1953 Yearbook

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School Board

1st Row: Mrs. Kuhns, Mr. Dotterer, Vice President; Mr. Lutz, Vice President; Mr. Brennan, President; Mr. Watkins, Secretary; Mr . Hoffman, Treasurer; Mrs. Anderson, Secretary; Mr. Hoffman, Treasurer; Mrs. Anderson. 2nd Row: Mr. Walker, Mr. Struble, Mr. Way, Mr. Dahl, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Dye, Mr. Barr, Mr. Corl, Mr. Markle. 3rd Row: Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Rishel, Mr . Geist, Mr. Triebold, Mr. Baney, Mr . Byers, Mr. Harner. Absent: Mr. Baki,r, Mr. Clark, Mr. Blair, Mr. Zeigler, Mr. Neff, Mr. Meek, Mr. Jeffrey, Mr. Myers, Mr. Elder.

Class Sponsors and Counselors

Laft to right:


Miss Smith, Mr. Smith, Miss Reigh.


Mr. Anderson .

Mr. Anderson Patience with embryo biologists

Mr. Armstrong Flashy socks

Miss Ball Can't tolerate rudeness

Mrs. Beck Makes learning enjoyable

Mrs. Boerlin Tall, li1he, attractive


Mrs. Addleman Sarcastic wit Mr. Bolton Receding hair line

Mr. Hays Supervising Principal His diplomacy

Mr. Crooks That gleam in his eye!

Mr. Dittmar Snappy dresser

Mr. Kemmerer Senior High Principal

"T. R."

Mrs. Fedon Characteristic walk Mr. Fink Hails from Bear Meo路 dows

Mr. Gackenbach Nerves of steel

Mr. Gibson Connoisseur of foods


Mr. Griffith Unlimited enthusiasm

Mr. Hanna Worrier of his stream路 lined Buick

Mrs. Hamill Southern Belle


Mr. Hsge The "Hege" giggle

Mr. Lenhart

Bellefonte or State Col路 lege? ? ?

Miss Ley Fashion plate

Miss Mahey

Mr. Long Quadratic King

Futile attempts to k

the library quiet

Miss Harpster Aunt Dot

Mr. Moyer Manages




FFA treasury overflowing

Miss O' Hara All those clothes!

Mr. Passmore Junior High Principa (Deceased) We shall always member him

Mr. Porter Always willing to help

Mrs. Foust Dean of Girls, Dean parliamentary

eve :- yone



Miss Reigh

Guiding light

Mr. Smi:h His heart is in his work

Miss Smith Oh, those corrections!

Miss Springer Wide-spread friend Ii路 ness and never- 'e ndin~ energy

TEACHERS ABSENT Miss Davis, Miss Ferree, Mr. Klinepeter, Mrs. Krau

Mr. Krause, Mr. Sallade, Mr. Schell, Mr. H. C. Sm Mr. Van Norman, Mr . Wolk .


Mr. Mattil Torn



Mrs. Maynard Motherly manner

and high school

Mrs . Mcfeatters We surn try to give

Miss McVicker Bowling ability

Mr. Miller Daily jokes

h er a rough tim e

Miss Morrow A busy woman in dramatics

Mrs. Salemme Petite

Mrs. Watson Activities Co-ordinator }Jnderstands and loves

Mr. Serif State College H i g h School ambassador to U. N.


Miss Geuther Guidance Counselor. Has two headachesPiper



Mrs. Shadel Her arduous, extensive vocabulary lists



Mr. Shadel He sure keeps our generation busy

Mr. Yerg

Mr. Storch State Hi is his home

Miss Turney Rush! Ru sh! Rush!

Mr. Weir Oh, those bow ties!

SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS Mrs. Edge, Mrs. Fishe r, Mrs. Harper, Mrs .

Miller, Mrs. Vonada .




Davis, Doan, Bedenk, Shultz, Forbes, Miss Harpster. I st Row: 2nd Row: Cook, Shanon, Schoenebeck, Lee, Raleigh, Stoddart, Steele, Donahoe, Hutchison, Smith.

Isl Row: Markle, Pap~, Hubler, Heil, Reid, Kline, Mrs. Maynard . 2nd Row: Morgan, Meahl , Callenbach, Stickler, Maier, Bak e r, Rearick, Cryder .

ALL SCHOOL OFFICERS Bill Stoddart, Jim Holmes, Joan Hawbaker, Eel Trembly



1st Row :

Reid, Rider, Leuschner, Houser, Heil. Chisman, Cryder, Walsh, Fishburn.


2n1d Row:


I st Row: Miss McVicker, Stine (President), Pierce (Vice-president), Gutteron (Treasurer), Rusk, Vroman. 2nd Row: Lindsay, Altimus, Wright, Lee, Gianturco, Fisher . 3rd Row: B. Kennedy, Cox (Alternate), Holler, Mares, P. Kennedy (Alternate), Reede (Alternate).





Miss McClellan, Dr. Harry . Absent : Dr. Ma teer.

Mrs . Wilson, Mrs. Berggren, Mrs . McClintic, Mrs. Johnson


Miss Houser, Mrs. Schisler, Mrs. Wirtz, Mrs. Nelson



Mr. Crummey, Mr. Houser, Mr. Warn e r, Mr. Phil ips, Mr. Carney,

Mr. Swartz, Mr. Gummo, Mr. Yarnell

Mr. Rogers, Mr. Goss, Mr. Brown.



From Little Hub Caps To Big Wheels THE DAYS OF DEPRESSION had come and gone . People were beginning to settle back to their old way of life . However, there was still much unrest in the world. Talk of a war with Japan and Germany grew more and more frequent until in December of 1941 came the attack on Pearl Harbor. War was declared, and we were again without our longed -for peace. It was during this time that the members of 1he class of 1953 were busily reading their "Dick and Jane" books and already giving their teachers a great deal of trouble. The only remedy the teacher could find for "Bebe's" constant talking was to tape he r mouth shut with scotch tape. During second and third grades, one of the favorite songs was "Red Rive r Valley" which, for some unknown reason, caused "Mossy" to blush every time. In fifth grade, the notorious "Gas House Gang" came into being; and in sixth grade, the police came to school for the "Gang ." The still talked-about crime was the breaking of street lamps . In September of 1947, we crept timidly through the Fairmount Avenue de>ors . At last we were part of the high school. Canteen, whe re we danced to records of "Far Aw ay Places" and "Dance, Ballerina, Dance," became a big part of our life every Saturday night. The big social events, however, were the Country Club dances . In eighth grade, Sari DeJuhasz and Dick Morgan received the American Legion awards; while Jacque Peters and Jack Musser received the same awards at the Fe rguson Township School. Junior High Student Council president in ninth grade was George Smith . Later that year, "Mossy" was elected treasurer of Senior High Student Council. The boys had been coached by Mr. G riffith in junior high sports, and many of them were now on first string. Cheryl, Pat, and Minki were picked from other freshmen girls for the senior high cheerleading squad . Yes, our class was getting prepared for b igger and better things . During our sophomore year, we found that we had all of the privileges of a "big" senior higher. We elected as our first class officers : Ken Pahel, president; Pat Ramsey, v ice -president; Minki Forbes, secretary; Cheryl Davis, treasurer. The boys entered the field of sports in a big way. Football, soccer, wrestling, basketball, track, and baseball drew large crowds. One of our most unforgettable sport scenes was the time Bill Kocher missed third base on his long, long homerun against Bellefonte. "Club 53," our Soph Hop, was our first chance to exhibit our newly created mirror ball which has become a tradition at our dances. Free yellow daisies were passed out to all the girls. A "Fun Night" was also planned


and met with a great deal of success by having a huge cakewalk and, also, free admission. In September of 1951, we awakened to th e fact that we were juniors. What a wonderful feeling to know we were "up" there! George Smith, Jim Holmes, Paula Sunday, and Janet Reid were our class officers. Pat Kline was secretary of Student Council. During the Christmas season, we took time off for our first semi-formal dance at the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. A g irl ask boy affa ir, it proved to be one of the best of the season. Blue and green streamers were used for decoration for our first big prom, "Fantasia," with the cartoon-pictures of George Humphrey and Louie Roscoe being the hit of the evening. As a class, we presented the Junio r Plays, two comedies and a fantasy, with "Bebe's" cat playing the starring role. As the fall of '52 dawned upon us, we suddenly realized that we were the big seniors! No more did we have someone to set an example for us; it was for us to set the example. With the United States presidential election in the air, we elected as our class officers : Nick Buessum, president; Ralph Cryder, vice-president; Jody Laing, secretary; and Jacque Peters as treasurer. Bill Stoddart and Jim Holmes led our school in Student Council as president and vicepres ident, respectively. Janet Reid was the new editor-in-chief of "The Piper" and Liz Anderson, editor-in-chief of the "Maroon and Gray." "Mossy" Morgan was elected president of A Cappello Choir and Ken Thomas, president of Band and Thespians. In the fall, as usual, our eyes were focused on the sports scene. Our girls were well represented on the hockey field , the most important 路 play being Ann Farrell's goal fo r the opposite team ; as well as in the bowling alleys and on the basketball courts. The fellows had an important year, also . Everyone was in high spirits when we won our first football game against Moshannon Joint High School, and the season con tinued with our winning three more and losing six . The most important play of the season, however, was when Bill Knebel, a guard, made a touchdown for State. The first dance of the year, our senior alumni dance, was a huge success with the theme of "Broadway Rhythm." Jack Huber's orchestra competed with the glittering stars and mirror ball as we waltzed through the evening . Now, as we advance toward the diploma line, we will be leaving behind twelve years of great fun and excitement and taking along twelve years of acquired knowledge. With this educational background, we will be ready and prepared to meet new friends and new opportunities as they present themselves. So, goodbye high school days and come forward future.

Class Officers


SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Ralph Cryder, Dick Morgan, Joetta Laing, Jacque Peters.



JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS George Smith, 路 Jim Holmes, Paula Sunday, Janet Reid .



SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS Ken Pahel, Pat Ramsey, Forbes, Cheryl Davis.



MARY ELIZABETH ANDERSON "Liz" Giggles ... bright eyes . . . only one dimple .. . likes to go camping ... has her finger in every pie ... big tease. Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4-Honorary Varsity 3; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Edilor in Chief of the Maroon and Gray 4; Junior Plays 3; A Cappello 2, 3, 4Treasurer 3--Librarian 2; Ten Tones 3, 4; Thespians 3, 4-Secretary 4; G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4- Treasurer 2, Preside nt 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Secretary 4; Girls Leaders Club 2, 3, 4-Se,crelary-Treasurer 2; VFW Essay Award 2; Elm 'ra Award 3; A. A. U. W. Award 3; Singers 3 . JOHN STUART BISCHOFF "Bussy" Gulf car . . . snail-like name cards . . . the capacity of his car has no limil . . . I could have done better but I was overworked . . . "How ya doin?" Basketball 2; Boys Glee Club 2, 3; Religious Education 4; Home Room Treasurer 2; Vice-President of Boys' Athlelic Club 2; Hi -Y 4; Slide Rule Club 3.

FRANK BAIRD "Frank" Woodsman ... Mozart Jr ... . "And now the fun begins" ... Let thy words be few, bu! !hy deeds greal ... hm a grin for everyone. Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappello 4; Religious Education 3, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Hunting and Fishing Club 2, 3; Science Club 4Secrelary 4. likes to INA JEAN BLEICH "Ina Jean" Coal black hair "Gee, I sew . . . By the work one knows the workman don 1 t know." Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Tri -Hi-Y 3, 4; Future Homemakers of America 2; Bookkeeping Award 3.

LEONA F. BARTO "Leona" Basketball ace . .. future nurse ... muy rubio ... smiles don't need frills lo dress them up ... "Get me a hockey stick." Hockey 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Girls Glee Club 3; Religious Education 3, 4; Tri -Hi-Y 3; Future Homemakers of America 2; Slide Rule Club 4. ALICE JEAN BREON "Alice" Blondest blonde . .. serene ... amiable . . . her beauty comes from within . . . "Sure, I'll do it/' Maroon and Gray 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Secretary 2; Home Room Treasurer 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Dancing Club 2.

MARY ANN BAYLETS "Mui" All sports are for me ... well dressed country lass ... "Yes, Wook's coming home." Hockey 2, 3, 4; Baskelball 2, 3, 4- Honorary Varsily 3; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Band 2; Orcheslra 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Secretary 3; Girls Leaders 3, 4; Girls Sports Club 2. ROBERT L. BROWN "Bob" Easy-going . .. hunls ... an explosion in the shop ... !all, dark and brawny . Fulure Farmers of America 3, 4; Projectors Club 2.

PHYLLIS J . BA YLETS "Phyl" Sports woman . . . types and talks at the same t;me ... the fighting team spirit ... "Lei's go to Bellefonle." Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Honorary Varsity 2, 3; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Band 2; Orchestra 2; Religii>us Education 2, 3, 4; Girls Leaders Club 3, 4; Girls Sports Club 2. NIELS C. BUESSEM "Nick" Persuasive speaker . . . deep resonant voice .. . "let's keep it down" .. . God's gift to women. Fool ball 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Junior Plays 3; A Cappello 4; Boys Glee Club 3, 4; Studenl Council 4; Hall Patrol 4; Home Room President 3; Boy's Athletic Club 3, 4-President 3; District Trnck 3; Stale Track 3; Pageanl Writing Committee 4.


BARBARA ANNI BUTLER "Barby" Strawberry blonde music, music . . . knowledge is power . .. "I've got too much to do/' Hockey 2, 3, -4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2, 3, 4; Bas,aball 2; Maroon and Gray Staff 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4-Accompanist 4; Ten Tones Accompanist 4; Boys Glee Club Accompanist 4; Girls Glee Club Accompanist 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3; Junior Red Cross Council 2, 3, 4-Treasurer 3-Presidenl 4; Religiou,s Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Vice-President 2; Girls Leaders Club 2, 3, 4; A. A. U. W. Award 3; VFW Essay Award 3; Pageant Writing Committee 4. DAVID C:HISMAN "Dave" Warner Bros. prolege . , . constantly busy ... his smile is as loose as a slide rule , , . "That'll be a cold day in ---." Track 2, 3, 4; A Cappello 3, 4; Polka Dots 3, 4; Religious Education 4; Hall Patrol 4; Radio Club 3; Science Club 4; Junior Historian Club 2; Student Council.

ROGER EDWARD BUTLER "Boots" Farmer-to-be .. . sleep is sweet lo the laboring man .. . "Are we going on a field trip?" Boy's Glee Club 3; Home Room President 2; Future Farmers of America 2, 3, 4. JOHN ARTHUR CLARK "John" Trailer sales Crosley strong armed . . . always around when there's a job to be done. Religious Education 3, 4; Future Farmers of America 3, 4Sentinel 4; Transferred from Everett Southern Joint High School 3.

ROBERT C. BYERS "Bob" Silent but intelligent . . . history whiz . . . "Way Ito go." Religious Educ:ation 3; Future Farmers of America 3, 4-VicePresidenl 3-Tr,easurer 4; Transferred from Harmony Joint School 3. CAROLYN ANN CLINEFELTER "Ziggy" Car holds fifteen white bucks . . . brown, brown . . . imitates Lump Lump the sheik . .. "I don't care." Hockey 2, 3; Basketball 2; Baseball 2; Girls Glee Club 2, 3; Junior Red Cross Council 2; G. A. A. 2, 3, 4-Secrelary 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Vice-President 2; Home Room Trnasurer 4; Girls Sports Club 2, 3; Vice-President 3; Dramatic,; Club 4.

JOHN J. CALLENBACH "Tim" I like work. It fascinates me. I could sit and look al it for hours . . . tortures cats . . . comments that fit the occasion .. . "I pledge allegiance to Boalsburg .11

Soccer 2, 3, ,4; Wrestling 3, 4; Boy's Glee Club 2, 3; Religious Education 2; Home Room Vice-President 3; Boy's Athletic Club 3, 4; Hi-Y 2; Student Council 4. JOHN M. COLE "John" Detests English ... big help in the Polka Dolls .. . "We'll be put in Whitehill Reformatory." "You're just tryin~~ to be nice ." Football 2, 3, 4-Captain 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; District Wrestling 3, 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Polka Dots 4; Boys Glee Club 3; Hall Patrnl 4; Home Room President 2; Home Room Vice-President 4; Boys Athletic Club 2, 3; Hunting and Fishing Club 4.

LORETTA MARIE: CASSELBERRY "Loretta" Blonde little rebel . . . Hillbilly records . . . laughs until she cries . . . hark, the gentle lark. Girl's Glee Club 4; Religious Education 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Transferred from Prini:elon, West Virginia, 4. LESLIE LEE CONFER "Bugs" Found in Warner Bros. Theaters .. . hikes up Mount Nittany ... potato chip man. Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hunting and Fishing Club 3; Science Club 4,


"Katy" Post House belle ... life of ease . . . brightens the corner where you ore . Tri-Hi -Y 4; Dancing Club 2, 3; Future Homemakers of America 4.


