Results from research and development 2012-2014

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Program period 2012-2014:

Results from research and development

Safer, faster Enormous investments result in new construction methods

Biological diversity Many years of mapping how the eco-systems are being impacted by the power line routes.

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Smart network operations New solutions for future system operations. Page 18

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R&D results 2012–2014


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Delivers on demand, inspired by opportunities Enhanced security and faster build time Improved error analysis and condition monitoring with AutoDIG Biological diversity in the transmission line routes Socioeconomic grid construction across Europe SusGrid: Dialogue supports sustainable grid development Smart solutions for tomorrow’s grid operations

R&D results 2012–2014

R&D is about making things possible


esearch and development (R&D) is often associated with technological breakthroughs, societal benefit and financial success – as well as with an academic perspective far removed from reality. For Statnett, however, the purpose of research and development is to generate new know­ ledge linked to our social assignment, i.e. knowledge that can be applied directly in our everyday operations. In other words, the direct benefit of research is absolutely crucial. Our aim is to demonstrate precisely how Statnett’s R&D input benefits not only the company, but also society in general, how we use it in our daily planning, and how we apply it to building the next generation power system. This is how R&D helps us at Statnett to put our strategy into practice.

Auke Lont President and CEO, Statnett


R&D results 2012–2014

Delivers on demand, inspired by opportunities


he Norwegian power ­system is on the threshold of dramatic change. Parts of the national power grid are ageing, and the nature of both electricity production and consumption is changing. Electric vehicles, induction cookers and two-way power meters are set to change how and when we use power. Production will become more intermittent with more wind power, and sustainability initiatives demand a more extensive grid. In this new reality, power output may actually come to be in short supply. That is why, several years ago, Statnett commenced a long-term, carefully planned program centred on the renewal and development of the existing power system. We are currently making our way through a long process and we are being confronted with new and different demands on how we are to execute our plan. We must simultane­ ously take other aspects – such as nature conservation, climate goals, cost-efficiency and security of s­ upply – into consideration. Moreover, we are noticing an appreciable increase in public interest in our social assignment, which naturally demands new and alternative processes for participation. The huge task we are facing also ­places a number of demands on us as an organisation. One particular ­challenge is to provide for the next generation power system. This is a


complex task, especially because it is as yet unclear precisely what form it will take. Smart grids and development ­towards what are termed ­‘prosumers’ are making new and different ­demands on the solutions of tomorrow, with ­regard to the construction and operation of transmission networks and market solutions. Statnett has a key role to play in the development of tomorrow’s power system and is therefore ­taking a special responsibility for driving ­innovation forward towards achievement of this goal. Research and development must be managed and accorded high priority so as to ensure efficient creation of the values we are actively seeking. For Statnett, research and development must make possible achievement of our strategy and our goals in both the long and the short term. For this reason, the research programs and the associated projects are ‘owned’ by ­different parts of the Statnett organisation – the staff who work with grid ­development, operations and the market on an everyday basis. R&D initiatives must be oriented ­towards both needs and opportunities. In this context, ‘needs-oriented’ means that R&D is to become an driving force for finding better solutions to specific challenges; shorter construction times or reduced environmental impact, for example. ‘Opportunities-oriented’, on the other hand, has to do with taking

a more proactive approach. It entails Statnett’s research input leading to innovations beneficial to society that were never specifically ordered, but which nevertheless generate high utility value. Statnett’s coming program ­period for research and development will run from 2015 through 2019. Three ­research areas have been identified: Sustainable grid develop­ment, I­nnovative technology and Smart power systems. Sustainable grid d ­ evelopment encompasses environ­mental ­consideration and new t­echnology along with the social acceptance and analysis tools. The technology d ­ imension will centre on building up strategic competence, ensuring safer, faster and more appropriate construction, and tackling Arctic challenges. Smart power systems include aspects such as the SmartGrid initiative, real time decision support systems, strategic skills and strategic R&D initiatives. The sheer number of major and minor development projects currently underway at Statnett prevent us from providing a detailed description of all of them in this brochure. We are only p ­ resenting some highlights of our research results, and there are several important areas that are not covered. Meanwhile, we would like to express our immense gratitude to all internal and external partners and contributors to our R&D work.

