Portfolio 2015_Stathoula.Palivou

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Stathoula Palivou architect . interior designer . portfolio

2000 – 2014

Efstathia Palyvou | architect | interior designer | portfolio 2000 – 2014 | .architecture . - Arcadian Land, project|design|concept architect under LS/ARCHITECTURE AND STRATEGIES - EcOsmosiS exhibition, Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Center, Pireos, Athens, Greece - various architectural projects, under technical office Nicholaos Bilianis

.interior. - ‘CREATE YOUR OWN STYLE’ Interior design seminar at Velios School of Art, 2013 - cabin house in Marathonas, Greece (freelance project, 3d rendering 2010) - shabby chic bedroom proposals (freelance project, may 2014 )

.technical. -

technical drawings regarding Building Residencies, under technical office Nicholaos Bilianis

. c r e a t i v i t y . s k i l l s. - free. hand . drawings (pencil) 2001 - draft sketches for contest - draft sketches , house proposal 2009 - mixed use of different materials (collage, model making, tile making, windows display)

. s c h o o l . p r o j e c t s. - design studio _small scale design_’bodylanguage_ashtray & baby's rattle’, 2002 - elective Design Studio III ‘|urban|shelters in highlands of mountain Holomontas’ 2002 - design studio, small building complex with mixed uses in the city of Volos”,2003 - elective design studio, A road’s museum, 2004 - design Studio IV, ‘itinerants lodging Centre, with abstract parts for urban use by homeless groups, in Metaxourgio’ 2004 - design Studio V, ‘civil airport in Aghialos area ’ 2005 - diploma project, underground museum in paliouri , of physical discipline and body incarceration, based on the literature of M. DeSade,2007 http://www.greekarchitects.gr/site_parts/articles/print.php?article=1140&language=en


_Arcadian land_

April – May 2012 LS/ARCHITECTURE AND STRATEGIES Project/Design/Concept Architect: Responsible for the concept and design of the conversion of an existing building into a Museum, based on the ‘Arcadian Ideal’ and the study of the surrounding area. The entire project is based on ecological and green building design. The project was included & presented along with others at EcosmosiS exhibition. I had Curator’s assistant duties throughout the event & the planning process. You can watch the video animation here : http://ls-architecture.com/?p=1555 Also here : http://www.archello.com/en/project/arcadian-land http://vimeo.com/43733628


Su rrou nding Mantinean Landscape

The surrounding area is designed as a continuation of the natural landscape, a conceptual and visual connection with the archaeological site. A key cross-shaped alignment connects the entrance to the visible archaeological site and the Museum. Alignments with symbolic references to the mythology of the Arcadian Mantinea land, nostalgia, harmony, the human measure, organicity and the life-giving element of water are metamorphosed to curved, snake- like paths and mastoid endings, as symbols of prosperity that run throughout the property. A palimpsest of botanical collections, low bushes, flowers, planting and cultivation zones of the local flora, allows guests to feel at home in the Arcadian landscape.


Exterior views

On the first floor, the visitor’s reception area has direct visual connection to the archaeological site and the oracle plain. Second’s floor café is taking advantage of North's side’s management, and is accessible by foot from the outside.


interior views & details_

An exhibition space is hosted to the ground floor for permanent and temporary exhibitions, along with administrative offices and an interactive maze designed under the principle of “House in House”. Clear, open spaces, with extended use of glass surfaces, allow visitor’s sight to admire the greatness of the Arcadian landscape, while inside.

Landfills form hills, are covering the north side of the Museum and a sculpture- like water wall signifies the entrance on the south side. The building facades incorporate bioclimatic design principles for shading and ventilating. The double sided wall, serves concept principles & bioclimatic purposes. The wall is using photovoltaic systems at the south side, to ensure energy self-sufficiency for the museum. On the other side, the wall is producing melodies, combining running water, drafts of wind & different shapes / sizes of metal materials. The melody is welcoming the visitor & signifies the main entrance, preparing guests for the time travel back to the landscape’s vivid melodic history & the unknown myths of the Mantenean land





_ECosmosis exhibition_

EcOsmosiS Exhibition May 2012 Curator assistant duties, under LS/ARCHITECTURE AND STRATEGIES Responsible for the concept & the research of interior lighting in the exhibition space, the concept, choice & arrangement of the green filters. You can watch the video animation here : http://ls-architecture.com/?p=1555 http://www.archello.com/en/project/arcadian-land http://vimeo.com/43733628

More videos regarding the ‘Arcadian Land’ project participation here: http://vimeo.com/52993862 http://vimeo.com/50357084 More videos regarding the EcosmosiS exhibition here: http://vimeo.com/46617753 http://vimeo.com/43733628


ECo smosis exhib ition


_v a r i o u s a r c h i t e c t u r a l p r o j e c t s_

Project/ Design Architect, underTechnical Office Nicholaos Bilianis

_“Create Your O wn Sty le “_ ‘Interior design’ seminar at Velios School of Art, 2013


Agniezska, 29 from Poland & James, 35, from England met in Athens 3 years ago and fell madly in love with each other. She's a sophisticated lawyer and he's a travel journalist of exotic destinations. They like spending time at their house and she uses one room as her office space. Gatherings with friends, cooking, listening to music, tasting wines & planning their next exotic trip are just few of their hobbies. She loves Latin music, shells & art, he loves reggae music, cooking & collecting souvenirs.