"Tom" Eats candy in English class .. . projectors . .. window washer ... "Yeah!" Pro,jectors Club 2, 3, 4; Secretary-Treasurer 4.


"Jo" A friend in need is a friend indeed ... her lips are quiet but her w it is sharp . . . " I'm just my usual asmatic self." Bowling 3; Piper 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Junior Plays 3; Thespian Plays 3; Thespians 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Treasurer 2; Dramatics Club 2, 3.


"Joey" A place for everything faithful . . . cookie baker .. . Some people are friendly because they have to be,-others because they can't help ii. Basketball 2, 3, 4-Honorary Varsity 2, 3; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4-Section Leade,r 4; Ten Tones 3, 4; Band 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; G. A. A. 3, 4-Vice-Presidenl 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Class Treasurer 2; Girls Sports Club 2, 3; Dramatics Club 4; Future Teachers of America 4; Thespians 4. CHERYL JOANNE DAVIS

"Donnie" Speaks with a smile ... soft yet husky voice . . . loves lo horse around . . . "Well,


now- 路 !"

Football 4 ; Soccer 3, 4; Boy's Glee Club 3; Future Farmers of America 2, 3-President 2-Vice President 3; Hunting and Fish ing Club 4 . BERGLIOT DeJUHASZ "Sari" Senior beauty . . . skiing foend .. . potential linguist . . . bubbles with happiness "Really?" "Big laugh ." Hoc:key 4; Bowling 4; Badminton 4; Maroon and Gray 4; G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Pageant Writing Commillee 4; Transferred from Heidelberg, Germany, 4. SARI

RALPH S. CRYDER "Ralph" Mr. Executive . . . scotch plaids . . . conscientious . . . holds up the tenor section . . . "Let's have a party ." Football 2, 3; Baseball 4; Wrestling 2, 4; Track 2; District Wrestling 2; Maroon and Gray Staff 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4Second Leader 4; Polka Dots 3, 4; Boy's Glee Club 3, 4; Band 2; Student Council 4; Religious Education 4; Hall Patrol 4; Class President 4; Boys Athletic Club 2, 3, 4-Secretary 2, 3; Dis路 trict Track 2; Singers 3; Pageant Writing Commillee 4 . CAR01LE DENNISTON "Carole" Ske tches animals and children . . . her kindness wins many friends . . . known for her lillle song book . . . "Oh, neat." Ho ckey 2, 3; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2, 3; Piper 2, 3, 4; Maroon and Gray Staff 4; Junior Plays 3; Girls Glee Club 2, 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Thespians 3, 4; Religious Education- 2, 3, 4; Home Room Vice-President 2; Home Room Secretary 3; Girls Sports Club 3; Arts and Craft Club 4; Sketching Club 2; A. A. U. W. Award 3.

"Dee" Always combing her hair ... '52 Studebaker . . . nature has given us two ears but only one mouth ... "So help me!" "Boy I thought I'd pop!" Bowling 2; Piper 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Junior Plays 3; Thespians 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Future Homemakers LLOYD L. DILLS "Lloyd" Often seen around the Stale College Creamery . . . gave Mr. Shade! a hard time? . . . " Just wail until graduation, then I' ll really be living ." Football 2; Hunting and Fishing Club 2, 3, -4.



ELLYN ANN D<:>TY "Eddie" Likes to write letters, sing, and embroider . . . fast walker . . . If there isn't excitement she w ould make it . . . "Hey, you know what?" Basketball 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Junior Plays; Thespian Plays 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Girls Glee Club Accompanist 3; ligious Educatic,n 2, 3, 4; Home Room Treasurer 2, 3; Girls Sports Club 3, .4; Sketching Club 2-Secretary 2; future Teach ers of America ,4; Thespians 4. MARJORY ANN FLENNER "Marge" A whiz in ma th and English , . . peppy . .. has a sparkle in her eye , , . "Be quiet, I want tc, study ." Maroc,n and Gray 4; Girls Glee Club 2, 4; Religious Educa tion 2, 3,, 4; Tri -Hi-Y 4; Dramatics Club 2, 3.

JOSEPH HENRY EBERLY "Joe" All great men are dead and I' m not feeling well .. . tall and dark . .. true scholar, keeps his mind off the other kind of figures ... tennis. Basketball 2, 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4; State and District Tennis 3, 4; A Cappello 2, :3; Religious Education 4; Home Room Treasurer 2; Science Club 3, 4; President 4; Slide Rule Club 2-Vice President 2; A. A. U. W. Aw ard 3; Pageant Writing Committee 4- Chairman 4. SHERMAN P. FOGG "Pete" Pole vaulter . . . talks only when necessary , , . 1960 olympic gymnast. Footbc,II 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Boys Athletic Club 2, 3 ,4; Boys Gle,e Club 3, 4; Home Room Treasurer 2, 3 .

ANN FARRELL " Ann " A w onderful kid . . . helpful to others . . . sports shark . . . "Oh ye children of little faith!" "Don't panic." Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2 ,3; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Maroon and Gray 4-Business Manager 4; Junior Plays 3; A Cappello 3, 4; Girls Glee Club 2, 3-VicePresident 4; G . A. A. l, 2, 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Girls Leaders Club 2, 3, 4; Thespians 4. HELEN ANN FORBES "Minki" Cute cheerleader . . . ruled by her heart . .. loves to sing . . . " Hey!" Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3-Honorary Varsity 3; Bowling 2, 3; Baseball 2; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Junior Plays 3; A Cappello 2, 3, 4-Section leader 4; Ten Tones 4; Girls Glee Club 3, 4-Vice-President 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 4; Class Secretary 2; Girls Leaders Club 2, ,1, 4; Badminton 3; Thespians 4.

MILTON FERGUSON "Milt" His dwelling place is Pe Ro's . . . his intelligence is hidden under a mask of humor . . . "Sa ve your Confederate money; the South w ill ri se again." Religious Educa tion 4; Home Room Treasurer 4; Boys Athletic Club 3; Huntin!1 and Fishing Club 4; Transferred from George School 3. RUTH VIOLA FOSTER "Sis" Has that innocent look after pulling c, joke . . . pastime, R&D's. Student Council 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Future Homemakers c,f America 2; future Business Leaders of America 3, 4Secretar:y 3.

HUMMEL ROSS FISHBURN "Fish" Gestures with his hands while talking .. . can make anyone laugh but himself . . . his future beats with drumlike clearness ... "Lets take a gander." Golf 2; Tenn is Manager 3; Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Section Leader 4; Librarian 2; Band 2, 3, 4; District Band 2, 3, 4; Jc,zz Band 2; Christian Youth Council 3, 4; Treasurer 4; Religiou,s Education 4; Hall Patrol 4; Home Room President 2, 3; Slide Rule Club 2; A. A. U. W. 3. EMMA l.ORRAINE GARBRlCK


Philosophies . . . ar-

tist ... mischievous . .. "That just irks me."

Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Future Business Leaders of America 2, 4--Secretary 3; Dancing Club 3-Vice-President.


DONALD EUGENE GATES "Don" Mr. Touchdown S. C.H. S. . . . the great lover . .. Marengo flash. Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 4; Baseball 3; Hall Patrol 4; Home Room Presid,mt 4; Home Room Vice-President 2, 3; Boys Athletic Club 2, 3; Hunting and Fishing Club 4 . WILLIAM ROBERT HALL "Bill" Everybody's friend . . . gym 路 nasties . . . skiing . . . odd noises at odd times . . . "Spread out in a bunch."

Track 4; A Cappello 4; Boys Glee Club 4; Librarian 4; Transferred from Bellefonte, 4.

GILBERT GHANER "Gib" Projectors booth . . . seen at the five and dime ... Rockey's buddy. Projector's Club 2, 3, 4. BUTLER HAMILTON


Hunter . .. always wise crack-

ing . .. never whispers.

Hunting and Fishing Club 2; Future Farmers of America 3, 4.

PATRICIA R. GILLILAND "Pat" Of stature tall . .. happy smile for everyone ... "Oh! Why!" .. . "Oh, my goodness ." Girl's Glee Club 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Future Home路 makers of America 2; Future Business Leaders of America 4Secretary 4 . BARBill.RA JANE HARPSTER "Jane" Solemn . . . good basketball player . . . it's quality not quantity that matters. Religious Education 4; Future Homemakers of America 3; Future Business Leaders of America 4; Junior Historian Club 2.

ROBERT LEE GILLILAND "Bob" Tractor driving champ .. . good looks are an asset to any man . Wrestling 2; Future Farmers of America 2, 3, 4-President 4. JAMES HARPSTER "Monk" Mania for guns and .hunting . . . works at a service station . . . the devil and fun go hand in hand . Horne Room President 2; Hunting and Fishing Club 2, 4.

MARCIA HAI.AIKO "Marcy" Brown eyed blonde ... horseback rider and swimmer . .. loves to sing . .. to act is to live. Basketball 4; Religious Education 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Transferred from Harrisburg, 4. ELIZAIBETH JEAN HENRY


Tall and stately . . . honey .

colored hair . .. Einstein brains . .. "Seriously?"

Hockey 2, 3, 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Band 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Girls Leaders Club 3, 4; Girls Sports Club 2; A. A. U. W. Award 3.


"Sunshine" A wonderful inventionthe telephone . .. never raises her voice . .. happy and carefree . Girls Glee Club 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Future Busine ss Lead e rs of America 4; Dramatics Club 3.


"Barb" Little housekeeper . . . loud laughter .. . "Oh slop it." Girls Glee Club 3, 4; Junior Red Cross Council 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Girls Sports Club 3, 4; Future Homemakers of Ameri,:a 2.


"Jim" Known for his repartee ... is looked up to . . . his humorous faces make us laugh ... "Mercy." Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4 ; Track 2, 3, 4; A Cappe llo 2, 3, 4; Polka Dots 3, 4; Boys Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council Vice-President 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Class Vice-President 3; Boys Athletic Club 2, 3; Hunt'ng and Fishing Club 4.


"Houtz" Quiet till you get him going a huntinÂŁ1 we will go . . . mechanically minded . Home Room Vice-President 3; Hunting and Fishing Club 2; Radio Club 4.


"Ted" Buick . . . what do you do in the projection booth ... "Any type of pictures developed here." Baseball 2, 3, 4; Boys Glee Club 2, 3; Projectors Club 2, 3, 4.


"Bob" Blonde hair . . . the strong silent type .. . javelin thrower . . . sports enthusiast . Football 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Projectors Club 2, 3, 4.


"Curly" Buick coupe . . . never a worry ... "Hey you guys." Basketball 2; Boys Athletic Club 2, 3, 4.


GEORGE M. HUMPHREY "George" , .. gruesome imagination ... silence

The great cartoonist . .. shows

thinking ... "Is


taking a fit?" Soccer 4; Track 2; Tennis 2, 3; Piper 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 3, 4; Junior Plays 3; Thespian Play 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Polka Dots 4; Thespians 3, 4; Treasurer 4; Religious Education 3, 4; Scie nce Club 4; Pageant Writing Committee 4.

LOIS JEAN HOOK "Jeannie" Always has an answer ... waitress . .. "W'ho told you so? 11 Girl s Glee Club 2; Religious Education 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3; Dancing Club 2. DONALD L. JACKSON

" Joe" Short order cook at the Dutch Pantry . . . always having fun . .. "Nice." Socce r 4; Basketball Manager 2; Future Farmers of America Basketball 2, 3; Future Farmers of America 2, 3; Hunting and Fishing Club 4; Wrestling 4.


JOSEPH B. JOHNSTONBAUGH "Joe" Dear ol' Stormstown , , . look for him in the projectors' booth . . . the world was made for fun and frolic . Projectors Club 2, 4. WILLIAM R. KOCHER "Bill" Bottomless stomach ... changeable green eyes ... "Don't say it unless you mean it." Fo<>tball 2, 3; Basketball 2, 3; Baseball 2; Boys' Glee Club 3, 4; President 4; Junior Red Cross Council 2; Religious Education :2, 3; Home Room Pres ident 3, 4; Home Room Vice President 2, 3; Boys' Athletic Club 4; Hunting and Fishing Club 2, 3.

GEORGE F. JORDAN "Junior" Soda jerker at Mclanahans .. , plays pool ... "Hurrah for Home Ee." Religious !Education 2, 3, 4; Projectors Club 2. DAVID ALVIN KREBS "Dave" Never quiet . . . always a different car. "Are study halls for study ing?" Wrestling Manager 2; Religious Education 2, 3; Hunting and Fishing Club 2; Future Farmers of America 3, 4.

BARBARA LC>UISI! KESTER "Barb" Striking eyes . .. proficient in bookkeeping and shorthand ... "Hello, how are you." Maroon and Gray 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Future !Homemakers of America 2. GRAC:E A. KUHN "Grace" Nothing disturbs her . . . likes soft drinks ... "Studying, what's that?" Bowling 3, 4; Girls' Glee Club 2, 3; Band 2, 3; Religious Edu. cation 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 3, 4; Future Homemakers of America 2.

PATRICIA LOUISE KLINE "Pat" Vivacious . . . one of Boalsburg's better ... lends a helping hand. Hockey 3; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Dramatics Club 4; Maroon cmd Gray 4; A Cappello 3, 4; Girls Glee Club 2, 3, 4-President 4; Band 4; Student Council 3, 4-Secretary 3; Religious Education 3, 4; Home Room Secretary 2, 3, 4; Girls Sports Club 2, 3. JOETTA M. LAING "Jody" Never perturbed . .. the source of beauty is the heart ... twinkling eyes .. . "Golly." Hockey 4; Bowling 3, 4; Badminton 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Junior Plays 3; Thespian Play 4; Thespian 3, 4; Junior Red Cross Council 3; G. A. A. 3, 4; Religious Education 3, 4; Home Room Secretary 3; Dramatics' Club 3; Secretary 3; Slide Rule Club 4; Treasurer 4; Pageant Writing Committee 4; Transferred from Kittanning, Pennsylvania, 3.

WILLIAM FRANCIS KNEBEL, JR. "Rebel" Studies on the sly . . . takes fit:s . . . "Swell" ... "What's the gist of it?" Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Track 2, 3 ,4; District Track 2; Student Council 3; Religious Education 2, 3; Home Room President 2, 4; Home Room Vice President 3; Boys' Athletic Club 2, 3, 4; President 4; Wrestling 4. DONALD EUGENE LEE "Lefty" Slick dresser . . . comes from God's country .. . straight faced joker. football 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Piper 2, 3; Maroon and Gray 3; Boys' Glee Club 3; Band 2; Christian Youth Council 4; Religious Education 4; Hall Patrol 3, 4; Home Room Vice President 3; Hi-Y 3, 4; President 4; Slide Rule Club 2.


"Helen" Rollerskoting and basketball enthusiast .. . a peppy friend ... "Do you feel well?" Band 2, 3; Religious Education 4; Future Business Leaders of America 4; Future Homemakers of America 2, 3; Basketball 2. HELEN L. LENTVORSKY

WERNl:R路 MAIER "Werner" Hike r . .. plays a guitar .. . lin guist . .. cheerful ... the age of chivalry is not gone

"Yah.1' Home Room Vice President 4; Photography Club 4; Student Council 4; Transferred from Berlin, Germany.

"Reggie" Whistles while he works ... smiling eyes ... classical music ... ardent Democrat. Maroon and Gray 4; Photography Club 2, 3, 4; Secretary 4.


JOYCE A. MARKLE "Joyce" Seamstress and waitress good taste in clothes . . . Let's go square dancing "He's sweet."' Reli11ious Education 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Basketball 2; Badminton 2; Future Business Leaders of Americ:a 4; Student Council 4,

"Zema" Amateur psychologist ... laughter brightens the world . . . (That's pretty corny-Z. L.) "Do you have a little pain?" Bowling 2, 3; Piper 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Junior Plays 3; Thespian Play 4; A Cappello 4; G:rls' Glee Club 2, 3; Thespian 3, 4; Jun ior Red Cross Council 3, 4; Student Council 4; Chris路 lion Youth Council 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Vice President 3; Arts and Crafts Club 4; Sketching Club 2; Dramatics Club 3.: Future Teachers of America 4. ZOMA LOY LONG

"Sandra" A green thumb logical answers . . . cheery eyes and a happy smile are hers . . . "Oh, don't worry." Basketball 2, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; District Chorus 4; Singers 3; Ten Tones 3, 4; Orchestra 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 2, 3; Arts and Crafts Club 4; President 4; A. A. U. W. Award 3; Pageant Writing Comm ittee 4. SANDRA PATRICIA MAYES

"Pat" Never angry .. . sin路 cere . .. good natured ... "Holy mackerall" Girls' Glee Club 2, 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi -Y 3, 4; Future Homemakers of America 2.


ERNEST McCHESNEY, JR. "Junior" Boards in Kemmerer', office . . . study halls are for sleep . . . be merry for life is short. Junior Plays 3; Thesp :an Play 3; Hall Patrol 4; Hunting and Fishing Club 2; Future Farmers of America 3, 4.

