| 11/14/13 | @thesnews Michigan State University’s independent voice
Grace under pressure
Song and dance
Standing in unity Black Power Rally excites students, faculty
MAMMA MIA! to liven up campus with shows
Appling has big game in Chicago in front of scouts
Senior guard Keith Appling
Khoa Nguyen/The State News
sports, page 6
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campus+city, pg. 3
Singled Out
a d m i n i s t r at i o n
MSU officials have defended thousands of dollars spent in travel for the Board of Trustees since it recently came under public scrutiny, stating the expenses are allowed under university policy. But the policies university leaders have said are common practice — limiting international travel expenses and allowing spouse reimbursement — do not line up with policies on the books. Trustee Faylene Owen took a trip with her husband and former trustee, Larry Owen, to Germany and France this past year as part of a trip to see the men’s basketball team play Connecticut. Costs of the trip included limousines, cash stipends and accommodations that cost as much as $1,275 per night, according to expense documents — more than five times the $250 maximum that should have been allowed under MSU travel regulations. The reimbursable rate for overnight lodging is set by the U.S. Department of State and depends on location and dates. As a whole, the trip cost the university $26,319, according to university expense documents. MSU also paid for some spouses’ travel expenses, which the university travel policy explicitly outlaws. In a report from Detroit ABC affiliate WXYZ, MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon said it is university policy to reimburse travel for both trustees and their spouses. University spokesman Kent Cassella reiterated her claim in an interview with The State News last week. After The State News pointed out the written policy Wednesday, Cassella said exceptions are made when trustees are using rooms for business purposes, such as meeting donors and hosting alumni events, or when rooms are needed to support business activities in See SPENDING on page 2 u
illustr ation by paige grennan | SN
With sports locker room culture under fire, current, former Spartans weigh in By Dillon Davis THE STATE NEWS
T nn
ony Mandarich has been called the n-word by some of his teammates. He’s also been told he’s a redneck and asked where he’s flying his Confederate flag. And while that type of behavior would be punishable in the realm of a corporate board room or along a blue-collar assembly line, it’s what Mandarich, a former MSU and NFL offensive lineman, and others have come to expect in the haven of a college and professional football locker room.
Due to the recent controversy with the NFL’s Miami Dolphins involving offensive linemen Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin, which spiraled out of control after Martin left the Dolphins at the end of October after an alleged bullying incident and led to an indefinite suspension of Incognito, a new light has been shed on the locker room culture in college and professional sports. In the incident, Incognito is accused of harassing Martin, calling the second-year player a “halfnigger” in a voicemail and being part of a ring of bullying among veteran players pulling pranks and making rookies pay for expensive meals and even a trip to Las Vegas, among other allegations. However, Incognito told Fox Sports’ Jay Glazer it was “traditional hazing,” going on to say he meant nothing malicious toward a player he considered to be a brother.
So the question needs to be asked: is the locker room a workplace setting? If so, should the locker room be treated like corporate America would an office? How far is too far? For Mandarich, now a motivational speaker based in Arizona, he believes nobody truly can understand the relationship between the two players other than those around them. “I’ve been on both sides of that where I had to step in and tell some player to lay off another player as far as ‘quit harassing him,’ or ‘quit doing this or that,’ and I’ve also been approached where they’ve told me a player or players told me, ‘you’ve got to take it easy on this guy,’” Mandarich said. “And my
See CULTURE on page 2 u
To hear a podcast on locker room culture in sports, visit
Herpetology Club provides for unique interaction with reptiles
First-ever resource center for vets to open Thursday
Policy to change bar scene faces ongoing scrutiny
By Michael Gerstein THE STATE NEWS nn
Zoology junior Zach Nuttal holds two gargoyle geckos in his hands during Herp Night on Wednesday at the Natural Sciences Building. Herp Night was organized by the Herpetology club to draw attention to the study of reptiles and amphibians in an exciting way. — Brian Palmer, SN See REPTILES on page 3
MSU is opening its first-ever Veterans’ Resource Center in the Student Services Building on Thursday, but administrators and campus leaders still haven’t fleshed out exactly what services it will offer. “What I envisioned is a community center for veterans,” said Jerred Pender, president of MSU’s Student Veterans of America, or SVA, chapter. He imagined it as a place where they can go to get free coffee, study, see tutors and get advice on GI bill benefits and other services from a knowledgeable employee, perhaps even a paid SVA member. It’s unclear if administrators had the same thing in mind, but Pender said the center is a step forward in making the campus more veteran-friendly. In the past, he criticized university officials for not making a concerted effort in helping veterans, but he said the campus is “evolving,” citing the center as evidence of progression. Advocates have complained
in the past about the university’s arguably few on-campus resources for veterans at MSU. Denise Maybank, the university’s vice president for student affairs, previously told The State News that those discussions led to the creation of a web-portal offering information for veterans searching for help. She suggested the resource center would connect students and their families with appropriate resources and services, but was not specific as to what those services will be. Maybank did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education Douglas Estry also called the center’s creation “an important event” for the university. SVA Vice President Kent Dell said it hopefully will help student veterans navigate the university bureaucracy and provide another reason for them to attend MSU. The university current-
A plan put forth by city officials to fix perceived issues with East Lansing’s nightlife no longer includes a proposal to reduce the number of bars with a seating cap on businesses serving alcohol past midnight. Instead, the East Lansing Planning Commission determined changes to the city’s 50/50 ordinance would be a more appropriate change to the city’s downtown bar scene. The ordinance requires restaurants selling alcohol to obtain at least 50 percent of their sales from food. Commissioners unanimously recommended a new plan that would categorize businesses into different types and loosen the requirements for some restaurants serving alcohol at its Tuesday meeting, sending the issue to the East Lansing City Council for further consideration.
