Centre


Creswick Railway Workshops Assoc Inc.

Creswick interactive history installation: 100 years of culture change


Dried Fruits Australia

Dried Vine Fruits Industry: preservation of 100 years of history, stage two


Echuca Historical Society Inc.

Digitise and archive 6493 pages of the 2001 and 2002 Riverine Herald


Environment Victoria Inc.

50 years of protecting Victoria’s environment


Euroa Historical Genealogical Society

Security cameras


Fire Services Museum of Victoria

Mosaic upgrade and enhancement


Gippstown Reserve Committee of Management

Old Gippstown Heritage Buildings and Collections History website


Horsham Historical Society

Computers for public access to view our digitised collection


Kew Historical Society Inc.

Conserving the former City of Kew's mayoral portraits

Kilmore General Cemetery Trust

Kilmore General Cemetery records conservation project


Kinglake Historical Society

Kinglake District archival storage





Kow Plains Homestead Committee (Mildura Rural City Council)

Kow Plains and Beyond Revisited 1849–2019


Leongatha and District Historical Society Inc.

The Leongatha Historical Society equipment project


Lilydale and District Historical Society

Digitisation of the Lilydale Express newspaper 1900–1913 and 1919–1920


Longwarry and District History Group Historical photo display panels Inc.


Melbourne Legacy

Digitisation of important historical films from the Melbourne Legacy Archives


Merrigum and District Historical and Educational Society Inc.

Making a digital Merrigum


Nillumbik Historical Society Inc.

Digitising, preserving and sharing documents and artefacts from Diamond Creek's Historical Society


Nuggetty Land Protection Group

Nuggetty oral history


Old Geelong Football Club

Old Geelong Football Club year by year web history project


Port Fairy Historical Society Inc.

Equip a new purpose built archive facility


Quambatook Historical Centre Inc.

Remembering Quambatook History as told by the towns older residents


Ringwood and District Historical Society

Establish scanning workstation (overhead scanner) for large documents


RMIT Design Archives

Creating culture through clothes 1980s to 1990s: the Sara Thorn fashion archive


Sale Historical Society Inc.

Archive Development 2019–2020

Skipton and District Historical Society

Digitisation and upload to Trove of the Skipton Standard, part 1, 1914–1928


Smythesdale Cemetery Trust

Smythesdale Cemetery Trust - a tribute to the women of the district


Sunbury Family History Society Inc.

Digitisation of The Sunbury News



Tatura and District Historical Society Tatura Guardian digitisation Inc.


The Chaffey Trail Reference Group

Chaffey Trail Ambassador Program


Tweddle Child and Family Health Service

Tweddle 2020 - From the first 100 years to the first 1,000 days


Valencia Soldier's Memorial Hall Committee

Digitisation and preserving of 1950s–60s local films


Wandong History Group Inc.

Purchase new equipment


Warburton Fire Brigade - Country Fire Authority

Warburton community fire history


Warragul and District Historical Society

Digitisation of film and audio tape records of local history


West Wimmera Shire Council (Kaniva Digitising Lawloit Times 1910–1929 Historical Museum)



Wodonga Historical Society Inc.

Extending coverage of the Albury Banner and Wodonga Express

Yarra Libraries (City of Yarra)

Digitisation of Fitzroy Cricket Club annual reports 1896–1986

$14,414 $1,494

Appendix 11: Victorian Community History Award winners

The Victorian Community History Awards are held annually in partnership with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. Winners announced at the October 2018 Awards were: Recipient



Jill Giese

The Maddest Place on Earth

Victorian Premier’s History Award $5000

Jennifer Bantow and Ros Lewis

Barro-abil Our Beautiful Barrabool Stone: History and Use of Barrabool Sandstone

Judges’ Special Prize $500

Nikita Vanderbyl

‘The Happiest Time of My Life’: Emotive Visitor Books and Early Mission Tourism to Victoria’s Aboriginal Reserves

History Article (Peer Reviewed) Award $500

John Andrews and Deborah Towns

‘A Secondary Education for All?’ A History of State Schooling in Victoria

Collaborative Community History Project Award $2000

Elizabeth O’Callaghan and Warrnambool and District Historical Society

Silent Lives: Women of Warrnambool and District 1840–1910

Local History Project $2000

Gregory C. Eccleston

Granville Stapylton: Australia Felix 1836, Second in Command to Major Mitchell

History Publication Award $2000

Hans-Wolter von Gruenewaldt and Kay Ball

Art Captured: Hans-Wolter von Gruenewaldt, Prisoner of War Camp 13 Murchison: His Story and His Art

Local History – Small Publication Award $1500

Stella Dimadis

Migrant Stories

Cultural Diversity Award $1500

Mallacoota and District Historical Society

Secrets from the Mallacoota Bunker

Multimedia Award $1500

Wangaratta Historical Society, Wangaratta Art Gallery and Museums Australia (Victoria) Roving Curator Program

Wangaratta Stories

Historical Interpretation Award $1500

Grahame Thom and the Kilmore Historical Society

Lest We Forget: Southern Mitchell Shire Volunteers Who Served in World War One

Centenary of World War One Award $1500


No.41, State Transport Authority, Photographic Collection (c.1900–c.2000), St Kilda train traffic boarding Victorian Railways Tram. VR Tram No.41 foreground, No date. Public Record Office Victoria, VPRS 12800/P3, Unit 89, Item ADV 0969


Glossary accession

A group of records from the same transferring agency taken into PROV custody at the same time. The records may be formally arranged and described into records series and consignments or they may be unarranged and undescribed. Accessioning refers to the process of formally accepting and recording the receipt of records into custody (Keeping Archives1).


