Wednesday 4/23/14

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RISE chalks up sidewalks in honor of Earth Day Doctoral student Kate Glanville draws with chalk Tuesday outside Bailey Hall. Betsy Agosta /The State News | 4/23/14 | @thesnews


Michigan State University’s independent voice trustees

Room and board price hikes on the horizon for most students

Construction ahead for East Lansing

Home plate advantage

Several roads to close for repair during spring and summer

Baseball team defeats Toledo 4-2 at home

campus+city, pG. 3

sports, pG. 6

Farmers in Training Each year, several students dig deep to learn the art of organic farming

By Olivia Dimmer THE STATE NEWS nn

Students will have to pay $344 more in food and housing fees next year after the MSU Board of Trustees voted Tuesday to approve a 3.95 percent hike to double room and silver meal plan packages. Overall, the rate for room and board will rise to $9,154 in the 2014-15 year. The board approved the hike unanimously and with no public comment.

Room and board fees will be raised to $9,154 in the 2014-15 year in a 3.95 percent hike approved by the Board of Trustees Residential and Hospitality Services Vice President for Auxiliary Enterprises Vennie Gore said during the meeting one of the main reasons for the increase was a concern about pork, beef and corn scarcity following a recent drought in the West. “Food will be a very volatile cost this year,” Gore said. Although no fee increase was applied to Spartan Village, the board voted to increase the cost of living at University Village by 2.2 percent. This is the first increase the apartment complex has had in three years, Gore said. The new rate at University Village will total $705 per person per month for a four-bedroom apartment. The decision to raise room and board fees came just one day after MSU Students United petitioned the trustees to place a freeze on all tuition. After being presented with the petition, which had more than 3,000 signatures, Board of Trustees Chairman Joel Ferguson maintained that he would continue to do what was best for MSU. He See HOUSING on page 2 u

photos by erin Hampton/The State News

Lansing resident and assistant instructor Russell Honderd harvests parsnips April 16 at the MSU Student Organic Farm on College Road. Students go through hands-on training for nine months to receive a certificate from MSU Student Organic Farm and MSU Department of Horticulture. Lansing resident and assistant instructor Russell Honderd harvests parsnips April 16 at the MSU Student Organic Farm on College Road.

By Michael Kransz THE STATE NEWS nn


lthough most students apply what they have learned in lectures by writing term papers and filling out multiplechoice exams, some students display their knowledge out in the field with dirt-caked hands.

For those studying at the MSU Student Organic Farm, the coursework is dictated by each growing season, and failing an assignment means less food on the table. After class, horticulture junior Michael Klacking travels past agricultural research centers and down

dirt roads to the 15-acre farm located on the grounds of the Horticulture Teaching and Research Center near the southern edge of campus. Klacking is a member of the farm crew, a group of graduate and undergraduate students who work on See FARMERS on page 2 u

To view a timeline of the Student Organic Farm’s history, visit

G R A D U AT i o n


Beaumont Tower opens for seniors

U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of Michigan’s affirmative action ban By Sergio Martínez-Beltrán THE STATE NEWS nn

Family community services senior Rachel Nurenberg and human biology junior Clinton Korneffel listen to Williamston resident Sally Harwood play the Carillon on Tuesday during a tour of Beaumont Tower. The graduating senior tour was put on by MSU Association of Future Alumni, Senior Class Council and University Activities Board. — Erin Hampton, SN See the story on page 3

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Michigan’s affirmative action ban, preventing MSU and the state’s 14 other public universities from using race as a factor in their admissions processes. The ruling overturned a 2012 decision by U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, which found Michigan’s affirmative action ban in violation of the 14th amendment ’s equal protection clause. But the court ’s ruling alone will not likely affect MSU’s current admissions policies. A d m i n i s t r ator s h av e b e haved c aut iou sly i n recent years, instead favoring surrogate metrics such as socioeconomic status and

She also said that the unigeographic area to achieve a more diverse student body on versity “can’t grant preference campus. of treatment based on race of Sp e a k i n g w it h r e p or t- students.” ers Tuesday, MSU President In 2006, Michigan voters Lou Anna K. Simon stopped passed an amendment to the short of calling the ruling a state constitution stating that hinderance to the university’s Michigan universities “shall recruiting efforts. not discriminate against, “I t h i n k it or grant preferential would have treatment to, any indipermitvidual or group on ted us to the basis of race, Our admission employ sex, color, ethnicprocesses have always some ity, or national stratorigin in … pubconsisted of a holistic egies lic education.” review.” and tacThe measure tics that passed with 58 are, by percent of Michsenior advisor to definition, i g an voters in Pres. Simon a bit more support. direct,” Simon Black Student Alliance said. President Tyler Clif ford “Our admission process- said even though he was not es have always consisted of a against admitting students holistic review. We take into to college based on universal account a lot of factors,” Pau- standards, he is worried about lette Granberr y Russell, a senior advisor to Simon, added. See COURT on page 2 u

—Paulette Granberry russell,

2 | T he Stat e N e ws | w ed ne sday, ap ri l 23 , 2 01 4 | state n e

News briefs Manhole repairs to close Harrison Road A heavily-traveled portion of Harrison Road will be closed from April 23 to April 25 to repair manholes and drainage structures, according to a statement from the city of East Lansing. Motorists should expect lane shifts between Kalamazoo Street and Michigan Avenue both northbound and southbound while construction crews fix the issues. City officials say motorists should exercise caution through the area and seek alternative routes if possible. Residents are encouraged to call the East Lansing Department of Public Works at 517-337-9459 with questions. GEOFF PRESTON

Taste of East Lansing to be held Saturday On April 26 residents and students can visit downtown East Lansing for live music, various activities and samples from local restaurants at Taste of East Lansing. More than 13 local restaurants will be offering samples. Food tickets cost $2. The event will take place from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on April 26 at the 200 block of Albert Avenue and Ann Street Plaza. Attending restaurants include The State Room, Swagath Indian Cuisine, What Up Dawg?, Eat at State and Buffalo Wild Wings. A portion of ticket sales will be donated to Haven House, a shelter that offers emergency housing and support services to homeless families.


For some, the organic farm offers a chance to develop a closer relationship with nature from page one

the farm, witnessing how the lessons taught in lectures, discussions and slideshows in the classroom align with and vari-

Each year, members of the Student Organic Farm sell produce to students on campus from the beginning of April to the end of October ate from what unfolds in the field throughout the agricultural cycle. “Class is learning the science behind stuff, the physiology of things,” Klacking said. “Out here that can be important, but things can differ from what you learn in class to what happens in the field. Being out here teaches you in a whole different way.” For Klacking, who desires to establish a small-scale organic farm after graduation, toiling in the dirt is complementary to his university education. Klacking said the benefit of the farm work extends past learning application and know-how.

