Baseball team falls to Central Michigan
MSU Birding Club looks for Timberdoodle Club members combed the woods in an attempt to spot mating ritual
Freshman pitcher Walter Borkovich Danyelle Morrow/ The State News | 4/9/14 | @thesnews
Julia Nagy/The State News
Yoga at the Rock
city+campus, Pg. 3
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Michigan State University’s independent voice
International relations senior Anagha Bharadwaj
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a d m i n i s t r at i o n
Officials debate 4 percent pay increases for merited faculty By Olivia Dimmer THE STATE NEWS nn
MSU faculty could see a higher pay raise than they have in the past, as the University Committee on Faculty Affairs recommended a 4 percent faculty merit pool increase in the 2014-15 academic year at the Steering Committee meeting Tuesday. Currently, MSU ranks 11 out of 12 in average faculty pay among Big Ten institutions. Officials are hoping the increase will at least maintain that rank or bump MSU up in the rankings slightly. “We think 4 percent is a little more t han what we’ve had in the past, but we think it ’s ap p r o priate for catch-up to improve facult y morale and our standing in the Big Ten,” William committee c h a i r W i l - Donoliam Dono - hue, hue said. Chair of In 2013, the University Committee committee recommend- on Faculty ed a 3 per- Affairs cent increase in the merit pool, along with a 1.25 increase in the market adjustment pool. The proposed increase on the table would be the largest faculty have seen in at least five years. After the committee considered the erosion of university-funded health benefits and the long-term impacts of the Affordable Care Act, it decided to up the recommendation 4 percent. The recommended increase in the market adjustment pool is 1.25 percent.
photos by Allison Brooks/ The State News
Members of Sigma Kappa, Sigma Nu, and Beta Theta Pi perform together during Bar Night at Breslin Center on Tuesday.
Taking the stage
Greek community danced the night away to raise money for Relay for Life By Emily Jenks THE STATE NEWS nn
embers of the greek community broke out their best dance moves Tuesday night to compete in MTV Night at Breslin Center as a part of MSU’s Greek Week. MTV Night, also known as Bar Night, is an intense, technique-based dance competition that has become an integral part of Greek Week. It typically is the first of two dance competitions included in the week, followed by Wednesday night’s Songfest.
The philanthropy-based celebration brings sororities and fraternities together annually to raise money for a charity of their choice. This year’s proceeds will benefit Relay For Life. MSU football coach Mark Dantonio made a surprise guest appearance to fill the place of a judge who dropped out last minute. Although Lacey Holsworth, an eightyear-old cancer patient and a close friend of the MSU basketball senior forward
Adreian Payne, was expected to judge the competition on Wednesday, her current condition kept her from attending, advertising junior Elizabeth O’Malley said. “We would love to have her as a judge for Songfest, but we’ve heard that she wasn’t doing too well, so we didn’t want to put that extra stress on her,” O’Malley said. Months before Greek Week even begins, the names of one sorority and two fraternities are pulled out of a hat
Education senior Danielle Crossley, left, and marketing freshman Jennifer Madden prepare for their performance in MTV Night at Breslin Center on Tuesday. Crossley and Madden competed for their sorority Kappa Alpha Theta.
by Greek Week coordinators. Fourteen teams of three are created, and each raises money for a charity and achieves points throughout the week. The team with the most points gets bragging rights for the rest of the year. This year’s theme focused on the concept of good versus evil. Some performanc-
Dance club prepares for recital Marketing junior Kelly Munzenberger dances during a MSU Dance Club practice Tuesday at IM Sports-Circle. She has danced with the group for three years. — Julia Nagy, SN See the story on page 3
es included in the program were based on Space Jam, James Bond and Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. Zeta Tau Alpha, Fiji and Phi Delta Theta ended up taking the win at Tuesday’s event. Most of the female dancers for MTV Night have been dancing for 10 to 15
“We think 4 percent is a little more than what we’ve had in the past.”
MSU currently ranks 10 out of 12 in average faculty pay among Big Ten university institutions
years, primary education junior Lindsay Parker said. She said team members begin intensely practicing weeks in advance. “We started practicing in January, and we practice three to four times a week, and we
Per MSU Salar y Adjustment Guidelines, the increases would not raise base faculty salaries, but would give faculty the opportunity for higher pay based on their performance. Donohue cited state funding increases as a reason for the pay hike and noted the
See GREEK on page 2 u
See SALARY on page 2 u
gove rn m e nt
east lansing city budget to fund road repairs By Derek Gartee THE STATE NEWS nn
The East Lansing City Council convened for its first of several budget work sessions for fiscal year 2015 Tuesday, focusing on an overview of the the budget as a whole and ending with general questions from council members. In his opening remarks, East Lansing City Manager George Lahanas told council members the city was finally in a financial position where reserves collect-
“Our focus over the past 10 years has been to control costs and build funds ... now is the time to spend some of those reserves.” George Lahanas, East Lansing City Manager
ed in times of trouble could be used on city services. “Our focus over the past 10 years has been to control costs and build is the time to spend some of those reserves,” Lahanas said. According to many city officials and council members, the outlook of East Lansing’s next fiscal year is currently optimis-
tic, as several financial concerns that have stressed the city for years have gradually improved. However, issues such as property taxes, revenue sharing from the state and additional transportation needs after a rough winter continue See COUNCIL on page 2 u
2 | T he State News | w ednesday, ap ri l 9, 2 01 4 | staten e
Police brief Fire sparks near tennis courts The East Lansing Fire Department responded to an accidental fire at 11:30 p.m. on April 5 near the Wilson Road tennis courts, according to MSU Police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor. By the time the fire department arrived, there was no active fire. Only embers on the ground and smoking shrubs by the courts were left behind. The fire department declared there was no hazard when they arrived. The damage to the grounds was estimated at $20. The department believed it could have been the discarding of a cigarette that started the fire. There were no witnesses and no suspects. The investigation has been closed. GEOFF PRESTON R u l e s o f e n g ag e m e n t blog
Pros and cons of sharing passwords I usually try to make very clear in these posts that I am not a relationship expert. I’ve found things that work, and things that don’t work (the things that don’t work come mostly from experience) but I try to make one thing very clear: everything is situational. GEOFF PRESTON and christine larouere
“When everyone’s up there and they look really put together, you can tell the work they put in.” Elizabeth O’Malley, advertising junior
Allison Brooks/ The State News
Advertising sophomore Kyle Hall performs during Bar Night held at Breslin Center on Tuesday. Hall is a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity.