"Jack" Thinks before he speaks leaves the girls for Joe Eberly ... good looks and bra.ins are

JOHN ROBERT MADORE a rare combination.

Wrestl in g 2; Science Club 4; Vice President 4; Slide Rule Club 2. "Barb" Efficient typist diamonds are a girl's best friend .. . a smile along the way, leads to happiness. Girl s' Glee Club 2; Religious Education 4; Future Homemakers of America 3; Future Business Leaders of America 2, 4.



ROBERT PETER MEAHL, JR. "Bob" Red-headed saxophonist .. , as brilliant as his hair ... bleep . . . it's fun to have fun . . . "I live in the band room." Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; District Band 3, 4; Jazz Band 2, 3, 4; Presid ent 4; Christian Youth Council 4; Pr esident 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 2; Slide Rule Club 3; Music Theory Club 4; A. A. U. W . Award 3; Student Council 4; Pageant Writing Committee 4. A. LOUISE MOTHERSBAUGH "Squezer" Football results in broken legs ... Hep-a-long Cassidy .. . "Opps, lost my head ." A Cappello 3; Girls' Glee Club 2, 3; Band 2, 3; Student Council 3; Religious Education 2; Tri-H i-Y 4; Future Homemakers of America 2, 3; Flag Twirling 2, 3; Future Business Leaders of America 4.

l<ATHRYN METZ "Kay" Animal lover ... bowls like a pro ... writes at any hour ... shortens everyone's name ... "Gee gosh!" Hockey 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Junior Plays 3; Thespian Play 4; Th espian 3, 4; Home Room Vice President 4; Girls' Leaders Club 4; Dramatics Club 3; Future Teachers of America 4; Pageant Writing Committee 4; Junior Red Cross Council 4; Transferred from Lewistown, Pennsylvania, 3. LESLIE R. MOYER "Les" City farmer . . . shrugs shoulders and replies, "I don't know." . .. "I'm bashful." Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; District Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Future Farmers of America 2, 3, 4; Secretary 4.

CAROLYN FRl~NCES MILLER "Carol" Year round sun tan slenderella ... where there's devilment there's Carol ... "It just went zoom." Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Piper 2; Maroon and Gray 2, 4; Handbook Staff 2; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Band 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Treasurer 3; Girls' Leaders Club 2, 3, 4. STEARLING B. MOYER "Stearl" Draws with large, confident strokes ... teases unceasingly . . . "That's what you think." Football 2, 3, 4; A Cappella 2; . Boys' Glee Club 2, 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Boys' Athletic Club 2; Hunting and Fishing Club 3, 4.

C. RICHARD MORGAN "Mossy" Famous blush ... keeps the Polka Dots on pitch .. . cream of the crop ... That's neat!" Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4, A Cappello 2, 3, 4; President 4; Polka Dots Accompanist 4; Boys' Glee Club 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Treasurer 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Home Room Vice President 3, 4; Boys' Athlet ic Club 4; Class Vice President 4. HENRY C. MUSSER "Mud" Jerry Lewis, Jr . . . . philatelist witty retorts. Soccer 3, 4; A Cappella 2, 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3路 Home


Vice Pres ident 2, 3; Home Room

Treasurer 2;

Huntin13 and Fishing Club 2.

JUDITH ELIZABETH MORISETTE "Judy" Perennial tease . . . almost blonde hair . . . captivating smile . . . good natured ... " Isn't that路 neat." Hockey 2; Piper 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Handbook Staff 2; Junior Plays 3, Student Council 3, Junior Red Cross Council '2; Christian Youllh Council 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Secretary 2, 3; Home Room Treasurer 2, 4; Girls' Sports Club 2, 3; Treccsurer 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Baseball 2. JOHN NEWTON ing ... trumpet Football 3, 4; Student Council

MUSSER "Jack" Favorite occupation, teasplayer ... "Ahhh ." "Hi Sweetheart." Junior Plays 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band 4; 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hall Patrol

4; Home Room Vice President 2; Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Treasurer 3,

Vice President 4.


RICHARD NORTON "Snort" "Where're my glasses?" .. . loves to have fun ... tennis pro. Football 2, 3., 4; Wrestling 2, 3; D,strict Wrestling 2; Tennis 3, 4; District Tennis 3, 4; State Tennis 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Home Room Secretary 2; Dramatics Club 2, 3; S:ide Rule Club 4; Secret,,ry 4; A. A. U. W Award 3; Pageant Writing Committee 4. JACQUEILINE PETERS "Jacque" Will do anything on a dare . . . devilish grin . . . plugged keyhole . . . "Seriously now."

Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3; Badminton 2; Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappelia 4; Girls ' Glee Club 3, 4; Secretary 4; Section

leader 4; Student Council 3; Religious Education 2, 3, ,4; Class Treasure 1r 4; Home Room Secretary 2; Home Room Treasurer 3;

Girls' Sports Club 2, 3; President 2; Band 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 4.

THOMAS M. O'HARA "Tom" Dark, good looks ... the spirit of the fighting Irish ... "You'd look good on crutches." ... "Okay, okay. 11 Football 2, 3., 4; Baskeiball 2; Baseball 3; A Cappello 3, 4; Boys' Glee Club 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Treasurer 2; Bo)'s' Athletic Club 2, 3 ,4. MARGARET SUSAN PIERCE "Susan" Free kittens . . . gets excited c,t wrestling meets . .. "Coming lo my hen party tonight?"'

Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3; Bowl:ng 2; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Band 2; Student Council 2; G. A. A. 2, 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3; Girls' Sports Club 3, 4.

KENNETH R. PAHEL "Kenny" Philosopher ... "I was waltzing with -----" . .. 11 Fore 11 • • • 11 Gee, I don't knov,.' 1 Wrestling 3, Golf 2, 3, 4; District Golf 3; State Golf 3; Piper 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Thespian Play 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; District Chorus 3; Student Council 2; Christian Youth Council 3; Religious Education 2, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Class President 2; Radio Club 2; Science Club 4; Slide Rule Club 3; Singers 3. reliJAMES 'T, RALEIGH "Jim" Walking encyclopedia able .. .. lighting and radio expert . .. "Well now, I don't know." Fooibc,II 2, 3; Track 2, 3 ,4; District Track 2, 3; Piper 2; Junior Plays 3; Thespian Play 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3., 4; District Orchestra 2; Student Council 2 ,4; Thespian 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 2, 4; Junior Historian Club 2, 3; A. A. U. W. Award 3; Science Club 4; Pageant Writing Committee 4 .

DONALD E. PALMER "Drifty'' Dark hair . . . gymnastics ... likes to ride in j,eeps. Football 2; Track 2; Boys' Glee Club 2; Religious Education 2; Boys' Athletic Club 2; Hunting and Fishing Club 3. PATRICIA VAN DYKE RAMSEY "Pat" Laugh and the whole world laughs with you ... "Music is the universal language." •••


lsn·1t that terr:fic!"

Piper 2; A Cappello 2, 3; Secretary 3; Band 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Di,;trict Orchestra 2, 3; District Chorus 3; Singers 3; Religious Education 4; Class Vice President 2; Home Room Vice President 2; Debate Club 2; Dramatics Club 3; Music Theory 4; Vice President 4; Pageant Writing Committee 4.

MARY E. PAPE "Mary" Jokes with a straight face .. . faithful friend . . . companionable ... "I'll never tell." ... 'Don't be bitter." Hockey 2; e,asketball 2; Bowling 3, 4; Badminton 2, 4; Maroon and Giray 4; Junior Plays 3; Thespian Play 4; Student Council 4; Junior Red Cross Council 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 2, 3; Arts and Crafts Club 4; Thespian 4 KENNETIH RUSSEL REARICK "Russ" His words are few the rabbits hide when he goes hunting ... sideburns. Future Farmers of Amer:ca 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4.


JANET TEMPLETON REID "Janet" Never seen without a flower or a pin . .. Thrives on responsibility . . . a born organizer . .. "let me see now!" Piper 2, 3, 4; Editor in Chief 4; Junior Plays 3; Thespian Play 3; Girls' Glee Club 2, 3; Student Council 3, 4; Thespian 3, 4; Christian Youth Council 2, 3, 4; Secretary 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Class Treasurer 3; Debate Club 2; Library Assis!ant 3, 4; President 4; A. A. U. W. Award 3; Drnrnatics Club 4; President 4 . .JEAN LOUISE ROBINSON "Jeanne" Draws costumes . . . o smile is worth more than a hundred frowns . . . "Whatcha doing?" Girls' Glee Club 2, 4; Accompanist 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 2; Sketching Club 2, 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4.



Country gentleman . . . tinkers with

cars . .. "Just give me a motor bike, I'll make it."

Christian Youth Council 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Future Farmers of America 2, 3, 4; Reporter 4. RON.ll,LD M. ROCKEY "Ronny" Always ready with a comment . . . generally speaking he's generally speaking . .. to win you must have the will. Football 2, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; District Track 2, 3; State Track 3; Future Farmers of America 2, 3, 4.

BARBARA ANN RICE "Barb" Loves dogs and books ... types everything .. . pretty blush . .. sincerity leads to success. Christian Youth Council 3, 4; Religious Education 3, 4; TriHi-Y 4; Future Business Leaders of America 3; Dancing Club 2. LEWIS SCOTT ROSCOE "Louie" Startling remarks artistic .. ,. sharp wit ... potential architect. Soccer 4; Wrestling 3; Track 2; Tennis 3, 4; Piper 2, 3; Junior Pl<ly 3; Thespian Play 3; Thesp:an 3, 4; A Cappella 2, 3, 4; Polka Dots 3, 4; Band 2; District Chorus 2, 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Horne Room President 2, 3; Horne Room Vice President 2; Horne Room Treasurer 2; Hunting and Fishing Club 2; Slide Rule Club 3; Science Club 4; Treasurer 4; A. A. U. W. Award 3; Singers 3.

BENNETT RICHARDS "Benny" Mr. Shadel's star student ... the kid from Cuba . . . swears in Spanish ... 11 women? 11 Junior Play 3; Thespian Play 4; A Cappella 3, 4; Slide Rule Club 2; President 2. ROBERT ELLIOTT SAUERS "Bob" The mighty hunter . . . swift as the wind ... the strong, silent type. Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2; Track 2, 3, 4; District Track 2, 3, 4; State Track 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hall Patrol 3, 4; Horne Room President 2, 3; Horne Room Vice President 4; Horne Room Treasurer 2; Hunting and Fishing Club 4; President 4.

JAMES M. RILEY "Jim" Plays pool at the Academy . . . "Shuffle the cards" . . . it's fun to have fun when you get the hang of it. Religious Education 2; Hunting and Fishing Club 2; Slide Rule 3 DORIS JEAN SEILER "Jeannie" Strum that uke . .. darling smile ... "These lab experiments get me down." Hockey 2, 3; Basketball 2, 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2; Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappella 2, 3, 4; Band 2; Junior Red Cross Council 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 2, 3; Future Teachers of America 4; Drarnat:cs Club 4; Thespian 4.


BARBARA J. SHIARER "Babs" Sweet and shy . . . a smile says more than a dozen words . . . "Please won't you help me?" Band 2; Orch,estra 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Tri-H i-Y 3, 4; Future Homemakers of America 2. DIANE VIRGINIA SMITH "Diane" Almost constantly g'ggling ... hard cider .. . dimples . . . "That's not one bit funny." Hockey 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2; Girls' Glee Club 2, 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 2, 3; Dramatics Club 4.

ELEANOR LOU SHOEMAKER "Eleanor" Makes it to Pine Grove in record time . . . music wherever she goes "No Kidding?" Hockey 3; Basketball 2, 3; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Section Leader 3, 4; Ten Tones 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; District Orchestra 3; Dislrict Chorus 3; Jazz Band 2, 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Treasurer 3, Girls' Sports Club 2, 3; Music Theory 4; Secretary 4; Singers 3. GEORGE L. SMITH "George" Magician . . . an ear for music .. , he can change a straight face into a laughing one any day .. . "Ready, wrestle." Wrestling 3, 4; District Wrestling 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Thespian Play 4; A Cappello 3, 4; Vice President 4; Band 3, 4; District B,and 4; Jazz Band 3, 4; Student CounC:I 3, 4; Thespian 3, 4; Vice President 4; Religious Education 3, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Class President 3; Slide Rule Club 3; Vice President 3; Boys' Athletic Club 4; Pageant Writing Committee 4; Transferred from St. France,s Preparatory, York, Pennsylvania, 3.

EDNA MARLENE SHUEY "Mar" A smile and a laugh are two of a girls best a,;sets ... can shoot that basket . .. "Let's go to the movies!" Girls' Glee Club 2; Religious Education 2; Future Homemakers of America 2, 3; Baseball 2 , MARLENE: SMITH "Smitty" All-round athlete . . . who said the weaker sex? .. . 11 Let 1 s have a good game tonight." Hockey路 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Honorary Varsity 2, 3; Bowling 3, 4; Badminton 2 ,3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Religious Education 4; Girls' Leaders Club 4; President 4; Baseball 2.

BETTY SIMCO "Betty" Disgusted but loyal Pirate fan .. . good cook . .. r,eal brain .. . "Howdy." Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Future Business Leaders of America 2, 3; Treasurer 2. PHILIP D. SMOCK "Philip" Never hurries . .. "Nice going" ... "Andi the school burned down." Boys' Glee Club 3; Religious Education 3, 4; Boys' Athletic Club 3, 4; Vice President 4; Transferred from Kiski Preparatory, Pennsylvcmia, 4.

PATRICIA LOUISE SKINNER "Pat" Comic books . .. her face is always ready to smile ... "I think he's cute." Orchestra 2, 3; Christian Youth Council 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y :I, 4; Sketching Club 2. BARBAR路A. LORRAINE SNYDER "Barb" One man woman "I can't stand walking, give me a good old car" . . . "let's skip and go to Bellefonte." Bowling 3; Girls' Glee Club 3, 4; Band 2, 3; Orchestra 2; Jun ior Red Cross Council 2, 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 3; Future Homemakers of America 2; Future Business Leaders of America 4; Basketball 2.


WILLIAM STODDART "Bill" At home on the hardwood ... "The bell will adjourn with the ringing of the assembly." . .. "That's the wranchiest thing I ever heard." Football 2, 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Golf 2, 3; District Golf 3; A Cappello 2, 3; Vice President 3; Boys' Glee Club 2; Student Council 4; President 4; Junior Red Cross Council 2; Rel igious Education 2, 3, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Home Room Secretary 2; Home Room Treasurer 3; Boys' Athletic Club 3; Hunting and Fishing Club 2; Slide Rule Club 4; President 4; Baseball 4. MONA JEAN SWEET "Mona" Mathematics comes naturally . . . intelligent . . . just what her name implies, sweet "Oh.1'

Hockey 4; Girls' Glee Club 4; Band 2; Orchestra 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3; Girls' Sports Club 4; Slide Rule Club 2.

ELISABETH MARIE SULLIVAN "Bebe" Beautiful red hair .. . blows a french horn . . . defender of cats . . . "Gee Whiz." Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 2, 4; Junior Play 3; Thespian Play 4; Girls' Glee Club 2; Band 2, 3, 4; Thespian 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 4. l YNWOOD ROWE TEAMAN "Lynn" Mechanical troubles .. . ,,I've got another Car ." Football 2; Wrestling 2; Baseball 2; Religious Education 4; Hunting and Fishing Club 2; Projectors Club 3, 4.

PAULA JEAN SUNDAY "Paula" lpana smile . .. talkative . . . understanding . . . "Nine chances out of ten ." A Cappell,a 2, 3, 4; Girls' Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Section Leader 4; Student Council 4; Junior Red Cross Council 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Class Vice President 3; Home Room Secretary 2, 3, 4; Gids' Sports Club 2, 3; Future Teachers of America 4; Dramatics Club 4; Badminton 2. KENNETH T. THOMAS, JR. "Tinkie" Grease paint in his blood ... Gene Kelly, Jr .... talent plus ... he's just a scream .. . gels first chair everywhere. Track 2, 3, 4; District Track 3; Maroon and Gray 4; Junior Play :3; Thespian Play 3, 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Section Leader 4; District Chorus 3; Singers 3; Polka Dots 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Secretary-Treasurer 3; President 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; District Orche,stra 3, 4; District Band 2, 3, 4; Jazz Band 3, 4; Student Counc:il 2, 3, 4; Thespian 2, 3, 4; President 4; Hall Patrol 4; Dram,atics Club 2, 3; President 2, 3; Music Theory 4; Pageant Writing Committee 4; Future Teachers of America 4.

JERRY L. SUNDY "Jerry" Jokester .. . knows how to swing the wheel . .. "Com' on now you guys, we have work to do ." Projectors Club 2, 4; Vice President 4. RONNIE EDWARD THOMAS "Spider" Favorite pastimes: watching television and playing pool . . . whiz at talking backwards .. . mischievous grin. Gollf 2, 3; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Hunting and Fishing Club 2.