R&D results 2012–2014

Research and development must have clear objectives in order for us to achieve successful results. Senior Vice President R&D Sonja Berlijn



R&D results 2012–2014

New composite pylons Statnett is working on developing pylons made of composite, which are significantly lighter than today’s pylons. One of the results from the Lean Line program is the development of carbon fibre reinforced composite pylons for high voltage lines. The objective of the project has been to enhance safety, reduce build time and find a simpler visual appearance. “By reducing the weight of the pylons, we can reduce helicopter use considerably. This can help enhance safety while also speeding up the build process. The pylons are currently being delivered as an assembly set consisting of steel parts, which must be assembled at a site near the line that is being built. Composite pylons will consist of fewer parts than those currently being used, and will thus result in a simpler visual appearance. Additionally, construction using composite materials will require elements with greater diameters than steel did,” says Sonja Berlijn, Senior Vice President R&D.

The Lean Line program New methods and concepts for power line building include sub-projects within the following areas: Foundation work: The usual practice is to pour the foundation at the build site, which can be costly, time-consuming and cannot be executed year round. New solutions are being developed. Construction technique: Work is underway to find methods that provide shorter execution time, good quality and enhanced safety for the construction teams. Pylon types: Development projects have been ­initiated, which assess the suitability of various pylon types and materials, including composite. (See also page 9) Line and insulator technology: In winter, ice often builds up on lines, which makes them heavier. Work is underway to develop high temperature lines for fjord spans and other areas with extreme ice loads. Lean: Lean is all about simplifying things, eliminating ineffectiveness and increasing value-creating activities. This will allow us to build at lower costs and faster, and achieve higher quality.


R&D results 2012–2014

Improved ­quality and shorter ­construction periods Statnett is to invest NOK 50–70 billion over the coming decade, and the organisation is working ceaselessly to develop new construction methods in order to ensure the best possible results.


tatnett is currently ­working to construct the next ­generation national power grid. This project involves both remodelling and renovating ageing plants, and constructing new facilities – because the future is sure to make completely different demands on power transmission and system operation. With plans for investment valued at tens of billions of NOK, it is essential that Statnett a ­ pplies the best methods and solutions. Improvements in the choice of solution and construction methods have the potential to generate major benefits in the form of cost savings, reduced ­construction periods and improved safety, and will also have a positive impact on the nature, climate and quality. The Lean Line research program was initiated in 2012 in order to provide Statnett with more secure, enhanced, faster and more cost effective methods for line building. The targets are a 20 per cent increase in quality, a 20 per cent cut in costs, and a 20 per cent reduction in construction time. One of a number of promising R&D projects in the Lean Line program is entitled ‘Pre-fabricated foundations’. In some locations, the current solution for building foundations for pylons is both costly and time consuming. Statnett has therefore developed a new solution

involving a new design of the mast foot. This advanced mast foot features a pyramid structure made of steel, and the foundation is established by simply digging a hole in the soil. When the soil is replaced in and around the structure (see picture next page), the process creates a high-quality foundation through a method that is both cheaper and faster than the current approach. The new foundation process will be used for half of the 900 or so pylons that are to be erected along the new 420 kV power line from Balsfjord to Hammerfest in Northern Norway. Prefabricated foundations function best at sites where the base consists of soil. On rocky sites, Statnett will still be obliged to use the conventional concrete foundation method. “We have identified the possibility to develop improved methods for building concrete foundations in the mountains, and we have focused in particular on methods designed to boost the quality of the ready-mixed concrete we use,” relates Jacob Grønn, who is in charge of the ‘Rotating Concrete Shovel’ research project. When power lines have to be set up far from established roads and built-up areas, Statnett often uses helicopters to transport the construction materials


R&D results 2012–2014

We can see that R&D of this kind gives us directly measurable results.