The week will continue Wednesday night with Songfest, an event allowing less experienced dancers to partake from page one
all choreographed it together,” Parker said. Parker’s team performed a jazzy hip-hop routine. She said one of her favorite parts of Greek Week is checking out the competition and gauging their preparedness for the event. Although many are given the chance to participate in Songfest, which will take place Wednes-
day night, Parker said MTV Night generally ups the ante for participants. “It’s more competitive and intense. Songfest is 20 to 40 people, and its definitely still difficult, but MTV Night is much more competitive,” she said. O’Malley danced in Songfest her sophomore year and came in second place. But most importantly, the competition has brought O’Malley closer to other members in the greek community. “You really get to know people on your team better than you would have otherwise,” O’Malley said. “It lets them become leaders within their chapter that they hadn’t been before.” Each of the dancers has a personal goal to raise
at least $100, so they’re both fundraising and performing, O’Malley said. Since girls typically become more involved in the dances, she said it’s great to see fraternity brothers get excited about it as well.
Members of the greek community said they valued Greek Week because it brought them together “Normally, girls are the ones who get really into this, but when everyones up there and they look really put together, you can tell the work they put in, and when you can tell they’re so psyched to be up there, it shows,” O’Malley said. Hospitality business senior
Samantha Sant’s team performed a Rocky-themed dance that incorporated jazz and hip-hop. She said they tried to incorporate references from the movies as much as they could. “As far as choreography goes, we do a lot of punch and throwing, like boxing moves, and we also do some kind of humorous things, like wearing American flag shorts,” she said. Criminal justice junior Nicholas Fisk said the experience was worth the long hours of practice. During the last two weeks before the event, he and his team practiced for several hours every day, Fisk said. “It felt great,” he said. “After I did my little jump, I heard everyone go nuts and that was really cool.” MTV Night is also known to students as Bar Night because of rumors that the event took place in bars when Greek Week started in the 80s, advertising senior and Greek Week Director Anna Richards said. “My father and aunt were part of Greek Life when they went here, and they said it used to be more about ‘who’s the top house on campus,’” she said. “Our Greek Week is more philanthropy-driven: who does the most events and raises the most money.” Since January, the
greek community has been putting on fundraisers and other philanthropy events, Richards said. “It’s Greek Week, but it kind of morphs into Greek semester,” he said. The Greek community held the largest blood drive in Michigan in March, beating their own record from last year, with 221 units of blood and 663 lives saved, Richards said. Last month’s Relay for Life event raised approximately $173,000, which was about 70 percent of MSU’s total contributions to the charity overall. Richards said that being part of such a huge effort to raise money to fight cancer is the best part about Greek Week. “As for the dancing, its kind of a way to get people to get excited to be on stage and get engaged,” she said. Neuroscience sophomore Lauren Turner said MTV Night gets everyone pumped because it’s the culmination of the fundraising for Relay for Life. Marketing sophomore Joyce Zellin said this is her second year dancing in MTV Night. “I danced in high school, so this is a good way to keep dancing and raise money for charity,” she said.
for the city because they affect the price at which the city borrows money. If the rating falls, prices rise. With the additional spending, council members worry the rating could drop. According to Lahanas and East Lansing Finance Director Mary Haskell, the standards for bond ratings have changed drastically in recent years. Originally, investment representatives would travel to the
city and rate it on a more holistic benchmark. With the new changes, investing firms are more focused on raw numerical values to determine these credit scores. These questions were taken by Haskell and will be answered in the next meeting, scheduled for April 15th. City council has plans for at least three more work sessions, with the budget planned for adoption on May 20th.
Three-day forecast
SALARY Wednesday Sunny High: 57° Low: 32°
The proposal was sent to the Faculty Senate and will still need approval from several other committees from page one
Thursday Rainy High: 61° Low: 36°
Friday Partly Cloudy High: 61° Low: 39°
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main reasons for the hike would be faculty retention and recognizing the effort they put in. “You want the pay to reflect some sort of recognition of effort and we have had a lack of increases over the years particularly in the
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down times,” Donohue said. “So now that the economy has picked up a little bit, faculty recognize this is a little bit of a catch-up time for us.” The proposed pay increase still has to be approved by a slew of othe r u n ive r sit y c om m ittees, and was ultimately sent to Faculty Senate for consideration. St e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Chair woman Sue Carter noted during the committee that adjusting faculty pay was an important annual chore and thanked Donohue for his work.
ASMSU Vice President Mitchell Goheen said he hoped any state funding increases could also help students Provost June Youatt said she did not feel comfortable commenting on the proposed raise until after the Faculty Senate meeting, where there would be more discussion on the issue. Although several members of the faculty might be rooting for an increase in pay, ASMSU Vice President for Academic Affairs Mitchell Goheen said he hopes the increase in state funding to the university will be reflected in breaks on student tuition as well. “I obviously understand the importance of having an all-star faculty, especially this being a more research centered institution,” Goheen said. “It’s good and bad. It would be nice to see a decent size portion going to tuition as well.” St udent t uition rates have been on the rise for the past several years. Last year, the MSU Board of Trustees approved a staggered increase for different grade levels.
