ISSN ISSN 0157-6488 0157-6488
Volume 45 Number 4 December 2009
inside: • S-KIDS Day: Exploring the Wonder of Science • Are our children missing out on the environment? • Learning Science to Teach Science • Shark Bay Ecosystem Research Project
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Inside this issue . . . EDITORIAL
NEWS A taste of Science
Junior Primary Space Lesson
Report on Youth ANZAAS 2009
Are our children missing out on the environment?
The painted handshake: merging forensic science and health 10 Spin an M&M™ on a hard, level surface and it will rise up on its edge
Absolutely Wrapped
“Catchment sharers must be Catchment Carers’”
A few basic principles about comfort and natural climatisation in buildings
SKIDS Day: Exploring the Wonder of Science
Using an ohm meter to calculate the thickness of a pencil line
Learning Science to Teach Science
Primary Connections is alive and well in Western Australian schools!
Shark Bay Ecosystem Research Project
Secondary Students’ Misconceptions about
Climate Change Discovering Science and the Science Quest at Mirrabooka Senior High School
Curtin University of Technology
University of Western Australia
Murdoch University
Edith Cowan University
Rachel Sheffield
Edith Cowan University
Frank Dymond
Primary Science Committee
Mirline Dzieciol
Gravity Discovery Centre
Rosemary Evans
Duncraig SHS
Lesley Glass
Ballajura Community College
Jennifer Pearson
Edith Cowan University
George Przywolnik
Curriculum Council
Julie-Anne Smith
Perth Zoo
David Treagust
Curtin University
Shelley Yeo
Curtin University
This journal aims to promote the teaching of science with a focus on classroom practice. It provides a means of communication between teachers, consultants and other science educators. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the various authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Western Australian Science Teachers’ Association or the editorial advisory committee.
Chief Executive Officer’s Report
Long time STAWA member, Allan Whittome has won the Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Primary Schools. Congratulations Allan, you have been a great ambassador for science, science teaching in Primary Schools and STAWA. Allan teaches at Badgingarra Primary School. To find out more about Allan’s achievements visit: SciencePrize/Pages/Home.aspx Fred Deshon, a long-standing member of STAWA, leader of the SPICE initiative, past Science Consultant for DET, HOLA and Science teacher extraordinaire retired on Friday 6 November 2009. Congratulations Fred on a wonderful career in science education. You have had a very positive influence on the profession and have made great contributions to science education in Western Australia. May you have the same enjoyment and success in your retirement. STAWA is on the move. STAWA Council has been working all year to secure a storage/investment property. This has developed into a planned move as reported in my report in the previous SCIOS. The move has involved securing a tenant for our current Office in Osborne Park and office space in the new Resources and Chemistry Precinct in Bentley. The purpose of the move is twofold. Firstly, it releases money to help support the purchase of a storage/investment property and secondly, it places STAWA within a new and developing science neighbourhood. The Precinct and its science community hold great promise and opportunity for STAWA. Amongst our neighbours will be The ChemCentre, CSIRO Minerals Division, The Parker Centre and Curtin University. The Resources and Chemistry Precinct is part of the greater Technology Precinct that encompasses Technology Park, Curtin University, Murdoch University and many Government and Independent Schools. Our next SCIOS will highlight our acquisition and our new home. The efforts of our Treasurer, Colleen Bakker and financial advice from Allan Lockley from Integrity Capital and the staff at Munz and Partners, have been integral to the success of our transactions. I would also like to acknowledge the work of members of the Council and Minh Dang in bringing this process to its conclusion. Thank to all members for your support throughout 2009. I look forward to each and every one of you rejoining as members in 2010 and encourage you to extend the invitation of STAWA membership to your science-teaching colleagues. Have a Merry Christmas a Happy New Year and a wonderful summer holiday. See you in 2010. Your Chief Executive Officer John Clarke 2
This is our final SCIOS for 2009, we hope that you have enjoyed the issues this year. In 2010 we celebrate the International Year of Biodiversity and therefore the Primary Science Conference on 27th, 28th of March has that as its theme as does the 2nd Issue of SCIOS. We welcome all articles to SCIOS but would be particularly keen to get articles with this focus for Issue 2. The science of sweets has featured in past issues of SCIOS but, in this issue, the unusual behaviour of M&M’s provides an insight into the mind of another physics teacher. Once again an article on Early Childhood science activities is included that could well be adapted for older students including those in secondary school. With the current debate on CO2 emissions it was timely to publish an article on climate warming that challenges some of the views expressed in the media. The views expressed in this and other articles in this journal are not necessarily those of the editors but we challenge our readers to contribute to the debate We would like to thank our dedicated SCIOS board who meet with us to discuss the articles, Minh in the STAWA office for his handling of the adverts and afternoon teas and finally Gordon McDade from Cambridge Media who does a wonderful job converting our articles into the journal. Rachel Sheffield & Frank Dymond
Can you contribute? Yes of course you can. So can lab technicians and students … your year 7 or year 8 class could write a half page article with a photo that we would love to publish. Here’s how. We are keen to increase the number and variety of types of articles published in SCIOS. So if the answer is YES to any of the following questions, we want to hear from you. • Have you recently done a new experiment that worked really well? • Is there a great demonstration that always gets your students’ attention? • Have you tried out a new teaching technique that was fun? • Do you have some helpful hints for new teachers (and not-sonew ones)? • Are there some safety hints and tips that you’d like to pass on? • Have you used computers or some other technology really effectively? • What successes have your students had in science? • Are your students involved in a science project outside the school? • Or is there anything else science-related you would like to share with others?
President’s Report I would like to begin by thanking everyone for their well wishes and support since my election to President in August. Since then there have been several major activities that STAWA has held or been involved in. One such event was the annual Science Talent Search. We had a wonderful number of entries from across the state, which were of a high standard overall. We had a very successful awards presentation ceremony at Scitech on 19 Sept 2009 with the Hon Helen Morton MLC (Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer; Commerce; Science and Innovation; Housing and Works; Water; Mental Health) presenting the awards. A special thank you goes to Nigel Stewart for steering the Science Talent Search ship through the last 9 years. His work has been greatly appreciated. As Nigel steps down we welcome Julie Weber to the STS helm. Another event was the annual ‘Science for Kids Day’, held at Edith Cowan University Mount Lawley Campus on Saturday 12th of September 2009. Over 165 local primary school children, parents and other community members attended the official opening. It was an honour to have Western Australia’s Chief Scientist and S-KIDS Patron Professor Lyn Beazley open the day. The S-KIDS project has continued to motivate many primary children and parents regarding the importance of scientific literacy within our community. The success of the project is built upon the strength of the partnership between Science Teachers’ Association of Western Australia, Edith Cowan University and Scitech. Once again STAWA provided essential administrative support for the project. This support added to the success of the fantastic science activities planned by some wonderful science educator presenters and the twenty-five ECU’s pre-service teachers who supported the day’s activities. Future Science was held on Friday 4th December. This one-day conference, where science teachers catch up with old friends, meet new friends and learn about cutting edge science that is happening in our universities and elsewhere, was very successful. This year we saw the addition of a new dimension to the day. Along with streams for Cutting Edge Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth and Environmental Science we added an extra stream for Primary Science. There is a lot of collaboration between Primary and Secondary schools happening these days, which made this a perfect opportunity for participants to come together to see and discuss what is going on in both levels of science education. Future Science provided a great number of opportunities for participants to learn new science, to discover what others are doing and to network. Networking enables us to both experience and share the load in developing broad and engaging curriculum that is current and at the forefront of innovation. VOLUME 45 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2009
I am very pleased to recognize and congratulate Allan Whittome of Badgingarra Primary School on his outstanding achievement of winning the Prime Minister’s Prize for Science in the Primary category. Anyone who has met Allan cannot help but be aware of his passion for science. Although he teaches in a regional school this hasn’t stopped him participating and contributing to science activities across the state and throughout Australia. Last year Allan hosted an F1 event with track and model race cars at his schools with students from over 4 schools attending. Allan has presented at the STAWA Primary Science Conference and also at CONASTA World Conference in 2007 on the topic of Bush Science. Allan is a very deserving recipient of this award. It is also worth noting that Natalie Birrell from Huntingdale, Ric Johnson from Rostrata and Michelle Lloyd from Sawyers Valley Primary Schools who also were entrants for the Prime Minister’s Prize for Science – Primary category all received a special commendation. That makes 4 out of 5 topic finalists for Excellence in the Primary Teaching category coming from Western Australia and all either individual or institutional members of STAWA. A remarkable feat. And finally I would like to make a special mention of a long standing member of STAWA, Fred Deshon, who recently retired from his position as a Science Curriculum Consultant for the SPICE Secondary Science Teachers’ Enrichment Program, an initiative that is a partnership between The University of Western Australia and the WA Department of Education and Training. Prior to this he was the senior curriculum policy officer for science with the WA Department of Education and Training and during this time was actively involved in the development and implementation of science curricula and professional development initiatives. He also spent a period of time in Fiji as a science curriculum advisor. Fred is an experienced science classroom teacher having taught science in two WA rural schools and 3 Perth metropolitan schools, including 19 years as a Head of Department of Science. He has been involved in a range of national and state initiates to support science in schools. As outlined, Fred has made a significant contribution towards Science Education in Western Australia and I would like to extend to him, on behalf of all STAWA members, our sincere thanks and best wishes for his retirement. In conclusion I would like to thank everyone on the STAWA team for all their hard work and commitment in 2009. I wish all STAWA members a safe and happy festive season and look forward to a year full of activity and innovation in 2010. Sue Doncon STAWA President 3
A Taste of Science Dr Jennifer Pearson and Elaine Lewis The science fair “was awesome!!! ... I really like science now” (said an 8 year old boy) ... and his mum said “he isn’t free with superlatives”!
by the City of Canning Mayor, Joe Delle Donne JP; then a brief presentation about the purpose of the event by the AAEE-WA Convenor, Dr Jennifer Pearson.
Introduction A Taste of Science was a three hour science fair which allowed the general public to come together to learn about the science of bush plants. The event was held at the Canning Eco River Education Centre (CREEC), located on the Canning River in Wilson. The planning, implementation and evaluation of the fair was achieved through a successful partnership between National Science Week, the Australian Association for Environmental Education – Western Australian A Chapter (AAEE-WA), City of Canning, CREEC and the South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL). AAEE-WA was awarded a Seed Grant to conduct A Taste of Science community fair as part of National Science Week 2009. This funding was supplemented by funding and in-kind support from all the other major partners. Numerous other smaller sponsors supported the fair as well. The fair was conducted during National Science Week, on Sunday 16th August 2009, 11am-2pm. Approximately 300 people attended, representing a wide cross section of the community. Furthermore, 70% of the fair attendees who completed feedback forms had not previously attended any National Science Week events.
Project Purpose The overarching aim of the science fair was to showcase modern science and Indigenous cultural knowledge in the context of botanical and soil science, bush foods, medicines, bush crafts and storytelling. This incorporated:
Photo 1: Noongar elder, Richard Wilkes, presenting the ‘Welcome to Country’.
Participants engaged in a range of hands-on interactive experiences. The activities included: microscope exploration of soil, river water and botany samples; modern and Indigenous perspectives on fire management in bush environments; guided professional assistance to plant selection for soil type of home gardens; making herbal hand cream products incorporating ingredients from bush plants; weaving native reeds; traditional Indigenous storytelling to pass on knowledge; Indigenous rock art; various bush crafts; creating environmental installations with clay; tasting kangaroo tail soup; grinding seed for simple bread production and tasting; eco face painting; eco badge making; and viewing eco web sites.
• Providing an opportunity for the general public to participate in a new event that showcased science, technology and innovation. Highlighting modern science’s explorations and concerns as interesting, challenging, important, and of direct relevance to daily life, the well being of society and environmentally sustainable growth of our economy. • Fostering awareness and utilization of Indigenous ethnobotanical knowledge about native plants and care of the natural bush environment. • Fostering partnerships between the community, education/ research organizations, local and state government, business and industry.
A Taste of Science Program The fair commenced with a ‘welcome to country’ conducted by Noongar elder, Richard Wilkes; followed by the official opening 4
Photo 2: Some of the science activity stalls.
Numerous displays were also a feature of the event, for example, Perth Urban Bushland Fungi, Bush Fire Management, Wild Ways Conservation Art and Junk Busters recycling group. Various giveaways were also a feature of the event. Native plants, stickers, bookmarks and other activities for children were available for free. To complement the activities and displays there were formal
News talks. Leonard Thorn, Indigenous Eco Education Officer, engaged the audience with Indigenous technology and stories. These sessions suggested how to use this knowledge to live well in a changing climate. Birds Australia representatives also presented an informative talk about bird species to be found along the Canning River system.
Outcomes Three key outcomes of A Taste of Science may be identified: Development of an innovative model, improved awareness of Indigenous ethno-botanical knowledge, the enhancement of community partnerships for the promotion of science. An innovative model for integrating modern science and Indigenous knowledge was trialed and evaluated. Conducting the event provided an opportunity for the general public to participate in a new event that showcased science, technology and innovation. It highlighted modern science’s explorations as interesting, challenging and important to daily life, the well being of society and environmentally sustainable growth. Evidence indicating increased community understanding of the vital role of modern science in exploring and addressing landcare issues related to bush plants in a changing climate was observed through participant’s questions to presenters, reactions to displays and feedback forms. For example, feedback form respondents stated they enjoyed “all the children’s activities – so interesting”, “frogs”, “the microscopic macroinvertebrate display”, “bird talk” and “everything”. In brief, respondents expressed enhanced science appreciation.
Photo 4: The science fair was a wastewise event.
Improved community awareness of Indigenous ethno-botanical knowledge was achieved. Young and not so young were entranced by the cultural knowledge and associated stories. Evidence indicating improved awareness and appreciation of Indigenous knowledge about bush plants and care of the environment was documented on feedback forms following Indigenous presentations. For example, respondents indicated they enjoyed “weaving and storytelling – Leonard rocks!”, “bush crafts”, “teamwork with Aboriginal people” and “Leonard – indigenous uses of plants, etc.” Clearly, participants expressed improved awareness of Indigenous entho-botanical understandings.
Photo 5: Indigenous Eco Education Officer, Leonard Thorn, sharing his ethnobotanical knowledge. Photo 3: Macroinvertebrate and microscope viewing room.