“ required. Viewed in isolation, helicopter transport is an expensive solution, but sometimes it is difficult to access the sites in any other way that does not involve adversely affecting the countryside by laying construction roads and supply routes. “We fly in the concrete in a barrel below the helicopter, but maintaining the quality of the concrete has posed quite a challenge,” adds Jacob Grønn. The reason for this is that the concrete tends to set if it is not kept in motion and if it is exposed to cold temperatures. Taking these factors into account, Jacob Grønn’s team has developed a rotating shovel that is placed in the barrel to keep the concrete in motion while it is being transported. 8

“It was important for us to solve this issue; we’ve been working to tackle the challenge of ensuring concrete of appropriate quality for casting for many years,” adds Oddgeir Skjævesland, one of the most experienced hands in the field of construction and infrastructure establishment at Statnett. Previously, the cement and aggregate were transported long distances to mountain and woodland locations, and then mixed and cast on site. However, even though this produced good quality concrete, the method was extremely time-consuming. “We have been facing this challenge ever since ready-mixed concrete was developed back in the 1980s. So we are really proud to see that this rotating shovel solution seems to be working

as intended. The tests we have run indicate that the concrete retains many more of its qualitative properties during transport, which means that the quality of the foundations will inevitably improve.” Another advantage of the new concrete barrel is that Statnett can work in lower temperatures, and this means that operations can start earlier in spring and continue until later in autumn. As a result, better use can be made of the available construction time. “We can see that R&D of this kind gives us directly measurable results,” concludes Jacob Grønn, Project Manager.

R&D results 2012–2014

Improved error analysis and condition monitoring Automated error analysis puts Statnett in a better position to investigate all operational disruptions in the high-voltage grid. Statnett is to analyse and report all operational disruptions to the national power grid, and to check and perform post-analysis on all incidents reported by local and regional grid operators. The number of such incidents amounts to approximately 25,000 per year, which has previously made this a ­formidable – almost impossible – task. An operational disruption is not the same as a power outage, but a minor ­disruption that often lasts only a few seconds. “Manually analysing so many disruptions is a demanding task, to put it mildly. That is why we have been working to develop methods and tools with the capacity to automate a part of the work. More specifically, we have been working to come up with a solution for the automated collection, analysis and classification of errors, followed by manual processing of the most interesting cases,” relates Stig Løvlund,

Head of Department at the regional grid operations in Alta, and head of the SmartGrid R&D program. Statnett has a separate department that works systematically with error analysis. Real time analysis The new system – which has been named ‘AutoDIG’ – has been ­developed to collect and analyse all ­operational disruptions. AutoDIG has the capacity to analyse huge ­volumes of data extremely rapidly, and to ­separate out the most interesting incidents for manual examination by Statnett’s error analysts. The analysis work is sure to become more efficient, with the emphasis on critical errors. “It was important to design A ­ utoDIG to pick up on all irregularities, such as ­unusually long breaker time, over-­voltage and various protection responses. At the same time, we can

monitor components over a period of time, which will allow us to identify latent errors and replace components before they fail,” explains Stig Løvlund. Socioeconomic benefit AutoDIG will allow Statnett to identify the causes of errors much more quickly than the organisation can today. This also means that errors will be rectified more rapidly. And because faults and power outages are associated with appreciable socioeconomic costs, this research project has the potential to generate a significant societal domino effect. Robust solutions and security of supply are key management para­ meters for Statnett, which is therefore according high priority to the research and development of methods that contribute to this area. Statnett anticipates implementing ­AutoDIG in standard operations over the course of 2015.

New calculation method for icing warns of five times more snow and ice Expect up to five times more snow and ice on the ground conductors than previous estimates suggested. This is the clear conclusion following new, more thorough analyses from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Ice formation on power lines is a major problem in Norway. It is costly and dangerous to deal with, and in the worst cases it can even lead to breakdown and power outages. Therefore, Statnett is working continuously to find a solution

to the problem, and the new calcu­ lation method from the Meteorological Institute is helping to generate more accurate information about the icing issue. The ground conductors do not carry current, but act as lightning conductors and hold fibre-optic cables for data and telecoms connections. More ice forms on the ground conductors than on the cables that carry current, and which are suspended in sets of two or three.


R&D results 2012–2014

Biological diversity in the transmission line routes The power grid extends throughout all of Norway – from mountain to fjord, through residential areas, the landscapes of our cultural heritage and dense forests. Many species of plants, insects, birds and mammals inhabit these routes. Over a number of years, Statnett has mapped out how various species and eco-systems are being impacted by the transmission line routes.