“It’s rewarding, and the anticipation after putting in a lot of labor, then we get to see them grow from seedlings into plants — it’s reaping the harvest of your hard work,” Klacking said. “It’s seeing something from the beginning to the end.” Harvest on campus Every year from the start of April to the end of October, members of the Student Organic Farm sell produce to students on campus each Thursday from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Farm Stand Manager and Assistant Instructor Russell Honderd and his team haul produce from the farm to campus for students to purchase at a farm stand in front of the Auditorium. According to the farm’s website, some of the produce offered during spring at the Farm Stand are spinach, lettuce, brassica salad mix, chard, kale, collards, radishes, turnips, peas, and strawberries. In addition, they also offer many garden transplants and storage crops like potatoes, carrots, winter squash, onions, garlic, rutabaga, cabbage, and beets. Because the produce comes from a local farm and doesn’t have to sit on store shelves, it is picked when ripe, giving it a richer, often sweeter, taste than many are accustomed to, Honderd said. Honderd said last year one student bought hot peppers, cilantro and tomatoes from the Farm Stand and was so surprised by the difference in taste that she was compelled to give back. “She came back an hour later with salsa and said,

‘This is the best salsa I ever made, and I wanted you to have some,’” Honderd said. “She makes a mean salsa.” The Gallery at Snyder-Phillips Executive Chef Eric Batten experiments with leafy greens from the Student Organic Farm and incorporates them into various dishes. Batten said the quality of produce from the farm is apparent in its taste. “It’s good when a tomato tastes like tomato,” he said. “It tastes like what it’s supposed to. It’s being picked when it’s ripe. When you pick something when it’s not ripe, all the sugars don’t have time to develop and it’s not the optimal product.” Batten’s relationship with the farm began to sprout six or seven years ago when he and a group of students workers began volunteering at the farm once a week. In return, the farm began selling Batten salad greens and other surplus produce. Batten said helping the process from field to fork is one of his “proudest moments at MSU,” and it is an experience that some of the student workers still thank him for. Organic Farmer Training Program The farm hosts a diverse group of learners, from professors and students across various disciplines researching agriculture, to those hoping to establish their own organic farming enterprises. Howell resident Wendy Pangle, 62, worked in corporate sales for nearly 40 years before deciding to retire. Her retirement plan: buy a plot of land and establish an

Continued “It’s rewarding ... it’s reaping the harvest of your hard work. It’s seeing something from the beginning to the end.” Michael Klacking, horticulture junior

organic farm where her husband could do woodworking, building their farm structures and selling creations, and where her grandchildren could experience how things grow off the land. Pangle, an MSU alumna of 1974, is a student once again. After deciding on the retirement plan, she looked for the education needed to create an economically-viable organic farming operation. What she found is the Organic Farm Training Program run by the Student Organic Farm. “This program is great because it gives you lots of hands-on experience as well quite a bit of university level education on soil biology, composting, ecology, environmental studies,” Pangle said. Honderd, a graduate of the program, said he chose to participate because it emphasized the business and economics of running a successful organic farm and took a holistic approach to learning the trade. “I applied to that program because it approached organic agriculture through a lot of different lenses,” Honderd said. “It wasn’t just an academic discipline, skill training or business develop-

ment, it included all three.” Each year, about 16 students are selected for the program which rewards a certificate upon completion. It runs nine months, from March to November, and Honderd said the students work and study on the farm for about 40 hours a week, 5 to 6 days a week. Honderd said the program attracts people from various backgrounds and motivations, because it teaches how to farm organically. For some, organic farming means developing a closer relationship with nature. For some others, it means being able to continue a tradition. “There are people who are like those hippie permaculturalists who are drawn to organic farming to save the world and be at one with the earth, and there are people who are fourth-generation farmers and they see it as an opportunity to bring some financial security by carving a niche in the market themselves,” Honderd said. “They’ve seen how their fathers and grandfathers have either struggled or wondered how they’re going to maintain the farm. They’ve seen their family leaving and see it as a means to maintain that.”

efforts are laughable while he does nothing, it’s disappointing to be sure.” Many MSU Students United members attended the meeting to speak out against the room and board hike. “On-campus living expenses are, especially for freshmen, just an extension of tuition because (students) don’t really have a choice,” philosophy senior Spencer Perrenoud said. “So that’s an excellent way for the university to continue extorting money from

any place they can from the students.” Gore said with the room and board hike, he would be focusing on how the university can provide a better on campus experience with engagement centers and keeping students fed and healthy. “We believe we provide a good value for our students at $41 a day,” Gore said. “Relative to the Big Ten, we are the third lowest rate and we are around the middle of the pack in Michigan schools.”


COURT Three-day forecast

Wednesday Sunny High: 57° Low: 39°

Thursday Showers High: 62° Low: 44°

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said the court’s decision was “monumental” from page one

how the university will be able to maintain diversity on campus. “I’m not against voting students to the same standard,” Clifford said. “I’m just curious to see how the university will respond to the pledge to diversity.” I n t he 6 -2 de c i sion Tuesday, the court’s con-

VOL . 104 | NO. 236

Friday Cloudy High: 66° Low: 40°

editorial staff

Index Campus+city 3 Opinion 4 Sports 6 Features 5 Classifieds 5 Crossword 3

(517) 432-3070 Editor in chief Ian Kullgren


managing editor Lauren Gibbons


DIGITAL managing editor Celeste Bott Design editor Becca Guajardo PHOTO EDITOR Julia Nagy ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR Danyelle Morrow Opinion editor Rebecca Ryan campus EDITOR Nolly Dakroury City Editor Katie Abdilla sports editor Beau Hayhoe Features editor Anya Rath Copy Chief Maude Campbell n n

Professional staff General Manager Marty Sturgeon, (517) 432-3000 Editorial adviser Omar Sofradzija, (517) 432-3070 CREATIVE adviser Travis Ricks, (517) 432-3004 Web adviser Mike Joseph, (517) 432-3014 Photo adviser Robert Hendricks, (517) 432-3013

If you notice an error, please contact Managing Editor Lauren Gibbons at (517) 432-3070 or by email at nn

The State News is published by the students of Michigan State University, Monday through Friday during fall, spring and select days during summer semesters. A special Welcome Week edition is published in August. Subscription rates: $5 per semester on campus; $125 a year, $75 for one fall or spring semester, $60 for summer semester by mail anywhere in the continental United States. One copy of this newspaper is available free of charge to any member of the MSU community. Additional copies $0.75 at the business office only. State News Inc. is a private, nonprofit corporation. Its current 990 tax form is available for review upon request at 435 E. Grand River Ave. during business hours.

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servative majority said the ruling was not about how the issue of racial preferences in college admissions should be resolved, but instead about who should be in charge of resolving it.