Another component of the innovative model was the incorporation of wastewise measures. The National Science Week feedback forms were printed on the back of the program form so that only one page had to be printed, with forms to be returned with feedback data so the page didn’t become rubbish. Keep Australia Beautiful supplied bins for the event, all clearly labelled for different types of waste. Other strategies were also employed to minimise waste, for example, washable/returnable plastic cups for drinks/soup. At the end of the event the waste was weighed. Only 5.6 kg of rubbish and 4.3 kg of recyclables were generated by the event. Clearly, organisers sought to ‘walk the talk’ in terms of waste management. VOLUME 45 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2009
The third major outcome of the science fair was the enhancement of existing partnerships and the establishment of new partnerships for the promotion of science. The development of a model of collaboration was based on the successful model used by AAEEWA in organizing the annual Catchment, Corridors and Coasts 3 day program in January each year (AAEE-WA, 2009). Partnerships not only developed between the main organizing bodies National Science Week, AAEE-WA, City of Canning, CREEC and SERCUL – but with many other groups as well. These included Education and the Centre for Indigenous Australian Knowledge at Kurongkurl Katitjin, Edith Cowan University; Scitech; Department for Environment and Conservation; Swan River Trust; Murdoch University; Australian Geographic; Perth Zoo; Keep Australia Beautiful; and numerous volunteer groups, such as Birds Australia and the Canning River Regional Park Volunteers. 5
News A wide variety of strategies were utilized to promote the event. These ranged from the distribution of leaflets through the CREEC, SERCUL, local schools and libraries; advertisements and publicity in local newspapers; and internet science and education websites and newsletters. Another promotional strategy employed was a logo competition, inviting children to create a logo for the science fair. Eighty four entries were received. This not only promoted the event but also engaged children in investigating native plants and animals found in the Canning River environment. Photo 6: AAEE-WA Convenor, Dr Jennifer Pearson, presenting the winning logo entry.
Conclusion The Taste of Science community fair was effective in promoting science to all age groups in the community. As one feedback form respondent stated, “I enjoyed ALL of it …Mother Nature”! Evidence was obtained that indicated the model for incorporating modern science and Indigenous knowledge was successful. Evidence also showed enthusiastic engagement in science activities was achieved, improved awareness of Indigenous ethno-botanical knowledge, and the enhancement of community partnerships for the promotion of science. In conclusion, A Taste of Science, set in the river ecosystem environment, provided engaging hands-on activities that resulted in a rich and enjoyable learning experience which enhanced science appreciation. Special thanks to the other ‘A Taste of Science’ team members, Tanya Porter from CREEC and Amy Krupa from SERCUL, to our many volunteers and the fair patrons.
References AAEE-WA (2009). Catchments, Corridors and Coasts: Evaluation. Australian Association for Environmental Education (WA Chapter), P.O. Box 1007, Fremantle WA 6959.
Junior Primary Space Lesson Geoff Swan (Edith Cowan University) and Suzanne Swan (Beaumaris Primary School) In June, 2009, a space lesson was given to a split grade 1/2 class, followed by two pre-primary classes at Beaumaris Primary School as part of their space topic for term 2. The lesson built upon a space presentation and hands-on telescope demonstration given to pre-primary classes at Mullaloo Beach Primary School the previous year and aimed to consolidate and extend student’s knowledge of the solar system, humans in space, and telescopes. The timing was fortuitous with the May shuttle upgrade to the Hubble Telescope having just occurred, the 40th anniversary of the moon landing in July imminent, and of course we were in the middle of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy. Many students had heard of the Hubble telescope and moon landings through the media. Each lesson took about 50 minutes and consisted of a 25 minute presentation, 20 minutes of activities and a 5 minute wrap up at the end. For the activities, the class was split into two equal groups with the outside group swapping with the inside group half way through. Each activity group needed a teacher or assistant to facilitate the activities. The lesson started with an interactive powerpoint presentation using a smartboard. Photos and short video clips that included the moon, planets, rockets, space station and telescopes initiated the class discussion and allowed us to consolidate and extend knowledge of the solar system, explore ideas of motion, weightlessness, and some optics at the end. Students in both classes were able to name the planets in the solar system, recognise Neil Armstrong as the first person on the moon and even pick out two moons of Jupiter 6
from a photo. They saw rockets in action lifting the space shuttle into orbit, and they were very interested in how astronauts lived and performed everyday functions in space. The class was then split into two activity groups. The outside group looked through a (fairly inexpensive) refracting telescope and binoculars. Both the telescope and binoculars were focussed on a sign about 25 metres away. Students lined up and took turns looking first through the telescope and then through the binoculars. Most students had never looked through a telescope or binoculars before. Next time we might also include a quick rocket demonstration (using half an alka-seltzer tablet with water sealed in an old 35mm film container). Using a class set of magnifying glasses (focal length ~ 20cm), students in the inside group easily produced clear, real, and inverted (upside down) images of outside by holding a sheet of paper at a distance of one focal length behind the magnifying glass and aiming at the classroom windows. This demonstrated how easily real images can be created with lenses and how focussing is just about adjusting the distance between the lens and the screen. Each student then received a dot to dot telescope activity to connect and colour in. Photos and further information on this lesson for the split grade 1/2 class are on the class blog which can be accessed following the “TA 9” and then “space lesson” links from the Beaumaris Primary School community portal at blogs/.
Report on Youth ANZAAS 2009 Julianne Crowley1, Tavis Bennett2, Millie Brumby3, Jeremy Gilbanks4, Saxon Jensen5, Johanna Lee6, Michael Mroz7 SMEC, Curtin University, 2 Hale School, 3 Presbyterian Ladies College, Aquinas College, 5 Swan Christian College, 6 Bunbury Catholic College, 7 Willetton SHS 1
Youth ANZAAS is a regular event in the school year for our West Australian high ability and achieving Year 10, 11 or 12 science students. It is an international/national annual residential forum organised by the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS) where high achieving science students from around Australia and New Zealand meet and share their interest in science while participating in a variety of talks, seminars, excursions that showcase some of the cutting edge science occurring in the host city. The forum is run and organised by a group of committed university academics, scientists and other interested people and the aim is to increase the delegates understanding of the scope and nature of cutting edge science being undertaken today and perhaps add to their choices as they head towards university decisions. The organising committee is able to call on a variety of academics, university students and community members to volunteer their time and expertise to encourage and enthuse secondary science students in their study of science. The location of the forum changes and rotates around Australia and this year. Youth ANZAAS was held in Melbourne and after a competitive screening process 6 students from Western Australia were chosen to attend. Most delegates and their family were introduced to each other at a meeting at Curtin University organised by the WA President of ANZAAS, Professor David Treagust. This meeting was to answer questions and prepare students for their Melbourne experience. All students in their reports described the early start from Perth as quite challenging but they soon forgot the cold and were on
the tarmac at Melbourne and en route to Ormond College, a residential college of Melbourne University and to meet other delegates. The College is quite impressive and both Michael and Saxon felt as though they were in a Harry Potter novel describing it as “like the Great Hall at Hogwarts”. This year, each day’s activities were structured around a theme. The first day was Darwin Day and started with series of exciting laboratory activities relating to genetics at Melbourne University followed by a talk by David de Krester, the Governor of Victoria, who is a professor of science who specialised in spermatogenesis. Joanna was especially interested in Young’s syndrome which was described in David de Krester’s presentation. This syndrome, previously thought to be genetic and a cause of infertility, was later found to be caused by the mercury poisoning of powdered milk used for children. “I found this interesting in the fact that after how many decades of assuming this was a cause for infertility it was completely incorrect, and it also showed us that medicine is always changing, and caused me to wonder what future effects our foods will have on us” (Johanna). Professor de Krester was followed by talks by Phil Batterman on climate change, and Roger Rassool on ‘Energy’, which addressed the impact on the environment of population and behaviour. These sessions were followed by a further series of related activities. The day concluded with a talk about the life of Charles Darwin, ‘Charles Darwin in Australasia’.
News “One of the doctoral researchers we met was using a green fluorescent dye in cells to isolate specific genes and, after altering their DNA, recording any differences in propensity throughout the sample. Their laboratories are PTC 2 levelled, meaning that absolutely no food or drinks are allowed inside (Jeremy). Then it was off to Melbourne Museum to visit an exhibition prepared in tribute to the first computer and a replica of Pompeii. Then it was a fun session in the Physics Theatre to see a physics road show known as the ‘MUPPETS’ (Melbourne University Physics Promotion, Education and Teaching Services). “This definitely displayed the fun and exciting aspects of physics; it was like seeing magic being performed. One of the demonstrations was seeing sound waves travel down a pipe. When someone sang a note down a pipe, which was lit by small lights on top of it, the vibrations of the sound waves made the lights light up to different heights to resemble a wave. There was also a demonstration of the Bernoulli Effect using an air hose and a plastic apple to hold it up. He then tried to juggle three plastic balls using this effect. This is the same principle where airplanes have enough aerodynamic lift to stay in the air” (Millie). The last event for the day was a slightly unconventional science performance by Chris KP and his orchestra Rubber Soldiers on the science of dating.
Tuesday was the day to visit the Synchrotron. Delegates were fortunate that their tour was on a maintenance day so “we could actually go into the rooms with the huge DO NOT ENTER high levels of radiation signs. We were lucky enough to be able to see part of the huge structure and view the large magnets used, and the very long tunnels” (Joanna). Lunch was at Monash University with their Engineering Society members where delegates attended several mini labs and learnt why solving structures can be fun. Their last stop was to view the university’s solar racing car which was coming second in the world beaten only by the University of Western Australia’s entry! James Whisstock later presented a lecture on ‘Protein crystallography and structural biology’ and ‘Hedgehogs, cancer and one-eyed sheep’ by Neil Watkins. This was Joanna’s favourite lecture of the week as it caused her to expand my thinking and to learn about a completely new topic. This lecture was about cancer stem cells, and how cancer stem cells are heredity. This lecture presented us with a completely new treatment of cancer, and how we could possibly control cancer and live with it as a condition through medication instead of trying to destroy the cancer”.
“With a combination of science, music and comedy, it discussed the comical topic of pheromones, emotions, beauty and the chances of finding a partner in the first place. Many people at ANZAAS found this event a highlight and nearly the whole way through we could not stop laughing. It was very different from all of the other activities we had done on the tour, so it was refreshing to see science from a different angle in a theatrical way” (Millie). “The last day was Chemistry day and started early at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research where the delegates attended several presentations: ‘Diabetes and Autoimmunity’ by Shirley Elkassaby,’ where we learnt the shocking statistics of the prevalence of diabetes in society today” (Johanna), ‘Motor mechanics and Malaria’, by Jake Baunand and ‘Biomedical animations’ by Drew Berry. In this session we viewed several amazing animations of the human body. It was then off to the
One of the highlights of the trip was the Trivia Night. Jeremy remembers the question: ‘If the P vs. NP problem were solved, what would be the value for absolute zero’? Wednesday was ‘Industry Day’ and it started with a trip to the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, which is at the forefront of cancer research in the world. 8
News laboratories at Melbourne University and input from CSIRO about several cutting edge technologies. “We were able to study the art of forgery of money -just kidding! But we did learn about several detailed guards in money to prevent forgery, such as different plastic layers, micro printing, special inks, and many other methods. We also had the chance to see an air guitar! This could be played using a special shirt and some fantastic air guitar moves! We also viewed a special magnetic liquid, shock proof substances, clear glass which could become opaque, and memory cast metals” (Johanna).
Students thanked Damien Downes, the organiser of Youth ANZAAS 2009 without whose enthusiasm and organisational ability as well as the support of the Victorian ANZAAS Committee this could not have provided this wonderful opportunity for our young science students of the future. It was so full that ‘there was something new to learn every day, even every hour, and it was fun’ (Saxon) and Michael thanked all ‘for this incredible opportunity’!
The final event was a formal dinner held at the Melbourne Aquarium with Dr Paul Willis, star of the ABC show, Catalyst, the Master of Ceremonies for the evening and guest speakers from cosmology, geneticist/biology and anthropology. This was where all delegates dressed up in their finery and travelled on the famous Melbourne trams to arrive at the venue.
Saxon described it as ‘one of the best weeks I have ever had’, Millie “learnt many new things, and I was able to go somewhere where I have never been before”. Tavis recollects that Youth ANZAAS was “a highlight of this high school years. The trip was full of great experiences; perhaps the only hiccup for me, was getting used to the weather, and leaving behind all the great kids. The staff members, the students and the amazing lectures; these are all things I will never forget”.
“We were underwater with the fish and sharks swimming around. We got to talk with one another and ask many scientists questions about their field of work, this was an amazing opportunity” (Saxon).
Johanna flew home, “With new knowledge and a passion to study science in the future. Youth ANZAAS provided me with the opportunity to discover how I could make a difference in the future”. Youth ANZAAS 2010 will be held in Sydney.
Are our children missing out on the environment? Dr Alan Donaldson Dr Alan Donaldson, UK explorer, scientist and educator, spoke recently at a joint EcoEducation / STAWA seminar. He was concerned that we cocoon our children and are depriving them of observing, building skills and learning in the natural environment. His background is as a scientist and he was fortunate to study botany on an atoll near the Seychelles. On the atoll were populations of giant land tortoise numbering 250,000, outstripping the Galapagos by hundreds of thousands. There were also flightless birds related to rails and the island was inhabited by dodos before their demise. The lagoon surrounded by the atoll emptied twice a day so diving and studying opportunities were extraordinary. Dr Donaldson became a teacher and taught in all school systems - primary and high schools, from poor state schools to Eton College. Later, he built up and operated an environmental centre and some of his activities were conducted in woodlands, puddling in streams, and exploring the geology in a local mine. He taught students independence, field skills, survival skills, how to build shelters and appreciating historical aspects as well as the environment.
He eventually started leading expeditions for students outside the UK for the Royal Geographical Society ‘British School Exploring Society’. He has educated students in exotic locations such as Greenland, Venezuela (part of a rainforest conservation project ‘Vuelta Larga’), up the Orinoco following the trail set by Raleigh when looking for El Dorado, the Andes exploring lost Inca civilizations and other fantastic environmental locations. His main message is that, by engaging with the natural environment, there are multiple benefits, such as increased concentration, independence and an appreciation for the environment that will be reflected in our decisions and actions. He wants parents to reduce barriers to childrens’ development of skills and independence in the environment. Dr Donaldson’s inspiring talk was the prequel to the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity. STAWA and EcoEducation in partnership are planning to present more opportunities throughout the year for everyone to engage with the natural environment.
The painted handshake: merging forensic science and health Christine Howitt (Science and Mathematics Education Centre) and Simon W. Lewis (Department of Chemistry) Curtin University of Technology This is the second of five early childhood science activities to be presented in SCIOS. The activities have been developed as part of the Collaborative Science Project, which was reported in SCIOS volume 45(3), page 5. This project has been funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. The painted handshake allows children to explore a key tenet of forensic science, while also learning about health and hygiene in a manner that directly relates to them. The fundamental principle of forensic science that is examined in this activity can be summarised by the phrase “every contact leaves a trace”. This has been termed Locard’s Exchange Principle for the forensic scientist Edmond Locard who was a pioneer in the area of trace evidence. Every time objects come into contact with each other there is an exchange of information. This information could be fingerprints, hair, fibres, soil or blood. Think of a young child eating an ice cream, and then placing their ice cream hands onto a clean surface. The information that is left behind on the surface will be the child’s fingerprints. Alternatively, think of a white, long haired cat sitting on your lap while you are wearing black pants. The information that is left behind this time is the cat’s white hairs. In the same way dust, hairs, glass fragments and even pollen present at a crime scene can be found on the clothing
or shoes of a criminal. It may be transferred between the criminal and a victim or object and can thus establish links between objects and/or people and a crime scene. It is the information that is left behind that becomes evidence for the forensic scientist. This trace evidence has also been called the ‘silent witness’, thus giving name to the popular television show. The painted handshake clearly demonstrates how every contact leaves a trace. Line up five children. Thoroughly paint the hand of the first child with a bright colour. The first child shakes the hand of the second child, who then shakes the hand of the third child, and so on until the end of the line. Observe how the paint is transferred from one hand to the next in this process? What does it feel like to have a wet painted hand? Listen to the noise that is made when the children shake hands. How does the paint decrease with each handshake? Is there a particular part of the hand that always has paint or never has any paint? How many children are required to shake hands before there is no more paint to pass on? How many different ways can you can record the painted handshake? For example, photograph or video the hands after they have been shaken to observe how the paint decreases with each successive handshake. Another suggestion is for the children to produce a sequence of hand paintings, where they place their painted hands onto a piece of paper after they have shaken. As an alternative, try using two different colours of paint. Paint the first and last child’s hand with a different colour. Each child shakes hands with the person next to them, until they get to the end of the line. What happens to the colours? Which children have the most of one colour and least of another colour? How much colour does the middle child have on their hand? The painted handshake is an ideal activity to demonstrate how germs can be transferred from person to person. Imagine that the paint represents germs. Notice how the germs are transferred as the children shake hands. This also illustrates that it is possible for the fifth child to receive germs from the first child, even though the two children do not touch each other. Such an activity can emphasise the importance of washing hands the correct way to remove germs. This can then lead to discussion with the children about being more responsible for their own health, and for those of others around them.