HOWARD T. SWANK "Tom" Curly hair .. . "Let' s mount the Willy's Ford ." . .. "Let's not be frivolous." . .. "Ever see a hoop snake?" Soccer 2, 3, 4; Home Room President 3; Projectors Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4. BARBARA ANN TRAVIS "Barb" Dislikes school in general . .. sieamstress .. . likes sports . .. 11 Aw? It never happened ." Future Homemakers of America 2, 3; Treasurer 3; Baseball 2; Tri-Hi -Y 4.




Skips to go hunting ... devil's as-

sistant . .. "Let's get up a baseball game ."

Wrestling 2, 3, 4; District Wrestling 2; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room President 3; Hunting and Fishing Club 2; Future Farmers of America 3, 4. ANNE C. VAN TRIES "Anne" Mad seamstress . . . Newsuit Nan . . . "Nice one." ... A lively kid. Basketball 2, 3; Baseball 2; Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room Secretary 2; Home Roc,m Treasurer 2; Girls' Sports Club 3; Sketching Club 2; Drama l ics Club 4; Hockey 3.

THEODORE TROS,TLE "Ted" Likes math .. . friendliness paves your way through life ... "I buy and sell radio parts." Student Counc:il 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Hall Patrol 4; Radio Club 2, 3,; Science Club 4. DON KELLER VINSON


Yib's 440 man . . . The Korner

. . . "Don' t get excited."

Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; District Track 2, 3, 4; State Track 2, 3, 4; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room President 2.

THOMAS ULMER "Tom" To eat, to drink, and to be merry .. . sharp eyes ... "Oh, you don't say." Hi-Y 4; Transferred from Miami Edison, Florida, 4. DOUGLAS SPARR VONADA "Doug" Hobbies are his hobby . . . handmade wallets ... a real mechanic. Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 4; Religious Education 4; Radio Club 3; Vice President 3; Photography Club 2.

BEVERLY VAUGHN UMHOLTZ "Bev" Newcomer to this school ... good things come in small packages ... "All right, youse kids."

Reli!')ious Edurntion 4; Future Business Leaders of America 4; President 4; Transferred from West Shore. JANE A. WAITE "Janie" Friendly . . . a good egg .. . "Just get me a car, and we'll go." . .. ''What's this?" Home Room Treasurer 3; Future Farmers of America 2, 3, 4; Vice President 4.

ALICE ELIZABETHI VAN ORMER "Alice" Agreeable and useful ... accurate bowler ... "Oh gads" ... 11 1 mean----." Hockey 2, 3, 4 ; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2; Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Section Leader 4; Ten Tones 4; Band 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; District Orchestra 2, 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 3; Sketching Club 2; President 2; Music Theory 4; Basketball 2. PAUL WALKER "Paul" Blonde . . . a day in the country is worth a month in town .. . farmer in the dell. Home Room Treasurer 3; Future Farmers of America 2, 3, 4; Vice President 4.


MASON WALSH, JR. "Mase" Why should the devil have all the fun? . .. basketball shark ... fun to be with . Football 3; Basketball 3, 4; Track 3, 4; District Track 3; A Cappello 3, 4; Harne Room Vice President 3, 4; Slide Rule Club 4; Transferred from Hill School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania, 3. GEORGE MICHAEL WILLS "Mike" A hunting we will go . .. that bus ride home . . . "Ah, for the life down on the farm." Wrestling Manager 2; Religious Education 3; Hunting and Fishin11 Club 3, 4; Future Farmers of America 2.

HELEN C. WARNER "Helen" Wedding bells . .. loves hayrides . , . "Let's skip next period. Bowling 2; Religious Education 2, 3; Future Business Leaders of America 4; Future Homemakers of America 2, 3. HOWtlRD L. WINK "Buzz" Bow ties . .. cheerful sportster , . . "liill the test tube half full, nothing will happen." Soccer 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Home Room Presid,ent 3; Hunting and fishing Club 2; Projectors Club 3, 4; President 4; Religious Education 4.

CARMEN ELIZABETH WEAVER "Carmen" Red headed flag twirler . . . 11 Huh? 11 • • • "Heavens, I don 't have a temper." Girls' Glee Club 2; Junior Red Cross Council 2; Reilgious Edu cation 2, 3, 4; Home Room Secretary 2; Girls' Sports Club 3, 4; Future Homemakers of America 2; Flag Twirling 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2. KAYE MARILYN WITMER "Gus" Endless supply of clothes ... immaculate housekeeper . .. "Hey, yo'uns kids/' ... "Now doesn ' t that look nice?" Basketball 2, 3, 4; Badminton 2; Maroon and Gray 4; A Cappello 2, 3, 4; Ten Tones 4; Girls' Glee Club 3, 4; Band 2, 3; Religious Education 2, 3, 4; Home Room President 2, Home Room Secretary 3, 4; Home Room Treasurer 3; Girls' Sports Club 2, 3; Hockey 3.

JOAN RAE WILLIAMS "Jocin" Fluorescent sweaters .. . giggles while giYing a speech . .. "Just down the road a piece." Girls' Glee Club 2, 3; Religious ·Education 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Future Business Leaders of America 2. MARY E. ZEEK "Mary" A good listener is always in demand ... sweet and sincere. Religious Education 2 ,3, 4; Tri-Hi -Y 4; Future Homemakers of America . 2; Future Business Leaders of America 3.

NANCY J. WILLIAMS "Nan" Only senior majorette young and innocent ... one of the nicest .. . "What do I do now?" Hockey 4; Bowling 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 3, 4; Photography Club 2; Majorette 3, 4.



Class Will We, the class of 1953, being of sound mind and body, do hereby declare 1his to be our last will and testament. To State College High School we bequeath our loyalty and pride in her name . To the faculty we leave our sincere gratitude for their patience. To 1he freshmen, sophomore, and junior classes we leave our well worn books of knowledge, and our everlasting friendship.

I, Mary Elizabeth Anderson, will Jack Raymond's snakes to Mr. J.C. Anderson . I, Frank Baird, will my two crutches to anyone who wants them. I, Leona Barto, will my seat in chemistry class to Janet Flenner with hopes that she will get the same grade I did. I, Mary Balets, leave my pegleg to Nancy Ripka, because of unnecessary roughness in all girls' sports. I, Phyllis Baylets, leave behind my love of basketball. I, John Bischoff, leave behind my ab ility of getting name cards two months late. I, Ina Jean Bleich, will my bookkeeping ability to my younger sister, Jackie. I, Alice Breon, will my gambling "know how" to my brother. I, Nick Buessem, leave my Chug-a- Lug Championship to "Crud" Wright. I, Barbara Butler, leave the Steinway piano to Mary Grace Hoffer. I, Tim Callenbach, will my hair cut to Jerry Bruce. I, Loretta Casselberry, will my southern accent to Jo Anne Fol let. I, David Chisman, will my position in Polka Dots to anyone who is sucker enough to take it. I, John Clark, will the job of noon patrol to anyone who will take it . I, Carolyn Clinefelter, will my locker to any deserving sophomore who can keep it tidy. I, John Cole, will my grades to Keith Weaver. I, Lee Confer, will my empty shotgun shells to some hunter in the class of '54. I, Helen Corl, leave behind all my bad points. I, Joyce Cox, will my asthma to Duke Wellington who is running low.

I, Ralph Cryder, will my seat in the front row of choir to any tenor who's unlucky enough to get it next year. I, Doris Dale, will my natural curly ha ir to Marilyn Doan . I, Tommy Davidson, will my secretary-tre~surer of the Projection Club to Walter Humme l. I, Cheryl Davis, and I, Minkie Forbes, will our seventh grade peroxide bottle to Joan n ~ Cedenk. I, Sari DeJuhasz, will my many bruises from skiing to my sister Karin, to add to her lar ge collection. I, Carol Denniston, will my "questionable red hair" to Janie Gutteron. I, Lloyd Dills, will my old car to Mr. Bolto 71 . I, Ellyn Doty, leave the few right notes I sing in A Cappello to Barbara Jones. I, Joe Eberly, will my four years' Latin knowledge to Fatz Maloney. I, Ann Farrell, will my goal for the Juniors in hockey to anyone they can bribe for next year. I, Milton Ferguson, will the hub caps off my car to Jerry Harpster. I, Ross Fishburn, leave my math knowledge to Al Buffington . I, Marjory Flenner, will my morning bus rides to Mary Ellen Reid. I, Pete Fogg, will the pole vault to "Pivit Ral e igh ." I, Ruth Foster, will my social studies class to my brother, hoping he doesn't find it as boring as I did. I, Don Gates, will my curly hair to Hank Barone. I, Pat Gilliland, will all my ditto typing to Kay Jackson . I, Marcia Halaiko, will my confusion in coming to this school to any other new students. I, Bill Hall, will Miss Ball to the class of 1975.


Class Will I, Jane Harpster, will my tinyness to Arlene Warner with hopes that the sch,:,ol buys some smaller chairs. I, Jean Henry, will my "der" of "tender" to Mary Grace Hoffe r to use on some other deserving couple. I, Donna Hetrick, will my red hair to Camilla Skinner. I, Jim Holmes, will my car to AbE~'s Junkyard. We, Ted Holtzinger and Tom Swank, will our keys to Mr. Weir. I, George Homan, will my "curly" hai r to Mr . Yerg. I, Lois Hook, w ill my bad grc1des to Evelyn Swanger. I, Barbara Horner, leave my cowboying green trucks, and the ability to go through red lights to Patsy Corman . I, Bob Hoy, leave the shotput to Dick Baker, and the javelin to Bill Myers . I, George Humphrey, leave one broken fifteen watt light bulb to Mrs. Foust for mixers. I, Joe Jackson, will my number one place on the State College Police honor roll to Jike Walsh and Jerry Bruce. I, George Jordan, leave behind Clll my hours in detention hall. I, Barbara Kester, will my reckless driving to Azelda Meek and Janet Reese. I, Pat Kline, will my ability to make fruit salad at cabin parties to Anne Heiser. I, Bill Knebel, will my numerolls empty be.er bottles to Jerry Bruce. I, Grace Kuhn, leave my drivingr a little green Willy, to my cousin Cecelia, hoping she doesn't put so many dents in it as I have . I, Joetta Laing, will my strawberry crown to any future strawberry grower. I, Don Lee, leave behind my empty bottle of hair peroxide . I, Helen Lentvorsky, will all the fun I've had in shorthand class to Janet Myers . I, Reggie Lingle, will all the rabbits Bill Wild.

missed to

I, Zoma Long, will my chem partner to any future chem student who needs t\,1toring.


I, Pat Ludington, will Mrs. Shadel's vocabulary list to anyone who wants it. I, Jack Madore, will my curly hair to Bill Calderwood. I, Werner Maier, will my '53 Cadillac to Ken Pahel. I, Sandra Mayes, will my job as Photography Editor to any unfortunate underclassman. I, Junior McChesney, will my ag jacket to Shirley. I, Barbara McGhee, will all my waiting moments for my fiance to come home from the service, to the next unlucky girl. I, Bob Meahl, will the key to the band room to Pete Fishburn. I, Kay Metz, will the sincere friendship I received as a newcomer to this school to all the new students. I, Carol Miller, will my ability to get from m)' locker to home room while the bell's still ring ing to anyone who wants to stay out of .Mrs. Foust's office. I, Dick Morgan, will my "Moss" to Mr . Bolton's museum . We, Judy Morisette and Bill Kocher, will our coke and doughnuts to "Hawby" and Donny who, we are sure, will take good care of them. I, Louise Mothersbaugh, will my broken leg to any girl stupid enough to play football with her little brothers. I, Stearling Moyer, will my game of drive football to Dick Hassinger. I, Henry Musser, will my name of "Mud" to anyone who wants it. I, Jack Musser, will my seat on the football bench to Dick Stoddart. I, Dick Norton, leave any lighted firecrackers I can find to Miss Ball. I, Ken Pahel, will my golf clubs to Pete Fishburn who will carry the spirit of the team fo rward. I, Mary Pape, leave my chem partner to anyone who wants a good laugh . I, Jackie Peters, will my fun at the cabin parties to anyone who wants it. I, Susan Pierce, will my false teeth to the trophy case and Mrs. Hamill for future reference in hea Ith classes. I, James Raleigh, will to Tom Wellington the chance that he always wanted backstage .

Class Will I, Pat Ramsey, bequeath to the Music Department my fiddle and by beau . I, Ken Rearick, will home room 123 to the ninth grade . I, Janet Reid, will my editorship of the "Piper" to a deserving junior. I, Barbara Rice, leave behind my bl ush. I, Bennett Richards, leave behind rny inability to whisper. I, Jean Robinson, will my attendanc1:i record of home room 123 to anyone who can read it. I, Ronald Rockey, will my low hurdles, to "Sacky'' Lee. I, Lewis Roscoe, will my old blue je<rns to Mrs .

I, Elizabeth Sullivan, will my red hair to my brother. I, Jerry Sundy, will my vice-presidency of the Projection Clyb to "Shuey Stevens". I, Paula Sunday, will my last minute dash to the bus to my brother. I, Mona Jean Sweet, will my used and dilapidated trig book to anyone who wants it. I, Ken Thomas, will the rag tree in "Green Valley" to Bob Steele for future Thespian use. I, Ronald Thomas, will my golf ability to my brother, Clyde. I, Ted Trostle, will my solid geometry book to Charlie S. Myers.

Shad el. I, Bob Sauers, do hereby hand down my record of big game kill while in high school, of five deer, two wild turkey, and one blc1ck bear, to Bill Myers. He is expected to add his kill to this record and upon leaving high school, pass it down to a new undergrad, whom he feels worthy of possession . I, Doris Jean Seiler, will my ukelele to anyone

I, Tom Ulmer, will my nervous system to Miss Ball. I, Bev Umholtz, will all my -extra assignments to some other unfortunate new student. I, Alice Van Ormer, will my crowded locker to anyone who will help clean it out. I, Anne Van Tries, will my ability of being so darn gullible to the next sucker. I, Don Vinson, will the 440 to Ian Drew.

who thinks he can play it. I, Eleanor Shoemaker, will my '49 De>dge taxi to Joanne Bedenk.

I, Jane Waite, will my seat in 221 to Delores Bickle.

I, Betty Simco, will all the newcome rs to this high school to Mrs . Shadel's Englis h class.

I, Mason Walsh, will my perfect posture in choir to Marlin Weaver.

I, Pat Skinner, will my seat in English class to anyone who would like to have it.

I, Helen Warner, will my last name, which won't be needing after next June.

I, Diane Smith, will my hard cider to a junior

I, Carmen Weaver, leave to the flag twirlers the

Rum Dum. I, George Smith, will

I, Joan Williams, will some of my men to Patsy

troubles I've had. a




"Joshua" to the jitterbug fans. I, Marlene Smith, will all the black and blue marks I've given in hockey to the whole junior team. I, Philip Smock, will my math grades to Jerry Bruce.

Walker. I, Nancy Williams, leave my baton to the next lucky one. I, Michael Wills, will my seat on the Pine Grove Mills bus to John Randolph. of the class of '54 .

I, Barbara Snyder, leave my privilege of having

I, Buzz Wink, w_ill my "ten" of "tender" to Mary

a choice of two cars whenever I want one, to

Grace Hoffer to use on some other deserving

Sally Fry, hoping she doesn't have so many


smash-ups as I've had . I, Bill Stoddart, will my hair to anybody who will use it for a paint brush to paint the school.

I, Kaye Witmer, will my parties to any fool who wants them. I, Mary Zeek, will room 216 to the class of '56.


The Big Wheels Roll Into The Big World The wheels of time turn. It is the year 1973, and as we stroll through our old alma mater halls, our eyes suddenly fall upon a newspaper. Picking it up and glancing over it we are surprised to see an account of the activities of the class of 19 53. The first item we notice is that Jimmy Holmes, who has been working for Cats Incorporated, was recently elected president of the National Dog Pound Association. He expects to take over his new duties in July . His co-associates include Lefty Lee as vice-president and Diane Smith as his private secretary. Carole Denniston and Ken Thomas are playing with Ross Fishburn's Insanity Band. It is rumored that the royalty obtained from their Victor records is making them worry over their income taxes . Senator Nick Buessem now holds the world's record for non-stop filibustering. It was his eloquent oratory that defeated Senator Cryder's bill for makin1=i Baby Week and Pansy Week into one. Ann Farrefl, nationally known coach of the famous Red Hot Tamales, is in the hospital sufferfrom a nervous breakdown . Her doctor, the fam ous Joetta Laing, reports that her condition is as good as can be expected . Marlene Smith is taking over Miss Farrell's role temporarily. Mary Pape and Jean Henry are foreign missionaries in India. They are collaborating in writing a book entitled, "How to Preserve the Natives ." Jacque Peters is singing for the New York Opera Company and is receiving a great deal of recognition. She owes much of her success to Eleanor Shoemaker, her accompanist. Joyce Cox, producer of the new Broadway hit, "A Trolley Named Desire," has Doris Dale in the starring role. The music in t he background is a piano arrangement by Barbara Butler. Kay Metz is also starring in a Broadway success entitled, "Nothing Matters Now." It was written by the playwright, Jim Raleigh. The famous olympic swimming stars, Cheryl Davis and Carolyn Clinefelter, have just returned by boat from abroad. It took them over five months to arrive home. Their boat, piloted by Tom Swank, had taken a very roundabout way. On the boat were many of their old high school chums-Barb Rice, Pat Gilliland, .Joan Williams, Paul Walker, Jim Riley, Bev Umholtz, and Jean Robinson . Tim Callenbach, the noted columnist, had reservations also, but cancelled them at the last minute because he couldn't find his waterwings. Bill Knebel entered the Rockview Mental Hospital yesterday for a slight rest. His condition was greatly improved when he discovered his old friend Les Moyer, was there also. Attendants at the hospital include Bob Brown and George Jordan.