The court’s conservative majority said the decision should be left in the hands of voters “There is no authority in the Constitution of the United States or in this Court’s precedents for this Judiciary to set aside Michigan laws that commit this policy determination to the voters,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion. Dur i ng a press con ference Tuesday afternoon in Lansing, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said the court’s Tuesday decision was “monumental.” “Today’s decision by the Un ited St ates Supreme Court is a victor y for the Constitution and … for the citizens of Michigan who over whelmingly voted in 2006 to require equal treatment in admission to our outstanding colleges and universities,” Schuette said. Schuette also said t he d iver sit y of st udent popu lat ion s i n col leges t hroughout t he nation should be ac hieved by “constitutional means.” In a dissenting opinion, Ju st ice Son ia Sotomayor argued that the court’s decision fails to protect the constitutional rights of minority applicants to colleges and universities. “For members of h i stor ic a l ly ma rg i na l i zed groups, which rely on the federal courts to protect their const it ut iona l r ights, t he dec ision ca n ha rdly bolster hope for a v ision of democracy that preserves for all the right to participate meaningfully and equal in selfgovernment,” Sotomayor said in her dissent. Justice Elena Kagan recused herself f rom the decision because she had worked on the case as United States solicitor general. State News staff writers Sierra Lay, Ben Stram and Olivia Dimmer contributed to this report.


The Board of Trustees will likely vote on tuition increases at its June meeting from page one

said the university is always striving to achieve “more with less.” The Board of Trustees will likely vote on tuition increases this June. The board approved a pro forma increase of 3 percent to upper and lower division tuition at the last Faculty Senate meeting of the semester on April 15. Gov. Rick Snyder recommended a 6.1 percent increase to state funding earlier this year with a stipulation that required universities to cap tuition increases at 3.2 percent. If the board votes to raise tuition by 3 percent, students would pay $385.88 more a year. Fe r g u s on s a id h ig her state funding does not always mean MSU will receive the same funding as other state institutions. “Last night I received a phone call from The State News and they wanted me to comment about students who were going to picket our meeting ... about tuition and I can’t help myself, but I couldn’t laugh candid,” Ferguson said. “I said if they think they’re going to go out and demonstrate and help try to keep tuition down, they’re in the right county, but they’re in the wrong building. They should be at the state Capitol.” Members of MSU Students United took offense to Ferguson’s remark, saying he was not being sensitive to relevant student concerns. “I think it’s disappointing and disgraceful and shows how much admin are out of touch with what student issues really are,” political theory and constitutional democracy sophomore Andrew Gibson said. “Tuition goes up every year, and becomes less accessible to students of different backgrounds. “For him to say our


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stat e ne m | T he Stat e N ews | w edn e sday, a pril 23, 2014 |

Campus+city Abbey Road



Park Lake Road

Areas of construction

E Lake Lansing Road

ad Ro itt r er M

E Saginaw Highway

Haslett Road

Whitehills Drive

Gra nd Riv er A ven ue nue e v A n a ig Mich

Ridgewood Drive

Woodside Drive

Burcham Drive Hagadorn Road

Road closings and detours are in the near future for East Lansing with three major road construction projects planned for later this spring and summer. The first major repair will begin in early May on Coolidge Road bet ween Lake Lansing and Abbey roads. It is expected to be finished by June 13. In early June, construction also will begin on Hagadorn Road from Burcham Drive to Haslett Road. It is expected to wrap up by Aug. 1. Combined, the two projects are expected to cost $915,000, East Lansing engineering administrator Bob Scheuerman said. He said federal funding will cover about 80 percent of the project expenses. The remaining projects will be funded by the city of East Lansing from an allocation from the state for road and street work, East Lansing Director of Public Works Todd Sneathen said. The final major repair will be on Old Hickor y Lane from Burcham Drive to Whitehills Drive, which will begin in early June. It is expected to end Aug. 15. Other local street work will take place on Merritt Road, Ridgewood Drive, Woodside Drive and Walnut Heights Drive from June 10 to Aug. 15.

He ig ht sD riv e


Guide to road closures

W aln ut

Abbot Road

Olivia Dimmer

By Sara Konkel

Harrison Avenue


Major road construction to take place late spring, summer

Coolidge Road

On Wednesday, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee is expected to vote on a higher education funding recommendation that could increase MSU’s funding by 6.1 percent, but also fine the university $500,000 for its involvement with unionbuilding workshops. The subcommittee will convene on Wednesday and decide whether to approve the recommendation that would increase MSU’s state funding by nearly $15 million. The subcommittee initially planned to vote on the recommendation during its Tuesday meeting, but decided to reconvene Wednesday. Included within the proposed appropriations are provisions that would increase state funding for MSU Extension and MSU AgBioResearch by 6.1 percent. The current proposal from the Senate includes a state funding cut of $500,000 to MSU appropriations due to participating in “instructional activity that encourages or discourages union organizing of employees.” Earlier this year, Gov. Rick Snyder recommended a 6.1 percent rise in higher education funding. Accordingly, the House and Senate drafted proposals based on the recommendation. Enacting a higher education appropriation requires approval from the House, Senate and governor.

The Academic Freedoms Report drafted by ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, stirred up some controversy at the University Council meeting on Tuesday. The council met Tuesday to review several documents, including Law Students Rights and Responsibilities and Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities. Former ASMSU Vice President for Governmental Affairs Jessica Leacher gave a presentation on the revised freedom report, which contained some changes as to how students address grievances at MSU. One major change made to the report entailed giving students who are found guilty of a transgression and choose to appeal the redress the opportunity to appeal the sanction without fear of receiving a more severe punishment if the appeal finds them guilty. Paul Hunt, senior associate vice president for Research and Graduate Studies, expressed his concerns several times, which mostly pertained to wording and clarification issues in the document. Campus Planner for Infrastructure Planning and Facilities Stephen Troost also gave a presentation on how MSU could use its space more efficiently at the council meeting. Troost’s long-term plans involved the demolition of the parking structure behind Bessey Hall and moving more parking to the outskirts of campus instead of in the middle.


Old Hickory Lane

Appropriations subcommittee to vote on funding

University Council reviews freedoms report at meeting

campus Editor Nolly Dakroury, CITY EDITOR Katie Abdilla, Phone (517) 432-3070 Fax (517) 432-3075

M.A.C Avenue

n ews b ri e fs


gr aphic by paige grennan | SN

The Old Hickory Lane and local street projects are expected to cost $600,000. The projects will cause full lane closures at night and partial lane closures by day during the paving process.

There will be three major road repairs, including Coolidge Road, Hagadorn Road and Old Hickory Lane Smaller projects also include sidewalk repairs and a ramp installation on M.A.C. Avenue from Grand River Avenue to Burcham Drive. Sneathen said the city tries

to plan construction projects in accordance with students’ schedules, specifically with the East Lansing Public School District. “We try to not do projects that would affect a lot of the student population,” he said. For journalism sophomore Madeline Carino, the upcoming roadwork in East Lansing is necessary and timely. “It needs to be done because the roads are pretty horrendous after the winter,” she said. Carino said summer is the best possible time for road repairs because a large number of the students move out of East Lansing for internships or to return home.