The council likely will have at least three more work sessions before the final version is adopted May 20 from page one
to cause slight concern. The city budget proposal is currently slated at $73.6 million, an increase of 2.28 percent from fiscal year 2014. The council has until May 20 to go over budget details lineby-line in a series of special budget work sessions, held each week prior to regularly scheduled council meetings and work sessions. Despite the additional spending allocated in the proposed budget, East Lansing residents would see a small drop in millage rates for the fiscal year. The majority of spending would come in the form of infrastructure reform. The budget proposal has allocated $1.8 million to the local street fund, which would rebuild and repair East Lansing roads. The fund specifically plans for reconstruction of the Chesterfield Hill and Walnut Heights neighborhoods. Another $250,000 has been budgeted to fund a hazardous sidewalk program that aims to repair the sidewalks around the city to increase safety. Both of these projects come in the wake of a severe winter that caused major road and sidewalk damage. Lahanas said the projects will help to reinvest the city’s reserves back into the city itself. Other projects would include new equipment to firefighters and in-car printers for police officers. With the increase in spending for fiscal year 2015, many council members worried about the economic implications it may cause. In past years, the city’s strict spending and budgeting has landed them high bond ratings from investors. These bond ratings are crucial
FULL COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, April 9 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
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e n t e r ta i n m e n t
Architects discuss potential Spartan Village renovations
MSU Dance Club prepares for annual recital By Kary Askew Garcia THE STATE NEWS nn
By Erik Sargent THE STATE NEWS nn
For future residents of Spartan Village, new renovations and developments are in store as the university living complex is set to get a major overhaul. Architects in charge of the renovations discussed potential new layouts and configurations in Spartan Village during a meeting Tuesday night. The renovations, which are yet to have a starting date, will be a process will take an estimated 10 years to complete. The plans are not yet finalized. “We’re not to that point yet, we’re right now just evaluating the different available sites to see what will fit on the different sites and what fits the institutional needs for the project,” said Kat Cooper, Residential and Hospitality Services communications manager. The current structures, which were built in the late 1950s, are out-of-date and are becoming costly for the university to maintain. “This is an aging facility, it’s an out-of-date facility,” said Andy Hoyer, principal architect at Encore Architects, one of the companies in charge of construction. “It’s expensive to maintain and in some cases hazardous, and it’s not in the university’s best interest to keep putting money into fixing it.” The main focus of the renovations is to create a new, resident-friendly atmosphere for the people who are living in the complexes. “One of the goals for the hous-
n ews b ri e fs
Lansing to host music, Brewing fest this month Live music and beer will fill Adado Riverfront Park in Lansing on April 18-19 for the Microbrew & Music Festival. More than 100 musical acts are scheduled to perform, including bands such as O.A.R., Dirty Heads, Cosby Sweater and The Lansing Unionized Vaudeville Spectacle. The park will have three different stages for the musicians to perform on.
ing is to have it be the type of housing that doesn’t exist anywhere else on campus,” Mackey said. “We’re trying to create an environment that is unique to Spartan Village.” Some of the main upgrades that were requested by the community were a better connection to campus, outdoor amenities and indoor amenities and facilities, such as fitness, academic support, laundry and bus services among many others. Many of the existing buildings and apartments will be demolished to create room for new developments, which will be focused primarily on family housing and single-student housing. The current plan is not to expand the area of Spartan Village, just to replace what is currently there, Cooper said. “It’s not specifically about expanding, the plan is more about replacement,” Cooper said. “I don’t know if we’re going to replace that exact number (of apartments), but the plan is not expansion.” Another potential development discussed at the meeting was the construction of housing in the Cherry Lane and Faculty Bricks Apartments site, which is the piece of land adjacent to the South Neighborhood residence halls. The area would consist of housing as well as parking areas, but wouldn’t eliminate large portions of the trees. The renovations would only take up 30 percent of the current green space in the area.
More than 90 young women crowded half of Intramural Sports Circle’s second floor g y mnasium Tuesday night, each determined to perfect a myriad of choreographed steps that f lowed together with a wide variety of music. The MSU Dance Club will hold its annual recital 2 p.m. on April 13 at East Lansing High School. Club President Kelly Munzenberger said the club has been preparing for the recital since the beginning of the fall semester. Munzenberger said she is looking forward to the recital and is hoping that it runs smoothly, as it is the largest event that she’s ever organized. She will be participating in 10 different performances. “Well of course our big group dances will be really great,” she said. “You get to see people showcase their own creativity … there will be a wide variety of dances.” Audiences can expect to see both hip-hop and contemporary dance performances, in addition to other forms of dance, such as lyrical and jazz, events coordinator Mary Hiller said. Hiller said there will be 42 performances at the recital. Of those, 11 will be large group numbers and the remaining will be solo and small group performances. Pre-veterinar y f reshman Kristen Gouin said she is looking forward to a jazz performance she’ll be in. Gouin said she’s excited
DJ DomiNate and several others will host the festival every night from 6-11 p.m. There will be more than 200 craft beers at the festival, along with wines, ciders and meads. Every half hour, a new sour beer or specialty beer will be tapped. Free samples will be available for tasting. The festivities will continue after the show each night at Hopcat in East Lansing and The Loft in Lansing. Festival attendees who present a wristband at Hopcat will receive a $1 discount off any standard 20-oz. draft. DJ Logic will make a special guest appearance at The Loft April 18 and festival
performers will take the stage at The Loft on April 19. All of the proceeds from alcohol sales will go toward the Greater Lansing Food Bank and other food banks that serve local communities. Tickets can be purchased at the event website. SARA KONKEL
Alleged iPhone thief arrested in Lansing An Apple iPhone thief was discovered in Lansing after stealing students’ phones on campus, according to MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor. On April 6, police arrested a 26-year-old male in Lansing
Julia Nagy/The State News
Advertising sophomore Rebecca Fowler, left, and human development and family studies junior Liz Marjamaa dance during a MSU Dance Club practice Tuesday at IM Sports-Circle.