Bill Stoddart, president of the Stoddart Bubble Gum Factory, is on tour of the European countries demonstrating his product. His closest rival is the King-size Company whose chief blower is John Cole. Hank Musser is a comedian on a nationwide television and radio network. His work, resembling that of the old timer, Jerry Lewis, has been received with widespread applause. Bill Kocher, the famous home-run king of baseball, has just become manager of the Brooklyn Night Hawks. His salary is estimated at $150,000. Gilbert Ghaner, Ken Rearick, and John Clark have opened up their famous cattle barns for inspection. Some of their first visitors were Bob Gilliland, the world's fastest tractor driver; Ron Rockey, Pennsylvania's fastest milker; and Ed Tressler, the teller of the tallest stories in the East. Dave Krebs has just won the national soap box derby race. He claims his success is largely due to his trainer, Don Crummey. Jeanne Seiler is under questioning about the strange and sudden explosion in the Chemical Building in New York. No one was killed but many were seriously injured. Among them were Barbara McGhee, Lois Hook, and Barbara Horner, office workers in the building . Bennett Richards, the mathematical wizard, has just developed and worked out a new theory. He has named it the Long Theory after an old teacher of his. Loretta Casselberry is the instructor of dancing and fencing at the University of West Virginia. Bill Hall is also on the faculty, teaching human relations. "Bussy" Bischoff owns a hardware store in Canada with jack knives as a specialty. Pete Fogg is residing in Alaska in charge of cutting and planning igloos. "Curly" Homan has just invented a carplane which is estimated to go 1500 miles an hour . He has nam~d his invention "Shadel's Special". "Snort" Norton and Joe Eberly, the famous partner explorers, have just returned from a trip to Mars. It is rumored that they have found a new species of life and are hoping to return to Mars again in a few weeks after a lecture tour. Don Gates and Bob Sauers, both professional football players with the Chicago White Wings, are touring the United States speaking to boys on the "Disadvantages of Football". Sandra Mayes is broadcasting bedtime stories over radio station SKU which is owned by Doug Vonada . Her announcer, Dave Chisman, seems captivated with her stories. SKU also broadcasts an hour program of the violin music of Pat Ramsey. Mary and Phil Baylets have recently opened their Roller Derby School. Their star pupils ore

Barb iravis, Grace Kuhn and Ruth Foster. Alice Breon is handling the financial affairs . Liz Anderson's new book; "How To Make Millions and Like It," has just reached the book stands. Many critics believe it will be a best seller in a week or two . The Publishing Company, Long and Van Ormer, is very much pleased with the book. The picture, "Look, Don't Gasp," painted by Mme. Anne Van Tries, is entered in the Museum of Coarse Arts in Washington, D. C. Her business manager, Kaye Witmer, reports that the Mme. plans to travel for a few months of rest. The "Follies" opened last night and had as their main attraction "The Three Its" . To our surprise they were Donna Hetrick, Sari DeJuhasz, and Susan Pierce. The newspaper account mentions that there was a full house and among the spectators were Janie Harpster, Ina .Jean Bleich, Joyce Markle and Marge Flenner. Barb Kester has been crowned 路t he nation's fastest typist. Other contestants were Mary Zeek, Barbara Sharer, who placed second, Helen Lentvorsky, Barb Snyder and Marlene Shuey. Betty Simco was also planning to enter but at the last minute she broke her wrist. Each girl was representing the company for which she works, after having won the chance in individual office contests. Ted Holtzinger, Tom Ulmer, and Ted Trostle are employed by the police force of S路tate College and are known as the three T's. The chief of police, Dorsey Houtz, claims he couldn't do with-. out these valuable men. Bob Hoy has been appointed to the coaching staff of Penn State. He is to be head track coach. Stear! Moyer, the trainer, says Tom O'Hara will assist Bob. A new element, Melilum, has just been discovered by Bob Meahl. This news has caused great commotion. His assistant, Louie Roscoe, and secretary, Pat Ludington, have air been questioned on the matter. Proof is now b,eing written to substantiate the discovery by Mona Jean Sweet. Reggie Lingle and Phil Smock have just established a new bakery in State College . They boast of the fact that "they can make it if you can eat it." Dr. Judy Morisette has just finished a very delicate operation on Milt Ferguson's split toenail. The toenail accident occurred as a result of a fight with Paula Sunday over the ownership of PeRo's. At the "Lonely Hearts Poker Club" last night, Louise Mothersbaugh spoke on the different methods of the game. Lloyd Dills, who sctid he never played before, asked many curious questions. A game was played later and Dills had beginners luck and won with high honors. George Smith and his famous dance band played at the ABC fraternity last night. Mason Walsh, renowned crooner, sang the opening song, "The Too Skinny Polka," a musical arrangement by Ron Thomas.

The Mike Wills-Jim Harpster Drugstore-Garage combination is doing a booming business. Also, Jerry Sundy, who has taken over the ESSO Station, has as his head mechanics, Kate Corl and Emma Garbrick. Janet Reid, Ellyn Doty, and Nancy Williams are campaigning for the presidency of the "Be Dumb to Kind Animals Club." This club was founded a few years ago by Buzz Wink when he discovered his dog was quite a bit smarter than he. Don Vinson, all-American track star, has given up his career for a nice quiet married life. He has had to undergo much medical care lately because of his long-windedness. A private nurse, Jane Waite, has often been called in to help. A new dress creation entitled, "The Dutch Treat," has just been finished by the great dress designer, Minki Forbes. Her creation, introduced in Paris, has made quite a hit and many waitresses are even thinking of adopting it for their uniform. Lynn Teaman has accepted managership of the State College theaters. His new job finds him often sitting in Bob Byers' Shoe Shoppe . However, you must admit his shoes are always shined. Jack Madore traded in his Model A Ford. The ceremony took place in a quiet lot with many tearful eyed people looking on as Lee Confer, the lucky car dealer, accepted the car. Ken Pahel, world renowned golf pro, was beaten last week by Jack Musser, an amateur, at the In Between Mountains Club. The annual Quack Grass Conference is to be held in State College this year according to Roger Butler and Frank Resides, committee members. Werner Maier is to be hired as general interpreter. Academy Award winner last year was Marjory Monroe, alias Pat Kline, in the movie, "Oh, No," playing the part of a cabin party chaperone. George Humphrey is advertising agent for the drug stores in State College. He has made quite a name for himself by advertising mostly in cartoons. Tom Davidson is the official window washer for the stores and is often assisted by Joe Johnstonbaugh . Carol Miller has won the speeding demon crown of '73. A reporter, Frank Baird, reported that it seemed she "just went zoom". Official time for the ten miles, clocked by Butler Hamilton, was .3479 of a minute. Helen Warner was runner-up and was clocked at .50 minute. Carmen Weaver and Bebe Sullivan are coproducers of the movie, "Gentlemen Prefer Redheads." The gentlemen are Joe Jackson and Don Palmer. Leona Barto is dress designer with Jr. McChesney as camera man. Dr. Richard Morgan has just announced that he will give a demonstration on the filling of a bicuspid. The patient, or rather the victim, will be Pat Skinner, who tried to commit suicide last week. As we fold the newspaper, we think, "My, how time flies. It seems like only yesterday that we were mere Seniors in high school."








Junior l-lomerooms HOMEROOM 214 I st Row: Krall, Goas, Hummel, Harpster. 2nd Row: Bascom, Steele, Stickler, Raleigh, Wellington, Smith. 3rd Row : Follett, Barnes, Way, Reese, Jones, Shultz,

Davis, Brumberg. 4th Row: Hohenberry, Duffus, Fetterolf, Deibler, O'Bryan , Kropp.

HOMEROOM 215 I st Row: Strouse, Crandell, Byers, Wasson. 2nd Row: McGrew, Buffington, Hutchison, Baker, Bohn, Drew, Myers, Wild. 3rd Row: Wimmer, Rider, Keller, Barnes, Bowman , I shier, Morris, Weaver,

Bloom. 4th Row: Musser, Dreibelbis, Hartsock, Gearhart, Barnes, Davis.

HOMEROOM 219 Isl Row : Bell, Gunsallus, Kaller, Smith, Maloney, Haller, Dossin, Robinson. 2nd P.ow: Evans, Stitt, Brennan, Sweetland, Bedenk, Gray, Quarles, Leuschner, Gardner, Miller. 3rd Row : Fry, Persia, Eads, Hoffer, Swanger, Schermerhoin.



HOMEROOM 221 ls! Row: Sunday, Falk, Spicer, Book, Calderwood, Kerstetter. 2nd Row: Meahl, Markel, Wright, Barone, Stoddart, Jensen, Harper. 3rd Row: Rishel, Lockhart, Waite, Callahan, Smith, Meek, Campbell, James. 4th Row: Dillon, Hawbaker, Krumrine, Myers, Houser, Whe-


HOMEROOM 222 1st Row: Myers, Randolph, Clawson, Bottorf. 2nd Row: Struble, Witmer, Jordan, Stephens, Dills, Zeigler, Marker. 3rd Row : Walker, Doan, Kneen, Whiteside, Neff, Mark. 4th Row: Heiser, Gutteron, James, Houser, Callahan.

HOMEROOM 230 1st Row: Slagel, Clouser, Billelts, Shornton. 2nd Row: Stewart, Keller, Donahoe, Houtz, Hall, Boucher,

Hann. 3rd Row: Jones, Spotts, Mastalski, Way, Hubler, Krauss . 4th Row: Bittner, Warner, Niesley . Corman, Corl.



HOMEROOM 120 1st Row: Baker, Bathurst, Bailey, Dixon, Anderson, Cook, Baroutsis, Carter. 2nd Row: N. Corl, Clark, Campbell, Breon, Barr, Barto, Bowes, Crydzr, Keim. 3rd Row: B. Albright, Bohn, Bixby, Fitz, Bruss, Bil lings, Brown, E. Corl, M. Bickle, Canouse, M. Albright, E. Campbell. 4th Row: Beagle, Bailey, Breon, Baney, Cheney, Confer, Auman.

HOMEROOM 122 1st Row: Gallington, Dreese, Shannon, Keene, Garbrick, Johnson, Harpster. 2nd Row: Gackenback, Edmiston, Haworth, Flenner, Cramer, Guisewhite, Fisher, Donaldson, HartmanJ. 3rd Row: Johnson, Harpster, Henninger, Gibson, Hartsock, Dale, Eberly, Gilbert, Heil, Davis, Gray, Ehman, Ellenberger. 4th Row: Ghaner, Harpster, Harbold, Hassinger, Harnett, Cronemiller.

HOMEROOM 220 1st Row: Howell, Jackson, Laird, Kocher, Krumrine,




Row :

Kuhn, Mathew, lshler, Farrell, Knipe, Lee, McClellan, Long, Jackson, Keint. 3rd Row: Mackereth, Jackson, Homan, Ludington, Kerstetter, McClain, Jones, Humphrey, Lloyd, Hutchison, Henszey, DeJuhasz. 4th Row: Lohr, Kline, Markle, Hollobaugh, Jordan, Kerstetter.



HOMEROOM 223 1st Row : Peters, Harpster, Perez, Schrack, R. Schilling, Rider, Moyer, Schoenebeck, Reid, R. Schilling. 2nd Row: Nelson, Mitch e ll, Pape, Peters, Ross, Shaw ley, Pery, McGare y, Dodd, Dreibelb is, Rickard, Noll, De Vinnel. 3rd Row : Neff, Myers, Gibbony, Ripka, McCow n, Mitchell.

HOMEROOM 229 1st Row : Tiffany, Williams, Wiegand , Zimmers, Shop e, Whitman, Weaver. 2nd Row : Sinden, H. Witm e r, I. Witmer, Trem bly, Eld er, Teaman, Wheeland, Voltz, Fosler. 3rd Row: Vance, Skinner, Spe ncer, Work, Vi e rck, Word, Wea ver, Williams, Wil son, Simco, Watson, Weaver. 4th Row : Smith, Zei gle r, Wills, A .Smith , Thompson, Thompson .

HARRIS TOWNSHIP SEVENTH GRADE 1st Row : K. Weaver, J . Artz, D. Struble, L. Smeltzer, B. Nevel, D. Deck e r, D. Mercer, R. Smitl ey, R. Wilson. 2nd Row: K. Harpster, E. Williams, J . Kraweic, B. Sprankle, G . Mitchell, J . Schempf, J. Sweet, A. Meyers, D. Gill, S. Struble, W . Knepp. 3rd Row: M. Eckenroth, H. Reish, J. Sharer, L. Hollobaugh, T. Dillon, D. Reese, D .Rupert, D. Stahl, C. lshler, M. Hoove r, D. Jurey, B. Morriss, Mr. Mackereth.


Ninth Grade HOMEROOM 104 1st Row: Dippery, Strait, Knepp, Calla han, Lear, Corman, Yougel, Sutherland, Fernelius, Mclaughlin . 2nd Row: Adams, lshler, Kennedy, Addleman, Jensen, Markle, Rose, Knepp, Kurtessy, Grindall, Major. 3rd Row: Lutz, Mackereth, Baldwin, Hays, Transoe, Mullen, Neff, Harpster, Houser, Smith.

HOMEROOM 111 1st Row:

Davis, Robinson, Spotts, Crone-

miller, Thiel, Gauss, Mares, Mannino, Den-

nis. 2nd Row: R. Rudy, Turner, Broskley, Howell, Rummel, Boucher. 3rd Row: Rider, Smith, Cropp, Whiteside, Mayes, Kerstetter, Pifer.

HOMEROOM 116 1st Row: Pritham, Fitz, Sweeney, Harpster, Stem, Rumberger, Nelson, Kreps, Erb, Gullo, Reen. 2nd Row: Cox, Stine, Josephson, Lower, Haller, Winter, Sullivan, Sweetland,




Krall, O'Bryan. 3rd Row: Reitz, Moyer, Struble, Homan, Law, Griffen, Roseberry, Houis, Thomas, Colpetzer.


Nint:h Grade HOMEROOM 204







Eisenhower, Gibson,



Houtz, Horner. 2nd Row: Litke, Dills, Hillman, Baker, Duffus, Wilson, Bulick, Lee,

Antes, Wolfe, Wagner.

HOMEROOM 209 1st Row :

LeBaron, Weaver, Horner, Don-

ahoe, Meredith, Wernham, Miller, Rohrbeck, Grace, Barone, Parkin, Tietz, Schier-

er. 2nd Row: Wagner, Powell, Houtz, McClintic, McCulloch, Beans, Johnson, Brooks, Hoy, Knerr, Wheeland. 3rd Row: Swabb, Russell, Walker, Falk, Campbell, McChesney, Henry, O'Connell, Simco, Cox.


1st Row: Stamm, Baroutsis, Bathurst, Gianturco, Raleigh, Kauffman, St. Clair, Alter, Wells, Brooks, Kreps. 2nd Row: Laird, MacRae, Moore, !shier, Oliver, Vandergrift, Homan, Willard, Shaffer, Rasmussen. 3rd Row: Harper, Smith, Reede, Holler, Glass, Kline, Cleland, Valmont, McGeary.


Eighth Grade HOMEROOM 9 1st Row: Rei sh, Decker, Gilliland, Williams, Edgerton, Mastalski, Wild, Quarrels, Wilson. 2nd Row: Ferguson, Weigand, McGill, Spicer, Yeager, Lee, Noll. 3rd Row : W. Colpetzer, Ripka, Reese, Swanger, Gibson, Arble, Stover, Houtz.

HOMEROOM 107 1st Row: Myers, Gearhart, S. Lindsay, Harnett, Smith, Zeek, Madore. 2nd Row: White, Homan, Dagel, Shields, Breon, Ray , 3rd Row: Tindel, Frink, M. Altimus, Watkins, Taylor, Michaels, Byers.