Since the repairs are not happening directly on campus, the road closings will be less of a burden, she said. Scheuerman said the city uses a rating system to help them determine which streets are in the poorest condition and need the most immediate attention. City officials consider factors such as rideability, cracking, poor curbs and several others. Although the chosen roads were already slated for repair before snowfall, the harsh winter contributed to the poor condition of the streets, Scheuerman said. The season’s repairs will be wrapped up by Aug. 21.

g r a d u at i o n

Seniors given chance to tour Beaumont Tower for senior week By Sierra Lay THE STATE NEWS nn

Seniors and other guests were invited to climb all the way to the top of Beaumont Tower before the senior class bids MSU farewell. The tour, put on by the University Activities Board, or UAB, in conjunction with senior week, featured every floor of the monumental tower.

UAB hosted tours featuring every floor of the Beaumont Tower in conjunction with senior week For political theor y and constitutional democracy and social relations and policy senior Morgan Campbell, the tour was a must-see before she leaves MSU. “It seems like such a staple,” Campbell said. “It’s a symbol of MSU.” Inside the tower, visitors were greeted by a Tower Guard member, giving them an overview of the floor on which they currently stood. Tower Guard is a service oriented organization dedicated to aiding the MSU Resource C e nte r for Pe r son s w it h

Disabilities. Tower Guard public relations chair and advertising sophomore Sarah Ombry said the tower tour is symbolic of the journey from freshman to senior at MSU. “You’re climbing up the stairs and you’re a freshman and you’re learning,” Ombry said. “This could be, for seniors, the start of their life … they’re going on to the real world.” Beaumont Tower is just one stop on a senior bucket list compiled by the members of UAB. For seniors, this may be the first and last time they climb the steps of Beaumont Tower. With its central location on campus, robust chiming bells and old traditions, Beaumont Tower is a popular destination for those on their way out. “It’s this monument that you pass by … you’ve passed by this monument every day for the past four years,” Ombry said. After walking the 72 steps to the carillon room, visitors watched the bells of various sizes ring out as Williamston, Mich., resident Sally Harwood played the large instrument. Harwood, who began playing the carillon at MSU in 1996, said she enjoys playing for the seniors as they tour the Beau-

Crossword Erin Hampton/The State News

“It’s this monument that you pass by ... you’ve passed by this monument every day for the past four years.” Sarah Ombry, Tower Guard public relations chair

mont Tower. “It’s nice if you have a hobby and people are interested in it,” Harwood said. “There are so many that haven’t seen (the instrument.)” Psychology senior Heather Levi said she enjoyed the tower tour, but it made her sad. "(Beaumont Tower is) the

first thing you notice about campus and then you get to see the inside at the end (of your time here),” Levi said. International relations senior Maria Gouzos said she couldn’t leave MSU without seeing the inside of Beaumont Tower. “You might never have the chance again,” Gouzos said.

Olin offering massages through this week THE STATE NEWS nn

With finals around the corner, many students might find themselves overwhelmed with stress. To help alleviate the stress, Student Health Services is offering students 15-minute foot reflexology and chair massages through this week to help them de-stress before finals week. The massages and reflexology are free services for students. They have been and will continue to be offered from 6-8 p.m. in different clinics across campus this week. The massages are part of a new

initiative called START, which stands for Stress Tension Anxiety Response Team, Director of Health Education Services at Olin Health Center Dennis Martell said. “It’s our response to helping students relieve the stress of finals,” Martell said. “It’s about helping them get ready to take their finals and be more academically successful.” Martell said the health center has been monitoring student stress and anxiety levels for a while, which usually spikes around finals. He said Olin has been offering massage therapy for university employees and decided to start

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Education senior Nicole Yuhas’ submits her information for the chance to win a class ring Tuesday before her tour of Beaumont Tower.

h e a lt h

By Meagan Beck

L.A. Times Daily Puzzle

offering it to students to help them reduce their stress levels. The services were offered Monday at Hubbard Hall and Tuesday in Holden Hall. On Wednesday, only massages will be available in McDonel Hall, whereas both massages and foot reflexology will be offered Thursday in Brody Complex Neighborhood. Packaging freshman Ally Murray stopped by to get a massage therapy and said it helped her relax. “I think that a lot of times your body just gets so tired and so achy, and ... you just get so stressed and just having the pressures and the reflexology that they do really

helps,” Murray said. Murray said she enjoyed her massage so much she would probably try and get another massage at one of the other locations some time this week. Actuarial science freshman Bailey O’Connor said having the massages offered to students was a good idea. “A lot of students keep this stress in their bodies and tense up … and so this may help release a little bit and helps the person calm down so you’re able to study and not worry about your physical being,” O’Connor said. Martell said hopefully in the future, the initiative will expand to include music and pet therapy.


1 Spice organizer 5 48-Across brand 9 Right-angled supports 14 K-12, to textbook publishers 15 Neck and neck 16 Slightly moisten 17 “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” collaborator 19 Green hue 20 Camcorder button 21 Google executive chairman Schmidt 22 Had too much, briefly 23 Antlered animal 24 “The helpful place” sloganeer 28 Mu followers 29 Pt. of a sentence 30 Vote against 31 Certain commuter’s destination: Abbr. 32 The Belmonts frontman 34 1930s migrants 36 Many a circus employee 42 Scheherazade’s milieu 43 Designer St. Laurent 45 Tech sch. overlooking the Hudson 48 Iced drink 49 “Just an update” letters 52 Pipe bend

53 Wayne Manor resident 56 Actress Peeples 57 Sasquatch cousin 58 “The Dukes of Hazzard” deputy 59 Mt. Sunflower is its highest point 60 Antacid, briefly 62 Light bulb-over-thehead instance, and a hint to 17-, 24-, 36- and 53-Across 64 When many take morning breaks 65 Proofreading mark 66 Winans of gospel 67 Calf-roping loop 68 Sign 69 You might steer one with your feet


1 Behind, or hit from behind 2 Christian chant 3 Inspects 4 “Kid-tested” cereal 5 Pasta or potato, e.g. 6 More slippery 7 Nut-bearing tree 8 Big name in ice cream 9 Wall St. deal 10 Subordinate to 11 Athletic brand founded by Adolf Dassler 12 Backslide 13 Birthplace of Bergman and Garbo

18 Accumulation 25 “Eso Beso” singer 26 Picnic worry 27 Turned green, say 33 Bethesda-based medical org. 34 Resistance unit 35 Devious 37 Field with roots and logs 38 __ rug 39 King with three daughters 40 Symbol of balance 41 Faith 44 Italicized 45 Sunglass Hut brand 46 Mexico’s __ Vallarta 47 Altogether 49 Fireworks highlight 50 Naval petty officers 51 “Make __”: Picard catchphrase 54 Movie listing listings 55 Bring up again? 61 What two heads are better than 62 Disturbance 63 Intro givers

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4 | Th e Stat e N e ws | We d n esday, Ap ri l 23 , 2 01 4 | state n e


Featured blog

Ou r voice | E ditorial

Laughing at student activism makes Ferguson undeserving of trustee title EDITORIAL BOARD Ian Kullgren editor in chief Rebecca Ryan opinion editor Robert Bondy staff representative Omari Sankofa II minority representative Emily Jenks opinion writer