about the jazz number because she gets to engage audience with “fun and sassy” moves. Special education senior Molly Miller said she was excited about the recital’s tap number to a cover of R. Kelly’s “Ignition.” “It’s not a typical tap song,” Miller said. “Because of the way that people learn tap, (the songs are) usually upbeat or broadway-like music.” She said at last year’s recital, more than 200 guests attended. Hiller said the club is a way for women to dance recreationally in college and not have to deal with surmounting pressure that many professional and competitive dancers typically feel.
and found several cell phones, one of which was an iPhone 5s worth $650 that belonged to an 18-year-old female student. The cell phone was returned to the victim. The arrest was made between 8:20 and 10 p.m. on Gordon Avenue. The suspect has not yet been arraigned. The other victim is listed as a 22-year-old male student who also lost an iPhone, McGlothian-Taylor said. Police believe the suspect gave the second victim’s phone to someone else. They have not yet retrieved it. Although an arrest has been made, the incidents are still under investigation.
“I think it’s really important that we don’t just dance for ourselves, but we dance to benefit other people as well.” Kelly Munzenberger, MSU Dance Club president
Munzenberger said many girls are faced with the difficult decision of whether they should pursue dance professionally. The club is an opportunity for them to still be involved with something they love, even if it’s just for fun. “That was hard, coming to college and choosing whether (or not) to pursue dance,” Munzenberger said. “I’m kind of glad that I get to do both.” She said the club also does several other charity and com-
munity outreach performances, including Relay for Life, a performance at a retirement home and an elementary school Valentine’s Day event. “I think it’s really important that we don’t just dance for ourselves, but we dance to benefit other people as well,” Munzenberger said. MSU students are able to attend the recital free of charge with ID and all non-students ages 12 and up will be charged a $5 admission fee.
L.A. Times Daily Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
n at u r e
MSU Birding Club attempts to spot Timberdoodle By Michael Kransz THE STATE NEWS nn
At dusk, the MSU Birding Club crept through the woods south of Chandler Crossings in hopes of spotting the peculiar mating display of the American Woodcock, or Timberdoodle. Club members scanned the sky with their binoculars, occasionally catching glimpses of aviators off in the distance and identifying their species. As the members awaited an
The Timberdoodle, also knows as the American Woodcock, is especially known for its aerial mating dance encounter with the Timberdoodle, many took to flipping over logs and searching for amphibians and reptiles freshly awakened from the winter. The Timberdoodle is famous for its aerial mating dance. During mating season, the males will f ly high up into the air with the wind rushing through their wings, zoology assistant professor Pamela Rasmussen said.
During their aviation they create a twittering sound, Rasmussen said. They then spiral downward toward the ground. W hen on the ground, they create a loud “peent” noise to attract females. As of press time, no Timberdoodles were spotted. Club vice president and fisheries and wildlife senior Danielle Boston had seen the dance and heard the call once before. She said although the Timberdoodle f lies high up, it almost always lands f rom where it took off, making it easy for birders to encroach and get a fine view of it. "(The mating display) is not something that you see every day, so it’s interesting to watch,” Boston said. “I’ve been within 10 feet from one of them and it’s really intense to see this bird up close.” The MSU Birding Club hosted t he Tuesday-night bird search, and the event was one of many. Zoology senior Hayley Sisson said the club holds birding outings most every weekend. Sometimes the club holds a search for a particular species, and other times it holds a gen-
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eral search. “I just think it’s amazing how many birds you can see in a day, that you don’t realize are a different species,” Sisson said. The MSU Birding Club was
officially formed in fall 2013. Anyone interested in attending birding events or receiving more information may contact club president and fisheries and wildlife senior Kaitlin Clark.
1 Lead-in for bird or walk 4 Nervous and irritable 9 Thai cash 13 Musician Turner 14 Words Alice read on a cake 15 Month in Madrid 17 Waist bag 19 Once more 20 “It’s __ bet”: “No risk” 21 Everlasting, to a poet 22 Cal. entry 25 Herbal remedy for indigestion 27 Custard dishes 30 River in NW France 31 “The Star-Spangled Banner,” e.g. 32 Countdown-ending numero 33 Leveling wedge 37 Pen name 38 Renege 41 Amin of Uganda 42 Twice vier 44 Word of surprise 45 __ Zee: area where the Hudson River widens 47 Taj Mahal home 49 Heavenly higher-ups, in Christianity 50 Piece of Le Creuset cookware 54 Chess piece 55 People with skill 56 Place to store valuables
59 Station 60 Sense of humor 64 Old hat 65 Popeye creator Segar 66 Type of museum 67 Kane’s Rosebud, e.g. 68 Nobel-winning Irish poet 69 It may need a boost
1 Peanut butter brand 2 Alias, for short 3 Hankering 4 They may be done by ones who have gone too far 5 Family nickname 6 Support crews 7 Game show personality 8 “__War”: Shatner series 9 Defeated 10 49-Across, por ejemplo 11 Soul partner 12 Puzzle video game with three heroes 16 Top draft status 18 “Of course!” 21 Along the way 22 Red Sea port on its own gulf 23 __ Wars: Rome vs. Carthage 24 Tuner’s concern 26 Words to Nanette? 28 Playboy nickname
29 Political fugitives 32 Island instrument 34 River horse 35 Snake River state 36 Belarus capital 39 Tide type 40 Roofer’s supply 43 Stage in a frog’s life 46 Medicare section for physician services 48 Destroyed the inside of, as a building 49 Verse segment 50 Hula Hoop et al. 51 “Golden Boy” dramatist 52 India neighbor 53 Small egg 57 Workbook chapter 58 Strong alkalis 60 “30 Rock” star 61 Be indebted to 62 Pick on 63 Outer: Pref.