HOMEROOM 202 1st Row: Ellers, Jackson, Leister, Michaels, Higashida, Henszy, Getz, Mitchell, Billete, 2nd Row: Detwiler, Ruddi, Brewster. Haworth, Heims, Stitzer, Osborn, Mastalski, Carpender, Getz, Hench . 3rd Row: Saurers, Bickle, Whitehill, Reisinger, Wil liams, Bittner, Lingle, Jones, Tomco, Vroman, C. Houser .


Eighth Grade HOMEROOM 203 1st Row: Musser, Thomas, Bleich, Rees e, Reeder, Ellis, Kennady, J. Smith , Grazier. 2nd Row: Bohn, Williams, G. Smith, Klin ger, Houtz, Boiley, Lohr, Horner, Beck, Dillon . 3rd Row : Bruss, Watson, Henszy , Rider, M. Smith, Tressler, Juba, Dresse, Schoebeck.

HOMEROOM 211 1st Row: Quarrels, Houser, Ripka, Struble, Smeltzer, Mares, Gray, Hays, Chambers. 2nd Row : Meredith, Striedick, S. Smith, Williams, Sprout, Flick, 路Rettew, Peck . 3rd Row: Rogers, Gallagher, Crust, Tiffany, H. Colpetzer, Armstrong, Kuhn, Hawbaker, Fisher .

HOMEROOM 212 1st Row: Beery, Baroney, Brow n, D. Houtz, Mothersbaugh , Korman, Showers, N. Smith, Bergran, Harpster. '.2nd Row : Hagen, Sprague, Williams, Humphrey, Werner, Wagner, Seeley, Myer, Jordan . 3rd Row : Johnstonbaugh, Foster, Rutherford, Spicer, Pierce, Kerstetter, Coleman, Bischoff, Eads.


Seventh Grade


1st Row: Johnsonbaugh, Bernreuter, Rutherford, Mclanahan, Hedden, Bramble, Davidson, Kennedy, Rung . 2nd Row: Ghaner, Whitmer, Pearson, Hook, Rusk, Gibbens, Hunt, Kurtisg . 3rd Row: 路Young, Patter, Nelson, Gauckenbaugh, Cristy, Allen, Robinson.





Thiel, Glass,


Baroutsis, Breon,




Camp, Schug, DeArmitt, Hoover. 2nd Row: Shuey, 路 James, St. Clair, Knox, Knodt, Weaver, Benner, Breon, Kalin, Guerrant.

3rd Row: Cox, Wernham, Beck, W-asson, Slagle, Hoy, O'Connell, Garman, Smith, Winter.

HOMEROOM 3 1st Row: Harpster, Baney, Gavis, Neff, Altimus, Campbell. 2nd Row: Bickle, Chronister, Barnes, Gill, Sprout. 3rd Row: Hoff, Barone, Ambrosius, Milton , Bryner .


Seventh Grade

HOME ROOM 102 1st Row:

Ne uberger,



Walters, Horner, Fry, Fitch, Grace, Newcomer, Long. 2nd Row: Stine, Reid,

Slagle, Wood, Janturko, Maw, Beck, Wasson.






Verick, Waynick, Thomas, Smith, Griffin .

HOMEROOM 103 1st Row: Yarnell, Fleming, Cox, Eberly, Parkin, Maloney, Frear, Alter, Stone, Umholtz, Pettingill, Shope. 2nd Row: Manning, Raleigh, Hall, Miller, Stanley, Schlow, Bixby, Whitman. 3rd Row: Wellington, McGeary, Gutteron, Young, Reese,

Mort, Holler, Knepp, Stamm .

HARRIS TOWNSHIP SEVENTH GRADE l st Row: K. Hillman, G. Zimmerman , E. Williams, J. Wagner, R. Facer, R. Lenker, S. Womer, T. Beaver , L. Mothersbaugh . 2nd Row : B. Weaver, G. Gearhart, B. Hess, L. Wasson, E. Walters, B. Rummel, S. Moyer, J. Grove, J. Eckenroth, J . Stark, J. Rimmey, J. Spicer. 3rd Row : V. Ricker, S. O'Bryan, B. Smith, B. Homan, E. Struble, N. Gallagher. M. John, D. Horner, L. Sharer, B. Whitehill, Mr. Ludington.


1st Row : Laing, Cryder, Cox, G, , Smith, Anderson , Farrell , M. Smith, Henry, Kester. 2nd Row: Sullivan, Peters, Van Tries, Denniston, M,orisette, Pape, Humphrey, Norton, Roscoe, Morgan, Long, Miss Geuther. 3rd Row: Van Ormer, Miller, Sunday, Davis, Kline, Witmer, Butler, Doty, Plenner, Pahel, Bairol, Fishburn.

Maroon &, Gray LITERARY STAFF Editor-in-Chief Asssitant Editor-in -Chief Literary Editor Assistant Lite rary Ed itors

Caption Editor Assistant Caption Editors

Mary Elliza beth Anderson Kenneth Thomas Kay Metz Al ice Breon, Barbara But le r, Ross Fishburn, Robert Me,ahl, Jacque Peters Joyce Cox Carol Miller, Cheryl Davis, Leona Barto, Louis Ros coe, James Holmes

Boys' Sports Edito r Assistant Boys' Sports Editor Girls' Sports Editor Assistant Girls' Sports Editors

Ralph Cryder Richard Morgan Marlene Smith Helen Forbe s, Elizabeth Sullivan, Betty Simco Activity Editor Jean Henry Assistant Activity Editor Kenneth Pahel Photography Co-Editors Sandra Mayes, George Smith Assistant Photography Co-Editors Frank Baird, Reginald Lingle Carol e Denniston, Art Co-Editors George Humphrey



Asssitant Art Editor ...... ..... ...... .. ..... .......... .. . Senior Editor

Anne Van Tries Judy Morisette

Assistant Senior Editors

Sari De Juhasz, Doris Jean Seiler

Statistic Editor

Mary Pape

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Adve rtising Manager Assistants

Ann Farrell Richard Norton Zoma Long Alice Van Ormer, Joetta Laing, Kay Witm e r, Paula Sunday

Subscription Manager ......... .. Pat Kline Solicitors- Doris Dale, Ellyn Doty, Marjori e Flenn e r, Grace Kuhn, Louise Mothersbaugh, Barbara Snyd e r, Barbara McGhee, Barbara Horner, Ina Jean Bleich , Lois Hook, Diane Smith, Jean Robison, Cheryl Davis, Marlene Shuey, Helen Warner. Head Typist . Barbara Kester Assistants Pat Gilliland, Jane Waite, Betty Simco Advisors .... Miss Guether, Mrs . Fe don, Mr. Porte r

Isl Row: Dossin, Fishburn, Reid, Pahel, Henry, Bell. Denniston, Gardner, Grac:e, Parkin, Humphrey.

2nd Row:

Miss Geuther, Cox,

路rhe Piper Staff Janet Reid

Editor-in-Chief News Editor .. ..... .... .. .... ..... .. Feature Editor .... .. .. .... ........ .... .. .

Ken Pahel Lou Bell

Sports Editor Junior High Editor ..... ...... . Business Manager Advertising Make-up Advertising Solicitc,r

Bill Henry Doris Dale Zoma Long Judy Morisette Leslie Ann Shultz

Circulation Cash Sales .

Pete Fishburn

. ...... .. .. .

Photography Editor Faculty Advisor

Helen Breon Carl Dossin, Jr.

............ .. .. ... ........ ..... ........ ... Miss Edith Geuther



1st Row : Spencer, Long, Evans, Henszy, Doty, Heil, Brown, Van Ormer, Davis, Kline, Mayer, Antes, Beagle, Sunday, Nelson. 2nd Row : Gackenbaugh, Witmer, Paters, Meter, Jones, Canouse, Pe rsia, Hutchison, Myers, O'Bryan, Eades, Callahan, Burns .

Joan O ' Hara, Choir Director

Altos l st




Anderson ,

Forbes, Miller, Shawley, Bedenk, Waite, Gilbert, Farrell, Kerstetter, Breon, Shultz, Peery, Drauss, Leu-

schner. maker,


2nd Row: Breneman,

Seiler, ShoeHenry,


Pape, Humphrey, Hoffer, Bixby, Stitt, Bittner, Pierce .



1st Row: Stoddart, O'Hara, Maloney, Chisman, Wright, R. Thomas, Harnett, Hall. 2nd Row: Wiegand, G. Smith, R. Cryder, Schoenebeck, Musser, Shannon.

Accompanists-Mary Grace Hoffer, Barbara Butler.

Basses l st Row: Boucher, P. Cryder, G. Humphrey, Roscoe, M. Walsh, Drew, P. Fishburn, R. Fishburn, Houts, Campbell. 2nd Row: Richards, Morgan, Weaver, Carter, Baker, Crandell, Perez, L. Meahl, J. Smith, R. Meahl, Moyer, K. Thomas, Baird.


T ~



N ~

s Left to Right: Anderson, Persia, Forbes, Witmer, Van Ormer, Davis, Mayes, Butler, Stitt, Shoemaker, Callahan.

Holmes, Humphrey, Cole, Thomas, Stoddart, Morgan, Chisman, Roscoe, Cryder


0 L K A D

0 T



0 R

c H



T R A 1st Row: Ramsey, Stitt, L. Jones, Bittner, Steele. 2nd Row: Gutteron, D. Jones, Stone, Quarrels, Van Ormer, Sinden, Euwema, Eads . 3rd Row : Leuschner, Voly, Shoemaker, Fishburn , Vonada, Myers, Schoenbeck, Raleigh, Thomas, Gilbert. 4tl, Row: Brenneman, Schrack.

1st Row: Smith, Meahl, Perez, Smith. Absent: Breon, Fishburn, Bowman.

2nd Row :

Leuschner, Shoemaker, Musser, Thomas, Schoenbeck.

M 0 D E









u 8

1st Row: Albright, We,aver, Forbes, Hollobaugh, Wimmer, Davis, Mitchell, Witmer, Kline, Casse!berry. 2nd Row: Si,;,co, Thompson, Horner, James, O'Bryan, Corl, Barnes, Bickle, Sweet, Fry, Butler, Farrell, Williams, Dale, Auman, Bickle. 3rd Row: Mrs. Addleman, Kuhn, Burns, Driebelbis, Henninger, Johnson, Smith, Ludington, Robinson, Way, Brennan, Ellenberger, Ross, Feherbach, Billings, Ziegler, Persia, Brumberg, Watson, Swanger, Eberly, Noll, Hoffer, Niesley, Halaiko, Dillan. 4th Row: Miller, Campbell, Bohn, Marks, Beagle, Confer, Homan, Rickard, Vierck, McGarey, Lloyd, Jordon, Hartman, Peters, Dreibelbis, Ward, Schilling, Flenne,r, Cronemiller, Guisewhite, Wilson, Breon, Jackson, Work, Cheney, Vance.

1st Row: Campbell, Elder, Morgan, Kocher, Smock, Houts, Buessem, Cryder, Shannon, Struble, Butler. 2nd Row: Long, Walsh, Calderwood, Foster, Strouse, Farrell, Hall, Cole, Holmes, lshler, McGrew, O'Hara, Knipe, Fogg, Witmer.



c L

u 8



BANNER BEARERS-Ronnie Brumb e rg , Joon Hawbak e r.




Shirley Krumrine, Mary Persia, Mina Jo Kropp, Nancy Williams

1st Row: Sandra Gearhart, Beryl Hartsock, Ellen Burns. 2nd Row: Pat Corman, Carmen Weaver, Susie Myers.

1st Row: C. Corl, Fry, Shoemaker, Buffington, J . Raleigh, Davis, Hoffer. 2nd Row: J . Peters, Denniston, Henry, Barnes, Kneen, !Boucher, Myers, Kerstetter, Vonada, Wink, Schoenebeck, L. Jones . 3rd Row: M. Kerstetter, Ellenberger, Markle, S. Raleigh, N. Corl, Witherite, Spencer, P. Fishburn. 4th Row: Breneman, Shawley, Bittner, R. Fishburn, P. Peters, Moyer, Baker, Schrack, Gunsallus.

BAND DIRECTOR Franklin B. Hege


1st Row: Smith, Sullivan, J. Smith, J. Simden, Bixby, Eads, Peery, Euwema. 2nd Row: Brennan, Bloom, Lee, Baroutsis, Mather, Hunt, Keen, 'Wiegand, Baney, Peters, Duffus, Dreibelbis, B. Meahl. 3rd Row : Stephens, S. Sinden, Steele, L. Meahl, 'IVright, Antes, Breon, Dodd, Leuschner, Bowman. 4th Row: Thomas, D. Jones, Harbold, Gilbert, Perez, G. Smith.

BAND The band, under the able direction of Mr. Hege, once again completed a successful year. Mr . Hege was assisted by the following officers: President, Kenneth Thomas; Vice President, Ross Fishburn; Secretary, Chaye Corl; Treasurer, Joyce Gilbert. The band played at all of the home football games, and even managed to go to the Hollidaysburg and Bellefonte contests, although transportation was not provided . As well as cheering the team at games, they provided music for all of the pep rallies. Early in November, the band started rehearsing for its concert on March 27. The concert went off without a hitch. Those band members selected for district band at Martinsburg were Grace Antes, ~econd bassoon; Alan Stone, solo clarinet; Jane Sinden, first oboe; Bob Meahl, first alto sax; Charles Myers, first cornet; Peter Fishburn, solo cornet; Ken Thomas, baritone horn; George Smith, second trombone; Ross Fishburn, snare drum; Dick Grubb, bass horn; Sylvia Breneman, tympani. State High was host band for the State Band Festival, held o n February 5, 6, and 7. All were proud of those representing our band at district and state festival. We are sure that State High's band will continue to be tops .


1st Row : Denniston, Roscoe, Smith, Humphrey, Anderson, Raleigh, Reid. 2nd Row: Laing, Sullivan, Pape,, Davis, Doty, Long, Cox. 3rd Row: Marks, Brenneman, Leuschner, Sinden, Bittner, Gardner, Dossin.

Thespian Troupe 175 presents

"Green Valley" by Frank Wattron

1st Row: Virginia Elarone, Ken Thomas, Joe ;ta Laing. '..:nd Row: Joan Hawbaker, Doris Dale, Pat Mark, Wanda Stitt, Lois Jones, Carl Dossin, Ken Pahel, George Humphrey, Ed Trembly, Bob Steele, Dick Stoddart, Donna Gardner, Cheryl Davis,


1952 Junior Plays FOR ALL ETERNITY

Student Director-Ann Farrell Beverly Sutton Mrs. Putnam George Fosler Mark Sutton .

Marilee Rice Kay Metz Nick Buessem Kenneth Thomas


Student Director-Elisabeth Sullivan Andrew Fromkin ..... Bennett Richards Elizabeth Anderson Justina Fromkin Emily Fromkin .. ........ Joyce Cox Zoma Long Billy Carstairs ............ ........ Doris Dale Lee Marcy


Student Director-Carole Denniston Jimmy Greening Beth Greening Mr. Dunne Johnnie Bender Clarissa Shonts Hortense Ludden

George Humphrey Helen Forbes Bennett Richards Jack Musser Joetta Laing Ellyn Doty


Junior Red Cross

1st Row: Butler, Cryder, Niesley, DeJuhasz, Ehman . 2nd Row: Seiler, Barnes, Metz, Pape, Uierck, Noll.

Religic)us Education. Leaders

1st Row: Mrs. Serf, Mrs. Margolf, Mrs . Montgomery, Miss Blanchard. 2nd Row: The Rev . Albert Asendorf, The Rev . Jones Shanon, The Rev . Melvin Whitmire, The Rev. Frank Montgomery, The Rev. Robert Eads.


l-lall Patrol

Noon Patrol

1st Row: Holmes, Cryder. 2nd Row : Smith. Sauers. 3rd Row : Morgan, Roscoe. 4th Row : Lee, Stoddart. 5th Row: Fishburn, Cole . 6th Row: Gates.

1st Row : Henry, Farrell. 2nd Row : Wink, Fishburn . 3rd Row: Buffington, Holtzinger. 4th Row : Baird, Clark . 5th Row: Chisman, Wright. 6th Row : Rocky, Pahel. 7th Row: Trostle. Absent: Thomas, Musser, Buessem,

Liibrary Assistants

1st Row: Smith, Valmont, Reid, Morris, Schlow, Griffin. 2nd Row: Humphrey, Gilliland, Berggren, Knepp, Norman, Dreibelbis, James, Decker, Reigh. 3rd Row: Reeder, Houtz, Jackson, Reish, Williams, Klinger, McGill, Hammond, Bailey, Heim . 4th Row: Albrect, Osborne, Williams, Wasson, Leister, Hays, Gray, Quarles, Zeek, Quarles, Raleigh .


E1irls' Sports Club

1st Row:

Ehman, Hawbaker, Doty, Williams, Weaver, Kneen, Gearhart, Myers, Burns, Auman,

Canouse, De Vinnet. President;

2nd Row:

Krumrine, Secretary;

Smith, Kropp, Breon, Bixby, Houser, President; Wills, Vice Warner, Treasurer;




Horner, Shuey.