SU Board of Trustees Chairman Joel Ferguson has served on the board since 1986 and has been its chairperson since 1992 — longer than some college students have been alive. One might think that with such a history of service to the school, he would come to respect the students he represents. His comments about student activism at the Board of Trustees meeting suggest otherwise, however. The Board of Trustees voted to raise the rate of room and board by about $350, just one day after MSU Students United submitted a letter to President Lou Anna K. Simon’s office requesting a freeze to tuition rates. When asked to comment on the student activists, Ferguson all but laughed in their faces. According to a State News article, Ferguson said that the petitioners were in the right county, but the wrong building — that their protests

Increase in Netflix prices is not something to be upset about Netflix is raising prices for new users for the first time in three years, in order to pay for more internet video.

should be taken to the Capitol and that their cutting its budattempts were laughable. get. A nd may“Last night I received a phone call from be the increase — Erin Gray, State News reporter The State News, and they wanted me to com- wa s ne ce s sa r y. ment about students who were going to picket But that does not our meeting … about tuition, and I can’t help justify laughing at Read the rest online at myself, but I couldn’t laugh candid,” Ferguson students and telling said during the meeting. them their well-intenAlthough there have indeed been recent cuts tioned protests fall on to state funding in higher edudeaf ears. cation, this response is incrediDeferbly inappropriate for an elected If Ferguson is ring the student official, especially one whose going to ignore activists to the Capipurpose is to make decisions tol was also an inappropriate to benefit the university and the opinions of action. After all, Ferguson and students. the other seven other members ly considering one of the arguments is being The fact that the Board of more than 3,000 of the board are the ones with made by people directly affected by the poliTrustees raised the cost of students, we the direct authority to raise cy change. room and board is not the main and lower costs. If Ferguson is going to ignore the opinions issue here — we even expected should ignore him Ferguson’s attitude toward of more than 3,000 students, we should ignore it to happen, although perhaps as well the next student activism displays that him as well the next time we head to the polls. not unanimously and without not only does he not respect It is just a shame his seat will not be up for public discussion. Rises in the time we head to the students whose lives he vote until 2021. cost for higher education is an affects, but he finds it funPerhaps his long service as a trustee has the polls. ongoing trend. ny that students think they caused Ferguson to become desensitized to the No, the main problem is that should have a say in their idea that his actions require critical thought and one of the highest officials at education. a listening ear. Perhaps he honestly believes stuMSU openly laughed at the efforts of students This brings into question the validity of Fer- dents are barking up the wrong tree. But his who wanted their voices to be heard. guson’s votes, as well. Ferguson clearly was role as a trustee should be to do what is in the At MSU, we are encouraged to be critical not interested in listening to what students had best interest of the university, and as someone thinkers, form our own opinions and speak our to say. He told The State News that the Board voted into the position on good faith he will minds. Unless, apparently, it is against the uni- would not consider a Students United petition fairly represent the public, he needs to do a versity itself. with more than 3,000 signatures as of April 21. better job of showing he cares about the wellWe understand that there is not much the To come to a decision, he at least needs to being of students. university can do to prevent the state from listen to both sides of the argument, especialBecause our futures are no laughing matter.

Comments from readers

Just so you know


Board of Trustees approves 3.95 percent hike of room and board fees


Tuesday’s poll results No 30%

Do you think it was OK for people to paint over the Lacey Holsworth tribute on the Rock at Farm Lane?

None 74% One 23%

No 14% 0

“LOL! Aww the puny little peas-I mean, students, want to protest our annual tuition hikes? That’s really cute. Sigh... Now let’s get to building a new mult-million dollar welcome center to be named after one of us” - Joel Ferguson

Yes 85%






Today’s state news poll Do you think it was necessary for the MSU Board of Trustees to vote for a $344 increase to room and board fees for 2014-15? To vote, visit

Total votes: 88 as of 5 p.m. Tuesday

editorial cartoonist

Alum, April 22

“The board passed the raise unanimously and with no public discussion.”

Michael Holloway mholloway@

What a surprise. The corruption in University Boards in this state is astonishing. If Students United wants to advocate for something, maybe they should start there. Stop the BoT from avoiding state laws. Eric, April 22

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How to reach us Questions? Contact Opinion Editor Rebecca Ryan at (517) 432-3070. By email opinion@statenews. com; By fax (517) 432-3075; By mail Letters to the Editor, The State News, 435 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing, MI 48823

opinion column

Be open to new cultural experiences on campus


ack home, I drive by the largest mosque in America on my way to the mall.

For every Jack or Sarah in my class, there were three Alis and a Malak. I got a few extra days off every year for Ramadan, a Muslim holiday. Where I wore scarves around my neck for fashion, many of my female classmates wore them around their heads year-round for religious reasons. Street signs, business names and even letters sent home from the schools come in both English and Arabic. I grew up in Dearborn, Mich., one of the largest Arab communities outside of the Middle East, with 40,000 ArabAmerican residents out of 98,000 overall, second only to Paris. The schools, however, had a larger population of Arab-Americans. Since Arab-Americans classify as Caucasian on demographic surveys, there isn’t a lot of information about the Dearborn Public School’s racial distribution. I’d guess that my alma mater, Dearborn High School, was about 60 percent Arab students. Another school in my district, Ford-

When I came to East Lansing, slowly son High School, was probably about 90 percent Arab, and most of the school the words faded from my tongue, since spoke Arabic as well as English. I have most of my new friends didn’t know a friend who went there who told me what I was talking about. It was strange for me at first, comsome of the classes used to be taught ing to a fairly white-washed commuexclusively in Arabic. nity, at least in compariComing from an entireson to what I was used to. ly diverse city has in turn reporter I never truly understood given me unique experihow others viewed Midences. One of the things I dle Eastern people, since miss most about Dearborn they were an integral part is the culture I grew up of my everyday life. If I with. If I ever hear snipever heard someone say pets of Arabic being spothat a person was a terken around campus, I stop rorist because they were and listen and feel a little Muslim, I assumed they bit more at home. were joking. I grew up learning AraEmily jenks Sadly, I’ve discovered bic slang terms — “yallah” that ignorance abounds for “hurry up,” “habibi” for to this day. It boggles my “darling” and my favorite “shahatas” for “sandals.” (“Dude, you’re mind to know that some people actually think any random member of the wearing socks with your shahatas?”) Another big word was “wallah,” Arab community is a part of al Qaeda. which roughly translates to “I swear When the nation found out that Presito god.” Students in my classes tossed dent Barack Obama’s middle name was around “wallah” like valley girls do Hussein, some people actually thought, oh, yes, of course, he must have been with “like.” These words became part of my Osama bin Laden’s golf partner. Not — and just about everybody else’s all Arabs or Muslims are terrorists, just like not all white people from the — vernacular.