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4 | Th e Stat e N e ws | We d n esday, Ap ri l 9, 201 4 | staten e
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ready to graduate Yet?
The (in)opportunity of student internships, how they affect career prospects
very senior knows the feeling. That looming question: “So what are you going to do after graduation?” Some of us are more prepared with answers. Some of us, like me, just started on that journey two months out from the end. What I didn’t realize, and many of us seniors only have now in retrospect, is the new necessity of experience to accompany an MSU diploma. Who are you if you haven’t had at least two or three internships before you send in that first real world job application? In today’s competitive job market — unemployed. To compete with the couple thousand MSU graduates and the unimaginable number of students graduating nationwide, you need a special something to set yourself apart from the rest, and that is experience. With only one internship (in Argentina) and no involvement in student organizations, an employer might take one look at my résumé and ask: What has this girl been doing these last four years? The answer is working. However, I haven’t quite figured out a way to professionally communicate, “Student internships don’t pay my rent.” All of your advisors encouraged it — some of them required it — but the fact of the matter is that undergraduate internships are the key to becoming employed right out of college. Not only does interning give you a leg-up in a company if you choose to stay there, but it also gives you valuable
Too many concerts at MSU have been canceled For the second time in a year, a concert on MSU’s campus has been canceled due to a lack of ticket sales. It’s time for some reevaluating.
contacts and builds your résumé to entice other fessional world. M a n y c ol l e gemployment suitors. Even if “previous experience” does not appear as es within MSU —Sara Konkel, State News reporter a requirement in a job posting, it is “highly recom- require and/or give mended” and many times is the deciding factor for credit for internwhose résumé gets a call back and whose goes in the ships, showing a camRead the rest online at pus-wide rectrash. The drawback of these ognition of ships, however, is that they generguest columnist the need to gain ally are not paid or pay very little. experience relevant Thus, we see a trend appear where to your career goals. those who can afford to work for free However, what these generally are the ones who have the programs fail to recognize is opportunity to intern. the importance of time. Generally, This brings me to my dilemma — these internships are conducted in an opportunity. Unfortunately or forThose that have the time and opportunity to independent fashion on the student’s intern for free in this manner, whether for credit tunately (whichever way you wish own time. So how does one who is jug- or for their own personal growth, generally have to view it) my family could not progling a full-time job and full-time school an advantage over those who simply do not have vide me with much financial support Nicole Strobel commit to an internship if he or she does the luxury of time or financial resources. This perduring my time at MSU. As a result, not have time in which to conduct it? petuates a sort of classist division that going to a I have been working full-time at a If these programs took these challeng- university hopes to erase — the idea that if you local restaurant since sophomore year, living off of minimum wage and my student es into consideration, maybe they could work out work hard and do well in college, you will obtain loan refunds. As I apply for jobs, I retrospectively see a solution to this problem. the career of your dreams. However, the system in For example, students could take a “lab” where which MSU is currently operating does not exactly how vital student internships are for life after graduation. Even with my dual degree stamped with so they would have scheduled time dedicated solely accomplish this goal of opportunity for all. many wonderful achievements (MSU, James Mad- to an internship. This could help students like me Colleges within MSU should work together to ison College, Honors College, etc.), I feel as if all who work as much as they can to use what would rethink how they incorporate internships into the my hard work will be lost in the shuffle of “Well, normally be class time for an internship. I realize undergraduate process in order to open up the field the other applicant understands this kind of work that this is the point of making the internship for of opportunity. After all, shouldn’t we a feel ready credit, but the reality is that most students take on to graduate? environment and you don’t.” This suggests a need to incorporate internships a full schedule in addition to these internships just Nicole Strobel is a comparative cultures and politics into curriculum to prepare students for the pro- to graduate on time. and Spanish senior. Reach her at
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editorial cartoonist
how to maintain longdistance relationships
ne distinct memory that always comes to mind this time of year is from high school: Spring is break up season. For so many young couples who will be spending the summer apart, the end of the spring semester brings about hard decisions that either solidify or end their time together. For a courageous few, however, the end of the spring means long-distance. This is my life.
phone or similar device nearby to respond to messages as promptly as possible.