Figure 1. Painting a hand
Figure 2. Shaking hands
Figure 3. A complete painted handshake
Thanks to Louise VanderPlas and Year 1 students from John Calvin Primary School for trialling this activity. Parental permission has been obtained to use these photos.
News ™ Spin an M&M on a a hard, hard, level Spin an M&M™ on levelsurface surface and it will rise up on its edge
and it will rise up on its edge.
John S. Jacob
John S Jacob
10 March 2009
(1) A stationary M&M™ liesgiven flat.a (2) brisk it (modelled stands upwith andonly spins oninaccuracy its (1) A stationary M&M™ lies flat. (2) When briskWhen spin, it givenAtarest, thespin, M&M™ slight as an (3) on Using a 1/60thUsing of aasecond M&M™ appears to stand on its edge. stands upedge. and spins its edge. (3) 1/60thofexposure, a second theoblate spheroid or squashed ball) normally lies flat. When up on exposure, the M&M™ appears to stand on its edge. its edge, its centre of mass is higher aby an amount equal to the At rest, the M&M™ (modelled difference between the major axis and the minor axis b. We’ll call Does this not violate the law of gravity? inaccuracyatasthe an oblate spheroid the mass m, and g of course is the gravitational acceleration normally lies flat. When up on i Hold on there –the law of gravity does not say that things can earth’s surface, 9.8 m/s2. The difference in gravitational potential mass is higher by an amount equ never go up; only that what goes up must come down. Stated is therefore between the major axis a and the Hold on there – the law of gravity does notenergy say that things canmgnever go up; b only more exactly, things can only go “up” or against gravitational pull (a – b) call the mass m, and g of course that what upenergy mustto come for as long as they havegoes enough do so. down. Stated more exactly, things can only go acceleration at the earth’s surfac
Does this not violate the law of gravity?
difference in gravitational poten “up” or against gravitational pull for as long as they have enough energy to do b mg ( a − b)
Where does the energy come from that causes the M&M™so. to stand up, and why does this happen anyway?
For a plain M&M™ with averag
An unrestrained rotating body seeks to rotate about the axis for grams,* major axis 6.83 ± 0.17 which its rotational energy is a minimum while having the same 3.65 ± 0.30 mm,* this energy th angular momentum. Rotation about an axis that does not meet 28 J (28 millionths of a Joule). energy would be left over if the these criteria is unstable and tends to start wobbling. When the a to be reversed, then the M&M™ minimum-energy axis of rotation is found in the midst of all this An unrestrained rotating body seeks to rotate about the axis for which its stand up and spin on its edge. T wobbling, the rotation becomes stable about that new axis. In the rotational energy a minimum whilethehaving the same angular momentum. that the angular momentum mus case of an M&M,™ by pure fluke ofisgeometry, rotation about long axisRotation requires lessabout energy than about that the short axis. simplest analysis is done by an axis does notWhen meet these criteria isThe unstable and tends totaking a before and after snap you spin it flat, it tries to stand up because spinning on its edge is the average complicated wobbling that occurs during For a plain M&M™ with mass 0.936 ±0.123 grams,* majorthe transition. W start wobbling. When the minimum-energy axis of rotation is velocity foundin thethemidst shortthis axis,energy for which the momen a more stable mode of rotation. The energy required to lift it up 1 about axis 6.83 ±0.17 mm*angular and minor axis 3.65 ±0.30 mm,* letternew I represents the “moment of inertia” or the resistance of of allcomes thisfrom wobbling, theinrotation becomes stable about that axis. against gravity the difference energy between the threshold is found toabout be 28aµJparticular (28 millionths of a Joule). If at least axis.) The final angular speed is 2 about th unstable flat spin and the more stable edge spin. On the following this much energy would be left over if the axes rotation were initial angula momentum I22. We wish tooffind the minimum pages we will work out how fast the M&M™ must spin in order to be reversed, then the M&M™ will swap stand upspin andabout spin its long axis. permit theabout M&M™ toaxes, stand up and In the case of an M&M,™ by pure fluke oftogeometry, rotation the long perform this nifty trick. on its edge. The only constraint is that the angular momentum axis requires less energy than about the short axis. WhenTheyou spin it flat, it tries initial rotational energy must be more than the final energ must be the same. to lift the M&M™ to stand up because spinning on its edge is The a more stable amount moderequired of rotation. The onto its edge. Therefore, simplest analysis is done by taking a before and after snapenergy required to lifta it up against gravity shot, comes from the difference in energy and ignoring the complicated wobbling E1 ≥ that E2 +occurs mg (during a − b) At rest, the M&M™ (modelled with only slight between the unstable flat spininaccuracy and the stable spin. the following transition. We assume initial angular velocity w, about the as anmore oblatethe spheroid oredge squashed ball) anOn 2 2 1 1 short axis, which theorder momentum is Iw. (The letter I represents lies M&M™ flat. When up must on itsfor edge, its centre of pages we will work out how normally fast the spin in to perform this 2 I1ω1 ≥ 2 I 2ω 2 + mg ( a − b) mass is higher by an amount equal to of theinertia” difference the “moment or the resistance of the body to rotations nifty trick. between the major axis a and the minor axis b. We’ll a particular axis.) The final angular speed is w2 about the b call the mass m, and g about of course is the gravitational 2. momentum Iw . We wish tofell find the this minilongsurface, axis with final * 95% of the M&Ms™ I measured within range. Unfortunately acceleration at the earth’s 9.8 m/s The 2 a fact because I later ate all the specimens. Occasionally difference in gravitational potential energy isspeed therefore mum initial angular w1 that will permit the M&M™ to stand an M&M is fo © 2009 Wallingup Research or that requires speeds higher than are easy 1 to produce. b pty ltd up and spin about its long axis.
Where does the energy come from that causes the M&M™ to stand up, and why does this happen anyway?
mg ( a − b)
© 2009 Wallingup Research pty ltd
For a plain M&M™ with average mass 0.936 ± 0.123 grams,* major axis 6.83 ± 0.17 mm* and minor axis 3.65 ± 0.30 mm,* this energy threshold is found to be 28 J (28 millionths of a Joule). If at least this much
28 J (28 millionths of a Joule). If at least this much energy would be left over if the axes of rotation were to be reversed, then the M&M™ will swap axes, stand up and spin on its edge. The only constraint is that the angular momentum must be the same.
The simplest analysis is done by taking a before and after snapshot, and ignoring News the complicated wobbling that occurs during the transition. We assume an initial
angular velocity 1 about the short axis, for which the momentum is I11. (The letter I represents the “moment of inertia” or the resistance of the body to rotations about a particular axis.) The final angular speed is 2 about the long axis with final momentum I22. We wish to findmust the minimum initial speedenergy 1 that will initial rotational energy be more thanangular the final The permit the M&M™ to stand up and spin about its long axis.
by at least the amount required to lift the M&M™ onto its edge. The initial rotational energy must be more than the final energy by at least the Therefore,
1 2
2 1
1 2
–20 Hz is likely too low to measure directly, so you’d have to be watching the harmonics. Other freeware makes your PC speaker
amount required to lift the M&M™ onto its edge. Therefore,
E1 ≥ E2 + mg (a − b)
of luck and some educated guesses. The primary frequency of 15
into a programmable function generator. Perhaps connecting the 2
2 2
output to an LED driver can make a simple strobe light. When the spinning M&M™ appears stationary, the speed of rotation is either
I1ω ≥ I 2ω + mg (a − b)
half, double, or the same as the strobe frequency. 95% the IM&Ms™ measured within I cannot this prove range. ** 95% of theof M&Ms™ measured fellI within this range.fell Unfortunately this for One more thing. We glossed over the important point of how a fact because I later ate all the specimens. Occasionally an M&M is found that does not work, Unfortunately I cannot prove this for a fact because I later ate all exactly the transition from spinning flat to standing up occurs. or that requires speeds higher than are easy to produce. the specimens. Occasionally an M&M is found that does not work, When an unstable rotation has a slight wobble in it, that wobble
© 2009 Wallingup Research pty ltd
or that requires speeds higher than are easy to produce.
does not correct itself. Instead, it grows exponentially until
The other piece of physics we need now is the requirement that
the axis of rotation changes completely. If the M&M™ were angular momentum stays pretty much constant. Over short periperfectly shaped symmetrical object, the transition from an The other piece of physics we need now is the requirement that angulara momentum ods of time and if friction is low, this will be true: stays pretty much constant. Over short periods of time and if friction isunstable low, thisrotation into a stable one might not happen at all
willThe beother true: piece of physics we need now is the requirement that angular momentum you give it a bit of a kick to start it off. But because an The other piece of physics we need now is the requirement that angularunless momentum 3 stays pretty much constant. Over short periods of time and if friction is low, this I ω = I ω 1 short 1 2 periods 2 is always slightly irregular in shape, it always wobbles a stays pretty much constant. Over of time and if friction isM&M™ low, this will be true: will be true: bitan anyway and 3 the transition happens spontaneously and reliably. All we needAllnow I1 Iand theI2moments of inertia of oblate we are needexpressions now are expressions for II12,and , the moments of II1for ω 3 1= 2ω 2 ω = I ω 1 is 1not2as hard 2 things What the if the rotational energy difference is much larger than spheroid. Finding likespheroid. Finding this as like it sounds if you inertia ofthings an oblate this is not as a) know All of we need now are expressions for I1the and I2c), the moments ofexperience inertia of an oblateto lift the M&M™ up onto its edge? It appears that name b) have to the internet, and have enough toneeded that hard as itaccess sounds if you a) know name of moments it, b) have access All weit,need now are expressions for I1 and I2, the of inertia of an oblate spheroid.theFinding things like thisyou is not ashere it sounds you a) know the recognize correct answer when seeas it.hard And they if are: the equations are favouring one particular speed of rotation at spheroid. toFinding things this enough is not as hard as to it sounds if you a) know the the internet, andlike c) have experience recognize the name of it, b) have access to the internet, and c) have enough experience to name of it, b) have access thesee internet, and c) have enough experience to this happens. Since there would be nowhere else for any which answer whentoyou are: recognizecorrect the correct when it. And you seehere it. they And here they are: 2answer 2 2 1 here 2they are: recognize the correct answer when you see it. And 4 additional energy to go, an unstable orbit would most likely be I = ma I = m(a + b ) 1
2 II1 = 25 ma 1 = 5 ma
2 2
5 1 15 5
II 2 = m (( aa 22 + bb 22 )) = m + 2
After working it all out and solving for 1, I found the following:
After working it all outsolving and solving for, wI found , I foundthe thefollowing: following: After working it all out and for After working it all out and solving for 11, I 1found the following:
forced to continue until friction, noise and air resistance removes 4
the excess energy and the optimum speed is reached. It would therefore be very interesting to discover whether an M&M™ always stands up at a certain speed, regardless of how fast we
10 g ( a + b) spin it to begin with. Another interesting experiment would be 5 ω 1= 2g ( a + 2 b) to spin the M&M™ on an ice block or other low-friction surface. 10 a g− 10 ( ab+ b) 5 ω Without friction, would it still work? (Theory says no: it needs 5 2 2 = ω 11= 2 aa 2 − b to torque against.) One practical application of this − bthe mass has dropped outsomething (As often happens in these kinds of analyses, completely, concept is the stability of computer hard disk drives. How thick leaving onlyhappens geometry (As often in and thesegravity.) kinds of analyses, the mass has dropped out completely, (As often happens in these kinds of analyses, the mass has dropped outcan completely, the complete disk assembly be made before the rotation leaving only geometry and in gravity.) (As often happens these kinds of analyses, the mass has leaving only geometry and gravity.) becomes With the measurements I took, the initial required speed works out to about 97 unstable and bearing life is reduced? Does lightening dropped out completely, leaving only geometry and gravity.) radians per second (say what?) or in everyday terms, about 930 revolutions per the disk With the measurements I took, the initial required speed works out to about 97near the axis improve stability? Another application is With (RPM). the measurements Ispeed took, is initial required speedspeed works out tofeels aboutabout 97 With The the measurements Ithe the at initial required works minute final higher, about 1430 RPM. That radians per second (say what?) ortook, in everyday terms, about 930 revolutions per satellite attitude control. Some satellites rotate in orbit, and if radians per second what?) or insecond everyday terms, abouteveryday revolutions per out to about 97 radians per what?) or inRPM. right to me, though I (say have not measured the(say myself. If930 you figure out how to minute (RPM). The final speed is higher, atspeed about 1430 That feels about the about design can’t accommodate rotation around the stable axis, (RPM). The final speed isathigher, at about 1430letRPM. That feels dominute it using items you have your desk, please me know! Maybe a laser right to me, though I 930 haverevolutions not measured the speed myself. Ifspeed you figure out how to terms, aboutalready per minute (RPM). The final right to me, though I have not measured the speed myself. If you figurethen outother howmeans to of controlling the spin must be applied. These pointer, the isIRitems port of your i-phone, who knows. Get creative. do it using you already have at your desk, please let me know! Maybe a laser higher, at about 1430 RPM. That feels about right to me, do it using items you already have at your desk, please let me know! Maybe a laser problems have of course all been solved, though it is interesting pointer, the IR port of your i-phone, who knows. Get creative. though I have speed myself. If figure out pointer, the IR port of not yourmeasured i-phone,thewho knows. Getyou creative. to me that Actually, there is freeware available that will turn your computer’s sound card and300-year-old science is still necessary for modern it using items youanalyzer. already have your desk, please microphone intotoaisdo cheapo spectrum Byat“listening” to the sound sound of the Actually, how there freeware available that will turn your computer’s card and technology to work. Actually, there is freeware available that will turn your computer’s sound card and let me know! Maybe a laser pointer, the IR port of your i-phone, microphone into you a cheapo spectrum analyzer. it’s Byspeed “listening” the of sound the spinning M&M™ may be able determine using to a bit luckof and microphone into a cheapo spectrum analyzer. By “listening” to the sound of isthea trademark of the Mars corporation, who neither M&M spinning M&M™ youGet may be able determine it’s speed using aisbit of luck and some educated guesses. The primary frequency of 15 – 20 Hz likely too low who knows. creative. Actually, there is freeware available spinning M&M™ you may be able determine it’s speed using a bit of luck and to supported nor endorsed this research. I’m sure they don’t mind, some educated guesses. primary frequency ofharmonics. 15 – 20 Hzinto is likelyfreeware too low to measure directly, soturn you’d have to be watching Other that will yourThe computer’s sound card the and some educated guesses. The primary frequency of microphone 15 – 20 Hz is likely too low to measure directly, so you’d have to be watching the harmonics. Other freeware though. I’m one of their best customers. makes yourdirectly, speaker intoanalyzer. a programmable function generator. Perhaps measure so you’d have to be the harmonics. Other freeware aPC cheap spectrum By watching “listening” to the sound of the makes your PC speaker into a programmable function generator. Perhaps connecting the output to an LED driver can make a simple strobe light. When the makes your PC speaker intomay a programmable function generator. © When 2009 Wallingup spinning M&M™ you bedriver able determine itsaspeed using a bit Perhaps connecting the output to an LED can make simple strobe light. theor Research pty ltd. spinning M&M™ appears stationary, thecan speed of rotation eitherlight. half, When double, connecting the output to an LED driver make a simple isstrobe the appears stationary, the speed of rotation is either half, double, or thespinning same as M&M™ the strobe frequency. spinning M&M™ appears stationary, the speed of rotation is either half, double, or THE JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA the same the strobe frequency. 12 as the same as the strobe frequency.