During the conceptual process, the couples hobbies, activities & likes were presented in a free shaped but yet expandable mood-board by pictures of the couple’s interests, so as to experiment and define the atmosphere, textures, smells, tastes, senses and feelings I wanted to give to their space.

The freshness of their relationship, the impressions & the objects of their exotic trips should fit in a space that would imply, embrace & communicate the uniqueness of this multicultural house in the north suburbs of Athens. The significance of their meeting in Greece, is underlined by the planting of a fresh olive tree in the middle of the house, ‘dividing’ the functions of ‘cooking’ & ‘relaxing’. Symbol of their presence in here & now, the olive tree blends in these exotic representations with the Greek essence. The functions diagram forms the areas of the house, creating an office that can accommodate both Agniezska’s & James's needs for working/writing. Office space can also work separately of the rest of the house if needed. Kitchen and lining-room are in one open-space room but yet they differentiate with a layer difference of two steps. Kitchen is located in the higher level of the house along with the bathroom both emphasizing the daydream of an exotic trip in flavors and sensations. Office and living-room in the lower level both fulfill their ‘alone & together’ needs for working in peace and relaxing with company.


_ i n t e r i o r d e s i g n s e m i n a r, velios school of arts, 2013 _ concept process

final moodboard

scenarios testing

material board

_ i n t e r i o r d e s i g n s e m i n a r, velios school of arts, 2013 _


Kitchen communicates with the open spaced living room.

Hand made furniture, organic shaped room divider. Olive tree symbolizes “here & now�

An Office for Agniezska. Olive Tree and exterior like living room. WC with aquarium divider

Floor plan with applied materials

An Office for Agniezska. A common creative kitchen space. WC with sand tiles & shell shaped sink

. 3d . r e n d e r i n g s .

bedroom innovation proposals, 2014 summer cabin house,marathonas 2010

Nail bar proposal, 2014

. t e c h n i c a l.

_technical drawings_

wardrobe’s layout & material testing floor plan with thermal - heating details & radiators positions, Building Residencies, Ag. Paraskevi, Greece, ₏1M, 2010, (underTechnical Office Nicholaos Bilianis) Project/Design Architect

Extended interior views of kitchen & material testing

extended interior view of bathroom tiles layout, testing

Electrical details on EDIKE interior design contest project, 2013

.mixed .use.of.dif ferent . materials.

. c r e a t i v i t y s k i l l s.

Design Studio I, ‘perception of the urban net & city impressions’, 2001 Mixed use of papers, cartons, garbage bags, glue & photographical pieces 

 Design Studio II, ‘re-habitation of an old building’, 2002 Mixed use of cartons with different hardness & texture

Create you own style seminar, Velios school of arts, 2013 Hand made tiles for project needs : sand tile for bathroom flooring & pebble tile for shower 

 Visual merchandising & retail management seminar, Velios school of Arts, 2014 Window display models. Mixed use of materials : rope, fresh plant leaves, sand & glue . Case study: “h & m” flag store in Syntagma square (for seminars purposes, not realised.

Free hand drawings (pencil) 2000

.free. hand. drawings.

. c r e a t i v i t y s k i l l s.

draft sketches for contest

draft sketches, house proposal 2009

. s c h o o l . p r o j e c t s.

design studio _small scale design_’bodylanguage_ashtray & baby's rattle’, 2002

Elective Design Studio III ‘|urban|shelters in highlands of mountain Holomontas’ 2002

design studio, small building complex with mixed uses in the city of Volos”,2003

. s c h o o l . p r o j e c t s.

elective design studio, A road’s museum, 2004

design Studio IV, ‘itinerants lodging Centre, with abstract parts for urban use by homeless groups, in Metaxourgio’ 2004

Design Studio V, ‘civil airport in Aghialos area ’ 2005

. s c h o o l . p r o j e c t s . d i p l o m a . p r o j e c t.

underground museum, of physical discipline and body incarceration, based on the literature of DeSade,2007

Carnal imprints, taken as outlines from Sade's gravures, are being transformed into 3D space

Thank you for your consideration stathoulap@yahoo.gr

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