e intend to be among the most innovative and ­environmentally responsible power companies in Europe.” “Through increased knowledge about both the negative and positive impact of our transmission lines, we hope to be able to become even better at finding good solutions and thereby achieve improved acceptance for our projects,” says ­environmental advisor, Johan Olav Bjerke at Statnett, who has supervised the research and development program, “Environmental adaptation of power transmission lines”. The program has consisted of a ­number of sub-projects in which Statnett is working together with researchers from among other groups, Norwegian University of Life Sciences at Ås (NMBU), University of Oslo (UiO) and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Major aspects of the work is still ongoing. “It is the long term trends that are most significant when one is making ­observations about how animal and plant life are being impacted by our transmission line routes. We want to


know as much as possible, and we are open to maintaining the transmission lines in another manner if it would ­create improved living conditions for plants and insects. The EU has also initiated similar research projects, and we look forward to exchanging observations and practical experience with European TSOs,” emphasizes Bjerke. Beetles and bees are thriving In general, many people will perhaps consider the transmission lines as a threat to plant and insect life. However, the research collaboration with NMBU, which started in 2009, indicates that this need not be the case. In this regard, up to 50 different transmission lines in Southeastern Norway have been thoroughly mapped out during several years, and some of the results might be considered rather surprising. “The biodiversity below the transmission lines is much greater than in the surrounding forest for the groups of animals and plants we have studied thus far. We captured more than 1,000 types of beetles along and near the transmission line routes, and a number of these are considered endangered. We also found around a third of all Norwegian bumblebee species and

nearly a fourth of all Norwegian wild bee species,” says NMBU researcher, Katrine Eldegard. “There is currently sharp focus on the decline of the world’s bees, and it is thus important to take care of the wild bees – including bumblebees. It may appear that transmission lines can serve as an alternative habitat for them, something that corresponds with the large numbers of beetles we are finding. The beetles make holes in the dead trees that are left on the ground after maintenance work, as well as in dead trees of larger dimensions along the edges of the transmission line routes. The holes then serve as homes for the bees. Much sunlight and an abundance of flowers along these routes are also contributing factors. But, we will continue to do research for several more seasons before we can draw final conclusions,” she points out. The project work among the transmission line routes consisted of three distinct methods: Some areas were not cleared; in some areas, all trees were cleared and left on the ground; whereas other routes were cleared and everything removed from the area. A comparison of what happened

R&D results 2012–2014

The biodiversity below the transmission lines is much greater than in the surrounding forest for the groups of animals and plants we have studied thus far.



R&D results 2012–2014

Cleared areas can make for flower-filled “meadows” exposed to much sunlight where we find old, cultural heritage species, which are otherwise in decline.

afterwards provides some exciting variations. “Cleared areas can make for flower-­ filled “meadows” exposed to much sunlight where we find old, cultural heritage species, which are otherwise in decline. Today, most areas consist of either forest or cropland. It would also not appear that foreign and unwanted - so-called blacklisted - species are a major problem in the transmission line routes. Manual route clearing is ­relatively gentle on the soil, and major forms of intervention such as roads and railways would tend to present greater challenges to these areas,” says ­Eldegard. Reindeer making a quick recovery Another area of research dealt with reindeer. Both wild and domesticated reindeer herds often have grazing areas and movement routes in areas where transmission lines exist or are under planning. In 2006, Statnett partici­ pated in the KraftRein research project,


which was supervised by NMBU in cooperation with UiO. Several areas of the country have been thoroughly and continuously studied in connection with major power line expansions, and with GPS tagging of animals as an ­important tool. “GPS time series collected from reindeer spanning a period of five to six years have shown how natural variation in land use can result in long periods during which the reindeer stay far away from power lines, whereas during other periods they will use areas near power lines more than expected. The fact that animals are not in the vicinity of power lines during a period does not ­necessarily constitute “active” avoidance.” “The main conclusion from the land use studies thus far is that a relatively significant avoidance during the construction period does occur, with up to 50 percent fewer animals within several kilometres of the transmission line

route, but that this avoidance quickly ceases after the construction activity has stopped - often as early as the first year afterwards,” says UiO researcher, Sindre Eftestøl. Perhaps the most astounding result that was found is how the wild reindeer in Setesdal calve with the same frequency in the vicinity of an existing power line, as compared with areas ­farther away. During the period just ­after calving, the animals actually use areas closer than one kilometre from the power line more than the areas that are further away. This is a continuing trend observed through six calving seasons, and shows how an area’s suitability for calving is of great significance, whereas a power line in and of itself does not appear to play a major role - even during this most vulnerable period. The research continues The research group involved in the KraftRein project now has new projects

R&D results 2012–2014

in the works, whereby focus areas will include determining whether UV light from power lines can affect land use, as well as the matter of overall impact where one observes the effects of various interventions when analysed ­together. Statnett is currently considering possible participation in these projects in the coming year. “A new sub-study has just been ­initiated within the Ildgruben reindeer grazing district. There is already a 420 kV power line in the area, as well as a number of other smaller power lines in central winter grazing areas. The ­district has used GPS-tagged animals in connection with husbandry operations, and this provides us with a unique opportunity to observe the effect from such power lines in winter grazing areas as well. The winter ­grazing areas represent one of the most vulnerable seasons, in addition to being a period when the effect from UV light is of key interest.