See CENTER on page 2 u
See MEETING on page 2 u
By Geoff Preston THE STATE NEWS nn
2 | T he State N e ws | th ursday, Nove mber 1 4 , 201 3 | state n e
Police Brief Money stolen from student lanyard Money was stolen from a student’s lanyard between 3:55 and 9:50 p.m. Oct. 31 in Owen Hall, according to MSU police. The victim, an 18-year-old student employee, told police she placed her possessions in a storage area for employees before the start of her shift, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said. When she returned, $290 was missing from her lanyard, which included a wallet-like pocket. No suspects have been identified. The theft still is under investigation by police. KATIE ABDILLA MSU SPORTS BLOG
Women’s soccer earns honors Sophomore defender Mary Kathryn Fiebernitz was named second-team All-Big Ten, and senior defender Kelsey Mullen received the Sportsmanship Award. Fiebernitz’ play was crucial to the Spartans this season with a team-high six goals, as well as playing a key role for the Spartan’s defense. Her tough and physical play helped MSU through tough times. Despite missing four games late in the season because of a knee injury, Mullen, the lone senior on this year’s team, was able to start in the final game against Penn State. DEREK BLALOCK
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Thursday Partly Cloudy High: 45° Low: 30°
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Mosallam: “Each locker room is gonna have its culture” dictated by players on the team from page one
motivation would be, more or less, not so much to toughen them up, but to let them know, ‘this is a different level of football and you need to pick it up because we’re all working our asses off and you’re not.’” It’s become a hot button issue that’s drawn commentary from many current and former players, including former Spartan and NFL offensive lineman Flozell Adams. “The way (Martin) went with it publicly and leaving the team like a big baby. He’s a grown ass man and he’s going to leave the team like a baby because someone’s calling him names?” he said. “Whether it’s racially motivated or not, he’s going to cry and do all of that crap? That wasn’t cool on his part. “It (also) was not good on Incognito’s part with what he did. Making racial remarks to a guy because he’s bi-racial, half-black or whatever.” Red Cedar rowdies? There are few other sports on campus that allow extensive locker room access, including MSU’s football team, making it difficult to decipher what exactly happens behind closed doors. But when asked about locker room culture this week, MSU head coach Mark Dantonio said by putting the right leaders in position, the Spartans have cultivated what he considers “great chemistry” in the locker room. “It is my hope, and I guess you never really know, because the players are going to know more what’s going on in the locker room then certainly - you would think the coaches would know, but we’re not in there all the time, but I don’t think there’s any hazing that goes on here,” Dantonio said. It’s a culture that dates back to former head coach and current MSU Board of Trustee member George Perles, who led the football team from 1983-1994. A former defensive coordinator for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Perles was adamant that he “never had the problem” during his time with the Steelers or at MSU, expressing the fact that former Spartans
VOL . 104 | NO. 152
Index Campus+city 3 Opinion 4 Sports 6 Features 5 Classifieds 5
such as Lorenzo White, Shane Bullough — the uncle of Max and Riley Bullough — and Pat Shurmur set the tone. Former MSU football player and current Board of Trustees member Brian Mosallam, who played several seasons under Perles, echoed the notion he’s never had a problem in the locker room, but admits that only those from a specific locker room are going to understand the culture. “Nobody is going to ever change the culture of a locker room,” Mosallam said. “Each locker room is gonna have its culture and no matter what’s written, no matter what’s said … all that’s gonna be irrelevant because the culture in the locker room is going to be how the guys dictate it.”