south are part of the Ku Klux Klan. There are going to be ignorant people in any culture, but because of the negative stigma attached to the Middle East from wars and the terrorist attacks from small extremist groups, the entire society gets a bad reputation. I have come to appreciate how growing up surrounded by diversity has given me experiences with, and made me more open to, different cultures and ideas. Some people have absolutely no clue what the difference between being Arab and being Muslim is, or what actual Arabic food tastes like. For the record, Arab is an ethnicity and Islam, or being Muslim, is a religion. And I haven’t just learned more about being culturally aware, I also have had the chance to be spoiled with some pretty great cuisine. You guys are seriously missing out on the best food out there. Don’t be fooled by imitation store-bought Arabic food, because the best stuff is homemade by grandma or from small family restaurants. And MSU, step up your hummus game. Emily Jenks is a State News reporter. Reach her at

5 | Th e Stat e N e ws | w ed ne sday, ap ri l 2 3 , 2 01 4

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Features editor Anya Rath, Phone (517) 432-3070 Fax (517) 432-3075


e n t e r ta i n m e n t

Goo Goo Dolls to perform at Wharton Center Wednesday By Casey Holland THE STATE NEWS nn

Fans of the alternative rock band the Goo Goo Dolls will get to experience the band in an up close and personal setting on Wednesday. The band will be performing in Wharton Center’s Pasant Theatre as part of their spring acoustic tour, “The Otis Midnight Sessions.” Run River North, a Korean-American indie folk-rock band from Los Angeles, will also perform during the evening. Tara Peplowski, the marketing manager at the Wharton Center, said tickets for the performance sold out within hours of their release. Nearly 600 seats have been purchased, and Pasant Theatre is set to be filled to capacity. Audience members will be no more than 60 feet away from the stage as the Grammy-nominated band performs, which serves the purpose of their most recent tour. The close setting and soft acoustic versions of some of their hit songs are supposed to create a more intimate atmosphere to be shared with their audience. “It’ll be part of the Spartan

Betsy Agosta /The State News

Students draw with chalk Tuesday outside Bailey Hall to make a mandala in celebration of Earth Day. RISE is for students who are interested in environmental sustainability studies and who are considering a minor in the subject.

Students make chalk art for earth day By Erin Gray THE STATE NEWS nn

Students broke out the chalk to celebrate the 44th anniversary of Earth Day by creating a colorful community art circle outside of Bailey Hall on Tuesday. The students were part of the Residential Initiative on the Study of the Environment, or RISE.

More than 25 students participated in the community chalk art project held by RISE on Tuesday afternoon Heather Shea Gasser, the assistant director of RISE said the organization is a community of students devoted to environmental justice, sustainability and making a difference in

“Part of what we were looking for is just an opportunity for student to come together and create community through the process of developing artwork.” Heather Shea Gasser, assistant director of RISE

the earth. Shea Gasser said the group wanted to do a special event for Earth Day because of its connection with the group. Maya Littlefield, an environmental studies and studio art freshman, said she teamed up with Shea Gasser to create and design a giant chalk sunflower on the sidewalk. The design included a RISE logo and ample space for students to add their own creative Earth Day designs to spruce up the sidewalk. “We have been working on the design all week,” Littlefield said. “It’s really cool to see it all coming together and actu-

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ally having all the different designs from different people.” Within the first hour, the sidewalk was teeming with about 25 creative students eager to add to the design. The sidewalk quickly filled with an assortment of different chalk art from various student participants. Littlefield created sunflower petals for others to contribute to the drawing. Inside the petals were rainbows, bees, butterflies, the Spartan helmet and more. “Part of what we were looking for is just an opportunity for students to come together and create community through

the process of developing art work,” Shea Gasser said. “They can talk about what the significance of the day is for them.” Littlefield said she enjoyed seeing her design come together with the help of the outside community. Horticulture and environmental studies junior Joe Fox contributed to the design of the art circle. He drew the Spartan helmet, a parsley plant and a toad in relation to MSU and the RISE program. “I drew the Spartan head because I figured it is definitely needed for anything at MSU,” Fox said. T he M SU D a i r y Stor e brought ice cream to the participants as well. Shea Gasser said members of RISE also hosted a trash pickup along the Red Cedar River to help beautify campus on Tuesday.

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Common Ground Music Festival announced the final headliners for its 15th annual festival this summer. Musical artists such as Big Sean, Juicy J, and Earth, Wind and Fire will be added to the mix, the event revealed Tuesday. Common Ground is an annual weeklong music festival held in Lansing’s Adado Riverfront Park. This year, the festival will run

COPY ERRORS The State News is only responsible for the first day’s incorrect insertion. Liability is limited to the cost of the space rendered.

July 8 though July 13. On July 11, Big Sean will headline with rapper Juicy J will opening for him. On July 12, indie pop band Fitz and The Tantrums will be the headliner. The festival will end July 13 when award-winning soul band Earth, Wind & Fire takes the main stage. Tickets will go on sale at 10 a.m. on April 25. APRIL JONES

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experience on campus,” Wharton Center Public Relations Manager Bob Hoffman said. The Goo Goo Dolls made an appearance on campus in the past. The group performed at the Breslin Center during 1996 for a more traditional stadium concert. Peplowski, who was the marketing manager for the Breslin Center at the time, said the acoustic concert will be a different sight for people to take in. “The group has been relevant for so many years,” she said. “To see their talent and how far they’ve come since the last time here is something really nice.” The Goo Goo Dolls have been performing for more than two decades. The group has released 14 albums, the most recent entitled “Magnetic.” Some of their more wellknown songs include “Iris,” “Better Days” and “Slide,” all of which are still heard on the radio years after their initial release. Students and faculty members both have grown up listening to the band’s music throughout their years performing, and Peplowski said the concert will feature something for everyone who enjoys the group. “It’s important not only for students to attend, but for the faculty as well,” she said. “There are so many types of music loved across campus. This concert will to that — it fills in the niche.”