© 2009 Wallingup Research pty ltd © 2009 Wallingup Research pty ltd
3 3
Absolutely Wrapped Vicki Lenegan, Education Officer: Perth Zoo Last week, I bought my newly arrived nephew a gift. It kept his parents amused for quite some time. By the time they had cut through the outer layer of cellophane, jiggled the plastic mould around the toy out of the box, pulled out the packing, worked out how to undo the metal ties and torn off the inner layer of plastic, we were all ready for a coffee break. And we were bemused. The great pile of packaging scattered around the floor had been protecting a bright, solid, unbreakable, plastic cube. Why? Our society seems to be addicted to packaging. Everything is wrapped up, packed in and sealed off. Next time you stroll down the aisles of your local supermarket, take time to note how many of the items on shelves are encased in double and triple layers and ask yourself some questions. Why, for example, do biscuits need to be individually wrapped? Couldn’t we put them in a little reusable container for school or work lunches, and store them in a traditional biscuit or cake tin in our pantries? Why buy packets of packets of sultanas? And what about those outrageously priced little packs of cheese and crackers? Are we no longer capable of slicing a piece of cheese off the block and adding a few biscuits ourselves? All this wrapping has a cost and retailers don’t give it to us for free. It’s embedded in the price of the items we buy. And it all ends up in the bin! But it’s not just about money. There is an environmental cost too. Natural resources and energy are consumed in the manufacturing, packaging and transport of everything we buy and this means there are fossil fuel emissions at every stage of production. Those emissions contribute to global warming and thus, climate change. On top of that, the discarded packaging produces mountains of landfill. Australia is one of the highest producers of waste in the world (OECD, 2002). Each Australian household produces, on average, 1.14 tonnes of waste per year and up to 80% of what we throw away could be reused or recycled. A 2007 analysis by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed that between 1996 and 2003, the amount of waste being produced in this country increased by 6% each year on average. Increases in population as well as consumption are likely to have contributed to this increase. While the population over that period increased by an average of 1% per annum however, real household consumption expenditure per person increased by almost 3% per year. At the beginning of March 2005, there were 309 licensed or registered landfills in Western Australia. These sites occupy space that once provided habitat for our native species. Poor waste management practices at landfill sites can lead to land contamination, litter problems and pollution of surface and groundwater resources. Landfill sites also generate methane, a major greenhouse gas. Many common consumer items take long periods of time to break down in landfill. A milk carton, for VOLUME 45 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2009
example, takes up to five years. It is estimated that plastic water bottles, usually made from polyethylene, will take thousands of years to break down. Glass takes one million years. Styrofoam will never break down – it’s immortal! There is an urgent need to stem the flow of waste to landfill and focus current generations of Australians on the 3Rs – recycle, reuse and reduce. Recycling and reusing was a way of life for past generations of Australians. Old clothes were cut down to make garments for children and scraps of cloth were made into quilts or stuffing. Paper bags, containers and even string were automatically saved and reused. As prosperity increased however, companies began to make more and more disposable items. Today, it seems normal to throw things out as soon as we have used them. Classroom teachers can help their students to understand that the ‘throw away society’ is a modern phenomenon by asking them to interview their grandparents or an older family friend about reusing and recycling when they were young. Previous generations were motivated by the desire to save money rather than concern for the environment, but the end result was the same. Everything that could be used again was. (An interview sheet entitled The Good Old Days Days is available from the Perth Zoo website for student use in this activity– see reference below). Most Australians want to do the right thing and protect our unique environment. Studies show that recycling some items has become a way of life. The March 2003 census showed that about 95% of Australian households recycled waste. Paper and cardboard (88%) were the items most commonly recycled in Australia, followed by plastic bottles (87%) and plastic bags (86%). This is a good start. It is estimated that 1 tonne of recycled paper or cardboard saves approximately thirteen trees, 2.5 barrels of oil, 4100 kilowatt hours of electricity, four cubic metres of landfill and 31,780 litres of water. There is however, an ongoing energy cost to recycling, especially in Western Australia. Much of our recycling is transported either interstate or overseas for processing. This is due to our limited recycling infrastructure and ease of access to Asian export destinations. A better option is to re-use items in our own homes and the figures show that this is becoming more common too. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that the proportion of households re-using some waste for other purposes increased from 40% in 1996 to 83% in 2000, and to 85% in 2003. Plastic bags (88% of households) and old clothing or rags (41% of households) were the waste items most commonly reused. The real challenge though, is the last of the 3Rs – reduce. How can Australians be persuaded to consume less; to question whether they really need that latest gadget or appliance? This requires a major shift in mindset and multiple inoculations against a virulent advertising industry. We need to ‘get ‘em while they are young’ 13
News and the easiest way to start children questioning consumption habits is to raise their awareness of wasteful packaging. Perth Zoo has introduced a program for early childhood students aimed at linking consumer behaviour and environmental sustainability. ‘Lesson in a Lunchbox’ begins with students gleefully grubbing in a miniature ‘lunch waste landfill’ to discover that much of their typical lunch rubbish will stay in the ground for a very long time. After exploring the different ways in which garbage affects wildlife, they are given shopping bags of lunchbox items and asked to identify choices that will minimise waste. Children’s instinctive concern for animals motivates them to listen and they quickly learn to identify more environmentally friendly lunchbox options. It is an effective way of empowering children to take personal environmental action. Awareness raising activities make a good starting point for classroom programs too. Have students bring some gardening gloves from home and conduct an investigation of the litter in the playground and school bins. They will enjoy the slightly ‘grotty’ aspect of the task even if you don’t. Tally and classify the different types of materials that have been discarded. Create pictographs or bar graphs to identify the most common types of rubbish found. Ask students to brainstorm ways to reduce this waste. Ongoing support for teachers is available through the Waste Wise Schools Program. This free program offers resources for schools and assists them in planning, implementing and maintaining waste minimisation projects such as recycling, composting and worm farming. The program is aimed at changing attitudes and behaviour and promoting sustainable waste management. Further support can be found at the Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative – WA website. This Department of Education and Training program provides case studies and a broad framework
of support for the development of a whole-school approach to Education for Sustainability (EfS). Links to these programs can be found in the references section at the end of this article. As Australia’s population grows, the generation of waste will increase unless major progress is made in the areas of waste minimisation and resource recovery. With it will come environmental, social and economic liabilities for future generations through resource loss, increased greenhouse gas generation and potential contamination of water supplies. Ongoing education can increase students’ awareness of the costs of waste and empower them and their families to make simple behavioral changes. Once students start thinking about the environmental cost of consumerism, they will soon find more ways to act for a sustainable future. Let’s hope that the next census will show that our many small steps have lead to giant leaps in waste reduction.
References Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2007, Year Book Australia 2005, viewed 27 November 2008, <> Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, 2007, Australian Social Trends 2007 – Household Waste, viewed 4 April 2009, < au/ausstats> Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative – WA, Perth 2009, viewed April 2009, <> Clean Up Australia 2007, Fact Sheets, viewed 27 November 2008, <www.> Environmental Protection Authority, Perth 2008, State of the Environment Report 2007 – Human Settlements, viewed 27 November 2008, <www.> Perth Zoo, Perth 2009, viewed April 2009, In the Good Old Days, <www.> Waste Wise Schools, Perth 2009, viewed April 2009, <www.wastewise.>.
“Catchment sharers must be Catchment Carers’” The motto itself indicates the very essence of the Catchment Carers’ Trail (CCT) program run by Department of Environment and Conservation’s EcoEducation section at the Perth Hills National Park Centre. Active participation by students (years 4-8) in the CCT entails attainment of concepts surrounding WA’s water catchments through several varying activities designed to facilitate student learning of both new knowledge and reinforcement of prior knowledge. The activities (very active yet informative) can be described as effective in increasing student awareness of issues regarding soil erosion, salinity, human impact on water catchment areas, water cycle and mining. An increase in awareness and knowledge attainment directly results from the engagement students experience throughout the proceedings. To see students converse with one another about 14
these issues as they walk along the forest tracks, ask relevant questions, be surprised by the impact humans have on the environment and hear them respond positively to the CCT (i.e. “This is fun!”) is rewarding and indicative of the needs learners have for active thus stimulating learning environments. Sandi Mlinar Sandi is undertaking her Practicum at the EcoEducation Centre at Perth Hills National Park Centre. She observed one of four Catchment Carers’ Trail Excursions undertaken that day by Forest Crescent Primary School. Each teacher attending was given a free copy of the new Catchment Carers’ Trail book, packed with preand post-excursion activities and teaching ideas.
A few basic principles about comfort and natural climatisation in buildings Prof. Aldo T. Marrocco
Introduction In Europe about 40% of total energy consumption is required for the climatisation of buildings. The environmental and economical consequences of this suggest the necessity of concentrating on the possibilities of energy saving in houses. Since many complex phenomena are involved, this paper is intended as just a brief introduction to a few basic principles dealing with the study thereof.
Goals of the teaching unit
The heat transmission is in inverse proportion to the thickness of the walls and to their insulating performances. These different situations are comparable to the personal feelings which everybody can experience outside when the weather is more or less cold, windy or not, sunny or not, wearing thick and warm clothes or not. These comparisons can perhaps help students to internalise the concepts. Heat dispersed through the walls can account, approximately, for 25% of the total heat losses. 25% will be dispersed through the roof, 25% through doors and windows and 5% through the floor. Air infiltration accounts for a further 20% of heat losses.
-Open the way to a better understanding of thermal comfort and related concepts (air temperature, radiating temperature, air moisture, air change in rooms).
It is relatively easy and cheap to insulate the roof using a light insulating material.
-Study some of the physical concepts in their relation to daily life in buildings, (heat and its transmission, specific heat, heat capacity, latent heat of vaporisation, features of solar radiation at different times of the day and of the year.)
Reducing heat transmissions through the walls is not as easy and cheap as improving the situation of the windows and of the roof. An insulating material can be added to the exterior of a masonry wall.
-Help understand that the knowledge of the laws which rule natural phenomena offers the means to save precious natural resources.
In this way the insulating material shelters the masonry mass from the winter cold as well as from the summer heat.
To select, refit or build a house In order to make an energy conscious selection, knowledge of certain basic principles is essential. Dampness in the walls may have the effect of increasing by 50% heat losses. Moreover, while heating the house, dampness evaporates from the walls. This entails heat absorption, thus opposing the room heating. As a practical example which can help pupils understand in depth and remember this phenomenon, think about the quick feeling of cold experienced when wearing damp clothes. The quick heat transmission and moisture vaporization take away simultaneously many calories from the human body. These situations not only waste energy, they are also unhealthy. Heat transmission is proportional to the difference between internal and external temperatures. Cold winds subtract heat very quickly from the external surface of walls, thus intensifying heat losses. A house located in a sunny place is warmer than a house which is not hit by the sun’s rays. VOLUME 45 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2009
Double glazed windows improve thermal and acoustic comfort.
A diminished heat transmission through the externally insulated wall is not the only benefit. Further benefits are: • The humidity of the living space, even when permeating into the walls, does not condense there, because the temperature of the walls even in winter is not low. • The radiating temperature of the internal surface of the walls is higher if they are insulated. This is very important because its contribution to the thermal comfort equals approximately that of the air temperature. In winter, for this reason, higher radiating temperatures allow for a greater feeling of comfort at lower thermostat settings. • To be more accurate it should be said that homogeneous radiating temperatures of the objects that surround people (walls, ceiling, floor, furniture, windows) contribute to a better thermal comfort. • Heavy masonry walls, externally insulated, thanks to their thermal capacity keep internal temperatures fairly stable, despite external changes. It must be considered that building an external insulation of the walls entails a large investment both from the economic and 15
News energetic point of view. For this reason the investment should be decided considering also how long the insulation is expected to last.
A compact, regular and symmetric shape, both in plan and in elevation, is recommended for the security of the building in seismic areas.
Adding an insulating material to the interior surface of a masonry wall could be easier and cheaper.
For the same reason, doors and windows are recommended to be not too big and not too close to each other. This is also favourable from the energetic point of view, considering the higher heat dispersions through doors and windows, as compared with the heat losses through the walls.
But in this case the temperature of the masonry mass, not protected by the insulating material, will be very high in summer and very low in winter. As a consequence during the cold season, unless there is a vapour barrier, the atmospheric humidity of the living space which permeates into the masonry walls meets temperature conditions which may provoke unwanted condensation. If our house is still to be built, the problem is simply solved by using insulating bricks and avoiding thermal bridges.
Shape of the building According to traditional architecture, in cold regions, houses have a compact shape and often the plan is nearly square shaped. A square shaped plan permits the same living area but with a shorter perimeter as compared to a rectangular plan. The outcome is that the walls through which heat is lost have a smaller length, hence a smaller surface. Another benefit is that less energy and fewer materials are required to build the house. Hence, construction costs can be lower while still obtaining the same living area. Fig.1 suggests some easy ways of dealing with the problems of the shape of the building. A special case is represented by the igloo; their hemispheric shape allows the most favourable volume/surface rate compared to any other sort of dwelling. A compact shape of building is not only favourable from the above mentioned points of view, it can be also safer in case of earthquakes.
Fig. 1 shows different plans of buildings having the same area. In A, B, C the square A is the most regular and has the shortest perimeter; in D, E the shorter rectangle also has the shorter perimeter.