MSU spokesman says exceptions can be made to board travel policy based on need from page one
a specific location. The MSU Manual of Business Procedures states: “As a general policy, expenses attributable to spouse travel are not reimbursable. … In order to be approved, these situations must meet the bona fide criteria provided for by IRS regulations otherwise taxable income may result.” Owen’s actions appear to be in direct contrast with the manual, which states that trustees should not use university money to pay for their spouses’ travel. Owen said in an interview with The State News on Sunday that her trip to Germany was a good investment for the university and provided opportunities for engagement. Owen was unavailable to comment because of an illness, her sister said when reached by
‘I don’t want to treat people like that’ For many, there’s not a particularly strong need for locker room culture to change, especially if problems have not arisen. However, Marc Edelman, an associate professor of law and a sports law expert at Baruch College at the Zicklin School of Business in New York, called the criticism of Martin “complete hogwash.” Given the concerns of staying quiet, it becomes dangerous for individuals to not speak up when the situation calls for it, regardless of repercussions. When cultivating this type of atmosphere, Edelman said when things happen behind closed doors and stay behind closed doors, they’re not bound to change. “While it would be a far cry from the truth to say hazing goes on with every sports team, there are several instances of hazing in professional sports, throughout college sports and high school sports,” Edelman said. “One of the biggest challenges of stopping hazing is the circle of fear or silence.” Time has given Mandarich an opportunity for reflection on his football career, as he recalled the camaraderie of college versus the business atmosphere in the NFL. Mandarich realizes he — or anybody else in a college or professional locker room — easily could have been in a situation similar to Incognito or Martin. But as his playing career remains close to two decades in the past, Mandarich said the time has lent him genuine perspective. “In Incognito’s defense, it seems, based on his history, like he’s been a bully and stuff, but … everybody has different personalities and that’s what works for him,” Mandarich said. “There were people in the Indianapolis Colts locker room that were bullies that I just distanced myself from because I said ‘I don’t want to treat people like that.’
Commissioners split a vote on an amendment to the city’s 50/50 policy from page one
Under the newly-recommended proposal, restaurants that have been open for two years, have fewer than 150 seats and serve lunch at least five days out of the week would be able to serve 60 percent alcohol and 40 percent food. The 50/50 rule still would apply to businesses that do not meet those qualifications. Certain establishments were grandfathered into not having to abide by the 50/50 rule, such as Rick’s American Cafe, Beggar’s Banquet, The Riv and P.T. O’Malley’s. Planning Commissioner Stephen Wooden said if the rule will be enforced, it makes sense to make the ratio easier on establishments serving alcohol. “If we’re going to make the rule more enforceable, let’s also make it more feasible,” he said. Some city officials and businesses have spoken out against the 50/50 rule as it stands, claiming the rules were an ineffective way of
Continued The State News on Wednesday. Records also show former trustee Melanie Foster traveled to South Africa three weeks after she lost reelection in November; the university paid for her husband to go as well. Foster could not be reached for comment. Exceptions are made to the policy for spouses of trustees and others are considered integral to the trip, Cassella said in a statement. He said the manual guides trustee travel, but is not used as a rule book. He said travel money does not come from tuition dollars or government funding, but revenue from parking, brand licensing and intellectual property. Every trip trustees take on MSU’s dime is approved by Bill Beekman, vice president and secretary of the board. He approves forms that detail estimated costs of lodging and other topics. Beekman did not return multiple calls for comment.
monitoring city businesses. The council narrowly struck down a proposal to temporarily do away with the ordinance while city planners came up with an alternative solution last year. To combat issues with enforcement, the commission recommended the official legal action against those who violate the policy be changed from a possible shutdown to a civil infraction. Planning, Building and Development Director Tim Dempsey said a new method of enforcement would put the power of punishment in the hands of the police. “As the ordinance stands today…. if someone was in violation, we could withdraw their special use permit, effectively closing the establishment,” he said. “That’s a pretty extreme measure.” Planning Commissioner Laura Goddeeris suggested taking the changes even further by applying a 60/40 rule to every business serving alcohol in the city. An amendment to set the food to alcohol sales ratio at 60/40 was divided at a 4-4 vote, meaning the motion was not recommended to the city council.
Michigan universities now are offering more support for veterans through planned programs from page one
ly does not employ any fulltime staff dedicated solely to addressing veterans issues, as the University of Michigan and other universities in the state do. Maybank previously said university officials are considering such a position, but offered no timeline of when it might happen. Still, prospects could be looking up for student veterans in other ways. Michigan’s 15 public universities now are offering in-state tuition to all veterans, regardless of whether they’re out-ofstate students, the Presidents Council, State Universities of Michigan announced last Friday. That was a program offered only to active-duty service members in the past, but now it’s being extended to veterans and their dependents. State lawmakers have been busy on the same front, with House Democrats recently releasing a report detailing a veteran-friendly legislative agenda. Among the proposals are the creation of a framework that would deem schools “military friendly” by offering additional state funding to such institutions. Democratic Reps. Harvey Santana and David Knezek — both of whom are veterans from the Detroit area and leaders of the task force — introduced a resolution that would offer in-state tuition to all veterans attending a university in Michigan. Rep. Jim Stamas, R-Midland, has a similar resolution. It’s unclear whether those are superfluous proposals after Michigan’s public universities decided to do that on their own. But Rep. Jeff Irwin, D-Ann Arbor, said it could be necessary if institutions decide against the tuition policy.