3) Be understanding. This lesson can help in many ways and can be seen in many forms. For example, while I was abroad it was very difficult to communicate because Internet access was not consistent or constant. And without an international phone, contact was difficult on some days. However, my boyfriend was understanding in that he knew sometimes I just could not respond as fast as I would have wanted. Additionally, it is helpful to understand that you and your partMy boyfriend, Ricky Price, ner are in a curiand I met at the ous position in your end of freshman guest columnist lives, and summer year and have can be a time for spent every sumlife-changing expemer apart from riences. One must one another be realistic and realsince: one while ize that when one I worked for the is spending a day Academic Orienat the Eiffel Tower tation Program, or the Pão de Açúanother while Daniel Becker car, texting is not an studying in immediate concern, zil and finally and a partner should this summer at be understanding and flexible. an internship with a multinaFinally, couples must undertional corporation in Toronstand that some nights, one’s to. Throughout these experiences, however, I have learned partner might go out with new friends and have a little fun. a number of lessons that are Rather than getting angry that important to keep in mind if they are out without you, try you’re facing the possibility to avoid feeling jealous or left of a long-term relationship. out. Instead, understand that they are making memories 1) Remember the importhat they might never have at tant dates and take any other time in their lives. advantage of alternative dates. 4) Look to the future. Although we were physiIt is difficult to see your cally not together, the deciloved one making beausion to become exclusive with tiful memories and havmy boyfriend was made on July 4th, when I decided it was ing great experiences. My recommendation is simtime for crazy freshman me to ple: remember that if it is settle down. Despite the fact meant to be, there is a great that we have never been physfuture ahead. Within this ically together for this annifuture are numerous opporversary, we always make an tunities to travel with each effort to Skype and see each other and create memories other. We also choose a weektogether. With this in mind, end when we are together so the time apart can be time to we can celebrate our anniverplan for a future together. sary in a special way, which In general, I would rectypically involves a weekend ommend couples try to stay of fun activities like a trip to calm. A summer is only three the planetarium or splurgmonths, and a little space ing on a hotel getaway. can make the heart grow fonder. From my experi2) Try to communicate ence, distance has been nothas much as possible. ing but an opportunity to When you cannot physicalevaluate one’s life and posily see your loved one, I have tion in a relationship, which learned that being a phone has always ended up helpcall away is a good way to ing me out in the long run. continue to feel their presDaniel Becker is a comence in your life. In order for parative cultures and polthis to work, one must make itics senior. Reach him at an effort both to remember to send messages and keep a
Michael Holloway mholloway@
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LETTER: March with MSU Students United to fight for students’ rights An end to tuition hikes? Ok, well forget about seeing any improvements or advances made on campus. If you want to go somewhere with cheap education, MSU isn’t for you. University of Phoenix is for you. Go back to pre-Snyder funding? Ok, where is the money going to come from? Granholm spent a lot of money that she didn’t have and sent our state into a downward spiral. Perhaps we can stop plowing snow in the winter and fixing roads in the summer? 50% representation of students on the Board of Trustees? When was the last time a student even tried running for board of trustees? ron, April 8
Let’s not forget the fact that the student population changes entirely every 4 years. Do they care? Yes. Do they care enough to waste their Friday walking a few miles to the Capitol building? Probably not. Duncan’s time might be better spent learning WHY the situation is the way it is. Legislation is only going to make the problem worse. (in reply to ron) Matt, April 5
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How to reach us Questions? Contact Opinion Editor Rebecca Ryan at (517) 432-3070. By email; By fax (517) 432-3075; By mail Letters to the Editor, The State News, 435 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing, MI 48823
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5 | Th e Stat e N e ws | w ed ne sday, ap ri l 9, 2 01 4
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Features editor Anya Rath, Phone (517) 432-3070 Fax (517) 432-3075
h e a lt h
Students do yoga to raise mental health awareness By Casey Holland THE STATE NEWS nn
On Tuesday afternoon, students tossed aside stresses with a free 90-minute outdoor yoga session. University Activities Board, ASMSU and the Student Health Advisory Council at MSU partnered up to put on “Yoga at the Rock.” The session was held as part of ASMSU’s Mental Health Awareness Week, a week of events to raise awareness and fight the stigmas of different mental illnesses. From 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., as students meandered to and from class, roughly 20 people gathered in the field behind the rock on Farm Lane. Mats were provided for those who did not have one or were participating in yoga for the first time. That afternoon, they were led in a Vinyasa, or flow, yoga session. The session was led by Marisa Martini, a history, philosophy and sociology of science senior. Martini, who is working
Participants practice yoga Tuesday at the Rock on Farm Lane for Mental Health Awareness Week. Students could stop by between classes and pick up free yoga mats to participate in the event.
toward being certified as a yoga instructor, said this particular style is about connecting one’s movement with their breath, mind and thoughts. “ Yog a h a s so many benefits to the body and mind,” she said. “I thought this would be t he p e r fe c t event to do — it ’s ver y de-stressing.” Although Martini instructed the st udents on how to complete each pose, she did Ryan not de monst rate t hem Peterson Horticulture herself. junior She said this was because other people might not be able to move their body the way she moves hers and they need to move in a way that feels right for their own body. Horticulture junior Ryan Peterson said he wanted to participate in the event after he heard about Mental Health
Julia Nagy/The State News
“Yoga is a key aspect of keeping healthy mental clarity.”
Awareness Week, a cause he felt he could relate to. Peterson struggled with mental illness most of his life, and said yoga was one way he was able to cope with it. “Yoga is a key aspect of keeping healthy mental clarity,” he said. “This is good practice on a beautiful day.”