Furthermore thick walls may contribute to a safe building as well as to lower heat transmissions. It is not the aim of this paper to offer a complete treatment about anti-seismic buildings, but some interesting websites are cited (2-3-4-5). In the world many rammed earth dwellings have been built and they are very cheap. They also provide a good thermal comfort, thanks to the considerable thickness of the walls and the good insulating properties of the earth. This material produces healthy living conditions. According to experiments at FEB, University of Kassel, Germany, loam is able to absorb and desorb humidity from the air faster and to a higher extent than any other building material. It has been demonstrated, in a newly built house in Germany, that with the sudden raising of the relative humidity in a room, from 50% to 80%, unburnt bricks were able to absorb 30 times more humidity than burnt bricks over a period of two days. Moreover, an eight year measurement period demonstrated that, in a newly built earthen house in Germany, the relative humidity was nearly constant at around 50% throughout the year, fluctuating by only 5-10% (6). Generally, however, earth houses are not resistant in the case of earthquakes. There are, however, techniques that can permit the building of safer earth houses (better if they are one storey houses), with reinforcements made of bamboo, wood poles, metal nets ( 6, click on Publications), ( 7).
Fig. 2 is a draft showing the projection on the ground of the apparent path of the sun, in summer (left) and in winter (right). The rectangles represent the plan of the house.
News Orientation of the house
During the summer the opposite problem has to be tackled, but
The amount of solar radiation striking the rooms, the windows and the walls depends on the orientation of the house.
most favourable.
On the 40th parallel north, the solar altitude at 12 hours, is about 70° at the beginning of the summer, and about 30° at the beginning of the winter.
walls receive in summer much more light than in winter because
In addition, the projection on the ground of the apparent path of the sun covers an arc of approximately 240° during the summer solstice and 120° during the winter solstice. A rectangular plan house at the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere in winter is struck by more of the sun’s rays if longer in the direction ‘east-west’ and less rays if ‘north-south’ since the only wall which receives a large amount of solar radiation is the south facing one (fig. 2). In fact, on December 21st at 10 a.m., the solar azimuth is about 30°. For this reason rays mainly strike the south wall and very few touch the east wall. Something similar happens at 2 p.m., when the solar azimuth is again 30° (8), the sun mainly strikes the south wall and very little the west wall. This means that during the hottest hours of the day the solar radiation is mainly arriving on the south facing wall; hence the greater its surface the greater the benefits. The solar altitude is measured from the horizon to the sun, while the solar azimuth is the angular deviation from the true south.
even in this situation the same orientation of the building is the In fact, at latitudes exceeding the 40° parallel, east and west mornings and afternoons are very long. For this reason the smaller their surface the less the heat gained (fig. 2, left). During the central hours of the day the sun is very high and solar radiation is very intense on the roof, independent of the orientation of the building. Still in summer, when solar rays arrive from southern quadrants, the radiation hitting the south wall is less than in winter. In fact the rays reach the wall with a narrow incidence and the radiation is spread out over a larger area (fig. 3). The overhang of the roof and possibly balconies, favourably shade the south wall when the sun is high. For these reasons the greater surface of the south wall does not pose problems for thermal comfort, even in summer. Of course, all these comparisons are considering sunny days. In California the Davis Energy Conservation Building Code mandated that streets run predominately east-west to ensure that houses have their major walls on the south and minimal exposure to the east and west. In the old Arab towns the narrow streets allow the buildings to shade each other and the street itself. In the class room, dealing with this subject may open the way to deepening concepts about photoperiod, solar height and azimuth, year round and during the day.
Protection from the wind According to U.S. authors, a good protection from cold winds on three sides of a building decreases heat losses, with energy savings as great as 30%. In towns other buildings can protect the house from cold winds. In the countryside, hills, woods, evergreen plants can protect the house from northerly winds. It would be opportune, however, that these windbreaks were designed in order to avoid reducing the cooling effect of prevailing breezes in summer.
Air change in the building In some particular situations it may be retained important to Fig. 3 shows the different amount of solar radiation at midday in summer ( above) and in winter (below). The overhang of the roof shades the walls differently according to the seasons, because of the different inclination of solar rays.
preheat the air before it enters the living space for the necessary air change. A heat exchanger allows thermal energy transfer from warm stale air to the cold incoming air. Their flows do not mix continued on page 20
S-KIDS Day: Exploring the Wonder of Science The fifth annual S-KIDS day saw the usual S-KIDS team slipped into a familiar pattern of costumes, equipment and food organisation led by now experienced leader Dr. Geoff Lummis aided and in some cases organised by Mrs Jan Mitchell secretary, first aider and on-the-spot problem solver both on the day and in the months before the event. The day was opened by WA Chief Scientist, Professor Lyn Beasley, who is an enthusiastic and wonderful patron and who loves to visit the rooms and engage with the children in the different activities.
This year saw the younger scientists work with Mrs Wishy Washy the indomitable Dr Jennifer Pearson. They were doing the washing and trying to remove the stains that she found in her fabric and singing her washing song. In lower primary there was also “Can’t you sleep little bear” with an amazing bear cave where bears visit to look at light and shadows and Slimologists Michelle Lloyd and
Nat Birrell looked at gooey green stuff. Roger Harris was a wild life warrior who created Mud Monsters and one excited young man wanted an akubra hat so he could be a wild life warrior as well. In the older age group Eggs, Scrambled (Dr. Rachel Sheffield) and Poached (Mrs Lesley Glass) in matching cracked egg caps carried out crater drops were ‘eggs-tradinary’ , zooming meteors and created space craft to protect their ‘eggstranauts’ with eggs (chocolate of course) for the winners. Frank Dymond clowned with colour and examined optical illusions. He determined that people who were colour blind were not as susceptible to some of the illusions as people who were not colour blind. Despite the rain the students went outside with Astronaut Richard Joyce and created a 200 m solar system on the grass outside. Finally, flight was studied with Dr Geoff Lummis and the scientists made paper planes and gliders were made and flown around the room Lunch time the rain abated briefly to enable the children to enjoy sausages in buns and the Scitech Roadshow, which is always a huge crowd pleaser. The frozen nitrogen experiments, slime and other fun activities organised by Lis Moore kept the children entranced until the afternoon’s activities. It was amazing to see the excitement of the children in response to this great day and it is always uplifting to see the energy and enthusiasm of the presenters and also the student teachers who give up their time to promote science. It was an amazing day and the exhausted children and presenters slept very well that night.
News together. In more complex systems the cold air enters through a subterranean duct. Here it undergoes the first preheating underground, where temperature is relatively constant the year
inherent to the amount of light which passes through the glass
round. The incoming air goes then to the formerly mentioned
itself, depending on the angle of incidence.
heat exchanger for further temperature increase before entering
In the class room this subject may open the way to concepts and the light which does not because it is reflected by the glass
the living space. This helps avoid a loss of energy during the air
Summer situation
change operated by opening the windows.
Thermal insulation and double glazed windows, as well as a
It should be said that the underground temperature, a few metres deep, equals approximately the annual average temperature of
suitable orientation of the building, perform favourably in winter as well as in summer.
the place. The air flow is forced, but the natural warmth from
Deciduous trees shade the walls only during the warm months,
the underground is transferred to the air, then further heat is
when they simultaneously absorb heat through photosynthesis
recovered from stale air and transferred to the air entering the
and foliar transpiration, but in winter their bare crowns leave the
house. Even the condensation of the vapour, which may occur
house exposed to the sunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rays.
when the stale air is cooling, releases heat (latent vaporisation heat), which is transferred to the incoming air.
Thick and heavy masonry walls contribute to keeping the temperature nearly constant 24 hours round. Leaving the windows
open mainly during the night will contribute to cooling the walls.
The solar radiation which strikes the walls of a house would
The coolness can then be maintained during the day owing to the
probably be enough to keep it warm if there were not the strong
thermal capacity of the heavy masonry walls.
heat losses from the external surface. In fact the external surface
A house can be cooled by a solar chimney. This consists of a black
of the wall which simultaneously becomes hot when hit by the
painted chimney. The chimney and consequently the air within it
sun also loses heat quickly when in touch with cold air. This means
are overheated by the summer sun, thus creating an updraft of
that only a small amount of heat will be transferred to the living
the air, hence a decrease in pressure at the base of the chimney.
This will promote the air change in the house.
A glasshouse along the south wall improves solar heat capture. The glass is traversed by the visible shortwave light but the long wave thermal radiation generated once it has hit the wall does not return back through the glass. Fundamentally the energy is not reradiated out and the hot air is kept inside the glass house, or
To increase the cooling effect the house can have a subterranean duct. The external air flows into this duct, it is slightly pre-cooled and then enters the living space attracted by the change in pressure, provided that doors and windows are closed.
conveyed to the rooms for heating them. The wall, warmed during
To maximize the cooling effect trees can be planted around the air
the day, will radiate heat to the adjacent rooms during the night.
intake of the duct in order to further cool the air.
In summer, the glasshouse should be shaded or knocked down or
A glazed surface on the side facing the sun of the solar chimney
kept open to avoid overheating.
increases overheating of the air, hence the lower pressure. A simple experiment, based on the working principle of the solar chimney, can be made in some buildings by just leaving the trapdoor open connecting the staircase with the attic. The attic is overheated by the sun and the air continuously flows out through a window. This creates a lower pressure attracting cool air from the cellar (fig.4), provided that external air can flow through the cellar and staircase well to the attic and other windows and doors are closed.
Fig 4 shows the air flow in a building; from the cellar to the roof, overheated by the summer sun.
In these situations the sun provides the energy which is necessary to move the air.
News The natural underground temperature is the condition which
floor itself, made of wooden boards slightly distant from each
cools the air during its flow through the cellar. Since underground
other, (10) also allows air infiltration.
temperatures are strongly related to the average yearly temperature of the site a better effectiveness in continental climatic areas, rather than in tropical ones, can be expected.
Research on internet A research of texts and images could be interesting, digiting
A thick roof made of vegetal matter provides thermal insulation when the sun is very high.
Conclusion A sustainable house may also have:
“Badgir”, “Malqaf” and “Salsabil”.
• Solar thermal collector for water heating.
The words refer to traditional Islamic architecture.
• Solar photovoltaic collector for producing electricity
The first two consist of structures located over the roof of the
• A tank for rain water collection, which can be used for W.C.
houses to catch the wind; this air then flows through the living space, improving the thermal comfort. The air then flows away from the opposite side of the building. If there is no wind the badgir can take advantage of the solar
and garden irrigation. • Building materials chosen for durability, so that the energy cost is very low over the life of the objects.
heat for the same purpose. In this case, its working principle is
Of course every investment should be carefully considered, taking
still the one of the above mentioned solar chimney. Several types
into account local situations, problems, opportunities.
of badgir exist, according to the prevailing climatic conditions (9)
The cost for building a sustainable house is not necessarily much
of the site.
higher than for a standard one.
The salsabil can be found in some traditional Arab houses. It consists of an inclined slab of marble, where a thin layer of water flows. The continuous vaporization of the water humidifies the
The difference can probably be recovered within a reasonable time, through the savings realized.
air. The process absorbs the latent heat of vaporization, thus
lowering the temperature in the living space.
D. Bainbridge, J. Corbett, J. Hofacre, Village Homes’ solar house designs, Rodale Press, 1979
These traditional structures, during low cost energy times, hardly
B. Anderson, The solar home book, Brick House, 1976
stood up to a comparison with modern air conditioners but
P. Baratsabal, C. Chauliaguet, J. P. Batellier, Solar energy in buildings, Wiley Interscience, 1977
nowadays, in an era of high energy costs, there is a trend toward their revaluation.
R. M. Lebens, Passive solar heating design, Applied Science Publishers LTD, 1980.
In hot humid climatic regions, such as South East Asia, the rural
Web Sites
traditional houses provide thermal comfort by means of certain particular features. Temperatures here are steadily high, day-
1. passive_house.htm
night differences are small. For this reason, the thermal mass
of heavy masonry walls does not contribute to the thermal
3. pdf
comfort, as it does in desert areas. These rural houses are built of wood and other locally available vegetal materials and they also benefit from the shade provided by nearby trees. In addition the overhanging roof shades the walls. For several reasons these houses are 2-3 meters elevated from the ground; this magnifies any benefit for the dwellers that can come even from the lightest breeze. The windows, as well as the
4. 5. 6. 7. pdf 8. sunpath.html
walls, built with vegetal material that allows some air infiltration,
9. h t t p : / / w w w . i n i v e . o r g / m e m b e r s _ a r e a / m e d i a s / p d f / Inive%5Cpalenc%5C2005%5CAzami2.pdf
further improve the situation for the dwellers. Sometimes the
Using an ohm meter to calculate the thickness of a pencil line – a novel Year 11 Physics investigation involving resistance and graphical analysis of data Dr Leon Harris, Living Waters Lutheran College, Warnbro Pencil “lead” is actually made up of graphite and clay. Graphite is an allotrope (or pure form) of the element carbon. It is a dark, grey coloured substance, and conducts electricity due to delocalised electrons that can move freely from carbon atom to carbon atom. The clay is used as a binder, to hold the graphite together. Pencils are graded according to their hardness and their darkness. Hard pencils have lots of clay in them relative to the amount of graphite. Black pencils have a lot of graphite relative to the amount of clay, and are soft. Pencils commonly range from 6H (very hard) to 6B (very black). This means that a 6B pencil contains a lot of graphite, and is quite electrically conductive.
Analysis To find the thickness of the line left on a piece of paper by your pencil, you will need to do the following steps
You can make a resistor by drawing onto a piece of paper with a pencil (a 6B is better than a HB for this. (Ed note; a 6 B pencil is essential). If you do this, you will notice that the resistance of the line increases with its length, and decreases with its width.
1) Calculate the resistivity of the graphite/clay mix used in the pencil. You can do this by substituting the resistance, length and area values that you obtained for the pencil into the formula and solving for resistivity Resistivity x Length Resistance =
This relationship is shown in the formula below:
Resistance =
2) Make a graph of Resistance versus Length of the graphite bar. If you fit a straight line to the graph, you will see that
Resistivity x Length Area
(where resistance is measured in ohms, resistivity is in ohm metres, and Area and Length are given in metres squared and metres respectively.) Using this information, you can calculate the height of the layer of graphite that a 6B pencil leaves on a piece of graph paper.
Y = M x + C is R = Resistivity x Length + C
M (the slope) is Resistivity divided by Area 3) Once you have found the slope, substitute the resistivity and the width of the line (0.5 cm) to calculate the height Make sure that you use SI units throughout these calculations – ie ohms and metres.
Graph paper (2 sheets) Ruler 6B pencil
You should find that your line is somewhere around a millionth of a metre thick.
Multimeter set to measure resistance
Post lab
2 x leads with crocodile clips
Calculate the uncertainty in your measurements. Discuss the sources of errors in your measurements. Real scientists often try several ways of solving problems. You have used an electrical technique here. What other methods or tactics could a scientist use to measure the height of a pencil line?
Method Measure the length and resistance of a 6B pencil. Measure the diameter of the graphite core in the centre of it and then calculate its area using the formula Area = π x 22
Draw a bar 0.5cm in width by 10cm in length on the graph paper. Attach a crocodile clip to this bar, so that it is level with a line on the graph paper. Attach the ohm meter to the crocodile clip, and record the resistance at various lengths along the bar in a table. Take an appropriate number of replicate measurements and calculate the average for each length.
diameter 2
Discussion The activity is really great for students as it gives a real physical immediacy to the idea of resistance and the factors that affect it.