“The district is also affected by ­numerous other construction projects, interventions and other human a ­ ctivity, which provides us with a unique ­opportunity to examine the “interaction” between various types of intervention, whether these affect each other, and if so, how,” says Eftestøl. Some birds relocate while some fly into the power lines Norway also has a rich bird life, and many people have been concerned about the effect power lines might have on the birds. Are some species particularly vulnerable to flying into the power lines or more likely to migrate away from breeding and nesting sites in the vicinity power transmission line routes? Since 2007 a group headed by biologist Ingvar Stenberg at NTNU has taken a closer look at the effects upon some bird-rich areas of the northern part of Western Norway. “We notice that a number of play areas and nesting sites have moved,

­ robably because the mast location p was too close. So there is some avoidance behaviour, especially among certain species. But this involves rather limited areas, and in most cases, the birds have an opportunity to move,” says Stenberg. Many of the nesting birds are also unstable from year to year, so it is difficult to assess how much of an effect the expansion of the power line routes has on these variations. “Galliformes such as black grouse, capercaillie and grouse generally have poor manoeuvrability, and are most likely to fly into power lines. Most of the power line victims belonged to this group of birds, and there was also a documented decline in their population. It is important that consideration be given to birds when new power lines are being planned, e.g., by adapting the placement of the lines based on the terrain formations and by assessing the need for bird-repellent spirals on the lines,” concludes Stenberg.


R&D results 2012–2014

Involving 20 research partners from all parts of Europe, the EU project GARPUR (Generally Accepted Reliability Principle with Uncertainty modelling and through probabilistic Risk assessment) is intended to view grid construction from a new, socioeconomic perspective. The project is founded on heavyweight mathematical models, and Statnett is playing a key role in the implementation of the research results.

Socioeconomic grid construction across Europe


R&D results 2012–2014


p until now, the planning and operation of power systems has been managed on the basis of what are known as ‘N-1 criteria’. The fundamental principal here is that if a component in one area fails, the power should nevertheless continue flowing without interruption. When there are two lines leading in to one power customer, an N-1-secured network is typically in operation.

many minutes of the year you can expect to be without power,” he adds.

Important supplementary information The new research does not entail breaking with these principles; rather, it expresses a desire to bring in additional information with the potential to contribute to even better operation and planning.

“We have ultimate responsibility for implementing the algorithms and testing the methodology on moreor-less ‘real’ systems, in situations that closely mirror actual operating conditions. We can then see the differences from what the current criteria tell us.”

“Under GARPUR, we are attempting to weigh the likelihood of different outcomes against their conse­ quences. More specifically, the work involves us using mathematical models to evaluate the consequences of what happens when power supply shuts down. It is possible in theory to compare the cost of building a bigger grid with the socioeconomic bene­ fits this generates through a drop in power outages, for example. The objective is to maximise the socioeconomic surplus, without adversely affecting security of supply,” explains Håkon Kile, the Statnett Project ­Manager for GARPUR.

Useful exchange of experience That part of the project is scheduled for implementation in 2016, and the project as a whole is set to run until 2017. It is therefore too early to reach any conclusions about the utility value, but contact with the research partners has already paid dividends for Statnett.

“N-1 simply lets you know that you have a backup component. The GARPUR framework will, for example, have the capacity to tell you how

The four-year project is still in its initial phase, where the theoretical framework is being developed, and there is still some way to go before it can be applied in practice. As the models progressively become ready for testing, the TSO participants will become increasingly involved. And Statnett has been accorded a prominent role.

“It is an excellent platform for exchanging information and building up knowledge by interacting with the other TSOs and universities. Statnett considers it extremely important to remain up-to-date with the latest ideas and solutions in play in Europe with regard to operation, maintenance scheduling and system development. We have already exchanged a good deal of useful experience in these ­areas,” concludes Håkon Kile.