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kicking their feet like overturned bugs. Anagha Bharadwaj, an international relations senior, wanted to join the rest of the crowd to practice yoga because of the warm weather. Bharadwaj also came out because she supports Mental Health Awareness Week’s
Horoscope By Linda C. Black
BY TELEPHONE (517) 432-3010 BY FAX (517) 432-3015 IN PERSON 435 E. Grand River Ave. BY E-MAIL ONLINE OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
Everyone was free to move at their own pace as the session progressed, using hip-opening moves that Martini said were meant to release emotions held in the hips. Students held themselves in the downward-facing dog position and attempted motions that had them on their backs,
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Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 7 — Now you’re cooking. Meditate on the desired flavors. Add spices as you slowly raise the heat. Sip something delicious while another’s enthusiasm infuses you.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is an 8 — The Moon’s in your sign, favorably aspecting warrior Mars. You’ve got the power. Physical exercise works wonders and builds energy. A hunch could be profitable.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 6 — There’s more work ahead. Passions rise, and could boil over if left untended. Consider a friend’s suggestion. Your team’s hot... provide leadership for balance. T
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 7 — Get organized with your plans today and tomorrow to manage your deadlines. Travel later. Clarify your direction, and chart out the logistics.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is a 7 — Explore new territory today and tomorrow. Follow the money trail, and hit gold. A person of higher status can assist. Maintain your best behavior, and keep your schedule.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 7 — Play with your community today and tomorrow. Focus on partnership, and do what you promised. Together, anything’s possible.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Today is a 7 — A new profitable opportunity arises before another project’s done. Make plans without taking action yet.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is an 8 — Consider new opportunities over the next two days. Discuss them with a partner. Review your resources, and restock if needed.
cause. “I feel like this is so important because a lot of people have mental health flare-ups when they get to college,” she said. “Counselors are over-burdened and don’t have enough time or space for students. Students need to be aware of other resources they have available.”
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is an 8 — Today and tomorrow include expansion. Plan a trip, widen your territory, and broaden the focus of your studies. Travel and fun are favored. What do you want to learn? Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is an 8 — The tempo’s upbeat, and you’re jamming. Find an area to increase efficiency, and save energy. Trust a hunch. You’re gaining respect. Okay, now you can buy toys. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is an 8 — Devote energy to a partnership today and tomorrow. Reignite common passions, and don’t unveil your secret power yet. Provide well for your family and invest in your home. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 7 — The pace jumps with high energy today and tomorrow. Take care to avoid accidents. Throw some money at a problem. You’re busy with creative projects... take one step at a time.
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WEB DEVELOPERS Develop websites for SNworks, a digital firm at the State News that builds websites for media groups around the country. Must have experience with HTML/CSS. PHP is a plus. PROJECT MANAGERS Make sure that website projects are on time and on budget for various college media clients. Must be highly organized and have strong communication skills.
Personal ADOPTION A loving secure safe happy family home awaits your newborn baby. Lisa 866-7072572. Expenses Paid. vvvvvvvvv
state n e | The State N ews | wednes day, a pril 9, 2014 |
sports editor Beau Hayhoe, Phone (517) 432-3070 Fax (517) 432-3075
Errors doom MSU in loss to Central Michigan MSU offense moves steadily
Number of errors committed by MSU baseball in the team’s loss to Central Michigan on Tuesday night.
from last fall in spring practice
By Ben Stram THE STATE NEWS nn
MSU fell at home to in-state rival Central Michigan, 10-1, on Tuesday afternoon to end a seven-game winning streak. Despite only giving up four hits, MSU was unable to overcome eight errors, which led to seven unearned runs. Head coach Jake Boss, Jr. said MSU played its worst game since he’s been there. “The way we played today is unacceptable. It’s as embarrassing a loss I think I’ve had here at Michigan State,” he said. “It’s not how we play baseball here at Michigan State. Good thing is we have a chance to play tomorrow, we don’t have to sit on it all week.” The sloppy play by MSU started early. In the top of the second inning, Central Michigan scored the first two runs of the game despite only having one hit. MSU freshman pitcher Walter Borkovich relaxed quickly, however. In the third and fourth innings, he faced only three batters, retiring them quickly. The Chippewas started threatening MSU once again in the top of the fifth. Two errors and a wild pitch by Borkovich then allowed two more runs. Borkovich would end up with 3 earned runs in 4 1/3 innings before being taken out. The Spartans attempted to rally against the Mid-American Conference foe in the sixth inning. With two outs, junior right fielder Jimmy Pickens helped MSU get rolling offensively. He hit a long drive to right field over the fence, which scored the first and only run of the game for MSU. This led to two more hits by sophomore left fielder Cam Gibson and senior catcher Joel Fisher, although Central Michigan would get out of that situation quickly thereafter. MSU had more trouble defen-
Julia Nagy/The State News Danyelle Morrow/The State News
Senior catcher Joel Fisher looks to the dugout during the game against Central Michigan on Tuesday at McLane Baseball Stadium at Old College Field.
sively in the top of the seventh. Three errors led to three more unearned Chippewa runs, stretching the lead to 7-1. The Spartans left 10 men on base throughout the game, while Central Michigan left seven. Gibson led the way offensively for MSU as he finished 3-for3 with three singles and a walk. Fisher also chipped in with two hits for the Spartans. Fisher said that it’s “pretty much impossible” to overcome the sloppy play that plagued MSU on Tuesday. “I mean, what’d they score 10
runs on four hits? Yeah, I mean you can’t win ball games doing that. You can’t win ball games giving up 10 runs, let alone 10 runs on four hits,” he said. “I may be upset about it tonight, this one. But tomorrow is a new day, every game is a new game. So just kind of forget that this ever happened and just try and roll along and bring the intensity for tomorrow.” MSU plays again at 3:05 p.m. today against Western Michigan at McLane Baseball Stadium at Old College Field.
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Junior quarterback Connor Cook hands the ball off to senior running back Jeremy Langford during football practice Tuesday at the practice field outside Duffy Daugherty Football Building.