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Campus+city Cops
campus Editor Robert Bondy, CITY EDITOR Lauren Gibbons, Phone (517) 432-3070 Fax (517) 432-3075
Event focuses on student rights with police Students flock to reptile-filled night By Olivia Dimmer THE STATE NEWS nn
Navigating the tricky landscape surrounding law enforcement often can leave some students stumbling in the dark, but a Wednesday night event looked to shed some light on proper policies and conduct. A presentation and discussion looked to inform students on their individual legal rights when dealing with law enforcement while educating attendees on various academic and property rights as students and tenants. The event was organized in part by ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, and James Madison College Student Senate, among others. Social relations and policy senior Max Olivero organized
the “Know Your Rights” event for the second year in a row and partnered with ASMSU to broaden the program’s educational reach. Olivero, a James Madison College Student Senate member, said the forum aimed to inform students about medical amnesty a relatively new law that protects minors from receiving minor in possession charges if they call 911 for medical assistance. “We are giving this presentation as a simple what to do and what not to do when stopped and questioned by law enforcement,” Olivero said. “The East Lansing Police Department can be tricky when they stop and question people, especially students ... Students might not know their rights and think they have to let police search them, which is incorrect.”
Student rights, including the right to refuse to give consent to a search, how not to self-incriminate and how to deal with noise violations also were discussed. ASMSU’s Student Defenders service, which helps students navigate the university judicial system, also was discussed in detail. The presentation was led by ASMSU legal services attorney Miranda Peek. “I think a lot of students, when they go out, don’t know how to appropriately interact with police when approached,” Peek said. During the presentation, Peek reminded audience members that all undergraduate students’ tuition covers unlimited usage of ASMSU’s legal services. Peek said that she most often deals with criminal misdemeanors including minor in possession and open alcohol charges.
BSA hosts 41st Black Power Rally By April Jones THE STATE NEWS nn
Opening with the black national anthem, MSU’s Black Student Alliance, or BSA, kicked off the 41st annual Black Power Rally Wednesday evening — an event featuring with dancing, singing, poems and keynote speaker Michael Eric Dyson, a Detroit native. The BSA annually hosts the rally, giving students a chance to learn and celebrate black heritage, culture and pride while keying in on controversial topics such as political injustice and racism. BSA President Tyler Clifford said because of the popularity and growth of the event, the rally was moved to a bigger venue, Wharton Center’s Cobb Great Hall. While the theater holds 2,400, some still were forced to stand. “Last year’s show was over capacity in the Pasant Theater for (keynote speaker) Angela Davis,” he said. “My motivation (was) to fill 3,000 seats and make sure people come out to hear what Dr. Dyson has to say ... and see talent from the MSU community.” Dyson, a Georgetown University professor, discussed the importance of black people standing their ground on legal issues similar to those who were part of the civil rights movement. “Merely to breath black in this country is to be seen as a threat” Dyson said during his presentation. “‘The very existence we
Khoa Nguyen/The State News
Communication sophomore Leticia Gittens, left, and marketing sophomore Chris Jackson II, right, perform during the 41st annual Black Power Rally on Wednesday at Wharton Center.
embodied is somehow threatened to the dominance of the society and that ain’t nothing new.” He said black people should be grateful for what has been provided for them and can’t celebrate their success without thanking the ancestors who paved the way. “The resources that your people have given to you before now is not simply about the bling,” he said. “It’s not simply about name brands but naming how you’ve been branded.” Dyson took the audience back through history, sparking excitement among the attendees when keying in on Martin Luther King Jr., hip-hop artists and the recent Trayvon Martin ruling. Dyson also mentioned the need for a change in the current mind-
set toward women. He said rappers, such as Drake, change the perception of how men should treat women in a negative way. Political science and pre-law senior China Harrison said she’s returned this year after coming to the previous rallies. Each year she expects a great performance. “It’s a great way to raise awareness and empower the community through black power,” Harrison said.
By Celeste Bott THE STATE NEWS nn
If students were roaming the halls of the Natural Science Building late on Wednesday evening, they might have come face-toface with the fearful surprise of a five-foot-long alligator or a boa constrictor as part of Herpetology Night. The MSU Herpetology Club event provided students and community members the opportunity to interact with snakes, tortoises and an alligator. Herpetology is a branch of zoology that involves the study of reptiles and amphibians, club president and zoology senior Kelsey Fenner said. Club members brought in a number of reptiles and amphibians to the event and were on hand to educate about the different species. Herpetology Night, which brought in both students and families, hosted both native and exotic reptiles and amphibians — from small snapping turtles to a live fivefoot alligator, pythons and boa constrictors more than six feet in length. “This was the best turnout we’ve ever had,” Fenner said. “We have a ‘Herp Night’ every semester, and we advertise all over campus and in the East Lansing area.” Many club members major in zoology or fisheries and wildlife, but students from many different academic backgrounds can participate, Fenner said. Members often take zoo trips and conduct field surveys of the surrounding areas. “There’s more amphibians and reptiles around MSU than you might think,” Fenner said. “Some are harder to find than others, but they’re definitely around.” P.J. Kohn, a zookeeper at the Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek, studied zoology at MSU and returned to his alma mater for Herpetology Night. “The club was a great way to meet people with the same interests, who were as crazy about reptiles as I was,” Kohn said.