3rd Row: Billings, Brown, Schilling, Pape, Zeigler, Bruss, Bickle, Shawley, McClain, Smith, Simco, Cramer, Evans, Persia, lshl,ar . 4th Row: Way, Hollobaugh, Ludington , Ross, Ripka, Thompson, Gummo, Bohn, Hartsock.

J-luntiing and Fishing Club

1st Row: Baroutsis, McCown, Sauers, Foster, Baker, Wheeland. 2nd Row: Donaldson, Keene, Cook, Haworth, Hassinger, Mayer, Wills. 3rd Row: Carter, Tiffany, Mitchell ,Randolph, Schilling, Dreesee, Harpster.


1st Row: Dale, Vance, Vierick, A. Fitz, McGarey, Henninger, Ellenberger, Heil, Weaver, Albright, Skinner. 2nd Row : Mrs. Salemme, Peters, Weavm, Baney, Work, Corl, Flenner, Guisewhite, Ward, Cronemiller, Cheney. 3rd Row: Harpster, Johnson, Davis, Rickard, Noll, Peters, Hartman, Smith, Cc:mpbell, Gray Gackenbaugh.



1st Row: Weaver, Casselberry, Sullivan, DeJuhasz, M. Halaiko, Simco, Waite, Fry, Morisette, Skinner, Ludington, Kester, Sharer, Flenner, Rice, Williams . 2nd Row: Dillon, Callahan, F. Smith, Fetterolf, Duffus, M. James, Whiteside, I. Barnes, W. Barnes, Wimmer, Gray, Lockart, Musser, Way, Reese, Spotts, Schermerhoin. 3rd Row: Miss Ley, Hartsock, S. James, Wieland, Rishel, Rider, Meek, Waite, T. Halaiko, Deibler, Saxon, Bickle, Corl.


Girls' Leaders Club

1st Row: Henry, Butler, Anderson, Humphrey, Secretary-Treasurer; Smith, President; Farrell, Vice President; Hubler, Bittner, Hutchison. 2nd Row: Sinden, Davis, Jones, Bedenk, Gilbert, Leuschner, Niesley, O'Bryan, Eberly, Mrs. Hamill. 3rd Row: Miller, Forbes, P. Baylets, M. Baylets, Dodd, Hoffer, De Juhasz, Henszy, D'reibelbis, Doan, Metz .

Bc)ys' Athletic Club

1st Row: G. Smith, P. Smith, Cryder, Buessem, Knebel, President; Smock, Vice President; Bruce, Secretary; Bascom, Treasurer; C. Myers, Bell. 2nd Row: D. Myers, Schrack, Walsh, Maloney, Dixon, Perez, O'Hara, Cryder, Clark, Mr. Gibson. 3rd Row: Fogg, Bathurst, Schoenebeck, Moyer, Weaver, Callenback, Gates, Cole, Jackson, Elder.


1st Row: Whitman, Barto, Harps~â‚Źr, Laird, Wasson, Breon, Watson, Byers. 2nd Row: Harpster, Billetts, Butter, Gilliland, President; Walker, Vice President; Moyer, Secretary; Byers, Treasurer; Resides, Clark, Rearick, Neff. 3rd Row: Brown, Grubb, Strouse, Keller, Harper, Rockey, Witmer, Krebs, McChesney, Mr. Moyer. 4th Row: Hamilton, Jones, Weaver, Myers, Mostalski, Rishel, Bowes, Spicer, Diety, Zimmers, Tressler .

Future Business Leaders Club

F. F. A.

1st Row: Wilson, Snyder, Markle, Umholtz, Pres:dent; Jackson, Vice President; Gilliland, Secretary; Jordon, Treasurer; Harpster, Dreibelbis. 2nd Row: Albright, Beagle, Foster, Bickle, Rupert, Bailey, Hetrick, Gibson, McGhee, Mrs. McFeatters. 3rd Row: Williams, Confer, Garbrick, Mothersbaugh, Mackereth, Rudy, Lentvorsky, Homan, Myers, Walker, Mr . Porter.


Photography Club 1st Row: Pres. Sinden, Vice-Pres. McGrew, Sec. Lingle, Maier. 2nd Row: Houtz, Fish 路 er, Vonada, Robinson, Dosson.

Science Club 1st Row: Pres. Eberly, Vice-Pres. Madore, Sec, Baird, Treas. Roscoe. 2nd Row: Fishburn, Raleigh, Pahel.

Projectors Club 1st Row: Wink, Sunday, Davidson, Ghaner. 2nd Row: Holtzinger, Hoy, Stephens, lshler, Witmer, Weir. 3rd Row: Long, Bottorf, Johnstonbaugh, Teaman, Hummel, Farrell.


F. T. A. 1st Row: Davis, Thomas, Vice-President; Steele, President; Doan. 2nd Row : Long, Shoemaker, Doty, Forbes, Sunday.

Arts and Crafts Club 1st Row : President Mayes, Vice-President Johnson, Secre tary Gallington , Treasurer Edmiston . 2nd Row: Denniston, Pape, Long, Miss Davis.


Club 1st Row: J. Smith, President Meahl, VicePresident Hall, Secretary Peery, Treasure r Cox, Nelson. 2nd Row: Mrs. Fedon, Wild, Goas, Trembley, Robinson, Spencer.


Music Theory Club

1st Row:

Breon, Bowman, Steele, President; Ramsey, Vice President; Shoemaker, Secre-

tary; Antes, Treasurer; Meahl, Eads, Markle.

2nd Row :

Miss Reigh, Markle, Bloom, Campbell,

Brennan, Callahan, Keller, Neff, Barto, Gutteron, Legory.

3rd Row: Shaffner, Dills, Thorn 路

ton, Mather, Anderson, Hunt, Peters, Wellington, Gunsallus.


3rd Row: Mr. Smith, Voltz, Haller, Stone,


1st Row: Kocher, Walsh, Stoddart, President; Lee, Vice President; Norton, Secretary; Laing,

Treasurer; Fishburn, Wiegand, Book.

2nd Row : Krauss, Stitt, C. Corl, Van Ormer,

Euwema, Kerstetter, Quarles, Breneman, Meyer.

Slide Rule Club

1st Row : Seil .:. r, President; J. Reid, Vice Pres id ent; Mark, Sacretary-Treasurer; Reid , Gardner, Van Tries. 2nd Raw: D. Smith, C. Davis, Peters, W itmer, Clinefelter, Sunday, Mrs. Beck. 3rd Row: Follett, Pierce, Sweetland, Jones, Dale, Mitchell.


Dramatics Club

1st Row : Wright, President; Lee, Vice President; Musser, Treasurer; Stickler, Secretary;

Hutchison, Krall. 2nd Row: Baker, Baucher, Raleigh, Stoddart, Stewart, Mr . Miller. 3rd Row : Marker, Struble, Witmer.




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The Little Lions of 1952 STATE 20; MOSHANNON JOINT O Moshannon stubbornly held its ground in the first two quarters . In the secvnd half Stickler scored on a bootleg and threw a pass to Holmes for another touchdown . Gates added a second extra point. Then late in the fourth quarter Charles Zeigler cleared a path from the two for Gates to score. Gates missed the conversion to set the fin,al tally at 20-0. STATE 19; EAST CONEMAUGH O Ian Drew opened the game with a 94-yard run to pay dirt. Gates' kick was good . After Bill Calderwood intercepted a pass, Gates smashed up the middle for the tally. Again, in the second half, Gates scored, with Drew and Hutchison paving the way. The extra point was not good . Ralph Jones scored for the visitors on a quarterback sneak from the two. ST A TE O; HOLLIDAYSBURG 39 Early in the game Drew fumbled and McGinnis scored . H-Burg scored twice in the second and third quarters on fumbles and passes from Fox . Dave Graham booted three extra points . The final touchdown was set up on a penalty, when Shaw bucked over for the tally . The extra point was missed and the score stood 39-0. STATE 6; CLEARFIELD 28

Clearfield's Stu Wiggins ran for 192 yards, scoring two touchdowns and two extra points . Ken Dixo n scored from the four. Late in the third period, Bill Myers intercepted a pass and raced 59 yards untouched for State's only score . State gave up two more points on a blocked punt. Clearfield's last tally came when Bernie Billett charged over from the two. STATE 46; ORBISONIA 6

Bill Knebel opened the scoring when he picked up a free ball and jaunted 56 yards to pay dirt. Gates followed suit, scampering 76 yards on the first play from scrimmage. Bobby Sauers and Dick Morgan scored twice, while Drew raced 71 yards for six points late in the third period . Bob Snyder scored for the visitors on a yard pass from qumterback, Dick Rogers. STATE 8; BURNHAM-DERRY 7

The Steelers lost n,o time in scoring , when Wayne Bohn raced 7 4 yards for their only score. Then Keith Weaver blocked a Steeler punt in the end zone for the safety, to set the score at 7 -2 . With less than a minute to play in the game, Gates smashed over from the one . Gates missed the extra point . Stickler and Sauers played good offensive ball. ST ATE O; PHILIPSBURG 27 Leon Muir started the whole business and clinched the game at the same time. He passed to Corio for the first tally. Then Dunsmore ploughed over from the four, which left P-Bu rg leading 13-0 at the half. In the third period Warren ran 14 yards to pay dirt and Watson scored the other touchdown from the two . Gene Mina rchick had three extra points for the visitors. STATE 7; TYRONE 12

The first Tyrone score came on a 47 yard pass from Don Riggleman to Allen Cowher. Riggleman's placement was not good . The Little Lions, however, bounced right back, when Stickler threw a screened pass to Gates for the score . That ended the scoring until Tyrone's winning effort, which was set up on passes from Cha rles DelBaggio. Fumbles lost the game for the Slaters . ST ATE 26; LEWISTOWN 33

Ian Drew scored o n a lateral from Gates . Don Stickler threw to Holmes for the next score, and the n scored one himself on a qua rterback sneak. Gates' kick was good. In the second half Lewistown's Jerry Bannon scored three tallies and Tom McCaffrey ran 72 yards for another. With a 65 yard run, Gates tied up the score, when Van Horn sc:ored on an intercepted pass for the visitors. Nick Buessem played good offensive ball. ST ATE O; BELLEFONTE 20 Bellefonte wasted little time in racking up the first touchdown of the heated contest. Star back Chuck Casper took a hand-off from McMullin and smashed over fo r the score. The half ended with Bellefonte still sporting its one touchdown lead . In the third period Casper again showed up well, when he scooted 52 yards for another tally. A minute before the final gun, Ronnie Behers ran around left end for the last score . State was weakened by the absence of Don Gates and Dick Morgan. 78

Varsity Football Squad

First Row: Fogg, O'Hara, Knebel, Rockey, Crummy, Cole, Gates, L. Moyer, Sauers, Vinson, S. Moyer. Second Row: Calderwood, K. Weaver, Crandall, Buessem, Hoy, Norton, Morgan, Holmes, Bohn, Barone, Donahoe. Third Row : Zeigler, Myers, M. Weaver, Hutchison, Maloney, Stoddart, Sundy, Stickler, Baker, Drew. Fourth Row: Jensen, Weir, Yerg, Glenn, Willard, Haller.

Football Coaches

Mr. Schell, Mr. Griflith, Mr. Long, Mr. Porter, Mr. Weir, Mr. Yerg, Mr. Glenn .



Dick Morgon, Les Moyer, Dick Norton, Bill Knebel

Bob Souers

Jim Holmes

Senior Football Don Gates


Absent, Jock Musser

Don Vinson

Ronald Rocky

Don Crummey, Pete Fogg, Bob Hoy, Sterling Moyer, John Cole

Junior Varsity Football

First Row: Keim, McCown, Stephens, Harnett, Stewart, Perez, Edminston, Knipe, Sinden, Lee, Boucher. Second Row : Mr. Porter, Witherite, Bathurst, Cook, Trembley, Shannon, Breon, Bowes, Schrack, Willard . Third Row: Mr. Long, Moyer, Elder, McClellan, Foster, Rishel, Harbold, Campbell, Barto.

JUNIOR HIGH FOOTBALi. The 1952 Junior High football season piroved to be a good one, showing three wins and one loss. Under the supervision of Hal Griffith and assistant Bob Schell, the Lion cubs got off to a bad start by dropping a close one, 19-13 to Philipsburg . Learning a lesson from the Mountaineers, the Little Lions bounced back to smear Burnham-Derry 27-0. Dick Stine went wild with two tallies, while team-mate Ed Homan drop-kicked three extra points. J im Artz and Johnny Pearce also scored. In the next game the Maroon and Gray juniors stopped the Baby Mountaineer boys 15-6. Paul Sweetland got into the act, when he scored eight points, with Frankie King getting an additional six on a pitch-out. Homan split the uprights for the extra point. Playing Burnham-Derry again, State racked up their third win by a 33-6 margin. The Lions put on their most stirring exhibition of the season, when George Moore went over the chalk line twice and Dave Holler ran an attempted punt to pay dirt. Stine and Pearce also tallied.

JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL Playing good ball, the Little Lion J. V. Football Team, coached by Joe Porter and Bill Long, finished a successful season by winning their last three contests . In their opening game with Philipsburg, the Little Lion Reserves lost a last-minute decision by a score of 12-6. A week later, on home grounds, State fell lo a strong and fast Clearfield aggression 19-2. The first win of the season came against a rugged Bur_nham-Derry eleven. Yeagertown's defense refused to give, as did the Slaters. In the closing seven seconds, Ed Trembley passed lo Dean Witherite for the winning tally . Again State College showed its great offensive might by slopping Bellefonte 12-6. Dean Witherite came into his own by scoring twice for the Lions. Bob Moyer and Don Harnett also played a fine brand of ball. Ending the season with a 20-7 trouncing over Lewistown was indeed a happy day for the Lions and little Dick Stewart, who scored all the touch-downs .

First Row : Moore, Homan, Glass, Sullivan, Lower, Oliver, Butler, Griffin, Transzoo, Stine, Beans, Markle, Artz, Sweetland. Second Row: Rose, Holler, Joe son, Lutz, Powell, Weaver, Shuey, Crope, Henry, King, lshler, Jensen, Grindle. Third Row : Riceinger, Harbold, Rutherford, Hensey, Meridth, Vroman, Bohn, Gibson, Watkins, Reider, Altimus, Foster, Fry . Fourth Row: Mr. Schell, Rusk, Meyer, Armstrong, Pierce, Gill, Howell, Jens e n, Hayes, Mr. Griffith .

Junior High Football


First Row: Miller, Corter, Humphrey, Harpster, Schoenebeck, Bascom, Collenboch, Bruce, Jackson, Wink, Walsh, E. Tiffany. Second Row: Kennedy, H. Tiffany, Mastalski, Clark, Swank, Roscoe, Leisner, Baroutsis, Donaldson, Musser, Mr. Gibson.

VARSITY SOCCER Under Bill Gibson, in his first year of coaching, the Little Lion Soccer Team showed a fair season's record of three wins against four defeats. The Lion booters started off by losing a tough opener with Miles Township 3-2 . As it was the first g1ame for both teams, the going was fairly rough. Joe Jackson and George Bascom scored the Lion tallies, but by then it was too late. The following week, State beat Loganton with great ease. Tim Callenbach paved the way, when he booted three out of the six goals. Loganton, who was just new to the Central County League, was no match for the greatly improved Lions. Again Bascom along with Donaldson and Schoenebeck, scored one each. The next game was the turning point of the season with last year's champs, the East Penns Valley Indians. State, hoping to repeat last week's performance, was out-classed and lost a hard and clean-fou~1ht game by a 2-0 margin. The Millheim booters scored single goals in the first and second periods, and then threw up a stout defense that kept the Little Lions away from scoring territory the rest of the game. Hosterman seemed to be the outstanding figure for East Penns, although George Bascom tried to hold his own for State. Spring Mills edged a spunky State College team, 3-1, in two extra periods. Jerry Bruce of the Lions played a 9reat game as goalie, even though he was swarmed upon for two goals in the first overtime period. The lone score for Gibson's booters was by George Bascom . The next game with Centre Hall, the eventual winners of the league championship, was just too much for the Gibsonmen. Scoring very early in the contest, they put the game out of the hands of the hard fighting Lions. George Bascom came through saving the Lions from a white-wash by scoring on a penalty kick late in the second period. The Little Lions scored their second win, handing Lewistown a 3-1 setback. George Bascom led the Lions with three tallies, all scored on penalty shots. State's other goal was netted by Tim Callenbach, when he jumped hiah in the air and caught it with his head. Buzz Wink plaved an outstandina defensive aame alona with Bruce Walsh and Joe Jackson. In the final game of the season, State beat Walker Township bv a 2-1 score. Once again, it -;,._,as the outstanding plav of George Bascom who led the way for the Little Lions. Callenbach accounted for the second poal. Gibson pointPd out Joe Carter as one of the outstanding players on defense along with George Humphrey, Buzz Wink and Bruce Walsh. STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE STATE

2; 6; O; 1; 1: 3; 2;



'larsity Basketball

1st Row: Lee, Morgan, Ebe rly, Holms, W . Stcdd arl, Wa lsh . 2nd Row : Weave r, Stickl e r, Hutchison, Bruce, Mr . Griffith. 3rd Row : R. Stoddart, manag e r; Drew, Stew art, Le gory.