By Omari Sankofa II THE STATE NEWS nn
The MSU football team enjoyed some sunshine on Tuesday as it moved outside for the sixth practice of the spring. Head coach Mark Dantonio addressed the media, discussing position battles and depth chart adjustments in the wake of injuries. Progress on offense With junior Connor Cook firmly planted as the No. 1 quarterback, senior Jeremy Langford entrenched as the No. 1 running back and an experienced receiving core, the offense is mostly set heading into the 2014 season. This is somewhat unusual for the Spartans, who typically are more solid on defense this time of the year. Dantonio said the offense found its stride last November and has been consistently good from that point onward. “I think there’s confidence in our receivers and confidence in our offense overall when you
have a (quarterback) who is solidified in that position,” Dantonio said. “Not that it wasn’t last year, but there were some questions. It makes it easy for everyone else to transition.” Dantonio said sophomore quarterback Tyler O’Connor — currently No. 2 on the depth chart — has been impressive in scrimmages and described redshirt freshman Damion Terry as “a talent,” albeit one that is young. Injury struggles Sophomore guard Zach Higgins could miss the entire season with an ACL injury suffered in practice last Friday, Dantonio revealed. Sophomore running back Delton Williams and redshirt freshman running back Gerald Holmes both missed Friday’s scrimmage with injuries. Senior running back Nick Hill, who Dantonio said has made some big plays in spring practice, now likely is the No. 2 running back behind Langford. Redsh i r t f resh ma n Jon
Reschke has emerged as the No. 1 option at middle linebacker for now — senior Taiwan Jones is limited right now with an ankle injury. Junior wide receiver A.J. Troup, who underwent knee surgery last July, is expected to miss the rest of spring practice but should be back in time for the fall season. Stepping up in spring practice Dantonio said junior wide receiver DeAnthony Arnett is mov ing up t he dept h chart following some strong performances. Arnett took a redshirt year last season after transferring to before the 2012 season from Tennessee. Bennie Fowler graduated, which represents the only loss to the playing group of receivers from last season. Sophomore tight end Jamal Lyles, who was moved to offense from defensive end last fall, also has “taken a big step forward,” Dantonio said.
RELIGIOUS GUIDE Look for this directory in the paper every Wednesday and online at: Ascension Lutheran Church 2780 Haslett Rd., E. Lansing Between Hagadorn & Park Lake Rds. (517) 337-9703 Wednesday Lenten Services: 7pm Sunday Worship: 10am Sunday School: 9am Adult Bible Study: 9am
Congregation Shaarey Zedek 1924 Coolidge Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 351-3570 Friday Evenings: 7:30 Shabbat Evening Service (Reform) Saturday Mornings: 9:00 Shabbat Morning Service (Conservative) Edgewood United Church, UCC 469 N. Hagadorn East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-8693 Sunday: 10am LGBTQ Celebrating, Justice and Peace Congregation First Baptist Church of Okemos 4684 Marsh Road Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 349-2830 Worship Celebration - Sundays at 10:45am
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Greater Lansing Church of Christ 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 898-3600 Sunday Worship: 8:45am Sunday Bible Study: 10:15am Sunday Evening: Small Group Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00pm Hillel Jewish Student Center 360 Charles St., E. Lansing (517) 332-1916 Friday Night Services: 6pm September - April
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LIttle Flock Christian Fellowship A Non-Denominational- Evagelical Church Sunday Worship Service: 10 AM to 12 Noon Participatory Singing and Worship, Communion (Lord’s Table), and Bible Lesson Fellowship Lunch after the service Location: Michigan State University Alumni Chapel (Basement Hall) Contact us for more information about Weekly Bible Studies & Students’ Meetings; Martin Luther Chapel 444 Abbot Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-0778 Sunday: 10:30am & 7:00pm “Wednesday ON FIRE” at 7:09pm One Community–Lutheran (ELCA)/ Episcopal (TEC) Campus Ministry 1020 South Harrison Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-2559 Wednesdays: On campus Student Worship 7:00pm (MSU Alumni Chapel) Sundays: 8:30, 10:45am (at University Lutheran Church) Sundays: 8:00, 10:00am (at All Saints Episcopal Church Peoples Church 200 W. Grand River Ave. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-6264 Sunday Worship: 10:30am Tuesday: Love Life: 7-9pm Wednesday: Dinner at 5:30pm, Journey at 6:30 Quan Am Buddhist Temple, MSU Meditation Center 1840 N. College Road Mason, MI 48854 (517) 853-1675 (517) 347-1655 7-8:30pm Every Thursday Red Cedar Friends Meeting (Quaker) 1400 Turner St. Lansing, MI 48906 (517) 371-1047 Sunday: 9am, 10:30am Weekdays: 7:30am St. John Catholic Church and Student Center 327 M.A.C. Ave., E. Lansing (517) 337-9778 Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5pm, 7pm Reconciliation: Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am to Noon
St. Paul Lutheran Church 3383 E. Lake Lansing Rd. East Lansing, MI (517) 351-8541 Adult Bible Study: 9am Worship:10am St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church & School 955 Alton Rd., E. Lansing (517) 351-7215 Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am Reconciliation: Saturday 3-4pm, 5:30pm Trinity Church 3355 Dunckel Dr. Lansing, MI 48911 (517) 272-3820 Saturday: 6pm Sunday: 9:15 am, 11am College/Young Adult Service Sundays at 11am in the Student Auditorium Unity Spiritual Renaissance 230 S. Holmes St. Lansing, MI 48912 (517) 484-2360 or (517) 505-1261 Sunday: 10:30am Wednesday: 6:30pm meditation Office: Monday-Thursday 9:30-12:00 University Christian Church 310 N. Hagadorn East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-5193 Non-Instrumental: 8:45am Traditional: 11:15am University United Methodist Church MSU Wesley 1120 S. Harrison Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 351-7030 Sunday: 10:30am TGIT: 8:00pm Thursdays 9:00am Garden Service thru Labor Day Weis Lutheran Campus Ministry 704 Abbott Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 580-3744 6:00pm Saturday