Factor Analysis & Structure Equation Modelling
Factor Analysis & Structure Equation Modelling (SEM)
Using AMOS
Statswork is a pioneer statistical consulting company providing full statistical assistance including academic, educational institutions and non-government organizations across the globe. We provide end-to-end solutions for all your analytical needs that include creating hypothetical framework to power point presentation.
The objective is to provide prompt, reliable, and understandable information about data analysis to our clients. Our team consists of doctorates with a minimum of 2 years’ experience mandatory in the research field.
SEM using AMOS Statistical Services from Experts at Stats work Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is an extension of the general linear model. It is used to test a set of regression equations simultaneously. The advantages of SEM Analysis are as follows: SEM provides overall tests of model fit and individual parameter estimate tests simultaneously. Regression coefficients, means and variances may be compared simultaneously. It is the graphical interface software.
Dr. John is a well experienced expert in the field and he does various types of analysis, for PhD programs, master’s, clinical research studies, meta-analysis and corpo- rate analytics
Mr. Michael essentially a study design expert. He works with both the subject matter expertise and the statistics team to ensure that a viable conduct of the study with accurate data collection.
Ms. Rogers An econometrics expert with more than 10 years’ experience in the field of finance and economics, who works closely with all the teams to ensure a strong statistical base for any research.
Process Stage 1
Stage 2
Subject Matter expertise, once we receive the statistical report from the statisticians, the report is sent to the domain speci c expertise where they cross check the language (sub- ject speci c) used, style of writing, and cross check the statistical report including tables and gures against the studies conducted previously.
Stage 3
Quality Check our quality checking team checks the report against the requirement given by the client, such as technical analysis for the objectives referencing, format- ting and university requirements
Quality Assurance the quality assurance team assure the above quality check using the checklists & stylesheet. Final statistical report will be scrutinized for plagiarism check With nal check, the report is delivered to the client through email
subjects 06 05 Big 04 03 02 01
Psychology Data Analytics
Economics & Econometrics
Logistics and Supply Chain
Medical /Clinical
Samples (SEM) Full data (Both Organized and Unorganized retailer) In the first order model, the modification Indices is higher in Reverse Logistics so that factor is removed from the model. Figure 1: First-order model for Supply Chain Planning, Sourcing and Procurement and Supply Chain Execution
To examine the theoretical interdependence between three factors (Supply Chain Planning, Sourcing and Procurement, Supply Chain Execution) structural equation modelling was used. This analysis allows to test all the relevant paths and measurements errors and feedbacks are included directly into the model. The fit indices show an adequate fit as the factors are found to be significant at the p<0.05 (Table 2). The model fit, which was assessed using global fit (seven different fit indices) and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;râ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to identify the degree to which the hypothesized model is consistent with the data in hand. In other words, the degree to which the implicit matrix
On which areas you provide SEM analysis We accept orders from a wide range of subjects which include Business Management, Economics, Epidemiology, Public Health, Life Science, and Nutrition
What Information that I need to provide while ordering for SEM statistical analysis consultation services The data must contain without any missing value. To match exactly with your requirement, we required title that you had already selected objectives and research questions. 4
What Statistical consultation Services we offer in Factor analysis
support? In case if you have to do the analysis based on the items of questionnaire and the questionnaire contains so many items and you are required to extract the factors from your questionnaire data, then you can use the factor analysis. In order to determine underlying dimensions of multi-item measurement scales used in this study, principal components analysis with varimax rotation using SPSS 20.0 was performed for all constructs in the analysis: meaningful work, sense of community, alignment with organizational values and mission, job satisfaction, organisational commitment and adaptability. Minimum Eigen values of 1.0 were used to determine the number of factors for each scale and with loading above 0.50 on a single factor was retained. Initially, the factorability of 30 items was examined.
What you will get when you order for Factor analysis in statistical consultation services at Stats work: Our Service description
The above table presents the results of the factor analysis and a detailed description of each item for each of the six main factors. Factor loadings ranged from .89 to 0.442. All the factors accounted for 61-76% of the variance. The screen plot graphs the eigenvalue against the factor number. From the sixth factor on, you can observe that the line is almost flat, meaning the each successive factor is accounting for smaller and smaller amounts of the total variance
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Research Objectives
Dependent & Independent variable
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