A document issued by PROV providing advice to Victorian agencies on a recordkeeping issue. (Includes formal advice about standards as well as forms and other tools to help Victorian Government agencies manage and use public records).


Approved Public Record Office Storage Supplier – the PROV program for the storage of records which the Keeper of Public Records has approved for eventual destruction or which are awaiting a decision as to their archival value.


The whole body of records of continuing value to an organisation or individual. Sometimes called ‘corporate memory’ (AS 4390.1 -1996).


Records considered to have continuing or permanent value that have been, or will be, transferred to the custody of an archival organisation; also used to refer to the buildings in which archival records are stored and to organisations that have responsibility for archival records (Private lives, public records2).


A consignment comprises record items belonging to a single record series that has been transferred to the custody of PROV as part of the one accession. A consignment may comprise the whole or part of a series. Each consignment is identified by a code (e.g. VPRS 1234/P1).

digital / electronic record

A record produced, housed or transmitted by electronic means rather than physical means. A record expressed in an electronic digital format. A record stored in a form that only a computer can process.

digitised record / digital image

An electronic reproduction of a picture, photograph or physical item (e.g. letter or document) that can be stored on computer or disk, and can be viewed, transmitted, manipulated and/or printed via computer. A subset of digital records (Private lives, public records).


A range of processes associated with implementing appraisal decisions. These include the retention, deletion or destruction of records in or from recordkeeping systems. They may also include the migration or transmission of records between recordkeeping systems, and the transfer of custody or ownership of records. Within the Victorian Public Sector, records are appraised to determine their significance (business, legal or historical) and then judged to be either of temporary or permanent value to the state. Government bodies are guided by standards or schedules issued by PROV to regulate the disposal of records.

disposal authority

A legal document that defines the retention periods and consequent disposal actions authorised for specific classes of records (AS 4390.1 -1996).

permanent records

Records which have been appraised as being of permanent value to the State of Victoria and which must be kept forever.

place of deposit (POD)

A location approved by the Victorian Government Minister responsible for PROV for the storage by community groups of temporary records of local value.


A principle that involves establishing the administrative context in which records were created and used. The provenance of records includes their original creators and users, and the subsequent administrators who were responsible for the recordkeeping system in which the records were kept (Private lives, public records). Note: the word Provenance is also used in this document to refer to the title of our annual online journal.


public record

A record made or received by any person employed in a public office while carrying out his or her public duties (Public Records Act 1973).

public records

Information or documents created as part of the activities of state government departments, agencies and local government (Private lives, public records).

reading room

Area set aside at PROV centres for public access to records (Private lives, public records).


Something that documents a particular event or decision, or a document and its contents that have some evidentiary value. A record can take many forms: • • • •

A document in writing A book, map, plan, graph or drawing A photograph A label marking or other writing which identifies or describes anything of which it forms part, or to which it is attached by any means whatsoever • A disc, tape, soundtrack or other device in which sounds or other data (not being visual images) are embodied so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced therefrom • A film, negative, tape or other device in which one or more visual images is embodied so as to be capable (as aforesaid) of being reproduced therefrom • Anything whatsoever on which is marked any words, figures, letters or symbols which are capable of carrying a definite meaning to persons conversant with them (AS ISO 15489.1). recordkeeping

Making and maintaining complete, accurate and reliable evidence of business transactions in the form of recorded information.

records management

Field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposal of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records (AS ISO 15489.1).


The building (or part of the building) in which the collection/holdings are housed.


A group of records which are recorded or maintained by the same agency or agencies and which: • Are in the same numerical, alphabetical, chronological or other identifiable sequence; or • Result from the same accumulation or filing process, perform the same function or may be of similar physical shape or information content.

1 2


A set of criteria that states a level of legal requirement for Victorian agencies. Standards are established by the Keeper of Public Records under the Public Records Act 1973.

temporary records

Records which are appraised as being of value for a bounded time span and which may be legally destroyed once they are older than that time span.


The removal of public records from the offices which have created or inherited them. The custody, ownership and/or responsibility for the records is migrated to the recipient (e.g. from the office to PROV) (see AS ISO 15489.1).

unsentenced records

Records which have not yet been appraised and whose status is therefore not yet determined (Public Records Act 1973).


An abbreviation for Victorian Public Record Series. A VPRS number is allocated to each record series when it is transferred to PROV.

J. Ellis (ed.), Keeping Archives, 1993, The Australian Society of Archivists Inc., Australia. B. Fensham et al., Private lives, public records, 2004, Public Record Office Victoria, Australia.


Victorian Archives Centre 99 Shiel Street North Melbourne 10am–4.30pm Monday to Friday (and the 2nd and last Saturday of the month) 03 9348 5600 Ballarat Archives Centre Eureka Centre 102 Stawell Street South Ballarat Central 10am–4.30pm Monday to Thursday Bendigo Regional Archives Centre 1st Floor Bendigo Library 251-259 Hargreaves Street Bendigo 10am–4.30pm Wednesday and Thursday Geelong Heritage Centre Geelong Library and Heritage Centre 51 Little Malop Street Geelong Check website for hours

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