News It is interesting to see the data that the students first come up with. Rather than being a perfect straight line, it looks more sigmoidal at the ends. This gives a good opportunity to discus biases and experimental errors. In the above results, the pencil line is probably thinner in the middle, and thicker towards the ends. This is most likely due to more carbon being deposited on the paper as the pencil slows down near the end of the line when the line is drawn. A second, more carefully drawn line fixes this problem. If you have access to a good 4 place lab balance, you can weigh how much graphite is attached to a piece of paper, and using this information and the density of graphite (approximately 2g per cubic centimetre) you can confirm the height of the pencil line. Figure 1: Resistance measured along the length of a pencil line.
In my experience, you get a good “Aha” and “That’s cool” response from students when they see this experiment.
It is fun to extrapolate this technique further, and imagine how it could be used to measure how thick a paint layer is, or how full of water a pipe is. It is also quite striking to see how a light emitting diode can be attached to a piece of paper and be made to glow – surely there are some interesting art possibilities there!
Learning Science to Teach Science Emily Upson My name is Emily and I am a final year, early childhood, preservice teacher from Curtin University of Technology. Recently I was very fortunate to be awarded a scholarship to the Primary Science Conference 2009 held by STAWA. As a future teacher I am interested in discovering endless ideas about science teaching and learning. My experiences so far have shown me that some early childhood teachers find science hard to teach and difficult to deliver at an early childhood level. This motivated me to immerse myself in opportunities to learn about teaching science. My goals as a future teacher are to never stop developing my own knowledge of science, provide hands on exploration to teach science concepts, make my students excited about learning science and encourage them to ask questions about the world around them. Science is so enjoyable for young children and helps them understand how their world works. I wish to be the best science teacher I possibly can and the way I see myself achieving this goal is to continue expanding my own knowledge. So far I have volunteered at S-KIDS day (October, 2008) held at Edith Cowan University where I assisted in science related activities based on Horton Hears a Who. I was in charge of helping the children look at various natural and processed materials they collected under a digital microscope. I have been involved in the “Collaborative Science Project” with Dr Christine Howitt at Curtin University of Technology. Within this project I have provided feedback on modules of work being developed, participated in discussion groups with scientists and educators and developed and presented a poster on my VOLUME 45 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2009
reflections, which was presented to a range of stakeholders. I also volunteered at the Inaugural Primary Science Day (December, 2008) at the National Chemistry conference held at Notre Dame University. I assisted Dr Christine Howitt with various early childhood science activities teachers can use in the classroom. My poster titled “Learning Science to Teach Science” was awarded first place in the Science Education Poster Competition on the day. The Primary Science Conference 2009 was a fantastic opportunity to expand my knowledge of teaching and learning about science. The ideas presented at the conference were useful and inspiring. The workshops provided me with more than enough resources I will be able to use when teaching science in the future. Personally the conference taught me new science knowledge, provided even more motivation to teach science and reinforced my love of it. Professionally I learnt new exciting ideas about science instruction, which included practical and effective strategies to use in the classroom and just how important science is to children’s development. I wish to thank STAWA for the scholarship and the amazing opportunity to expand my science teaching knowledge. The conference proved invaluable to my professional development and was an enjoyable and exciting experience to be a part of. I cannot wait to awaken children’s curiosity about science in my classroom. 23
Primary Connections is alive and well in Western Australian schools! WA Primary Science Reference Group Louise Nielsen DET; Julie Belohlawek DET; Natalie Birrell Huntingdale PS; Lis Moore Scitech, Gabrielle Migliore Scitech; Glenda Leslie AISWA; Jenny Jongst CEO; Margaret Martin CEO; John Clarke STAWA; Christine Howitt Curtin University. Primary science is gaining momentum in Western Australian (WA) schools, thanks to proactive groups such as the Department of Education and Training’s (DET) Primary Science Project team, Scitech, STAWA’s Primary Science Committee and professional learning facilitators for the national Primary Connections resource. Primary Connections is an initiative to improve learning outcomes in primary science and literacy. The development was funded by the Australian Government and is managed by the Australian Academy of Science. Further information can be found at www. . A WA Reference group for Primary Connections (PC) was established in 2008 that is cross-sectorial involving the key players in primary science education in this state. The purpose of this group is to promote this wonderful resource to WA teachers and support professional learning for teachers. As a result of this reference group, a dedicated email list for WA Primary Science Educators, Primaryscience Chat, has been provided and administered by the Science Teachers’ Association of Western Australia. One email address allows communication with all members of the list See STAWA web site for how to subscribe. Primary Connections has become embedded in the whole school science plan in many schools. A snapshot of a few schools aims to give a taste of the range of activities that these schools have adopted while using Primary Connections. Beeliar PS has a whole school approach to PC where most teachers have used PC during the year. Primary Connections professional learning facilitator (PLF) Jeanette Hay, who works at Belliar provides guidance to all staff at the school, professional learning in Primary Connections on school development days and also updates of resources, new initiatives and websites linked to Primary Connections units. She has conducted ‘hands on’ science sessions that encourage teachers to became engage, motivate and modeling relevant activities and strategies to teachers at Beeliar PS. Jeanette provided hands on afternoon session for parents linking Literacy and Numeracy with Science called Discovery Journey. Parents came into the class to complete activities with their child 24
Students at Beeliar PS using Schoolyard by Safari.
based on the Schoolyard Safari topic. This was part of Beeliar’s Literacy and Numeracy week in Term 3. At Maylands Peninsula Primary School, Aboriginal students in Years 4 and 5 have made noticeable gains in their achievement in Literacy and Science as part of their work in the DET Aboriginal High Achievers Science initiative. This project uses Primary Connections, (in particular the Indigenous Perspectives) to engage, motivate and challenge all students in literacy and Science. Science coordinator and Primary Connections Professional Learning Facilitator, Linda Townend has noticed that successful outcomes have been achieved with the schools involvement in this program. For example teachers are linking the teaching of Science with Literacy through a hands-on inquiry approach – Primary Connections. The school staff have noticed an improvement in attendance and results across curriculum areas. Huntingdale Primary School has been involved with Primary Connections since its inception, with science coordinator and Professional Learning Facilitator Natalie Birrell one of the original trial teachers. Primary Connections has played an integral part in the school priority of raising the profile of science across the school. Currently, with the availability of 19 published units and the prospect of more to come, Primary Connections offers a whole
Students at Maylands Peninsula.
school approach to science teaching and learning which builds on knowledge, skills and understandings from Pre Primary - Yr 7. Special kits to enhance and support each PC unit have been made available to staff. Ongoing maintenance and improvement of these kits remains a continuing challenge, though no one denies the huge value and importance of having resource kits constantly at hand, they demand a significant proportion of a limited budget and time. However they consist largely of easily obtainable materials, which is important and are invaluable to the ongoing and successful implementation of PC across the school.
Scitechâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Aboriginal Education Program has been working in Moorditj Noongar Community College, Balga Primary School and Maylands Peninsula Primary School trialling a new science/ literacy program for students with English as a Second Language and English as a Second Dialect. The program includes Primary Connections professional learning, classroom modelling and student workshops. Scitech was also invited out to Tranby Primary School with a workshop for their â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Fun Science Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; earlier this year, which was a real success. The day involved the students engaged in short, fun, hands-on activities. The science concepts are learned through doing rather than listening. The literacy focus includes flash cards and narratives so students are able to link scientific words to their every day words and situations. Currently the programs available include Energy and Change, Life and Living, with Natural and Processed Materials on its way! A new program has been developed in collaboration between Natalie Fitzpatrick from Carson Street School and Lis Moore from Scitech to support teachers and students working in prefoundation levels of science and literacy. This new program is based on the PC unit On the Move and includes teaching modifications to enable these students to access an exciting and engaging science and literacy curriculum. More programs are being developed using a similar model. Watch this space!
Natalie has adapted the scope and sequence of curriculum units and established WA curriculum links, to more closely meet the needs of the school. Surveys and anecdotal evidence clearly indicate that teachers at Huntingdale are devoting more time to the teaching and learning of science in the school. Teachers at all grade levels teach a minimum of two Primary Connection units annually which will increase as more units become available. Teachers highly value the links to literacy available in the PC and the cross curricular links available to inform their curriculum development and delivery. VOLUME 45 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2009
Violet from Carson Street School is investigating toys that move.
Shark Bay Ecosystem Research Project Rebecca Davies, a teacher PD initiative offered by SBERP and EcoEducation, DEC Recently as a teacher I was given one of those “once in a life time” opportunities to join a scientific research team in Shark Bay, Western Australia, on a trip monitoring Tiger Sharks and the lower tropic levels of their food chains in the region. The group I have the pleasure of joining is known as SBERP and more accurately, Shark Bay Ecosystems Research Project. So here I am in Shark Bay, the one place on the Western Australian coast where we, as a family, have typically avoided as a holiday destination due to the long detour to places known as Useless Loop and Desperation Reach. In all reality, why would one want to venture 100’s of km to go to places named as such? Well the answer, as it seems, is obvious when you get here. 160km off the main NWCH that takes you to such well known destinations as Coral Bay and Exmouth is the town of Denham and 23km more is the oasis of Monkey Mia. It is here that you meet the people carrying out studies you didn’t know existed. There are, in this caravan park, a bunch of school holiday makers trying to relax with their kids, a range of grey nomads and travellers along with the residents who run the place and complain about being envious of the daily rituals of fishermen, cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast. Finally there are those who are here to study the ecosystems of the region; the Shark Bay Ecosystems Research Project (SBERP) and another group who focus on the magnificent dolphins in the area. I am lucky enough to be here with the “Sharkies” as they have come to be known, for the duration of my September school holidays. The decision was one made in a moment and one that I will come to value for the range of lessons I have learned. First, just because a place has a name such as Useless Loop, it doesn’t mean it’s a poor place to visit. Secondly, Shark Bay has a lot more to offer than friendly dolphins and a shell beach and finally, that should you choose to take note of various elements in this caravan park community, you become much more aware of the research and thus the ecosystems around you. What an experience this has turned out to be. With the variations in the WA teaching curriculum system and the flexibility in the development of programs for my students, all I see while I am here is opportunity. There is endless chance to observe, learn and furthermore, for me to develop and bring into the classroom my observations and experiences. Monkey Mia, within Shark Bay, has a vast ecosystem that can be viewed from a range of angles and implemented in the classroom as stimulus material. It is one of those places and studies that can fit into so many areas that I am unsure of where to begin. I think about my lower school Society and Environment, the upper school Geography Sustainability Unit and the science classes, from junior to senior, Biology and general science. Shark Bay really lends itself to a vast range of learning activities and opportunities. It has a 26
fantastic museum, ocean park and wildlife tours. Furthermore, being only 4.5 hours drive away from my hometown of Geraldton, the options of school camps is more than viable. Work with the SBERP team is full on when the weather is favourable. They need clear days with little wind in order to have successful dives, spot marine life and to stay out on the water for the 11 hours it takes to complete the 5 checks while fishing for sharks. Unfortunately for me the weather was quite windy so our time out on the water was limited. Sharking was a great adventure and full of excitement at each 2hr interval of line checks. The shark lines are composed of an anchor and chain, a rope tied to some buoys, a drum and lastly a rather large hook all tied with rope and set around 400m apart. The drum helps with our visibility while designed to easily come off should a shark become tangled in the rope. The day I arrived at the camp the team had just caught and tagged a 1.6m Tiger Shark. This was small but the first for the new team of researchers currently here. The only other shark spotting the team has experienced was two weeks previously when a whale carcass had floated into the bay and many large sharks were feeding on it. The footage of this is spectacular and scary at the same time. The excitement of pulling one of these up on our hooks is contrasted with the fear, instilled in us from a young age through sensationalised media reports of attacks and movies such as Jaws, that these enormous creatures could easily take a limb from you. Regardless, my excitement as a thrill seeker and genuinely interested apprentice on this trip is never dulled from the multiple unsuccessful checks of the lines. Fingers crossed for good weather and more sharking tomorrow. A shark, being at the top of the food chain in this ecosystems’ study leads us to look at dugongs and turtles. Dugongs are humorous looking creatures and although quite rare along the rest of the WA coastline, are plentiful in Shark Bay. These mammals feed on the sea grasses and gently graze the ocean floor throughout the day. They move around in groups and appear quite social in their interactions with one another. Although not too worried about the boats around them, they never allowed us to get close enough to really take a good picture. As the Tiger Shark is the main focus of SBERP the researchers don’t catch and monitor the dugongs. They are however interested in the seagrasses in the area and assessing the regeneration and health of these as a major food source for dugongs and additionally providing a habitat for many other marine species. The researchers have a series of plots around the bay for various testing. They have set down multiple cages of varying sizes in order to eliminate accessibility to the sea grass by different species of marine life. In doing this the team can monitor the number of seagrass shoots in each quadrant and determine how much damage is done, and how
News rapidly, by different sized species. The group have also transplanted seagrass shoots in order to monitor the revegetation of sandy bank areas. Interestingly the cages have a large impact on the levels of damage done by the marine life. The monitoring of this is painstakingly meticulous with regular dives and recordings of the number of shoots within each plot. The researchers dive using a hookah system to a maximum of around 20ft and count each shoot within each plot. It is interesting to see how rapidly the seagrass in exposed areas is diminished in comparison to the protected caged plots. For a topic that I initially believed to be rather boring I have been proven wrong and certainly now find quite fascinating. One of the fun and exciting activities also included catching turtles, taking a range of statistics and tagging them. A glassy day on the water creates the perfect conditions for spotting turtles in the crystal clear blue waters. Patched with sea grass that provides ideal hiding spots for these beautiful creatures we all scan the ocean looking for turtles to catch. Standing on the bow holding a rope for support we duck and dive on the trail of a turtle before eventually jumping from the boat to catch one. Grasping it by the carapace, behind its neck and above its tail, we tilt the turtle upwards and kick along swimming it to the surface. The team then pull the turtle on board and take measurements for analysis before tagging them and releasing these magnificent creatures back to the safety of the cool crystal waters. Transects of wildlife in the marine area are also undertaken by the research team. Between catching turtles and sharks, the team runs a series of transect lines up, down and across the bay. Each time they record the marine life viewed within a particular radius from the boat. With a GPS this makes it very easy to record the exact location and ensure that the same transect line is followed each time. The main marine life spotted during these transects tend to be Cormorants (Shags), Dolphins, Turtles and Dugongs. It is during these transects that you really begin to notice the diversity of the marine life in the Shark Bay area. What a magical place this has turned out to be. Other marine life that appear plentiful and easy to spot include Nervous Sharks, Stingrays, Shovel Nose rays (Skates) and Dolphins. Out of interest and perhaps from the influence of my social geographical background, I have also taken note of the recreational fishing which occurs in the area. In speaking to people as they clean their modest catches of beautifully sized Pink Snapper, Mackerel and other species, I have noticed a very common belief in “Fishing for the Future”. The general public opinion of those with whom I spoke, agree whole heartedly with the restrictions and regulations put in place to protect fish stocks. Two middle aged men, with their teenage sons in tow, explained they were glad that they could give their sons the opportunity to catch fish such as the 63cm Pink Snapper they were filleting at the time. Another lady of similar age spoke of her good luck, of karma perhaps, of returning ‘to live another day’, a Pink Snapper only one millimetre off the minimum size. She responsibly returned it to the cool waters of the bay and proceeded to land herself a 65cm ‘Pinkie’ soon after. The presence of the marine authorities is quite heavy in the Shark Bay area and their role is very much supported by fishers, campers, locals and the researchers. Impressively though, from what I have observed, the general population seem to stick to the bag and VOLUME 45 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2009