EU project on stakeholder involvement Statnett is participating in ‘Inspiregrid’, an EU-funded research project designed to boost involvement and participation from different stakeholder groups in the process to establish power lines. The average construction time for a high-voltage power line in the EU is between seven and ten years. One of the reasons for the protracted construction time is the lack of support in the stakeholder groups that are most affected.

Safe working load by helicopter Helicopters play an important role in transporting materials for the construction and maintenance of the national power grid. Particularly in cases where the pylon sites are located far from access roads. Questions have been asked as to whether the electric field that surrounds the power lines, or static electricity formed by the rotor blades, may cause the locking mechanism on the cargo hook to open unintentionally. On commission from Statnett, the Swedish research institute STRI has investigated this issue. The conclusion is that the problem does not arise under normal conditions. 15

R&D results 2012–2014

The better we are at involving and getting input from all stakeholders, the better our solutions and results will be.

There are numerous examples from both Norway and abroad of how power grid construction projects can be beset by conflicts. In the wake of the situation surrounding the Sima-Samnanger construction project in Hardanger, the research project SusGrid has taken a closer look at why such conflicts arise and – perhaps more importantly – what can be done to prevent them. Dialogue, involvement and stronger local deployment are key concepts in generating sustainable grid development.

Dialogue supports sustainable grid development


usGrid (Sustainable Grid Development) has been managed by SINTEF Energi, with financial backing from the Research Council of Norway’s ‘Renergi’ – program. NINA (the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research) and NTNU are the principal research partners in Norway, while Statnett is one of several user partners. The project was conceived during the ‘monster mast debate’ in 2010, and was launched in 2011 – contributing to laying the foundations for which direction the research was to take. This also had an influence on Statnett’s involvement. “The Hardanger conflict put this on the agenda. Grid construction involves demanding and complex processes, which may lead energy policy to collide with individual interests. We believe


that these processes can be improved and optimised. There are numerous considerations that need to be weighed in order to find the best grid solution and the optimal route, and by getting all the input on the table in time we will be able to pin down the best solution for all the parties involved,” explains Erik Skjelbred, Senior Vice President for Customer and Community Contact at Statnett

climate planning, for example – and it is important to make sure the planning processes are not carried out behind closed doors. It may also be relevant to consider greater involvement of the individual local authorities affected at a much earlier stage, where we could also challenge the local politicians and the local community in general to play a more active role in planning the power network,” he says.

Three recommendations Audun Ruud, Project Manager at SINTEF, relates that the work has produced three specific recommendations – which are also closely inter-related. They all have to do with involvement.

The next recommendation has to do with reinforcing strategic communi­ cation throughout the project period. The research report makes clear that the current information practice is far from satisfactory.

“The first centres on carrying out more comprehensive planning. Projects should be harmonised better with other types of planning – land, energy and

“Grid planning in Norway has long been the preserve of special interest groups and experts, and it is essential to build up a more general understanding of

R&D results 2012–2014

“This is our Shangri-La” is the message written on the banner that the demonstrators put up along the route where the masts will be built. Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes/VG/NTB Scanpix.

how the energy system is set up and interacts. Today, most people have little idea about what actually happens during the process, and when they do understand, it is often too late to have a constructive influence on the result. It is essential to perform a better overall assessment of what, specifically, has to be done in all phases of the project period – who is to be involved, when and how,” emphasises Audun Ruud. The final point is focused on local deployment. The criticism that has been levelled at a number of building projects is often based on a feeling among the local community involved that its opinion has not been heard. It is eminently possible to do something about this. “It is a paradox that all parties often see their commitment increase as the

planning period progresses, at the same time as their opportunity to exert an influence is progressively limited as the pace of planning and project work speeds up. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure deployment of projects at an early stage, and to lay the groundwork for an effective and binding involvement strategy that draws input from local residents and stakeholder organisations as soon as possible. A part of this also has to do with assessing whether remedial measures, with the potential to generate greater local benefit from the initiative, may be able to boost acceptance of infrastructure projects,” he continues.

grid companies and power-intensive industry. For Statnett, the report has provided excellent input for future ­construction projects. “It is simply a matter of recognising that the better we become at involving and obtaining input from all stakeholders – ramblers, property owners, environmental protection organisations, politicians and so on – the better the solutions and results we can generate. It is not just a question of their having the right to be heard – it also produces better results,” concludes Erik ­Skjelbred.