Brian Palmer/The State News
Environmental studies junior Lia Biondo laughs as she holds a burmese python around her neck during Herp Night on Wednesday, at the Natural Sciences Building.
Criminal justice sophomore Robin Smith didn’t have a background in herpetology, but heard about the event from a friend in one of her classes. “Being around all these snakes and reptiles — it’s definitely something to cross off of a bucket list,” Smith said. “It’s the kind
of thing you can be brave about and then document on Facebook or Instagram.”
More online … To see a video about Herpetology Night, visit
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4 | Th e Stat e N e ws | t hursday, nove m be r 1 4 , 201 3 | state n e
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Ou r voice | E ditorial
Veterans’ center long time coming EDITORIAL BOARD Ian Kullgren editor in chief Summer Ballentine opinion editor Celeste Bott staff representative Anya Rath minority representative Derek Gartee staff reporter
oday, MSU opens the Veterans’ Resource Center, a place for veterans to come together and share experiences. While this is a positive sign for student veterans, having a public space is worthless without adequate support from university administrators. Although the center is opening today, it’s unclear exactly what services will be offered. Multiple State News interview requests to Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Services and Director of Student Life Denise Maybank were unanswered. While designating a specific space for student veterans is a positive step, a resource center is nothing without resources. It’s also worrisome that this center just was established. It’s a shame university officials have
“This Friday is America Recycles Day, a program of Keep America Beautiful and the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting recycling in the U.S.” — Celeste Bott, State News staff reporter
done so much for other groups on campus, but us: working to better for so long neglected our veterans that have a themselves through education. long-standing history in the school. But unlike us, they Spaces such as the Multicultural Center, which recently was revamped because of stu- have a past that can make dent demand, and the LGBT Resource Center getting a degree more chalhave been established campus entities. Yet until lenging. They have unique needs and issues now, help for veterans has been t h at , u nt i l to day, pushed to a support website. haven’t been addressed fully. Unfortunately, MSU is far This is a step in the Deployment can be traumatbehind other schools in cater- right direction, but ic for veterans. Many experiing to the needs of veterans. we need to continue ences can leave behind seriUniversities such as U-M, the ous psychological effects, and Ohio State University and the our support of for some time, student veterUniversity of Minnesota all have the students who ans had no public space to share veterans’ affairs offices with perexperiences. sonal faculty members that vet- dedicated their It is good that veterans now erans are able to contact. MSU lives to serving our have a place where they can still does not employ any fullcountry. talk to others who have been time staff members dedicated exposed to similar events. only to serving student veterans. These are the people who put Part of the problem might be the lack of widespread student activism outside their life on the line for us. They have gone through things that normal citizens never will the veteran community to build a center. There seems to be a disconnect between the have to go through; the least we can do is allocate an area for them. general student population and veterans. Especially at MSU, we should hold our vetWhen people talk about veterans, the image usually is not a young college student. Instead, erans in high regards. Veterans are the reason it’s easier to visualize grandfathers or fathers MSU is what it is today. After World War II, the university saw an who might have served. The fact is there are a lot of veterans our age influx of veterans coming here to study under who need help. Veterans are in the same shoes as the GI Bill.
editorial cartoonist
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So many veterans enrolled that the president at the time, John Hannah, was forced to make a temporary quonset hut village to house all of the veterans. The creation of Brody Complex Neighborhood, Snyder, Phillips and Shaw halls also were results of housing demands for veterans. In fact, the increase in the student body by post-World War II vets is one of the big pushes in our campaign for admittance into the Big 10. Our veterans made huge impacts on the university, many of which still can be seen today. This is a step in the right direction, but we need to continue our support of the students who dedicated their lives to serving our country. Resources, such as a full-time employee to help connect veterans with help, must be a priority. Although opening the Veterans’ Resource Center is a symbolic show of support from the university, more concrete steps must be taken, and soon, to help those who have given so much to us.