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Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 5 — It’s all about action today (with a Grand Cross in cardinal signs), but the one who initiates loses. Test before pushing ahead. It could get tense. Watch your step! Mercury enters Taurus, beginning a phase of pruning, trimming and adjusting. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 5 — Keep communications grounded in facts this month, with Mercury in Taurus. Postpone travel, risk and expense today... it could get explosive. Take it slow to avoid waste and accidents. Complete old projects, and stay flexible with changes. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is a 5 — Keep your communications stable, consistent and solid this month. Provide support at home and work. Grab a good deal quickly. Stay out of arguments, controversy and upset. Recite a prayer or mantra to cool a tense moment. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Today is a 5 — Community and group efforts thrive by weaving together resources, talents and support structures over the next month, with Mercury in Taurus. Avoid distractions and upset today... tempers could flare. Keep to practical facts. Work on existing projects. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 5 — Your communications skill advances your career this month, with Mercury in Taurus. Avoid debate, risk or spending today, and maintain momentum to complete a project. Plans change. Stand firmly for your commitments, with flexible scheduling. Think fast with surprises. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 5 — Gardening and outdoor activities satisfy this month, with Mercury in Taurus. Fall in love with a fascinating subject. Negotiate turns and maneuvers carefully. The way forward may seem blocked, and shortcuts dangerous. Take it slow, flexible and gentle.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 5 — Base financial decisions on fact rather than fantasy this month. Update plans and budgets with conservative figures. A conflict with regulations or authority could arise, impeding the action. Others may lose their cool... keep yours. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 5 — Someone has a hair-trigger temper... avoid setting them off. Private actions go farther, with less friction. Dance with changes as they arise, without impulsive reactions. Mull over consequences first. Reassure one who needs support. Stick close to home and clean up. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 5 — Breakdowns and obstacles slow things. Get multiple bids for major repairs. Take extra care with kitchen utensils. With Mercury in Taurus, edit your communications this month for solid impact. Plan, prepare and research before presenting. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 5 — It’s easier to express your love for a month with Mercury in Taurus. Plant seeds hidden in messages. Proceed with caution today, despite chaos. Old beliefs get challenged, obstacles arise and thwarted intentions distract. Avoid upset by working quietly. Don’t get singed in all the fires. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 5 — With Mercury in Taurus for a month, have your home express what you love. Resist the temptation to over-spend. Reschedule travel and new project launches. Work quietly to complete a job, to minimize conflict. Rest and recharge. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 5 — Consider the impact of your words before speaking, with Mercury in Taurus for a month. Ground arguments in fact. Avoid conflict today by keeping a low profile. Slow the pace, and anticipate resistance. Use discretion. Stay off the roads. Use extra care with tools.

Sports women’s tennis

state n e | The State N ews | wednesday, a pril 23, 2014 |




sports editor Beau Hayhoe, Phone (517) 432-3070 Fax (517) 432-3075

Number of times MSU’s Cam Gibson got on base in the MSU baseball team’s 4-2 win over Toledo at home on Tuesday.


Spartans looking forward to end of spring football with final scrimmage By Robert Bondy

Junior safety R.J. Williamson runs during football practice April 8 at the practice field outside Duffy Daugherty Football Building. THE STATE NEWS nn

Danyelle Morrow/The State News

Head coach Simone Jardim, left, and junior Catherine Parenteau watch senior Katarina Lingl play April 16 in practice.

MSU tennis looking ahead to Big Ten Championship tourney By Mayara Sanches THE STATE NEWS nn

No. 75 women’s tennis will head into the Big Ten Championships without breaking the MSU record for most wins in this season — they lost to No. 42 Purdue and No. 48 Indiana in recent days. Then-No. 67 MSU suffered a 5-2 loss against Purdue on Saturday, and the game marked only the seventh time this season where the Spartans did not win the doubles point. On Sunday, the team also lost the doubles point to Indiana, and wrapped up the regular season with a 6-1 loss against the Hoosiers. Despite not breaking the school record, coach Simone Jardim told that her athletes did an outstanding job throughout the whole season. “What we’ve done this year has been the best year since I’ve been here and one of the best for MSU women’s tennis period,” Jardim said. Senior co-captain Marina Bohrer set the new school record for career singles wins with 66 victories. Christine Bader and Jessica Baron now are tied for second with 64 wins. The eighth-seed Spartans will play the first round of the Big Ten Tournament at 11 a.m. on Thursday, and they will face ninth-seed Iowa. Northwestern will host the championships, and the teams will play at the Vandy Christie Tennis Center in Evanston, Ill. “Looking into the tournament,

Iowa — we beat them once. It will be a good match no matter what — they are very competitive,” Jardim told msuspartans. com. “For us, it’s about staying with the moment. Going into the tournament, it’s one day at a time and we’ve got to play Iowa. How are we going to beat Iowa, that is our number one goal.” MSU defeated Iowa during the regular season, 4-3, on March 30 — although they were swept in all three doubles matches and lost the doubles point, they came back strong to win four of six singles matches and win the overall match. Finishing the season with an overall record of 17-8 (5-6 in the Big Ten Conference), the team’s 17 wins are the most since the record-holding team from 199091, with 18 wins, but the Spartans are focused on the present. “Thinking in the moment instead of thinking ahead. We have to beat Iowa before we can beat anybody else,” Jardim told Top-seeded Michigan claimed the conference title with a win over Purdue on Sunday. They finished the season with an overall record of 19-3 (11-0 in the Big Ten Conference) and received a bye into the quarterfinals. Second-seeded Northwestern, third-seeded Ohio State and fourth-seeded Purdue also received byes into the quarterfinals and begin play on Friday. The winner of the MSU and Iowa match will face the Wolverines on Friday. Sunday’s championship match is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Sunday.

MSU football is only a few days away from its annual intrasquad Green and White Spring Game. However, before MSU wraps up spring camp, head coach Mark Dantonio addressed the media on the importance of the spring game and the program’s draft of players for the game. Coming off a big offseason for recruiting and more hype heading into the year, the spring game should provide a good barometer for the state of the program right now, Dantonio said. Important finale Although the score and stats ultimately will not count toward the 2014 campaign, Dantonio said the players always are fired up to compete in front of a large crowd inside the walls of Spartan Stadium. “Our guys look forward to the spring game ‘cause it’s an opportunity to play in front of a lot of people,” Dantonio said. “That’s sort of been the history here and I think that’ll continue.” Dantonio added that he is expecting a big crowd to attend the game as long as the weather is nice. Dantonio has recently been advocating to get at least 50,000 fans to attend the game, which will honor the 2014 Rose Bowl champions at halftime. Drafting up the teams To go with the annual spring game, MSU will continue a tradition of having a player draft to decide the makeup of the two squads. Dantonio said the player draft, where the players pick amongst their teammates, relates back to a more old-school, backyard playing style. “It gives them a chance to compete against each other and choose up teams. So, hey, everybody likes to compete and choose it up (like) on basketball courts and

RELIGIOUS GUIDE Look for this directory in the paper every Wednesday and online at: Ascension Lutheran Church 2780 Haslett Rd., E. Lansing Between Hagadorn & Park Lake Rds. (517) 337-9703 Wednesday Lenten Services: 7pm Sunday Worship: 10am Sunday School: 9am Adult Bible Study: 9am

Congregation Shaarey Zedek 1924 Coolidge Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 351-3570 Friday Evenings: 7:30 Shabbat Evening Service (Reform) Saturday Mornings: 9:00 Shabbat Morning Service (Conservative) Edgewood United Church, UCC 469 N. Hagadorn East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-8693 Sunday: 10am LGBTQ Celebrating, Justice and Peace Congregation First Baptist Church of Okemos 4684 Marsh Road Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 349-2830 Worship Celebration - Sundays at 10:45am Greater Lansing Church of Christ 310 N. Hagadorn Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 898-3600 Sunday Worship: 8:45am Sunday Bible Study: 10:15am Sunday Evening: Small Group Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00pm Hillel Jewish Student Center 360 Charles St., E. Lansing (517) 332-1916 Friday Night Services: 6pm September - April

Religious Organizations: Don’t be left out of the Religious Directory! Call 517-432-3010 today to speak with an Account Executive