size limits quite happily. The work of the Government and various organisations in creating a culture of sustainability of our environment within our public seems to be working. It is the continuous, thoroughly scrupulous and dedicated work of research teams who monitor various aspects of marine biodiversity that ultimately leads to the protection and prolonged existence of species within the environment. Although not widely acknowledged, and many wouldn’t even know they were here operating such a thorough and long lasting study, it is these people who are at the basis of the conservation regulations that are in place. Without research projects, scientists and volunteers along with the support and funding they receive from various grants, the biodiversity of spectacular locations such as Shark Bay may well be reduced to a minimum. After two thoroughly enjoyable weeks with the SBERP team exploring the region and being made aware of the biodiversity within the Shark Bay marine area, I ‘take my hat off’ to the researchers and their lasting study. I also look forward to incorporating my new knowledge of such a magnificent area located in our own backyard into my teaching programs. My enthusiasm for this is large and as all teachers would know, when you see something that can fit into your class programs so easily and one that would be appealing for the majority of students then you run with it. I probably never would have said this at the beginning of my two week holiday, but I can’t wait for next term to begin. Scientific Names: Tiger shark: Galeocerdo cuvier Dugong: Dugong dugon Green Sea Turtle: Chelonia mydas Loggerhead Sea Turtle: Caretta caretta Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin: Tursiops aduncus sp. Pied Cormorant: Phalacrocorax varius EcoEducation, Department of Environment and Conservation provides teachers with a variety of learning experiences in the natural environment and school and university classes with hands-on, nature-based exploration and concept development of important ideas such as biodiversity conservation. Also provided are a range of resources for teaching, including books of activities, CDs and lesson programs. Our EcoEducation Centres are located in Perth, Bunbury, Margaret River and individual programs may be offered in your local area. Contact ecoeducation@dec. to put your name down to hear about these wonderful opportunities, for resources and to make a booking. SBERP – the Shark Bay Ecosystem Research Project is a USA based group undertaking research at Shark Bay. Research will focus on the effect of different landscape geometries on the predator-prey interactions that they’ve already observed in Shark Bay. With this knowledge, not only will we better understand predator effects in seagrass communities, but we may be able use our research to estimate the impact of declining predator populations in other coastal ecosystems. The research involves fishing for, catching, tagging, and possibly tracking large tiger sharks. They run belt transects in other areas of the study site, looking for surfacing prey species such as dugongs (sea cows), sea turtles, cormorants, and sea snakes. They do visual surveys of the seagrass to estimate biomass and species distribution. 27
Secondary Students’ Misconceptions about Climate Change Dr John Happs
Student understanding about climate change has been confounded by misinformation that is in the public domain. Relatively few science teachers have qualifications in the geosciences and textbooks often contain information about global climate that has been written by authors who also lack the appropriate expertise. Teachers generally obtain information about climate change from unreliable sources such as the media, some environmental groups and Al Gore’s emotive and much criticized movie: An Inconvenient Truth. Over 200 students (years 10 to 12) from 5 secondary schools in WA were surveyed about climate change. Prevalent views were: 1. The Earth is warmer now than at any time in the past; 2. The Earth is continuing to heat up; 3. Carbon dioxide levels are higher than usual and are driving global warming; 4. Anthropogenic carbon dioxide is the cause of global warming; 5. Melting glaciers and polar ice caps are leading to dramatic sea level rise. None of these statements can be supported by evidence and each misconception will be addressed in turn:
Is the Earth warmer now than at any time in the past? Many people will have seen the now infamous Michael Mann Hockey Stick graph which suggested 1,000 years of temperature stasis with a dramatic temperature rise in line with increased industrialization. It was central to Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth (1) and the same graph had an important role in the 2001 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Dramatic anthropogenic global warming was widely accepted by the media and politicians around the world. Since that time, Mann’s analysis has met with much criticism (2) and was not a key part of the IPCC report in 2007.(3) In 2007, The London High Court ruled that the armageddon scenario depicted by Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth was not based on any scientific view. (4) It is not widely understood that we are currently living in a relatively mild (interglacial) stage of an ice age which has seen ice sheets covering much of the planet at regular intervals over the last 2-3 million years. The last glacial maximum took place approximately 14,000 years ago and the Earth has been emerging from this very cold period with overall warming since this time. However, this emergence from the last glacial maximum has not been constant with warming and cooling episodes taking place with little uniformity. Proxy data for temperature over geological time have been provided by Scotese (2001) (5) and Boucot et al. (2004) (6) with clear indications that the planet has experienced temperatures of 12oC above today’s level for most of the last 500 million years. Proxy data for carbon dioxide concentrations have been superimposed for comparison. (Plimer, 2009, P 242) (7) 28
Climate summary:
(a) For most of geologic time, global temperatures have been up to 12oC higher than they are today; (8) (b) We are currently living in a mild (interglacial) stage of an ice age; (c) Carbon dioxide levels are at the lowest they have been in 500 million years and currently stand at about 385 ppm; (d) Carbon dioxide makes up a mere 0.038% of the Earth’s atmosphere and is a minor greenhouse gas. Human activity worldwide contributes a mere 3% of the carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere; (e) Carbon dioxide is a colourless, odourless, non-toxic gas which is as essential to life on Earth as is oxygen. Although the notion of anthropgenic global warming is widely accepted in the community, literature reviews by Bashkirtsev and Mashnich have found that none of the investigations dealing with the anthropogenic impact on global climate convincingly argues for such an impact; (9) (f) Carbon dioxide has never been a driver of global temperature over 500 million years. (10) Rorsch et al. have shown how the increase in carbon dioxide levels during the 20th century were the result of global temperature rise which preceded the carbon dioxide increase; (11) (g) When carbon dioxide levels were 10 times higher than they are today, the Earth was in the depths of an ice age; (12) (h) Glaciers are not in retreat around the world and the Antarctic ice sheet is accumulating at around 2 cm per year; (13) (i) The Arctic ice shows no sign of any “dramatic melting” so often portrayed in the media. Satellite telemetry records a seasonal melting and refreezing with no nett loss of ice since 2002. Historic records document how the North-West passage has been opened and navigated in recent times. (14) The Arctic Ocean has been ice free several times over the last 1,000 years and ice extent will continue to fluctuate; (15)
(j) There is firm evidence for global cooling from two satellite data sets (University of Alabama and Remote Sensing Systems) as well as the Hadley Centre for Climate Studies. These data correspond with those from radiosondes (balloons) and show that warming stopped in the 1970’s with ongoing cooling since 2002, despite rising levels of carbon dioxide. (16) (k) Ocean heat content from 2003 to 2008 has fallen with general cooling recorded in the world’s oceans. (17)
Accumulated Ocean Heat (After DiPuccio, 2009) (18)
(l) Dr Mojab Latif, climate modeller and IPCC author recently told more than 1,500 climate scientists at the UN’s World Climate Conference in Geneva we could be entering one or even two decades of cooler temperatures. (19) (m) Sea levels are not rising dramatically.(20) Satellite records suggest that the 12 month sea level rise has actually decreased from about 4 mm per year to 3 mm per year. The following graph is from the Centre for Astrodynamics Research at the University of Colorado with data from satellite telemetry: (n) There are many complex and poorly understood factors which impact on climate change. For instance, solar physicists have argued that our sun is a variable star which has a significant impact on climate change. (21) There is a good correlation between total solar irradiance (TSI) and Arctic surface temperatures between 1875 and 2000. (22) A decisive number of scientists now reject the notion of anthropogenic global warming (23) and paleoclimatologist Professor Bob Carter explains why so many people still retain misconceptions about climate change: VOLUME 45 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2009
“Most of the public statements that promote the dangerous human warming scare are made from a position of ignorance - by political leaders, press commentators and celebrities who share the characteristics of lack of scientific training and lack of an ability to differentiate between sound science and computerbased scare mongering.” (24)
References 1. Gore, A. (2006). An Inconvenient Truth: a global warning. Paramount Classics. 2. 3. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2007). Fourth Assessment Report,Cambridge University Press. 4. Monckton, C. (2009). Report to the US House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce. SPPI Reprint Series. View at: goreerrors.html 5. Scotese, C. R., (2001). Paleomap Project. Can be viewed at: climate.htm 6. Boucot, A. J., Xu, C., and Scotese, C. R., (2004). Phanerozoic climate zones and paleogeography with consideration of atmospheric CO2 levels. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal, v. 2, pp. 3-11 7. Plimer, I. (2009). Heaven and Earth. Global Warming: The Missing Science. Connor Court Publishing, Victoria. 8. 9. Bashkirtsev, V.S. and Mashnich, G.P. 2003. Will we face global warming in the nearest future? Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 43: 124-127. 10. Soon, W., Baliunas, S.L., Robinson, A.B., Robinson, Z.W. (1999). Environmental effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. Climate Research. Vol. 13: 149–164. 11. Rorsch, A., Courtney, R.S. and Thoenes, D. (2005). The interaction of climate change and the carbon dioxide cycle. Energy & Environment, V 16, 217 -238. 12. Herrmann, A. D., Haupt, B.J., Patzkowsky, M.E., Seidov, D. and Slingerland, R.L. (2004). Response of Late Ordovician paleoceanography to changes in sea level, continental drift, and atmospheric pCO2: potential causes for long-term cooling and glaciation. Palaeogeog. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 210: 385– 401. 13. Kaser, G., Hardy, D. R., Mölg, T., Bradley, R. S., Hyera, T. M., 2004, Modern glacier retreat on Kilimanjaro as evidence of climate change: observations and facts. International Journal of Climatology, v. 24, pp. 329-339 14. Polykov, D., Walsh, I., Dmitrenko, R.L. and Colony, L. (2003). Arctic ocean variability derived from historical observations. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, No 6. 15. Shackleton, N. (2001). Climate change across the hemispheres. Science 291: 58-59. 16. Chilingar, G. V., Khilyuk, L.F. and Sorokhtin, O. G. (2008). Cooling of Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Volume 30, Issue 1 January 2008 , pages 1 - 9 17. Lyman, J., Willis, J. and Johnson, G. (2006). Recent cooling of the upper ocean. Geophysical Research Letters 33 . 18. DiPuccio, W. (2009). Viewed at: Pearce, F. (2009). World will cool for the next decade. New Scientist, 12th September. 20. Douglas, P.C. (1992). Global sea level acceleration. Journal of Geophysical Research. 97: 12699-12706. 21. Scafetta, N. and West, B.J. (2008). Is climate sensitive to solar variability? Physics Today, March: 50-51. 22. Soon, W.H. (2005). Variable solar irradiance as a plausible agent for multidecadal variations in the Arctic-wide surface air temperature record for the past 130 years. Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 32. 23. See for instance: The Heidelberg Appeal; The Oregon Petition; The Manhattan Declaration; The Petition to the United Nations; The Petition to the Canadian Prime Minister; The Leipzig Declaration; the Statement from Atmospheric Scientists; American Physical Society Petition. Also see: Hatch, O.G. (2009). UN Scientists Speak Out on Global warming. Science and Public Policy Institute. 24.
Dr John Happs has an academic background in the geosciences with a special interest in climate change. He is a science educator and has lectured at several universities in Australia and overseas..
Discovering Science and the Science Quest at Mirrabooka Senior High School Karen Thomas Early on this year teachers from the science learning area evaluated the potential of delivering science based programs to primary school students to boost achievement in science by engaging students at a younger age. Having attended the STAWA Primary Science Weekend Seminar at the Vines, I came back to school inspired with ideas which we used as a spring board for the Discovering Science Program and The Science Quest, both of which were held this year. Of particular value was the workshop titled “Conducting Engaging Interschool Science Competitions – Narrogin District” presented by Damian Lloyd and Vanessa Baker. From this workshop we were able to develop our initiatives using the Investigating Scientifically Frameworks developed by Scitech and by actively using them in the classroom were able to model their use to primary school teachers.
The Discovering Science Program is based on the premise that primary schools are offered the opportunity to engage in a range of Science activities delivered at MSHS. The program is specifically developed to complement and extend the primary school science curriculum and engage students in science focussed activities that reinforce the concepts associated with Working Scientifically. The program links abstract and concrete scientific principles through practical work in the science laboratory with practical Food Science applications in the Commercial Kitchen. The program is based on the pedagogy of the 5 E’s of teaching science i.e. Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate. A series of 5 topics are offered each of which is programmed, written and delivered by a member of the Mirrabooka SHS Science Learning Area. Each topic is linked to the Curriculum Framework. The topics are:
1. The Discovering Science Program The Discovering Science Program supports the existing Science Curriculum offered at Mirrabooka Senior High School (MSHS). It was developed as a result of cooperation between the science learning area and partner primary Schools based on issues identified through discussion and collaboration. • Pre Testing results of Year 8 students in the outcomes of Investigating Scientifically, Energy and Change and Life and Living indicated that many students entered high school with a very poor understanding of basic scientific concepts which impacted on their engagement and achievement in Science during Year 8 and beyond. • Primary School teachers indicated that the delivery of science programs that effectively addressed the criteria in these outcomes was problematic due to limited facilities and equipment in Primary Schools. Furthermore, many Primary School teachers expressed that they were not confident in teaching science.
• • • •
Gasploration The Hidden World Amazing Acids and Brilliant Bases Reactivation
The Discovering Science Program effectively links primary schools with resources available in a senior high school providing a valuable learning experience for students and supporting professional learning for Primary School staff. 8 Partner Primary Schools have been engaged in the program. This represents over 230 students from years 5, 6 and 7. The overwhelming response by partner primary schools has resulted in the program being extended into 2010 to enable all interested schools to be involved. Feedback from participating schools has been extremely positive. The Discovering Science Program is reflective of an initiative that promotes the sharing of resources between schools and between phases of schooling. This is supportive of a seamless philosophy of education that is student and community focussed. It has resulted in connections being made between teachers of different sectors encouraging the sharing of good practice, skills and ideas. Furthermore, students in Year 7 who select MSHS for Year 8 will
Results of pre and post testing for year 8 science students using 2004 mse7 science test YEAR
% students below target (below level 3)
% students below target (below level 3)
% students below target (below level 3)
News have the added advantage of being familiar with the school, its staff and other students supporting a smooth transition into high school.