opinion column
MSU right to give vets in-state tuition
Michael Holloway mholloway@
cil of Economic Advisers. Hopefully, in-state tuition will allow young vets get the education they need to succeed. Schools that give veterans this aide are giving them a chance to compete for jobs and setting them on a path to a stable future. Once they have a degree My whole family conand are hired, the values learned sists of veterans — my mothin the military will shine. er was a veteran, as well as Another glaring issue is the psymy grandfathers and uncles. I grew up loving the troops. chological difficulties veterans face That being said, I was excited to after wars. Soldiers who see active learn last week that MSU joined battle or witness the gruesome the Yellow Ribbon Program. The effects of those battles often are program is a part of the Post-9/11 affected psychologically. War can GI Bill and offers lead to the developin-state tuition ment of post-traustaff reporter for all veterans matic stress disorat public colleges der, or PTSD, which and universities. can interfere with With Veteran’s veterans’ lives conDay this week, I siderably and make want to commend it difficult for them MSU on its comto function in socimitment to helpety. These vetering our veterans. ans require counThe best way seling to help deal Derek Gartee to help a with this disorder. eran transiMSU also has tion back to a citizen’s life is to noticed this issue and are makhelp them find a job. Howeving steps to address it, such as er, with the job market we have opening the Vettoday, this can be a difficult task. erans’ Resource I couldn’t imagine being in a Center today. veteran’s shoes. Having no job, Opening the no income and forced to compete resource center and in a fiercely competitive job marproviding in-state ket seems nearly impossible. tuition are steps In the past, veterin the right direcans returned from war and tion to help make Without could land a job easily. studentveterans All the veterans in my family our feel more welcome have lived very successful lives. and supported in veterans, When my grandfathers returned our community. I wouldn’t from war, they got right to After all, our vetwork at General Motors, takerans haven’t had the be sitting ing advantage of the many autowarmest of welcomes here motive jobs in the area. in the past. After Now, it’s difficult to get any writing the Vietnam War, job, let alone one with a livthe welcome parties this able wage. Job applications are and parades usuallined with prerequisites such as ly expected for veter- column. “experience required” or “colans were replaced by These lege degree necessary.” ridicule and neglect. The days of walking into a facThese are the peo- people do tory unemployed and walkple fighting for us. so much ing out a with a job are gone. They are the ones for us; it’s I’m not saying that military who risked their our duty experience is worthless. The millives every day to itary teaches you many impormake sure we can to give tant skills and habits for the live like we do. Withsomething workplace, but in today’s sociout our veterans, ety the chances of landing a I wouldn’t be sitback.” job are much higher with a colting here writing lege degree. The experience and this column. These knowledge you gain from college people do so much can be more desirable to employfor us; it’s our duty ers than military experience. to give something back. Today, 10 percent of post 9/11 Derek Gartee is a State News vets are unemployed, accordstaff reporter. Reach him at ing to the White House rowing up, I always have been around Americans in uniform. Since I was born, actually. I took my first breath on Scott Air Force Base, near Belleville, Ill.
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Readers respond to photos of burning couches “MSU, even with all its history, still has a long way to go to catch West Virginia in the couch burning department” @Scotty_Fit, Nov. 12
“A good way to tarnish the reputation of MSU & the win is to publish photos of burning couches. WTG! State News :(“ @TychoAussie, Nov. 12
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Features editor Isabella Shaya, Phone (517) 432-3070 Fax (517) 432-3075
T h e at e r
‘MAMMA MIA!’ the musical returns to Wharton Center By Ariel Ellis THE STATE NEWS nn
T he f e e l -g o o d mu s ic a l “MAMMA MIA!” will be returning to Wharton Center for the fourth time in 10 years Nov. 15-17, bringing high-energy dancing, comedic moments and timeless music to students and community members.
This is the fourth time in 10 years that “MAMMA MIA!” is coming to the Wharton Center. The show is running this weekend Set on a Greek isla nd, “MAMMA MIA!” tells the story of Sophie, a 20-year-old brideto-be whose dream is to have her father walk her down the aisle in her wedding. Unsure of who her father is, Sophie reads her mother’s journal and secretly invites three of her mother’s past flings to the island. The men proceed to have a crazy and humorous reunion at the pre-wedding celebration, while Sophie surveys the men in search of her real father. The musical features tunes from the ‘70s and ‘80s by Swed-
“You think you don’t know the words to an ABBA song, but I promise, you do. ... Everyone manages to be singing along.” Chelsea Williams, actress in “MAMMA MIA!”