Involvement produces better results Audun Ruud goes on to emphasise out that involvement also means showing consideration for and accommodating the interests of players such as regional


R&D results 2012–2014

Smart solutions for tomorrow’s grid operations We expect more predictable patterns of consumption and production in the future. The laws of physics will naturally continue to apply as well, however, with a need for constant balance between the supply and use of electricity. Work is therefore under way on a range of new tools, applications and methods to allow grid operators to perform this tricky balancing act.

SmartGrid is the name of one of three key research programs at Statnett, targeted towards the development of communication solutions and applications for efficient system planning and operation. The SmartGrid program has been running since 2012. The SmartGrid program is based specifically on the realisation that the power system of the future will differ significantly from the present one, in that the future grid will have to handle power flow from multiple directions given that production is becoming increasingly local and ‘distributed’. Operation of this new system will have to be based to an even greater


extent on real time data rather than on ­historical information. Production and consumption patterns per hour throughout the day and the week will also change, both on account production that is intermittent (i.e. wind and solar power), and due to the appearance of new areas of consumption such as induction ovens and charging points for electric vehicles. SmartGrid research within Statnett comprises numerous sub-projects, and the testing and validation of these projects is taking place in a national pilot scheme in North Norway. This region has been chosen as the test area because it has a vulnerable power supply set-up. At times, the national

power grid in North Norway is run at N-0, and even though work is already being carried out on a comprehensive project to build new power lines, it will take years before transmission capacity shows significant improvement. “We have a shortfall of available energy and power reserves, and are facing challenges linked to voltage stability. What is more, opportunities for imports are limited due to the risk of ‘power commuting’ towards North Finland,” explains Stig Løvlund, Program Manager. Stig is also Head of Department for the regional grid operations in Alta. “It is precisely for this reason that we can test new technology and solutions

R&D results 2012–2014

What is N-0? One of the features intended to ensure security of supply is that the national power grid has been designed with a mesh structure. In other words, the power can travel along several routes from one point to another. The grid is operated ‘N-1’ if an outage or the cut-out of one section (a power line or transformer, for example) does not result in an interruption to supply.

for future system operation here. We are experimenting with solutions with the capacity to help boost security of supply and delivery quality, or to reduce operating costs,” he adds. The pilot project in North Norway has been used to develop and test new methodology, technology and communication systems for the remote control of load, and has identified flexible consumption in the region in which the solution was tested. Stig Løvlund explains that load ­management of flexible consumption is an initiative that may improve security of supply in the period until transmission capacity has improved. Using

remote-controlled load management to balance the system provides increased room to manoeuvre. “Working with flexible consumption helps us avoid ‘checkmate’ situations where we have no option but to black out. The project has also demonstrated that it is technologically possible to use AMS (advanced measurement and steering systems) for remote-­controlled load management for system operators. When the AMS meters are rolled out by the grid operators, we will have greater access to the flexible load inherent in the system,” concludes Stig Løvlund.

If two components can cut out at the same time, the grid is running in ‘N-2’ condition. If, on the other hand, the cutout of one component results in loss of power supply to end users, the situation is referred to as ‘N-0’. In North Norway, the N-1 criterion is fulfilled under normal circumstances. In some special situations, however, N-0 conditions apply. These ‘special situations’ include spikes in consumption on account of cold temperatures. As a general rule, Statnett ­applies the N-1 criterion as the basis for major investments in the future power system.


Statnett has system-wide responsibility for the Norwegian power system and we operate about 11,000 km of high voltage power lines and 150 stations across all of Norway. The Norwegian power system is perhaps our most important bit of infrastructure, as without electricity the entire society comes to a standstill. The value creation occurring in Norway would not be possible without electricity. Indeed, the power system will ultimately play a key role in our society’s efforts to achieve goals related to the climate and the environment. The network of power lines must be refurbished and further developed, both here in Norway and out to neighbouring countries. This must occur in a balanced manner that safeguards numerous factors including ongoing power supplies, cost-effectiveness and environmental concerns. Research and development bring forth knowledge and new methods day by day, which represent valuable contributions to the realisation of our social responsibility.

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