State High's basketball team experienced one of its best seasons in several years with a 13-4 record. Starting at a terrific clip it won six straight non-league games before dropping two league frays to Bellefonte and Lock Haven . Snapping back, it split with Burnham-Derry and laced Jersey Shore and Renovo each twice while whipping Philipsburg for a second time . Chances for a Central State League title were smashed as Lock Haven proved too much for the Griffithmen. However, th e season ended successfully as State beat Bellefonte in a thriller, 7 4-68 . The big gun for the Staters throughout the sea son was Bill Stoddart whose 135 points in league play enabled him to end up second in the Central State League scoring race.


,J. V. Basketball

1st Row: Mr . Glenn, Shannon,, Cryder, Witherrite, Foster. 2nd Row: Bailey. 3rd Row: Trembly, Lee Harnett.

Coach Skip Glenn's crack Junior Varsity basketballers compiled the best J . V. record at State High, winning 15, while losing but two. State won its first game, but suflfered defeat at the hands of powerful Lewistown iin its second outing. From the re it went on to win thirteen in a row, mauling every team that crossed its path . Then a strong Lock Haven team turned the trick as it broke the Lions' winning streak, but it rallied to triumph over its traditional rival, Bellefonte on its last game. Paul Cryder was the high scor,e r with 239 points in 17 frays . Dean Witherite was second with 219, while Don Harnett, Dick Hassinger, and Ed Trembly composed the rest of the starting five.

Goas, Baker, McClellan, Farrell,

The State Junior Hi five, better known as the "Little Lion Cubs", streaked through an undefeated season with Coach Joe Porter at the helm. The State Juniors completely overwhelmed their opponents with their fine ball handling. They had little trouble until meeting the rugged Philipsburg squad, but they won by a 34-28 margin. State also romped over their old rival, Clearfield, 68-37. The teams' average height contributed a great deal to its winning streak. The Cubs had four men over six feet, with Paul Sweetland topping the list. Paul sank 120 points for the high scoring honors, followed by Dick Stine with l 06. Harry Beans, John Krall, Roy Markle, and John Pierce played good defensive ball and sparked the team.

Junior l-ligh Basketball

1st Row: Markle, Krall, Stine, Sweetland, Beans, Moore, Cropp, Holler, Sullivan. 2nd Row : Jensen, Mana ger, Harbold, Shaffer, Pierce, Tiffany, Rutherford, Meyer, Willard, Hays, Manager. 3rd Row: Knerr, Ma nage r, Robi nson, Maw, Benner, Gill, Slagle, Fisher, M. Smith, S. Smith Hawbaker, Manager.


1st Row : Harpster, Foresman, Houtz, Smith, Myers, Jackson, Calderwood, Barone, Wink, Baker, Moyer. 2nd Row: Truby, Lutz, Shuey, Stephens, Transue, Wellington, Jensen, Smith, Thornton, Grindall, Tressler, Bohn. 3rd Row: Jones, Breon, Cc,ok, Tiffany, Baroutsis, Houts, Baldwin, Thomas, Oliver, Bascom, Perez, Teaman. 4th Row: Mr. Schell, Sunday, Harbold, Marker, Donahoe, Knipe, O'Connell, Bell.

Wrestling The Little Lion wrestlers, out to better a 19511952 record of three wins and six losses, did so under the watchful eyes of their new coach, Bob Schell. The first meet, being in the bod month of December, caught the Lions off guard as they dropped their opener to a good Lock Haven team. In the next meet the Schellmen exhibited unforseen strength in the middle ,and heavy weight classes, as they proved they could beat a powerful Tyrone aggregation, 25-24.. The Little Lion gropplers put on a tremendous rally ofter falling way behind, when John Cole decisioned Al Hogg in the final bout. After winning an uphill bottle with Tyrone, they traveled t,:, BurnhomDerry where they scored a complete sweep except for two weight classes. The well-rounded Little Lions opened and closed the meet with falls, but hod to really work for their wins in between. The score stood 31 -6. The Schellmen rolled to their third straight win by trouncing the Panthers of Lewistown, 3112. The Maroon and Gray built up <J 12-3 lead in the first four bouts, almost lost it in the middle weights, thsn come bock with three foils in the

lost five bouts to gallop away with the contest. After winning three in a row, the Stoters moved to Bellefonte where they lost 35-12 before a packed house of screaming fans. The Schellmen could only come through with two falls and one draw. The following week the Little Lions lost another contest before a good crowd to a precisionbuilt Clearfield team, experienced and skilled in every phase of the sport, 38-3. Going on to Hollidaysburg the Lions tried to get bock into the winning circle, but hod to be content with a 17-17 draw. Their lost two losses with Philipsburg and DuBois ended their 1952-53 wrestling season on on unsuccessful note. Their season's mark was 3-5-1. Standouts this year were George Smith, Rolph Cryder, Honk Barone, Dick Boker, and John Cole. All others who contributed included Jerry Harpster, Loran Foresman, Lorry Smith, Corl Houtz, Ed Tressler, Charlie Myers, Georgie Bascom, Bill Calderwood, Tim Callenboch, Joe Jackson, Keith Weaver, Jack Howorth, Don Asendorf, Les Moyer, and Jim Stephens.

Pat Kline

Minkie Forbes

Cheryl Davis



e e r




d e

Cinnie Neisley Carol Ehman

r s Judy McGarey

Betty Houser Anne Heiser


1st Row: Mr. Armstrong, B. Stoddcirt, Fishburn, Pahel. 2nd Row : Campbeil, D. Stoddart, Barone, Buffington.

Golf at State High is a sport which seldom gets the credit that it deserves . But the fmct stands, over the years of State High sports, that the various golf teams have had, by far, the best win record of any fall, winter, or sprii ng sport. Last year, the golf team, under the direction of "Coach" Phil Armstrong, won six out of their seven meets. After smearing Lewisburg, Selinsgrove, and Williamsport each twice, they tied a strong Philipsburg crew, 7V2-7V2. This was no doubt their toughest meet of the year. Last season, Ned placed 9th and 10th golf meet. Pahel will the outstanding golfer

DeCamp and Ken Pahel respectively in the State probably onc,e again be on the team this year.

Tennis, like golf, for years has not been very well known around State High. Last year an intramural tennis team was organized and directed by James Maurey. It was highlighted by a round robin tournament in which each participant was scheduled to play everybody else. Dick Norton came thru undefeated to capture the cap, while Joe Eberly, Louie Roscoe, and Bruce Walsh were runner-ups. The first three, piloted by Maurey and assisted by Ross Fishburn, manager, entered the States in May at Penn State. Norton, in the first round, lost to Bibleheimer, who was eventually to take the singles crown . Eberly and Roscoe teamed up with each other in the doubles and were also eliminated in a close match.


Left to right: Fishburn, manager; Eberly, Roscoe, Humphrey, Norton



lst Row : Raleigh, Drew, Rockey, Vinson, Holmes, Walsh , Fogg, Buessem. 2nd Row:

Hoy, Saurers, Knebe l, Baker, Chisman, Thomas, Edminston. Stewart, Bathurst, Cook, Stevens.

3rd Row:

Mr. Bolton,

The track team, under the direction of Coach "Yib" Bolton, went through another undefeated s6!ason at New Beaver Field . For several years now, the P. I. A. A. State Championship Meet has been at Penn State. Seen at the States last year were Don Vinson, Jim Ho lmes, Bob Sauers, Dick Stewart, Ian Drew, Ronald Rockey, and Nick Buessem. Also seen for the first time last year were the new smart-looking uniforms which consisted of whit路e shorts and maroon shirts with a gray and white str ipe. These were purchased by the boys thems路e lves as were the new maroon warmup suits that were worn this year. The seniors who have been point-getters for the past years are Bill Knebel, Pete Fogg, Jim Raleigh, Ken Thomas, Mase Walsh, and Bob Hoy.



1st Row : Bell, Holtzinger, Gates, Lee, Foster. Stickler, Bruce, Mr. Hanna.

Coach John Hanna's 1952 edition of the maroon and gray baseball squad proved that the national pastime was definitely on the upgrade for State High. They won five and lost three, two of the losses being to unbeaten Lock Haven. They opened the regular season by losing to Philipsburg, l 0-8. In the following ~Jame, however, Don Gates fashioned a seven-hitter to beat

2nd Row :

Calderwood, Weaver,

Bellefonte, 8-4. After Lefty Lee belted a home run against Lock Haven, Gates hurled a fourhitter in the next game to whip Clearfield, 6-3. Then Tony Callenbach, normally a relief pitcher, twirled the season's masterpiece a 1-0, one-hit victory over the Bisons. After losing again to Lock Haven the Statemen traveled to Bellefonte and closed the season on Gates' five-hitter, 15-6.

April 18


April 22


April 25

..... Clearfield

April 29

Lock Haven

May 6

... Clearfield

May 9

Lock Haven

May 13


G. A. A.

1st Row: Rider, Pres. Anderson, Vice-Pres. Davis, Sec. Doan, Treas. Gilbert, Farrell. Springer, Shawley, Humphrey, Bedenk, Jones, Clinefelter, Pierce.

G. A. A., the Girls' Athletic Control Board, is an honorary group of girls elected each year by classmates for their sportsmanship, leadership, and dependability . There were eighteen members this year, two freshmen, four sophomores, five juniors, and seven seniors. Officers, too," are elected annually. This year's officers were: president, Mary Elizabeth Anderson; vice president, Cheryl


secretary, Marilyn



Joyce Gilbert; and faculty advisor, Miss Springer. Early each year, G. A. A. has charge of a mixer after a home football game . It is at this mixer that the initiates are usually called upon to make fools of themselves. The job of G. A. A. is to plan and govern all girls' sports activities. The after school sports consist of hockey, bowling, basketball, badminton and baseball. Also, G. A. A. plans "Playday,'' the day basketball teams from other towns come to play off tournaments . As a grand finale, G. A. A. sponsors a banquet for senior high girls at which all c,wards are presented . Thus, one more wonderful year of fun and fellowship rolled on!

2nd Row:


Hockey, one of our most popular sports for senior high g:rls, started this year with the usual enthusiasm bringing out approximately sixty-five players. It was the first sport of the season, and any senior high girl was eligib le. Under the d irection of Mrs. Hamill and Miss Springer, girls from the tenth. eleventh and twelfth grades formed to make their teams. The games were played in a round-rob'n tournament. Captains were elected for each team. Mary Elizabeth Anderson represented the seniors, Joanne Bedenk was elected by the jun :ors, and the sophomores chose Phoâ‚Źbe Humphrey. Games were played Monday and Tuesday after school for several weeks with the sen iors coming out ahead to win the tournament.

Star players, selected for their interes t, ability and cooperation by Miss Springer and Mrs. Hamil l, were placed on the Army or Navy team . These honorary teams played three games and brought to a climax the hockey season. About thirty players made up the two teams ending in a three game tie. Army won the first game 1-0, Navy the second 2-0 and the final game was scoreless.


1st Row: Hutchison, Forbes, Peters, Bario, M. Baylets, Shawley, Hubler, Bittner, Dodd . 2nd Row: Davis, Henszey, Gilbert, Houser, Butler, Niesley, Pierce, Jones. 3rd Row: Farrell, Smith, Bedenk, O'Bryan, Doan, Persia, P. Baylets, Anderson, Leuschner.

Senior Class l-lockey 1st Row: Williams, Metz, Butler, Shoemaker, Pierce, Flenner. 2nd Row: Henry, DeJuhasz, Sweet, M. Smith, Sullivan, Farrell, Bario. 3rd Row : Peters, Miller, Forbes, D. Smith, P. Baylets, Anderson, M. Bay lets.

Junior Class l-lockey 1st Row:

Burns, C. Davis, Fider, Heiser,

Houser, Niesley, Bedenk, Leuschner. 2nd Row: J . Smith, Eades, Hubler, Hoffer, O'Bryan, Doan, Persia, Japes, Myers.

Sophomore Class l-lockey 1st Row : Henszey, Hutchison, Henninger, Shawley, Lloyd, Dodd, Humphrey. 2nd Row: Richard, Ross, DeJuhasz, Zeigler, Wills, Dribelbis, Brown . 3rd Row: Bohn, McGarey, Gilbert, Canouse, Ehman, Billings, Schilling .

Senior Bowling 1st Row : Pape, S . DeJuhasz, Williams, Forbes, Miller, Henry, Anderson, Davis, Metz, Farrell. 2nd Row : Long, Van Ormer, Sullivan, Sweet, Butler, Witmer, Shoemaker, Clinefelter, Se iler. 3rd Row: Flen. ner, Barto, M. Baylets, M. Smith, P. Baylets, D. Smith, Pierce .

Junior Bowling 1st Row: Burns, S. Myers, Kneen, Wimmer, Follett, Rider, Neisley, O ' Bryan, 2nd Row : C. Davi s, Gearhart, F. Smith, Leuschner, Doan, Bedenk, Jones, J. Smith. 3rd Row : lshler, Hubler, Heiser, Hawbaker, Krumrine, Kropp, Brumberg, WarHouser-. ~ -

Sophomore Bowling 1st Row: Schilling, J. Davis, Humphrey, Shawley, Zeigler, Dodd, Henszey, Brown . 2nd Row: Bohn, Ross, Ward, Lloyd, Noll, Dreibelbis, Vierck . Richard, McGarey, 3rd Row: K. DeJuhasz, Hutchison, Billings, Ehman, Gilbert, Canouse, Gackanbauch, Hartman .

Senior Class Basketball 1st Row: Pierce, Forbes, Clinefe!ter, Peters,

Van Tries, Mayes . 2nd Row: D .Smith, Anderson, Butle r, Farrell , Metz. 3rd Row: M. Smith, Davis, M. Baylets, P. Baylets. Barto.

Junior Class Basketball 1st Row: Rider, Bittner, Doan, Davis, Kneen. 2nd Row : Leuschner, Bedenk, Houser, O'Bryan, Barnes, Way. 3rd Row: Jones, Niesley, Hoffer, lshler, Persia .

Sophomore Class Basketball 1st Row: Billings, Lloyd, Zeigler, Gilbert, Humphrey, Hutchison, Rickard, Ward. 2nd Row: Dodd, Canouse, Ehman, Henszey, Shawley, Dre ibelbis .

PARENTS' PATRON LIST Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Andi:Jrsor.

Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Markle

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baird

Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Mayes

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bc1rto

Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bleich

Mr. E. B. McChesney

Mr . and Mrs. F. A. Butl ,e r

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mellot

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Chi s man

Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. R. M. Clements

Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Morgan

Mr. and Mrs . J. C. Clinefelter

Mrs. Isabel Morisette

Mr. and Mrs . L. L. Confer

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Moyer


Mr. and Mrs . D.




H. Metz

Mr. and Mrs . N. A. Norton

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dale

Mr. and Mrs. T. F. O'Hara

Mr. and Mrs . K. J. DeJuhasz

Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Palmer

Mrs. Esther Denn is ton

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pape

Mr . and Mrs. L. E. Dills

Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Peters

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Doty

Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Ramsey

Mr. and Mrs . N. M. Eberly

Mr . and Mrs . J . J . Reid

Mr. and Mrs . M.A. Fa r rell

Mr . and Mrs. F. E. Robinson

Mr . and Mrs. J. H. Ferguson

Mr . and Mrs. E. S. Roscoe

Mr. and Mrs. Hummel l'ishburn

Mrs. D. B. Seile r

Mrs . G. S. Flenner

Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Forbes

Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. R. B. Gates

Mr. and Mrs . L. D. Skinner

Mrs .


w. C. Shoemaker c. R. Simco

Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Smith

B. Gates

Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gilliland

Mr . and Mrs . H. K. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilliland

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith

Mrs. Fanny Hamilton

Mrs . H. C. Stoddart

Mrs. Grace K. Harpster

Mr . and Mrs . J. T. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry

Mrs . Mary A. Sunday

Mr . and Mrs. A. H. Holtzinger

Mr. and Mrs . H. H. Swank

Mr. and Mrs.

w. c.


Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Horner Mr. and Mrs. J.



Mr. and Mrs . F. L. Kline Mr . and Mrs . Mr . and Mrs .

w. w.

Mr. and Mrs . K. T. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tressler Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Trostle Mr. and Mrs . P. A . Vonada

F. Knebel

Mrs . Betty Walsh

E. Kuhn

Mr. and Mrs. L.



Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lai ng

Mrs . Anna T. Wink

Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Lee

Mr. and Mrs . R. C. Witmer

Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Long




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