“Sophie is a 20-year-old girl who just wants something really bad, and I think that’s something easy for me at this point in my life to relate to,” Williams said. Among the cast, Williams said a bond has formed that creates a chemistry and liveliness on stage. “There’s a really good camaraderie, so everyone in the cast just bonded right away, and that has definitely helped us create a cool world on stage,” Williams said. “I don’t think there’s any show that’s as fun to see and be a part of. It’s like a wild party the whole time.” Wharton Center public relations manager Bob Hoffman said “MAMMA MIA!” is one of the venue’s most popular shows. “We are super excited about ‘MAMMA MIA!’ coming back to Wharton Center,” Hoffman said. “This show is full of exciting ABBA music — music you want to dance too, and people do. It’s also a great story and just a lot of fun.”
ish pop group ABBA, which lead actress Chelsea Williams said sets the tone and mood for the entire production. “You think you don’t know the words to an ABBA song, but I promise, you do,” Williams said. “Everyone manages to be singing along at one point or another.” The musical features several of ABBA’s greatest hit songs, including “Dancing Queen,” “Super Trouper,” “ Ta ke A Chance on Me” and “The Winner Takes It All.” Williams said she traveled back and forth from her home in Boston to New York and stood in the freezing cold with several others to audition for the play in January. “I went to the audition not expecting to hear anything back, and when I did, I was extremely surprised,” Williams said. Although Williams has never seen “MAMMA MIA!” live, she said she easily was able to become Sophie because it is a relatable character. E n t e r ta i n m e n t
Black women portrayed negatively in media On the surface, it might appear that many black women have achieved the American dream — excelling in politics, business, academia and media. But when you think of media portrayals of black women, these images don’t quite come to mind. Instead, labels seen most include baby mommas, gold diggers and homewreckers. A survey, published in the November issue of Essence magazine, found that positive images of black women are far less
common; even rarer are images of black women as community heroines. The magazine surveyed 1,200 women. Some these women were asked to keep visual diaries for a week and a half and log the media images of black women they saw. After keeping a diary for the 10-day cycle, the women said they felt saddened, disrespected and that the media failed to represent the women they know. ARIEL ELLIS
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Horoscope By Linda C. Black
cuisine. Explore new flavors and share your discoveries.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is an 8 — The more you shift and move things around at the risk of stirring up controversy, the more you discover. Get rid of the trash and gain something. You feel more optimistic. Simple pleasures satisfy.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is an 8 — Your newly gained power may keep you from seeing something important in your peripheral vision. Don’t forget to look around. Stop and smell the roses. Explore your dream’s meaning. Solve a problem. Setbacks bring hidden value. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is an 8 — It may feel like the world is on your shoulders. Release some of your imaginary load. The improvement is almost immediate. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is a 9 — Someone has unique problems. Have a good time solving them. It’s better with friends. A barrier’s dissolving. For the next seven months, you find opportunities for travel. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Today is a 7 — Better make sure you have all the pieces, and that they all fit together, to avoid overlooking details that could cause delays.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 9 — Romance works if you don’t push too hard. Things could get spicy and adventurous. On the financial front, frugality and simplicity work fine. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 9 — Get one or more geniuses to help. They’ll get cranky if they don’t hear from you. Clean house and figure out ways to make use of something you thought worthless, and save twice. Support your team. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is an 8 — Something doesn’t go quite as planned. Creativity and patience are required to work it out. Luckily, you’ve got both. Imagine the perfect outcome and go for it. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is an 8 — Don’t show skeptics unfinished work or you might get disillusioned. Don’t try to solve a problem with money, either. Continue your search for tantalizing
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is an 8 — Finish your homework as best as you can. Don’t be harsh on yourself if it’s not perfect. Keep practicing and your skills increase. Take charge, but be nice about it. Include others in big decisions. Domestic comforts tempt. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is an 8 — Postpone shopping or splurging. Begin a personal journey, and document it thoroughly. Don’t spend or make foolish promises to impress. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is an 8 — Unusual fears could appear. Follow your inner wisdom and improvise as you go. There’s time to edit later.
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state n e | The State N ews | thu r sday, N ovemb er 14, 2013 |
sports editor Matt Sheehan, Phone (517) 432-3070 Fax (517) 432-3075
Consecutive wins for field hockey, their longest streak since 2010-11.
men’s basketball
field hockey
Appling plays big against Wildcats By Derek Blalock THE STATE NEWS nn
Danyelle Morrow/The State News
Junior forward Allie Ahern trips over Miami (OH) goalkeeper Sarah Mueller during a breakaway towards the net on Wednesday at Ralph Young Field. MSU defeated Miami, 3-0, during the first round of the NCAA Tournament.
Spartans blank redhawks, advance to ncaa first round By Omari Sankofa II THE STATE NEWS nn
The improbable postseason run continues. Two games after scoring a game-winner against Ohio State to clinch the Big Ten Championship, junior forward Allie Ahern scored a team-high two goals to lead MSU (13-9 overall, 4-2 Big Ten) to a 3-0 shutout over Miami (OH) to propel the Spartans from the play-in round to the first round of the NCAA Tournament. No. 2 Syracuse will host the first round match against MSU on Saturday. Ahern’s offensive production slowed after a hot earlyseason start, but over the last few games, she has upped her level of play when the team needed it.