2. The Science Quest To conclude the Discovering Science Program we decided to host an Interschool Science Competition. Here Damian Lloyds presentation and notes were invaluable as we were able to modify and adapt his concept into The Science Quest. The Science Quest is an interschool competition for year 6 and 7 students held at Mirrabooka SHS. Students from partner primary schools competed in teams of 4 in a series of 4 activities. The tasks included a documentary response task, an Investigative task whereby they had to build and test â&#x20AC;&#x153;Land Yachtsâ&#x20AC;?, a quiz based task and an interactive visual identification task. Teachers from the various participating primary schools assisted in the marking and collating of results and enjoyed chatting and networking over coffee while their students were involved in the activities. The University of Western Australia Department of Medicine and Dentistry provided plaster cast activities for the students during lunch and Scitech provided a range of science based activities during the day to engage and excite. Our major sponsor, Australia Laboratory services, donated $300 of science equipment to the winning school accompanied by medals and a Perpetual Trophy. Prizes of every sort and description were handed out on the day. VOLUME 45 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2009
Westminster Primary School may have won the competition but all participants had a very enjoyable day. The competition provided a fun and challenging forum for students to apply their scientific knowledge through activities that stimulated lateral thinking and engaged students in experimental processes. The science quest broadened community involvement by including current MSHS students in the operation of the event and encouraging parent involvement. Many teachers attend a vast array of professional learning and often the outcomes of these learning experiences are seldom discussed. Through the efforts of STAWA and the workshop presenters we have been able to implement an initiative that has been highly successful and valuable for all concerned. This will be continued into next year and hopefully will become an annual event on our calendar. Head of Science Learning Area: Mr John Hart. Science Teachers: Saso Cvetkoski, Bryan Rodrigues, John Nichols. Laboratory Technician: Amanda Sergeant. 31
Heads up on Science with ScienceNetwork WA
Welcome to Heads Up on Science with ScienceNetwork WA! While bringing you the latest research and development stories out of Western Australian Universities, ScienceNetwork WA would also like to invite you to to stay up to date with what’s happening in Western Australian science!
offer suggestions about how we, as individuals, can make a difference,” he continued.
Christmas may be almost here, and the school year over, but science never stops and there are many great things happening over the holidays. Check out the events section on for what’s going on around the state and read on below to catch up with Scitech’s latest exhibitions.
Salvaged Sculptures competition
If you have any feedback on the site, questions to ask, or stories to suggest, please feel free to email at any time and let us know.
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What’s happening at Scitech? In addition to providing a home for ScienceNetwork WA, Scitech is always bubbling over with fun and educational activities and events to bring the message of science to both kids and teachers in the most entertaining way possible! Read on to see what’s been happening and what’s coming up in the near future:
Climate change at Scitech Scitech’s latest exhibition, ‘Climate Change: our future, our choice’, provides an education-focused exploration of possible climate change issues and solutions. The exhibition encourages visitors to look to the future as they are informed, challenged and surprised by objects, interactive exhibits, graphics and audio-visual projections detailing the effects of climate-change. “Our green-powered dance floor converts the energy of people dancing into electricity and is always popular with the visitors,” said Scitech CEO, Alan Brien. “As is the interactive exhibit where visitors can melt the world’s ice caps and so find out if rising sea levels will put their house underwater!” “These exhibits offer accessible and thought-provoking insights into the climate change challenges we face in the future and
This exhibition is proudly brought to you thanks to the Australian Museum and Scitech.
Scitech recently received an inventive addition to its Climate Change: our future, our choice exhibition in the forms of a giant jellyfish constructed of recycled materials. The illuminated fixture was created by talented artists and Scitech employees, Miles Noel and Calvin Chee. The pair worked aroundthe-clock with volunteers to create the eye-catching masterpiece in three months. The sculpture is constructed out of recyclable materials with the sea theme chosen to highlight how climate change is having disastrous effects on the ocean’s ecological balance. To celebrate this art-with-a-cause, Scitech is inviting primary and high school students to create their very own climate changethemed sculpture out of recyclable materials in the Salvaged Sculptures competition that Scitech will be running early next year. Teachers are encouraged to enter their school when registrations open early next year. Check the Scitech website for more information at
Discover the wonders of the body at Scitech Visitors will take an intriguing look at the human body, albeit from a slightly different perspective, when they visit the Humanoid Discovery exhibition at Scitech. Experiment and test to see how different body systems and organs function; from breathing to digestion, skin and hair, even how your brain works! The exhibition is made up of 25 interactive science exhibits designed to take visitors on a journey through the human body where they can explore common misconceptions about the body, investigate the different layers within the skin, look at how long your intestines are and how food is digested, as well as look into the complex world of the respiration system. Designed and developed by Scitech, the exhibition has toured nationally and internationally and has been visited by thousands of people who have been enthralled with the complexity of the human body.
Heads up on Science with ScienceNetwork WA
Mazenod teacher gets biology tips from Curtin Twenty WA secondary science teachers recently took the opportunity to upgrade their biology skills courtesy of a special one-day Curtin University of Technology workshop. Curtin Science and Mathematics Education Centre Associate Professor Vaille Dawson said the Teaching Biology for Understanding workshop, held at the Hills Discovery Centre, focused on conservation. “The day included talks from Curtin scientists and a bushwalk showcasing the excursion opportunities available in the Perth Hills,” she said. “It proved to be a good way to let teachers know about Curtin programs that can help science teaching at primary and high school level”. “We have scientists who can visit schools and show students how science can be interesting, and the amazing careers it can lead to.” For Mazenod College science teacher Fiona Lorkiewicz, the day provided a great deal of useful information and ideas to take back to the classroom. “The day was a really valuable experience,” she said. “We were provided with a lot of interesting and useful information that we will be able to use in the classroom to link real-life examples and experiences, back to the curriculum.” Teaching Biology for Understanding was held in partnership with the WA Department of Environment and Conservation and the Science Teachers Association of WA, and is the third professional development day in a series run by Curtin for high school science teachers.
Heads up on Science with ScienceNetwork WA
Beyond the human genome Defining the sequence of the human genome was hailed as the answer to the many questions in human biology. Now UWA scientists and their colleagues have taken that milestone research a big step forward. Several years on, it is clear that beyond the sequence itself, many other factors can affect our genes and how they perform – such as development, environment, diet and exercise – through what is called ‘epigenetics’. A major breakthrough study by two UWA scientists, a UWA graduate and their international colleagues, published last month in Nature, has provided a complete roadmap of the human epigenome and has major implications for the treatment of human diseases and the development of stem cell-based regenerative medicine. The lead researcher in this groundbreaking study from the Ecker Laboratory was Dr Ryan Lister, a former UWA plant scientist now based at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California. “We wanted to know how the human epigenome of a differentiated cell that’s programmed to perform a specific job differs from the epigenome of a human stem cell that has the potential to turn into any other cell type,” Dr Lister said. UWA PhD student Julian Tonti-Filippini, supervised by Professor Harvey Millar, collaborated with Dr Lister to develop software tools for data handling, analysis and visualisation. This is the first study to fully sequence the human epigenome at the level of the DNA and required re-sequencing the human genome more than 30 times to map the location of tens of millions of tiny biological markers, known as cytosine methylation sites. “This study represents a remarkable advance for human biology and medical science,” Professor Millar said. “It has been a truly international collaborative effort and we are very excited about the ground-breaking possibilities that may occur as a result”. “I originally designed his software to better understand gene expression in plants but with some further development, it evolved into a set of tools for digitalising the human epigenetic code.” said Mr Tonti-Filippini.
Both Mr Tonti-Filippini and Professor Millar work in the Australian Research Council-funded ARC Centre for Excellence in Plant Energy Biology and the WA Government-funded State Centre of Excellence in Computational Systems Biology. “Epigenetics describes the modification to genes other than changes to the DNA sequence,” Professor Millar explained. “These can be decorations on the DNA or differences in how tightlypacked the DNA is. These can turn genes on or off or up and down, like a switch. You can inherit them from your parents, and you can pass them on to your children.” These epigenetic changes are a normal part of human development; however, if they go wrong it can affect health and cause disease. For example, turning off genes that protect cells or regulate metabolism can lead to cancer. Even conditions as varied as asthma and schizophrenia are influenced by epigenetics. Epigenetics is predicted to have more impact on the diseases of more humans than genetic differences. “To fully explore epigenetics, we needed a new map to supplement the genome, we needed the ‘map of the epigenome’. A key part of this is the need for a record of the tens of millions of tiny decorations, termed methylations, where they are on DNA and which genes they can influence. This is what has been achieved in this research – the first full methylome of humans,” he said. “We cannot really change genetics, but methylation is reversible so medicines targeting methylations could help to cure epigenetic diseases in the future.” This ‘map’ of the epigenome is a template for future studies by providing the first baseline, just like the human genome now provides a baseline for comparisons of human genomes from all over the world. It shows many genes that are under epigenetic control that we did not know about, and the importance of different kinds of methylation and how they influence genes. “This template can help medical researchers design tests to screen for epigenetic diseases, because it points to where to look for changes. It can help researchers who are developing medicines to influence methylation and turn off cancer cells. “It is providing a new understanding of how stem cells are so unique and how they maintain their ability to become any cell in our bodies. “In the future, a person may have his or her genome sequenced to uncover genetic propensity to disease or highlight special potentials. But the epigenome could also be analysed to see the effect of a person’s (or their parent’s) environment or diet on which genes are turned up or down through epigenetic marking.” Article courtesy of UWA News.
A DNA sequence with the cytosine methylation that can turn genes on or off.
This is the second ground-breaking discovery from Harvey Millar and Julian Tonti-Filippini (Photo by Paul Ricketts, Centre for Learning Technology) 34
Heads up on Science with ScienceNetwork WA rates are expected to increase at the new pilot plant due to the even better climatic conditions in Karratha.” The first stage is costing $1.5 million and further funding is being sought for future stages estimated to cost between $5-10 million.
Clean algae biofuel project leads world in productivity Construction to start in January on multi-million dollar pilot plant in WA’s North-West
Professor Borowitzka says the cost of producing biofuel from algae has already dropped from $12 a kilo to below $4 in the past year, but the aim is to get it down to less than $1 a kilo. Dr David Lewis from the University of Adelaide says a key aspect of the project is to show that commercial levels of algae can be grown without competing for resources with food crops.
Australian scientists are achieving the world’s best production rates of oil from algae grown in open saline ponds, taking them a step closer to creating commercial quantities of clean biofuel for the future.
“The algae will grow on non-arable - even arid - land without any need for freshwater in cultivation,” Dr Lewis says.
A joint $3.3 million project led by Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia, and involving the University of Adelaide, now leads world algae biofuel research after more than 12 months of consistent results at both universities.
“By contrast, crops such as canola need a lot of freshwater and good-quality farming land. Growing algae at an industrial scale also takes up significantly less land than that required by canola crops to produce the same amount of biofuel.”
“It was previously believed impossible to grow large quantities of algae for biofuel in open ponds consistently and without contamination, but we’ve proven it can be done,” says Project Leader, Professor Michael Borowitzka from Murdoch University.
In addition to producing clean fuel, Professor Borowitzka from Murdoch says that during the growth of the algae, 60 tonnes of CO2 are fixed per hectare of algae each year.
The project has received $1.89 million funding from the Australian Government as part of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate.
One of the project’s international partners, major algae producer Parry Nutraceuticals in India, has also achieved high rates of carbon fixation. (South China Institute of Technology is the project’s other international partner.)
“This is the only biofuel project in Australia working simultaneously on all steps in the process of microalgal biofuels production, from microalgae culture, harvesting of the algae and extraction of oil suitable for biofuels production,” Professor Borowitzka says. Professor Borowitzka says that due to the project’s success, construction of a multi-million dollar pilot plant to test the whole process on a larger scale will now begin in Karratha in the NorthWest in January and is expected to be operational by July. “This is another potential growth industry and jobs generator for Western Australia and South Australia aside from mining – using our natural abundance of sunlight and year-round good climate,” he says. “We have achieved production rates of 50 tonnes per hectare per year, over half of which is converted to oil. These high production
Extensive commercial production of Dunaliella salina at Hutt Lagoon Western Australia by Cognis Nutrition & Health. (area ~ 750 ha)
Facilities (Algae R&D Center).
Heads up on Science with ScienceNetwork WA In the coming months, five of the 10 shortlisted teams will receive a payment of US$50,000, with the promise of another US$50,000 in June 2010, to develop and build their vehicle prototypes and human-robot interfaces. ECU Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kerry Cox says the MAGIC competition is an exciting and innovative collaboration for ECU to be involved in.
ECU researchers named as finalists in international challenge to develop military robots Researchers from ECU, in collaboration with the University of WA, Flinders University and primary sponsor Thales Australia, have been announced as finalists in a multi-million dollar competition run by the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) and the US Department of Defense. Known as the Multi-Autonomous Ground-robotic International Challenge, or MAGIC 2010, the competition aims to attract the most innovative solutions from around the world to address a technology gap faced by coalition forces operating in urban combat zones. The competition was launched in July by the Hon. Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, to address the need for smart, intelligent and fully-autonomous systems that can take over from humans in conducting intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. The robots developed must be able to coordinate activities and execute their mission in a changing urban environment. They will need to be able to detect, monitor and neutralise a number of potential threats to meet the goals of the challenge and impress a judging panel made up of international experts. WA Team Coordinator and Lecturer at ECU’s School of Computer and Security Science, Adrian Boeing says the consortium, named MAGICian (Multiple Autonomous Ground-vehicle International Challenge by Intelligent Autonomous Navigators) is one of only 10 teams shortlisted to go on to the production stage of the Challenge. Thales Australia, an international electronics and systems company serving the defence, aerospace and security industries, is the team’s major sponsor and will be an active participant in MAGICian. Sensor manufacturer SICK and defence integrator Allied Data Systems are also providing valuable support.
“This project brings together a number of great minds, which offers a valuable experience for both staff and students at ECU.” The top three ranked teams will receive US$750,000, US$250,000 and US$100,000 respectively and opportunities for contracts with the US and Australian Departments of Defence. Robotics units are offered at ECU as part of the Bachelor of Engineering Mechatronics major. Mechatronics is an integration of electrical, electronic and computer engineering with mechanical and industrial engineering which enables the development of intelligent machines and advanced manufacturing and processing systems. For more information about Engineering at ECU visit
Saving the Carnaby’s Cockatoo ECU student Jessica Allia is currently working on a research project to help save the Carnaby’s Cockatoo population around the Wanneroo/Gnangara area as part of her Masters in Biological Science. As urban development increases in the area and bushland is cleared, food sources for the Carnaby’s Cockatoo are destroyed which poses a serious threat to the species. The Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo is a protected native species that the Department of Environment and Conservation considers to be ‘rare or likely to become extinct’. About 15,000 cockatoos are estimated to visit the Swan Coastal Plain each year and Jessica is currently monitoring the cockatoo populations that feed on seeds in pine plantations and bushland in the Gnangara area. Jessica says that people can help save the Carnaby’s Cockatoo by conserving or planting native plants including Hakeas, Grevilleas, Eucalyptus or Banksias.
“Over the next twelve months the project will involve a number of talented ECU students from our computing, engineering and security courses,” Mr Boeing said. “As well as working on a concept that has the potential to save lives in real combat scenarios, the students are also gaining valuable realworld experience.” 36
Photo by Rick Dawson, DEC.