LIttle Flock Christian Fellowship A Non-Denominational- Evagelical Church At Michigan State University Alumni Chapel (Basement) Maundy Thursday: 7pm Good Friday: 1pm & 7pm Sunday: Singing; Worship exhortation & participation: 10am-12 Noon; Lord’s Table- Communion: 11am; Bible Teaching: 11:30-12 Noon; Fellowship Lunch: 12:30pm Weekly Bible Study & Students’ Meetings: Contact us for location and day; Martin Luther Chapel 444 Abbot Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-0778 Sunday: 10:30am & 7:00pm “Wednesday ON FIRE” at 7:00pm Maundy Thursday: 7:00pm Good Friday Tennebrae: 7:30pm One Community–Lutheran (ELCA)/ Episcopal (TEC) Campus Ministry 1020 South Harrison Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-2559 Wednesdays: On campus Student Worship 7:00pm (MSU Alumni Chapel) Sundays: 8:30, 10:45am (at University Lutheran Church) Sundays: 8:00, 10:00am (at All Saints Episcopal Church Peoples Church 200 W. Grand River Ave. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-6264 Sunday Worship: 10:30am Tuesday: Love Life: 7-9pm Wednesday: Dinner at 5:30pm, Journey at 6:30 Quan Am Buddhist Temple, MSU Meditation Center 1840 N. College Road Mason, MI 48854 (517) 853-1675 (517) 347-1655 7-8:30pm Every Thursday Red Cedar Friends Meeting (Quaker) 1400 Turner St. Lansing, MI 48906 (517) 371-1047 Sunday: 9am, 10:30am Weekdays: 7:30am St. John Catholic Church and Student Center 327 M.A.C. Ave., E. Lansing (517) 337-9778 Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5pm, 7pm Reconciliation: Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am to Noon

Julia Nagy/ The State News

St. Paul Lutheran Church 3383 E. Lake Lansing Rd. East Lansing, MI (517) 351-8541 Adult Bible Study: 9am Worship:10am St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church & School 955 Alton Rd., E. Lansing (517) 351-7215 Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm Sunday Mass: 9am, 11am Reconciliation: Saturday 3-4pm, 5:30pm Trinity Church 3355 Dunckel Dr. Lansing, MI 48911 (517) 272-3820 Saturday: 6pm Sunday: 9:15 am, 11am College/Young Adult Service Sundays at 11am in the Student Auditorium Unity Spiritual Renaissance 230 S. Holmes St. Lansing, MI 48912 (517) 484-2360 or (517) 505-1261 Sunday: 10:30am Wednesday: 6:30pm meditation Office: Monday-Thursday 9:30-12:00 University Christian Church 310 N. Hagadorn East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 332-5193 Non-Instrumental: 8:45am Traditional: 11:15am University United Methodist Church MSU Wesley 1120 S. Harrison Rd. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 351-7030 Sunday: 10:30am TGIT: 8:00pm Thursdays 9:00am Garden Service thru Labor Day Weis Lutheran Campus Ministry 704 Abbott Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 580-3744 6:00pm Saturday

things of that nature,” Dantonio said. Dantonio also confirmed MSU will continue its tradition of the winning team of the scrimmage receiving a steak dinner, while the losers chow down on beans and franks. Depth chart update As spring wraps up this week, Dantonio said there still are a few position battles in progress on both sides of the ball. One of the most notable

battles that has been getting a lot of attention in the spring is between sophomore Tyler O’Connor and redshirt freshman Damion Terry for the backup quarterback spot. Dantonio said returning starter and junior Connor Cook is firmly the number one at the position. However, the two players behind Cook still are duking it out for the valuable second spot. Another area Dantonio will be keying on for the remainder of the week is the vacant

strong safety position. Both junior R.J. Williamson and sophomore Demetrious Cox have been battling all spring to replace former standout Isaiah Lewis, but the position remains up for grabs. “I got to find that one safety, whether it’s (Williamson) or (Cox),” Dantonio said. “But both guys are good players.” Dantonio added that Cox looked good last week and could at least be a contributor in the nickel package if he doesn’t win the starting spot.


msu beats toledo at home after hot start By Beau Hayhoe THE STATE NEWS nn

A series of unusual lineup changes for the visiting Toledo Rockets weren’t enough to keep MSU off the scoreboard on Tuesday afternoon. The Spartans (21-17 overall, 5-7 Big Ten) used some opportunistic offense early to beat the MidAmerican Conference foe, 4-2, in a game that saw the Rockets (1523 overall, 7-8 MAC) play some unique lineup combinations. Both third baseman John Martillotta and left fielder Jordan Kesson took turns on the mound for the Rockets after a rough first inning from starting pitcher Steven Calhoun, who gave up three quick runs. MSU got on the scoreboard first after sophomore left fielder Cam Gibson scored rather quickly on an RBI single from junior catcher Blaise Salter in the first inning. The outing was part of a very solid day at the plate for Gibson, who got on base four times for the Spartans. Gibson said it was “good to be back home” batting lead-off for MSU. “I felt like it was really good for us,” Gibson said of the victory. “I think today was a really good turning point for us.” Salter’s RBI single was part of a rough start by Calhoun. Gibson moved to second on his first at-bat after a fielding error, and junior center fielder Anthony Cheky then drew a walk. The combination of Gibson in the lead-off spot, followed by Cheky, makes matters difficult

Danyelle Morrow/The State News

Junior right fielder Jimmy Pickens slides into second across Toledo second baseman Zack Michael on Tuesday.

for starting pitchers, Gibson said. “It’s kind of tough, it just puts a lot of stress on the other team,” he said. The Spartans kept the scoring going on a fielder’s choice by junior right fielder Jimmy Pickens, bringing Cheky home and extending the MSU lead to 2-0. Salter scored next following a sac fly to center by junior first baseman Ryan Krill, bringing the MSU lead to 3-0 at the end of the first. Making his first career start for the Spartans, freshman lefty Joe Mockbee made quick work of the Rockets in the first inning, forcing flyouts from Toledo shortstop Deion Tansel and right fielder Ryan Callahan. Mockbee also struck out Toledo second baseman Zack Michael to start the third inning, and Toledo failed to respond from there, as Callahan flew out to the infield, leaving two men on base. Mockbee has the potential to

play a lot in the future for the Spartans, Boss said. “(He’s) certainly not scared of anything,” he said. “He’s got the mindset that a starter needs to have.” After the Rockets moved Kesson to the mound, the Spartans failed to get on the board again in the third after a single by senior designated hitter Joel Fisher. MSU made a pitching change of its own in the top of the fourth after a groundout by first baseman Jacob North scored Tyler Baar. The Spartans then brought senior pitcher Chase Rihtarchik into the game to replace Mockbee. Going into the bottom of the fourth, MSU’s Justin Hovis scored from third on a sac fly to right field by Salter, extending the MSU lead to 4-1. Rihtarchik kept Toledo off the board in the fifth inning, but a sixth-inning triple by Toledo’s Callahan led to an RBI single by Baar, cutting the MSU lead to 4-2.

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