Statesboro Magazine - November/December 2021

Page 58


garden variety

Brassicas like cabbage and kale make great winter ornamentals.

Why Plant in Fall?

Pansies add color to a garden and delight to a salad.



Typically, new gardeners are born in spring, shovel in hand, eager to transform. Gardeners with a little more soil under their nails know, however, that autumn is an excellent time to plant, and that there is a wide range of plant material that can brighten the landscape for the coming winter, add beauty and value to one’s property, and even feed the family. There are many advantages to fall planting, some for people and some for plants. It’s nicer to work outside in a soft flannel shirt than to be fighting off gnats and mosquitoes. Gardening requires endurance, and the likelihood of completing a project is greater if heat stroke isn’t involved. There is also great shopping, since plant sellers know that in general, fall is a more merciful time for plants in the South. Plants work hard to survive our summer heat. In cooler months, they can slow down a little. Cooler weather means a decrease in the demand for water, 58

November/December 2021

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