The Spartans will travel to play No. 2 Syracuse in the first round of the NCAA Tournament “I just looked at how I had been playing all year and I wanted to keep it simple because that’s when I seem to score,” Ahern said. “So today I kept it simple, and the whole team played really well and their passes seemed to help me score.” Junior forward Abby Barker added a goal, and senior goalkeeper Molly Cassidy had three saves. Junior midfielder Alli Helwig, junior forward Heather Howie and senior midfielder Katherine Jamieson each recorded an assist. T he Spar tans displayed great pressure in the first half, attempting sixteen shots and earning six corner penalties. On the other end, Miami managed a shot or a corner penalty. Ahern converted the lone goal of the first half, a straight shot from the top of the circle that was assisted by Helwig. Miami goalkeeper Sarah Mueller had eight saves. The Spartans would go on to attempt six more shots, including the goal by Ahern, before the clock hit the 35-minute mark. Since the tournament run began, MSU has shown greater poise in the second half, which has allowed them to hold onto leads. Head coach Helen Knull said the added intensity of the games has helped improve the mindset of the team. “I told the girls after (the game), its survive and advance,” Knull said. “They’ve got a mentality of you’ve gotta go 100% and you’ve gotta risk everything. Whether it’s right or wrong, you’ve got to just go for it. They’ve been doing that instead of waiting to see what happening going into halftime.” MSU scored two additional goals on five shots to seal the trip to Syracuse. Miami attempted five shots and earned four corner penalties. Ahern scored her second goal of the game with 38:21 remaining. Mueller dived early, creating an empty net for Ahern to send the ball into. Howie was
credited with the assist for the goal. Nine minutes later, Barker entered the score sheet. Her one-timer from the left side gave the Spartans a 3-0 lead. “Being up 2-0 is definitely comfortable, but being up 3-0, I think that was making a statement,” Barker said. “I think we definitely got more comfortable being up by three and just played it out from there.” MSU only attempted one shot for the rest of the game, but their job was done. MSU left Ralph Young Field with a win and a first round matchup with Syracuse. “ T hey ’re quic k , t hey ’re aggressive,” Knull said of Syracuse. “We’ve gotta come up sharp, execute the game plan. We’ve really got to utilize our speed, especially in the attacking (area of the field).” MSU will face No. 2 Syracuse at Syracuse on Saturday at 11:30 a.m.
CHICAGO — He might have said No. 2 MSU didn’t have anything to prove, but Keith Appling proved a little something to the many NBA scouts in attendance for MSU’s Appling 78-74 win against No. 1 Kentucky in the Champions Classic on Tuesday night. While many scouts were at the United Center in Chicago to see likely lottery picks, such as Jabari Parker, Andrew Wiggins and Julius Randle, MSU’s senior point guard quietly posted one of the best games of the night and of his career. The six-foot-one guard from Detroit did everything for MSU (2-0 overall) against Kentucky (2-1). He scored a team-high 22 points, grabbed eight rebounds, recorded eight assists and had four steals. Last season, head coach Tom Izzo came close to moving Appling away from the point guard position, but decided to stick with him. And after Tuesday night’s game, Izzo might have made the right decision. “Just listening to (Izzo), and believing what he was telling me,” Appling said on becoming a better point guard. “Just watching film, watching other great point guards — Tony Parker and Chris Paul. I feel like that really helped me out a lot, so that’s where the area of improvement came in.” Despite a rough outing against McNeese State, Appling bounced back to produce several big and deciding plays for MSU in a game nationally televised on ESPN. Thanks in part to Appling’s steal and breakaway dunk, MSU jumped out to an ear-
ly 10-0 lead, which forced Kentucky to call two early timeouts. Appling, sophomore guard Gary Harris and the rest of the Spartans came out running in transition and caused Kentucky to turn the ball over nine times in the first half. It’s unsurprising for Izzo, who has called Appling and Harris the two best defensive guards in the nation. “He went from just trying to be a scoring point guard, or maybe looking for a shot first, and now sometimes, he’s almost looking for it second,” Izzo said in the team’s media day last month. Kentucky freshman Julius Randle put on the show in the
second half, scoring 23 of his 27 points after halftime. He also grabbed 13 rebounds in the game. Kentucky came out of halftime with a lot more energy, and as the game wore on, the Wildcats were able to make it to the free-throw line 36 times, but only could make 20. Momentum was on Kentucky’s side as they tied it at 66 points apiece, thanks to Randle’s free throws. With just less than five minutes left in the game, sophomore guard Denzel Valentine drove and kicked it out to Appling in the corner, who knocked it down for three.
Just seconds later, Harris killed any Kentucky momentum after he stole a pass right after the inbound and easily laid it in to give MSU a five-point cushion, and the eventual victory. Appling was glad for the victory, but said there’s not too much to accomplish because it’s still so early in the season. Appling said the team wants to be No. 1 at the end of the season, not the beginning. “Obv iously coming into tonight, we knew it was a very big game, so that’s just the way we approached it,” Appling said. “It’s a great win, but at the same time, we didn’t accomplish anything tonight.”
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